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3 NY children die from syndrome possibly linked to COVID-19

Three children have now died in New York state from a possible complication from the coronavirus involving swollen blood vessels and heart problems, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday. At least 73 children in New York have been diagnosed with symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease — a rare inflammatory condition in children — and toxic shock syndrome.


Russia probe transcripts released by House Intelligence Committee

Reaction and analysis from Fox News contributor Byron York and former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.


Federal watchdog finds 'reasonable grounds to believe' vaccine doctor's ouster was retaliation, lawyers say

The Office of Special Counsel is recommending that ousted vaccine official Dr. Rick Bright be reinstated while it investigates his case, his lawyers announced Friday.Bright while leading coronavirus vaccine development was recently removed from his position as the director of the Department of Health and Human Services' Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, and he alleges it was because he insisted congressional funding not go toward "drugs, vaccines, and other technologies that lack scientific merit" and limited the "broad use" of hydroxychloroquine after it was touted by President Trump. In a whistleblower complaint, he alleged "cronyism" at HHS. He has also alleged he was "pressured to ignore or dismiss expert scientific recommendations and instead to award lucrative contracts based on political connections."On Friday, Bright's lawyers said that the Office of Special Counsel has determined there are "reasonable grounds to believe" his firing was retaliation, The New York Times reports. The federal watchdog also recommended he be reinstated for 45 days to give the office "sufficient time to complete its investigation of Bright's allegations," CNN reports. The decision on whether to do so falls on Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, and Office of Special Counsel recommendations are "not binding," the Times notes. More stories from Outed CIA agent Valerie Plame is running for Congress, and her launch video looks like a spy movie trailer 7 scathing cartoons about America's rush to reopen Trump says he couldn't have exposed WWII vets to COVID-19 because the wind was blowing the wrong way


Boeing says it's about to start building the 737 Max plane again in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, even though it already has more planes than it can deliver

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun said the company was aiming to resume production this month, despite the ongoing grounding and coronavirus pandemic.


Delta, citing health concerns, drops service to 10 US airports. Is yours on the list?

Delta said it is making the move to protect employees amid the coronavirus pandemic, but planes have been flying near empty


'We Cannot Police Our Way Out of a Pandemic.' Experts, Police Union Say NYPD Should Not Be Enforcing Social Distance Rules Amid COVID-19

The New York City police department (NYPD) is conducting an internal investigation into a May 2 incident involving the violent arrests of multiple people, allegedly members of a group who were not social distancing


‘Selfish, tribal and divided’: Barack Obama warns of changes to American way of life in leaked audio slamming Trump administration

Barack Obama said the “rule of law is at risk” following the justice department’s decision to drop charges against former Trump advisor Mike Flynn, as he issued a stark warning about the long-term impact on the American way of life by his successor.


Meet the Ohio health expert who has a fan club — and Republicans trying to stop her

Some Buckeyes are not comfortable being told by a "woman in power" to quarantine, one expert said.


Brazil's Amazon: Surge in deforestation as military prepares to deploy

The military is preparing to deploy to the region to try to stop illegal logging and mining.


Nearly one-third of Americans believe a coronavirus vaccine exists and is being withheld, survey finds

The Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape Project found some misinformation about the coronavirus is more widespread that you might think.


Neighbor of father and son arrested in Ahmaud Arbery killing is also under investigation

The ongoing investigation of the fatal shooting in Brunswick, Georgia, will also look at a neighbor of suspects Gregory and Travis McMichael who recorded video of the incident, authorities said.


A Loss-Based Prior for Variable Selection in Linear Regression Methods

Cristiano Villa, Jeong Eun Lee.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, 533--558.

In this work we propose a novel model prior for variable selection in linear regression. The idea is to determine the prior mass by considering the worth of each of the regression models, given the number of possible covariates under consideration. The worth of a model consists of the information loss and the loss due to model complexity. While the information loss is determined objectively, the loss expression due to model complexity is flexible and, the penalty on model size can be even customized to include some prior knowledge. Some versions of the loss-based prior are proposed and compared empirically. Through simulation studies and real data analyses, we compare the proposed prior to the Scott and Berger prior, for noninformative scenarios, and with the Beta-Binomial prior, for informative scenarios.


Function-Specific Mixing Times and Concentration Away from Equilibrium

Maxim Rabinovich, Aaditya Ramdas, Michael I. Jordan, Martin J. Wainwright.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, 505--532.

Slow mixing is the central hurdle is applications of Markov chains, especially those used for Monte Carlo approximations (MCMC). In the setting of Bayesian inference, it is often only of interest to estimate the stationary expectations of a small set of functions, and so the usual definition of mixing based on total variation convergence may be too conservative. Accordingly, we introduce function-specific analogs of mixing times and spectral gaps, and use them to prove Hoeffding-like function-specific concentration inequalities. These results show that it is possible for empirical expectations of functions to concentrate long before the underlying chain has mixed in the classical sense, and we show that the concentration rates we achieve are optimal up to constants. We use our techniques to derive confidence intervals that are sharper than those implied by both classical Markov-chain Hoeffding bounds and Berry-Esseen-corrected central limit theorem (CLT) bounds. For applications that require testing, rather than point estimation, we show similar improvements over recent sequential testing results for MCMC. We conclude by applying our framework to real-data examples of MCMC, providing evidence that our theory is both accurate and relevant to practice.


Joint Modeling of Longitudinal Relational Data and Exogenous Variables

Rajarshi Guhaniyogi, Abel Rodriguez.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, 477--503.

This article proposes a framework based on shared, time varying stochastic latent factor models for modeling relational data in which network and node-attributes co-evolve over time. Our proposed framework is flexible enough to handle both categorical and continuous attributes, allows us to estimate the dimension of the latent social space, and automatically yields Bayesian hypothesis tests for the association between network structure and nodal attributes. Additionally, the model is easy to compute and readily yields inference and prediction for missing link between nodes. We employ our model framework to study co-evolution of international relations between 22 countries and the country specific indicators over a period of 11 years.


Additive Multivariate Gaussian Processes for Joint Species Distribution Modeling with Heterogeneous Data

Jarno Vanhatalo, Marcelo Hartmann, Lari Veneranta.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, 415--447.

Species distribution models (SDM) are a key tool in ecology, conservation and management of natural resources. Two key components of the state-of-the-art SDMs are the description for species distribution response along environmental covariates and the spatial random effect that captures deviations from the distribution patterns explained by environmental covariates. Joint species distribution models (JSDMs) additionally include interspecific correlations which have been shown to improve their descriptive and predictive performance compared to single species models. However, current JSDMs are restricted to hierarchical generalized linear modeling framework. Their limitation is that parametric models have trouble in explaining changes in abundance due, for example, highly non-linear physical tolerance limits which is particularly important when predicting species distribution in new areas or under scenarios of environmental change. On the other hand, semi-parametric response functions have been shown to improve the predictive performance of SDMs in these tasks in single species models. Here, we propose JSDMs where the responses to environmental covariates are modeled with additive multivariate Gaussian processes coded as linear models of coregionalization. These allow inference for wide range of functional forms and interspecific correlations between the responses. We propose also an efficient approach for inference with Laplace approximation and parameterization of the interspecific covariance matrices on the Euclidean space. We demonstrate the benefits of our model with two small scale examples and one real world case study. We use cross-validation to compare the proposed model to analogous semi-parametric single species models and parametric single and joint species models in interpolation and extrapolation tasks. The proposed model outperforms the alternative models in all cases. We also show that the proposed model can be seen as an extension of the current state-of-the-art JSDMs to semi-parametric models.


A New Bayesian Approach to Robustness Against Outliers in Linear Regression

Philippe Gagnon, Alain Desgagné, Mylène Bédard.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, 389--414.

Linear regression is ubiquitous in statistical analysis. It is well understood that conflicting sources of information may contaminate the inference when the classical normality of errors is assumed. The contamination caused by the light normal tails follows from an undesirable effect: the posterior concentrates in an area in between the different sources with a large enough scaling to incorporate them all. The theory of conflict resolution in Bayesian statistics (O’Hagan and Pericchi (2012)) recommends to address this problem by limiting the impact of outliers to obtain conclusions consistent with the bulk of the data. In this paper, we propose a model with super heavy-tailed errors to achieve this. We prove that it is wholly robust, meaning that the impact of outliers gradually vanishes as they move further and further away from the general trend. The super heavy-tailed density is similar to the normal outside of the tails, which gives rise to an efficient estimation procedure. In addition, estimates are easily computed. This is highlighted via a detailed user guide, where all steps are explained through a simulated case study. The performance is shown using simulation. All required code is given.


Dynamic Quantile Linear Models: A Bayesian Approach

Kelly C. M. Gonçalves, Hélio S. Migon, Leonardo S. Bastos.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, 335--362.

The paper introduces a new class of models, named dynamic quantile linear models, which combines dynamic linear models with distribution-free quantile regression producing a robust statistical method. Bayesian estimation for the dynamic quantile linear model is performed using an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. The paper also proposes a fast sequential procedure suited for high-dimensional predictive modeling with massive data, where the generating process is changing over time. The proposed model is evaluated using synthetic and well-known time series data. The model is also applied to predict annual incidence of tuberculosis in the state of Rio de Janeiro and compared with global targets set by the World Health Organization.


Adaptive Bayesian Nonparametric Regression Using a Kernel Mixture of Polynomials with Application to Partial Linear Models

Fangzheng Xie, Yanxun Xu.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 1, 159--186.

We propose a kernel mixture of polynomials prior for Bayesian nonparametric regression. The regression function is modeled by local averages of polynomials with kernel mixture weights. We obtain the minimax-optimal contraction rate of the full posterior distribution up to a logarithmic factor by estimating metric entropies of certain function classes. Under the assumption that the degree of the polynomials is larger than the unknown smoothness level of the true function, the posterior contraction behavior can adapt to this smoothness level provided an upper bound is known. We also provide a frequentist sieve maximum likelihood estimator with a near-optimal convergence rate. We further investigate the application of the kernel mixture of polynomials to partial linear models and obtain both the near-optimal rate of contraction for the nonparametric component and the Bernstein-von Mises limit (i.e., asymptotic normality) of the parametric component. The proposed method is illustrated with numerical examples and shows superior performance in terms of computational efficiency, accuracy, and uncertainty quantification compared to the local polynomial regression, DiceKriging, and the robust Gaussian stochastic process.


Bayesian Design of Experiments for Intractable Likelihood Models Using Coupled Auxiliary Models and Multivariate Emulation

Antony Overstall, James McGree.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 1, 103--131.

A Bayesian design is given by maximising an expected utility over a design space. The utility is chosen to represent the aim of the experiment and its expectation is taken with respect to all unknowns: responses, parameters and/or models. Although straightforward in principle, there are several challenges to finding Bayesian designs in practice. Firstly, the utility and expected utility are rarely available in closed form and require approximation. Secondly, the design space can be of high-dimensionality. In the case of intractable likelihood models, these problems are compounded by the fact that the likelihood function, whose evaluation is required to approximate the expected utility, is not available in closed form. A strategy is proposed to find Bayesian designs for intractable likelihood models. It relies on the development of an automatic, auxiliary modelling approach, using multivariate Gaussian process emulators, to approximate the likelihood function. This is then combined with a copula-based approach to approximate the marginal likelihood (a quantity commonly required to evaluate many utility functions). These approximations are demonstrated on examples of stochastic process models involving experimental aims of both parameter estimation and model comparison.


Bayesian Estimation Under Informative Sampling with Unattenuated Dependence

Matthew R. Williams, Terrance D. Savitsky.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 1, 57--77.

An informative sampling design leads to unit inclusion probabilities that are correlated with the response variable of interest. However, multistage sampling designs may also induce higher order dependencies, which are ignored in the literature when establishing consistency of estimators for survey data under a condition requiring asymptotic independence among the unit inclusion probabilities. This paper constructs new theoretical conditions that guarantee that the pseudo-posterior, which uses sampling weights based on first order inclusion probabilities to exponentiate the likelihood, is consistent not only for survey designs which have asymptotic factorization, but also for survey designs that induce residual or unattenuated dependence among sampled units. The use of the survey-weighted pseudo-posterior, together with our relaxed requirements for the survey design, establish a wide variety of analysis models that can be applied to a broad class of survey data sets. Using the complex sampling design of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, we demonstrate our new theoretical result on multistage designs characterized by a cluster sampling step that expresses within-cluster dependence. We explore the impact of multistage designs and order based sampling.


Hierarchical Normalized Completely Random Measures for Robust Graphical Modeling

Andrea Cremaschi, Raffaele Argiento, Katherine Shoemaker, Christine Peterson, Marina Vannucci.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 4, 1271--1301.

Gaussian graphical models are useful tools for exploring network structures in multivariate normal data. In this paper we are interested in situations where data show departures from Gaussianity, therefore requiring alternative modeling distributions. The multivariate $t$ -distribution, obtained by dividing each component of the data vector by a gamma random variable, is a straightforward generalization to accommodate deviations from normality such as heavy tails. Since different groups of variables may be contaminated to a different extent, Finegold and Drton (2014) introduced the Dirichlet $t$ -distribution, where the divisors are clustered using a Dirichlet process. In this work, we consider a more general class of nonparametric distributions as the prior on the divisor terms, namely the class of normalized completely random measures (NormCRMs). To improve the effectiveness of the clustering, we propose modeling the dependence among the divisors through a nonparametric hierarchical structure, which allows for the sharing of parameters across the samples in the data set. This desirable feature enables us to cluster together different components of multivariate data in a parsimonious way. We demonstrate through simulations that this approach provides accurate graphical model inference, and apply it to a case study examining the dependence structure in radiomics data derived from The Cancer Imaging Atlas.


Calibration Procedures for Approximate Bayesian Credible Sets

Jeong Eun Lee, Geoff K. Nicholls, Robin J. Ryder.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 4, 1245--1269.

We develop and apply two calibration procedures for checking the coverage of approximate Bayesian credible sets, including intervals estimated using Monte Carlo methods. The user has an ideal prior and likelihood, but generates a credible set for an approximate posterior based on some approximate prior and likelihood. We estimate the realised posterior coverage achieved by the approximate credible set. This is the coverage of the unknown “true” parameter if the data are a realisation of the user’s ideal observation model conditioned on the parameter, and the parameter is a draw from the user’s ideal prior. In one approach we estimate the posterior coverage at the data by making a semi-parametric logistic regression of binary coverage outcomes on simulated data against summary statistics evaluated on simulated data. In another we use Importance Sampling from the approximate posterior, windowing simulated data to fall close to the observed data. We illustrate our methods on four examples.


Spatial Disease Mapping Using Directed Acyclic Graph Auto-Regressive (DAGAR) Models

Abhirup Datta, Sudipto Banerjee, James S. Hodges, Leiwen Gao.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 4, 1221--1244.

Hierarchical models for regionally aggregated disease incidence data commonly involve region specific latent random effects that are modeled jointly as having a multivariate Gaussian distribution. The covariance or precision matrix incorporates the spatial dependence between the regions. Common choices for the precision matrix include the widely used ICAR model, which is singular, and its nonsingular extension which lacks interpretability. We propose a new parametric model for the precision matrix based on a directed acyclic graph (DAG) representation of the spatial dependence. Our model guarantees positive definiteness and, hence, in addition to being a valid prior for regional spatially correlated random effects, can also directly model the outcome from dependent data like images and networks. Theoretical results establish a link between the parameters in our model and the variance and covariances of the random effects. Simulation studies demonstrate that the improved interpretability of our model reaps benefits in terms of accurately recovering the latent spatial random effects as well as for inference on the spatial covariance parameters. Under modest spatial correlation, our model far outperforms the CAR models, while the performances are similar when the spatial correlation is strong. We also assess sensitivity to the choice of the ordering in the DAG construction using theoretical and empirical results which testify to the robustness of our model. We also present a large-scale public health application demonstrating the competitive performance of the model.


Estimating the Use of Public Lands: Integrated Modeling of Open Populations with Convolution Likelihood Ecological Abundance Regression

Lutz F. Gruber, Erica F. Stuber, Lyndsie S. Wszola, Joseph J. Fontaine.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 4, 1173--1199.

We present an integrated open population model where the population dynamics are defined by a differential equation, and the related statistical model utilizes a Poisson binomial convolution likelihood. Key advantages of the proposed approach over existing open population models include the flexibility to predict related, but unobserved quantities such as total immigration or emigration over a specified time period, and more computationally efficient posterior simulation by elimination of the need to explicitly simulate latent immigration and emigration. The viability of the proposed method is shown in an in-depth analysis of outdoor recreation participation on public lands, where the surveyed populations changed rapidly and demographic population closure cannot be assumed even within a single day.


Implicit Copulas from Bayesian Regularized Regression Smoothers

Nadja Klein, Michael Stanley Smith.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 4, 1143--1171.

We show how to extract the implicit copula of a response vector from a Bayesian regularized regression smoother with Gaussian disturbances. The copula can be used to compare smoothers that employ different shrinkage priors and function bases. We illustrate with three popular choices of shrinkage priors—a pairwise prior, the horseshoe prior and a g prior augmented with a point mass as employed for Bayesian variable selection—and both univariate and multivariate function bases. The implicit copulas are high-dimensional, have flexible dependence structures that are far from that of a Gaussian copula, and are unavailable in closed form. However, we show how they can be evaluated by first constructing a Gaussian copula conditional on the regularization parameters, and then integrating over these. Combined with non-parametric margins the regularized smoothers can be used to model the distribution of non-Gaussian univariate responses conditional on the covariates. Efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo schemes for evaluating the copula are given for this case. Using both simulated and real data, we show how such copula smoothing models can improve the quality of resulting function estimates and predictive distributions.


Beyond Whittle: Nonparametric Correction of a Parametric Likelihood with a Focus on Bayesian Time Series Analysis

Claudia Kirch, Matthew C. Edwards, Alexander Meier, Renate Meyer.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 4, 1037--1073.

Nonparametric Bayesian inference has seen a rapid growth over the last decade but only few nonparametric Bayesian approaches to time series analysis have been developed. Most existing approaches use Whittle’s likelihood for Bayesian modelling of the spectral density as the main nonparametric characteristic of stationary time series. It is known that the loss of efficiency using Whittle’s likelihood can be substantial. On the other hand, parametric methods are more powerful than nonparametric methods if the observed time series is close to the considered model class but fail if the model is misspecified. Therefore, we suggest a nonparametric correction of a parametric likelihood that takes advantage of the efficiency of parametric models while mitigating sensitivities through a nonparametric amendment. We use a nonparametric Bernstein polynomial prior on the spectral density with weights induced by a Dirichlet process and prove posterior consistency for Gaussian stationary time series. Bayesian posterior computations are implemented via an MH-within-Gibbs sampler and the performance of the nonparametrically corrected likelihood for Gaussian time series is illustrated in a simulation study and in three astronomy applications, including estimating the spectral density of gravitational wave data from the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO).


Jointly Robust Prior for Gaussian Stochastic Process in Emulation, Calibration and Variable Selection

Mengyang Gu.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 3, 877--905.

Gaussian stochastic process (GaSP) has been widely used in two fundamental problems in uncertainty quantification, namely the emulation and calibration of mathematical models. Some objective priors, such as the reference prior, are studied in the context of emulating (approximating) computationally expensive mathematical models. In this work, we introduce a new class of priors, called the jointly robust prior, for both the emulation and calibration. This prior is designed to maintain various advantages from the reference prior. In emulation, the jointly robust prior has an appropriate tail decay rate as the reference prior, and is computationally simpler than the reference prior in parameter estimation. Moreover, the marginal posterior mode estimation with the jointly robust prior can separate the influential and inert inputs in mathematical models, while the reference prior does not have this property. We establish the posterior propriety for a large class of priors in calibration, including the reference prior and jointly robust prior in general scenarios, but the jointly robust prior is preferred because the calibrated mathematical model typically predicts the reality well. The jointly robust prior is used as the default prior in two new R packages, called “RobustGaSP” and “RobustCalibration”, available on CRAN for emulation and calibration, respectively.


Probability Based Independence Sampler for Bayesian Quantitative Learning in Graphical Log-Linear Marginal Models

Ioannis Ntzoufras, Claudia Tarantola, Monia Lupparelli.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 3, 797--823.

We introduce a novel Bayesian approach for quantitative learning for graphical log-linear marginal models. These models belong to curved exponential families that are difficult to handle from a Bayesian perspective. The likelihood cannot be analytically expressed as a function of the marginal log-linear interactions, but only in terms of cell counts or probabilities. Posterior distributions cannot be directly obtained, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are needed. Finally, a well-defined model requires parameter values that lead to compatible marginal probabilities. Hence, any MCMC should account for this important restriction. We construct a fully automatic and efficient MCMC strategy for quantitative learning for such models that handles these problems. While the prior is expressed in terms of the marginal log-linear interactions, we build an MCMC algorithm that employs a proposal on the probability parameter space. The corresponding proposal on the marginal log-linear interactions is obtained via parameter transformation. We exploit a conditional conjugate setup to build an efficient proposal on probability parameters. The proposed methodology is illustrated by a simulation study and a real dataset.


Semiparametric Multivariate and Multiple Change-Point Modeling

Stefano Peluso, Siddhartha Chib, Antonietta Mira.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 3, 727--751.

We develop a general Bayesian semiparametric change-point model in which separate groups of structural parameters (for example, location and dispersion parameters) can each follow a separate multiple change-point process, driven by time-dependent transition matrices among the latent regimes. The distribution of the observations within regimes is unknown and given by a Dirichlet process mixture prior. The properties of the proposed model are studied theoretically through the analysis of inter-arrival times and of the number of change-points in a given time interval. The prior-posterior analysis by Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques is developed on a forward-backward algorithm for sampling the various regime indicators. Analysis with simulated data under various scenarios and an application to short-term interest rates are used to show the generality and usefulness of the proposed model.


Low Information Omnibus (LIO) Priors for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models

Yushu Shi, Michael Martens, Anjishnu Banerjee, Purushottam Laud.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 3, 677--702.

Dirichlet process mixture (DPM) models provide flexible modeling for distributions of data as an infinite mixture of distributions from a chosen collection. Specifying priors for these models in individual data contexts can be challenging. In this paper, we introduce a scheme which requires the investigator to specify only simple scaling information. This is used to transform the data to a fixed scale on which a low information prior is constructed. Samples from the posterior with the rescaled data are transformed back for inference on the original scale. The low information prior is selected to provide a wide variety of components for the DPM to generate flexible distributions for the data on the fixed scale. The method can be applied to all DPM models with kernel functions closed under a suitable scaling transformation. Construction of the low information prior, however, is kernel dependent. Using DPM-of-Gaussians and DPM-of-Weibulls models as examples, we show that the method provides accurate estimates of a diverse collection of distributions that includes skewed, multimodal, and highly dispersed members. With the recommended priors, repeated data simulations show performance comparable to that of standard empirical estimates. Finally, we show weak convergence of posteriors with the proposed priors for both kernels considered.


Modeling Population Structure Under Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes

Lloyd T. Elliott, Maria De Iorio, Stefano Favaro, Kaustubh Adhikari, Yee Whye Teh.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 2, 313--339.

We propose a Bayesian nonparametric model to infer population admixture, extending the hierarchical Dirichlet process to allow for correlation between loci due to linkage disequilibrium. Given multilocus genotype data from a sample of individuals, the proposed model allows inferring and classifying individuals as unadmixed or admixed, inferring the number of subpopulations ancestral to an admixed population and the population of origin of chromosomal regions. Our model does not assume any specific mutation process, and can be applied to most of the commonly used genetic markers. We present a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to perform posterior inference from the model and we discuss some methods to summarize the MCMC output for the analysis of population admixture. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed model in a real application, using genetic data from the ectodysplasin-A receptor (EDAR) gene, which is considered to be ancestry-informative due to well-known variations in allele frequency as well as phenotypic effects across ancestry. The structure analysis of this dataset leads to the identification of a rare haplotype in Europeans. We also conduct a simulated experiment and show that our algorithm outperforms parametric methods.


Separable covariance arrays via the Tucker product, with applications to multivariate relational data

Peter D. Hoff

Source: Bayesian Anal., Volume 6, Number 2, 179--196.

Modern datasets are often in the form of matrices or arrays, potentially having correlations along each set of data indices. For example, data involving repeated measurements of several variables over time may exhibit temporal correlation as well as correlation among the variables. A possible model for matrix-valued data is the class of matrix normal distributions, which is parametrized by two covariance matrices, one for each index set of the data. In this article we discuss an extension of the matrix normal model to accommodate multidimensional data arrays, or tensors. We show how a particular array-matrix product can be used to generate the class of array normal distributions having separable covariance structure. We derive some properties of these covariance structures and the corresponding array normal distributions, and show how the array-matrix product can be used to define a semi-conjugate prior distribution and calculate the corresponding posterior distribution. We illustrate the methodology in an analysis of multivariate longitudinal network data which take the form of a four-way array.


Maximum Independent Component Analysis with Application to EEG Data

Ruosi Guo, Chunming Zhang, Zhengjun Zhang.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 35, Number 1, 145--157.

In many scientific disciplines, finding hidden influential factors behind observational data is essential but challenging. The majority of existing approaches, such as the independent component analysis (${mathrm{ICA}}$), rely on linear transformation, that is, true signals are linear combinations of hidden components. Motivated from analyzing nonlinear temporal signals in neuroscience, genetics, and finance, this paper proposes the “maximum independent component analysis” (${mathrm{MaxICA}}$), based on max-linear combinations of components. In contrast to existing methods, ${mathrm{MaxICA}}$ benefits from focusing on significant major components while filtering out ignorable components. A major tool for parameter learning of ${mathrm{MaxICA}}$ is an augmented genetic algorithm, consisting of three schemes for the elite weighted sum selection, randomly combined crossover, and dynamic mutation. Extensive empirical evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of ${mathrm{MaxICA}}$ in either extracting max-linearly combined essential sources in many applications or supplying a better approximation for nonlinearly combined source signals, such as $mathrm{EEG}$ recordings analyzed in this paper.


A Tale of Two Parasites: Statistical Modelling to Support Disease Control Programmes in Africa

Peter J. Diggle, Emanuele Giorgi, Julienne Atsame, Sylvie Ntsame Ella, Kisito Ogoussan, Katherine Gass.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 35, Number 1, 42--50.

Vector-borne diseases have long presented major challenges to the health of rural communities in the wet tropical regions of the world, but especially in sub-Saharan Africa. In this paper, we describe the contribution that statistical modelling has made to the global elimination programme for one vector-borne disease, onchocerciasis. We explain why information on the spatial distribution of a second vector-borne disease, Loa loa, is needed before communities at high risk of onchocerciasis can be treated safely with mass distribution of ivermectin, an antifiarial medication. We show how a model-based geostatistical analysis of Loa loa prevalence survey data can be used to map the predictive probability that each location in the region of interest meets a WHO policy guideline for safe mass distribution of ivermectin and describe two applications: one is to data from Cameroon that assesses prevalence using traditional blood-smear microscopy; the other is to Africa-wide data that uses a low-cost questionnaire-based method. We describe how a recent technological development in image-based microscopy has resulted in a change of emphasis from prevalence alone to the bivariate spatial distribution of prevalence and the intensity of infection among infected individuals. We discuss how statistical modelling of the kind described here can contribute to health policy guidelines and decision-making in two ways. One is to ensure that, in a resource-limited setting, prevalence surveys are designed, and the resulting data analysed, as efficiently as possible. The other is to provide an honest quantification of the uncertainty attached to any binary decision by reporting predictive probabilities that a policy-defined condition for action is or is not met.


Some Statistical Issues in Climate Science

Michael L. Stein.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 35, Number 1, 31--41.

Climate science is a field that is arguably both data-rich and data-poor. Data rich in that huge and quickly increasing amounts of data about the state of the climate are collected every day. Data poor in that important aspects of the climate are still undersampled, such as the deep oceans and some characteristics of the upper atmosphere. Data rich in that modern climate models can produce climatological quantities over long time periods with global coverage, including quantities that are difficult to measure and under conditions for which there is no data presently. Data poor in that the correspondence between climate model output to the actual climate, especially for future climate change due to human activities, is difficult to assess. The scope for fruitful interactions between climate scientists and statisticians is great, but requires serious commitments from researchers in both disciplines to understand the scientific and statistical nuances arising from the complex relationships between the data and the real-world problems. This paper describes a small fraction of some of the intellectual challenges that occur at the interface between climate science and statistics, including inferences for extremes for processes with seasonality and long-term trends, the use of climate model ensembles for studying extremes, the scope for using new data sources for studying space-time characteristics of environmental processes and a discussion of non-Gaussian space-time process models for climate variables. The paper concludes with a call to the statistical community to become more engaged in one of the great scientific and policy issues of our time, anthropogenic climate change and its impacts.


Risk Models for Breast Cancer and Their Validation

Adam R. Brentnall, Jack Cuzick.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 35, Number 1, 14--30.

Strategies to prevent cancer and diagnose it early when it is most treatable are needed to reduce the public health burden from rising disease incidence. Risk assessment is playing an increasingly important role in targeting individuals in need of such interventions. For breast cancer many individual risk factors have been well understood for a long time, but the development of a fully comprehensive risk model has not been straightforward, in part because there have been limited data where joint effects of an extensive set of risk factors may be estimated with precision. In this article we first review the approach taken to develop the IBIS (Tyrer–Cuzick) model, and describe recent updates. We then review and develop methods to assess calibration of models such as this one, where the risk of disease allowing for competing mortality over a long follow-up time or lifetime is estimated. The breast cancer risk model model and calibration assessment methods are demonstrated using a cohort of 132,139 women attending mammography screening in the State of Washington, USA.


Model-Based Approach to the Joint Analysis of Single-Cell Data on Chromatin Accessibility and Gene Expression

Zhixiang Lin, Mahdi Zamanighomi, Timothy Daley, Shining Ma, Wing Hung Wong.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 35, Number 1, 2--13.

Unsupervised methods, including clustering methods, are essential to the analysis of single-cell genomic data. Model-based clustering methods are under-explored in the area of single-cell genomics, and have the advantage of quantifying the uncertainty of the clustering result. Here we develop a model-based approach for the integrative analysis of single-cell chromatin accessibility and gene expression data. We show that combining these two types of data, we can achieve a better separation of the underlying cell types. An efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is also developed.


Larry Brown’s Work on Admissibility

Iain M. Johnstone.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 34, Number 4, 657--668.

Many papers in the early part of Brown’s career focused on the admissibility or otherwise of estimators of a vector parameter. He established that inadmissibility of invariant estimators in three and higher dimensions is a general phenomenon, and found deep and beautiful connections between admissibility and other areas of mathematics. This review touches on several of his major contributions, with a focus on his celebrated 1971 paper connecting admissibility, recurrence and elliptic partial differential equations.


Comment: Models as (Deliberate) Approximations

David Whitney, Ali Shojaie, Marco Carone.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 34, Number 4, 591--598.


Comment: “Models as Approximations I: Consequences Illustrated with Linear Regression” by A. Buja, R. Berk, L. Brown, E. George, E. Pitkin, L. Zhan and K. Zhang

Roderick J. Little.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 34, Number 4, 580--583.


Models as Approximations I: Consequences Illustrated with Linear Regression

Andreas Buja, Lawrence Brown, Richard Berk, Edward George, Emil Pitkin, Mikhail Traskin, Kai Zhang, Linda Zhao.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 34, Number 4, 523--544.

In the early 1980s, Halbert White inaugurated a “model-robust” form of statistical inference based on the “sandwich estimator” of standard error. This estimator is known to be “heteroskedasticity-consistent,” but it is less well known to be “nonlinearity-consistent” as well. Nonlinearity, however, raises fundamental issues because in its presence regressors are not ancillary, hence cannot be treated as fixed. The consequences are deep: (1) population slopes need to be reinterpreted as statistical functionals obtained from OLS fits to largely arbitrary joint ${x extrm{-}y}$ distributions; (2) the meaning of slope parameters needs to be rethought; (3) the regressor distribution affects the slope parameters; (4) randomness of the regressors becomes a source of sampling variability in slope estimates of order $1/sqrt{N}$; (5) inference needs to be based on model-robust standard errors, including sandwich estimators or the ${x extrm{-}y}$ bootstrap. In theory, model-robust and model-trusting standard errors can deviate by arbitrary magnitudes either way. In practice, significant deviations between them can be detected with a diagnostic test.


ROS Regression: Integrating Regularization with Optimal Scaling Regression

Jacqueline J. Meulman, Anita J. van der Kooij, Kevin L. W. Duisters.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 34, Number 3, 361--390.

We present a methodology for multiple regression analysis that deals with categorical variables (possibly mixed with continuous ones), in combination with regularization, variable selection and high-dimensional data ($Pgg N$). Regularization and optimal scaling (OS) are two important extensions of ordinary least squares regression (OLS) that will be combined in this paper. There are two data analytic situations for which optimal scaling was developed. One is the analysis of categorical data, and the other the need for transformations because of nonlinear relationships between predictors and outcome. Optimal scaling of categorical data finds quantifications for the categories, both for the predictors and for the outcome variables, that are optimal for the regression model in the sense that they maximize the multiple correlation. When nonlinear relationships exist, nonlinear transformation of predictors and outcome maximize the multiple correlation in the same way. We will consider a variety of transformation types; typically we use step functions for categorical variables, and smooth (spline) functions for continuous variables. Both types of functions can be restricted to be monotonic, preserving the ordinal information in the data. In combination with optimal scaling, three popular regularization methods will be considered: Ridge regression, the Lasso and the Elastic Net. The resulting method will be called ROS Regression (Regularized Optimal Scaling Regression). The OS algorithm provides straightforward and efficient estimation of the regularized regression coefficients, automatically gives the Group Lasso and Blockwise Sparse Regression, and extends them by the possibility to maintain ordinal properties in the data. Extended examples are provided.


A Kernel Regression Procedure in the 3D Shape Space with an Application to Online Sales of Children’s Wear

Gregorio Quintana-Ortí, Amelia Simó.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 34, Number 2, 236--252.

This paper is focused on kernel regression when the response variable is the shape of a 3D object represented by a configuration matrix of landmarks. Regression methods on this shape space are not trivial because this space has a complex finite-dimensional Riemannian manifold structure (non-Euclidean). Papers about it are scarce in the literature, the majority of them are restricted to the case of a single explanatory variable, and many of them are based on the approximated tangent space. In this paper, there are several methodological innovations. The first one is the adaptation of the general method for kernel regression analysis in manifold-valued data to the three-dimensional case of Kendall’s shape space. The second one is its generalization to the multivariate case and the addressing of the curse-of-dimensionality problem. Finally, we propose bootstrap confidence intervals for prediction. A simulation study is carried out to check the goodness of the procedure, and a comparison with a current approach is performed. Then, it is applied to a 3D database obtained from an anthropometric survey of the Spanish child population with a potential application to online sales of children’s wear.


Comment: Empirical Bayes, Compound Decisions and Exchangeability

Eitan Greenshtein, Ya’acov Ritov.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 34, Number 2, 224--228.

We present some personal reflections on empirical Bayes/ compound decision (EB/CD) theory following Efron (2019). In particular, we consider the role of exchangeability in the EB/CD theory and how it can be achieved when there are covariates. We also discuss the interpretation of EB/CD confidence interval, the theoretical efficiency of the CD procedure, and the impact of sparsity assumptions.


Comment: Minimalist $g$-Modeling

Roger Koenker, Jiaying Gu.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 34, Number 2, 209--213.

Efron’s elegant approach to $g$-modeling for empirical Bayes problems is contrasted with an implementation of the Kiefer–Wolfowitz nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator for mixture models for several examples. The latter approach has the advantage that it is free of tuning parameters and consequently provides a relatively simple complementary method.


Generalized Multiple Importance Sampling

Víctor Elvira, Luca Martino, David Luengo, Mónica F. Bugallo.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 34, Number 1, 129--155.

Importance sampling (IS) methods are broadly used to approximate posterior distributions or their moments. In the standard IS approach, samples are drawn from a single proposal distribution and weighted adequately. However, since the performance in IS depends on the mismatch between the targeted and the proposal distributions, several proposal densities are often employed for the generation of samples. Under this multiple importance sampling (MIS) scenario, extensive literature has addressed the selection and adaptation of the proposal distributions, interpreting the sampling and weighting steps in different ways. In this paper, we establish a novel general framework with sampling and weighting procedures when more than one proposal is available. The new framework encompasses most relevant MIS schemes in the literature, and novel valid schemes appear naturally. All the MIS schemes are compared and ranked in terms of the variance of the associated estimators. Finally, we provide illustrative examples revealing that, even with a good choice of the proposal densities, a careful interpretation of the sampling and weighting procedures can make a significant difference in the performance of the method.


Smart women don't smoke / Biman Mullick.

London (33 Stillness Road, London SE23 1NG) : Cleanair, Campaign for a Smoke-free Environment, [1989?]


We thank you for not smoking / design : Biman Mullick.

London (33 Stillness Rd, London, SE23 1NG) : Cleanair, Campaign for a Smoke-free Environment, [198-?]


'Smoke gets in your eyes' / Biman Mullick.

London (33 Stllness Rd, London, SE23 1NG) : Cleanair, Campaign for a Smoke-free Environment, [198-?]