
CBD News: Message from Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary, to the 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971), Changwon, Republic of Korea, 28 October - 4 November 2008


CBD News: Message from the Executive Secretary, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, on the occasion of World Wetlands Day, 02 February 2009.


CBD News: Message from Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of World Wetlands Day, 2 February 2010.


CBD Press Release: On World Water Day, United Nations Report Demonstrates Role of Forests and Wetlands for Clean Water and A Healthy World.


CBD News: Message from Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary, on the occasion of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, 2 February 2011.


CBD Communiqué: Water Security Depends on Forests and Wetlands.


CBD News: Message by Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary on the occasion of World Wetlands Day "Wetlands and Tourism", 2 February 2012


CBD Press Release: Atlantic seamount becomes the first case added to international repository of ecologically or biologically significant marine areas


CBD News: Statement by Mr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, on the occasion of the Wider Caribbean and Western Mid-Atlantic Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas,


CBD News: Message from Mr. Braulio F. De Souza Dias, Executive Secretary, on the Occasion of World Wetlands Day: "Wetlands and Water Management"


CBD News: Statement by Mr. Braulio F. de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, at the Opening of South-Eastern Atlantic Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas, Swakopmund, Namibia, 8 to 12 A


CBD News: Message of the CBD Executive Secretary, Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, on the occasion of the World Wetlands Day, 2 February 2014 - "Wetlands and Agriculture: Partners for Growth"


CBD News: Statement by Mr. Braulio F. de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, at the opening of the North-West Atlantic Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas, Montreal, Canada, 24 - 28 Mar


CBD News: Wetlands are among our most valuable ecosystems. The values of benefits provided by wetlands, per unit area, have been consistently shown to be orders of magnitude higher than for other ecosystems, with the major benefit delivered through improv


CBD News: Five new press sheets available that explain the role of wetlands for: the Aichi Biodiversity Targets; Ecosystem services; SDGs, as well as Challenges of the future and the value of wetlands.


CBD News: The wetlands of today are essential for human health and prosperity, and the benefits they provide have enormous economic and social value. As confirmed by the 2013 report, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Water and Wetlands, which


CBD News: All around the world, wetlands provide huge benefits, including clean water, ensuring a stable water supply, and providing important habitat to a wide variety of species.


CBD News: Statement by Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Acting Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of World Wetlands Day


CBD Notification SCBD/IMS/JMF/NP/OH/SM/88701 (2020-020): Workshop for Subnational, Regional and Local Governments on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, 1-3 April 2020, Edinburgh, Scotland


A Transatlantic Partnership for WTO Reform in the Age of Coronavirus

Webinar Research Event

28 April 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Event participants

Ignacio Garcia Bercero, Director, Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission; European Union Visiting Fellow, Oxford University
Jennifer Hillman, Senior Fellow for Trade and International Political Economy, Council on Foreign Relations; Member, WTO Appellate Body, 2007 - 11
Chair: Marianne Schneider-Petsinger, Senior Research Fellow, US and Americas Programme, Chatham House

Global trade and the WTO – which has been at the heart of the rules-based international trade system since its creation in 1995 – faced a critical moment even before COVID-19. The Appellate Body’s demise in December 2019 led to a renewed focus on the future of the WTO. But the challenges facing the WTO run deeper than that – the organization has lost relevance as a negotiation forum, resulting in the global trade rules not having kept pace with changes in technology and the rise of China. While the WTO provides a forum for international cooperation to address the trade fallout from COVID-19, what implications will the pandemic have for the long-term reform of the global trade system?

Both the US and EU have proposed various WTO reform strategies and taken steps towards collaboration, but is a transatlantic partnership for WTO reform feasible? Do the US and EU believe that a rules-based international trade system is in their interest – especially in light of COVID-19? What are the biggest issues dividing the US and EU on reforming the WTO, and is there a common assessment of the key problems? What steps can the US and EU take to address the dispute settlement function of the WTO and to modernize the trade rules? Are there broader issues, such as environmental and social sustainability, that should be included in a transatlantic agenda for WTO reform?

This event is  part of the Chatham House Global Trade Policy Forum and will take place virtually only.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank founding partner AIG and supporting partners Clifford Chance LLP, Diageo plc, and EY for their generous support of the Chatham House Global Trade Policy Forum.


Minor earthquake in Portland

The Earthquake Unit at the University of the West Indies is reporting that a minor quake hit a section of Portland this morning. The unit says the 2.8 quake occurred about 9:13 and had an epicentre near Spring Garden. It had a focal depth of five...


Minimum unit pricing in Scotland

On the 1st of May, 2018 Scotland was the first country to try a new way of reducing alcohol consumption in its population. It introduced a minimum unit prices for alcohol. Now new research just published on is looking at the effect of that price increase - and measuring how well it has achieved the goal of reducing drinking in...


C-Reactive Protein Is an Independent Predictor of Risk for the Development of Diabetes in the West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study

Dilys J. Freeman
May 1, 2002; 51:1596-1600


Transatlantic Dialogue on Reducing Deforestation in Supply Chains of Agricultural Commodities

Invitation Only Research Event

23 October 2014 - 9:00am to 24 October 2014 - 5:00pm

Pew Charitable Trust Center, Washington DC

This transatlantic dialogue will bring together a number of stakeholders, focused on options for reducing deforestation in agricultural supply chains. Key questions will be asked such as: What are the current and projected patterns of supply and demand for key commodities, and their impacts on forests? Who are the key producers and what is their relative impact on forests? How are these patterns likely to change in the future? What are the key points of leverage in these supply chains? What is the scope of potential action by the US, the EU, and its member states?

The current status and future trends in the global production and trade in major agricultural commodities will also be examined, along with the key leverage points for influence. Global forest footprint of major agricultural commodities and deforestation hotspots will be discussed and key drivers of deforestation will be examined. Finally, the potential roles of government in reducing commodity-driven deforestation will be analysed to gain a better understanding of the potential for state action in the EU and the US contexts.

Attendance at this event is by invitation only.

Event attributes

External event


Transatlantic Dialogue on China

A joint Chatham House-RUSI project that focuses on strengthening common understanding across the Atlantic and develop new ideas for how the US and Europe can better engage with and respond to China’s rise.

This will be done through examining transatlantic approaches and responses to China through the lens for four key themes (digital technology; trade and investment; governance of global commons; and climate change and the environment) that have been identified as crucial to developing effective policy responses and fostering collaboration.

The project will strengthen national, regional and international responses to the risks and opportunities posed by China’s changing role within the global economy and international rules-based order.

Department contact

Pepijn Bergsen

Research Fellow, Europe Programme
020 795 75748

More on Transatlantic Dialogue on China


Britain Must Balance a Transatlantic Heart With a European Head

19 December 2019

Robin Niblett

Director and Chief Executive, Chatham House
Returning from an EU-rooted foreign and economic policy to one which is more international in outlook will be difficult, take time, and be more costly than the new UK government currently envisages.


Boris Johnson chairs the first cabinet meeting after winning a majority of 80 seats in the 2019 UK general election. Photo by Matt Dunham – WPA Pool/Getty Images.

The convincing general election win for the Conservative Party and Boris Johnson opens a new chapter in British history. On 31 January 2020, Britain will withdraw from the EU and return to its historical position as a separate European power.

Recognising the strategic significance of this change, the Queen’s speech opening the new parliament stated that 'the government will undertake the deepest review of Britain's security, defence, and foreign policy since the end of the Cold War'. But in what context?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other Brexit supporters have yearned for Britain to return to its exceptional trajectory. In their view, Britain can once again become a trading nation - more global in outlook and ambition than its European neighbours, freed from the shackles of an ageing and fractured European continent and its deadening regulatory hand.

This imagery makes good copy. But the 21st century does not offer Britain the same opportunities as did the 18th, 19th or early 20th centuries. This is a different world, and Britain’s position in it needs to be crafted with a sharp eye to what is possible.

Geopolitics undergoing wrenching change

This is not declinism. The UK remains an economically strong and politically influential country by relative global standards – it is currently the fifth or sixth largest economy in the world, and the second largest donor of official development assistance. It has ubiquitous cultural brands from fashion and music to the royal family, and an eminent diplomatic and security position at the heart of all of the world’s major international institutions and alliances, from NATO and the UN security council to the IMF, G7, G20 and Commonwealth. 

But Britain leaves the EU just as the geopolitical landscape is undergoing wrenching change. The United States has turned inwards, closer to its own historic norm, and is undermining the international institutions which it created alongside Britain in the 1940s. China’s international influence is on the rise alongside its vast and still growing economy, challenging traditional norms of individual freedom and public transparency.

Russia is navigating the cracks and crevices of the fracturing rules-based international order with ruthless efficiency. Sensing the change in the wind, many governments are now back-tracking on their post-Cold War transitions to more open and democratic societies.

The implications of this new context have yet to be fully internalised by those who look forward to Britain’s future outside the EU. Britain will be negotiating new trade deals in an increasingly transactional, fragmented and protectionist international economic environment. It will be trying to sell its world-class services into markets where national control over finance, law, technology and media is increasingly prized.

Making new diplomatic inroads will be no easier. The government will face strong internal and external criticism if it lends security assistance to states that are simultaneously clamping down on their citizens’ rights. With the number of military personnel in decline and investment in new equipment stretched across multiple expensive platforms, the UK could struggle to project meaningful defence cooperation to new security partners in Asia at the same time as upholding its NATO commitments and its deployments in conflict zones around the world.

Britain also opens its new global chapter at a time when it is changing domestically. There is no over-riding reason for a missionary British foreign policy – neither the economic returns or image of national glory that drove Empire, nor the existential defence of its land, interests and freedom that drove it during the Cold War.

Stretching liberal interventionism to Iraq, as Tony Blair did when he was prime minister, and to Libya as David Cameron did in 2011, has injected a deep dose of popular scepticism to the idea that Britain - with or without allies - can or should help make the world in its own image.

This more defensive mindset – epitomised by parliament’s refusal to use military force to punish President Bashar al Assad’s regime for using chemical weapons against its citizens in 2013 – will not abate soon. Especially when the new government’s political bandwidth will be stretched by fiendishly complex trade-offs between its financial promises to support domestic renewal, the imperatives of striking and implementing a new free trade agreement with the EU, and the economic consequences of leaving the single market.

All this points to the fact that the most important step for Britain at the beginning of this new national chapter will be to establish an effective partnership with the EU and its member states. They face the same international risks as Britain and have as much to gain from the preservation of rules-based international behaviour. Recognising the continued interdependence between Britain and the EU will offer both sides greater leverage in a more competitive and hostile world.

A new transatlantic relationship

Once it has agreed its new relationship with the EU, Britain can turn to crafting its new relationship with the mighty United States. US-UK economic interdependence and close security ties should help discipline the bilateral economic relationship. The more difficult challenge will be for the UK to avoid falling into fissures between the US and the EU over how to manage bilateral relations with China and Russia, particularly if President Trump wins a second term.

Britain will have to get used to this difficult balancing act between its transatlantic heart and European head after Brexit. This makes it all the more important for the UK to develop new diplomatic and commercial initiatives with countries that are also struggling to cope with the current uncertain, transactional international environment.

Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand can grow as bilateral economic partners and as allies in international institutions, such as the G7, OECD and WTO. They may even open a door to British engagement in regional trade arrangements such as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CP-TPP), which do not require the same political commitments as EU membership.

Turning from an EU-rooted foreign and economic policy to one that is once again more international in outlook will be difficult, take time and be more costly than the government currently envisages. The irony is that for this to be successful requires sustained political investment by the Johnson government to build a strong relationship with the EU that it is focused on leaving.


Immigration to the Heartland: A Profile of Immigrants in the Kansas City Region

The immigrant population in the Kansas City region has grown rapidly over the past 25 years, contributing to overall population growth in the area. This fact sheet describes immigrants in the metro area, examining their origins, industries of employment, income and poverty levels, English proficiency, educational attainment, and more.


Diabetic Neuropathy Is a Substantial Burden in People With Type 1 Diabetes and Is Strongly Associated With Socioeconomic Disadvantage: A Population-Representative Study From Scotland


To assess the contemporaneous prevalence of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in Scotland and study its cross-sectional association with risk factors and other diabetic complications.


We analyzed data from a large representative sample of adults with T1D (N = 5,558). We assessed the presence of symptomatic neuropathy using the dichotomized (≥4) Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument Patient Questionnaire score. Logistic regression models were used to investigate associations between DPN and risk factors, as well as with other complications.


The burden of DPN is substantial with 13% prevalence overall. Adjusting for attained age, diabetes duration, and sex, the odds of DPN increased mainly with waist-to-hip ratio, lipids, poor glycemic control (odds ratio 1.51 [95% CI 1.21–1.89] for levels of 75 vs. 53 mmol/mol), ever versus never smoking (1.67 [1.37–2.03]), and worse renal function (1.96 [1.03–3.74] for estimated glomerular filtration rate levels <30 vs. ≥90 mL/min/1.73 m2). The odds significantly decreased with higher HDL cholesterol (0.77 [0.66–0.89] per mmol/L). Living in more deprived areas was associated with DPN (2.17 [1.78–2.65]) for more versus less deprived areas adjusted for other risk factors. Finally, individuals with prevalent DPN were much more likely than others to have other diabetes complications.


Diabetic neuropathy remains substantial, particularly affecting those in the most socioeconomically deprived groups. Those with clinically manifest neuropathy also have a higher burden of other complications and elevated levels of modifiable risk factors. These data suggest that there is considerable scope to reduce neuropathy rates and narrow the socioeconomic differential by better risk factor control.


Curbing the Influence of &quot;Bad Actors&quot; in International Migration (Transatlantic Council Statement)

This Transatlantic Council on Migration Statement assesses the continuum of policies needed to disrupt illegal migration-related activities and addresses the conditions that make them possible. It examines the role of migration "bad actors"—human traffickers and unscrupulous employers, among them—who operate and profit in this environment, and considers how governments can deploy resources to discourage their actions.


AccuWeather increases number of hurricanes predicted for 'very active' 2020 Atlantic season

Based on the newest forecasting models, AccuWeather forecasters have extended the upper range of hurricanes predicted for the Atlantic hurricane season.


Equipping Immigrant Selection Systems for a Changing World of Work (Transatlantic Council Statement)

As technological developments—from automation to artificial intelligence and machine learning—reshape the world of work, governments face the challenge of updating how they attract, select, and retain economic-stream immigrants. This report, concluding a series on building migration systems for a new age of economic competitiveness, lays out the key considerations for "future-proofing" immigrant selection systems.


The Role of Think Tanks in Times of (Migration) Crisis: A Transatlantic Perspective

As European policymakers and publics continue to grapple with the migration crisis, this conversation offers an opportunity to reflect on the role and responsibility of experts in these politically sensitive debates.


MPI’s Transatlantic Council on Migration Launches Research Series on Lasting Effects of Mixed Migration Flows

First report examines Canadian challenges & solutions in housing Syrian refugees

WASHINGTON — Four years after the peak of the 2015–16 migration and refugee crisis in Europe and amid swelling arrivals at the U.S.-Mexico border and elsewhere, new evidence sheds light on how well countries have responded to an unprecedented surge in mixed flows of humanitarian, economic and family migrants.


Rebuilding Community after Crisis: Striking a New Social Contract for Diverse Societies (Transatlantic Council Statement)

Addressing the deep-rooted integration challenges unearthed by large-scale migration and rapid social change will require a combination of strategies. Governments in Europe and North America must create a new social contract for increasingly diverse societies that are confronting cycles of disruption. This report sketches a blueprint for an adaptive process oriented by skill needs rather than national origins.


Atlanta Official Resigns, But Loses Out on Post in Oregon

Atlanta's top school official has resigned and is fighting to keep a report investigating his background secret.


Macquarie atlas of Indigenous Australia / general editors, Bill Arthur & Frances Morphy ; [foreword by Patrick Dodson].

Aboriginal Australians -- Names.


Amelia Westlake / Erin Gough.

Secrecy -- Juvenile fiction.


A digest of the law of Scotland relating to the poor / by John Guthrie Smith.

Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1867.


A digest of the law of Scotland relating to the poor, the public health, and other matters managed by parochial boards / by John Guthrie Smith.

Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1878.


The Edinburgh stereoscopic atlas of obstetrics / edited by G.F. Barbour Simpson and Edward Burnet ; with a preface by Sir J. Halliday Croom.

London : Caxton Pub. Co, 1908-1909.


Elements of pharmacy, materia medica, and therapeutics / by William Whitla.

London : H. Renshaw, 1898.


Elements of pharmacy, materia medica, and therapeutics / by Sir William Whitla.

London : Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1910.


The flight of Francesco Novello di Carrara, Lord of Padua, with his wife Taddea D'Este, from Padua under attack by Milan. Engraving by F. Bacon, 1839, after C.L. Eastlake.

London (No. 18 & 19 Southampton Place, Euston Square, New Road) : Published ... by the proprietors [E. & W. Finden], May 1, 1839.


The flight of Francesco Novello di Carrara, Lord of Padua, with his wife Taddea D'Este, from Padua under attack by Milan. Engraving by F. Bacon after C.L. Eastlake.

[London?] : Cassell & Company Limited, [between 1800 and 1899]


Bernard Gilpin making peace among the warring clans on the English Border with Scotland. Photograph after W.B. Scott.



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Uflacker's atlas of vascular anatomy

Uflacker, Andre, author.
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