
Demi Lovato Explains Decision to Get Her Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine

Having received her first vaccination for the coronavirus, the 'Cool for the Summer' singer appeases those still hesitant by stating, 'It's normal to be cautious when something new comes along.'


Kelly Osbourne Unbothered Being Labeled 'Racist' Following Mom Sharon's Exit From 'The Talk'

When addressing her mother's departure from CBS' daytime talk show, the 'Fashion Police' star stresses that she doesn't 'give a f**k about cancel culture.'


Pete Davidson 'Really Excited' for Elon Musk's 'SNL' Hosting Gig Despite Fellow Cast's Criticisms

The 'Trainwreck' actor is looking forward to the upcoming episode which will see the Tesla boss as a host although some of his co-stars are seemingly not happy with the casting.

  • tv
  • Saturday Night Live
  • Pete Davidson;Elon Musk


Lil Nas X Unbothered by Criticism as It Gives 'More Power' to His Name

The 'Montero (Call Me by Your Name)' hitmaker talks about controversies surrounding his name, saying he loves taking on online trolls although he always tries not to start the fight.


A Demonstration of Cisco Packet Tracer for Mac, a Powerful Network Simulation Tool

In this episode, Majid Almaadeed gives us a demonstration of Cisco Packet Tracer for Mac, a versatile network simulation and visualization tool designed for learning and practicing networking concepts. It provides a virtual environment where users can create, configure, and simulate network topologies and devices, enabling them to gain hands-on experience with networking technologies without the need for physical hardware.

Cisco Packet Tracer for Mac allows individuals to design and simulate complex network setups. It supports a wide range of Cisco devices, such as routers, switches, and wireless access points, enabling users to configure and interconnect them to create functional networks. You can explore various networking concepts, including routing, switching, wireless communications, and network security. It facilitates the simulation of network protocols and their behaviors, allowing users to understand how data flows through different network layers and devices.

In addition to its simulation capabilities, Cisco Packet Tracer for Mac offers a range of learning resources and activities, making it an ideal tool for educational institutions and self-paced learning. It allows users to test their network configurations, troubleshoot issues, and visualize the impact of changes before implementing them in real-world scenarios.


Award-winning Poet Laureate using poetry to combat racism

Book of poems will raise funds for anti-racism venture.


Blair: “I’m innocent of everything my publicist says I’m guilty of.”

Lord Tony Blair of Bollocksville, former king of Inger-lund, talks exclusively to Sir Howard Elston about his totally blameless role in the Iraq and Afghani wars.


Friends vow to reverse Council decision on Lottery bid

The Friends of Moseley Road Baths are dismayed to learn of Birmingham City Council’s decision not to submit a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for work to the Baths building, which would secure its long term future.


A Narcissist's Prayer. The Trauma Survivor Mantra.

This explains a lot.

A Narcissist's Prayer That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did You deserved it. by Dayna EM Craig The Trauma Survivor Mantra It did happen. It was bad. It was a big deal. It doesn't matter if they meant it. I reject the shame. I didn't deserve it. by Dr. Elayna Fernández ~~~~~ Elayna Fernández is a happy, smiling, festive, wise powerhouse who lives oh so large. A joy to read, I cannot help but smile. I was/am so glad to come across her take on A Narcissists Prayer -- honest, painful, human, smart. A Narcissists Prayer is the best description of the animal I've ever come upon, in six lines (!) no less. Craig gives it to us dead on. Fernández in The Trauma Survivor Mantra nails it, gives us the sane and healthy response to insane unhealthy people.


'We're Not Racist': French Police Say They're Being Unfairly Criticized

French police say they are being stigmatized during protests in France against police violence in the wake of George Floyd's death. On Thursday, police gathered in front of precincts across the country and threw down their handcuffs in a symbolic gesture against what they say is unfair criticism. "The police in France have nothing to do with the police in the U.S., and we're not racist," said Fabien Vanhemelryck, the head of the main police union in France, as he joined dozens of police officers demonstrating Friday morning along the Champs-Élysées. Just days after Floyd was killed while in police custody in Minneapolis, more than 20,000 Parisians defied a ban on gatherings during the pandemic to demand the truth about the death of a black Frenchman named Adama Traoré while in police custody in 2016. The protesters said the French police, like their American counterparts, are endemically racist, a charge denied by many top officials in a country that likes to consider itself colorblind


Law Professor On Misdemeanor Offenses And Racism In The Criminal System

The police killings of George Floyd , Eric Garner and other black men and women began with allegations of a minor offense, such as passing a counterfeit $20 bill or selling individual, untaxed cigarettes. Misdemeanors — these types of low-level criminal offenses — account for about 80% of all arrests and 80% of state criminal dockets, says Alexandra Natapoff, a law professor at the University of California at Irvine and author of Punishment Without Crime . "It's surprising to many people to realize that misdemeanors — these low-level, often chump-change offenses that many of us commit routinely without even noticing it — make up the vast majority of what our criminal system does," Natapoff tells NPR's Ari Shapiro on All Things Considered . "The offenses can include everything from traffic offenses to spitting, loitering, trespassing, all the way up to more serious offenses like DUI or many domestic violence offenses," she says. "It's ... the vast majority of ways that individuals


Commuting to Los Gatos from San Francisco?

Is there any way of using public transit for commuting to Los Gatos from San Francisco? I'd love to use Caltrain and some sort of shuttlebus combo, but have had a lot of trouble finding the correct combination of services. I've tried mapping the trip using but it doesn't seem to include Los Gatos in it's coverage area. I'll be working down there beginning next week, and would love to avoid driving as much as possible.


Parents Must Make Big Decision For Children As School Starts Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Copyright 2020 WYPR - 88.1 FM Baltimore. To see more, visit WYPR - 88.1 FM Baltimore .


Trump Faces Pushback From GOP Over Decision To Pull U.S. Forces Back In Syria

ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: A bipartisan delegation of Congresspeople is just back from Ukraine. It was a trip designed to strengthen the U.S.-Ukraine alliance, and it was planned before news broke of the whistleblower complaint against President Trump involving that same country. Congressman John Garamendi led the delegation as a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee. And the Democrat from California joins us now. Welcome, Congressman. JOHN GARAMENDI: Good to be with you. SHAPIRO: One central question in the impeachment inquiry is whether President Trump demanded help investigating a political rival in exchange for U.S. aid to Ukraine. And I know that aid was a central topic on your trip, so what did you learn about Ukraine's reliance on American assistance? GARAMENDI: Well, first of all, Ukraine is an extraordinary country. These citizens of that country are determined to be independent. They have been fighting a war against Russia for the last five years. They've lost 13- to 14


Brush Busters / Letters to San Francisco / Open Studios

Today, we hear from a group helping neighbors prepare for future wildfires. Then, a new anthology of love letters to San Francisco. And, ArtSpan's Open Studios celebrates 50 years.


Es momento de tener gobiernos sólidos con decisiones de fondo: Henao

Henao habla sobre la importancia de un gobierno sólido


Es momento de tener gobiernos sólidos con decisiones de fondo: Henao

Henao habla sobre la importancia de un gobierno sólido


¿Qué efectos tiene la decisión de la Corte Constitucional en el caso Arias?


¿Tiene Colombia un problema de racismo estructural en la sociedad?


¿Qué efectos tiene la decisión de la Contraloría sobre Hidroituango?

Panelistas creen que sectores políticos van a capitalizar imputación a Sergio Fajardo. Agregan que es importante determinar pronto los responsables.


La hora de los personajes 2020: Francisco De Roux SJ

Aseguró que en el país hay una crisis profunda del ser humano y que se evidencia una ruptura espiritual.


JEP sobre secuestro: ¿cuál es la importancia de la decisión?

Panelistas resaltaron el grado de detalle de la providencia de la JEP; creen que es un avance para la paz. Otros apuntan que puede aumentar la polarización.


Dominancia de Claro: ¿qué implicaciones tiene la decisión de la CRC?

Panelistas consideran que decisión es un paso para corregir los errores en el mercado; creen que es vital para la discusión en la subasta de la 5G.


Caso Fajardo: ¿hay un tinte político en la decisión de la Fiscalía?

Panelistas consideran que hay patrones de politización en la Fiscalía; al tiempo creen que se ha perdido la confianza. Otros consideran que no hay persecución política.


Crisis en seguridad: ¿qué decisiones tomar?

Panelistas consideran que se deben planear acciones en contra del narcotráfico, considerado uno de los causantes de la violencia. También planten negacionismo del gobierno ante problema de seguridad.


“Jóvenes, no colaboren con nada que incentive el odio”: Francisco de Roux

El presidente de la Comisión de la Verdad hizo referencia a los hallazgos durante la construcción del informe final de la Comisión de la Verdad, así como una invitación expresa a los jóvenes.


¿Cuál es el efecto de las decisiones económicas que ha tomado el gobierno?

Panelistas debatieron sobre el alza de los combustibles, la propuesta pensional del presidente y la intervención en la Creg.


Colombia 2023: el año de las decisiones

Panelistas plantean que habrá grandes desafíos económicos ante los efectos sociales. También destacaron el reto que tiene el partido de gobierno con las elecciones regionales.


Decisión se anticipa a mi retiro médico: Roy Barreras

El presidente del Congreso aseguró que si no es a través de la tutela, buscará la forma de encontrar el escenario para sacar adelante el país.


¿Para dónde van las decisiones que toman políticos, gobierno y ciudadanía?

Panelistas analizaron los motivos de la decisión de Óscar Iván Zuluaga en el proceso en su contra; el programa que anuncia el gobierno para sacar a jóvenes de la criminalidad y el apoyo de la ciudadanía al ñoño Elías.


Cifras, decisiones y hechos, ¿en qué va la paz total?

Panelistas analizaron el impacto de la decisión de la Corte Constitucional sobre la paz total, las cifras de violencia y el inicio del quinto ciclo con el ELN.


Elección de fiscal: choque institucional, presiones y Francisco Barbosa

Panelitas analizaron que las dificultades de la actual fiscalía, las discusiones con el presidente y los buenos perfiles de las ternadas, llevan a que se tome una decisión pronta por parte de la Corte.


Donald Trump culpable, ¿cómo impacta la decisión en la campaña presidencia?

Panelistas analizaron lo que viene para la campaña. También se debatió sobre la agenda del congreso y el futuro de los proyectos del Gobierno.


Presupuesto 2025 y Ley de Financiamiento, ¿Qué efecto tienen las decisiones del Gobierno?

Panelistas analizaron el panorama de desfinanciamiento del PGN, los efecto que genere en la economía una nueva tributaria y el impacto que tiene el incremento del precio del ACPM a las inflación.


La felicidad es una decisión.

La felicidad es una decisión.


La decisión del perdón como método de sanación.

La decisión del perdón como método de sanación.


Conciencia: capacidad de tomar decisiones razonadas


All Faiths Lead to Heaven? Pope Francis Calls for Religious Unity

Pope Francis promoted interfaith dialogue during a recent trip to four South Asian countries. Hundreds of thousands welcomed him, but is he promoting biblical truth?


Decisiones de la JEP, quejas en las aerolíneas y el carro de Claudia López

En este episodio, La Luciérnaga se enciende para revisar las últimas decisiones comunicadas por la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz. También, porqué han aumentado las quejas sobre los servicios de las aerolíneas. Además, Claudia López le dejó su carro a Don Hidráulico, el mecánico de La Luciérnaga.La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor, análisis y opinión de Caracol Radio que acompaña desde hace 30 años a sus oyentes en el regreso a casa.


Sin anestesia con Francisco "Pacho" Santos

Escuche el programa de este martes 28 de mayo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.


Secretos detrás del exorcismo: una práctica para enfrentar a los demonios


"Sin duda mi decisión está entre Sergio Fajardo y Petro": Ariel Ávila


Colombia es un país muy racista al igual que Estados Unidos: Luis Murillo


Robe L Ninho: El racismo es un enemigo, tenemos que reivindicarnos desde cualquier sector


Imera Mejía: Imera Mejía: la primera mujer ganadora del Festival Francisco el Hombre


Dilian Francisca Toro anunció su candidatura a la Gobernación del Valle

La exgobernadora Dilian Francisca Toro hizo oficial su candidatura para regresar a la Gobernación del Valle del Cauca. Habló acerca del panorama político de su departamento. 


Tulio Gómez:”Dilian Francisca Toro tiene maquinaria, pero yo el apoyo del pueblo”


Dilian Francisca Toro: “Vamos a trabajar en una alianza por la seguridad del Pacífico”


Pedro Sánchez ha tomado decisiones difíciles y ha pasado situaciones complejas: Irene Lozano, escritora

En Caracol Radio estuvo Irene Lozano, periodista y política española, actual directora de Casa Árabe y colaboradora del presidente del Gobierno español Pedro Sánchez en la redacción de sus dos libros, ‘Manual de resistencia’ y ‘Tierra firme’.