
Operator-scaling Gaussian random fields via aggregation

Yi Shen, Yizao Wang.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 500--530.

We propose an aggregated random-field model, and investigate the scaling limits of the aggregated partial-sum random fields. In this model, each copy in the aggregation is a $pm 1$-valued random field built from two correlated one-dimensional random walks, the law of each determined by a random persistence parameter. A flexible joint distribution of the two parameters is introduced, and given the parameters the two correlated random walks are conditionally independent. For the aggregated random field, when the persistence parameters are independent, the scaling limit is a fractional Brownian sheet. When the persistence parameters are tail-dependent, characterized in the framework of multivariate regular variation, the scaling limit is more delicate, and in particular depends on the growth rates of the underlying rectangular region along two directions: at different rates different operator-scaling Gaussian random fields appear as the region area tends to infinity. In particular, at the so-called critical speed, a large family of Gaussian random fields with long-range dependence arise in the limit. We also identify four different regimes at non-critical speed where fractional Brownian sheets arise in the limit.


High dimensional deformed rectangular matrices with applications in matrix denoising

Xiucai Ding.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 387--417.

We consider the recovery of a low rank $M imes N$ matrix $S$ from its noisy observation $ ilde{S}$ in the high dimensional framework when $M$ is comparable to $N$. We propose two efficient estimators for $S$ under two different regimes. Our analysis relies on the local asymptotics of the eigenstructure of large dimensional rectangular matrices with finite rank perturbation. We derive the convergent limits and rates for the singular values and vectors for such matrices.


Prediction and estimation consistency of sparse multi-class penalized optimal scoring

Irina Gaynanova.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 286--322.

Sparse linear discriminant analysis via penalized optimal scoring is a successful tool for classification in high-dimensional settings. While the variable selection consistency of sparse optimal scoring has been established, the corresponding prediction and estimation consistency results have been lacking. We bridge this gap by providing probabilistic bounds on out-of-sample prediction error and estimation error of multi-class penalized optimal scoring allowing for diverging number of classes.


Cliques in rank-1 random graphs: The role of inhomogeneity

Kay Bogerd, Rui M. Castro, Remco van der Hofstad.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 253--285.

We study the asymptotic behavior of the clique number in rank-1 inhomogeneous random graphs, where edge probabilities between vertices are roughly proportional to the product of their vertex weights. We show that the clique number is concentrated on at most two consecutive integers, for which we provide an expression. Interestingly, the order of the clique number is primarily determined by the overall edge density, with the inhomogeneity only affecting multiplicative constants or adding at most a $log log (n)$ multiplicative factor. For sparse enough graphs the clique number is always bounded and the effect of inhomogeneity completely vanishes.


Estimation of the linear fractional stable motion

Stepan Mazur, Dmitry Otryakhin, Mark Podolskij.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 226--252.

In this paper, we investigate the parametric inference for the linear fractional stable motion in high and low frequency setting. The symmetric linear fractional stable motion is a three-parameter family, which constitutes a natural non-Gaussian analogue of the scaled fractional Brownian motion. It is fully characterised by the scaling parameter $sigma>0$, the self-similarity parameter $Hin(0,1)$ and the stability index $alphain(0,2)$ of the driving stable motion. The parametric estimation of the model is inspired by the limit theory for stationary increments Lévy moving average processes that has been recently studied in ( Ann. Probab. 45 (2017) 4477–4528). More specifically, we combine (negative) power variation statistics and empirical characteristic functions to obtain consistent estimates of $(sigma,alpha,H)$. We present the law of large numbers and some fully feasible weak limit theorems.


English given names : popularity, spelling variants, diminutives and abbreviations / by Carol Baxter.

Names, Personal -- England.


The Thomson family : fisherman in Buckhaven, retailers in Kapunda / compiled by Elizabeth Anne Howell.

Thomson (Family)


Fuhlbohm family history : a collection of memorabilia of our ancestors and families in Germany, USA, and Australia / by Oscar Fuhlbohm.

Fuhlbohm (Family)


High on the hill : the people of St Philip & St James Church, Old Noarlunga / City of Onkaparinga.

St. Philip and St. James Church (Noarlunga, S.A.)


From Westphalia to South Australia : the story of Franz Heinrich Ernst Siekmann / by Peter Brinkworth.

Siekmann, Francis Heinrich Ernst, 1830-1917.


The Yangya Hicks : tales from the Hicks family of Yangya near Gladstone, South Australia, written from the 12th of May 1998 / by Joyce Coralie Hale (nee Hicks) (28.12.1923-17.12.2003).

Hicks (Family)


High on the hill : the people of St Philip & St James Church, Old Noarlunga%cCity of Onkaparinga.

St. Philip and St. James Church (Noarlunga, S.A.)


Gordon of Huntly : heraldic heritage : cadets to South Australia / Robin Gregory Gordon.

South Australia -- Genealogy.


List of family history books owned by Roy Klemm.

Family histories -- South Australia -- Bibliography.


Welsh given names : popularity, spelling variants, diminutives and abbreviations / by Carol Baxter.

Names, Personal -- Welsh.


Scottish given names : popularity, spelling variants, diminutives and abbreviations / by Carol Baxter.

Names, Personal -- Scottish.


A family history Siglin to Siegele 1530 to 2019 : from Ditzingen, Germany over land and sea / Ian G. Siegele.

Germans -- South Australia.


No turning back : stories of our ancestors / by David Gambling.

Gambling (Family)


South Australian history sources / by Andrew Guy Peake.

South Australia -- History -- Sources.


Traegers in Australia. 3, Ernst's story : the story of Ernst Wilhelm Traeger and Johanne Dorothea nee Lissmann, and their descendants, 1856-2018.

Traeger, Ernst Wilhelm, 1805-1874.


Fuhlbohm family history : a collection of memorabilia of our ancestors and families in Germany, USA, and Australia / by Oscar Fuhlbohm.

Fuhlbohm (Family)


Living through English history : stories of the Urlwin, Brittridge, Vasper, Partridge and Ellerby families / Janet McLeod.

Urlwin (Family).


Slow tain to Auschwitz : memoirs of a life in war and peace / Peter Kraus.

Kraus, Peter -- Biography.


From alms house to first nation : a story of my ancestors in South Australia : a Sherwell family story / by Pamela Coad (nee Sherwell).

Sherwell (Family)


Austin-Area District Looks for Digital/Blended Learning Program; Baltimore Seeks High School Literacy Program

The Round Rock Independent School District in Texas is looking for a digital curriculum and blended learning program. Baltimore is looking for a comprehensive high school literacy program.

The post Austin-Area District Looks for Digital/Blended Learning Program; Baltimore Seeks High School Literacy Program appeared first on Market Brief.

  • Purchasing Alert
  • Curriculum / Digital Curriculum
  • Educational Technology/Ed-Tech
  • Learning Management / Student Information Systems
  • Procurement / Purchasing / RFPs


Calif. Ed-Tech Consortium Seeks Media Repository Solutions; Saint Paul District Needs Background Check Services

Saint Paul schools are in the market for a vendor to provide background checks, while the Education Technology Joint Powers Authority is seeking media repositories. A Texas district wants quotes on technology for new campuses.

The post Calif. Ed-Tech Consortium Seeks Media Repository Solutions; Saint Paul District Needs Background Check Services appeared first on Market Brief.


Item 02: William Hilton Saunders WWI diary, 1 January 1917 - 24 October 1917


Item 04: William Hilton Saunders WWI diary, 18 February 1919 - 8 July 1919


Item 03: William Hilton Saunders WWI diary, 1 January 1918 - 31 December 1918


Item 01: William Hilton Saunders WWI diary, February 1916 - 2 January 1917


Item 05: William Hilton Saunders WWI 1916-1919 address book with poetry


Willie Neville Majoribank Chester manuscript collection, 5 November 1915 - 22 December 1918


Glass stereoscopic slides of Gallipoli, May 1915 / photographed by Charles Snodgrass Ryan


Item 07: A Journal of ye [the] Proceedings of his Majesty's Sloop Swallow, Captain Phillip [Philip] Carteret Commander, Commencing ye [the] 23 of July 1766 and ended [4 July 1767]


Item 08: A Logg [Log] Book of the proceedings on Board His Majesty's Ship Swallow, Captain Philip Carteret Commander Commencing from the 20th August 1766 and Ending [21st May 1768]


Item 10: Log book of the Swallow from 22 August 1767 to 4 June 1768 / by Philip Carteret


Volume 24 Item 04: William Thomas Manners and customs of Aborigines - Miscellaneous scraps, ca. 1858


Item 01: Notebooks (2) containing hand written copies of 123 letters from Major William Alan Audsley to his parents, ca. 1916-ca. 1919, transcribed by his father. Also includes original letters (2) written by Major Audsley.


Item 01: Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett diary, 1915-1917


Item 01: Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett diary, 1915-1917


Item 01: Autograph letter signed, from Hume, Appin, to William E. Riley, concerning an account for money owed by Riley, 4 September 1834


Sydney in 1848 : illustrated by copper-plate engravings of its principal streets, public buildings, churches, chapels, etc. / from drawings by Joseph Fowles.


Art Around the Library - Drawing Perspective

Investigate perspective in some fabulous photographs and discover tips and tricks.


Smart research for HSC students: Better searching with online resources

In this online session, we simplify searching for you so that the skills you need in one resource will work wherever you are.


Art Around the Library - Illuminated letter

Examine some examples of font and decoration used in beautiful medieval manuscripts as inspiration for creating your own illuminated letter design.


Art Around the Library - Zine to Artist's Book

Find out how easy it is to make a ‘zine’ and you’re well on your way to producing your own mini books.


Smart research for HSC students: Essential Library resources for your research and study

This session brings together the key resources for HSC subjects, including those that are useful for studying Advanced and Extension courses.


Calligraphy – Fun with fonts

Looking at fun ways to create fonts of your own design.


Art Around the Library - Zentangles

Discover the enjoyment of a meandering line with decoration and zentangle your way into the holidays!


Where do I start? Discover Your State Library Online

Whether you're looking for a new book to read, a binge-worthy podcast, inspiring stories, or a fun activity to do at home – you can get all of this and more online at your State Library