
Joint model of accelerated failure time and mechanistic nonlinear model for censored covariates, with application in HIV/AIDS

Hongbin Zhang, Lang Wu.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2140--2157.

For a time-to-event outcome with censored time-varying covariates, a joint Cox model with a linear mixed effects model is the standard modeling approach. In some applications such as AIDS studies, mechanistic nonlinear models are available for some covariate process such as viral load during anti-HIV treatments, derived from the underlying data-generation mechanisms and disease progression. Such a mechanistic nonlinear covariate model may provide better-predicted values when the covariates are left censored or mismeasured. When the focus is on the impact of the time-varying covariate process on the survival outcome, an accelerated failure time (AFT) model provides an excellent alternative to the Cox proportional hazard model since an AFT model is formulated to allow the influence of the outcome by the entire covariate process. In this article, we consider a nonlinear mixed effects model for the censored covariates in an AFT model, implemented using a Monte Carlo EM algorithm, under the framework of a joint model for simultaneous inference. We apply the joint model to an HIV/AIDS data to gain insights for assessing the association between viral load and immunological restoration during antiretroviral therapy. Simulation is conducted to compare model performance when the covariate model and the survival model are misspecified.


Fire seasonality identification with multimodality tests

Jose Ameijeiras-Alonso, Akli Benali, Rosa M. Crujeiras, Alberto Rodríguez-Casal, José M. C. Pereira.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2120--2139.

Understanding the role of vegetation fires in the Earth system is an important environmental problem. Although fire occurrence is influenced by natural factors, human activity related to land use and management has altered the temporal patterns of fire in several regions of the world. Hence, for a better insight into fires regimes it is of special interest to analyze where human activity has altered fire seasonality. For doing so, multimodality tests are a useful tool for determining the number of annual fire peaks. The periodicity of fires and their complex distributional features motivate the use of nonparametric circular statistics. The unsatisfactory performance of previous circular nonparametric proposals for testing multimodality justifies the introduction of a new approach, considering an adapted version of the excess mass statistic, jointly with a bootstrap calibration algorithm. A systematic application of the test on the Russia–Kazakhstan area is presented in order to determine how many fire peaks can be identified in this region. A False Discovery Rate correction, accounting for the spatial dependence of the data, is also required.


Statistical inference for partially observed branching processes with application to cell lineage tracking of in vivo hematopoiesis

Jason Xu, Samson Koelle, Peter Guttorp, Chuanfeng Wu, Cynthia Dunbar, Janis L. Abkowitz, Vladimir N. Minin.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2091--2119.

Single-cell lineage tracking strategies enabled by recent experimental technologies have produced significant insights into cell fate decisions, but lack the quantitative framework necessary for rigorous statistical analysis of mechanistic models describing cell division and differentiation. In this paper, we develop such a framework with corresponding moment-based parameter estimation techniques for continuous-time, multi-type branching processes. Such processes provide a probabilistic model of how cells divide and differentiate, and we apply our method to study hematopoiesis , the mechanism of blood cell production. We derive closed-form expressions for higher moments in a general class of such models. These analytical results allow us to efficiently estimate parameters of much richer statistical models of hematopoiesis than those used in previous statistical studies. To our knowledge, the method provides the first rate inference procedure for fitting such models to time series data generated from cellular barcoding experiments. After validating the methodology in simulation studies, we apply our estimator to hematopoietic lineage tracking data from rhesus macaques. Our analysis provides a more complete understanding of cell fate decisions during hematopoiesis in nonhuman primates, which may be more relevant to human biology and clinical strategies than previous findings from murine studies. For example, in addition to previously estimated hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal rate, we are able to estimate fate decision probabilities and to compare structurally distinct models of hematopoiesis using cross validation. These estimates of fate decision probabilities and our model selection results should help biologists compare competing hypotheses about how progenitor cells differentiate. The methodology is transferrable to a large class of stochastic compartmental and multi-type branching models, commonly used in studies of cancer progression, epidemiology and many other fields.


Estimating abundance from multiple sampling capture-recapture data via a multi-state multi-period stopover model

Hannah Worthington, Rachel McCrea, Ruth King, Richard Griffiths.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2043--2064.

Capture-recapture studies often involve collecting data on numerous capture occasions over a relatively short period of time. For many study species this process is repeated, for example, annually, resulting in capture information spanning multiple sampling periods. To account for the different temporal scales, the robust design class of models have traditionally been applied providing a framework in which to analyse all of the available capture data in a single likelihood expression. However, these models typically require strong constraints, either the assumption of closure within a sampling period (the closed robust design) or conditioning on the number of individuals captured within a sampling period (the open robust design). For real datasets these assumptions may not be appropriate. We develop a general modelling structure that requires neither assumption by explicitly modelling the movement of individuals into the population both within and between the sampling periods, which in turn permits the estimation of abundance within a single consistent framework. The flexibility of the novel model structure is further demonstrated by including the computationally challenging case of multi-state data where there is individual time-varying discrete covariate information. We derive an efficient likelihood expression for the new multi-state multi-period stopover model using the hidden Markov model framework. We demonstrate the significant improvement in parameter estimation using our new modelling approach in terms of both the multi-period and multi-state components through both a simulation study and a real dataset relating to the protected species of great crested newts, Triturus cristatus .


A semiparametric modeling approach using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees with an application to evaluate heterogeneous treatment effects

Bret Zeldow, Vincent Lo Re III, Jason Roy.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1989--2010.

Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) is a flexible machine learning algorithm capable of capturing nonlinearities between an outcome and covariates and interactions among covariates. We extend BART to a semiparametric regression framework in which the conditional expectation of an outcome is a function of treatment, its effect modifiers, and confounders. The confounders are allowed to have unspecified functional form, while treatment and effect modifiers that are directly related to the research question are given a linear form. The result is a Bayesian semiparametric linear regression model where the posterior distribution of the parameters of the linear part can be interpreted as in parametric Bayesian regression. This is useful in situations where a subset of the variables are of substantive interest and the others are nuisance variables that we would like to control for. An example of this occurs in causal modeling with the structural mean model (SMM). Under certain causal assumptions, our method can be used as a Bayesian SMM. Our methods are demonstrated with simulation studies and an application to dataset involving adults with HIV/Hepatitis C coinfection who newly initiate antiretroviral therapy. The methods are available in an R package called semibart.


Oblique random survival forests

Byron C. Jaeger, D. Leann Long, Dustin M. Long, Mario Sims, Jeff M. Szychowski, Yuan-I Min, Leslie A. Mcclure, George Howard, Noah Simon.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1847--1883.

We introduce and evaluate the oblique random survival forest (ORSF). The ORSF is an ensemble method for right-censored survival data that uses linear combinations of input variables to recursively partition a set of training data. Regularized Cox proportional hazard models are used to identify linear combinations of input variables in each recursive partitioning step. Benchmark results using simulated and real data indicate that the ORSF’s predicted risk function has high prognostic value in comparison to random survival forests, conditional inference forests, regression and boosting. In an application to data from the Jackson Heart Study, we demonstrate variable and partial dependence using the ORSF and highlight characteristics of its ten-year predicted risk function for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease events (ASCVD; stroke, coronary heart disease). We present visualizations comparing variable and partial effect estimation according to the ORSF, the conditional inference forest, and the Pooled Cohort Risk equations. The obliqueRSF R package, which provides functions to fit the ORSF and create variable and partial dependence plots, is available on the comprehensive R archive network (CRAN).


Wavelet spectral testing: Application to nonstationary circadian rhythms

Jessica K. Hargreaves, Marina I. Knight, Jon W. Pitchford, Rachael J. Oakenfull, Sangeeta Chawla, Jack Munns, Seth J. Davis.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1817--1846.

Rhythmic data are ubiquitous in the life sciences. Biologists need reliable statistical tests to identify whether a particular experimental treatment has caused a significant change in a rhythmic signal. When these signals display nonstationary behaviour, as is common in many biological systems, the established methodologies may be misleading. Therefore, there is a real need for new methodology that enables the formal comparison of nonstationary processes. As circadian behaviour is best understood in the spectral domain, here we develop novel hypothesis testing procedures in the (wavelet) spectral domain, embedding replicate information when available. The data are modelled as realisations of locally stationary wavelet processes, allowing us to define and rigorously estimate their evolutionary wavelet spectra. Motivated by three complementary applications in circadian biology, our new methodology allows the identification of three specific types of spectral difference. We demonstrate the advantages of our methodology over alternative approaches, by means of a comprehensive simulation study and real data applications, using both published and newly generated circadian datasets. In contrast to the current standard methodologies, our method successfully identifies differences within the motivating circadian datasets, and facilitates wider ranging analyses of rhythmic biological data in general.


Bayesian modeling of the structural connectome for studying Alzheimer’s disease

Arkaprava Roy, Subhashis Ghosal, Jeffrey Prescott, Kingshuk Roy Choudhury.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1791--1816.

We study possible relations between Alzheimer’s disease progression and the structure of the connectome which is white matter connecting different regions of the brain. Regression models in covariates including age, gender and disease status for the extent of white matter connecting each pair of regions of the brain are proposed. Subject inhomogeneity is also incorporated in the model through random effects with an unknown distribution. As there is a large number of pairs of regions, we also adopt a dimension reduction technique through graphon ( J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 96 (2006) 933–957) functions which reduces the functions of pairs of regions to functions of regions. The connecting graphon functions are considered unknown but the assumed smoothness allows putting priors of low complexity on these functions. We pursue a nonparametric Bayesian approach by assigning a Dirichlet process scale mixture of zero to mean normal prior on the distributions of the random effects and finite random series of tensor products of B-splines priors on the underlying graphon functions. We develop efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques for drawing samples for the posterior distributions using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC). The proposed Bayesian method overwhelmingly outperforms a competing method based on ANCOVA models in the simulation setup. The proposed Bayesian approach is applied on a dataset of 100 subjects and 83 brain regions and key regions implicated in the changing connectome are identified.


Incorporating conditional dependence in latent class models for probabilistic record linkage: Does it matter?

Huiping Xu, Xiaochun Li, Changyu Shen, Siu L. Hui, Shaun Grannis.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1753--1790.

The conditional independence assumption of the Felligi and Sunter (FS) model in probabilistic record linkage is often violated when matching real-world data. Ignoring conditional dependence has been shown to seriously bias parameter estimates. However, in record linkage, the ultimate goal is to inform the match status of record pairs and therefore, record linkage algorithms should be evaluated in terms of matching accuracy. In the literature, more flexible models have been proposed to relax the conditional independence assumption, but few studies have assessed whether such accommodations improve matching accuracy. In this paper, we show that incorporating the conditional dependence appropriately yields comparable or improved matching accuracy than the FS model using three real-world data linkage examples. Through a simulation study, we further investigate when conditional dependence models provide improved matching accuracy. Our study shows that the FS model is generally robust to the conditional independence assumption and provides comparable matching accuracy as the more complex conditional dependence models. However, when the match prevalence approaches 0% or 100% and conditional dependence exists in the dominating class, it is necessary to address conditional dependence as the FS model produces suboptimal matching accuracy. The need to address conditional dependence becomes less important when highly discriminating fields are used. Our simulation study also shows that conditional dependence models with misspecified dependence structure could produce less accurate record matching than the FS model and therefore we caution against the blind use of conditional dependence models.


Sequential decision model for inference and prediction on nonuniform hypergraphs with application to knot matching from computational forestry

Seong-Hwan Jun, Samuel W. K. Wong, James V. Zidek, Alexandre Bouchard-Côté.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1678--1707.

In this paper, we consider the knot-matching problem arising in computational forestry. The knot-matching problem is an important problem that needs to be solved to advance the state of the art in automatic strength prediction of lumber. We show that this problem can be formulated as a quadripartite matching problem and develop a sequential decision model that admits efficient parameter estimation along with a sequential Monte Carlo sampler on graph matching that can be utilized for rapid sampling of graph matching. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods on 30 manually annotated boards and present findings from various simulation studies to provide further evidence supporting the efficacy of our methods.


Network classification with applications to brain connectomics

Jesús D. Arroyo Relión, Daniel Kessler, Elizaveta Levina, Stephan F. Taylor.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1648--1677.

While statistical analysis of a single network has received a lot of attention in recent years, with a focus on social networks, analysis of a sample of networks presents its own challenges which require a different set of analytic tools. Here we study the problem of classification of networks with labeled nodes, motivated by applications in neuroimaging. Brain networks are constructed from imaging data to represent functional connectivity between regions of the brain, and previous work has shown the potential of such networks to distinguish between various brain disorders, giving rise to a network classification problem. Existing approaches tend to either treat all edge weights as a long vector, ignoring the network structure, or focus on graph topology as represented by summary measures while ignoring the edge weights. Our goal is to design a classification method that uses both the individual edge information and the network structure of the data in a computationally efficient way, and that can produce a parsimonious and interpretable representation of differences in brain connectivity patterns between classes. We propose a graph classification method that uses edge weights as predictors but incorporates the network nature of the data via penalties that promote sparsity in the number of nodes, in addition to the usual sparsity penalties that encourage selection of edges. We implement the method via efficient convex optimization and provide a detailed analysis of data from two fMRI studies of schizophrenia.


RCRnorm: An integrated system of random-coefficient hierarchical regression models for normalizing NanoString nCounter data

Gaoxiang Jia, Xinlei Wang, Qiwei Li, Wei Lu, Ximing Tang, Ignacio Wistuba, Yang Xie.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1617--1647.

Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples have great potential for biomarker discovery, retrospective studies and diagnosis or prognosis of diseases. Their application, however, is hindered by the unsatisfactory performance of traditional gene expression profiling techniques on damaged RNAs. NanoString nCounter platform is well suited for profiling of FFPE samples and measures gene expression with high sensitivity which may greatly facilitate realization of scientific and clinical values of FFPE samples. However, methodological development for normalization, a critical step when analyzing this type of data, is far behind. Existing methods designed for the platform use information from different types of internal controls separately and rely on an overly-simplified assumption that expression of housekeeping genes is constant across samples for global scaling. Thus, these methods are not optimized for the nCounter system, not mentioning that they were not developed for FFPE samples. We construct an integrated system of random-coefficient hierarchical regression models to capture main patterns and characteristics observed from NanoString data of FFPE samples and develop a Bayesian approach to estimate parameters and normalize gene expression across samples. Our method, labeled RCRnorm, incorporates information from all aspects of the experimental design and simultaneously removes biases from various sources. It eliminates the unrealistic assumption on housekeeping genes and offers great interpretability. Furthermore, it is applicable to freshly frozen or like samples that can be generally viewed as a reduced case of FFPE samples. Simulation and applications showed the superior performance of RCRnorm.


Modeling seasonality and serial dependence of electricity price curves with warping functional autoregressive dynamics

Ying Chen, J. S. Marron, Jiejie Zhang.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1590--1616.

Electricity prices are high dimensional, serially dependent and have seasonal variations. We propose a Warping Functional AutoRegressive (WFAR) model that simultaneously accounts for the cross time-dependence and seasonal variations of the large dimensional data. In particular, electricity price curves are obtained by smoothing over the $24$ discrete hourly prices on each day. In the functional domain, seasonal phase variations are separated from level amplitude changes in a warping process with the Fisher–Rao distance metric, and the aligned (season-adjusted) electricity price curves are modeled in the functional autoregression framework. In a real application, the WFAR model provides superior out-of-sample forecast accuracy in both a normal functioning market, Nord Pool, and an extreme situation, the California market. The forecast performance as well as the relative accuracy improvement are stable for different markets and different time periods.


Distributional regression forests for probabilistic precipitation forecasting in complex terrain

Lisa Schlosser, Torsten Hothorn, Reto Stauffer, Achim Zeileis.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1564--1589.

To obtain a probabilistic model for a dependent variable based on some set of explanatory variables, a distributional approach is often adopted where the parameters of the distribution are linked to regressors. In many classical models this only captures the location of the distribution but over the last decade there has been increasing interest in distributional regression approaches modeling all parameters including location, scale and shape. Notably, so-called nonhomogeneous Gaussian regression (NGR) models both mean and variance of a Gaussian response and is particularly popular in weather forecasting. Moreover, generalized additive models for location, scale and shape (GAMLSS) provide a framework where each distribution parameter is modeled separately capturing smooth linear or nonlinear effects. However, when variable selection is required and/or there are nonsmooth dependencies or interactions (especially unknown or of high-order), it is challenging to establish a good GAMLSS. A natural alternative in these situations would be the application of regression trees or random forests but, so far, no general distributional framework is available for these. Therefore, a framework for distributional regression trees and forests is proposed that blends regression trees and random forests with classical distributions from the GAMLSS framework as well as their censored or truncated counterparts. To illustrate these novel approaches in practice, they are employed to obtain probabilistic precipitation forecasts at numerous sites in a mountainous region (Tyrol, Austria) based on a large number of numerical weather prediction quantities. It is shown that the novel distributional regression forests automatically select variables and interactions, performing on par or often even better than GAMLSS specified either through prior meteorological knowledge or a computationally more demanding boosting approach.


Network modelling of topological domains using Hi-C data

Y. X. Rachel Wang, Purnamrita Sarkar, Oana Ursu, Anshul Kundaje, Peter J. Bickel.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1511--1536.

Chromosome conformation capture experiments such as Hi-C are used to map the three-dimensional spatial organization of genomes. One specific feature of the 3D organization is known as topologically associating domains (TADs), which are densely interacting, contiguous chromatin regions playing important roles in regulating gene expression. A few algorithms have been proposed to detect TADs. In particular, the structure of Hi-C data naturally inspires application of community detection methods. However, one of the drawbacks of community detection is that most methods take exchangeability of the nodes in the network for granted; whereas the nodes in this case, that is, the positions on the chromosomes, are not exchangeable. We propose a network model for detecting TADs using Hi-C data that takes into account this nonexchangeability. In addition, our model explicitly makes use of cell-type specific CTCF binding sites as biological covariates and can be used to identify conserved TADs across multiple cell types. The model leads to a likelihood objective that can be efficiently optimized via relaxation. We also prove that when suitably initialized, this model finds the underlying TAD structure with high probability. Using simulated data, we show the advantages of our method and the caveats of popular community detection methods, such as spectral clustering, in this application. Applying our method to real Hi-C data, we demonstrate the domains identified have desirable epigenetic features and compare them across different cell types.


Spatio-temporal short-term wind forecast: A calibrated regime-switching method

Ahmed Aziz Ezzat, Mikyoung Jun, Yu Ding.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1484--1510.

Accurate short-term forecasts are indispensable for the integration of wind energy in power grids. On a wind farm, local wind conditions exhibit sizeable variations at a fine temporal resolution. Existing statistical models may capture the in-sample variations in wind behavior, but are often shortsighted to those occurring in the near future, that is, in the forecast horizon. The calibrated regime-switching method proposed in this paper introduces an action of regime dependent calibration on the predictand (here the wind speed variable), which helps correct the bias resulting from out-of-sample variations in wind behavior. This is achieved by modeling the calibration as a function of two elements: the wind regime at the time of the forecast (and the calibration is therefore regime dependent), and the runlength, which is the time elapsed since the last observed regime change. In addition to regime-switching dynamics, the proposed model also accounts for other features of wind fields: spatio-temporal dependencies, transport effect of wind and nonstationarity. Using one year of turbine-specific wind data, we show that the calibrated regime-switching method can offer a wide margin of improvement over existing forecasting methods in terms of both wind speed and power.


Identifying multiple changes for a functional data sequence with application to freeway traffic segmentation

Jeng-Min Chiou, Yu-Ting Chen, Tailen Hsing.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1430--1463.

Motivated by the study of road segmentation partitioned by shifts in traffic conditions along a freeway, we introduce a two-stage procedure, Dynamic Segmentation and Backward Elimination (DSBE), for identifying multiple changes in the mean functions for a sequence of functional data. The Dynamic Segmentation procedure searches for all possible changepoints using the derived global optimality criterion coupled with the local strategy of at-most-one-changepoint by dividing the entire sequence into individual subsequences that are recursively adjusted until convergence. Then, the Backward Elimination procedure verifies these changepoints by iteratively testing the unlikely changes to ensure their significance until no more changepoints can be removed. By combining the local strategy with the global optimal changepoint criterion, the DSBE algorithm is conceptually simple and easy to implement and performs better than the binary segmentation-based approach at detecting small multiple changes. The consistency property of the changepoint estimators and the convergence of the algorithm are proved. We apply DSBE to detect changes in traffic streams through real freeway traffic data. The practical performance of DSBE is also investigated through intensive simulation studies for various scenarios.


Imputation and post-selection inference in models with missing data: An application to colorectal cancer surveillance guidelines

Lin Liu, Yuqi Qiu, Loki Natarajan, Karen Messer.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1370--1396.

It is common to encounter missing data among the potential predictor variables in the setting of model selection. For example, in a recent study we attempted to improve the US guidelines for risk stratification after screening colonoscopy ( Cancer Causes Control 27 (2016) 1175–1185), with the aim to help reduce both overuse and underuse of follow-on surveillance colonoscopy. The goal was to incorporate selected additional informative variables into a neoplasia risk-prediction model, going beyond the three currently established risk factors, using a large dataset pooled from seven different prospective studies in North America. Unfortunately, not all candidate variables were collected in all studies, so that one or more important potential predictors were missing on over half of the subjects. Thus, while variable selection was a main focus of the study, it was necessary to address the substantial amount of missing data. Multiple imputation can effectively address missing data, and there are also good approaches to incorporate the variable selection process into model-based confidence intervals. However, there is not consensus on appropriate methods of inference which address both issues simultaneously. Our goal here is to study the properties of model-based confidence intervals in the setting of imputation for missing data followed by variable selection. We use both simulation and theory to compare three approaches to such post-imputation-selection inference: a multiple-imputation approach based on Rubin’s Rules for variance estimation ( Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 71 (2014) 758–770); a single imputation-selection followed by bootstrap percentile confidence intervals; and a new bootstrap model-averaging approach presented here, following Efron ( J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 109 (2014) 991–1007). We investigate relative strengths and weaknesses of each method. The “Rubin’s Rules” multiple imputation estimator can have severe undercoverage, and is not recommended. The imputation-selection estimator with bootstrap percentile confidence intervals works well. The bootstrap-model-averaged estimator, with the “Efron’s Rules” estimated variance, may be preferred if the true effect sizes are moderate. We apply these results to the colorectal neoplasia risk-prediction problem which motivated the present work.


Introduction to papers on the modeling and analysis of network data—II

Stephen E. Fienberg

Source: Ann. Appl. Stat., Volume 4, Number 2, 533--534.


Local law and Tracy–Widom limit for sparse stochastic block models

Jong Yun Hwang, Ji Oon Lee, Wooseok Yang.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2400--2435.

We consider the spectral properties of sparse stochastic block models, where $N$ vertices are partitioned into $K$ balanced communities. Under an assumption that the intra-community probability and inter-community probability are of similar order, we prove a local semicircle law up to the spectral edges, with an explicit formula on the deterministic shift of the spectral edge. We also prove that the fluctuation of the extremal eigenvalues is given by the GOE Tracy–Widom law after rescaling and centering the entries of sparse stochastic block models. Applying the result to sparse stochastic block models, we rigorously prove that there is a large gap between the outliers and the spectral edge without centering.


Bayesian linear regression for multivariate responses under group sparsity

Bo Ning, Seonghyun Jeong, Subhashis Ghosal.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2353--2382.

We study frequentist properties of a Bayesian high-dimensional multivariate linear regression model with correlated responses. The predictors are separated into many groups and the group structure is pre-determined. Two features of the model are unique: (i) group sparsity is imposed on the predictors; (ii) the covariance matrix is unknown and its dimensions can also be high. We choose a product of independent spike-and-slab priors on the regression coefficients and a new prior on the covariance matrix based on its eigendecomposition. Each spike-and-slab prior is a mixture of a point mass at zero and a multivariate density involving the $ell_{2,1}$-norm. We first obtain the posterior contraction rate, the bounds on the effective dimension of the model with high posterior probabilities. We then show that the multivariate regression coefficients can be recovered under certain compatibility conditions. Finally, we quantify the uncertainty for the regression coefficients with frequentist validity through a Bernstein–von Mises type theorem. The result leads to selection consistency for the Bayesian method. We derive the posterior contraction rate using the general theory by constructing a suitable test from the first principle using moment bounds for certain likelihood ratios. This leads to posterior concentration around the truth with respect to the average Rényi divergence of order $1/2$. This technique of obtaining the required tests for posterior contraction rate could be useful in many other problems.


Weighted Lépingle inequality

Pavel Zorin-Kranich.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2311--2318.

We prove an estimate for weighted $p$th moments of the pathwise $r$-variation of a martingale in terms of the $A_{p}$ characteristic of the weight. The novelty of the proof is that we avoid real interpolation techniques.


Exponential integrability and exit times of diffusions on sub-Riemannian and metric measure spaces

Anton Thalmaier, James Thompson.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2202--2225.

In this article, we derive moment estimates, exponential integrability, concentration inequalities and exit times estimates for canonical diffusions firstly on sub-Riemannian limits of Riemannian foliations and secondly in the nonsmooth setting of $operatorname{RCD}^{*}(K,N)$ spaces. In each case, the necessary ingredients are Itô’s formula and a comparison theorem for the Laplacian, for which we refer to the recent literature. As an application, we derive pointwise Carmona-type estimates on eigenfunctions of Schrödinger operators.


Scaling limits for super-replication with transient price impact

Peter Bank, Yan Dolinsky.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2176--2201.

We prove a scaling limit theorem for the super-replication cost of options in a Cox–Ross–Rubinstein binomial model with transient price impact. The correct scaling turns out to keep the market depth parameter constant while resilience over fixed periods of time grows in inverse proportion with the duration between trading times. For vanilla options, the scaling limit is found to coincide with the one obtained by PDE-methods in ( Math. Finance 22 (2012) 250–276) for models with purely temporary price impact. These models are a special case of our framework and so our probabilistic scaling limit argument allows one to expand the scope of the scaling limit result to path-dependent options.


Directional differentiability for supremum-type functionals: Statistical applications

Javier Cárcamo, Antonio Cuevas, Luis-Alberto Rodríguez.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2143--2175.

We show that various functionals related to the supremum of a real function defined on an arbitrary set or a measure space are Hadamard directionally differentiable. We specifically consider the supremum norm, the supremum, the infimum, and the amplitude of a function. The (usually non-linear) derivatives of these maps adopt simple expressions under suitable assumptions on the underlying space. As an application, we improve and extend to the multidimensional case the results in Raghavachari ( Ann. Statist. 1 (1973) 67–73) regarding the limiting distributions of Kolmogorov–Smirnov type statistics under the alternative hypothesis. Similar results are obtained for analogous statistics associated with copulas. We additionally solve an open problem about the Berk–Jones statistic proposed by Jager and Wellner (In A Festschrift for Herman Rubin (2004) 319–331 IMS). Finally, the asymptotic distribution of maximum mean discrepancies over Donsker classes of functions is derived.


Noncommutative Lebesgue decomposition and contiguity with applications in quantum statistics

Akio Fujiwara, Koichi Yamagata.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2105--2142.

We herein develop a theory of contiguity in the quantum domain based upon a novel quantum analogue of the Lebesgue decomposition. The theory thus formulated is pertinent to the weak quantum local asymptotic normality introduced in the previous paper [Yamagata, Fujiwara, and Gill, Ann. Statist. 41 (2013) 2197–2217], yielding substantial enlargement of the scope of quantum statistics.


Perfect sampling for Gibbs point processes using partial rejection sampling

Sarat B. Moka, Dirk P. Kroese.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2082--2104.

We present a perfect sampling algorithm for Gibbs point processes, based on the partial rejection sampling of Guo, Jerrum and Liu (In STOC’17 – Proceedings of the 49th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (2017) 342–355 ACM). Our particular focus is on pairwise interaction processes, penetrable spheres mixture models and area-interaction processes, with a finite interaction range. For an interaction range $2r$ of the target process, the proposed algorithm can generate a perfect sample with $O(log(1/r))$ expected running time complexity, provided that the intensity of the points is not too high and $Theta(1/r^{d})$ parallel processor units are available.


First-order covariance inequalities via Stein’s method

Marie Ernst, Gesine Reinert, Yvik Swan.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2051--2081.

We propose probabilistic representations for inverse Stein operators (i.e., solutions to Stein equations) under general conditions; in particular, we deduce new simple expressions for the Stein kernel. These representations allow to deduce uniform and nonuniform Stein factors (i.e., bounds on solutions to Stein equations) and lead to new covariance identities expressing the covariance between arbitrary functionals of an arbitrary univariate target in terms of a weighted covariance of the derivatives of the functionals. Our weights are explicit, easily computable in most cases and expressed in terms of objects familiar within the context of Stein’s method. Applications of the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality to these weighted covariance identities lead to sharp upper and lower covariance bounds and, in particular, weighted Poincaré inequalities. Many examples are given and, in particular, classical variance bounds due to Klaassen, Brascamp and Lieb or Otto and Menz are corollaries. Connections with more recent literature are also detailed.


On sampling from a log-concave density using kinetic Langevin diffusions

Arnak S. Dalalyan, Lionel Riou-Durand.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 1956--1988.

Langevin diffusion processes and their discretizations are often used for sampling from a target density. The most convenient framework for assessing the quality of such a sampling scheme corresponds to smooth and strongly log-concave densities defined on $mathbb{R}^{p}$. The present work focuses on this framework and studies the behavior of the Monte Carlo algorithm based on discretizations of the kinetic Langevin diffusion. We first prove the geometric mixing property of the kinetic Langevin diffusion with a mixing rate that is optimal in terms of its dependence on the condition number. We then use this result for obtaining improved guarantees of sampling using the kinetic Langevin Monte Carlo method, when the quality of sampling is measured by the Wasserstein distance. We also consider the situation where the Hessian of the log-density of the target distribution is Lipschitz-continuous. In this case, we introduce a new discretization of the kinetic Langevin diffusion and prove that this leads to a substantial improvement of the upper bound on the sampling error measured in Wasserstein distance.


On the best constant in the martingale version of Fefferman’s inequality

Adam Osękowski.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 1912--1926.

Let $X=(X_{t})_{tgeq 0}in H^{1}$ and $Y=(Y_{t})_{tgeq 0}in{mathrm{BMO}} $ be arbitrary continuous-path martingales. The paper contains the proof of the inequality egin{equation*}mathbb{E}int _{0}^{infty }iglvert dlangle X,Y angle_{t}igrvert leq sqrt{2}Vert XVert _{H^{1}}Vert YVert _{mathrm{BMO}_{2}},end{equation*} and the constant $sqrt{2}$ is shown to be the best possible. The proof rests on the construction of a certain special function, enjoying appropriate size and concavity conditions.


Functional weak limit theorem for a local empirical process of non-stationary time series and its application

Ulrike Mayer, Henryk Zähle, Zhou Zhou.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 1891--1911.

We derive a functional weak limit theorem for a local empirical process of a wide class of piece-wise locally stationary (PLS) time series. The latter result is applied to derive the asymptotics of weighted empirical quantiles and weighted V-statistics of non-stationary time series. The class of admissible underlying time series is illustrated by means of PLS linear processes and PLS ARCH processes.


Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for finite spin systems and applications

Holger Sambale, Arthur Sinulis.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 1863--1890.

We derive sufficient conditions for a probability measure on a finite product space (a spin system ) to satisfy a (modified) logarithmic Sobolev inequality. We establish these conditions for various examples, such as the (vertex-weighted) exponential random graph model, the random coloring and the hard-core model with fugacity. This leads to two separate branches of applications. The first branch is given by mixing time estimates of the Glauber dynamics. The proofs do not rely on coupling arguments, but instead use functional inequalities. As a byproduct, this also yields exponential decay of the relative entropy along the Glauber semigroup. Secondly, we investigate the concentration of measure phenomenon (particularly of higher order) for these spin systems. We show the effect of better concentration properties by centering not around the mean, but around a stochastic term in the exponential random graph model. From there, one can deduce a central limit theorem for the number of triangles from the CLT of the edge count. In the Erdős–Rényi model the first-order approximation leads to a quantification and a proof of a central limit theorem for subgraph counts.


Local differential privacy: Elbow effect in optimal density estimation and adaptation over Besov ellipsoids

Cristina Butucea, Amandine Dubois, Martin Kroll, Adrien Saumard.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 1727--1764.

We address the problem of non-parametric density estimation under the additional constraint that only privatised data are allowed to be published and available for inference. For this purpose, we adopt a recent generalisation of classical minimax theory to the framework of local $alpha$-differential privacy and provide a lower bound on the rate of convergence over Besov spaces $mathcal{B}^{s}_{pq}$ under mean integrated $mathbb{L}^{r}$-risk. This lower bound is deteriorated compared to the standard setup without privacy, and reveals a twofold elbow effect. In order to fulfill the privacy requirement, we suggest adding suitably scaled Laplace noise to empirical wavelet coefficients. Upper bounds within (at most) a logarithmic factor are derived under the assumption that $alpha$ stays bounded as $n$ increases: A linear but non-adaptive wavelet estimator is shown to attain the lower bound whenever $pgeq r$ but provides a slower rate of convergence otherwise. An adaptive non-linear wavelet estimator with appropriately chosen smoothing parameters and thresholding is shown to attain the lower bound within a logarithmic factor for all cases.


Estimating the number of connected components in a graph via subgraph sampling

Jason M. Klusowski, Yihong Wu.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 1635--1664.

Learning properties of large graphs from samples has been an important problem in statistical network analysis since the early work of Goodman ( Ann. Math. Stat. 20 (1949) 572–579) and Frank ( Scand. J. Stat. 5 (1978) 177–188). We revisit a problem formulated by Frank ( Scand. J. Stat. 5 (1978) 177–188) of estimating the number of connected components in a large graph based on the subgraph sampling model, in which we randomly sample a subset of the vertices and observe the induced subgraph. The key question is whether accurate estimation is achievable in the sublinear regime where only a vanishing fraction of the vertices are sampled. We show that it is impossible if the parent graph is allowed to contain high-degree vertices or long induced cycles. For the class of chordal graphs, where induced cycles of length four or above are forbidden, we characterize the optimal sample complexity within constant factors and construct linear-time estimators that provably achieve these bounds. This significantly expands the scope of previous results which have focused on unbiased estimators and special classes of graphs such as forests or cliques. Both the construction and the analysis of the proposed methodology rely on combinatorial properties of chordal graphs and identities of induced subgraph counts. They, in turn, also play a key role in proving minimax lower bounds based on construction of random instances of graphs with matching structures of small subgraphs.


Efficient estimation in single index models through smoothing splines

Arun K. Kuchibhotla, Rohit K. Patra.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1587--1618.

We consider estimation and inference in a single index regression model with an unknown but smooth link function. In contrast to the standard approach of using kernels or regression splines, we use smoothing splines to estimate the smooth link function. We develop a method to compute the penalized least squares estimators (PLSEs) of the parametric and the nonparametric components given independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) data. We prove the consistency and find the rates of convergence of the estimators. We establish asymptotic normality under mild assumption and prove asymptotic efficiency of the parametric component under homoscedastic errors. A finite sample simulation corroborates our asymptotic theory. We also analyze a car mileage data set and a Ozone concentration data set. The identifiability and existence of the PLSEs are also investigated.


Reliable clustering of Bernoulli mixture models

Amir Najafi, Seyed Abolfazl Motahari, Hamid R. Rabiee.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1535--1559.

A Bernoulli Mixture Model (BMM) is a finite mixture of random binary vectors with independent dimensions. The problem of clustering BMM data arises in a variety of real-world applications, ranging from population genetics to activity analysis in social networks. In this paper, we analyze the clusterability of BMMs from a theoretical perspective, when the number of clusters is unknown. In particular, we stipulate a set of conditions on the sample complexity and dimension of the model in order to guarantee the Probably Approximately Correct (PAC)-clusterability of a dataset. To the best of our knowledge, these findings are the first non-asymptotic bounds on the sample complexity of learning or clustering BMMs.


On the probability distribution of the local times of diagonally operator-self-similar Gaussian fields with stationary increments

Kamran Kalbasi, Thomas Mountford.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1504--1534.

In this paper, we study the local times of vector-valued Gaussian fields that are ‘diagonally operator-self-similar’ and whose increments are stationary. Denoting the local time of such a Gaussian field around the spatial origin and over the temporal unit hypercube by $Z$, we show that there exists $lambdain(0,1)$ such that under some quite weak conditions, $lim_{n ightarrow+infty}frac{sqrt[n]{mathbb{E}(Z^{n})}}{n^{lambda}}$ and $lim_{x ightarrow+infty}frac{-logmathbb{P}(Z>x)}{x^{frac{1}{lambda}}}$ both exist and are strictly positive (possibly $+infty$). Moreover, we show that if the underlying Gaussian field is ‘strongly locally nondeterministic’, the above limits will be finite as well. These results are then applied to establish similar statements for the intersection local times of diagonally operator-self-similar Gaussian fields with stationary increments.


Limit theorems for long-memory flows on Wiener chaos

Shuyang Bai, Murad S. Taqqu.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1473--1503.

We consider a long-memory stationary process, defined not through a moving average type structure, but by a flow generated by a measure-preserving transform and by a multiple Wiener–Itô integral. The flow is described using a notion of mixing for infinite-measure spaces introduced by Krickeberg (In Proc. Fifth Berkeley Sympos. Math. Statist. and Probability (Berkeley, Calif., 1965/66), Vol. II: Contributions to Probability Theory, Part 2 (1967) 431–446 Univ. California Press). Depending on the interplay between the spreading rate of the flow and the order of the multiple integral, one can recover known central or non-central limit theorems, and also obtain joint convergence of multiple integrals of different orders.


Around the entropic Talagrand inequality

Giovanni Conforti, Luigia Ripani.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1431--1452.

In this article, we study generalization of the classical Talagrand transport-entropy inequality in which the Wasserstein distance is replaced by the entropic transportation cost. This class of inequalities has been introduced in the recent work ( Probab. Theory Related Fields 174 (2019) 1–47), in connection with the study of Schrödinger bridges. We provide several equivalent characterizations in terms of reverse hypercontractivity for the heat semigroup, contractivity of the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman semigroup and dimension-free concentration of measure. Properties such as tensorization and relations to other functional inequalities are also investigated. In particular, we show that the inequalities studied in this article are implied by a Logarithmic Sobolev inequality and imply Talagrand inequality.


The moduli of non-differentiability for Gaussian random fields with stationary increments

Wensheng Wang, Zhonggen Su, Yimin Xiao.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1410--1430.

We establish the exact moduli of non-differentiability of Gaussian random fields with stationary increments. As an application of the result, we prove that the uniform Hölder condition for the maximum local times of Gaussian random fields with stationary increments obtained in Xiao (1997) is optimal. These results are applicable to fractional Riesz–Bessel processes and stationary Gaussian random fields in the Matérn and Cauchy classes.


On stability of traveling wave solutions for integro-differential equations related to branching Markov processes

Pasha Tkachov.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1354--1380.

The aim of this paper is to prove stability of traveling waves for integro-differential equations connected with branching Markov processes. In other words, the limiting law of the left-most particle of a (time-continuous) branching Markov process with a Lévy non-branching part is demonstrated. The key idea is to approximate the branching Markov process by a branching random walk and apply the result of Aïdékon [ Ann. Probab. 41 (2013) 1362–1426] on the limiting law of the latter one.


A new McKean–Vlasov stochastic interpretation of the parabolic–parabolic Keller–Segel model: The one-dimensional case

Denis Talay, Milica Tomašević.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1323--1353.

In this paper, we analyze a stochastic interpretation of the one-dimensional parabolic–parabolic Keller–Segel system without cut-off. It involves an original type of McKean–Vlasov interaction kernel. At the particle level, each particle interacts with all the past of each other particle by means of a time integrated functional involving a singular kernel. At the mean-field level studied here, the McKean–Vlasov limit process interacts with all the past time marginals of its probability distribution in a similarly singular way. We prove that the parabolic–parabolic Keller–Segel system in the whole Euclidean space and the corresponding McKean–Vlasov stochastic differential equation are well-posed for any values of the parameters of the model.


Dynamic linear discriminant analysis in high dimensional space

Binyan Jiang, Ziqi Chen, Chenlei Leng.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1234--1268.

High-dimensional data that evolve dynamically feature predominantly in the modern data era. As a partial response to this, recent years have seen increasing emphasis to address the dimensionality challenge. However, the non-static nature of these datasets is largely ignored. This paper addresses both challenges by proposing a novel yet simple dynamic linear programming discriminant (DLPD) rule for binary classification. Different from the usual static linear discriminant analysis, the new method is able to capture the changing distributions of the underlying populations by modeling their means and covariances as smooth functions of covariates of interest. Under an approximate sparse condition, we show that the conditional misclassification rate of the DLPD rule converges to the Bayes risk in probability uniformly over the range of the variables used for modeling the dynamics, when the dimensionality is allowed to grow exponentially with the sample size. The minimax lower bound of the estimation of the Bayes risk is also established, implying that the misclassification rate of our proposed rule is minimax-rate optimal. The promising performance of the DLPD rule is illustrated via extensive simulation studies and the analysis of a breast cancer dataset.


Characterization of probability distribution convergence in Wasserstein distance by $L^{p}$-quantization error function

Yating Liu, Gilles Pagès.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1171--1204.

We establish conditions to characterize probability measures by their $L^{p}$-quantization error functions in both $mathbb{R}^{d}$ and Hilbert settings. This characterization is two-fold: static (identity of two distributions) and dynamic (convergence for the $L^{p}$-Wasserstein distance). We first propose a criterion on the quantization level $N$, valid for any norm on $mathbb{R}^{d}$ and any order $p$ based on a geometrical approach involving the Voronoï diagram. Then, we prove that in the $L^{2}$-case on a (separable) Hilbert space, the condition on the level $N$ can be reduced to $N=2$, which is optimal. More quantization based characterization cases in dimension 1 and a discussion of the completeness of a distance defined by the quantization error function can be found at the end of this paper.


A unified principled framework for resampling based on pseudo-populations: Asymptotic theory

Pier Luigi Conti, Daniela Marella, Fulvia Mecatti, Federico Andreis.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1044--1069.

In this paper, a class of resampling techniques for finite populations under $pi $ps sampling design is introduced. The basic idea on which they rest is a two-step procedure consisting in: (i) constructing a “pseudo-population” on the basis of sample data; (ii) drawing a sample from the predicted population according to an appropriate resampling design. From a logical point of view, this approach is essentially based on the plug-in principle by Efron, at the “sampling design level”. Theoretical justifications based on large sample theory are provided. New approaches to construct pseudo populations based on various forms of calibrations are proposed. Finally, a simulation study is performed.


A Feynman–Kac result via Markov BSDEs with generalised drivers

Elena Issoglio, Francesco Russo.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 728--766.

In this paper, we investigate BSDEs where the driver contains a distributional term (in the sense of generalised functions) and derive general Feynman–Kac formulae related to these BSDEs. We introduce an integral operator to give sense to the equation and then we show the existence of a strong solution employing results on a related PDE. Due to the irregularity of the driver, the $Y$-component of a couple $(Y,Z)$ solving the BSDE is not necessarily a semimartingale but a weak Dirichlet process.


Robust modifications of U-statistics and applications to covariance estimation problems

Stanislav Minsker, Xiaohan Wei.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 694--727.

Let $Y$ be a $d$-dimensional random vector with unknown mean $mu $ and covariance matrix $Sigma $. This paper is motivated by the problem of designing an estimator of $Sigma $ that admits exponential deviation bounds in the operator norm under minimal assumptions on the underlying distribution, such as existence of only 4th moments of the coordinates of $Y$. To address this problem, we propose robust modifications of the operator-valued U-statistics, obtain non-asymptotic guarantees for their performance, and demonstrate the implications of these results to the covariance estimation problem under various structural assumptions.


A unified approach to coupling SDEs driven by Lévy noise and some applications

Mingjie Liang, René L. Schilling, Jian Wang.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 664--693.

We present a general method to construct couplings of stochastic differential equations driven by Lévy noise in terms of coupling operators. This approach covers both coupling by reflection and refined basic coupling which are often discussed in the literature. As applications, we prove regularity results for the transition semigroups and obtain successful couplings for the solutions to stochastic differential equations driven by additive Lévy noise.


Normal approximation for sums of weighted $U$-statistics – application to Kolmogorov bounds in random subgraph counting

Nicolas Privault, Grzegorz Serafin.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 587--615.

We derive normal approximation bounds in the Kolmogorov distance for sums of discrete multiple integrals and weighted $U$-statistics made of independent Bernoulli random variables. Such bounds are applied to normal approximation for the renormalized subgraph counts in the Erdős–Rényi random graph. This approach completely solves a long-standing conjecture in the general setting of arbitrary graph counting, while recovering recent results obtained for triangles and improving other bounds in the Wasserstein distance.


Consistent semiparametric estimators for recurrent event times models with application to virtual age models

Eric Beutner, Laurent Bordes, Laurent Doyen.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 557--586.

Virtual age models are very useful to analyse recurrent events. Among the strengths of these models is their ability to account for treatment (or intervention) effects after an event occurrence. Despite their flexibility for modeling recurrent events, the number of applications is limited. This seems to be a result of the fact that in the semiparametric setting all the existing results assume the virtual age function that describes the treatment (or intervention) effects to be known. This shortcoming can be overcome by considering semiparametric virtual age models with parametrically specified virtual age functions. Yet, fitting such a model is a difficult task. Indeed, it has recently been shown that for these models the standard profile likelihood method fails to lead to consistent estimators. Here we show that consistent estimators can be constructed by smoothing the profile log-likelihood function appropriately. We show that our general result can be applied to most of the relevant virtual age models of the literature. Our approach shows that empirical process techniques may be a worthwhile alternative to martingale methods for studying asymptotic properties of these inference methods. A simulation study is provided to illustrate our consistency results together with an application to real data.