
Fogging issues with safety glasses

Why are my anti-fog safety glasses fogging?


Mission 500 to Announce Corporate Social Responsibility and Humanitarian Awards as well as Mission 500 Security 5K Run/2K Walk Awards

Mission 500, a charitable nonprofit organization engaging security professionals to assist families in crisis across the USA, will announce the winners of its annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Humanitarian Awards at ISC West today, Thursday, March 30. The ceremony will take place at The Bridge Stage – Booth #25063 from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. 


Mission 500 to Announce Annual Awards 

Mission 500, a charitable nonprofit organization engaging security professionals to assist families in crisis across the USA, will announce the winners of its annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Humanitarian Awards at ISC West today, Thursday, April 11 .The ceremony will take place at The Bridge - Booth #25059 from 4:00 -5:00 pm.


CSB issues alert to oil and chemical facilities about safe restarting post-Hurricane Harvey

Washington – Responding to ongoing damage in the Gulf Coast region caused by Hurricane Harvey, the Chemical Safety Board has issued a safety alert warning oil and chemical facility workers to follow special precautions when restarting in the wake of the storm.


CSB issues recommendations after Louisiana refinery fire investigation

Washington – The Chemical Safety Board released a set of recommendations Sept. 18 after its investigation into last year’s ExxonMobil refinery fire, which severely burned four workers in Baton Rouge, LA.


BSEE continues to ‘fulfill its mission’ despite challenges of COVID-19 pandemic: DOI OIG

Washington — The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement has “continued to fulfill its mission” during the COVID-19 pandemic by performing safety and environmental inspections for offshore oil and gas operations, the Department of the Interior Office of Inspector General concludes in a report issued Sept. 21.


BSEE issues alert on hydraulic torque wrench operations

Washington — In response to the death of a drillship worker who lacked formal training on using a hydraulic torque wrench, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement has issued a safety alert.


FAA issues final rule on aircraft icing standards

Washington – Manufacturers of new transport airplanes must show proof that the aircraft can safely fly in freezing drizzle or freezing rain, under a final rule issued Nov. 4 by the Federal Aviation Administration.


Senate confirms the nominations of two candidates for mine review commission

Washington — The Senate on Sept. 29 confirmed the nominations of Mary Lu Jordan and Timothy Baker to serve as members of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission.


Survey shows generational differences in work-related mental health issues

Alexandria, VA — Workers of all ages face mental health challenges, yet younger generations are feeling them more frequently, according to the results of a recent survey.


Employers’ ‘therapy speak’ often misses the mark: survey

Chicago — Results of a recent survey show that workers have trouble trusting employers and supervisors who use “therapy speak” but don’t follow it up with helpful actions.


OSHA to issue proposed rule on silica exposure

Washington – OSHA has announced it will issue a proposed rule to revise the agency’s standards on occupational exposure to crystalline silica.


Secondhand smoke still an issue in certain industries: study

Boston – Despite an overall drop in secondhand smoke exposure in the workplace, workers in industries such as installation and repair, construction, and transportation remain at high risk, concludes a study from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.


OSHA issues final rule expanding digger-derrick exemption

Washington – A new final rule from OSHA expands the exemption for digger-derrick operations in the Cranes and Derricks in Construction Standard.


OSHA issues long-awaited proposed rule to clarify crane operator requirements

Washington — OSHA is moving to finalize changes to its crane operator certification requirements, according to a proposed rule published in the May 21 Federal Register.


OSHA issues temporary enforcement policy after crane operator certification organization’s accreditation lapses

Washington — OSHA has issued a temporary enforcement policy for the construction industry after being informed by the Sanford, FL-based Crane Institute Certification that the organization no longer is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency, as required under section 1926.1427(d) of OSHA’s Cranes and Derricks in Construction Standard.


OSHA revises its mission statement

Washington — OSHA has unveiled a new mission statement that “more fully reflects the agency’s purpose and the work we do to serve that purpose.”


Top Security Dealers Identify Top Issues

IoT, DIY/MIY, cyber security, active shooters — SDM 100 dealers talk about the issues that will have the biggest impact, either positive or negative, on their businesses this year.


OMB begins review of OSHA permissible exposure limit proposal

Washington – The Office of Management and Budget has begun its review of an OSHA proposal to address outdated permissible exposure limits.


FAA issues alert on protecting ground crew workers

Washington — Alarmed by recent separate incidents – one fatal – involving members of airport ground crews, the Federal Aviation Administration has issued a safety alert calling on airlines to review safety protocol.


Special issue of Journal of Safety Research highlights injury research symposium

Itasca, IL — The Journal of Safety Research is offering free access – through February – to a special issue featuring select papers from the National Occupational Injury Research Symposium.


MSHA issues alerts on hazards at metal, non-metal mines

Washington – The Mine Safety and Health Administration has published a pair of hazard alerts in response to an increase in fatalities at metal and non-metal mines.


MSHA issues seasonal safety alert during ‘deadliest month’ for miners

Arlington, VA – A new safety initiative from the Mine Safety and Health Administration aims to protect miners at a time of the year when they need it most.


MSHA issues safety alert on stockpiles

Arlington, VA – The Mine Safety and Health Administration has released a safety alert in response to seven stockpile incidents involving dozers in 2015.


MSHA issues RFI on technologies to reduce mobile equipment, belt conveyor incidents

Arlington, VA — The Mine Safety and Health Administration is seeking input on technologies that may help reduce incidents involving mobile equipment at surface mines, as well as belt conveyors at surface and underground mines, according to a Request for Information published in the June 26 Federal Register.


In response to calls for more stringent silica regulation, MSHA issues Request for Information on quartz exposure

Washington — Amid a push from labor unions seeking stricter regulation of respirable silica dust, the Mine Safety and Health Administration is asking for input on ways to monitor and regulate miner exposure to quartz – the most common form of respirable crystalline silica.


MSHA issues safety alert on underground diesel equipment fires

Arlington, VA — Prompted by a fire on a diesel-powered water car in May, the Mine Safety and Health Administration has issued a safety alert addressing fire hazards associated with diesel equipment in underground mines.


Group issues guidelines aimed at keeping journalists safe

New York – A new set of guidelines has been published to help freelance journalists stay safe in dangerous areas of the world, including war zones.


Group issues safety resources for female, gender-nonconforming journalists

New York — In response to growing safety concerns among female and gender-nonconforming journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists has published a collection of resources to help combat work-related physical threats, online harassment and other dangers.


FMCSA to issue guidance on ELD rule; agriculture industry receives 90-day extension

Washington – The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will issue guidance intended to “ease the transition” to full implementation of its rule – set to go into effect Dec. 18 – on electronic logging devices in commercial motor vehicles, the agency announced Nov. 20.


FMCSA issues emergency HOS exemption after cyberattack on pipeline

Washington — Prompted by a reported cyberattack that has resulted in a disruption of service along a major petroleum pipeline, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration on May 9 issued a temporary hours-of-service exemption to commercial motor vehicle operators transporting gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and other refined petroleum products to 17 states and the District of Columbia, as part of emergency relief efforts.


Preventing falls in construction: NIOSH issues fact sheet

Washington — NIOSH has published a new fact sheet intended to help construction employers and workers prevent falls from roofs, ladders and scaffolds.


Fall protection near exposed edges: Washington state issues hazard alert

Tumwater, WA — A new hazard alert from the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries is intended for employers and workers who use personal fall arrest systems positioned near exposed edges.


FRA issues final rule amending Positive Train Control regs

Washington — The Federal Railroad Administration is revising its regulations governing Positive Train Control systems – emergency slowing and stopping systems designed to help prevent train crashes and derailments caused by human error – and reporting on their function.


Design issue could allow Positive Train Control systems to be disabled, FRA warns

Washington — The Federal Railroad Administration has issued a safety advisory to railroads and rail employees regarding a recently identified interface design issue that relates to how Positive Train Control systems interface with locomotive and cab car braking systems.


PHMSA issues safety advisory on aluminum rail tank car covers

Washington — The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is alerting hazmat rail tank car owners and others of “the potential for certain manway assemblies with aluminum protective housing covers to melt when exposed to extreme heat.”


Railroad agency issues safety recommendations about severe weather

Washington — Spurred by 123 rail incidents linked to severe weather over the past three years, the Federal Railroad Administration has issued a safety advisory.


OSHA, Health Canada issue joint guidance on GHS pictogram requirements

Washington — To support implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals, OSHA and Health Canada have released joint guidance on pictogram requirements for three hazard communication categories.


Why Audio Data Is the Missing Link in Security Strategies

Discover how integrating audio data analytics into security systems enhances situational awareness and proactive threat detection.


Court issues stay of EPA rule limiting farmers’ responsibility for protecting workers from pesticides

New York — The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York has halted until at least Aug. 22 an Environmental Protection Agency final rule that revises the pesticide application exclusion zone requirement in the agency’s standard on agricultural worker protection.


OSHA issues its first hazard alert on heat

Washington — OSHA is urging employers to take steps to keep workers safe in extreme heat, including providing adequate cool water, rest breaks, and shade or a cool rest area.


Is farmworker dehydration a widespread issue?

Chicago — A recent study of Florida farmworkers found that virtually all of them experienced dehydration at the end of their shift, and more than half were still dehydrated the next morning.


OSHA taking ‘good faith’ into account when issuing citations during COVID-19 pandemic

Washington — “Good-faith efforts” by employers to comply with worker safety regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic should be taken into “strong consideration,” OSHA states in an April 16 memo to area offices and inspectors.


COVID-19 pandemic: OSHA issues temporary enforcement guidance for respirators in health care

Washington — In an effort to preserve the supply of N95 filtering facepiece respirators during the COVID-19 pandemic, OSHA has temporarily suspended its requirement for annual respirator fit testing in the health care industry.


OSHA issues two enforcement memos to help combat N95 shortage

Washington — In response to a nationwide shortage of N95 filtering facepiece respirators during the COVID-19 pandemic, OSHA has announced further temporary easing of regulations related to respiratory protection.


COVID-19 pandemic: OSHA issues temporary fit-testing enforcement guidance on PAPRs for high-risk workers

Washington — OSHA has issued temporary enforcement guidelines for fit testing of powered air-purifying respirators for workers at high risk of exposure to COVID-19.


OSHA issues Site-Specific Targeting Program for 2014

Washington – OSHA has released its annual inspection plan targeting workplaces with high rates of injuries and illnesses.


Washington state issues draft rule on cranes and derricks in construction

Tumwater, WA — To clarify its crane decertification and reinstatement requirements, the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries is proposing changes to its regulations on cranes and derricks in construction.


Washington state issues permanent rules on wildfire smoke

Tumwater, WA — In an effort to protect workers against unhealthy air caused by wildfire smoke, the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries has issued permanent rules on the hazard.


NIOSH issues recommended exposure limits for chemicals linked to ‘popcorn lung’

Washington – NIOSH has released recommended limits for controlling occupational exposure to flavoring chemicals diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione, both of which have been linked to reduced lung function in food flavoring and production industry workers.