
A whole life / Robert Seethaler ; Charlotte Collins, translator

Hayden Library - PT2721.E48 G3513 2015


New selected poems / Hans Magnus Enzensberger ; translated by David Constantine, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Michael Hamburger, Esther Kinsky

Hayden Library - PT2609.N9 A6 2015


Of all that ends / Günter Grass ; translated by Breon Mitchell

Hayden Library - PT2613.R338 V5813 2016


Bertolt Brecht's Me-ti: book of interventions in the flow of things / Bertolt Brecht ; edited and translated by Antony Tatlow

Hayden Library - PT2603.R397 A2 2016


The storyteller: tales out of loneliness / Walter Benjamin ; with illustrations by Paul Klee ; translated and edited by Sam Dolbear, Esther Leslie and Sebastian Truskolaski

Hayden Library - PT2603.E455 A2 2016


Fiesco's conspiracy at Genoa / by Friedrich Schiller ; translated by Flora Kimmich ; with an introduction and notes to the text by John Guthrie

Online Resource


The Little Paris Bookshop: a novel / Nina George ; translated by Simon Pare

Hayden Library - PT2707.E59 L3813 2016


The passport / Herta Müller ; translated by Martin Chalmers ; foreword by Paul Bailey

Hayden Library - PT2673.U29234 M4613 2015


The last days of mankind: the complete text / Karl Kraus ; translated by Fred Bridgham and Edward Timms ; with a glossary and index

Hayden Library - PT2621.R27 L4313 2015


The woman on the stairs / Bernhard Schlink ; translated from the German by Joyce Hackett and Bradley Schmidt

Hayden Library - PT2680.L54 F7313 2016


Charges (the supplicants) / Elfriede Jelinek ; translated by Gitta Honegger

Hayden Library - PT2670.E46 S3813 2016


The Moravian night: a story / Peter Handke ; translated from the German by Krishna Winston

Hayden Library - PT2668.A5 M6713 2016


Goethe: life as a work of art / Rüdiger Safranski ; translated by David Dollenmayer

Hayden Library - PT2051.S2413 2017


Cabo de Gata: a novel / Eugen Ruge ; translated from the German by Anthea Bell

Hayden Library - PT2718.U48 C3313 2016


Agnes / b y Peter Stamm ; translated from the German by Michael Hofmann

Hayden Library - PT2681.T3234 A7313 2016


Bright magic: stories / Alfred Döblin ; selected and translated from the German by Damion Searls ; introduction by Günter Grass

Hayden Library - PT2607.O35 A2 2016


Twenty-four hours in the life of a woman / Stefan Zweig ; translated from the German by Anthea Bell

Hayden Library - PT2653.W42 V5813 2016


Mr. Zed's reflections, or, Breadcrumbs he dropped, gathered up by his listeners / Hans Magnus Enzensberger ; translated by Wieland Hoban

Hayden Library - PT2609.N9 H4713 2015


Wallenstein: a dramatic poem / by Friedrich Schiller ; translation and notes to the text by Flora Kimmich ; introduction by Roger Paulin

Online Resource


Scenarios: Aguirre, the wrath of god ; Every man for himself and god against all ; Land of silence and darkness: Fitzcarraldo / Werner Herzog ; translated by Martje Herzog and Alan Greenberg

Hayden Library - PT2668.E774 A2 2017


Memoirs of a polar bear / Yoko Tawada ; translated from the German by Susan Bernofsky

Hayden Library - PT2682.A87 E8813 2016


The little French bistro: a novel / Nina George ; translated by Simon Pare

Hayden Library - PT2707.E59 M6613 2017


Wer Lebt: Gedichte: Who lives: poems / Elisabeth Borchers, translated from the German by Caroline Wilcox Reul

Hayden Library - PT2662.O68 W47 2017


The wondrous bird's nest II / Hans Jacob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen ; translated by John C. Osborne

Online Resource


Sonnets / Walter Benjamin ; translation, introduction, and commentary, Carl Skoggard ; foreword, Megan Ewing ; afterword, Christian Wollin

Hayden Library - PT2603.E455 A2 2017


One day a year, 2001-2011 / Christa Wolf ; edited by Gerhard Wolf ; translated by Katy Derbyshire

Hayden Library - PT2685.O36 Z4613 2017


Investigations of a dog, and other creatures / Franz Kafka ; in a new translation by Michael Hofmann

Hayden Library - PT2621.A26 A2 2017


1944 diary / Hans Keilson ; translated from the German by Damion Searls

Hayden Library - PT2621.E24 Z4613 2017


The resistible rise of Arturo Ui: adapted by Bruce Norris from a literal translation by Susan Hingley / Bertolt brecht

Hayden Library - PT2603.R397 A9513 2013b


You should have left / Daniel Kehlmann ; translated from the German by Ross Benjamin

Hayden Library - PT2671.E32 D813 2017


Go, went, gone / Jenny Erpenbeck ; translated by Susan Bernofsky

Hayden Library - PT2665.R59 G3713 2017


Collected poems / Thomas Bernhard ; translated by James Reidel

Hayden Library - PT2662.E7 A2 2017


When I go: selected French poems / Rainer Maria Rilke ; translated with an introduction by Susanne Petermann ; forward by David Rosen

Hayden Library - PT2635.I65 A2 2017


Blumenberg / Sibylle Lewitscharoff ; translated by Wieland Hoban

Hayden Library - PT2672.E895 B5813 2017


Drilling through hard boards: 133 political stories / Alexander Kluge ; with guest contributions by Reinhard Jirgl ; translated by Wieland Hoban

Hayden Library - PT2671.L84 B6513 2017


To die in spring / Ralf Rothmann ; translated from the German by Shaun Whiteside

Hayden Library - PT2678.O84 I4413 2017


To the back of beyond / Peter Stamm ; translated from the German by Michael Hofmann

Hayden Library - PT2681.T3234 W4513 2017


All for nothing / Walter Kempowski ; translated from the German by Anthea Bell ; introduction by Jenny Erpenbeck

Hayden Library - PT2671.E43 A7713 2018


A year of revolutions: Fanny Lewald's recollections of 1848 / translated, edited, and annotated by Hanna Ballin Lewis

Online Resource


The ship of fools / translated into rhyming couplets with an introduction and commentary by Edwin H. Zeydel ; with reproductions of the original woodcuts

Online Resource


Novel translations: the European novel and the German book, 1680-1730 / Bethany Wiggin

Online Resource


The mentor / Daniel Kehlmann ; translated by Christopher Hampton

Hayden Library - PT2671.E32 M46 2017


Novel Translations: the European Novel and the German Book, 1680-1730 / Bethany Wiggin

Online Resource


Hyperion, or, The hermit in Greece / by Friedrich Hölderlin ; translated and with an afterword by Howard Gaskill

Online Resource


Wallenstein: a dramatic poem / by Friedrich Schiller ; translation and notes to the text by Flora Kimmich ; introduction by Roger Paulin

Online Resource


Kafka, the early years / Reiner Stach ; translated by Shelley Frisch

Hayden Library - PT2621.A26 Z88413 2017


Thick of it / Ulrike Almut Sandig ; translated by Karen Leeder

Hayden Library - PT2719.A54 D4313 2018


The capital / Robert Menasse ; translated from the German by Jamie Bulloch

Dewey Library - PT2673.E577 H3813 2019


The book of dreams: a novel / Nina George ; translated by Simon Pare

Dewey Library - PT2707.E59 T7313 2019


Origin of the German trauerspiel / Walter Benjamin ; translated by Howard Eiland

Online Resource