
Taliban Militants Kill Afghan Regional Police Chief In Latest Attack

Taliban militants have killed a provincial police chief and two others in a roadside bomb attack in Khost Province in Afghanistan’s southeast, officials said on May 8.


Belarus Pushes Aside COVID-19 Fears To Hold Victory Day Parade

Thousands of people jammed the center of the Belarusian capital to watch soldiers and military units march as part of celebrations marking the defeat of Nazi Germany, celebrations that took place despite serious concerns about the coronavirus.


Serbia Protests EU Site's Reference To Inventor Tesla As 'Croatian'

The Serbian government has protested to the European Union after one of the bloc's educational websites described inventor and electricity trailblazer Nikola Tesla as a "famous Croatian."


Belarus Holds WWII Parade In Defiance Of COVID-19

Thousands of people came out on May 9 to watch soldiers, military vehicles, and aircraft on display in central Minsk as part of celebrations marking the defeat of Nazi Germany 75 years ago. The televised event took place despite concerns about the coronavirus. While most other former Soviet republics, including Russia, canceled their Victory Day parades due to spiking infection and death rates, Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka has downplayed the pandemic as a "psychosis." In a speech during the event, he said the country “had no other choice” but to go ahead with the celebrations as thousands of war victims were watching, adding that none of today’s hardships can compare to the horrors the country endured during the war.


Covid 19 coronavirus: Compliance checks on isolating close contacts now occurring daily

Close contacts of Covid-infected people are now being checked on every day to ensure compliance and see if they have developed any symptoms, Health Minister David Clark says.But an app to complement contact-tracing work was still...


Wild ride: Kitten survives trip from south to west Auckland stuck in car engine

A stray kitten climbed into the engine of a car in Otara, south Auckland, and ended up hitching a ride all the way to West Harbour, in west Auckland, where it was rescued and adopted by a loving family.It was early on Saturday morning...


Covid 19 coronavirus: Father of Kiwi in LA unable to get quarantine exemption dies

SIGN UP TO OUR COVID-19 NEWSLETTER.SIGN IN OR REGISTER, THEN SELECT TOP NEWS STORIES The father of a New Zealand woman living in Los Angeles seeking a quarantine exemption so she could see him again has died.Rachel Henderson...


Covid 19 coronavirus: Ministry of Health mandatory isolation review too late for one applicant

div class="element-action-button"> SIGN UP TO OUR COVID-19 NEWSLETTER. SIGN IN OR REGISTER, THEN SELECT TOP NEWS STORIES A Ministry of Health review of previously turned down requests to leave compulsory isolation early on compassionate...


Covid 19 coronavirus: Aucklanders flock to city bays as Kiwis warned not to get 'complacent'

Police are warning Kiwis not to flout the law after hordes took to the beach today despite the country still being at alert level 3. The day started with a "mass" of surfers converging on Wellington's Lyall Bay, and as the weather...


Man hurt by bull in Riversdale, Southland

A man has been taken to hospital after a he was hurt by a bull in Southland this afternoon.St John Ambulance tweeted that they had been called to Riversdale, 30 kilometres north-west of Gore, just after 4pm."Two vehicles attended...


Lotto winner strikes million-dollar prize

One Lotto ticket's now worth $1 million - winning Division One in tonight's draw.The winning ticket was bought online by a Waikato player.That was this evening's biggest winnerStrike Four will be worth $800,000 and Powerball...


Dowladda Soomaaliya oo sheegtay in si habsami leh uu u socdo barnaamijka baxnaano.

Wasiirka Shaqada iyo Arrimaha bulshada ee Xukumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Sadiiq Xirsi warfaa ayaa sheegay in si habsami leh uu u socdo barnaamijka Baxnaano oo loogu talagalay in lagu kaalmeeyo dadka danyara ah. Wasiirka Warfaa ayaa sheegay in mashruucaan uu yahay mid ay leedahay Dowladda Soomaaliyeed, isla markaana uu taageero ka heysto Bankiga aduunka waxaana bishii […]

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Conflict, flood left thousands displaced in Somalia: UN

More than 220,000 Somalis have been internally displaced due to armed conflict and natural disasters while facing deadly coronavirus since the start of 2020, the UN Refugee Agency said Friday. “UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, fears these multiple, compounding emergencies will lead to devastating consequences unless there is a strong and coordinated response from the […]

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  • News in English


Taliye Boolis oo isu casiley rag al-Shabaab ah oo xabsiga laga siidaayey -VIDEO

Taliyiha ciidanka Boolis magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee maamul goboleedka Galmudug Burhaan Axmed ayaa iska casaley xilkii uu degmada ka hayey kadib markii rag ka tirsan shabakad isku xiran oo al-Shabaab ah oo uu soo qabtey xabsiga laga sii daayey iyada oo la diidey in wax baaritaan ah la mariyo. ”Waxaa xabsiga Dhuusamareeb laga sii daayay laba […]

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Diyaaraddii Berdaale ku dhacdey oo la xaqiijiyey in Ciidamada Itoobiya soo rideen

Diyaaraddii ku buburtey Berdaale ee nooceedu ahaa xamuulka ayaa la xaqiijiyey in ciidamada Itoobiya ee halkaas ku sugan ay ku rideen hubka lidka diyaaradaha kadibna sidaas ku burburtey. War ka soo baxay AMISOM ee la xiriira baaritaanka wada jirka ah ee la sameynaayey ayaa lagu sheegay in diyaaradda aysan soo ridin ciidamada AMISOM ee ay […]

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Waa sidee xaaladda Wasiirada Puntland ee laga helay COVID-19?

Laba wasiir oo ka tirsan xukuumadda Puntland ayaa todobaadkan laga heley fayraska korona ee caalamka faro ba’an ku haya. Labada wasiir ayaa kamid ahaa dadkii sida weyn ula shaqeynaayey bulshada aadna ugu dhawaa gaar ahaan dhibaatadii ka dhacdey magaalada Qardho. Madaxweynaha Puntland Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa sheegay in wasiiradan xaaladooda caafimaad aad u wanaagsan tahay, […]

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Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ka hadley xiisadda colaadeed ee gobolka Mudug

Madaxweynaha Puntland Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa maanta shir saxaafadeed uu ku qabtey magaalada Qardho uga hadley xiisada colaadeed ee weli ka taagan deegaan Teegare oo galbeed uga beegan magaalada Gaalacyo xarunta gobolka Mudug. Madaxweyne Deni ayaa sheegay in ay ballan qaadayaan in ay xakameeyaan dhankooda, sugayaan amniga, waxaana uu dadka deegaankaas ee reer Puntland ugu […]

The post Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ka hadley xiisadda colaadeed ee gobolka Mudug appeared first on Horseed Media • Somali News.


Angola: COVID-19 - Quinze ressortissants de la RDC en quarantaine institutionnelle

Soyo -Quinze citoyens de la R�publique d�mocratique du Congo (RDC) observent, depuis le week-end dernier, une p�riode de quarantaine institutionnelle dans la municipalit� de Soyo, province de Zaire. ......


Alg�rie: COVID-19 - Op�ration de d�sinfection des espaces publics de la commune de Gharda�a

Ghardaia -Une large op�ration de...


Affaire Hamdi Nagguez - La demande de lib�ration rejet�e

L'international tunisien Hamdi Nagguez ne sera pas lib�r� cette semaine. Le tribunal de premi�re instance de Sousse a rejet� la demande formul�e par les avocats du joueur pour le lib�rer. ......


Alg�rie: R�vision de la Constitution - Des garanties pour une protection plus efficace des deniers publics

Alger -Le projet de r�vision de la Constitution dont les...


Crise sanitaire - Croissance �conomique compromise, selon la BFM

A l'instar de tous les pays dans le monde affect�s par la pand�mie Covid-19, Madagascar conna�tra �galement une r�cession �conomique. ......


Alg�rie: R�vision de la Constitution - Une Cour constitutionnelle au lieu du Conseil constitutionnel

Alger -L'avant-projet de r�vision de la...


Les dettes des compagnies p�troli�res aupr�s de l'Etat s'�l�vent � 67 millions de dollars

Le volume des dettes des compagnies p�troli�res aupr�s de l'�tat, s'�l�ve � 67 millions de dollars (l'�quivalent de 194 millions de dinars), a r�v�l� le minist�re de l'�nergie, des Mines et de la Transition �nerg�tique. ......


Cote d'Ivoire: Election � la FIF - Le soutien de Diomansy Kamara � Didier Drogba

Encore un soutien venu de l'ext�rieur...


S�n�gal: Patients asymptomatiques - Un site flambant neuf en appoint du dispositif hospitalier

La r�ponse de l'�tat du S�n�gal �...


Alg�rie: Accidents de la route - Huit d�c�s et 318 personnes bless�es durant les derni�res 48h

Alger -Huit (8) personnes sont...


Afrique de l'Ouest: COVID-organics - Pas de commande de la CEDEAO pour Madagascar

Le pr�sident malgache avec la d�l�gation bissau-guin�enne lors de la remise des dons de Covid-Organics, le 1er mai dernier. ......


Alg�rie: R�pression de la Corruption - 15 fonctionnaires des Finances mis � la disposition de l'OCRC

Alger -Le nombre de fonctionnaires...


Afrique: 190.000 personnes pourraient mourir de la pand�mie

Sur la base d'une mod�lisation, l'Oms estime que 190.000 personnes pourraient perdre la vie � cause du coronavirus qui infectera entre 29 � 44 millions d'Africains. ......


Alg�rie: A�roport d'Alger - Le projet de renforcement de la piste principale r�ceptionn�e d'ici fin juillet

Alger -Le ministre des Travaux publics et des...


Angola: COVID - 19 - La transmission locale atteint un stade compliqu�

Luanda -Avec l'annonce de sept nouveaux cas, la transmission locale atteint un stade compliqu�, a admis vendredi � Luanda, le secr�taire d'�tat � la Sant� publique, Franco Mufinda. ......


La CPS se penche sur les crimes commis � Nd�l�

En Centrafrique, la Cour p�nale sp�ciale a annonc� le 8 mai se saisir du dossier concernant les crimes commis dans la ville de Nd�l� dans le nord du pays. ......


Le CSM publie une note fixant les modalit�s de la reprise progressive du travail

Le Conseil sup�rieur de la Magistrature a �mis, tard dans la soir�e de samedi, une note fixant les modalit�s de la reprise progressive du travail dans les tribunaux au cours de la prochaine p�riode. ......


Simba SC's Athumani ready for action as Pazi defends Manula for conceding long shots

The Wekundu wa Msimbazi winger has been out for a considerable period as he was injured during international duty for the Taifa Stars ......


Coronavirus - Malawi: COVID-19 Daily Information Update (9th May 2020) APO Group - Africa-Newsroom: latest ...

Download logo New Cases: 13 Total Confirmed Cases: 56 Total Active Cases: 39 Total Recovered: 14...


Covid-19 claims second Cape nurse

Cape Town - A Tygerberg Hospital nurse has become the latest health-care worker to die of Covid-19 as the Western Cape saw an increase of 11 coronavirus deaths and more than 500 new infections on Friday. “We are deeply saddened to announce the death of a Tygerberg Hospital nurse, Ntombizakithi Ngidi,” said Premier Alan Winde. “We extend our deepest condolences to her family, friends and her colleagues at this time and we honour her service to the people of this province.” Ngidi is the second nurse to die from Covid-19 in the...


Polar vortex brings rare May snow, low temps to US East

Mother's Day weekend got off to an unseasonably snowy start in the northeast Saturday thanks to the polar vortex.


Lawyers: Investigators recommend whistleblower is reinstated

Federal investigators have found "reasonable grounds" that a government whistleblower was punished for speaking out against widespread use of an unproven drug that President Donald Trump touted as a remedy for COVID-19, his lawyers said.


2 arrested in slaying of Michigan guard over face mask order

Two men were arrested Friday in the fatal shooting of a security guard who demanded a woman wear a mask while shopping at a store.


Nearly 1 in 5 US kids are obese, according to latest data

Nearly 1 in 5 U.S. kids are obese, according to the latest national data.


Married couple, 85 and 86, die in Delaware cemetery shooting

A married couple from Maryland ages 85 and 86 were the victims of a deadly shooting at a veterans cemetery in Delaware.


Coronavirus - Commercial law overview - UK

As the outbreak of the latest coronavirus spreads across the globe, the consequences for commercial transactions are evolving. From what was initially a shorter term focus on immediate impact, all of us in business are now in the position of plannin...


Coronavirus – Legal consequences of cancellations of events – Germany

1.1 Which Corona related administrative orders must be differentiated in Germany and what are their effects? The local health departments are, on a case-by-case basis, entitled to prohibit the happening of any kind of event that includes a significa...


UK Pensions speedbrief - Pensions Regulator publishes details of first enforcement action for auto-enrolment non-compliance

Pensions Regulator publishes details of first enforcement action for auto-enrolment non-compliance The Pensions Regulator has published its first section 89 report relating to breaches of the aut...


European Commission aims to level the playing field between suppliers and large customers by introducing recommendations on unfair trade practices

European Commission aims to level the playing field between suppliers and large customers by introducing recommendations on unfair trade practices The European Commission recently adopted a Communication encouraging EU Member States to look at ways ...


Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme: A new mandatory energy assessment scheme for large undertakings

What is the Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme ("ESOS")? ESOS is the UK Government’s implementation of a particular requirement of the Energy Efficiency Directive regarding energy audits.  It requires energy assessments (including the ide...


Amendments to food labelling regulations: More information requirements for labels and new methods of presentation

Starting 13 December 2014, businesses will be required to comply with the great majority of the rules set forth in the EU’s Food Information Regulation (1169/2011). The Regulation went into force on 12 December 2011 but provided for a long, 3-...