
IBM se suma a Movimiento STEM para promover la educación en Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas en México

IBM suma esfuerzos con Movimiento STEM, una asociación civil sin fines de lucro que busca involucrar a diferentes actores sociales para impulsar la educación en México en Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, con enfoque de género.


Presenta IBM nueva generación de almacenamiento Flash para acelerar la analítica de grandes volúmenes de datos

IBM anunció dos nuevas soluciones de almacenamiento empresarial completamente basadas en tecnología flash, las cuales ofrecen avanzada eficiencia e incremento en desempeño, así como una sobresaliente confiabilidad para ayudar a reducir costos, y acelerar infraestructuras y aplicaciones con manejo intensivo de datos.


Devela IBM mitos sobre la generación del Milenio

Un nuevo estudio de IBM pone en entredicho algunas de las creencias que se tienen acerca de la generación del Milenio. Según el estudio elaborado por la Compañía, los nacidos en la Era Digital no son “ni perezosos, ni egoístas, ni superficiales” y aconseja a las empresas detenerse a conocer qué motiva a cada empleado para poder así maximizar sus cualidades únicas.


IBM ayuda a generar nuevos modelos de negocio con tecnología de análisis de la movilidad

Seguridad, aplicaciones estratégicas y analítica móvil son clave para que las organizaciones inteligentes mejoren sus resultados


IBM to Power New Generation Radio Telescope and Help Probe the Origins of the Universe

IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced today that the Victoria University of Wellington, on behalf of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) Consortium, has selected IBM systems technology to help scientists probe the origins of the universe.


98% de la Generación Z prefiere comprar en una tienda física antes que online

La Generación Z, conocida también como la primera generación “digitalmente nativa” (aquellos nacidos entre 1995 y 2010), replanteará los nuevos hábitos de consumo. El estudio ‘Uniquely Generation Z’, publicado por IBM (NYSE: IBM) y la Federación Nacional de Retail -NRF por sus siglas en inglés- encontró que el 98% de los jóvenes de esta generación prefiere comprar en tiendas físicas antes que online.


IBM presenta pequeño sensor de uñas con inteligencia artificial y anuncia una alianza con la Fundación Michael J. Fox para comprender mejor y predecir la progresión de la enfermedad de Parkinson

La enfermedad de Parkinson es un trastorno neurológico degenerativo crónico que afecta a una de cada 100 personas mayores de 60 años. Se estima que más de 5 millones de personas en el mundo tienen Parkinson y el número está aumentando con la población actual que envejece.


Estudio de IBM indica que 64% de los Directores de Marketing estará listo para adoptar Inteligencia Artificial en los próximos 3 años

IBM reveló un nuevo estudio acerca de la manera en que los profesionales de marketing y ventas están adoptando soluciones cognitivas o de Inteligencia Artificial (IA). A pesar de que el 64% de los Directores de Marketing -CMOs por sus siglas en inglés- y líderes de ventas encuestados cree que sus industrias estarán listas para adoptar ese tipo de tecnologías en los próximos tres años, sólo 24% de los encuestados cree que tiene una estrategia establecida para hacerlo en la actualidad.


IBM lanza Watson Virtual Agent en español para ayudar a las empresas a construir su propio agente virtual

IBM presenta Watson Virtual Agent en español, una solución que permite a las empresas construir un agente virtual para atención al cliente, flexible y fácil de configurar y adecuada a las necesidades de los negocios.


IBM y MIT Emprenden Investigación Conjunta en Inteligencia Artificial y Establecen el Laboratorio de IA MIT-IBM Watson

IBM y el Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT) anunciaron los planes de IBM para realizar una inversión de 240 millones de dólares por 10 años a fin de crear el Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificia MIT-IBM Watson. El laboratorio llevará a cabo investigaciones fundamentales de IA y buscará impulsar avances científicos que desbloqueen su potencial. La colaboración tiene como objetivo avanzar en el desarrollo del hardware, el software y los algoritmos de IA relacionados con el aprendizaje profundo y otras áreas, aumentar el impacto de la misma en industrias tales como el cuidado de la salud y la seguridad cibernética, así como explorar sus implicaciones económicas y éticas en la sociedad. La inversión de IBM de 240 millones de dólares en el laboratorio apoyará la investigación de científicos de IBM y del MIT.


IBM da un gran paso para abrir la caja negra de la inteligencia artificial

IBM (NYSE: IBM) presentó hoy una tecnología que da a las organizaciones nueva transparencia en inteligencia artificial (IA), permitiéndoles aprovechar más plenamente su potencial.


LUZi, aplicación que lucha contra la mortalidad materna e infantil con ayuda de la Inteligencia Artificial de IBM

PROESAH – asociación civil formada por un grupo de doctores, profesores y alumnos de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero-, anunció el día de hoy el lanzamiento de una aplicación llamada LUZi, que utiliza tecnología de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) de IBM para analizar el riesgo obstétrico. El objetivo del proyecto es reducir la mortalidad materna e infantil en las comunidades rurales de Guerrero, México.


Inteligencia artificial de IBM para repensar la fuerza laboral moderna

La inteligencia artificial (IA) promete transformar tanto el futuro del trabajo como la función de Recursos Humanos (RRHH). Alineado con esta premisa, IBM (NYSE: IBM) anunció hoy IBM Talent & Transformation, una nueva unidad destinada a ayudar a las organizaciones y a sus empleados a tener éxito en la era de la inteligencia artificial y la automatización.


Habilita IBM el Crecimiento de las Organizaciones en una Era más Inteligente

Habilita IBM el Crecimiento de las Organizaciones en una Era más Inteligente


Ecodex incrementa servicios de certificación tributaria para empresas con soluciones inteligentes de IBM

La empresa se afianza como líder de Proveedores Autorizados de Certificación (PAC) y logra procesar grandes volúmenes de transacciones de manera sencilla


IBM expande la plataforma IBM Watson para la nueva generación de desarrolladores y despliega la mayor oferta de APIs cognitivas

IBM anunció la expansión de la mayor y más diversa oferta de APIs, tecnologías y herramientas cognitivas para los desarrolladores que están creando servicios, productos y aplicaciones que se integran con IBM Watson.


IBM anuncia nueva gerente general en América Latina

IBM anunció hoy que Ana Paula Assis ha sido nombrada gerente general para IBM América Latina. Ana Paula será responsable por la estrategia de negocios de la compañía y el desarrrollo de sus profesionales, y trabajará con los clientes y el mercado para ayudar a acelerar la transformación digital y la adopción de inteligencia artificial y nuevos modelos cognitivos en la región.


IBM México nombra nuevo Presidente y Gerente General

IBM México anunció hoy el nombramiento de Eduardo Gutiérrez como Presidente y Gerente General de la compañía en el país. El directivo mexicano sucederá a Antonio Martins, quien ha sido nombrado Presidente de IBM Brasil.


Grupo Cleber obtiene una visión inteligente de su negocio automotriz con analítica de IBM

IBM y Grupo Cleber anunciaron hoy que el importante conglomerado automotriz con sede en Monterrey obtuvo una visión integral y regional de su negocio con soluciones de analítica de IBM.


Servidores Linux de IBM, diseñados para acelerar inteligencia artificial, conocimiento profundo y analítica avanzada

IBM (NYSE: IBM) reveló hoy una serie de nuevos servidores diseñados para potenciar las cargas de trabajo cognitivas y elevar la eficiencia en el centro de cómputo. Con un nuevo chip, la línea basada en Linux incorpora innovaciones de la comunidad OpenPOWER que ofrecen mayores niveles de desempeño y mayor eficiencia de cómputo que los disponibles en cualquier servidor basado sobre x86.


New Zealand app developer overhauls emergency alert system on IBM Cloud

IBM announced that New Zealand-based application developer and emergency network provider, CLOUD M, has migrated its emergency alert tools and system to IBM Cloud for greater reliability and performance.


IBM optimise "Watson Anywhere" avec de nouveaux clients et des innovations conçues pour rendre encore plus facile la mise à l'échelle de l'intelligence artificielle sur tous les types de cloud

Reconnaissant que les entreprises mettent du temps à adopter l'intelligence artificielle, en partie à cause de la complexité croissante des données, IBM (NYSE : IBM) dévoile aujourd'hui de nouvelles innovations qui optimisent son approche Watson Anywhere pour mettre à l'échelle l'intelligence artificielle sur tous les types de cloud, et de permettre à une multitude de clients de tirer parti de la stratégie pour intégrer l'intelligence artificielle à leurs données, où qu'elles se trouvent.


Lignes de Nazca et Intelligence Artificielle : IBM découvre des indices de taille pour résoudre un des plus anciens mystères archéologiques

Cette semaine, des chercheurs d’IBM Research et de l’Université de Yamagata au Japon ont annoncé leur collaboration pour utiliser l’IA d’IBM, couplée à des algorithmes de machine learning et des données géospatiales, afin d’en découvrir davantage à propos de ces mystérieux anciens géoglyphes. Grâce à IBM Power Systems, ce partenariat a déjà abouti à la découverte d’un nouveau géoglyphe à figure humaine avec trois éléments décoratifs sur la tête, le premier grâce à l’IA.


La BRED déploie un projet d’intelligence artificielle avec IBM Watson pour la gestion des e-mails des conseillers

La BRED déploie IBM Watson, disponible sur le cloud public d’IBM, pour traiter plus rapidement les demandes de ses clients avec une solution d’analyseur d’e-mails.


Avec son palmarès annuel, IBM célèbre les femmes leaders du monde entier qui façonnent l'avenir de l'Intelligence Artificielle

IBM met à l’honneur 35 femmes exceptionnelles issues de 12 pays, alors qu'une nouvelle enquête mondiale démontre les bénéfices de la diversité pour l'IA - en notant que du travail reste à faire pour combler l'écart entre les genres.


Cloud : - IBM apporte de nouveaux services de divertissement à domicile avec la télévision intelligente de Philips - IBM et Vodafone lancent l’initiative Smarter Home

IBM annonce aujourd’hui que son nouveau cloud pour les fabricants d’appareils électroniques fournira à la TV connectée de Philips de nouveaux services internet, afin de proposer une gamme de services plus interactifs à des millions de téléspectateurs dans plus de 30 pays en Europe, mais aussi au Brésil et en Argentine.

  • Global Business Solutions


Bendigo and Adelaide Bank adopts next-gen storage systems for customer service growth

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that Bendigo and Adelaide Bank has selected IBM XIV Storage System Gen3 as a key infrastructure component for its ongoing development and delivery of customer-focussed business applications.


NEHTA Selects IBM to Secure the National E-Health Agenda

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced it has been awarded a $23.6M dollar contract with the National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA) to design and build Australia’s National Authentication Service for Health (NASH) project.


Country energy to tackle carbon emissions through development of intelligent network with IBM

Country Energy, manager of Australia's largest power network, today announced a global collaboration with IBM (NYSE: IBM) aimed at developing and deploying an Intelligent Network in Australia.


Woodside Energy and IBM to leverage current and emerging technologies like AI and Quantum computing to realise vision of an “Intelligent Plant”

Woodside Energy and IBM will work together to re-imagine the way work is done using next-generation technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing to help Woodside realise its vision of an “intelligent plant”.


Sample GL Carriger's The 5th Gender Audiobook!

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News From GenCon 2019

When Chris and I were at GenCon this year, we had the chance to sit down with a few of our favorite publishers for some 1 on 1 interviews and get information on upcoming releases from their catalog. I wanted to share some of this info with you guys to aid you in planning your board game purchases. 

Japanime Games

Domina Anthology featuring Argot, Miraris, and Pralaya (2019 4th quarter or 2020 1st quarter expected Kickstarter delivery then retail release) .
This anthology of games from Japanime is illustrated by Qtonagi and features games originally released by Domina from 2015-2017. Argoat is a worker placement game in which players travel trough the land looking for pieces to get to Eden and escape the nightmare of their current reality (bonus – it’s colorblind friendly). Pralaya is  competitive press your luck set collection game reminiscent of Forbidden Island in which your island is sinking and you must collect relics and pay the boatman to get off the island before it sinks. Miraris is a competitive bidding social game in which a row of cards equal to the number of players is established. All players choose a card from their hand and then all chosen cards are revealed simultaneously and placed in numerical order in a new row above the existing row of cards. Players get to claim the card from the initial row located underneath their number. If more than 1 player has revealed the same number, none of them get to claim a card. Also, there are secret objectives involved. Note: Japanime is taking pre-orders for the Domina Anthology on the Kickstarter page here:

Tanto Cuore 10th Anniversary Edition (coming to Kickstarter in the near term. Exact date TBD).

Core Connection: Rise of Atlantis (straight to retail release 2020 1st quarter). Atlantis is rising and player must stop robots from taking over. Tableau building game. Pre-order here:

Finally, while details are still tightly under wraps, Japanime did let me in on the news that they are developing some non anime board games centered on themes of Japan such as Japanese cuisine. These will be a mix of Kickstarter and straight to retail offerings in 2020 and beyond.

Calliope Games

Ship Shape (out now; released at GenCon). This game, designed by Rob Daviau, centers on strategically arranging crates in the hull of a cargo ship in a attempt to earn the most victory points.
Scoring is based on what you can see in the hold when viewing directly from above. The game includes friendly catch-up mechanisms. The story goes that Rob had a loose idea in mind for a packing game but it wasn’t fully developed until after Calliope approached him and asked him to design a game for their audience (Calliope focuses exclusively on family friendly gateway games that can be played in under an hour and accommodate 2-6 players) .

Tsuro (originally released 10 years ago; Calliope still enjoys healthy sales of the game that started it all; expect to see 10th Anniversary press and promos forthcoming).

Spymaster (estimated retail release 2019 3rd quarter). Players take on the role of spy agency chiefs attempting to accomplish their missions.

Everyone Loves a Parade (estimated retail release 2019 3rd quarter). In this dice rolling game, players compete to create the best parade float.

Tsuro: Phoenix Rising (estimated retail release 2019 4th quarter). 3rd and latest release in Tsuro line.


Paris New Eden (will be released at Essen 2019). In this medium-weight worker placement dice game, players navigate a post-apocalyptic Paris landscape, attempting to use survivors to rebuild the city.

Kolossol Games

Omen: Heir to the Dunes (coming to Kickstarter 2019 3rd quarter). This is the latest release in the Omen series. A standalone expansion,  it’s the largest edition to the series since Omen: Reign of War that was released in 2011. It is set in ancient Egypt and introduces factions and structures.

Almanac (coming to Kickstarter date TBD) is a choose your own adventure system resource management game.

Renegade Game Studios

There are so many recently released and upcoming games coming out from Renegade that I’m going to break them down by quarter.

Recently Released

Proving Grounds is the first release in the solo hero series. These are immersive narrative dice games designed for solo mode. A novella or graphic novel is include with each release for full engagement.

Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated (not to be confused with the Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated - Upper Management Pack that is also out now). This game introduces legacy elements into Clank! . Players can create a franchise of the Aquisitions Incorporated company and steer the franchise in a direction toward victory.

2019 3rd Quarter

The Aquicorn Cove Board Game is based on a graphic novel. It has an environmental theme and features water dwelling unicorns. It’s a step up in complexity from the Tea Dragon Society card game but still family friendly and features a bit of the press your luck mechanism.

ClipCut Parks is a twist on the roll and write genre. It’s a roll and cut game and includes the required scissors. Players compete to build parks.

Gates of Delirium is the latest game from the designers of Lotus (Jordan and Mandy Goddard). Players take on the role of investigators exploring a map and trying to keep gates that hold back horrible monsters (from the H.P. Lovecraft universe of creatures) from opening. At least that’s what they do while they are sane. Actions available to players differ based on their mental state of sane or insane. When players are insane, they work to open the gates. Note: We had the chance to play this with one of the designers overseeing and available to answer questions at Renegade Rally during GenCon and I LOVED IT. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy and get it on the table to give you guys a more thorough report.

2019 4th Quarter

Paladins of the West Kingdom is the second strategy game in the West Kingdom trilogy. It ships to Kickstarter backers in the 3rd quarter of 2019 but won’t be available in retail stores until the 4th quarter. This one will be a heavier game than Architects and features engine building as a path to victory.

Clank! In! Space!: Cyber Station 11 is the latest expansion for Clank in Space. I don’t have a lot of details on this upcoming release but I assume if you’ve been a fan of the previous CIS expansions, this one will not disappoint.

2020 1st Quarter

Fox in the Forest Duet. The follow up to the widely popular 2 player trick taking game Fox in the Forest, this new release is a cooperative trick taking game for 2 players.

Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne is a player vs player deck builder currently available from Renegade. The second title in the series will be released in the 1st quarter of 2020 with organized play kits for in store play also available.

Warp’s Edge by Scott Almes will be the second release in the solo hero series I described above.

In development for 2020 and beyond (no specific quarter details given)

Vampire: the MasqueradeChapters is a narrative role playing board game for up to 4 players.
It includes detailed miniatures and you can track the Kickstarter launch here:

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid. Ok, so there is a detailed description of this upcoming release on the Renegade web site as well as on BGG but they lost me at Power Rangers so I couldn’t find the motivation to go look this up.

Gods of Metal RPG. I don’t have many details on this title but the slideshow presentation during the Renegade Rally was quite impressive. There a decent overlap between heavy metal music fans and RPG fans and Renegade has that intersection on the Venn diagram in mind with this release. What I do know is that you’re definitely going to want to curate a kick-ass soundtrack to play alongside this.

Wardlings RPG. In partnership with WizKids, every character has a familiar who whisks them away when their life is in danger (no death=kid-friendly). When a character is whisked away they wake up the next morning in their bed a year older. Eventually characters age out of the thematic setting and can be shifted to a standard D&D RPG.  This RPG was actually first announced back in March and the press release has more details.

Finally, there is a new title coming out set in the Scott Pilgrim universe featuring minis. There aren’t a lot of details available on it but if you loved the graphic novel or the 2010 movie, my guess is you will want to be all over this.


NEWS: We'll be at Yaoi Generation 2017!

Bonjour! Je serai l'invité d'honneur à Yaoi Generation.

October 21st, Lausanne, Switzerland

This is the event's first year and I think it will be very special! I am not able to visit abroad often, so if you are able to come, I hope we can meet!

I look forward to seeing everyone soon! <3 -Hamlet


How to Respond to the National Emergency

CEOs of the major Wall Street banks have been summoned to the White House to discuss the coronavirus...


It’s Morally Intolerable for the Privileged to Profit from this Emergency

Societies gripped by cataclysmic wars, depressions, or pandemics can become acutely sensitive to...


24 Things, or so the legend goes. Probably nonsense. Thing 14.

Also drawn for the tour show. And also animated, though that was done by the excellent Chris Lincé, not by me.

And indeed not in Salford. Because in Salford, the computer that we run the show on froze at the start of the Kirates sketch, and Simon and I had to stick our heads round the back cloth and do it live. Whilst in the middle of changing into our red trousers...


U.S. Financial System “Monitor” Failed to Flash Warning as Fed Pumped $6 Trillion Emergency Liquidity into Wall Street

U.S. Financial System “Monitor” Failed to Flash Warning as Fed Pumped $6 Trillion Emergency Liquidity into Wall Street

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 8, 2020 ~  The Office of Financial Research (OFR) was created under the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010 to keep the Financial Stability Oversight Council (F-SOC) informed on emerging threats that have the potential to implode the financial system — as occurred in 2008 in the worst financial crash since the Great Depression. The Trump administration has gutted both its funding and staff. One of the early warning systems of an impending financial crisis that OFR was supposed to have created is the heat map above. Green means low risk; yellow tones mean moderate risk; while red tones flash a warning of a serious problem. On September 17, 2019, liquidity was so strained on Wall Street that the Federal Reserve had to step in and began providing hundreds of billions of dollars per week in repo loans. By January 27, 2020 (before … Continue reading



173 gestrande Belgen eindelijk thuis na quarantaine in Tenerife: “Regering liet ons aan ons lot over. We hebben twee maanden op ons terras moeten doorbrengen” - Het Laatste Nieuws

  1. 173 gestrande Belgen eindelijk thuis na quarantaine in Tenerife: “Regering liet ons aan ons lot over. We hebben twee maanden op ons terras moeten doorbrengen”  Het Laatste Nieuws
  2. 173 gestrande Belgen eindelijk thuis na quarantaine in Tenerife: “Regering heeft te weinig gedaan!”  Het Laatste Nieuws
  3. Na quarantaine in Tenerife: 173 Belgen eindelijk weer thuis  De Morgen
  4. Belgen die vastzaten op Tenerife charterden zelf vliegtuig naar huis  De Standaard
  5. West-Vlaming regelt repatriëring gestrande Belgen  Focus en WTV
  6. Hele verhaal bekijken via Google Nieuws