
7% Hypertonic Saline in Acute Bronchiolitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Hypertonic saline (3% and 5%), has been shown to improve clinical severity scores and reduce inpatient length of stay, and was associated with a trend toward lower admission rate in acute bronchiolitis.

We are not aware of any previous data using 7% hypertonic saline in bronchiolitis. Our results suggest that 7% saline does not lower clinical severity of illness, admission rate, or length of stay, when compared with normal saline. (Read the full article)


Vitamin D During Pregnancy and Infancy and Infant Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentration

A serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration of 20 ng/mL meets the requirements of at least 97.5% of the population older than 1 year. A recommended dietary intake to achieve this serum 25(OH)D concentration has not been established during infancy.

Daily maternal (during pregnancy) and then infant vitamin supplementation with 1000/400 IU or 2000/800 IU increases the proportion of infants with 25(OH)D ≥20 ng/mL during infancy with the higher dose sustaining this increase for longer. (Read the full article)


Two-Year Impact of the Alternative Quality Contract on Pediatric Health Care Quality and Spending

Payment arrangements that blend global budgets with pay-for-performance are proliferating. However, little is known about how these contracts affect pediatric health care quality and spending for children with and without special health care needs receiving care from large provider organizations.

A prototypical global budget contract significantly improved preventive care quality measures tied to pay-for-performance, especially for children with special health care needs. It did not alter trends for spending or for quality measures that were not tied to pay-for-performance. (Read the full article)


Postnatal Head Growth in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Parenteral Nutrition Study

Preterm infants dependent on parenteral nutrition are vulnerable to deficits in early postnatal nutritional intake. This coincides with a period of suboptimal head growth. Observational studies indicate that poor nutritional intake is associated with suboptimal head growth and neurodevelopmental outcome.

This study provides randomized controlled trial evidence that head growth failure in the first 4 weeks of life can be ameliorated with early nutritional intervention. Early macronutrient intake can be enhanced by optimizing a standardized, concentrated neonatal parenteral nutrition regimen. (Read the full article)


Intraventricular Hemorrhage and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Extreme Preterm Infants

Cranial ultrasound is routinely used in identifying cerebral abnormalities in premature infants. Grade III and IV intraventricular hemorrhages, cystic periventricular leukomalacia, and late ventriculomegaly are all known predictors of adverse neurodevelopmental sequelae in these infants.

We reviewed neurodevelopmental outcomes among 2414 extreme preterm infants. Infants with grades I and II intraventricular hemorrhage had increased rates of neurosensory impairment, developmental delay, cerebral palsy, and deafness at 2 to 3 years’ corrected age. (Read the full article)


Closed-Loop Automatic Oxygen Control (CLAC) in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial

In preterm infants receiving supplemental oxygen, manual control of the inspired oxygen fraction is often difficult and time consuming, which may increase the risk of complications. We developed a system for automatic oxygen control and proved its efficacy in the past.

A multicenter study adds evidence for the proposed automatic oxygen control system to significantly improve oxygen administration to preterm infants receiving mechanical ventilation or nasal continuous positive airway pressure while reducing workload compared with routine manual oxygen control. (Read the full article)


In-School Neurofeedback Training for ADHD: Sustained Improvements From a Randomized Control Trial

An estimated 9.5% of children are diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which affects academic and social outcomes. We previously found significant improvements in ADHD symptoms immediately after neurofeedback training at school.

This randomized controlled trial included a large sample of elementary school students with ADHD who received in-school computer attention training with neurofeedback or cognitive training. Students who received neurofeedback were reported to have fewer ADHD symptoms 6 months after the intervention. (Read the full article)


Pulse Oximeter Sensor Application During Neonatal Resuscitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Pulse oximeter is better than skin color assessment in the initial minutes of life. After sensor application, a delay occurs in the display of reliable saturation and heart rate. An appropriate method of sensor placement can minimize the delay.

Attaching sensor first to oximeter and then to neonate picked up signal faster than attaching it to the neonate first and then to the equipment. However, the time from birth to display of reliable signal was similar between the methods. (Read the full article)


Diarrhea in Preschool Children and Lactobacillus reuteri: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Diarrhea still remains as a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Intervention to reduce this risk are needed. Evidence on the effect of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 to prevent diarrhea in children is scarce.

In healthy children attending day care centers, daily administration of L reuteri DSM 17938 had a significant effect in reducing episodes and duration of diarrhea and respiratory tract infections, with consequent cost saving for the community. (Read the full article)


Influence of Caregivers and Children's Entry Into the Dental Care System

Early establishment of a dental home is critical for addressing the "silent epidemic" of early childhood caries. Physicians and dentists have worked to improve children’s access to dental care, but little is known about caregivers’ role in this context.

Addressing factors that affect the establishment of a child’s dental home, such as caregivers’ dental neglect and problem-driven care-seeking behaviors, is essential. Caregiver engagement seems to be pivotal for increasing use of preventive services while decreasing episodic and problem-initiated care. (Read the full article)


Attributable Cost and Length of Stay for Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections

Central line–associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) are common types of hospital-acquired infections associated with high morbidity and cost. In recent years, quality improvement initiatives have demonstrated how to reduce the incidence of CLABSI.

This study presents nationally representative estimates of the cost and length of stay attributable to pediatric CLABSI. We make the business case to justify quality improvement prevention initiatives and the adoption of strategies for cost-effective management of CLABSI. (Read the full article)


Comparison of Rapid Cranial MRI to CT for Ventricular Shunt Malfunction

Rapid cranial MRI is a radiation-free method to assess children with possible ventricular shunt malfunction. However, the test performance of rapid cranial MRI has never been compared with that of cranial CT, the current reference standard.

The accuracy of rapid cranial MRI was not inferior to that of CT for diagnosing ventricular shunt malfunction. Rapid cranial MRI is an important radiation-sparing diagnostic alternative for children presenting emergently with possible ventricular shunt malfunction. (Read the full article)


Increasing Provision of Adolescent Vaccines in Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that health departments in all 50 states deliver AFIX (Assessment, Feedback, Incentives, and eXchange) consultations to 25% of federally funded vaccine providers each year. AFIX effectively raises vaccination coverage among young children.

AFIX consultations achieved short-term gains in coverage for 11- to 12-year-olds for vaccines in the adolescent platform. No gains occurred for older adolescents or over the long term. Consultations were equally effective when delivered in-person or by webinar. (Read the full article)


Weighted Blankets and Sleep in Autistic Children--A Randomized Controlled Trial

Children with autism sleep poorly compared with their peers. Sensory integration, including use of weighted blankets, is proposed as a means to reduce arousal and stress. There is, however, no evidence that weighted blankets can improve sleep for these children.

This is the first robust study to evaluate the impact of weighted blankets and show that they do not improve sleep parameters in children with autism spectrum disorder. (Read the full article)


HIV and Child Mental Health: A Case-Control Study in Rwanda

Research has shown that HIV-affected children face considerable threats to health and mental health. Few studies have investigated the effects of HIV on the health and well-being of HIV-negative children living with HIV-positive caregivers.

By comparing the prevalence of mental health problems and protective and risk factors among HIV-positive, HIV-affected, and HIV-unaffected children in Rwanda, this study demonstrates that the mental health of HIV-affected children requires policy and programmatic responses comparable to HIV-positive children. (Read the full article)


Extreme Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia and a Specific Genotype: A Population-Based Case-Control Study

For newborn infants, extreme hyperbilirubinemia (≥24.5 mg/dL) is associated with risk for severe bilirubin encephalopathy. The causal factor of extreme hyperbilirubinemia is often not established. The genotype of Gilbert syndrome, the UGT1A1*28 allele, is considered a potential risk factor.

The UGT1A1*28 allele was not associated with risk for developing extreme hyperbilirubinemia. (Read the full article)


Telephone Peer Counseling of Breastfeeding Among WIC Participants: A Randomized Controlled Trial

In-person peer counseling to pregnant and new mothers has been shown to improve breastfeeding modestly in three US RCTs. But this level of support for WIC is unlikely to be scaled up nationally in the current fiscal environment.

We randomly assigned WIC clients to a telephone peer counseling program relative to standard WIC support for breastfeeding. Nonexclusive breastfeeding among Spanish-speakers increased at 1, 3, and 6 months, but the program had much less of an effect on English-speaking clients. (Read the full article)


Parental Tdap Boosters and Infant Pertussis: A Case-Control Study

Parental reduced antigen diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccination is difficult to implement, and empirical data on its impact is limited to a single hospital-based study in Texas, which found no reduction in infant pertussis hospitalization.

In New South Wales, Australia, a case-control study found both parents receiving Tdap ≥4 weeks before disease onset was associated with a significant reduction in risk of early infant pertussis and suggestive of persistent protection in subsequent pregnancies. (Read the full article)


Functional Status in Children With ADHD at Age 6-8: A Controlled Community Study

Children who have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) attending clinical services have poorer outcomes in adolescence on a range of measures. However, it is unknown how early in development these impairments appear, particularly for community-ascertained samples.

At age 6 to 8 years, children in the community with ADHD have significantly poorer mental health, academic performance and social function compared with control children. Children who have impairing ADHD symptoms should be referred early for assessment and intervention. (Read the full article)


Effects of the FITKids Randomized Controlled Trial on Executive Control and Brain Function

Physical activity programs have been shown to have positive implications for children’s cognitive performance and brain structure and function. However, additional randomized controlled trials are needed to determine whether daily physical activity influences executive control and its neural underpinnings.

The randomized controlled trial, designed to meet daily physical activity recommendations, used behavioral and electrophysiological measures of brain function to demonstrate enhanced attentional inhibition and cognitive flexibility among prepubertal children. (Read the full article)


Sustainability of a Parental Tobacco Control Intervention in Pediatric Practice

Parental smoking cessation helps eliminate children’s exposure to tobacco smoke. A child’s visit to the doctor provides a teachable moment for parental smoking cessation. Effective strategies to help parents quit smoking are available for implementation.

Evidence-based outpatient intervention for parents who smoke can be delivered successfully after the initial implementation. Maximizing parental quit rates in the pediatric context will require more complete and sustained systems-level integration. (Read the full article)


Feedback on Oral Presentations During Pediatric Clerkships: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Delivering competent oral case presentations is an important clinical communication skill, yet effective means of improving trainees’ presentations have not been identified.

Oral presentation feedback sessions facilitated by faculty by using an 18-item competency-based evaluation form early in pediatric clerkships improved medical students’ subsequent oral presentations. Medical schools should consider implementing this evidence-supported practice. (Read the full article)


Changes in Child Mortality Over Time Across the Wealth Gradient in Less-Developed Countries

In developed countries, child health disparities across wealth gradients are commonly widening; at the same time, child mortality in low- and middle-income countries is declining. Whether these declines are associated with widening or narrowing disparities is unknown.

A systematic analysis of the evidence on child mortality gradients by wealth in less-developed countries shows that mortality is declining fastest among the poorest in most countries, leading to declining disparities in this important indicator of child health. (Read the full article)


Sinusitis and Pneumonia Hospitalization After Introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine

Pneumococcal conjugated vaccines (PCVs) are known to decrease invasive pneumococcal disease in children, but their effect on pneumonia necessitating hospitalization is more variable across study sites, and effects on hospitalization for sinusitis have not been shown previously.

There was a significant decrease in hospitalizations for sinusitis in children <2 years of age, and hospitalization for pneumonia decreased in children aged <5 years after sequential introduction of PCV7 and PCV13. (Read the full article)


Motor Severity in Children With Cerebral Palsy Studied in a High-Resource and Low-Resource Country

There is variability in cerebral palsy prevalence estimates in low-resource countries, related to definitions, detection of milder cases, diagnosis age, and adequate training for clinicians. Thus, differences in prevalence and motor patterns between high- and low-resource countries remain unclear.

There were more children with dystonia and less with spasticity in Bangladesh compared with Australia (cerebral palsy diagnosis/motor classifications were consistent between settings). Differences in motor patterns between high- and low-resource countries have profound implications for early detection and appropriate interventions. (Read the full article)


Coparenting Breastfeeding Support and Exclusive Breastfeeding: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Fathers’ attitude and support affects breastfeeding outcomes. Fathers are currently not targeted in breastfeeding support and care provided by health care professionals. Breastfeeding interventions delivered to fathers have been shown to increase breastfeeding exclusivity and duration.

A coparenting breastfeeding support intervention delivered to mothers and fathers in the postpartum period showed beneficial effects on breastfeeding duration, paternal breastfeeding confidence, breastfeeding help provided by fathers, and mothers’ satisfaction with fathers’ involvement with breastfeeding. (Read the full article)


Text Message Reminders for Second Dose of Influenza Vaccine: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Influenza vaccine coverage is low, and young children in need of 2 doses in a given season are at particular risk, with less than half receiving both doses. Text message vaccine reminders increase receipt of first dose of influenza vaccine.

Little is known about what types of text message reminders are most effective, including embedding educational information. We demonstrate that text message reminders increase timely receipt of the second dose of influenza vaccine and embedding health literacy information improves effectiveness. (Read the full article)


Benefits of Strict Rest After Acute Concussion: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Expert consensus recommends rest after concussion with stepwise return to activity. Animal and retrospective human data suggest that early mental and physical activity may worsen outcome. There are no pediatric studies testing the efficacy of recommending strict rest after concussion.

Recommending strict rest postinjury did not improve outcome and may have contributed to increased symptom reporting. Usual care (rest for 1–2 days with stepwise return to activity) is currently the best discharge strategy for pediatric mild traumatic brain injury/concussion. (Read the full article)


Online Problem-Solving Therapy After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) contributes to impairments in functioning across multiple settings. Online family problem-solving therapy may be effective in reducing adolescent behavioral morbidity after TBI. However, less is known regarding maintenance of effects over time.

This large randomized clinical trial in adolescents with TBI is the only study to examine maintenance of treatment effects. Findings reveal that brief, online treatment may result in long-term improvements in child functioning, particularly among families of lower socioeconomic status. (Read the full article)


Age at Gluten Introduction and Risk of Celiac Disease

Both early and late introduction to gluten has been associated with increased risk for celiac disease (CD) and being breastfed at time of gluten introduction has been associated with a lower risk for CD.

In this prospective multinational study, time to first introduction to gluten-containing cereals is not an independent risk factor for developing CD, by a 5-year follow-up, neither on an overall level nor on country-level comparison. (Read the full article)


Cognitive Ability at Kindergarten Entry and Socioeconomic Status

Previous research has established steep socioeconomic status gradients in children’s cognitive ability at kindergarten entry. Few studies have had comprehensive data to examine the contribution of a wide range of risk and protective factors across early childhood to these gradients.

Family background, health, home learning, parenting, and early care and education factors explain over half the gaps in reading and math ability between US children in the lowest versus highest socioeconomic status quintiles, suggesting a need for comprehensive early interventions. (Read the full article)


Intranasal Triamcinolone and Growth Velocity

Previous trials reported no significant effect of triamcinolone acetonide aqueous nasal spray on growth velocity of children with perennial allergic rhinitis. However, they did not conform to Food and Drug Administration guidelines for evaluating effects of intranasal corticosteroids on growth.

This is the first published study consistent with the 2007 Food and Drug Administration–recommended study design evaluating growth velocity in children aged 3–9 years with perennial allergic rhinitis treated with triamcinolone acetonide or placebo for 12 months. (Read the full article)


Early Intervention for Toddlers With Language Delays: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Early language delay is common in toddlers and is associated with poor academic outcomes, reading difficulties, and persistent communication problems. Despite these long-term sequelae, few interventions for toddlers with early language delays yield positive expressive and receptive language results.

A 28-session program delivered over 3 months can enhance parent language facilitation strategies. Unusually, the small short-term benefits were mainly in receptive, rather than expressive, language and vocabulary. Extended follow-up could determine the costs versus benefits of this promising approach. (Read the full article)


Vitamin B-12, Folic Acid, and Growth in 6- to 30-Month-Old Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Micronutrient deficiencies, including deficiencies of vitamin B-12 and folate, are common worldwide and may be a contributing factor to the estimated 165 million stunted children.

Routine supplementation of vitamin B-12 improved linear and ponderal growth in subgroups of young Indian children. We provide evidence that vitamin B-12 deficiency is a contributor to poor growth in low- and middle-income countries. (Read the full article)


Recovery From Central Nervous System Acute Demyelination in Children

Most prospective cohort studies of acquired demyelinating syndromes in children have focused on the genetic, environmental, and neuroimaging predictors of multiple sclerosis. Less is known regarding the severity of the incident demyelinating event and predictors of residual attack–related physical disability.

In a national, prospective longitudinal study, incident acquired demyelinating syndromes in children were characterized in terms of physical deficits and acuity at onset, and recovery over the first 12 months. Follow-up evaluations up to 10 years’ postonset were analyzed. (Read the full article)


Antibiotic Exposure and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Case-Control Study

The etiology of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is poorly understood. A recent study suggested a link between antibiotics and JIA but did not examine the potential for confounding from infections or the role of antibiotic timing.

Antibiotics were associated with newly diagnosed JIA in a dose- and time-dependent manner after adjusting for infection and other confounders. Antibiotics may play a role in the pathogenesis of JIA. (Read the full article)


Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Intracranial Abnormalities in Unprovoked Seizures

Weak recommendations exist to guide emergent neuroimaging decisions in children with first, unprovoked seizures. The prevalence of and risk factors associated with clinically relevant abnormalities on neuroimaging have not been well defined in prospective studies.

Clinically relevant intracranial abnormalities on neuroimaging occur in 11% of children with first, unprovoked seizures. Emergent/urgent abnormalities, however, occur in <1%, suggesting that most of these children do not require emergent neuroimaging. Specific clinical findings identify patients at higher risk. (Read the full article)


Alcohol Interventions Among Underage Drinkers in the ED: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Intervention strategies are needed to reduce underage drinking. Meta-analyses of youth alcohol brief interventions (BIs) conclude that therapist-delivered BIs are efficacious; however, to maximize public health impact, recommendations include using technology to streamline intervention delivery, for which evidence is lacking.

A single-session BI, delivered by a computer or therapist in the emergency department, shows promise for underage drinkers. Findings for the stand-alone computer BI are particularly appealing given the ease of future implementation. (Read the full article)


Reentry to Pediatric Residency After Global Health Experiences

Although nonphysician reentry transitions have been characterized in the literature, little is known about the reentry of residents after either short-term (1-month elective) or long-term (12-month training) global health experiences abroad.

Reverse culture shock may be a useful conceptual framework for understanding the range of emotions felt by pediatric residents when they reenter residency after global health experiences, particularly if these experiences were long term. (Read the full article)


Maternal Versus Infant Vitamin D Supplementation During Lactation: A Randomized Controlled Trial

The vitamin D concentration in breast milk of women taking 400 IU vitamin D per day is relatively low, leading to vitamin D deficiency in breastfeeding infants. As a result, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding infant vitamin D supplementation within days after birth.

Maternal vitamin D supplementation alone with 6400 IU/day safely supplies breast milk with adequate vitamin D to satisfy the requirement of her nursing infant and offers an alternate strategy to direct infant supplementation. (Read the full article)


Intraurethral Lidocaine for Urethral Catheterization in Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Urethral catheterization is a painful, yet common procedure to obtain a sterile urine sample in young children. There are conflicting results regarding the effectiveness of lidocaine to reduce pain, and it is unclear if it should be routinely used.

In young children, combined topical and intraurethral lidocaine does not reduce pain during urethral catheterization and is associated with more pain than nonanesthetic lubricant during instillation. Clinicians should use noninvasive methods of analgesia during this painful procedure. (Read the full article)


Deferred Consent for Randomized Controlled Trials in Emergency Care Settings

Deferral of consent avoids delaying emergency interventions while ensuring consent to ongoing participation and use of data. Deferred consent is particularly important for enabling trials in pediatric settings, where many medicines and devices are unlicensed and untested for use.

Approaches for seeking deferred consent should balance the potential burden of obtaining consent against risk of bias due to outcome-related attrition. Ethics committees could consider approving data use when best efforts to obtain deferred consent are met with no response. (Read the full article)


Risk Factors for Central Nervous System Tuberculosis

Central nervous system (CNS) tuberculosis has high morbidity and mortality, and it frequently affects children aged <5 years.

In California, children who were US-born, Hispanic, and aged <5 years were at increased risk of CNS tuberculosis. Children with CNS tuberculosis were more likely to die. Specific populations of US-born infants might benefit from additional prevention measures. (Read the full article)


Lithium in the Acute Treatment of Bipolar I Disorder: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

Strictly-defined pediatric bipolar I disorder (BP-I) is a serious condition. Although lithium is a benchmark treatment and has shown effectiveness in adults for decades, no definitive efficacy or long-term safety studies had been performed in pediatric patients with BP-I.

This study provides evidence to support the efficacy of lithium in the acute treatment of youths with BP-I who are currently in a manic or mixed state. Lithium had an adverse effect profile that was acceptable for most patients. (Read the full article)


Derivation of Candidate Clinical Decision Rules to Identify Infants at Risk for Central Apnea

Central apnea sometimes complicates bronchiolitis. Because apnea tends to occur early in the course of bronchiolitis, there is a danger that infants may be discharged from the emergency department only to subsequently develop apnea at home.

This study prospectively derived clinical decision rules to help emergency physicians admit infants at risk for apnea while discharging those not at risk. (Read the full article)


Treating EEG Seizures in Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Continuous conventional EEG video is currently gold standard for identifying neonatal seizures and a substantial proportion of neonatal seizures are electrographic. Currently there is no direct evidence that EEG monitoring, seizure identification, or treatment impacts long-term outcomes.

In neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, EEG monitoring and treatment of electrographic seizures results in significant reduction in seizure burden. Increasing seizure burden is associated with more severe brain injury and significantly lower performance scores on Bayley Scales of Infant Development III. (Read the full article)


Laser Acupuncture for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial

The impact of neonatal abstinence syndrome is of concern because the number of newborns showing symptoms of withdrawal after intrauterine drug exposure is increasing worldwide. Newborns developing neonatal abstinence syndrome require prolonged medical treatment and longer hospital admission after birth.

This first randomized controlled trial presents data on newborns with neonatal abstinence syndrome treated with laser acupuncture. The findings suggest that adjuvant laser acupuncture has the potential to reduce duration of morphine therapy and length of hospital stay. (Read the full article)


2019 Women's World Cup qualifying entries

Forty-six teams have entered European qualifying for the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup in France, with 16 involved in the preliminary round draw on 19 January.


Patent Hints at New PlayStation Controller Design

Sony has been granted a patent for a new PlayStation controller that features two more buttons than the existing DualShock 4 model, but don't look for it with the PS5.


Women's Champions League entries confirmed

A record 62 clubs from 50 countries have entered the 2019/20 edition: see who is aiming for Vienna.