
Crystal structures of sixteen phosphane chalcogenide complexes of gold(I) chloride, bromide and iodide

The structures of 16 phosphane chalcogenide complexes of gold(I) halides, with the general formula R13-nR2nPEAuX (R1 = t-butyl; R2 = isopropyl; n = 0 to 3; E = S or Se; X = Cl, Br or I), are presented. The eight possible chlorido derivatives are: 1a, n = 3, E = S; 2a, n = 2, E = S; 3a, n = 1, E = S; 4a, n = 0, E = S; 5a, n = 3, E = Se; 6a, n = 2, E = Se; 7a, n = 1, E = Se; and 8a, n = 0, E = Se, and the corresponding bromido derivatives are 1b–8b in the same order. However, 2a and 2b were badly disordered and 8a was not obtained. The iodido derivatives are 2c, 6c and 7c (numbered as for the series a and b). All structures are solvent-free and all have Z' = 1 except for 6b and 6c (Z' = 2). All mol­ecules show the expected linear geometry at gold and approximately tetra­hedral angles P—E—Au. The presence of bulky ligands forces some short intra­molecular contacts, in particular H⋯Au and H⋯E. The Au—E bond lengths have a slight but consistent tendency to be longer when trans to a softer X ligand, and vice versa. The five compounds 1a, 5a, 6a, 1b and 5b form an isotypic set, despite the different alkyl groups in 6a. Compounds 3a/3b, 4b/8b and 6b/6c form isotypic pairs. The crystal packing can be analysed in terms of various types of secondary inter­actions, of which the most frequent are `weak' hydrogen bonds from methine hydrogen atoms to the halogenido ligands. For the structure type 1a, H⋯X and H⋯E contacts combine to form a layer structure. For 3a/3b, the packing is almost featureless, but can be described in terms of a double-layer structure involving borderline H⋯Cl/Br and H⋯S contacts. In 4a and 4b/8b, which lack methine groups, Cmeth­yl—H⋯X contacts combine to form layer structures. In 7a/7b, short C—H⋯X inter­actions form chains of mol­ecules that are further linked by association of short Au⋯Se contacts to form a layer structure. The packing of compound 6b/6c can conveniently be analysed for each independent mol­ecule separately, because they occupy different regions of the cell. Mol­ecule 1 forms chains in which the mol­ecules are linked by a Cmethine⋯Au contact. The mol­ecules 2 associate via a short Se⋯Se contact and a short H⋯X contact to form a layer structure. The packing of compound 2c can be described in terms of two short Cmethine—H⋯I contacts, which combine to form a corrugated ribbon structure. Compound 7c is the only compound in this paper to feature Au⋯Au contacts, which lead to twofold-symmetric dimers. Apart from this, the packing is almost featureless, consisting of layers with only translation symmetry except for two very borderline Au⋯H contacts.


Synthesis, crystal structure and thermal properties of di­bromido­bis­(2-methyl­pyridine N-oxide-κO)cobalt(II)

Reaction of CoBr2 with 2-methyl­pyridine N-oxide in n-butanol leads to the formation of the title compound, [CoBr2(C6H7NO)2] or [CoBr2(2-methyl­pyridine N-oxide)2]. Its asymmetric unit consists of one CoII cation as well as two bromide anions and two 2-methyl­pyridine N-oxide coligands in general positions. The CoII cations are tetra­hedrally coordinated by two bromide anions and two 2-methyl­pyridine N-oxides, forming discrete complexes. In the crystal structure, these complexes are linked predominantly by weak C–H⋯Br hydrogen bonding into chains that propagate along the crystallographic a-axis. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) measurements indicate that a pure phase was obtained. Thermoanalytical investigations prove that the title compound melts before decomposition; before melting, a further endothermic signal of unknown origin was observed that does not correspond to a phase transition.


[4-(2-Aminoethyl)morpholine-κ2N,N']di­bromidocadmium(II): synthesis, crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis

The title compound, [CdBr2(C6H14N2O)], was synthesized upon complexation of 4-(2-aminoethyl)morpholine and cadmium(II) bromide tetra­hydrate at 303 K. It crystallizes as a centrosymmetric dimer, with one cadmium atom, two bromine atoms and one N,N'-bidentate 4-(2-aminoethyl)morpholine ligand in the asymmetric unit. The metal atom is six-coordinated and has a distorted octa­hedral geometry. In the crystal, O⋯Cd inter­actions link the dimers into a polymeric double chain and inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds form R22(6) ring motifs. Further C—H⋯Br and N—H⋯Br hydrogen bonds link the components into a three-dimensional network. As the N—H⋯Br hydrogen bonds are shorter than the C—H⋯Br inter­actions, they have a larger effect on the packing. A Hirshfeld surface analysis reveals that the largest contributions to the packing are from H⋯H (46.1%) and Br⋯H/H⋯Br (38.9%) inter­actions with smaller contributions from the O⋯H/H⋯O (4.7%), Br⋯Cd/Cd⋯Br (4.4%), O⋯Cd/Cd⋯O (3.5%), Br⋯Br (1.1%), Cd⋯H/H⋯Cd (0.9%), Br⋯O/O⋯Br (0.3%) and O⋯N/N⋯O (0.1%) contacts.


Crystal structures of ten phosphane chalcogenide complexes of gold(III) chloride and bromide

The structures of ten phosphane chalcogenide complexes of gold(III) halides, with general formula R13–nR2nPEAuX3 (R1 = t-butyl; R2 = i-propyl; n = 0 to 3; E = S or Se; X = Cl or Br) are presented. The eight possible chlorido derivatives are: 9a, n = 3, E = S; 10a, n = 2, E = S; 11a, n = 1, E = S; 12a, n = 0, E = S; 13a, n = 3, E = Se; 14a, n = 2, E = Se; 15a, n = 1, E = Se; and 16a, n = 0, E = Se, and the corresponding bromido derivatives are 9b–16b in the same order. Structures were obtained for 9a, 10a (and a second polymorph 10aa), 11a (and its deutero­chloro­form monosolvate 11aa), 12a (as its di­chloro­methane monosolvate), 14a, 15a (as its deutero­chloro­form monosolvate 15aa, in which the solvent mol­ecule is disordered over two positions), 9b, 11b, 13b and 15b. The structures of 11a, 15a, 11b and 15b form an isotypic set, and those of compounds 10aa and 14a form an isotypic pair. All structures have Z' = 1. The gold(III) centres show square-planar coordination geometry and the chalcogenide atoms show approximately tetra­hedral angles (except for the very wide angle in 12a, probably associated with the bulky t-butyl groups). The bond lengths at the gold atoms are lengthened with respect to the known gold(I) derivatives, and demonstrate a considerable trans influence of S and Se donor atoms on a trans Au—Cl bond. Each compound with an isopropyl group shows a short intra­molecular contact of the type C—Hmethine⋯Xcis; these may be regarded as intra­molecular ‘weak’ hydrogen bonds, and they determine the orientation of the AuX3 groups. The mol­ecular packing is analysed in terms of various short contacts such as weak hydrogen bonds C—H⋯X and contacts between the heavier atoms, such as X⋯X (9a, 10aa, 11aa, 15aa and 9b), S⋯S (10aa, 11a and 12a) and S⋯Cl (10a). The packing of the polymorphs 10a and 10aa is thus quite different. The solvent mol­ecules take part in C—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds; for 15aa, a disordered solvent region at z ≃ 0 is observed. Structure 13b involves unusual inversion-symmetric dimers with Se⋯Au and Se⋯Br contacts, further connected by Br⋯Br contacts.


Synthesis, crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of bromido­tetra­kis­[5-(prop-2-en-1-yl­sulf­an­yl)-1,3,4-thia­diazol-2-amine-κN3]copper(II) bromide

A novel cationic complex, bromido­tetra­kis­[5-(prop-2-en-1-ylsulfan­yl)-1,3,4-thia­diazol-2-amine-κN3]copper(II) bromide, [CuBr](C5H7N3S2)4Br, was synthesized. The complex crystallizes with fourfold mol­ecular symmetry in the tetra­gonal space group P4/n. The CuII atom exhibits a square-pyramidal coord­ination geometry. The Cu atom is located centrally within the complex, being coordinated by four nitro­gen atoms from four AAT mol­ecules, while a bromine anion is located at the apex of the pyramid. The amino H atoms of AAT inter­act with bromine from the inner and outer spheres, forming a two-dimensional network in the [100] and [010] directions. Hirshfeld surface analysis reveals that 33.7% of the inter­mol­ecular inter­actions are from H⋯H contacts, 21.2% are from S⋯H/H⋯S contacts, 13.4% are from S⋯S contacts and 11.0% are from C⋯H/H⋯C, while other contributions are from Br⋯H/H⋯Br and N⋯H/H⋯N contacts.


Crystal structures of tri­chlorido­(4-methyl­piperidine)gold(III) and two polymorphs of tri­bromido(4-methyl­piperidine)­gold(III)

Tri­chlorido­(4-methyl­piperidine)­gold(III), [AuCl3(C6H13N)], 1, crystallizes in Pbca with Z = 8. Tri­bromido­(4-methyl­piperidine)­gold(III), [AuBr3(C6H13N)], 2, crystallizes as two polymorphs, 2a in Pnma with Z = 4 (imposed mirror symmetry) and 2b, which is isotypic to 1. The Au—N bonds trans to Cl are somewhat shorter than those trans to Br, and the Au—Cl bonds trans to N are longer than those cis to N, whereas the Au—Br bonds trans to N are slightly shorter than the cis bonds. The methyl and AuX3 groups (X = halogen) occupy equatorial positions at the six-membered ring. The packing of all three structures involves chains of mol­ecules with offset stacking of the AuX3 moieties associated with short Au⋯X contacts; for 1 and 2b these are reinforced by N—H⋯X hydrogen bonds, whereas for 2a there are no classical hydrogen bonds and the chains are inter­connected by Br⋯Br contacts.


Dimeric ethyl­tin(IV)–dibromide–hydroxide–N,N-di­methyl­formamide

Di-μ-hydroxido-bis­[di­bromido­(di­methyl­formamide-κO)ethyl­tin(IV)], [Sn2Br4(C2H5)2(OH)2(C3H7NO)2], was prepared from ethyl­tin(IV) bromide and N,N-di­methyl­formamide (DMF) in air. The crystal structure exhibits the typical structural features of dimeric Lewis-base-stabilized monoorganotin(IV)–dihalide–hydroxides, RSnHal2(OH), i.e. two octa­hedrally coordinated Sn atoms are linked together via two bridging hydroxide groups, resulting in a centrosymmetric four-membered rhomboid-like Sn–OH ring with acute angles at the Sn atom, obtuse angles at the O atoms and two different tin–oxygen bond lengths. With the shorter bond trans to the ethyl group, this observation underlines once more the so-called trans-strengthening effect in monoorganotin(IV) com­pounds with octa­hedrally coordinated Sn atoms. Differences and similarities in the bond lengths and angles in the four-membered Sn–OH rings have been worked out for the rings in dimeric diorganotin(IV)–halide–hydroxides, [R2SnHal(OH)]2, and hydrates of dimeric tin(IV)–trihalide–hydroxide–aqua–hydrates, [SnHal3(OH)(H2O)]2·nH2O.


Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 2-bromo­ethyl­ammonium bromide – a possible side product upon synthesis of hybrid perovskites

This study presents the synthesis, characterization and Hirshfeld surface analysis of a small organic ammonium salt, C2H7BrN+·Br−. Small cations like the one in the title compound are considered promising components of hybrid perovskites, crucial for optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications. While the incorporation of this organic cation into various hybrid perovskite structures has been explored, its halide salt counterpart remains largely uninvestigated. The obtained structural results are valuable for the synthesis and phase analysis of hybrid perovskites. The title compound crystallizes in the solvent-free form in the centrosymmetric monoclinic space group P21/c, featuring one organic cation and one bromide anion in its asymmetric unit, with a torsion angle of −64.8 (2)° between the ammonium group and the bromine substituent, positioned in a gauche conformation. The crystal packing is predominantly governed by Br⋯H inter­actions, which constitute 62.6% of the overall close atom contacts.


Two chromium(II) acetate complexes with N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) coligands

Tetra­kis(μ-acetato-κ2O:O')bis­{[1,3-bis­(2,6-diiso­propyl­phen­yl)imidazol-2-yl­idene-κC2]chromium(II)} tetra­hydro­furan disolvate, [Cr2(C2H3O2)4(C27H36N4)2]·2C4H8O or [Cr2(OAc)4(IDipp)2]·2C4H8O (1), and tetra­kis­(μ-acetato-κ2O:O')bis­{[1,3-bis­(2,4,6-tri­methyl­phen­yl)imidazol-2-yl­idene-κC2]chromium(II)}, {Cr2(C2H3O2)4(C21H24N2)2] or [Cr2(OAc)4(IMes)2] (2), were synthesized from anhydrous chromium(II) acetate [Cr2(OAc)4] and the corresponding NHC (NHC = N-heterocyclic carbene) in toluene as solvent. Both complexes crystallize in the triclinic system, space group Poverline{1}. The mol­ecular structures consist of Cr2(OAc)4 paddle-wheels that carry two terminal NHC ligands. This leads to a square-pyramidal coordination of the chromium atoms.


Crystal structure of bis­(β-alaninium) tetra­bromidoplumbate

The title compound, poly[bis­(β-alaninium) [[di­bromido­plumbate]-di-μ-di­bromido]] {(C2H8NO2)2[PbBr4]}n or (β-AlaH)2PbBr4, crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/n. The (PbBr4)2− anion is located on a general position and has a two-dimensional polymeric structure. The Pb center is holodirected. The supra­molecular network is mainly based on O—H⋯Br, N—H⋯Br and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds.


Refinement of X-ray and electron diffraction crystal structures using analytical Fourier transforms of Slater-type atomic wavefunctions in Olex2

An implementation of Slater-type spherical scattering factors for X-ray and electron diffraction for elements in the range Z = 1–103 is presented within the software Olex2. Both high- and low-angle Fourier behaviour of atomic electron density and electrostatic potential can thus be addressed, in contrast to the limited flexibility of the four Gaussian plus constant descriptions which are currently the most widely used method for calculating atomic scattering factors during refinement. The implementation presented here accommodates the increasing complexity of the electronic structure of heavier elements by using complete atomic wavefunctions without any interpolation between precalculated tables or intermediate fitting functions. Atomic wavefunctions for singly charged ions are implemented and made accessible, and these show drastic changes in electron diffraction scattering factors compared with the neutral atom. A comparison between the two different spherical models of neutral atoms is presented as an example for four different kinds of X-ray and two electron diffraction structures, and comparisons of refinement results using the existing diffraction data are discussed. A systematic but slight improvement in R values and residual densities can be observed when using the new scattering factors, and this is discussed relative to effects on the atomic displacement parameters and atomic positions, which are prominent near the heavier elements in a structure.


The promise of GaAs 200 in small-angle neutron scattering for higher resolution

The Q resolution in Bonse–Hart double-crystal diffractometers is determined for a given Bragg angle by the value of the crystallographic structure factor. To date, the reflections Si 220 or Si 111 have been used exclusively in neutron scattering, which provide resolutions for triple-bounce crystals of about 2 × 10−5 Å−1 (FWHM). The Darwin width of the GaAs 200 reflection is about a factor of 10 smaller, offering the possibility of a Q resolution of 2 × 10−6 Å−1 provided crystals of sufficient quality are available. This article reports a feasibility study with single-bounce GaAs 200, yielding a Q resolution of 4.6 × 10−6 Å−1, six times superior in comparison with a Si 220 setup.


Gold Exploration Yields Promising Results, Extending Mineralization Over a Kilometer

Source: Streetwise Reports 11/06/2024

Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd. (GCC:CSE; GCCFF:OTC; A0RLEP:WKN; 3TZ:FSE) has reported encouraging results from its 2024 field campaign. Read more about the significant gold mineralization uncovered and the extension of known deposits by one kilometer.

Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd. (GCC:CSE; GCCFF:OTC; A0RLEP:WKN; 3TZ:FSE) has reported encouraging results from its 2024 field campaign. During the exploration, the company collected 16 rock samples from the Halo zone, North Hixon zone, and Pioneer area. These samples revealed promising gold mineralization in the region. Notable highlights from the Halo zone include grab samples from newly exposed outcrops, with assays reaching 8.47 g/t Au (grams per tonne, gold), 6.59 g/t Au, and 2.39 g/t Au. These samples were taken from altered andesite tuff with quartz-carbonate veins located approximately 101 meters northeast of the nearest drill collar.

Sampling near the Pioneer showing, situated one-kilometer north-northwest of the Halo zone, also returned assays of 1.13 g/t Au and 0.40 g/t Au. The fieldwork's findings have significantly extended the strike length of known gold mineralization by one kilometer and expanded the surface footprint of mineralization to the northeast. Despite challenging glacial cover, Golden Cariboo's team continues to uncover significant gold-bearing outcrops.

The report also underscored the strategic advantages of the property's location, infrastructure, and proximity to Highway 97, which reduces exploration and operational costs. Wortel detailed Golden Cariboo's drilling campaign, which includes results such as Hole QGQ24-013, which intersected 136.51 meters at 1.77 g/t gold, including a higher-grade interval of 23.89 meters at 3.32 g/t gold.

Valuation metrics from the report included a projected fair value of CA$0.40 per share, representing a 74% potential upside from the current trading price of CA$0.23, and doesn't include the added value from recent, significant exploration success. Despite acknowledging the high risks associated with early-stage exploration projects, Couloir Capital emphasized the long-term value potential in a Tier 1 mining jurisdiction, reinforced by the company's experienced management team and promising geological trends.

Frank Callaghan, President and CEO of Golden Cariboo, stated in the news release, "Although there is a lot of glacial cover on this project, our geologists still managed to find new gold-bearing outcrops in areas of great significance. We have now expanded the surface footprint of gold mineralization at the Halo zone to the northeast and increased the strike length of our gold trend. We're in a very large gold system that is being demonstrated by multiple, varied work programs."

Mining and Metals Market

On October 29, Kitco reported that gold prices had reached nearly US$2,800. This price represents a 35% increase for the year. The rise was attributed to multiple factors, including "geopolitical conflicts, Federal Reserve interest rate normalization, continued strong demand from global central banks, and uncertainties about the upcoming presidential election and potential fiscal stimulus." Analysts at Kitco described this combination of elements as a "perfect storm." They noted it had driven investor sentiment and reinforced gold's value as a hedge against economic turmoil.

LiveMint, on October 30, highlighted the substantial returns seen in gold over the past year. Despite this impressive performance, some analysts expressed caution regarding gold's future trajectory. Ajay Kedia, Director of Kedia Advisory, suggested that while gold prices may see a short-term rally, "investors may have to remain cautious on the yellow metal in the second half of 2025." Kedia noted that gold prices could experience profit-taking and a slowdown if interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve do not materialize as quickly as expected. Nonetheless, gold has continued to serve as a preferred asset for those seeking stability, especially in times of economic and political uncertainty.

In a November 4 report, Egon von Greyerz, Founder and Chairman of Matterhorn Asset Management, provided a historical perspective on gold's role in preserving wealth. Von Greyerz discussed how gold had consistently retained value, even as fiat currencies depreciated over time. He emphasized, "Gold held in the investor's name in safe vaults and jurisdictions outside the financial system is the ultimate form of wealth preservation." Von Greyerz also pointed to gold's outperformance since the 1970s, stating that gold had increased 78 times since President Nixon ended the gold standard in 1971. He argued that gold's journey was "only starting now," citing the ongoing destruction of fiat money value through global debt expansion and monetary policies.

Cariboo Catalysts

According to Golden Cariboo Resources' Q1 2024 investor presentation, the company is advancing exploration on its 3,814-hectare Quesnelle Gold Quartz Mine property, located in British Columbia's historic Cariboo Mining District. The asset benefits from 160 years of mining history and is road-accessible, facilitating year-round exploration. The 2024 exploration program, including trenching and a proposed 2,500-5,000m Phase 2 drilling campaign, aims to delineate the gold system further and complete a National Instrument 43-101 compliant resource estimate.

The property, encircled by Osisko Development Corp. on three sides, holds the potential for high-grade, multi-ounce gold targets. Management is focusing on a multi-phase exploration strategy. This includes trenching to assess shallow overburden and mapping and sampling to refine drill targets. The team's experience and the property's historical and geological significance position Golden Cariboo as a promising exploration venture.

The proposed drilling and development efforts reflect a systematic approach to unlocking value in this underexplored yet historically significant gold camp as the company progresses toward realizing a resource estimate.

Expert Analysis

Golden Cariboo Resources Inc. received favorable coverage from Couloir Capital in a report released on September 3, 2024. Senior Mining Analyst Ron Wortel issued a Buy recommendation for the company, noting the significant potential for discovering a large gold resource at the Quesnelle Gold Quartz property. Wortel highlighted that the property, located in British Columbia's historic Cariboo Mining District, lies along the same geological trend as Osisko Development's projects, suggesting the possibility of tapping into similar high-grade mineralization systems.

The report also underscored the strategic advantages of the property's location, infrastructure, and proximity to Highway 97, which reduces exploration and operational costs. Wortel detailed Golden Cariboo's drilling campaign, pointing out positive early results, such as Hole QGQ24-08, which intersected 263 meters at 0.29 g/t gold, including a higher-grade interval of 200 meters at 0.58 g/t gold. The analyst described these findings as indicative of "bulk-tonnage targets," with visible gold observed in several drill cores, bolstering the outlook for continued exploration success. [OWNERSHIP_CHART-11131]

Valuation metrics from the report included a projected fair value of CA$0.40 per share, representing a 286% potential upside from the current trading price of CA$0.14. Despite acknowledging the high risks associated with early-stage exploration projects, Couloir Capital emphasized the long-term value potential in a Tier 1 mining jurisdiction, reinforced by the company's experienced management team and promising geological trends.

Ownership and Share Structure

According to Golden Cariboo, management and insiders own 30% of Golden Cariboo Resources. President and CEO Frank Callaghan owns 16.45% or 6.93 million shares; Elaine Callaghan has 0.97% or 0.41 million shares; Director Andrew Rees has 0.79% or 0.33 million shares; and Director Laurence Smoliak has 0.3% or 0.13 million shares.

Retail investors hold the remaining. There are no institutional investors.

The company said it has 50.3 million shares outstanding, 24.83 million warrants, and 3.8 million options.

Its market cap is CA$9.7 million. Over the past 52 weeks, Golden Cariboo has traded between CA$0.08 and CA$0.36 per share.

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Important Disclosures:

  1. Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd. has a consulting relationship with Street Smart an affiliate of Streetwise Reports. Street Smart Clients pay a monthly consulting fee between US$8,000 and US$20,000.
  2. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd.
  3. James Guttman wrote this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an independent contractor.
  4. This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company.

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( Companies Mentioned: GCC:CSE; GCCFF:OTC; A0RLEP:WKN;3TZ:FSE, )


Delta Variant Of The Coronavirus Could Dominate In U.S. Within Weeks

Rob Stein | NPR

The dangerous Delta variant of the coronavirus is spreading so quickly in the United States that it's likely the mutant strain will become predominant in the U.S. within weeks, according to a new analysis.

The variant, first identified in India, is the most contagious yet and, among those not yet vaccinated, may trigger serious illness in more people than other variants do, say scientists tracking the spread of infection.

The Delta variant apparently already accounts for at least 14% of all new infections, according to the research analysis posted online Monday of more than 242,000 infections nationwide over the last six months.

Another reason to get vaccinated

"It definitely is of concern," says William Lee, the vice president of science at Helix, which is under contract with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help track the variants.

"Just the fact that it's so transmissible means that it's it's dangerous," Lee says, "and so I think you'll see outbreaks of Delta around the country and more people will get sick from it."

Helix launched the study when researchers spotted a drop in the prevalence of the Alpha variant, a contagious strain first spotted in the U.K. that had quickly become the dominant variant in that country and the U.S.

The researchers discovered the drop in relative frequency of the Alpha variant in their spot checks of strains circulating in the U.S. was due to a rapid increase in two other variants: the Gamma variant, first spotted in Brazil, and the Delta variant. The Gamma variant may be slightly better than the original strain at outmaneuvering the vaccines, researchers say.

"It looks like both of them are going to slowly push out Alpha," says Lee, whose study has not yet been peer-reviewed but has been posted on a pre-print server.

How Delta could prompt another U.S. COVID-19 surge

All the vaccines authorized for use in the U.S. appear, in general, to provide powerful protection against all the variants, including Delta. But the rapid spread of the variants is still raising concern because of the large number of people who remain unvaccinated.

"There still are big portions of the country where the rates of vaccination are quite low," notes Dr. Jeremy Luban, a virologist at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. "And, in fact, the Helix paper shows that this Delta variant is increasing in frequency — the speed at which it's increasing in frequency is greatest in those areas where vaccination rates are lowest."

The Delta variant could trigger yet another moderate surge of infections through many parts of the U.S. because of these pockets of unvaccinated people, according to a recent set of projections from the COVID-19 Scenario Modeling Hub, which is helping the CDC plot the future course of the pandemic.

The projections indicate that infections could start to rise again as soon as some time in July, especially if the vaccination campaign continues to stall.

"For the most part, it's a moderate resurgence," says Justin Lessler, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University who is helping coordinate the hub.

"We're not having massive epidemics at a national level, but we have this kind of continuation of the virus just sticking around and keeping us on our toes," Lessler says. "And in specific places there could be substantial epidemics still."

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


FORT Economist James Meldrum and the Wildfire Research Team win the 2024 CO-LABS Governor’s Awards for High Impact Research: Pathfinding Partnerships Award

The Pathfinding Partnerships Award from CO-LABS recognizes impactful, collaborative research projects organized by four or more research entities, including federal labs, in Colorado. This year, the Wildfire Research (WiRē) team received this award for their support of evidence-based community wildfire education to help communities live with wildfire. 


Upcoming CDI Monthly Meetings

CDI Monthly Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month, from 11-12:30 pm Eastern Time. 


Biden Will Visit The Surfside Condominium Collapse This Week

President Biden plans to visit the Champlain Towers condo collapse later this week.; Credit: Lynne Sladky/AP

Brian Naylor | NPR

Updated June 29, 2021 at 12:44 PM ET

The White House says President Biden and first lady Jill Biden will travel to Florida Thursday to view first hand the partial collapse of the Champlain Towers condominium.

Asked by reporters if he planned to visit Surfside, Biden said, "Yes I hope so, as soon as we can. Maybe as early as Thursday." The White House issued a formal announcement of the trip shortly afterward.

The official death toll in the collapse has risen to 11, with some 150 people unaccounted for.

The Biden administration has responded to the disaster, dispatching FEMA administrator Deanne Criswell to the scene earlier this week.

"[The agency] has deployed an Incident Management Assistance Team, as well as building science experts, structural engineers and geotechnical experts to support search-and-rescue operations, and a mobile command center," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday.

Psaki said the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is also providing technical assistance for debris removal. Two FEMA-supported search-and-rescue teams are also involved in the response to the collapse.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has praised FEMA and the Biden administration for "stepping up to the plate" in providing assistance in the search and recovery effort. Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava said Biden's upcoming trip would be "an important reminder that our county, our state and our nation are giving everything we have to search for the victims of this tragedy and support the families in this incredibly devastating time."

Here's what we know about what led to the collapse. Follow more coverage on the aftermath here.

Florida Division of Emergency Management is urging people with information about loved ones who are either unaccounted for or known to be safe to call 305-614-1819.

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


NY Biopharma Shares Promising Clinical Data

Source: Dr. Ram Selvaraju 10/18/2024

Anavex Life Sciences Corp. (AVXL:NASDAQ) recently released encouraging preliminary electroencephalography (EEG) biomarker results from Part A of the ongoing Phase 2 clinical study of ANAVEX3-71 for schizophrenia treatment, according to an H.C. Wainright & Co. research note.

H.C. Wainwright & Co. analyst Dr. Ram Selvaraju, in a research report published on October 18, 2024, reiterated a Buy rating on Anavex Life Sciences Corp. (AVXL:NASDAQ) with a price target of US$40.00. The report follows Anavex's announcement of encouraging preliminary electroencephalography (EEG) biomarker results from Part A of the ongoing Phase 2 clinical study of ANAVEX3-71 for schizophrenia treatment.

Selvaraju highlighted the significance of these results, stating, "Preliminary results demonstrated a dose-dependent effect of ANAVEX3-71 on two key EEG biomarkers in patients with schizophrenia. Treatment with ANAVEX3-71 vs. placebo resulted in improvements in 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR) Inter Trial Coherence (ITC) and Resting State Alpha Power."

The analyst viewed these developments positively, noting, "These results provide evidence of CNS target engagement and potential therapeutic effects of ANAVEX3-71 in schizophrenia. The observed changes reversed known EEG and ERP biomarker abnormalities associated with schizophrenia."

Regarding Anavex's lead candidate, blarcamesine, Selvaraju stated, "Anavex remains committed to completing the Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) submission to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) under the Centralized Procedure petitioning for approval of blarcamesine for treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in 4Q24."

The report also highlighted Anavex's progress with other clinical programs, including a pivotal Phase 2b/3 trial in Parkinson's disease and potential trials in Rett syndrome and Fragile X Syndrome.

Selvaraju's valuation methodology for Anavex Life Sciences is based on a discounted cash flow (DCF) approach. He explained, "We utilize a discounted cash flow (DCF)-driven methodology, which ascribes a total value of roughly US$3.25B to blarcamesine alone without ascribing value to any other pipeline assets. We employ a 50% probability of approval in Rett syndrome; 60% in Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD); and 50% in AD."

The analyst added, "Further, we apply a 12% discount rate and 1% terminal growth rate. We derive a total firm value of ~US$3.4B, which yields a 12-month price objective of US$40 per share, assuming 84.8M shares outstanding as of end-F2Q25."

Selvaraju also outlined several risk factors, including potential negative clinical data, regulatory approval challenges, and commercialization difficulties.

In conclusion, H.C. Wainwright & Co.'s maintenance of a Buy rating and US$40 price target reflects a positive outlook on Anavex Life Sciences' clinical progress and potential in developing treatments for neurological disorders. The share price at the time of the report of US$5.51 represents a potential return of approximately 626% to the analyst's target price, highlighting the significant upside potential if the company's clinical development plans prove successful.

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Disclosures for H.C. Wainwright & Co., Anavex Life Sciences Corp., October 18, 2024.

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H.C. Wainwright & Co, LLC (the “Firm”) is a member of FINRA and SIPC and a registered U.S. Broker-Dealer. I, Raghuram Selvaraju, Ph.D. , certify that 1) all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about any and all subject securities or issuers discussed; and 2) no part of my compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation or views expressed in this research report; and 3) neither myself nor any members of my household is an officer, director or advisory board member of these companies. None of the research analysts or the research analyst’s household has a financial interest in the securities of Anavex Life Sciences Corp. (including, without limitation, any option, right, warrant, future, long or short position). As of September 30, 2024 neither the Firm nor its affiliates beneficially own 1% or more of any class of common equity securities of Anavex Life Sciences Corp.. Neither the research analyst nor the Firm knows or has reason to know of any other material conflict of interest at the time of publication of this research report.

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( Companies Mentioned: AVXL:NASDAQ, )


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Coming Soon To An Atlas Near You: A Fifth Ocean

How many oceans are there? It's National Geographic official now: There are five.; Credit: Alexander Gerst/ESA via Getty Images

Karen Zamora, Justine Kenin, and Emma Bowman | NPR

Most of us learned about the world's oceans in elementary school. There's the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic.

Now, there's a sea change ahead.

Thanks to National Geographic, you'll soon see a fifth ocean on your maps. It's now officially recognizing the Southern Ocean, the waters swirling around Antarctica, marking the first time the organization has made such a change since it started drawing up maps over a century ago.

On World Ocean's Day earlier this week, National Geographic announced the distinction, which many scientists and researchers have unofficially acknowledged for decades.

"Traditionally, there have been the four [oceans] defined primarily by land masses," Alex Tait, National Geographic Society geographer, tells NPR's All Things Considered. "We think it's important to add this fifth ocean region because it's so unique and because we want to bring attention to all areas of the ocean."

National Geographic has produced maps, atlases and globes since 1915. But this is the first time they're drawing up a new map that will recast the oceans.

The move catches up with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recognition of the Southern Ocean in 1999, when it earned approval from the U.S. Board on Geographic Names.

The change made waves for experts already familiar with the area. For instance, it caught Cassandra Brooks, an assistant professor in environmental studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder, off-kilter.

"To be completely honest with you, I was rather surprised because I had always thought of the Southern Ocean as its own ocean," says Brooks. "I think most of the scientists who work down there really understand how the Southern Ocean is its own thing."

But the Southern is special, according to Brooks, who's spent more than 15 years of her career studying the Antarctic. It's defined by the powerful Antarctic Circumpolar Current, a critical flow that she says helps regulate the Earth's climate.

Brooks says she thinks about the Southern Ocean as "lungs" or "the heart." The ocean is "pumping water throughout the world's oceans," she says.

Both Tait and Brooks hope that this new recognition will create more awareness for a region that's often forgotten.

"Antarctica is so far away that most people don't think about it on a day to day basis. They're not seeing how important it is to literally all of our survival," says Brooks.

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Obesity Drug's Promise Now Hinges On Insurance Coverage

Yuki Noguchi | NPR

When a promising new drug to treat obesity was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for sale in the U.S. last month, it was the first such treatment to gain approval since 2014.

In clinical trials, weekly injections of semaglutide — or Wegovy, as it's been branded -- helped people drop an average of 15% of their body weight. That's an average of about 34 pounds over 16 months, before their weight plateaued, a far greater weight loss, obesity specialists say, than achieved with other drugs on the market. At least as important, Wegovy raised none of the alarm bells with the FDA or obesity doctors that it might trigger serious side effects of the sort experienced by some people taking fen-phen or some previous medical treatments for obesity.

But with a price tag for Wegovy of $1,000 to $1,500 a month, a very big question remains: Will insurers cover its significant cost for the many millions of people like Marleen Greenleaf, who might benefit?

Greenleaf grew up on the island of Trinidad, where her entire family paid little heed to what they ate and paid a high medical price, she says: "My husband has diabetes, my sister has diabetes, my brother has diabetes."

Since then, she's tried — and failed — at numerous diets, says Greenleaf, now 58 and an administrator at a charter school in Washington, D.C. Then, in 2018, she signed up for the clinical trial of a new drug — a once-weekly shot that changes the way her brain signals hunger.

A drug that finally stops her cravings

She noticed the change soon after her first injection of Wegovy: "For me, there was something that triggered in my brain to tell me that I was not hungry," she says. No more fierce cravings for the chocolate chip cookies she adores. Without the cravings she was able to slow down and reconsider the foods she'd been reaching for.

"I also wanted to eat healthier," she says. "I was looking at options, reading labels, looking at the calories — not just the calories, but also the sugar."

Over the 68-week research trial, Greenleaf dropped 40 pounds. Her blood pressure fell, which meant she qualified to donate her kidney to her husband, who was on dialysis.

"It was one of the best gifts of life that I could have ever given," she says.

But after that study ended, Greenleaf regained some of the weight. Wegovy is considered a long-term, possibly lifelong medication to treat chronic obesity. In the pre-marketing clinical studies, weight loss topped out at a total average weight loss of 15-18%, even as people continued to take the drug. And, as was the case with Greenleaf, once they stopped getting the weekly injections some of that weight came back.

Now, Greenleaf wants to resume the Wegovy shots.

"My only challenge actually is getting the insurance company to approve it," she says.

Reimbursement for obesity drugs' cost is patchy

Insurance coverage, it turns out, is a giant question — not just with Wegovy, but with obesity drugs in general. Some private insurers do include some prescription obesity drugs in the list of medicines they'll cover; it's too early to tell whether Wegovy will make those lists. Many doctors and patients are optimistic, because it is a higher dose of an existing diabetes medication called Ozempic, which is often covered by insurers.

A few select state Medicaid programs will cover medications that treat obesity, in some circumstances. But, significantly, Medicare does not cover obesity drugs — and many private insurers typically follow Medicare's lead.

Yet the demand for a good treatment is there, says Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, a leading obesity researcher at Harvard. She was not involved in conducting the Wegovy clinical trial, but closely followed it. "I'm excited about it," she says, because of the dramatic weight loss.

The drug acts on the brain so people eat less and store less of what they eat. That helps address the excess weight as well as helping with numerous related diseases of the liver or heart, for example.

Why the FDA has been slow to approve obesity treatments

There is a long history of drugs that have looked like promising treatments for obesity, then failed. Decades ago, amphetamines, were prescribed, until their addictive properties became apparent. In the 1990s, the combination of fenfluramine and phentermine — administered as the diet drug fen-phen — was heavily marketed, only to later be pulled from the market for causing heart valve problems.

Those experiences and others have made physicians skeptical.

"In obesity medicine field, we've learned to be cautiously optimistic each time we have a new medication that looks promising," says Dr. Ihuoma Eneli, director of the Center for Healthy Weight and Nutrition at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, who was not involved in the study of Wegovy.

So far, Eneli does not see any obvious concerns with the class of drugs that includes Wegovy, and calls the results so far "very promising." Wegovy is similar to another drug made by Novo Nordisk — Saxenda — which has been on the market since 2014, and which Eneli occasionally prescribes to her pediatric patients who are struggling with obesity.

In clinical research studies, the primary side effects reported after taking Wegovy affected the digestive system: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain or intestinal infections.

Eneli says such side effects and their frequency are milder than the problems that have arisen in the past. That good safety profile may mean the drug is "less likely to come up with unanticipated risks," she says.

But, the new drug will be of little use, she and other doctors who treat obesity say, if it's not also affordable for patients.

"Before I even bring up that drug with my patients, I'm looking to see which insurance they are having on the left side of my screen — because that will determine whether I bring it up," Stanford, the Harvard physician, says. "If it's out of reach, like I said, I won't bring it up."

Stanford says her patients on existing obesity medications do extraordinary things to keep their coverage so they can afford to stay on the drugs.

"Several nurses here at the hospital that are my patients stayed working — they were supposed to retire — so they could stay on their injectable medication," Stanford says,"because that's how beneficial it was to them."

Why some are willing to pay out of pocket

Some people, like David Scheesley, 42, says he would consider paying for Wegovy, even if he had to pay the full sticker price. The Hanford, Calif., correctional officer has tried since 2019 to lose weight on various diets — low-fat, all-meat, all-vegetable — without success. His weight has led to other health concerns — with his blood fats and his heart — which makes Scheesley think of his 5-year-old son.

"I want to see him for a lot of years; I don't want to have a stroke," he says. "I don't want to have diabetes. I want to be there for him. So, for me personally, that [monetary cost] is not astronomical, if it can give me some more time."

Novo Nordisk, the company that makes Wegovy, is in talks with insurers, and acknowledges that ensuring health insurance coverage of its drug is critical. The challenge, says Douglas Langa, executive vice president of Novo Nordisk North America, is getting doctors, patients, and politicians to recognize obesity as a disease — and that therefore insurance should cover the cost of medicine to treat it.

"There's a medical component to [obesity] that needs to be recognized; this is a disease state like we should be treating any other disease state," Langa says. He says about 40% of private insurers cover Saxenda, the similar weight-loss medication the company makes.

Langa tells insurance companies this, making the case for why prescriptions for Wegovy should be covered. His company is also heavily lobbying Congress to pass legislation to allow Medicare to cover obesity medications. It makes sense from a financial perspective, he argues, because obesity is the root disease underlying so many other diseases.

"We do believe insurers understand that [untreated obesity] is a gateway into 60 other health conditions," Langa says. The need is hard to ignore, he adds. More than 100 million people in the U.S. alone struggle with obesity.

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


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