
Lockdown impact: Fuel demand in India plunged to historic lows in April

In its latest report, the International Energy Agency has said India's annual fuel consumption will decline 5.6 per cent in 2020


A bespoke microfluidic pharmacokinetic compartment model for drug absorption using artificial cell membranes

Lab Chip, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00263A, Paper
Jaime L. Korner, Elanna B. Stephenson, Katherine S. Elvira
A new type of pharmacokinetic compartment model using artificial cell membranes that predicts intestinal absorption three times more accurately than the current state of the art.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] Comparing Cryo-EM Reconstructions and Validating Atomic Model Fit Using Difference Maps

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b01103


[ASAP] Ranking of Ligand Binding Kinetics Using a Weighted Ensemble Approach and Comparison with a Multiscale Milestoning Approach

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00968


Islamist party mobilization: Tunisia's Ennahda and Algeria's HMS compared, 1989-2014 / Chuchu Zhang

Online Resource


When bishops meet: an essay comparing Trent, Vatican I, and Vatican II / John W. O'Malley

Online Resource


Legal Research Reports: Powers of the Mexican Federal Police with Foreign Country Comparisons

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report,  Powers of the Mexican Federal Police with Foreign Country Comparisons.

After discussing Mexico’s historical and current policing structure, this report then examines the structure of police forces in selected other countries. The main criteria for the inclusion of other countries was the functional and geographic divergence of law enforcement duties across various jurisdictional levels. The list of countries included is not intended to be exhaustive.

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


The inner life of animals: love, grief, and compassion: surprising observations of a hidden world / Peter Wohlleben ; foreword by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson ; translation by Jane Billinghurst

Hayden Library - QL785.W6413 2017


Trends in comparative endocrinology and neurobiology / edited by Hubert Vaudry [and others]

Online Resource


Hippocampal microcircuits: a computational modeler's resource book / Vassilis Cutsuridis, Bruce P. Graham, Stuart Cobb, Imre Vida, editors

Online Resource


Electroreception: fundamental insights from comparative approaches / Bruce A. Carlson, Joseph A. Sisneros, Arthur N. Popper, Richard R. Fay, editors

Online Resource


A new companion to Malory / edited by Megan G. Leitch and Cory James Rushton

Hayden Library - PR2045.N48 2019


Out of darkness, shining light: (being a faithful account of the final years and earthly days of Doctor David Livingstone and his last journey from the interior to the coast of Africa, as narrated by his African companions, in three volumes): a novel / Pe

Dewey Library - PR9390.9.G37 O95 2019


A Companion to Adorno


A definitive contribution to scholarship on Adorno, bringing together the foremost experts in the field

As one of the leading continental philosophers of the last century, and one of the pioneering members of the Frankfurt School, Theodor W. Adorno is the author of numerous influential—and at times quite radical—works on diverse topics in aesthetics, social theory, moral philosophy, and the history of modern philosophy, all of which concern the contradictions



Wiley Blackwell Companion to Wisdom Literature


A comprehensive introduction to ancient wisdom literature, with fascinating essays on a broad range of topics.

The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Wisdom Literature is a wide-ranging introduction to the texts, themes, and receptions of the wisdom literature of the Bible and the ancient world. This comprehensive volume brings together original essays from established scholars and emerging voices to offer a variety of perspectives on the “wisdom” biblical



A Companion to Relativism

A Companion to Relativism presents original contributions from leading scholars that address the latest thinking on the role of relativism in the philosophy of language, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of science, logic, and metaphysics.



The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Inter-Religious Dialogue


This comprehensive volume brings together a distinguished editorial team, including some of the field’s pioneers, to explore the aims, practice, and historical context of interfaith collaboration. 



The impact of COVID-19 on gender equality [electronic resource] / Titan M. Alon, Matthias Doepke, Jane Olmstead-Rumsey, Michèle Tertilt

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020


Globalization, Transformation, and Cultures in Early Childhood Education and Care [electronic resource]: Reconceptualization and Comparison


The Wiley Blackwell companion to sociology [electronic resource] / edited by George Ritzer and Wendy Wiedenhoft Murphy


The "democratic soldier" [electronic resource] : comparing concepts and practices in Europe / Sabine Mannitz

Mannitz, Sabine


Soziologische Theorien kompakt [electronic resource] / von Martin Endreß

Endress, Martin, author


Lanthanum chloride impairs spatial learning and memory by inducing [Ca2+]m overload, mitochondrial fission–fusion disorder and excessive mitophagy in hippocampal nerve cells of rats

Metallomics, 2020, 12,592-606
DOI: 10.1039/C9MT00291J, Paper
Miao Yu, Jinghua Yang, Xiang Gao, Wenchang Sun, Shiyu Liu, Yarao Han, Xiaobo Lu, Cuihong Jin, Shengwen Wu, Yuan Cai
Lanthanum chloride damages hippocampal nerve cells of rats through inducing [Ca2+]m overload, mitochondrial fission–fusion disorder, and excessive mitophagy.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Copper accumulation and the effect of chelation treatment on cerebral amyloid angiopathy compared to parenchymal amyloid plaques

Metallomics, 2020, 12,539-546
DOI: 10.1039/C9MT00306A, Paper
Xiayoue Zhu, Tiffany W. Victor, Ashwin Ambi, Joseph K. Sullivan, Joshua Hatfield, Feng Xu, Lisa M. Miller, William E. Van Nostrand
Multimodal imaging studies show that Aβ amyloid in brain vessels of Tg2576 mice (green) preferentially binds copper (red) – a pathology that can be reduced with copper chelators.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Comparative differential cuproproteomes of Rhodobacter capsulatus reveal novel copper homeostasis related proteins

Metallomics, 2020, 12,572-591
DOI: 10.1039/C9MT00314B, Paper
Nur Selamoglu, Özlem Önder, Yavuz Öztürk, Bahia Khalfaoui-Hassani, Crysten E. Blaby-Haas, Benjamin A. Garcia, Hans-Georg Koch, Fevzi Daldal
Cuproproteome of model bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus reveals 75 Cu-responsive proteins that are strongly influenced (2–300 fold) by Cu availability.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Investigation of the impact of magnesium versus titanium implants on protein composition in osteoblast by label free quantification

Metallomics, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0MT00028K, Paper
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
M. Omidi, N. Ahmad Agha, A. Müller, F. Feyerabend, H. Helmholz, R. Willumeit-Römer, H. Schlüter, B. J. C. Luthringer-Feyerabend
To our knowledge, this is the first report describing and comparing the effects of magnesium and titanium biomaterials on human osteoblast proteome.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A Companion to the Harlem Renaissance


A Companion to the Harlem Renaissance presents a comprehensive collection of original essays that address the literature and culture of the Harlem Renaissance from the end of World War I to the middle of the 1930s.



Study quantifies impact of NCI-sponsored trials on clinical cancer care

Nearly half of phase 3 cancer clinical trials carried out by the NCI-sponsored SWOG Cancer Research Network were associated with clinical care guidelines or new drug approvals, a study in JAMA Network Open shows.


Report on the impact of inauthentic art and craft in the style of First Nations peoples / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs, author, issuing body


Gang Ao fei ying li zu zhi fa zhan bi jiao yan jiu = A comparative study on NPO in Hong Kong and Macao / Li Xiyuan, Yao Shuheng bian zhu

Li, Xiyuan, author


COVID-19: 16 companies get funds for R&D work

The department of biotechnology has granted funds to 16 companies for developing drugs, vaccines and devices to fight the Covid-19 pandemic as India looks to speed up the process of tackling the disease.


Carlyle set to buy animal health company Sequent Scientific

Carlyle is expected to first buy around 50% stake from the promoters and their families at Rs 85-90 a share, or a 7-10% premium to the current market price, and then launch an open offer to the minority investors.


Podcast: The impact of legal pot on opioid abuse, and a very early look at a fetus’s genome

This week, news writer Greg Miller chats with us about how the legalization of marijuana in certain U.S. states is having an impact on the nation’s opioid problem. Plus, Sarah Crespi talks to Sascha Drewlo about a new method for profiling the DNA of fetuses very early on in pregnancy.   [Image: OpenRangeStock/iStockphoto/Music: Jeffrey Cook] ++   Authors: Sarah Crespi; Alexa Billow


Podcast: Giant virus genetics, human high-altitude adaptations, and quantifying the impact of government-funded science

This week, viruses as remnants of a fourth domain of life, a scan of many Tibetan genomes reveals seven new genes potentially related to high-altitude life, and doubts about dark energy with Online News Editor David Grimm. Danielle Li joins Sarah Crespi to discuss her study quantifying the impact of government funding on innovation by linking patents to U.S. National Institutes of Health grants. Listen to previous podcasts. Download the show transcript. Transcripts courtesy of [Image: artubo/iStockphoto; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Chimpanzee retirement gains momentum, and x-ray ‘ghost images’ could cut radiation doses

Two of the world’s most famous research chimpanzees have finally retired. Hercules and Leo arrived at a chimp sanctuary in Georgia last week. Sarah Crespi checks in with Online News Editor David Grimm on the increasing momentum for research chimp retirement since the primates were labeled endangered species in 2015. Sarah also interviews freelancer Sophia Chen about her piece on x-ray ghost imaging—a technique that may lead to safer medical imaging done with cheap, single-pixel cameras. David Malakoff joins Sarah to talk about the big boost in U.S. science funding signed into law over the weekend. Finally, Jen Golbeck interviews author Stephanie Elizabeth Mohr on her book First in Fly: Drosophila Research and Biological Discovery for our monthly books segment. This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Listen to previous podcasts. [Image: Crystal Alba/Project Chimps; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


The first midsize black holes, and the environmental impact of global food production

Astronomers have been able to detect supermassive black holes and teeny-weeny black holes but the midsize ones have been elusive. Now, researchers have scanned through archives looking for middle-size galaxies and found traces of these missing middlers. Host Sarah Crespi and Staff Writer Daniel Clery discuss why they were so hard to find in the first place, and what it means for our understanding of black hole formation. Farming animals and plants for human consumption is a massive operation with a big effect on the planet. A new research project that calculated the environmental impact of global food production shows highly variable results for different foods—and for the same foods grown in different locations. Sarah talks with one of the researchers—Joseph Poore of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom—about how understanding this diversity can help cut down food production’s environmental footprint and help consumers make better choices. This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Listen to previous podcasts. [Image: Miltos Gikas/Flickr; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Product :: Brand Flip, The: Why customers now run companies and how to profit from it


Product :: Brand Flip, The: Why customers now run companies and how to profit from it


A Companion to Adorno


A definitive contribution to scholarship on Adorno, bringing together the foremost experts in the field

As one of the leading continental philosophers of the last century, and one of the pioneering members of the Frankfurt School, Theodor W. Adorno is the author of numerous influential—and at times quite radical—works on diverse topics in aesthetics, social theory, moral philosophy, and the history of modern philosophy, all of which concern the contradictions



Companion to Women's and Gender Studies


A comprehensive overview of the interdisciplinary field of Women's and Gender Studies, featuring original contributions from leading experts from around the world

The Companion to Women's and Gender Studies is a comprehensive resource for students and scholars alike, exploring the central concepts, theories, themes, debates, and events in this dynamic field. Contributions from leading scholars and researchers cover a wide range of topics while providing



Comparison of surfactant-mediated liquid chromatographic modes with sodium dodecyl sulphate for the analysis of basic drugs

Anal. Methods, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0AY00526F, Paper
N. Pankajkumar-Patel, E. Peris-García, M. J. Ruiz-Angel, M. C. García-Alvarez-Coque
A comprehensive overview of the performance of MLC, HSLC and MELC for the analysis of basic compounds.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


North American borders in comparative perspective [electronic resource] / edited by Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera and Victor Konrad.

Tucson : University of Arizona Press, 2020.


The Work of Raymond J. Carroll [electronic resource] : The Impact and Influence of a Statistician / edited by Marie Davidian, Xihong Lin, Jeffrey S. Morris, Leonard A. Stefanski

Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2014


Stochastic Processes - Inference Theory [electronic resource] / by Malempati M. Rao

Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2014


Impact of new and emerging information and communications technology / Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement

Australia. Parliament. Joint Committee on Law Enforcement, author, issuing body


Cybersecurity (McFarland & Company)


Rütteldruckverdichtung als Plastodynamisches Problem: Deep vibration compaction as plastodynamic problem / W. Fellin

Online Resource


Benchmarking and comparative meeasurement for effective performance management by transportation agencies / Joe Crossett, Anna Batista, Hyun-A Park, Hugh Louch, and Kim Voros

Barker Library - TE7.N275 no.902


The sand compaction pile method / Masaki Kitazume

Online Resource


Impacts of policy-induced freight modal shifts / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Jack Faucett Associates, Inc

Barker Library - HE199.A2 I366 2019