
Leading transformation: how to take charge of your company's future / Nathan Furr, Kyle Nel, and Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy

Dewey Library - HD31.2.F87 2018


Welcome to the Educator Impact Laboratory

The Educator Impact Laboratory is a center at Mathematica designed to expand our collaborations with state and local education agencies around the challenging task of measuring the impact that teachers and principals have on their students and using this information in creative ways to improve outcomes.


VisualizED: Comparing Schools with Benchmarks

The world of education is becoming inundated with data, and the growing use of technology in schools has made it even easier to collect and report data continuously.


The companion to Hispanic studies [electronic resource] / edited by Catherine Davies


Trial by slander : a background to the Independent State of Croatia, and an account of the Anti-Croatian Campaign in Australia / by Les Shaw

Shaw, Les


The pandemic impact on Q1

The Volkswagen Group recorded a ‘substantial impact’ on its business as a result of the pandemic in the first three months of the current year (Jan


Indian companies are contributing lavishly to PM-CARES – even amid layoffs and pay cuts

The quasi-private relief fund does not stand up to scrutiny.


[ASAP] Hydration Structure and Hydrolysis of U(IV) and Np(IV) Ions: A Comparative Density Functional Study Using a Modified Continuum Solvation Approach

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.9b11862


FDA Approves Capmatinib and Companion Assay

The Food and Drug Administration has approved capmatinib for treatment of adults with metastatic non–small cell lung cancer harboring MET exon 14 skipping mutations, as detected by an FDA-approved test.
FDA Approvals


After a Decade, Mathematica Examines Affordable Care Act’s Impact on Primary Care

In the March issue of Health Affairs, which is devoted to examining the effects and legacy of the ACA, Mathematica’s experts discuss “The Changing Landscape of Primary Care: Effects of the ACA and Other Efforts over the Past Decade.”


New Study Measures High Schools’ Impacts on Students’ Long-Term Outcomes

Mathematica’s study helps Louisiana measure its public high schools’ contribution to student outcomes such as high school graduation, college enrollment, and eventual earnings.


The Promotion Power Impacts of Louisiana High Schools (Executive Summary)

This summary describes a study that measured Louisiana public high schools’ promotion power, which is a school’s effect on the long-term success of its students as indicated by high school graduation, college or career readiness, college enrollment and persistence, and earnings.


The Promotion Power Impacts of Louisiana High Schools

This report describes the data and methods used to measure Louisiana public high schools’ promotion power, which is a school’s effect on the long-term success of its students as indicated by high school graduation, college or career readiness, college enrollment and persistence, and earnings.


A Comparison of Cancer Stage at Diagnosis and Treatment Initiation Between Enrollees in an Urban HIV Clinic and SEER

A comparison of stage at cancer diagnosis and cancer treatment rates between people with HIV (PWH) and the general US population is needed to identify any disparities by HIV status.


MCC Indonesia Nutrition Project Impact Evaluation Final Report

This report presents findings from a 5-year randomized control trial of a $120 million maternal and child health project in Indonesia funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation. The project sought to improve stunting, along with a host of other pre-, postnatal, and early childhood health outcomes.


How Much Bias Results if a Quasi-Experimental Design Combines Local Comparison Groups, a Pretest Outcome Measure and Other Covariates?: A Within Study Comparison of Preschool Effects

This study examines when nonexperiments might substitute for experiments that are done in real-world settings in order to learn what works to affect some socially valued outcome.


Oakland’s Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax: Impacts on Prices, Purchases and Consumption by Adults and Children (Journal Article)

In this paper, we estimate the impact of the tax on retail prices, product availability, purchases, and child and adult consumption of taxed beverages in Oakland, as well as of potential substitute beverages.


Factors influencing child survival in Tanzania: comparative analysis of diverse deprived rural villages / Kumiko Sakamoto

Online Resource


Sustainable development goals: their impacts on forests and people / edited by Pia Katila, Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Wil de Jong, Glenn Galloway, Pablo Pacheco, Georg Winkel

Online Resource


Landscape impact assessment in planning processes / Ingrid Belčáková, Paola Gazzola, Eva Pauditšová ; managing editor Agnieszka Topolska, language editor Jonathan Wotton

Rotch Library - GF90.B45 2018


Latin American dendroecology: combining tree-ring sciences and ecology in a megadiverse territory / Marín Pompa-García, J. Julio Camarero, editors

Online Resource


Building WordPress Websites With Zurb Foundation or Bootstrap: Comparisons and Starter Themes

WordPress is super versatile. You know that. I know that. But sometimes this can be an overwhelming prospect. How on earth will you get your site up and running? What platform will you use? Zurb Foundation and Bootstrap are two …


Impact of wormlike micelles on nano and macroscopic structure of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibrils hydrogels

Soft Matter, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0SM00135J, Paper
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Marcelo A. da Silva, Vincenzo Calabrese, Julien Schmitt, Kazi M. Zakir Hossain, Saffron J Bryant, Najet Mahmoudi, Janet L Scott, Karen J Edler
In this work, we investigated the effect of adding surfactant mixtures on the rheological properties of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibrils (OCNF) saline dispersions. Three surfactant mixtures were studied: cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB)/sodium...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Impact of Chiral Supramolecular Nanostructure on the Mechanical and Electrical Performances of Triphenylene-based discotic physical gels

Soft Matter, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0SM00152J, Paper
Hongli Zhang, Junjie Cheng, Qiang Zhou, Qijin Zhang, Gang Zou
Discotic π-conjugated supramolecular assemblies, especially with chiral supramolecular nanostructures, have been attracting growing research interests due to their significant optoelectronic properties and the possibilities of their applications in the new...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Single chain in mean field simulation of flexible and semiflexible polymers: Comparison with discrete chain self-consistent field theory

Soft Matter, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0SM00620C, Paper
So Jung Park, Jaeup Kim
Single chain in mean field (SCMF) simulation is a theoretical framework performing Monte Carlo moves of explicit polymer chains under quasi-instantaneously updated external fields which were originally imported from the...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A Companion to Photography


The study of photography has never been more important. A look at today's digital world reveals that a greater number of photographs are being taken each day than at any other moment in history. Countless photographs are disseminated instantly online and more and more photographic images are earning prominent positions—and garnering record prices—in the rarefied realm of top art galleries.

Reflecting this dramatic increase in all things photographic



A Companion to Public Art


A Companion to Public Art is the only scholarly volume to examine the main issues, theories, and practices of public art on a comprehensive scale.



A Companion to Adorno


A definitive contribution to scholarship on Adorno, bringing together the foremost experts in the field

As one of the leading continental philosophers of the last century, and one of the pioneering members of the Frankfurt School, Theodor W. Adorno is the author of numerous influential—and at times quite radical—works on diverse topics in aesthetics, social theory, moral philosophy, and the history of modern philosophy, all of which concern the contradictions



[ASAP] Size, Ligand, and Defect-Dependent Electron–Phonon Coupling in Chalcogenide and Perovskite Nanocrystals and Its Impact on Luminescence Line Widths

ACS Photonics
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.0c00034


[ASAP] Chip-Scale Reconfigurable Optical Full-Field Manipulation: Enabling a Compact Grooming Photonic Signal Processor

ACS Photonics
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.0c00103


Stalin and Mao: a comparison of the Russian and Chinese revolutions / by Lucien Bianco ; translated from the French edition La récidive: Révolution russe, révolution chinoise by Krystyna Horko

Dewey Library - HX550.R48 B5213 2018


The anti-black city: police terror and black urban life in Brazil / Jaime Amparo Alves

Dewey Library - HV8183.A48 2018


Contemporary US populism in comparative perspective / Kirk Hawkins, Levente Littvay

Dewey Library - JC423.H39 2019


Framing referendum campaigns in the news / Marina Dekavalla

Dewey Library - JF497.G7 D45 2018


Trust, distrust, and mistrust in multinational democracies: comparative perspectives / edited by Dimitrios Karmis and François Rocher

Dewey Library - JF799.T78 2018


Disarming Doomsday: the human impact of nuclear weapons since Hiroshima / Becky Alexis-Martin

Dewey Library - U263.A44 2019


India's nuclear proliferation policy: the impact of secrecy on decision making, 1980-2010 / Gaurav Kampani

Dewey Library - UA840.K245 2020


Fake company cheats 250 people of Rs 2.5 crore

Police Commissioner Raghavendra H Auradkar said they had recovered property worth Rs 1.21 crore from Dhananjaya.


Elementi di Probabilità e Statistica [electronic resource] / F. Biagini, M. Campanino

Milano : Springer, 2006


Globalization of low-carbon technologies : the impact of the Paris Agreement / Venkatachalam Anbumozhi, Kaliappa Kalirajan, editors


The application of science in environmental impact assessment / Aaron J. MacKinnon, Peter N. Duinker and Tony R. Walker

MacKinnon, Aaron J., author


Companion to environmental studies / edited by Noel Castree, Mike Hulme and James D. Proctor


Advanced introduction to environmental impact assessment / Angus Morrison-Saunders (School of Science, Edith Cowan University, Australia, Research Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management, North West University, South Africa and Cambridge Institute

Morrison-Saunders, Angus, author


Global resources and the environment / Chadwick Dearing Oliver (Yale University) and Fatma Arf Oliver (Former engineer at the Boeing Company, Seattle)

Oliver, Chadwick Dearing, 1947- author


Environmental impact assessment in the Arctic : a guide to best practice / Timo Koivurova, Pamela Lesser with Sonja Bickford, Paula Kankaanpää, Marina Nenasheva

Koivurova, Timo, author


Environmental impact assessment : a Guide to Best Professional Practices / Charles H. Eccleston

Eccleston, Charles H., author


Current and future impacts of climate change on housing, buildings and infrastructure / The Senate, Environment and Communications References Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Environment and Communications References Committee


Energy, resource extraction and society : impacts and contested futures / edited by Anna Szolucha


Outdoor recreation : environmental impacts and management / David Huddart, Tim Stott

Huddart, David, author


Introduction to environmental impact assessment / John Glasson and Riki Therivel

Glasson, John, 1946- author