
"I have come from a faraway country"

Thirteen participants in a weeklong outreach recently interacted with refugees, supporting OM’s refugee work in Linz.


The joy of Easter at a fitness centre

Easter is a popular time for outreaches in Europe. Stories from last year inspire this year's team.


Coronavirus: Countries divided over lockdown

Regional and political divisions have emerged in many nations over how fast to lift coronavirus lockdowns as worries about economic devastation collide with fears of a second wave of deaths.


Trésor Rare review: Introducing the prestigious skin care brand

SPENDING less on skin care products can be tempting. Aren’t all the products the same? Don’t they all just use the same ingredients? You’re basically just paying for the brand name, right? It’s far too easy to fall into this trap – the trap which leads us to try and convince ourselves that the dollar store brand stuff is just as good as high-end beauty products.


Rosemary Goring's Country Life: the heated question of ... heat

I dimly remember a time when the subject of keeping a house warm would have left me cold. In a previous existence, my brother-in law would visit in the depths of winter and complain about how chilly the place was. The problem was not our thermostat, however, but that he chose to sit in a bay window overlooking the Firth of Forth, through which the wind would find him in his short-sleeved shirt.


Rosemary Goring's Country Life: No shop, no pub – it's like a real-life Hovis ad

A young American dressed for the hills wandered past our cottage last week with the air of someone lost. Alan who, since we moved here, has found his calling as a human Google map, asked if she was looking for something. “Yeah,” she said, “a Diet Coke.” He told her that, despite our community’s many attractions, a shop wasn’t one of them. Pointing her in the other direction, towards a village two miles away, he said she’d find what she needed there.


Rosemary Goring's Country Life: why everything's coming up roses at bedtime

There was a time when I would sit up late in bed, reading novels. As a reviewer, this was often for work, but that didn’t diminish the pleasure of ending the day in another world. Of late, however, I’ve hurried through ordinary books the way you rush the main course in expectation of pudding. The reason? I’ve discovered the joy of gardening catalogues, and of roses in particular. As a result, my evening ritual is extended to include a last look at roses that ramble over walls, or join hand


Rosemary Goring's Country Life: the wonders of a walk on the wild side

When I first moved to the country, I anticipated taking long sturdy walks every few days, filling my lungs with fresh air, and gradually – proudly – achieving the weathered complexion of a Norwegian fisherman. Such is the variation in outdoor complexions in rural parts, Farrow & Ball could start a new range: shepherd’s sunburn, builder’s brick red, farmer’s frozen snout.


Rosemary Goring's Country Life: The Borders – a perfect place for modern, and ancient, self-isolation

One of the loveliest towns in Italy is the walled city of San Gimignano, an hour’s drive from Florence. When I first visited it was bleak midwinter and all but a few shops and cafes were shuttered against the sleet. Its claim to fame is a profusion of medieval towers, hence its hyperbolic label as the Manhattan of Tuscany. When I arrived these fortresses soared overhead, making shadowy streets even darker.


Rosemary Goring's Country Life: eery silence and the lambs

In search of peanuts for the birds, I stumbled across an agricultural shop in a nearby village. From the outside it was unspectacular, but opening the door was like stepping into an episode of The Archers. They did indeed have peanuts, in sacks the size of whisky barrels. I wouldn’t have been able to drag one as far as the till, and I wondered if other weaklings had ever secretly slashed them open and let nuts pour into their pockets, gloves and wellie boots, before staggering out like overstu


Rosemary Goring's Country Life: an army at work on the home front

There is little to like about the present predicament, but one thing I don’t miss is checking my diary every evening for a reminder of what tomorrow will bring. Our social life is not what you’d call a whirl, so usually memory can be relied on for the occasional gatherings. Here in Hoolet, socialising is often impromptu, a random encounter leading to a casual evening drink a few hours later, or a last-minute supper in a kitchen, so soon after the invite that nobody could possibly forget.


Rosemary Goring's Country Life: finding distraction and delight, right outside the window

Sunday, April 19, 2020.


Edinburgh firm to open first public hydrogen refuelling station in central belt

AN EDINBURGH-BASED hydrogen technology firm is to open the first public hydrogen refuelling station for vehicles in Scotland’s central belt.


Proper food from a proper city centre restaurant: Temaki, Glasgow. Ron Mackenna's home delivery review



Pitch competition offers $30,000 in funding for student entrepreneurs

The Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program (PennTAP) at Penn State is looking for undergraduate entrepreneurs from any Penn State campus to compete in the 2020 Inc.U Competition. Six finalist teams will earn a spot on “The Investment,” a production of WPSU-TV, giving them a chance to pitch their company for a share of $30,000 in funding. The 2020 Inc.U Competition submission deadline is Feb. 7.


TV: Richard & Judy - the return of one of the country's most-loved couples

One of the country's most-loved couples returned to Channel 4 this week with Richard & Judy: Keep Reading And Carry On. The presenters talk to Georgia Humphreys about marriage, their love of books, and filming in lockdown.


Home school resources: The Beano online, Glasgow Science Centre and Michael Rosen's beetles

Everyone who knows anything about education seems to now be running a livestream from their room, and the explosion of home-schooling resources can be enough to send a busy parent into lockdown meltdown. That's why we've created a check-list of some of the books and sites that could help. It’s not all about BBC Bitesize and the Khan Academy – it can be all the more fun when you go a little off the beaten path.


Ed-Tech Problems Open Doors for Entrepreneurs to Solve Them

The only way an ed-tech company can have a meaningful impact in schools is by addressing a specific problem and offering a real solution.


Letters: Every country needs its own specific Covid-19 strategy

NEIL Mackay (“Johnson? Sturgeon? When it comes to coronavirus they are both the same”, The Herald, May 5) lambasts Nicola Sturgeon and Boris Johnson for both taking an almost identical approach in their fight against Covid-19, somehow implying that this is in itself a fault.


How and Why to Teach Rural Entrepreneurship

Rural advocates say developing youth entrepreneurs is one way to spark economic development, and a new Rural Entrepreneurship Teaching Unit gives educators a template for teaching students about that issue.


Zhao on Entrepreneurship, the Common Core, and Bacon

Yong Zhao speaks to BookMarks about the new education paradigm that he proposes in World Class Leaders (Corwin, 2012).


The Children's Crusade: Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century

At age 17, Nick D'Aloisio just sold Summly to Yahoo! for $30 Million. With technology increasingly penetrating our everyday lives, today's children grow up with computers in their blood: thus, this rise of the teenage entrepreneur is not fading anytime soon.


The Case for Entrepreneurship Education

Entrepreneurship education should be universally available, to provide all students with opportunities to explore and fulfill their potential, write Stephanie Bell-Rose and Thomas W. Payzant.


How To Be an 'Intrapreneur' Within a School

Entrepreneurship is a powerful tool that can be used within an established institution to foster innovation and accelerate promising initiatives. Leading a startup project within an organization is called "intrapreneurship" and there are many ways to do that within a school setting.


The Risks of Ed-Tech Entrepreneurship, Part 2

While ed-tech entrepreneurship may be less risky than other sectors, there are still many uncertainties to be aware of. Financial, technology, and market sectors are all areas for deep thought and caution.


Educational Entrepreneurship

Many programs designed by educational entrepreneurs are rendered ineffective by complications with current public policy, suggests a report published by the National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.


The State of K-12 Educational Entrepreneurship

K-12 educational entrepreneurship today is marked by at least three major tensions that deserve a lot more careful attention.


Student Entrepreneurship in Action

What does it take to get students interested in learning entrepreneurial skills?


My Unlikely Road to Entrepreneurship

There are many entrepreneurs who can claim that "they've always known they would start their own business," but I am not one of them. So how did I end up as an entrepreneur writing this blog?


The Risks of Ed-Tech Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is often considered a "risky" endeavor. But I think ed-tech startups are often less risky that startups in other industries.


Building Young Entrepreneurs for Change

By providing authentic opportunities to practice self-direction, connect with the larger community, collaborate with peers, and develop their respect for social responsibility, the annual Magnolia Makers Market is one way Montessori For All works toward preparing children to be successful leaders in


Controversial Economics Class Dropped From Tucson High Schools

School board members in Tucson, Ariz., acted after learning that a controversial economics textbook that hadn't been properly vetted.


Pro Basketball Player Brings Entrepreneurship Program to Baltimore Schools

Rudy Gay's Flight 22 Foundation is partnering with ed-tech company EverFi to teach students how to create a successful business.


TV review: State of Happiness; Inside Central Station; The A Word; First Dates Hotel

SOMETIMES, for a giggle, I like to imagine what Scotland would have been like had we kept the oil for ourselves. Like Saudi Arabia without the weather and executions, maybe? Or more like canny Norway, investing the cash in a big brolly for some future rainy day?


Serving God through coffee shops and carpentry

Jose, an Argentinian worker serving in Southeast Asia, tells of how he entered overseas service and what he has seen God do through his not-so-typical ministry.


Noninvasive Ventilation for Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) has been the initial respiratory support for many preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Nasal intermittent positive-pressure ventilation (NIPPV) seems to increase the beneficial effects of NCPAP by combining it with ventilatory inflations.

This study suggests that NIPPV, as an intial respiratory support for preterm infants with RDS, is feasible and safe and may have beneficial effects, when compared with NCPAP. (Read the full article)


Peer-led Education for Adolescents With Asthma in Jordan: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

The prevalence of asthma and smoking among adolescents in Jordan is high. Well-designed, school-based, peer-led education programs can have a positive impact on asthma self-management in adolescents. Student peer leaders can be useful and responsible partners in health promotion programs.

A peer-led asthma education program —Adolescent Asthma Action—for adolescents developed in Australia was adapted to suit non–English-speaking cultures in the Middle East. Peer-led education led to improved self-management of asthma and motivated students to avoid smoking. (Read the full article)


Early Intervention Improves Behavioral Outcomes for Preterm Infants: Randomized Controlled Trial

Prematurely born children have an increased prevalence of behavioral problems in the long term. Knowledge regarding the effects of early intervention programs is sparse, and more randomized controlled trials are warranted.

A modified version of the Mother-Infant Transaction Program showed beneficial effects on behavioral outcomes reported by both parents of preterm infants with birth weights of <2000 g at a corrected age of 5 years. (Read the full article)


Bovine Lactoferrin Prevents Invasive Fungal Infections in Very Low Birth Weight Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Lactoferrin is a glycoprotein with anti-infective activities being part of the innate defensive network. Bovine and human lactoferrin share high homology. Bovine lactoferrin can prevent late-onset sepsis in preterm very low birth weight neonates.

In preterm very low birth weight infants, bovine lactoferrin is able to prevent not only late-onset sepsis but also systemic fungal infections. This protection is achieved independently from their colonization status. (Read the full article)


Oral Sucrose and "Facilitated Tucking" for Repeated Pain Relief in Preterms: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Preterm infants are exposed to inadequately managed painful procedures during their NICU stay, which can lead to altered pain responses. Nonpharmacologic approaches are established for the treatment of single painful procedures, but evidence for their effectiveness across time is lacking.

Oral sucrose with or without the added technique of facilitated tucking has a pain-relieving effect even in extremely premature infants undergoing repeated pain exposures; facilitated tucking alone seems to be less effective for repeated pain exposures over time. (Read the full article)


Late Intravenous Immunoglobulin Treatment in Patients With Kawasaki Disease

The effectiveness of intravenous immunoglobulin treatment of patients with Kawasaki disease within 9 days of illness has been established. However, the effectiveness of such treatment ≥10 days after illness onset has not yet been clarified.

Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment ≥10 days after illness onset was observed to be effective for achieving inflammation resolution. Patients who are strongly suspected to have Kawasaki disease and demonstrate ongoing inflammation should therefore be treated as soon as possible. (Read the full article)


Fetal and Maternal Candidate Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Associations With Cerebral Palsy: A Case-Control Study

Candidate genes involved in thrombophilia, inflammation, and preterm birth have previously been associated with cerebral palsy. Most studies to date have included small cohorts, did not allow for multiple testing, and require replication.

This study of children with cerebral palsy and their mothers did not confirm previously reported candidate gene associations. Prothrombin gene mutation was associated with hemiplegia in children born at term to mothers with a reported infection during pregnancy. (Read the full article)


Intrapartum Temperature Elevation, Epidural Use, and Adverse Outcome in Term Infants

Previous observational studies and randomized trials have reported an association between the use of epidural analgesia for pain relief in labor and intrapartum maternal fever. Studies have also reported an increase in adverse neonatal outcomes with intrapartum maternal fever.

Among low-risk women receiving epidural analgesia, intrapartum maternal temperature >99.5°F was associated with adverse neonatal outcomes, with the rate of adverse outcomes increasing directly with maximum maternal temperature. Without temperature elevation, epidural use was not associated with adverse neonatal outcomes. (Read the full article)


Alcohol Consumption in Movies and Adolescent Binge Drinking in 6 European Countries

Some studies reveal an association between exposure to alcohol consumption in movies and youth drinking, but the evidence is sparse.

Exposure to alcohol consumption in movies is associated with youth binge drinking, is little influenced by cultural differences between countries (Germany, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, and Scotland), and is specific to movie alcohol, not movie smoking, depictions. (Read the full article)


Breast Milk and Glucose for Pain Relief in Preterm Infants: A Noninferiority Randomized Controlled Trial

Numerous late preterm infants undergo repetitive heel lancing procedures during their first hours of life to evaluate glycemic control. Heel lances are painful and 25% glucose solution is effective on reducing procedural neonatal pain scores and crying behavior.

This noninferiority randomized controlled trial demonstrated that compared with breast milk, 25% glucose provided lower pain scores and reduced duration of cry. Further research is necessary to clarify breast milk’s mechanisms and efficacy on neonatal pain relief. (Read the full article)


A Randomized Controlled Trial of Zinc as Adjuvant Therapy for Severe Pneumonia in Young Children

Pneumonia is still a significant problem in young children from developing countries where zinc deficiency is prevalent. Although zinc supplementation reduces the risk of childhood pneumonia, the effect of adjunct zinc on severe pneumonia is unclear with conflicting results.

The overall effect, if any, of zinc as adjuvant therapy for World Health Organization–defined severe pneumonia in young children is small. (Read the full article)


Tight Glycemic Control With Insulin in Hyperglycemic Preterm Babies: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Insulin is commonly used to treat neonatal hyperglycemia, but there are few data to support its use. Tight glycemic control with insulin improves outcome in diabetic patients, but it is not known whether it is effective in hyperglycemic preterm infants.

Tight glycemic control with insulin in hyperglycemic preterm neonates decreases the rate of linear growth despite increased weight and occipitofrontal head circumference gain and increases the risk of hypoglycemia. Insulin may not be a safe and effective treatment in hyperglycemic preterm neonates. (Read the full article)


Pharmacy Communication to Adolescents and Their Physicians Regarding Access to Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception is a safe and effective method of pregnancy prevention after unprotected intercourse.

Pharmacies commonly communicate misinformation, both to adolescents and to physicians, concerning who is able to access emergency contraception and through what means. (Read the full article)


Obese Mexican American Children Have Elevated MCP-1, TNF-{alpha}, Monocyte Concentration, and Dyslipidemia

Nearly one-third of all US children are overweight or obese, with even higher prevalence among Mexican American children. Overweight and obesity increase systemic inflammation, contributing to increased risk for chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease.

Obese Mexican American children had concurrent alterations in both inflammatory markers and traditional disease risk markers, relative to healthy weight children. Our results provide evidence partially explaining the health disparity for disease in Mexican American children who are overweight/obese. (Read the full article)