
Science Podcast - The genome of a transmissible dog cancer, the 10-year anniversary of Opportunity on Mars, and a rundown of stories from our daily news site (24 Jan 2014)

The genome from a cancerous cell line that's been living for millenia, Opportinty's first 10 years on Mars, and a daily news roundup.


Podcast: Spreading cancer, sacrificing humans, and transplanting organs

Online news editor David Grimm shares stories on evidence for the earth being hit by supernovae, record-breaking xenotransplantation, and winning friends and influencing people with human sacrifice.   Staff news writer Jocelyn Kaiser joins host Sarah Crespi to discuss how small membrane-bound packets called “exosomes” might pave the way for cancer cells to move into new territory in the body.     [Image: Val Altounian/Science]    


Randomizing the news for science, transplanting genetically engineered skin, and the ethics of experimental brain implants

This week we hear stories on what to do with experimental brain implants after a study is over, how gene therapy gave a second skin to a boy with a rare epidermal disease, and how bone markings thought to be evidence for early hominid tool use may have been crocodile bites instead, with Online News Editor Catherine Matacic. Sarah Crespi interviews Gary King about his new experiment to bring fresh data to the age-old question of how the news media influences the public. Are journalists setting the agenda or following the crowd? How can you know if a news story makes a ripple in a sea of online information? In a powerful study, King’s group was able to publish randomized stories on 48 small and medium sized news sites in the United States and then track the results.  Listen to previous podcasts. [Image: Chad Sparkes/Flickr; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Increasing transparency in animal research to sway public opinion, and a reaching a plateau in human mortality

Public opinion on the morality of animal research is on the downswing in the United States. But some researchers think letting the public know more about how animals are used in experiments might turn things around. Online News Editor David Grimm joins Sarah Crespi to talk about these efforts. Sarah also talks Ken Wachter of the University of California, Berkeley about his group’s careful analysis of data from all living Italians born 105 or more years before the study. It turns out the risk of dying does not continue to accelerate with age, but actually plateaus around the age of 105. What does this mean for attempts to increase human lifespan? In this month’s book segment, Jen Golbeck talks with Simon Winchester about his book The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World. Read more book reviews at our books blog, Books et al. This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Listen to previous podcasts. [Image: Chris Jones/Flickr; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Liquid water on Mars, athletic performance in transgender women, and the lost colony of Roanoke

Billions of years ago, Mars probably hosted many water features: streams, rivers, gullies, etc. But until recently, water detected on the Red Planet was either locked up in ice or flitting about as a gas in the atmosphere. Now, researchers analyzing radar data from the Mars Express mission have found evidence for an enormous salty lake under the southern polar ice cap of Mars. Daniel Clery joins host Sarah Crespi to discuss how the water was found and how it can still be liquid—despite temperatures and pressures typically inhospitable to water in its liquid form. Read the research. Sarah also talks with science journalist Katherine Kornei about her story on changing athletic performance after gender transition. The feature profiles researcher Joanna Harper on the work she has done to understand the impacts of hormone replacement therapy and testosterone levels in transgender women involved in running and other sports. It turns out within a year of beginning hormone replacement therapy, transgender women plateau at their new performance level and stay in a similar rank with respect to the top performers in the sport. Her work has influenced sports oversight bodies like the International Olympic Committee. In this month’s book segment, Jen Golbeck interviews Andrew Lawler about his book The Secret Token: Myth, Obsession, and the Search for the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Next month’s book will be The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect by Judea Pearl and Dana Mackenzie. Write us at or tweet to us @sciencemagazine with your questions for the authors. This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Download a transcript of this episode (PDF) Listen to previous podcasts. [Image: Henry Howe; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Creating chimeras for organ transplants and how bats switch between their eyes and ears on the wing

Researchers have been making animal embryos from two different species, so-called “chimeras,” for years, by introducing stem cells from one species into a very early embryo of another species. The ultimate goal is to coax the foreign cells into forming an organ for transplantation. But questions abound: Can evolutionarily distant animals, like pigs and humans, be mixed together to produce such organs? Or could species closely related to us, like chimps and macaques, stand in for tests with human cells? Staff Writer Kelly Servick joins host Sarah Crespi to discuss the research, the regulations, and the growing ethical debate. Also this week, Sarah talks with Yossi Yovel of the School of Zoology and the Sagol School of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University in Israel about his work on sensory integration in bats. Writing in Science Advances, he and his colleagues show through several clever experiments when bats switch between echolocation and vision. Yossi and Sarah discuss how these trade-offs in bats can inform larger questions about our own perception. For our monthly books segment, Science books editor Valerie Thompson talks with Lucy Jones of the Seismological Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena about a song she created, based on 130 years of temperature data, for an instrument called the “viola de gamba.” Read more on the Books et al. blog. Download a transcript (PDF) This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Ads on the show: MagellanTV; KiwiCo Listen to previous podcasts. About the Science Podcast [Image: The Legend Kay/Flickr; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Where our microbiome came from, and how our farming and hunting ancestors transformed the world

Micro-organisms live inside everything from the human gut to coral—but where do they come from? Host Meagan Cantwell talks to Staff Writer Elizabeth Pennisi about the first comprehensive survey of microbes in Hawaii’s Waimea Valley, which revealed that plants and animals get their unique microbiomes from organisms below them in the food chain or the wider environment. Going global, Meagan then speaks with Erle Ellis, professor of geography and environmental science at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, about a project that aggregated the expertise of more than 250 archaeologists to map human land use over the past 10,000 years. This detailed map will help fine-tune climate models. This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Ads on this show: Science Sessions Podcast; Kroger Download a transcript (PDF)  Listen to previous podcasts. About the Science Podcast [Image: Chris Couderc/Flickr; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Translational Recurrences [electronic resource] : From Mathematical Theory to Real-World Applications / edited by Norbert Marwan, Michael Riley, Alessandro Giuliani, Charles L. Webber, Jr

Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2014


Signals and systems : analysis using transform methods and MATLAB / Michael J. Roberts

Roberts, Michael J., Dr., author


Transporters say not able to sustain highway toll charges

The All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC), the apex body for transporters that represents about 95 lakh truckers and transport entities, sought suspension of toll till May 3.


Reversing binding sensitivity to A147T translocator protein

RSC Med. Chem., 2020, 11,511-517
DOI: 10.1039/C9MD00580C, Research Article
Sophie V. Vo, Samuel D. Banister, Isaac Freelander, Eryn L. Werry, Tristan A. Reekie, Lars M. Ittner, Michael Kassiou
A loss in binding affinity at A147T relative to WT TSPO is seen with most TSPO ligands. Provision of hydrogen-bonding opportunities on indole carboxamides rescues this loss in affinity.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Building a multimodal future: connecting real estate development and transportation demand management to ease gridlock / Justin B. Schor, Federico Tallis

Rotch Library - HE308.S36 2019


Transportation workforce planning and development strategies / Robert Puentes, Alice Grossman, Brianne Eby, Alex Bond

Barker Library - TE7.N2755 no.543


Admissibility and public availability of transit safety planning records / Committee to Review Evidentiary Protection for Public Transporation Safety Program Information, Transportation Research Board

Barker Library - TE7.N2774 no.326


Managing state transportation research programs: a synthesis of highway practice / Donald Ludlow, Vivek Sakhrani, Camille Wu

Barker Library - TE7.N2755 no.522


Tools to facilitate implementation of effective metropolitan freight transportation strategies / Bill Eisele [and 8 others]

Barker Library - TE7.N275 no.897


Benchmarking and comparative meeasurement for effective performance management by transportation agencies / Joe Crossett, Anna Batista, Hyun-A Park, Hugh Louch, and Kim Voros

Barker Library - TE7.N275 no.902


Nodes in Transport Networks - Research, Data Analysis and Modelling: 16th Scientific and Technical Conference "Transport Systems. Theory and Practice 2019", Selected Papers / Elżbieta Macioszek, Nan Kang, Grzegorz Sierpiński, editors

Online Resource


TRANSBALTICA XI: transportation science and technology: proceedings of the International Conference TRANSBALTICA, May 2-3, 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania / edited by Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan, Olegas Prentkovskis, Irina Jackiva, Raimundas Junevičius

Online Resource


Transport in shale reservoirs / Kun Sang Lee, Tae Hong Kim

Barker Library - TN858.L44 2019


Decision-making for sustainable transport and mobility: multi actor multi criteria analysis / edited by Cathy Macharis (Professor, Vrije University Brussel-Research group MOBI (Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology), dep. BUTO, Belgium), Gino Baud

Rotch Library - HE305.D36 2018


Workforce optimization workbook for transportation construction projects / Timothy Taylor, Roy Sturgill, Steve Waddle, Ying Li, Kentucky Transportation Center; Paul Goodrum, Keith Molenaar, Sara Al-Haddad, University of Colorado Boulder

Online Resource


European port cities in transition: moving towards more sustainable sea transport hubs / Angela Carpenter, Rodrigo Lozano, editors

Online Resource


ICTE in Transportation and Logistics 2019 Egils Ginters, Mario Arturo Ruiz Estrada, Miquel Angel Piera Eroles, editors

Online Resource


Sustainable approaches to urban transport / edited by Dinesh Mohan and Geetam Tiwari

Rotch Library - HE305.S87 2019


Hydraulic transients and computations Zh. Zhang

Online Resource


Transit: a history of mass transit in the Puget Sound Region / by Jim Kershner

Dewey Library - HE4487.P84 K47 2019


Field verification of proposed changes to the AASHTO R 30 procedures for laboratory conditioning of asphalt mixtures / David Newcomb, Edith Arámbula-Mercado, Amy Epps Martin, Mengge Yuan, Texas A&M Transportation Institute; Nam Tran, Fan Yin, Na

Barker Library - TE7.N25 no.919


Better buses, better cities: how to plan, run, and win the fight for effective transit / Steven Higashide

Online Resource


Towards user-centric transport in Europe 2: enablers of inclusive, seamless and sustainable mobility / Beate Müller, Gereon Meyer, editors

Online Resource


Demand for emerging transportation systems: modeling adoption, satisfaction, and mobility patterns / edited by Constantinos Antoniou, Dimitrios Efthymiou, Emmanouil Chaniotakis

Online Resource


Railroads and the transformation of China / Elisabeth Köll

Dewey Library - HE3288.K65 2019


Diverse applications and transferability of maturity models / Shadrack Katuu [editor]

Online Resource


Policing the open road: how cars transformed American freedom / Sarah A. Seo

Barker Library - HE371.A3 S53 2019


Frost action in soils: fundamentals and mitigation in a changing climate / prepared by the Frozen Ground Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee of the Cold Regions Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; ed

Online Resource


Computation and big data for transport: digital innovations in surface and air transport systems / Pedro Diez, Pekka Neittaanmäki, Jacques Periaux, Tero Tuovinen, Jordi Pons-Prats, editors

Online Resource


The making of you: the incredible journey from cell to human / Katharina Vestre ; translated from Norwegian by Matt Bagguley ; illustrations by Linnea Vestre

Dewey Library - RG613.V4713 2019


A supplementary dictionary of transport studies / Helen Roby

Online Resource


Leading transformation: how to take charge of your company's future / Nathan Furr, Kyle Nel, and Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy

Dewey Library - HD31.2.F87 2018


Transportation asset management: methodology and applications / Zongzhi Li

Rotch Library - HE147.5.L5 2018


Strategic planning for urban transportation: a dynamic performance management approach / Guido Noto

Online Resource


Information technology and intelligent transportation systems: proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITITS 2018), Xi'an, China, September 15-16, 2018 / edited by Lakhmi C. Jai

Barker Library - TE228.3.I684 2018


Ecology in transport: problems and solutions / Aleksander Sładkowski, editor

Online Resource


Platform power and policy in transforming television markets / Tom Evens ; Karen Donders

Dewey Library - HE8689.7.M37 E94 2018


Reliability and statistics in transportation and communication: selected papers from the 19th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, RelStat'19, 16-19 October 2019, Riga, Latvia / Igor Kabashkin, I

Online Resource


Green, smart and connected transportation systems: proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Green Intelligent Transportation Systems and Safety. / Wuhong Wang, Martin Baumann, Xiaobei Jiang, editors

Online Resource


Morituris felicem vitae finem, Mortuis beatem sine fine vitam Silete, Confoederati Amici; quid emortuum Corniculum vestris auribus triste insonet, avidi auscultate, habet secreta ... Translatus est de vita ad mortem ... P. Tobias Herele ...

Autor: Herele, Tobias
Erschienen 1684
BSB-Signatur Res/2 Bavar. 980,2#Beibd.205

URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb11121330-5


Déjà vu and the end of history / Paolo Virno ; translated by David Broder

Virno, Paolo, 1952-


The people want : a radical exploration of the Arab uprising / Gilbert Achcar ; translated from the French by G.M. Goshgarian

Achcar, Gilbert


The comfort women : historical, political, legal and moral perspectives / Kumagai Naoko ; translated by David Noble

Kumagai, Naoko, author