
Wozniak v. Adesida

(United States Seventh Circuit) - Affirmed. A tenured teacher who waged an extended campaign against students who did not give him an award and sued the school when the Board of Trustees took action against him lost his appeal of the grant of summary judgment to the school. The First Amendment didn't protect his firing for intentionally causing harm to students and failing to follow the dean's instructions.


Solomon v. Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement

(United States Fourth Circuit) - An award of Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) benefits to a former NFL player displaying symptoms of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is affirmed where the board of the NFL Player Supplemental Disability Plan failed to follow a reasoned process or explain the basis of its determination to deny benefits.


Jozefyk v. Berryhill

(United States Seventh Circuit) - Upheld the denial of an application for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits and Supplemental Security Income. The applicant contended, among other things, that the ALJ should not have allowed him to proceed pro se at the hearing.


Malware Spam - UPS Delivery Notification Tracking Number:APHQUV26F29IG4UFOZ

Malware delivered through fake UPS tracking page, attached as an HTML file.


More Ozzy TV- Arctic Monkeys 'Four Out Of Five' Video, Muse Concert Film Preview, Cliff Burton Documentary, Sevendust, Free Volbeat Show and more

More Ozzy TV- Arctic Monkeys 'Four Out Of Five' Video, Muse Concert Film Preview, Cliff Burton Documentary, Sevendust, Free Volbeat Show and more


Apex Frozen Foods Private LTD. v. US

(United States Federal Circuit) - Affirming the Court of International Trade's affirmation of the US Department of Commerce's findings following a review of the antidumping duty order on certain frozen warmwater shrimp from India.


Bentley v. AutoZoners, LLC, et al.

(United States Second Circuit) - Affirmed. In appealing an award of summary judgement for the defendants, plaintiff argues she proffered sufficient evidence to raise triable issues of fact in her sex discrimination case. Finding plaintiff’s arguments fail on the merits, the panel affirms.


Rozumalski v. W.F. Baird & Associates, Ltd

(United States Seventh Circuit) - Affirmed. The district court dismissal of a workplace harassment suit was affirmed because after harassment was reported the company swiftly investigated and fired the harasser. No evidence was presented to support allegations of harassment in the victim's subsequent dismissal.


Villari v. Mozilo

(California Court of Appeal) - In a shareholder derivative action against officers and directors of Countrywide Financial Corporations, alleging that defendants had mismanaged the company's mortgage lending business and other claims, trial court's dismissal of the complaint is affirmed where: 1) pursuant to the continuous ownership rule, plaintiff had no standing to maintain shareholder derivative claims on behalf of Countrywide after its acquisition by Bank of America Corporation and merger into another corporation; and 2) Arkansas Teacher Retirement System v Caiafa cannot be read to support plaintiff's contention that he has adequately alleged a factual basis for application of the fraud exception to the continuous ownership rule based on dicta in that case.


AmGen Inc. v. Sandoz Inc.

(United States Federal Circuit) - Returning once again after climbing and descending the appellate ladder several times, the court held that the defendant had not forfeited its preemption defense and that the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act preempts state law remedies for an applicant's failure to comply with aspects of the Act, and affirming the dismissal of the state law claims.


In Re Regina Bozic

(United States Ninth Circuit) - Denying a petition for writ of mandamus seeking to reverse an order transferring a petitioner's class action from the US District Court for the Southern District of California to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California because it was a clear error to transfer to a venue that was not proper under the general venue statute, but despite the clear legal error there was no practical impact the case would have on the procedural posture and any injury faced was purely speculative, so the extraordinary remedy of mandamus was not warranted.


Laura Espinoza And Lunden Reign Release New Single Feat. Missing Persons Legend Dale Bozzio

“Somewhere There Forever” Ft. Dale Bozzio By Laura Espinoza And Lunden Reign


Orozco v. WPV San Jose, LLC

(California Court of Appeal) - Held that a restaurant offering gourmet hot dogs was entitled to prevail in its tort lawsuit against a shopping center for intentionally concealing a crucial fact, which was that another hot dog restaurant would be one of the other lessees. Affirmed in part and reversed in part after a trial.


Mozart and Bruckner

Jaap van Zweden guest-conducts Mozart and Bruckner.



(US 4th Circuit) - No. 19-1369


Bentley v. AutoZoners, LLC, et al.

(United States Second Circuit) - Affirmed. In appealing an award of summary judgement for the defendants, plaintiff argues she proffered sufficient evidence to raise triable issues of fact in her sex discrimination case. Finding plaintiff’s arguments fail on the merits, the panel affirms.


Prayers Up: Evelyn Lozada Shares Tragic Family News

The 'Basketball Wives' star suffered a terrible loss.


Bozoma Saint John Receives The First Mover Award!

Presented by Bumble.


Video: Tyler Butterfield Wins Ironman Cozumel

[Updated with video] Tyler Butterfield took the winner’s spot on the podium on Sunday [Sept 29] after winning the Ironman 70.3 Cozumel with a time of 3:50:22. The event’s online coverage said, “Tyler Butterfield crushed the second half of the run to take the lead and the win at the 2019 Mazda IRONMAN 70.3 Cozumel”. A […]

(Click to read the full article)


Tyler Butterfield Wins Ironman Cozumel

Tyler Butterfield won the Ironman Cozumel in extremely impressive fashion. The Bermudian triathlete was clocked across the line in a time of 7:44:01, some three minutes and eleven seconds ahead of the second place finisher Michael Weiss. Butterfield recorded a time of 42.11 on the swim, he then clocked 4:19.11 on the run, before clocking […]

(Click to read the full article)


Národní umělec a „prostě chlapák“ dostal na rozkaz do postele i vlastní tetu. Dnes by Vejražka slavil 105 let

V pražských Košířích má svou ulici. Národní umělec Vítězslav Vejražka  (1915–1973). Články, které se čas od času objeví, zdůrazňují jeho mužnost. „Prostě chlapák,“ tak pojmenoval svůj medailón Týdeník Televize. Ve skutečnosti byl Vítězslav Vejražka placenou štětkou Státní bezpečnosti a na rozkaz se vyspal s každým, koho mu tajná policie předhodila. Včetně vlastní tety. Přečtěte si bizarní příběh herce, který by dnes slavil 105. narozeniny.


Miloš Zeman označil ricin za neškodné projímadlo. Česká republika hlásí nárůst úmrtí osob se zácpou

Po nějaké době opět exhumovali prezidenta Miloše Zemana z jeho krypty v Lánech, nabalzamovali ho a poslali mezi lidi, aby ukázal, že ještě žije, a hlavně aby promluvil k národu. Tentokrát se prezident Miloš Zeman vyjadřoval k aféře, kdy měl do České republiky přicestovat ruský občan s kufříkem plným ricinu se záměrem otrávit tři regionální politiky.


free sporozoites


Новая песня OZ

Группа OZ 24 апреля на Massacre Records выпустила новую работу, получившую название "Forced Commandments". За сведение и мастеринг отвечали Lars Chriss и Mike Lind. Оформлением занимался Carl-André Beckston (Blekkmark Design Studio).


"Goin' Down"
"Prison Of Time"
"Switchblade Alley"
"The Ritual"
"Long And Lonely Road"
"Diving Into The Darkness" (Bonus track on Digipak Edition)
"Break Out" (Bonus track on Digipak Edition)
"Kingdom Of War" (Bonus track on Digipak Edition)

Композиция "Goin' Down" доступна для прослушивания ниже. #Oz #HeavyMetal #Heavy_Metal


IBM presenta HackaPalooza, el primer festival de hackeo para desarrolladores cognitivos en México

Este año IBM cumple 90 años de ser un jugador clave en el progreso de México, impulsando a diferentes generaciones a través de la transformación de industrias y profesiones, e impactando el panorama económico, académico y social del país gracias a la estrecha colaboración con todos los actores de la sociedad.


Gana Aplicación para Ventas Minoristas, Primera Edición de HackaPalooza en México

Como parte de las celebraciones del 90 aniversario de IBM en México, la empresa realizó por primera vez en el país, los días 7 y 8 de octubre en el Campus Tecnológico de IBM en Guadalajara, el festival de hackeo para desarrolladores cognitivos: HackaPalooza.


KOMENTÁŘ: Pomoc ano, odškodnění ne. Podnikání bez rizik není možné

Kam až má sahat pomoc státu podnikatelům, živnostníkům a firmám? Očekávání jsou rozsáhlá, bude to velká zkouška odolnosti vlády. Protože podnikání je dobrovolná aktivita spojená nejen s profitem, ale i s rizikem.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Poslanci odložili EET do konce roku, kývli na kompenzační bonus pro eseróčka

Kvůli epidemii koronaviru se vláda na čas vzdá EET, projektu, který vnímá jako klíčový pro snížení daňových úniků. Sněmovna kývla na odklad celé EET do konce letošního roku. Potvrdit to ještě musí Senát. Neprošly návrhy opozice odložit EET ještě déle, když přitom Pirát Mikuláš Ferjenčík navrhoval odklad až do stých narozenin premiéra Andreje Babiše v roce 2054.

  • Zprávy - Domácí


Ve Škodě Auto pracovali nakažení koronavirem, obnovený provoz se nezastaví

U dvou zaměstnanců mladoboleslavské automobilky Škoda Auto byla zjištěna nákaza covid-19. Podle zjištění Práva to však nebude mít vliv na nedávno obnovený provoz závodu.

  • Praha - Praha - zprávy


V karlovarské sklárně Moser se v pondělí znovu rozjede výroba

Procesem takzvaného vzorkování začne od pondělí znovu výroba v karlovarské sklárně Moser. Mistři sklářského oboru po přestávce vynucené koronavirovou pandemií začnou připravovat kolekce na druhou polovinu letoška a na rok 2021. Skláře čekají přísné hygienické podmínky, výroba bude najíždět postupně.

  • Karlovy Vary - Vary - zprávy


Krize smazala z trhu práce polovinu nabídek, nejméně ohrožení jsou ajťáci

Koronavirová krize výrazně ovlivnila český pracovní trh. Ve srovnání s loňským rokem evidují personální agentury v posledních měsících přibližně poloviční nabídku nových pracovních pozic. Ubylo práce v gastronomii a cestovním ruchu, naopak logistika zažívá žně. Pro firmy zůstávají nejcennějšími pracovníky lidé z oblasti IT.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Škoda Auto rozšíří provoz ve dvou závodech, od pondělí přibude třetí směna

Zaměstnanci Škody Auto od pondělí začnou pracovat na tři směny, a to v závodech v Mladé Boleslavi a Kvasinách. Ve Vrchlabí zatím zůstává dvousměnný provoz, oznámil vedoucí komunikace podniku Tomáš Kotera. Automobilka obnovila výrobu 27. dubna ve všech třech českých závodech, ale jen na dvě směny. Obnovení výroby doprovází více než 80 hygienických opatření.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Rychlý restart v Česku nepřijde. Oživení mají v rukou Němci i spotřebitelé

Česká národní banka čeká propad české ekonomiky o 8 procent. Na předkrizovou úroveň se nedostane ani v příštím roce. Restart bude záviset i na tom, jak rychle lidé začnou utrácet. Napovědí příští měsíce, kdy se víc lidí bude hlásit na úřady práce.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Kinosálům začaly konkurovat premiéry z gauče. Pozice kin je však silná

Studio Universal na znovuotevření kin nečeká. Premiéru animovaného hitu Trollové: Světové turné pustilo na placených digitálních kanálech. Strategie se vyplatila a hollywoodský gigant zvažuje, že by kinům v budoucnu odepřel jejich exkluzivní právo promítat filmy měsíce před uvedením na jiných platformách.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


Zaplatili jste letos dovolenou? Možná budete dotovat cestovní kancelář

Možnost cestování je silně omezená a nic zatím nenasvědčuje tomu, že by lidé v letošní letní sezoně mohli vyrazit na zahraniční dovolenou. Zároveň ale nikdo dnes ještě neví, zda se nějaká možnost přece jen neobjeví. Pokud jste si koupili dovolenkový zájezd, jste asi momentálně jako na trní. Pojedete? Vrátí vám peníze?

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Kvíz: Děti mohou být v online světě ohroženy. Víte, jak je chránit?

Děti se v online světě pohybují naprosto přirozeně a svými technickými znalostmi často předčí své rodiče. Na druhou stranu jsou právě ony nejohroženější skupinou čelící útokům internetových predátorů a kyberšikaně. Rodiče často o hrozbách ani netuší. Vyzkoušejte si náš kvíz a zjistěte, jak jste na tom s digitálními znalostmi právě vy.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Kouzlo pravidelných investic. Jak funguje složené úročení

Současná koronavirová krize otřásla finančními trhy, zlevněné akcie jsou příležitostí, jak zhodnotit investici. Jenomže kdy je správná chvíle investovat? Už se trhy odrazily ode dna, nebo přijde další propad? A jak snížit riziko špatného načasování? Nad tím se zamýšlí Michal Valentík, investiční analytik společnosti Broker Trust.

  • Finance - Investování


Hugo: Best Semiprozine - starting point

The finalists are:

  • Beneath Ceaseless Skies, editor Scott H. Andrews
  • Escape Pod, editors Mur Lafferty and S.B. Divya, assistant editor Benjamin C. Kinney, audio producers Adam Pracht and Summer Brooks, hosts Tina Connolly and Alasdair Stuart
  • Fireside Magazine, editor Julia Rios, managing editor Elsa Sjunneson, copyeditor Chelle Parker, social coordinator Meg Frank, publisher & art director Pablo Defendini, founding editor Brian White
  • FIYAH Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction, executive editor Troy L. Wiggins, editors Eboni Dunbar, Brent Lambert, L.D. Lewis, Danny Lore, Brandon O’Brien and Kaleb Russell
  • Strange Horizons, Vanessa Rose Phin, Catherine Krahe, AJ Odasso, Dan Hartland, Joyce Chng, Dante Luiz and the Strange Horizons staff
  • Uncanny Magazine, editors-in-chief Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas, nonfiction/managing editor Michi Trota, managing editor Chimedum Ohaegbu, podcast producers Erika Ensign and Steven Schapansky

In this category, everything but FIYAH is available free online, supported by subscriptions / Patreons etc. FIYAH puts a list of contents of each issue, and also publishes a Spotify playlist for each quarterly issue. Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Fireside Magazine and Strange Horizons also all publish podcasts of each of their fiction / poetry, and Uncanny Magazine publishes two podcasts per issue which cover some but not all of the content (as far as I can tell). Escape Pod is of course a fiction podcast to start with, but does provides transcripts of its episodes.

I subscribe to Uncanny Magazine & FIYAH, I had a subscription last year to Fireside Magazine, I support Strange Horizons on Patreon and I'm on Beneath Ceaseless Skies's mailiing list to get notifications of new issues, even if I don't always read them. I'll need to have a bit of a think about how I'll rank them.



What to consider to get listed on dmoz

When you submit a website to search engines, most search engines automatically crawl websites looking for links and popularity of the sites they crawl to determine how they list on search engine results, one site that doesn’t is DMOZ. Also known as the Open Directory Project or ODP, this directory is entirely monitored by people (volunteer editors), this means that you have to submit your site and wait for somebody to physically look at your site. This process can take weeks, months, or even in a few cases years, so why bother with this site at all?


Early superannuation withdrawals frozen as hacking fallout revealed - Daily Telegraph

  1. Early superannuation withdrawals frozen as hacking fallout revealed  Daily Telegraph
  2. Calls for better superannuation protection  Busselton Dunsborough Mail
  3. AFP investigating 'sophisticated' theft of $120,000 from 150 super accounts  Sydney Morning Herald
  4. Is your super payout at risk? Thousands drained by fraudsters in COVID scam  7NEWS.com.au
  5. Police confirm up to 150 victims of early super access fraud  The New Daily
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


#33: Mwah! Mozzarella!


Cuidado com o Álcool Gel na Cozinha

Um pequeno lembrete para que todos tomem cuidado com álcool gel, principalmente na cozinha! Em época de Coronavírus, temos usado muito o produto nas mãos, em superfícies e embalagens. Apesar de muito eficiente para a higienização, é inflamável e muitas vezes suas chamas não são visíveis aos olhos!

O post Cuidado com o Álcool Gel na Cozinha apareceu primeiro em Cozinha do Bom Gosto.


Prenez soin de vous + Take care of your French with a dozen more words

A gift from our guest: dried cyclamen, a ballet of expressive flowers! Today's Expression: Prenez soin de vous : take care of yourself (plural: yourselves) Audio file: Click here to listen to today's phrase in French and English A DAY IN A FRENCH LIFE by Kristi Espinasse Someone close to us, someone young and strong, had an accident--une chute while alone at home-- followed by a trip to ER for some points! The emotional and physical scars are there, but our bien-aimé is here with us now and will stay in time to recover from the choc. Today's short entry is a reminder to you and me to continue to check in with those who are living alone. Which of our friends are on their own? Which family members? Which colleagues? Have you seen the post lady lately? Big, strong, young? Grand, fort, jeune? Don't forget to check on these ones! Check on everyone. Self-check. Vérifie! I am off to check on our guest, who somehow managed--between the ER and here--to pack a bunch of goodies for us to share at the table: gingembre, poireaux, citrons, oranges--les agrumes--which have since been added to soup and put into a simple cake....



Drunken, Booze-Soaked Facebook Statuses That'll Make You Thankful You're Not These Failing Idiots


VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: Rapture-Palooza (2013)

Rapture-Palooza (2013) Claire: 4.6/5 stars, 8.8/10. Carolyn: 4.4/5 stars, 8.4/10. “Underrated. Funny. Original. Dark yet humorous.” Native ratings: 2.8/5 stars Netflix, 5.1/10 IMDB. I found this movie to be very original. It had dark, dark, messed up black humor, but also had a lot of standard humor as well.  Events in the movie were disturbing […]


Princeton scientist solves air quality puzzle: Why is ozone pollution persisting in Europe despite environmental laws banning it?

As global climate change leads to more hot and dry weather, the resulting droughts are stressing plants, making them less able to remove ozone — which at ground level is a dangerous pollutant — from the air.


video posted on flagoz.com

oct 72010. momentum gaining. video now viewable on flagoz.com click on youtube. tom and i spent three hours yesterday cutting form the clips i'd done into a three minute collection of vox pop and flag waving. very exciting and rewarding that i've done i


4 Day Cruise to Cozumel Jan 711 2010. Carnival's Fantasy

I had not had a real vacation since April 2009 and I was going crazy for warm weather. Jason knew how badly I wanted to get away and gave me one of the best Christmas presents a girl could ask for a CRUISE I'm apologizing now for the lack of detail