
Virginia DOLI issues hazard alert on beverage materials handling, storage

Richmond, VA — The Virginia Department of Labor and Industry has issued a hazard alert warning of the potential dangers of unsafe materials handling and storage in the beverage distribution and retail industry.


Congresswoman to OSHA: Investigate alleged worker safety issues at Texas poultry plant

Washington — Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) is urging OSHA to investigate reported workplace safety violations at the Sanderson Farms poultry plant in Bryan, TX.


OSHA issues hazard bulletin on grease traps

Washington — In an effort to prevent injuries related to commercial grease traps, OSHA has issued a hazard bulletin.


COVID-19 pandemic: Minnesota issues guidance for meatpacking industry

Minneapolis — Recently released guidance from the state of Minnesota details steps employers in the meatpacking industry should take to reduce worker exposure to COVID-19.


Grating hazards on offshore platforms: Safety agency issues safety alert

Washington — In response to an “increase in incidents involving grating” on offshore energy platforms, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement has issued a safety alert.


Avoid the ‘blame game’ with safety issues

I understand the importance of positive communication in safety, but how do I educate frontline supervisors about avoiding the “blame game” when discussing safety issues with workers?


On the Safe Side podcast Episode 49: Distracted driving and March issue highlights

In Episode 49, the S+H team examines content included in the March issue, such as a quiz on ladder safety, advice on having difficult conversations at work and issues for women in construction. Also, National Safety Council colleague Amy Artuso joins the podcast to discuss Distracted Driving Awareness Month in the “Five Questions With …” segment.


On the Safe Side podcast Episode 50: Safety I vs. Safety II and April issue highlights

In Episode 50, the S+H team celebrates a milestone and examines content from the April issue, including the results of the annual Training Survey, safety and health for remote workers, and work zone safety. Also, SafeStart’s Tim Page-Bottorff joins the podcast to preview his presentation on Safety I vs. Safety II, in partnership with Corrie Pitzer, to be made at the 2024 NSC Spring Safety Conference and Expo.


NIOSH issues recommendations on preventing backover injuries in construction

Washington – NIOSH has released a document outlining dozens of safety recommendations aimed at reducing deaths and injuries caused by backing construction vehicles and equipment.


OSHA issues scaffold fact sheets

Washington – Two new fact sheets from OSHA aim to protect workers who design and erect tube and coupler scaffolds.


OSHA issues fact sheets on agricultural, maritime safety

Washington – OSHA has released new fact sheets for workers in the agriculture and maritime industries.


Axis Notifies Users of Image Quality Issues

AXIS Image Health Analytics notifies users of any issues with image quality and ensures that the cameras being used are capturing the right images at all times.


BLS issues corrected injury and illness data

Washington – The Bureau of Labor Statistics on Nov. 14 released injury and illness data for 2011 and 2012 to correct previously disclosed data processing errors.


OSHA issues draft guidance for ‘weight of evidence’ approach

Washington – A new draft OSHA document outlines how employers can use an approach known as “weight of evidence” to assist in classifying hazardous chemicals.


U.S. Agencies Issue Joint DDoS Attack Prevention Guide

DDoS attacks are a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming it with a flood of internet traffic from multiple sources.


NIOSH seeks to survey school workers about health issues

Washington – NIOSH is seeking comment on a proposed survey of school workers to gauge the relationship between building conditions and worker health.


CSB issues guidance on safety during science demonstrations

Washington – Three recent incidents that left both children and adults with burn injuries have prompted the Chemical Safety Board to issue a safety bulletin on educational science demonstrations that use flammable chemicals.


COVID-19 pandemic: CDC issues interim cleaning, disinfection recommendations after exposure

Washington — In light of emerging data on the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released interim environmental cleaning and disinfection recommendations for community facilities with suspected or confirmed cases of the potentially deadly respiratory illness.


‘Big impact’: OSHA aims to issue final rule on walking/working surfaces in August

Washington – OSHA’s final rule on preventing slips, trips and falls is scheduled for publication in August, according to the spring regulatory agenda released May 18.


OSHA issues proposed rule on changes to beryllium standards for construction, shipyards

Washington — As expected, OSHA is proposing changes to its beryllium standards for the construction and shipyard industries.


‘Game-changer’: EPA issues final reporting rule on ‘forever’ chemicals

Washington — An Environmental Protection Agency final rule will require manufacturers and importers of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances to report information on PFAS use, exposures and hazards.


Chemical dispersants used in oil spills cleanup linked to health issues: study

Durham, NC – Workers exposed to oil dispersants during cleanup of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster are likely to experience respiratory issues and other health problems, according to a new study from the National Institutes of Health.


Kh?rijite Ab? Mu?ammad Al-Maqdis?: Absolution in Takf?r on the Issue of Obedience to Scholars and Rulers


University of Missouri launches work zone safety center

Columbia, MO — Amid one of the most ambitious road construction efforts in state history, the University of Missouri has established a center aimed at preventing fatalities and serious injuries in work zones.


Cal/OSHA issues report on heat-illness crackdown

Oakland, CA – The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health’s heat illness prevention Special Emphasis Program led to 3,575 inspections in 2014 – about one-third of which resulted in heat-related citations – the agency has announced.


Cal/OSHA issues guidance, Q&A, on updated heat rules

Sacramento, CA – The California Department of Industrial Relations has issued a new guidance document to help familiarize employers on the state’s updated heat illness prevention rules, which are set to go into effect May 1.


Honeywell issues recall of eyewash cartridges

Washington — Honeywell Safety Products has issued a voluntary recall of nonsterile eyewash cartridges after a supplier was found to be noncompliant with current good manufacturing practice regulations.


3D printer emissions can harm respiratory health: study

Atlanta — Emissions from 3D printers may contain fine and ultrafine particles that can damage airway cells and negatively affect respiratory health, result of a recent study show.


Study looks at police officers, head injuries and mental health issues

Columbus, OH — Three out of 10 law enforcement officers have experienced a work-related head injury, putting them at risk of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, according to a recent study.


What hazards could you be missing?

Hazard reporting is a critical part of any safety program and should be done as soon as a hazard is identified.


Nursing organizations launch campaign to address safety and health issues

Silver Spring, MD — The American Nurses Association, in partnership with the U.S. Public Health Service chief nurse officer and the University of North Carolina and University of Washington schools of nursing, has launched a campaign with initiatives that include addressing industry concerns such as workplace violence and safe and appropriate staffing levels.


Study links shift work to cognitive issues

Linz, Austria — Shift work may be associated with poorer memory and slower mental processing speed, as well as lower levels of alertness and visual focus, results of a recent study out of Austria suggest.


Overlooked FR issues

Arc-rated/flame-resistant garments must be worn correctly to achieve maximum protection. What are some considerations that are often overlooked?


Near misses

Are near misses leading or lagging indicators?


Reporting near misses

Observing and abating hazards before someone gets hurt is vital to ensuring worker safety, and a near-miss program can help. Learn what near misses are, how they work, and how to collect reports on them.


Implementing a near-miss reporting system

An employee may recount a story of a “close call” at work. He or she also may describe the incident as a “near collision” or “narrow escape.” All these terms refer to a near miss.


Understanding – and avoiding – near misses

A roofing contractor forgoes fall protection because he finds it uncomfortable. Later that day, he slips and nearly falls off the roof of the two-story house he is working on.


Attwood confirmed as OSHRC commissioner

Washington – Cynthia Attwood has been confirmed for her second term as a commissioner of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.


How healthy is your home workstation? Researchers identify key ergo issues

Cincinnati — Millions of people working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic may be sitting at improperly arranged workstations that increase their risk of eye, head, neck, back, shoulder, wrist and forearm stress and strain injuries, according to the results of a recent survey conducted by University of Cincinnati researchers.


Musculoskeletal issues common among dentists: study

Munster, Germany — Neck and shoulder problems are common musculoskeletal disorders among dentists, leading more than 1 out of 5 to seek medical care, a recent study out of Germany shows.


Asbestos: EPA issues final rule on ‘discontinued uses’ as agency critics push for total ban

Washington — The Environmental Protection Agency has issued a final rule on asbestos intended to keep manufacturers from reintroducing “discontinued uses” of the known human carcinogen into the market without EPA approval.


EPA issues final scope of second installment of risk evaluation for asbestos

Washington — The Environmental Protection Agency has announced the availability of the final scope of Part 2 of the final risk evaluation to be conducted for asbestos.


Study links workplace harassment to serious health issues

Chicago — Chronic workplace harassment may increase the risk of coronary heart disease, arthritic/rheumatic conditions and migraines, results of a recent University of Illinois Chicago study show.


OSHA issues final rule on electrical safety requirements

Washington – OSHA on April 1 released its final rule on electric power generation, transmission and distribution; and electrical protective equipment.


Groups petition OSHA to issue heat stress standard; Congresswoman to sponsor bill

Washington — More than 130 organizations and 90 individuals are petitioning OSHA to issue regulations aimed at protecting workers against heat stress.


Watchdog group won’t appeal latest dismissal of lawsuit against ‘2-for-1’ deregulatory order

Washington — Public Citizen will not appeal the second dismissal of its lawsuit against President Donald Trump’s “2-for-1” deregulatory Executive Order, a spokesperson for the watchdog group told Safety+Health Jan. 16.


Biden says OSHA will issue an emergency temporary standard on COVID-19 vaccination, testing

Washington — OSHA is developing an emergency rule that will require employers with at least 100 workers to “ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week,” President Joe Biden announced Sept. 9.


Combustible dust still ‘critical issue in industrial safety’: CSB

Washington — The Chemical Safety Board is reiterating its call for OSHA to enact a comprehensive general industry standard for combustible dust – a potential hazard the board calls a “critical issue in industrial safety.”


OSHA says its new authority to issue nonimmigrant status visas will aid investigations

Washington — OSHA will soon be able to issue certifications in support of T and U nonimmigrant status visas, a move the agency contends will aid in some workplace safety investigations.


OSHA issues proposed rule on worker walkaround representation

Washington — OSHA is accepting comment on a proposed rule that would let workers designate someone who doesn’t work for their employer to represent them during an OSHA “walkaround” inspection.