
Thailand tipped to be a leading EV market

Sales of electric vehicles (EVs) continue to gain market share globally, with Thailand and Indonesia being key markets within Asean, says a research agency.


Parts producers nudged to EV partner

The Board of Investment (BoI) is encouraging more than 160 local auto parts manufacturers to partner with Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker BYD in a move to strengthen the EV supply chain.


Steve Coogan Adopts a Penguin in 'The Penguin Lessons' Film Trailer

"What happened to you?" "I met a penguin." Lionsgate has revealed the official trailer for The Penguin Lessons, a cute dramedy about rescuing a penguin in Argentina. A similar story to My Penguin Friend with Jean Reno that also opened in theaters this year, but also not the exact same story. Starring Oscar nominee Steve Coogan, this poignant dramedy from director Peter Cattaneo follows an Englishman's personal and political awakening after he adopts a penguin during a cataclysmic period in Argentine history. He finds the small penguin covered with oil and cleans him up, making a new friend in the process. The main ensemble cast in here includes Björn Gustafsson, David Herrero, Jonathan Pryce, Vivian El Jaber, Aimar Miranda, Micaela Breque, Tomas Pozzi, and Ramiro Blas. It was shot in Spain though it takes place in Argentina. After premiering at TIFF, the movie will open in the UK next April - still waiting for a US date. Here's the official trailer (+ poster) for Peter Cattaneo's The Penguin Lessons, direct from YouTube: From Penguin Random House's bestselling book of the same name by Tom Michell, The Penguin Lessons is the true story of a disillusioned Englishman who went to work […]


Biden not going to COP29 — But the Taliban is! Taliban leaders to attend UN climate conference for first time ever

https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taliban-administration-officials-attend-un-climate-conference-azerbaijan-2024-11-10/ By Mohammad Yunus Yawar, Charlotte Greenfield and Gloria Dickie KABUL, Nov 10 (Reuters) – Afghan Taliban officials will attend a major United Nations climate conference that starts next week, the Afghan Foreign Ministry said on Sunday, the first time they have attended since the former insurgents took power in 2021. The COP29 climate summit in Azerbaijan’s capital Baku […]


GUERRA REVOLUCIONARIA TOTAL, de Alberto Daniel Faleroni (Rioplatense)

Guerra revolucionaria total: estrategia y táctica del imperialismo soviético
Autor: Alberto Daniel Faleroni
Cubierta: Nydia Chuhurra (il.)
Editor: Editorial Rioplatense (Buenos Aires)
Fecha de edición: 1976-12
Descripción física: 261, 8 p.; 14x19,5 cm.
Estructura: ver contenido
Información sobre impresión:
Este libro se terminó de imprimir en la primera quincena de diciembre de 1976, en Gráfica Devoto, Nogoyá 4825, Bs. As. Rep. Argentina.
Información de contracubierta:
Ha sido profesor de Sovietología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina “Santa María de los Buenos Aires” (cursos especiales); profesor de la cátedra de Seguridad y Defensa de la Universidad Provincial de Mar del Plata y de la cátedra de Intereses Nacionales de la misma Universidad y dictó un curso sobre Inteligencia Estratégica en la Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca). Fue Asesor de la Dirección de la Escuela Nacional de Guerra (hoy Escuela de Defensa Nacional, dependiente entonces del Estado Mayor Conjunto y luego de la Junta de Comandantes en Jefe) y de los Departamentos de Político-Social y Estrategia, así como profesor de Estrategia Política, durante los años 1962 a 1972. Ha dictado conferencias y cursos en las más importantes Universidades del país y del extranjero, así como en los mandos de las Fuerzas Armadas (Ejército, Marina y Fuerza Aérea) y los Servicios de Seguridad (Gendarmería Nacional y Policía Federal).
Participó de las más importantes conferencias internacionales de lucha contra la subversión y el comunismo, realizadas en América Latina y Europa. Es autor de numerosas obras especializadas, destacándose entre ellas “De Rusia a Vietnam”, editada por el Círculo Militar del Ejército Argentino, en su Colección Estrategia en 1969; “La Guerra de la Cuarta Dimensión” (sobre la guerrilla), editada por Editorial Rioplatense, de Buenos Aires, en 1976; “Soviet Strategy in Latin America”, editada en inglés por J. Gregory Oswald y Anthony J. Strover (Published for the Institute for the Study of the USSR), Praeger Publishers, New York, Washington, London, en 1970; y otras de no menor trascendencia como “Cuba, base soviética” (1960); “Defensa Estratégica del Mundo Libre” (1962); “Penetración Comunista en el Continente a través del «Castrismo»” (1963); “¿Qué busca Moscú” (1964), luego del éxito de su libro “El Comunismo contra nuestras Fuerzas Armadas”, en 1960, que se adelantó una década y media a los tremendos problemas de violencia que hoy vive el país.
En el año 1973 cumplió cuarenta años ininterrumpidos de acción contra el comunismo y el marxismo. Ha producido miles de artículos periodísticos, publicados en periódicos y revistas destacados de este hemisferio y de Europa, entre 1933 y 1975, así como ensayos, monografías, folletos, etc. Actualmente está concluyendo su obra “Así se preparó la guerrilla”. Sus trabajos más notables han sido traducidos al inglés, italiano, francés, ruso, alemán, rumano, eslovaco, croata, portugués y holandés.

Fundación y tareas de la IIIª Internacional

Cómo se organizan las fuerzas armadas rojas
Formas, modo de acción y ejemplos de guerra psicológica marxista

Guerras revolucionarias (desde 1945 a 1975)
Planificación de la guerra revolucionaria, según Mao-Tse-tung, “Ché” Guevara y Ho-Chi-minh
Disposiciones tácticas de Mao
Objetivos estratégicos de la guerra revolucionaria desarrollada por “Ché” Guevara
Estrategia y táctica desarrollada en Indochina por el rojo Ho-Chi-minh

Objetivos de la diplomacia zarista
Del plan de Pedro I a la URSS de Stalin
Reflexión sobre el testamento del Zar Pedro I, el Grande
La diplomacia bolchevique y la diplomacia soviética
La política exterior de Stalin
Radio operativo de la diplomacia soviética durante la guerra fría
Los objetivos de la política exterior bajo Nikita Kruschev

Creación y estructuras
Desorganización de las viejas fuerzas armadas
Nace el nuevo Ejército Rojo
Reformas fundamentales en las fuerzas armadas
Politización de las fuerzas armadas
Tipos de guerra en que han intervenido
Lo que el mundo no sabía
Operaciones militares soviéticas
El mosquito contra el oso
Los soviéticos: ¿son invencibles?
El talón de Aquiles de la defensa soviética
Debemos estar preparados

La captura de almas
Evitar la infiltración
Erradicar la miseria y el analfabetismo
La diplomacia y sus fines
La economía y los pueblos
Los partidos políticos y el Partido Comunista
Frente al destino



LA GRAN MENTIRA BLANCA, de Michael Levine y Laura Kavanau-Levine (Planeta)

La gran mentira blanca: de Bangkok a Buenos Aires, el fracaso de la guerra contra las drogas
Autores: Michael Levine (1939-); Laura Kavanau-Levine (colab.)
Título original: The big white lie. The CIA and the cocaine/crack epidemic (1993)
Traducción: Reed Roal
Cubierta: Mario Blanco (diseño)
Diseño de interior: Alejandro Ulloa
Editor: Editorial Planeta (Buenos Aires)
Fecha de edición: 1996-04
Descripción física: 459, 5 p.; 15x22,5 cm.: solapas
Serie: Reporter
ISBN: 978-950-742-705-3 (950-742-705-8)
Estructura: ver contenido
Información sobre impresión:
Esta edición se terminó de imprimir en Indugraf S.A. Sánchez de Loria 2251, Buenos Aires en el mes de abril de 1996.
Información de contracubierta:
“La guerra contra las drogas es la más grande y mortífera mentira perpetrada por el gobierno norteamericano contra sus conciudadanos”, dice Michael Levine, autor de este libro apasionante.
Agente de la DEA con más de veinticinco años de servicio, Levine se infiltró y trabajó en forma encubierta siguiendo las diversas rutas de la droga, desde Bangkok hasta Buenos Aires. Dondequiera que viajó fue testigo presencial de las más escandalosas violaciones a las leyes antiestupefacientes por parte de funcionarios norteamericanos. La gran mentira blanca conduce al lector por ese tortuoso trayecto y exhibe la verdadera historia de la epidemia de la droga. Con una prosa ágil y sin eufemismos, reproduciendo diálogos textuales y situaciones insospechadas, Levine denuncia a la CIA por haber auspiciado grupos paramilitares bolivianos que asesinaron a funcionarios de la DEA en ese país, por proteger a traficantes y, especialmente, por haber creado “La Corporación”, una estructura ilegal tan enorme que ha sido bautizada “la General Motors de la cocaína”, para el tráfico y venta de drogas en el continente americano.
Levine espera que este libro sirva para abrir los ojos de los lectores ante las cuestionables acciones del gobierno estadounidense, que mientras exige la creación de nuevos impuestos para combatir las drogas, inunda el mundo con ellas.
Información de solapas:
Luego de abandonar la DEA tras veinticinco años de servicio, Michael Levine se desempeña como jefe del Escuadrón Antinarcóticos de Cape Cod. Además de La gran mentira blanca, ha publicado otros libros, entre ellos el best-seller Deep Cover. Vive junto con su mujer Laura Kavanau-Levine en Nueva York.
La prensa norteamericana ha dicho de él: “Levine es una figura fundamental en la historia de la DEA, por su estilo y por el éxito de sus operaciones” (Esquire); “Levine ha arriesgado su vida en incontables oportunidades y puesto tras las rejas a más de tres mil criminales del mundo de las drogas” (Los Angeles Times); “Los traficantes no son los únicos enemigos de Levine, como lo demuestra su libro: los burócratas del gobierno son más peligrosos y mortíferos aún” (The New York Times).
Nota del autor

I. Un secuestro y una premonición
II. Argentina
III. Un sandwich de mantequilla de maní
IV. El golpe de la cocaína
V. Ilusiones perdidas
VI. Esperanzas perdidas
VII. Tortura
VIII. Solicitando recibo
IX. Blanco

X. Operación Huno
XI. Sonia y la pesadilla de Miami
XII La Máquina de la Guerra Antidroga
XIII. Un tiroteo en Colombia
XIV. Tucson
XV. La trampa
XVI. Cocaína extraña
XVII. Mónica: la argentina
XVIII. Ana: la comisionista
XIX. Fuera del blanco
XX. Eduardo: el teniente
XXI. Cómo no atrapar a un asesino
XXII. En el filo
XXIII. Misión improbable
XXIV. Tontos de abril
XXV. Asesinos de piedra
XXVI. Cuando suene el silbato
XXVII. El gran arresto
XXVIII. El ajuste de cuentas de Ana
XXIX. Escape de Tucson

XXX. Protegiendo el oasis
XXXI. La caja de Pandora
XXXIII. El juicio de Papo
XXXIV. El último baile
XXXV. Un trato con el diablo
XXXVI. Un arresto por drogas en Texas
XXXVII. Resurrección
XXXVIII. Final fraudulento




SHIBUMI, de Trevanian (Roca)

Autor: Trevanian (seud. de Rodney William Whitaker, 1925-2005)
Título original: Shibumi (1979) Nº 2 en la serie “Nicholai Hel”
Traducción: Montserrat Solanas de Guinart
Editor: Roca Editorial de Libros Editores (Barcelona; Buenos Aires)
Edición: 1ª ed. en Argentina
Fecha de edición: 2008-05
Descripción física: 553, 2 p.; 12,5x19 cm.
Serie: Rocabolsillo. Ficción
ISBN: 978-84-96940-12-3
Depósito legal: B. 39.463-2007
Estructura: 6 partes con varios capítulos sin numeración cada una
Información sobre impresión:
Primera edición: febrero de 2008
Primera edición en la Argentina: mayo de 2008
Esta edición de 4000 ejemplares se terminó de imprimir en Indugraf S.A., Sánchez de Loria 2251, Bs. As., en el mes de abril de 2008.
Información de cubierta:
La novela de espías de culto.
TREVANIAN ha vendido más de 200.000 ejemplares.
Información de contracubierta:
Nicholai Hel es el hombre más buscado del mundo. Nacido en Shangai durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, es hijo de una aristócrata rusa y de un alemán misterioso, además de protegido de un maestro Go japonés. Hel, que sobrevivió a la destrucción de Hiroshima, se ha convertido en un artista del asesinato a sueldo. Es un genio, un iniciado, un auténtico sabio del lenguaje y la cultura cuyo secreto radica en la determinación por alcanzar un estado de perfección conocido como shibumi.
Tras varios años escondido en su fortaleza para huir del pasado, se ve obligado a volver al terreno de juego cuando una joven acude a él y le pide protección. Pronto descubrirá que detrás del telón se encuentra su enemigo más siniestro: una red de espionaje conocida como Compañía madre. Las líneas del juego están trazadas: poder y corrupción en un lado, en el otro... shibumi.
Información de página final:
Trevanian, seudónimo literario de Rodney Whitaker (Granville, New York, 1931 – West Country of England, 2005), mantuvo durante muchos años su verdadera identidad oculta. Tras participar en la guerra de Corea, finalizó sus estudios de Comunicación. Fue profesor de cine en la Universidad de Texas, y vivió en el País Vasco Francés. Se especializó en el género de espionaje. Ha vendido millones de libros en todo el mundo y su obra ha sido traducida a catorce idiomas.
Nicholai Alexandrovich Hel tiene todo para ser una rareza, una anomalía en el mundo. Nacido de una aristócrata rusa habitante de Shanghai, dedicada a la prostitución de alto nivel, y de un fugaz amante alemán, Hel se cría en ambiente que fomenta su aislamiento, sus arrebatos místicos y su odio a la vulgaridad del mundo, a la “mentalidad do comerciante”, como él dice. Tomada la ciudad por las tropas japonesas, el niño se amiga con el general Kishikawa Takashi, que se convierte en una figura central de su vida, al introducirlo al juego del Gõ y a la filosofía del shibumi. Como le explica el general en una de sus charlas:
“Como sabes, shibumi tiene que ver con un gran refinamiento fundamental bajo una apariencia corriente. Es un concepto tan correcto que no tiene que ser audaz; tan sutil, que no tiene que ser bonito; tan verdadero, que no tiene que ser real. Shibumi es comprensión más que conocimiento. Silencio elocuente. En el comportamiento, es modestia sin recato. En el arte, en donde el espíritu de shibumi toma la forma de sabi, es elegante simplicidad, brevedad articulada. En la filosofía, en la que el shibumi emerge como wabi, es un sosiego espiritual que no es pasivo; es el ser sin la angustia de la conversión. Y hablando de la personalidad de un hombre es... ¿cómo podría explicarse? ¿Autoridad sin dominio? Algo parecido.”
 Al final de la guerra y tras la muerte de su madre, Hel se va a vivir a Japón, donde profundiza en sus dotes, y conoce el amor. Trabaja para las fuerzas norteamericanas de ocupación en la sección de encriptación. Logra ubicar a Kishikawa, quien se encuentra detenido por los rusos; en una entrevista en la prisión y a pedido del general, Hel lo mata para preservar su honor. Tras este incidente es detenido, cruelmente interrogado y encerrado durante tres años. Consigue salir gracias a que la CIA determina que es el hombre adecuado para encarar misiones secretas de alta peligrosidad en el Extremo Oriente. Es así que Hel termina trabajando para sus torturadores, sin dejar de desarrollar un profundo rechazo hacia la cultura de EE.UU.
Encontramos entonces al protagonista, ya retirado, viviendo en un castillo que compró en el País Vasco francés. Vive aislado, sólo con la compañía de algunos amigos de la región, y de Hana, una atractiva consorte traída de Asia. Se dedica a la espeleología, disciplina que aprendió en su estadía en Japón. Su tranquilidad es interrumpida por la llegada de Hanna Stern, sobreviviente de una célula terrorista que se dedicaba a perseguir a los integrantes de Septiembre Negro, grupo que atentó contra la delegación israelí en los Juegos Olímpicos de Munich. Su vida corre peligro, los custodios de los grandes intereses mundiales ponen sus ojos en ella y en Hel para impedir que sus movimientos los perjudiquen.
Trevanian cuenta su historia en dos niveles: la vida pasada y presente de Hel, y las actividades de la que él llama la “Organización Madre”, un ente clandestino y poderoso, que maneja los hilos de los gobiernos y los servicios secretos, velando por el bienestar y los dividendos de los verdaderos dueños del mundo: las empresas del sector energético. Hel es capaz de enfrentarse a sus sicarios porque es el mejor asesino profesional del mundo, porque tiene el mejor sentido de proximidad que existe y por la información que maneja gracias a sus contactos. Sin embargo, esta vez le será difícil, muy difícil sobrevivir.
La novela tiene sus altas y bajas. La narración de los primeros años de Nicholai, su estadía en Japón, su vida en el castillo, la fallida protección que le da a Hanna Stern, son lo mejor de la historia. Sin embargo, creo que la descripción de sus salidas espeleológicas está lejos de ser agradable para el lector, podría haberse elaborado mejor, teniendo en cuenta el desconocimiento de la mayoría de los lectores sobre esta ciencia-deporte. Los detalles de los encuentros sexuales de Hel aparecen como recatados, aunque se presume que es uno de los mejores amantes del mundo. En cambio, los amigos del protagonista son retratados de manera bizarra, como personajes singulares, excéntricos, con un carisma por momentos agobiante.
Shibumi ha quedado en la historia del género del espionaje de ficción como una de las mejores novelas sobre la vida solitaria de los asesinos profesionales, agentes de la intriga internacional que combinan dotes de intuición, inteligencia y audacia con una vida solitaria, imprevisible, donde el final del juego inevitablemente es la prisión o la muerte violenta. El año pasado, el escritor Don Winslow ha escrito una precuela llamada Satori, donde relata la primera misión como asesino de Nicholai Hel, que en Shibumi simplemente es mencionada.


New Disney+ Trailer Reveals First Footage From Alien: Earth & Andor Season 2

Disney+ has unveiled a trailer featuring the first footage from Noah Hawley's Alien: Earth series and Tony Gilroy's Andor season 2. Check it out!


Yellowstone's Ratings Without Kevin Costner Make One Thing Clear

Yellowstone made its long-awaited return without Kevin Costner this week. Judging by the initial numbers, it's still a ratings monster.


Why Emilio Estevez Disappeared From Hollywood

Emilio Estevez shot to fame in the 1980s as a member of the Brat Pack, but then virtually disappeared from Hollywood movies.


Chloe Fineman Reveals The SNL Guest Host That Made Her Cry

Saturday Night Live star Chloe Fineman has revealed the identity of the SNL guest who made her cry when they hosted the show a few years back.


Ice Blink Preview

TheSailingChannel presents an exclusive video preview of a major new sailing documentary, Ice Blink: A Family Navigating Life's Ice-Clogged Waters. If you like this preview you'll love the 56-minute documentary and the companion Book, Into The Light

Ice Blink is the remarkable story of a conventional family of five living a very unconventional life afloat. Follow Dave and Jaja Martin, and their crew of three children from their beginnings aboard a 25-foot day sailor circumnavigating the globe to their most recent voyage on a 33 foot steel sloop to the Arctic. There they encounter new friends, icebergs, and polar bears. Share the Martins' voyage into opportunities that test their physical and mental limits. Discover that self-sufficiency is the key to survival, and that the rewards of the world can be had with a commitment to family, a simple lifestyle, and the courage to choose differently. Ice Blink is a film by Gregory Roscoe, Seaworthy Productions, Falmouth Maine. Watch our exclusive interview with Greg at the 2006 US Sailboat Show in Annapolis, MD.

Add Into the Light: A Family's Epic Journey and get the complete story of this remarkable voyage. Into The Light is full of humor and fun. Dave and Jaja Martin's inspiring narrative delves into a family’s choices and ultimate goals. Read all the details of their sailing adventure to Iceland, Norway, Spitsbergen, the Faeroe Islands, and Scotland.
ICE BLINK VIDEO DOWNLOAD just $9.99. No S&H - Watch it Today!
Ice Blink is also available for purchase as a High Quality Windows Media or QuickTime Video Download.
The complete 54-minute video will download to your PC or MAC where you can enjoy unlimited full screen plays. The video files are NOT copy-protected. We ask you to honor the work of our Sailor/Producers by purchasing your own copy and asking your friends to do the same.
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First Timers' Guide to the ICW - PREVIEW

First Timers' Guide to the ICW (36-Minutes). Wally Moran, noted sailing writer and charter skipper, briefs you on the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) along the U.S. East coast from Mile 1 at Norfolk, VA to Oriental, NC. This video is an expanded version of Wally's boat show seminar and includes a wealth of "what you need to know" information that applies throughout an ICW cruise. We will be releasing Part 2, Oriental NC to Miami FL, later this year. Wally is a chief writer for Waterway Guides.

As Wally says, “The ICW doesn’t have to be a purgatory, it can be a true pleasure-with the right knowledge.”
Register for a chance to win a free copy of 2010 Atlantic ICW Waterway Guide. Email NorthChannelSailingATgmail.com. Put ICW Video Cruising Guide as the Subject.

Available in both Windows Media (WMV) and QuickTime (MOV) 1280X720 HD versions suitable for full screen viewing on your computer or large flat-screen TV (with computer interface. Will not play in standard DVD players). Just pay with Paypal or your Credit Card, download and be watching in minutes with a broadband Internet connection. Includes Wally's ICW Boat Show Presentation Slides in PDF plus NOAA ICW Digital Charts. More info at www.thesailingchannel.tv/icw/

You may also be interested in "CUBA: Forbidding...Forbidden". In this expanded version of his boat show seminar, Wally describes what it's really like to cruise to Cuba, the best route, provisioning, paperwork, dealing with the locals, and much more. Learn from someone who has actually cruised to Cuba. Available as an HD VIDEO DOWNLOAD. Includes Wally's boat show presentation slides in PDF.

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Storm Tactics Preview: Now on VIDEO DOWNLOAD

TheSailingChannel.TV has just released Lin and Larry Pardey's Storm Tactics: Cape Horn Tested as a HIGH QUALITY VIDEO DOWNLOAD available in both Windows Media (WMV) and QuickTime (MOV) versions suitable for full screen viewing. PRICE: JUST $12.99.
Just pay with Paypal or your Credit Card, download and watch full screen on your PC or MAC.

This 84 minute video delivers the skills you need to weather storms with confidence. If you like the preview, buy the DVD. It's the next best thing to having Lin and Larry Pardey onboard, coaching you on storm tactics as the seas build and the rigging howls.

Closing in on 200,000 miles of blue water voyaging, Lin and Larry Pardey are recognized as the sailing world's most experienced and knowledgeable cruising couple. In Storm Tactics, they provide a detailed look at the techniques and gear that have kept them safe at sea. "... I wanted to show how the sailor's safety valve--heaving-to-works, and the slick it creates. It's hard for people to imagine the almost magic effect of a slick as it saps the power of breaking waves...." - Larry Pardey.

"One of the reasons I wanted to sail east-to-west around Cape Horn was to take video shots proving that small vessels can safely weather storms if they are well outfitted and efficiently handled," Larry Pardey stated after his record-breaking voyage. Lin and Larry completed their against-the-wind rounding of the Great Southern Capes on board their engineless 29-foot Taleisin, weathering nine days of storm-force winds to reach Puerto Montt in Chile. There they interviewed several high-latitude voyagers, prepared the narrative, and shot further detailed footage to complete the Storm Tactics video, a project Lin and Larry conceived almost ten years ago. Read more about Storm tactics at http://www.thesailingchannel.tv/pardey/storm_tactics/about_storm_tactics.htm

Add the Storm Tactics Handbook, recently revised 3rd Ed. to the Video and you've got the ultimate reference set. Price: $20.65. Modern methods of heaving-to for survival in extreme conditions. As in the first two editions of this book, Lin and Larry describe their concerns about the tendency of modern sailors to discard the classic methods used to bring sailing vessels of all sizes—from vast clipper ships to tiny yachts—through amazingly strong winds and heavy seas. “There is only one storm tactic that has the ability to sap the power of breaking seas,” they explain. With clear and concise diagrams, they proceed to show how heaving-to works and how even the most modern of yachts can be made to heave-to, whether with only sail power or with the assistance of a sea anchor. http://www.thesailingchannel.tv/pardey/pardey_books/books/storm_tactics_handbook.htm
Mario Vittone, a U.S. Coast Guard rescue swimmer for 14 years, in an unsolicited testimony, wrote: “I have been on several rescues (and heard of many more) that would have been completely unnecessary if the sailboat captains aboard would have . . . practiced the skills taught by Lin and Larry Pardey. Not knowing how to heave-to in bad weather is as inexcusable as not knowing ‘red, right, return’.”
HandBook 3rd Ed.:
Purchase the Storm Tactics video and the newly revised companion 256 page Handbook 3rd Ed. at http://www.thesailingchannel.tv/pardey/storm_tactics. DVD or VHS: $26.95; HandBook: $20.65; YOUR BEST BUY -- DVD/Handbook Combo: $39.95. Buy them now:
DVD/Handbook Combo:
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The Big Sailboat Project Preview

Ten years in the making, The BIG Sailboat Project tracks the gritty effort of two gals as they pursue their dream of building and cruising a 43 foot steel sailboat. Located a 1000 miles from the coast in rural Alberta, Canada, the duo decide on steel as their building material, which they shape into a Bruce Roberts designed 43 MKII Long Keel Cutter.
Volume I contains five episodes covering steel construction from keel to fully enclosed vessel. Each episode is approximately 23 minutes long, and includes documentary footage of hull construction artfully edited and interspersed with 3-D animation illustrating steel construction techniques. You can watch previews of each episode at www.thesailingchannel.tv/thebigsailboatproject
The Big Sailboat Project, Volume I is available for purchase as a High Quality QuickTime Download or High Quality Windows Media Download for just $12.99. Click, pay with Paypal or your Credit Card, download and watch.
Volume II is currently in production, and will cover finishing and rigging the vessel through launch and sea trials.

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Cruising Has No Limits Preview

Skimming before caressing trade winds, savoring tropical landfalls, evading stormy seas—such is the image of the cruising life under sail. It is all this, but Lin and Larry's latest documentary: Cruising Has No Limits shows you how it can be so much more. Join Lin and Larry at their New Zealand home base as they recount some of their most memorable adventures during more than 30 years of cruising.

Cruising Has No Limits is now available as a YouTube Rental for just $2.99 (US Only).
Rent our sailing documentaries at TheSailingChannel YouTube Documentary Playlist.
Sail with them across the Indian Ocean on board 29-foot, 9-inch Taleisin. Learn how they planned and executed a seven month "Champagne Safari on a Beer Budget," outfitting a 4X4 to reach remote corners of southern Africa. Share their memories of campfire evenings with Kalahari Bushmen, life in a sculptors' commune in Zimbabwe's northern reaches, and days of animal-watching at waterholes far from game reserves. Then voyage onward with them to Brazil, and see how two 14-year-old passengers led them into a unique, eight-month-long island encounter with nine Brazilian families who dreamed of their own off shore adventures. Finally, sail north through the Atlantic to Ireland's music-filled shores and a summer of history, classic sailing, and friendship.
Along the way, you'll learn some of the truisms that could help you get out adventuring sooner and more enjoyably—whether on the water or on land. You'll also come to know more about this longtime cruising couple who have been dubbed "the enablers" because of their enthusiasm and willingness to share their secrets for exploring the far corners of the world on a limited budget.
"After voyaging tens of thousands of engineless miles under sail, penning more useful marine books than Hiscock and Moitessier combined, and receiving more awards for their pursuits than Tom Hanks has for his, Lin and Larry Pardey are entitled to their well-earned nautical opinions."
TheSailingChannel.TV offers Cruising Has No Limits as a HIGH QUALITY VIDEO DOWNLOAD available in both Windows Media (WMV) and QuickTime (MOV) versions suitable for full screen viewing. JUST $12.99. DVD also available.

Just pay with Paypal or your Credit Card, download and watch full screen on your PC or MAC.

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Singlehanded Docking & Sail Trim - Preview


Preview for 52-minute how-to sailing video. U.S. Coast Guard certified skipper, Capt. Jack Klang, combines innovative classroom models with real world sailing situations to explain the skills and techniques required for singlehanders to dock with confidence in any wind or current, trim cruising sails for power and speed, and retrieve a mooring alone. In a bonus segment, Capt. Jack demonstrates how a crew of two can fly, trim, and retrieve an asymmetrical spinnaker, making light air cruising faster and more fun. The QuickTime Video Download is "Chapterized" so you can easily reference different sections, just like a DVD.

Purchase at Vimeo on Demand
Download $9.99 | Streaming Rental $4.99

Purchase the 2-video set: Sailing Instruction with Capt. Jack that includes Cruising tips and Singlehanded Docking. Download for just $15.99.

Purchase 2 DVD-US set: Singlehanded Docking and Sailing Instruction: $29.95 plus S&H.

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Odyssey to Cape Horn Island - Preview


Preview for 53-minute HD voyaging video. In 1978, photographer and writer Gene Anthony achieved a personal quest. His sea story takes us on an inspirational odyssey to Cape Horn Island at the southern tip of the Americas. We voyage by way of Gene's lifelong fascination with all things nautical and his highly successful career as a maritime photojournalist. Narrated by actor and Emmy Award-winning narrator, Peter Coyote.

Purchase Download or Streaming Rental at Vimeo on Demand
HD Video Download $9.99 | Streaming Rental $4.99.

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Suliere - The Crossing: Preview


Preview for 76-minute HD voyaging video. From the southern tip of Africa, northwestward across the Atlantic to the Caribbean island of Grenada, sail aboard the 50 foot catamaran, Suliere, on her maiden voyage. Find out what it's like to sail on one of the world's longest ocean passages. Your port of departure is St. Francis in South Africa then onto Cape Town for final commissioning. Once underway, stop in the middle of the Atlantic on the famous island of St. Helena where Napoleon was imprisoned before making your final passage to Grenada, gateway to the exotic Leeward Islands of the Caribbean. Learn and feel what it's like to live the dream of long range cruising under sail.

Purchase at http://feeds.thesailingchannel.tv/~/557527510/0/thesailingchannel
HD Video Download (Windows Media & QuickTime) $12.99.
SD DVD (includes world-wide delivery) $24.95

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Transatlantic with Street - Preview


Preview of 2-hour documentary.
Transatlantic with Street - A film by Gavin Shaw. A classic Atlantic ocean 5,000 mile trade wind passage shot in 1986 aboard noted sailor/author Don Street's 1905 engineless 44 foot yawl, Iolaire.
Documents Iolair's ninth Atlantic crossing from Ireland with eleven ocean islands along the way. First landfall is Vigo in dense fog. Next, a short-handed 800 mile passage to Madeira. Then enroute to the Canaries, the desolate and dangerous Salvage Islands. The trade winds fill in at 20 N and it's an easy reach to the Verdes. From there, a fast 14-day run of 2100 miles with whales, water rationing, a leaky bilge bring Iolaire safely into Antigua just in time for Christmas.
Available at http://feeds.thesailingchannel.tv/~/557582054/0/thesailingchannel
Streaming Rental $2.99
Video Download (mp4 & wmv) $12.99
DVD $24.95

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



600 Days to Cocos & the Galapagos Islands - Preview Pt. 2


Preview of Part 2
Originally shot in 16 mm color, the film has been restored and converted to HD video.
Completed in 1976, this is a two part sailing documentary by skipper and noted Hollywood cinematographer, Gene Evens (Roots, Jeremiah Johnson, Lady Sings the Blues, Batman and many more movie and television productions) and his wife Josie aboard their 32 foot sloop, "Discubridor" ("Discoverer"). Their two-year sailing adventure takes them over 10,000 miles from southern California south to Costa Rica, offshore to Cocos Island and the Galapagos Islands, then home to San Diego. Along the way they explore remote locales, fish, struggle against storms, and on a few occasions fight for survival.
In Part 1, Gene and his wife Josie, sail "Discubridor" ("Discoverer") south from San Diego down the coast of Baja California, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica where they are joined by their son Ron and a couple of friends for a 300 mile off shore sail to the mysterious Cocos Island. In Part 2, the crew explore Cocos Island, sail onto the legendary Galapagos Islands for more exploration, then Gene and Josie sail back across the Pacific alone and home to San Diego.
Available at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/600days
HD 1280 x 720 (Original format: 16mm color)
Pt. 1: To Cocos & the Galapagos Islands
Running Time: 90 Minutes
Pt. 2: Cocos & the Galapagos Islands
Running time: 65 Minutes

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Don Street Antigua Race Week 1985 Preview


Don Street Antigua Race Week 1985 Preview
From Don Street Antigua Race Week 1985. A one hour award-winning documentary by Charles Croft which lets you share the intense sailing action aboard Don Street's 80 year old, 44 foot, engineless yawl, "Iolaire" during Antigua Sailing Week, 1985, Iolarie's final appearance in one of the world's top sailing events.
Built in 1905, Don had sailed and raced "Iolaire" throughout the Caribbean for forty years while he developed his famous Imray-Iolair charts and the first comprehensive cruising guides that opened up the Caribbean to modern sailors. Antigua Sailing Week races became an annual event for Street and Iolaire since the first regatta in 1957. In 1985, Street decided to retire Iolaire from racing and they both went out in style, finishing only 5 points out of first place at race week's end. This award-winning documentary shows you what Caribbean racing was like in its golden years when the skippers all new each other and racing was more fun than business.
Available at http://feeds.thesailingchannel.tv/~/557582042/0/thesailingchannel
Streaming Rental $4.99 | Download-to-Own (mp4) $9.99
Get The Complete Street - all 5 Don Street Videos for just $49.95

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



New Zealand Television profiles sailor-author-filmmaker, Lin Pardey

Lin Pardey resides on a picturesque island along New Zealand's coast. Recently, New Zealand TV filmed Lin as she reminisced about her sailing career with husband, Larry.
Lin and Larry Pardey are among America's (and the world's) most knowledgeable and recognized cruising sailors. During their 40 plus year career, they sailed over 200,000 miles, including two circumnavigations east to west and west to east aboard two self-built, wooden, engine-free cutters under 30 feet. Authors of a dozen books, countless magazine articles, and co-creators of five cruising documentaries, Lin and Larry have shared their sailing experiences with tens of thousands around the globe prompting many to take up sailing and live the dream of the cruising lifestyle. The Pardey's motto is "Go simple, go modest, go small--just go".
Check out the Pardey Offshore Sailing 5 Video Series.

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV


Recent Podasts



Gladiator II Review: Ridley Scott’s Sequel Bests Predecessor By Going Dumb

Most men think about the Roman Empire several times a week, if a recent meme is to be believed. With Gladiator II, Ridley Scott brings the era back to life in the way only a teenage boy could imagine it. Historical accuracy continues to be an irrelevance for the director, and who could blame him? […]

The post Gladiator II Review: Ridley Scott’s Sequel Bests Predecessor By Going Dumb first appeared on The Film Stage.


Allen Sunshine Review: A Tranquil Debut Feature with a World of Feeling

Directed with a sense of tranquil serenity and grounded maturity one might be accustomed to finding in the work of a seasoned director, Allen Sunshine is, quite remarkably, the debut feature of 25-year-old Harley Chamandy. The Montreal-born, New York-based filmmaker received the 2024 Werner Herzog Film Prize for his feature following its Munich Film Festival […]

The post Allen Sunshine Review: A Tranquil Debut Feature with a World of Feeling first appeared on The Film Stage.


Ice Blink Preview

TheSailingChannel presents an exclusive video preview of a major new sailing documentary, Ice Blink: A Family Navigating Life's Ice-Clogged Waters. If you like this preview you'll love the 56-minute documentary and the companion Book, Into The Light

Ice Blink is the remarkable story of a conventional family of five living a very unconventional life afloat. Follow Dave and Jaja Martin, and their crew of three children from their beginnings aboard a 25-foot day sailor circumnavigating the globe to their most recent voyage on a 33 foot steel sloop to the Arctic. There they encounter new friends, icebergs, and polar bears. Share the Martins' voyage into opportunities that test their physical and mental limits. Discover that self-sufficiency is the key to survival, and that the rewards of the world can be had with a commitment to family, a simple lifestyle, and the courage to choose differently. Ice Blink is a film by Gregory Roscoe, Seaworthy Productions, Falmouth Maine. Watch our exclusive interview with Greg at the 2006 US Sailboat Show in Annapolis, MD.

Add Into the Light: A Family's Epic Journey and get the complete story of this remarkable voyage. Into The Light is full of humor and fun. Dave and Jaja Martin's inspiring narrative delves into a family’s choices and ultimate goals. Read all the details of their sailing adventure to Iceland, Norway, Spitsbergen, the Faeroe Islands, and Scotland.
ICE BLINK VIDEO DOWNLOAD just $9.99. No S&H - Watch it Today!
Ice Blink is also available for purchase as a High Quality Windows Media or QuickTime Video Download.
The complete 54-minute video will download to your PC or MAC where you can enjoy unlimited full screen plays. The video files are NOT copy-protected. We ask you to honor the work of our Sailor/Producers by purchasing your own copy and asking your friends to do the same.
DVD: $9.95 + $5 s&h - US BUYERS: INT'L & CANADIAN BUYERS: $9.95 + $9.50 s&h
BOOK ONLY: $22.95 + $8 s&h - US BUYERS: INT'L & CANADIAN BUYERS: $22.95 + $12 s&h

DVD/BOOK SPECIAL: $29.95 + $9.50 s&h - US BUYERS:
INT'L & CANADIAN BUYERS: $29.95 + $13.50 s&h
For more information about Ice Blink visit www.thesailingchannel.tv/iceblink/.
Subscribe via iTunes to the Ice blink Preview and our other free video podcasts for cruising sailors from TheSailingChannel.tv. To Subscribe with other Podcatchers, visit TheSailingChannel RSS Feed Page. And be sure to watch more sailing coverage from our partner, SailTV on TheSailingChannel.

Sailing Documentaries from $2.99.

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First Timers' Guide to the ICW - PREVIEW

First Timers' Guide to the ICW (36-Minutes). Wally Moran, noted sailing writer and charter skipper, briefs you on the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) along the U.S. East coast from Mile 1 at Norfolk, VA to Oriental, NC. This video is an expanded version of Wally's boat show seminar and includes a wealth of "what you need to know" information that applies throughout an ICW cruise. We will be releasing Part 2, Oriental NC to Miami FL, later this year. Wally is a chief writer for Waterway Guides.

As Wally says, “The ICW doesn’t have to be a purgatory, it can be a true pleasure-with the right knowledge.”
Register for a chance to win a free copy of 2010 Atlantic ICW Waterway Guide. Email NorthChannelSailingATgmail.com. Put ICW Video Cruising Guide as the Subject.

Available in both Windows Media (WMV) and QuickTime (MOV) 1280X720 HD versions suitable for full screen viewing on your computer or large flat-screen TV (with computer interface. Will not play in standard DVD players). Just pay with Paypal or your Credit Card, download and be watching in minutes with a broadband Internet connection. Includes Wally's ICW Boat Show Presentation Slides in PDF plus NOAA ICW Digital Charts. More info at www.thesailingchannel.tv/icw/

You may also be interested in "CUBA: Forbidding...Forbidden". In this expanded version of his boat show seminar, Wally describes what it's really like to cruise to Cuba, the best route, provisioning, paperwork, dealing with the locals, and much more. Learn from someone who has actually cruised to Cuba. Available as an HD VIDEO DOWNLOAD. Includes Wally's boat show presentation slides in PDF.

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Storm Tactics Preview: Now on VIDEO DOWNLOAD

TheSailingChannel.TV has just released Lin and Larry Pardey's Storm Tactics: Cape Horn Tested as a HIGH QUALITY VIDEO DOWNLOAD available in both Windows Media (WMV) and QuickTime (MOV) versions suitable for full screen viewing. PRICE: JUST $12.99.
Just pay with Paypal or your Credit Card, download and watch full screen on your PC or MAC.

This 84 minute video delivers the skills you need to weather storms with confidence. If you like the preview, buy the DVD. It's the next best thing to having Lin and Larry Pardey onboard, coaching you on storm tactics as the seas build and the rigging howls.

Closing in on 200,000 miles of blue water voyaging, Lin and Larry Pardey are recognized as the sailing world's most experienced and knowledgeable cruising couple. In Storm Tactics, they provide a detailed look at the techniques and gear that have kept them safe at sea. "... I wanted to show how the sailor's safety valve--heaving-to-works, and the slick it creates. It's hard for people to imagine the almost magic effect of a slick as it saps the power of breaking waves...." - Larry Pardey.

"One of the reasons I wanted to sail east-to-west around Cape Horn was to take video shots proving that small vessels can safely weather storms if they are well outfitted and efficiently handled," Larry Pardey stated after his record-breaking voyage. Lin and Larry completed their against-the-wind rounding of the Great Southern Capes on board their engineless 29-foot Taleisin, weathering nine days of storm-force winds to reach Puerto Montt in Chile. There they interviewed several high-latitude voyagers, prepared the narrative, and shot further detailed footage to complete the Storm Tactics video, a project Lin and Larry conceived almost ten years ago. Read more about Storm tactics at http://www.thesailingchannel.tv/pardey/storm_tactics/about_storm_tactics.htm

Add the Storm Tactics Handbook, recently revised 3rd Ed. to the Video and you've got the ultimate reference set. Price: $20.65. Modern methods of heaving-to for survival in extreme conditions. As in the first two editions of this book, Lin and Larry describe their concerns about the tendency of modern sailors to discard the classic methods used to bring sailing vessels of all sizes—from vast clipper ships to tiny yachts—through amazingly strong winds and heavy seas. “There is only one storm tactic that has the ability to sap the power of breaking seas,” they explain. With clear and concise diagrams, they proceed to show how heaving-to works and how even the most modern of yachts can be made to heave-to, whether with only sail power or with the assistance of a sea anchor. http://www.thesailingchannel.tv/pardey/pardey_books/books/storm_tactics_handbook.htm
Mario Vittone, a U.S. Coast Guard rescue swimmer for 14 years, in an unsolicited testimony, wrote: “I have been on several rescues (and heard of many more) that would have been completely unnecessary if the sailboat captains aboard would have . . . practiced the skills taught by Lin and Larry Pardey. Not knowing how to heave-to in bad weather is as inexcusable as not knowing ‘red, right, return’.”
HandBook 3rd Ed.:
Purchase the Storm Tactics video and the newly revised companion 256 page Handbook 3rd Ed. at http://www.thesailingchannel.tv/pardey/storm_tactics. DVD or VHS: $26.95; HandBook: $20.65; YOUR BEST BUY -- DVD/Handbook Combo: $39.95. Buy them now:
DVD/Handbook Combo:
Be sure to subscribe via iTunes to receive free video podcast for cruising sailors from TheSailingChannel.tv. And watch more sailing coverage from our partner, SailTV on TheSailingChannel.

Visit TheSailingChannel.TV Ship's Store

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The Big Sailboat Project Preview

Ten years in the making, The BIG Sailboat Project tracks the gritty effort of two gals as they pursue their dream of building and cruising a 43 foot steel sailboat. Located a 1000 miles from the coast in rural Alberta, Canada, the duo decide on steel as their building material, which they shape into a Bruce Roberts designed 43 MKII Long Keel Cutter.
Volume I contains five episodes covering steel construction from keel to fully enclosed vessel. Each episode is approximately 23 minutes long, and includes documentary footage of hull construction artfully edited and interspersed with 3-D animation illustrating steel construction techniques. You can watch previews of each episode at www.thesailingchannel.tv/thebigsailboatproject
The Big Sailboat Project, Volume I is available for purchase as a High Quality QuickTime Download or High Quality Windows Media Download for just $12.99. Click, pay with Paypal or your Credit Card, download and watch.
Volume II is currently in production, and will cover finishing and rigging the vessel through launch and sea trials.

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Cruising Has No Limits Preview

Skimming before caressing trade winds, savoring tropical landfalls, evading stormy seas—such is the image of the cruising life under sail. It is all this, but Lin and Larry's latest documentary: Cruising Has No Limits shows you how it can be so much more. Join Lin and Larry at their New Zealand home base as they recount some of their most memorable adventures during more than 30 years of cruising.

Cruising Has No Limits is now available as a YouTube Rental for just $2.99 (US Only).
Rent our sailing documentaries at TheSailingChannel YouTube Documentary Playlist.
Sail with them across the Indian Ocean on board 29-foot, 9-inch Taleisin. Learn how they planned and executed a seven month "Champagne Safari on a Beer Budget," outfitting a 4X4 to reach remote corners of southern Africa. Share their memories of campfire evenings with Kalahari Bushmen, life in a sculptors' commune in Zimbabwe's northern reaches, and days of animal-watching at waterholes far from game reserves. Then voyage onward with them to Brazil, and see how two 14-year-old passengers led them into a unique, eight-month-long island encounter with nine Brazilian families who dreamed of their own off shore adventures. Finally, sail north through the Atlantic to Ireland's music-filled shores and a summer of history, classic sailing, and friendship.
Along the way, you'll learn some of the truisms that could help you get out adventuring sooner and more enjoyably—whether on the water or on land. You'll also come to know more about this longtime cruising couple who have been dubbed "the enablers" because of their enthusiasm and willingness to share their secrets for exploring the far corners of the world on a limited budget.
"After voyaging tens of thousands of engineless miles under sail, penning more useful marine books than Hiscock and Moitessier combined, and receiving more awards for their pursuits than Tom Hanks has for his, Lin and Larry Pardey are entitled to their well-earned nautical opinions."
TheSailingChannel.TV offers Cruising Has No Limits as a HIGH QUALITY VIDEO DOWNLOAD available in both Windows Media (WMV) and QuickTime (MOV) versions suitable for full screen viewing. JUST $12.99. DVD also available.

Just pay with Paypal or your Credit Card, download and watch full screen on your PC or MAC.

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Singlehanded Docking & Sail Trim - Preview


Preview for 52-minute how-to sailing video. U.S. Coast Guard certified skipper, Capt. Jack Klang, combines innovative classroom models with real world sailing situations to explain the skills and techniques required for singlehanders to dock with confidence in any wind or current, trim cruising sails for power and speed, and retrieve a mooring alone. In a bonus segment, Capt. Jack demonstrates how a crew of two can fly, trim, and retrieve an asymmetrical spinnaker, making light air cruising faster and more fun. The QuickTime Video Download is "Chapterized" so you can easily reference different sections, just like a DVD.

Purchase at Vimeo on Demand
Download $9.99 | Streaming Rental $4.99

Purchase the 2-video set: Sailing Instruction with Capt. Jack that includes Cruising tips and Singlehanded Docking. Download for just $15.99.

Purchase 2 DVD-US set: Singlehanded Docking and Sailing Instruction: $29.95 plus S&H.

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Odyssey to Cape Horn Island - Preview


Preview for 53-minute HD voyaging video. In 1978, photographer and writer Gene Anthony achieved a personal quest. His sea story takes us on an inspirational odyssey to Cape Horn Island at the southern tip of the Americas. We voyage by way of Gene's lifelong fascination with all things nautical and his highly successful career as a maritime photojournalist. Narrated by actor and Emmy Award-winning narrator, Peter Coyote.

Purchase Download or Streaming Rental at Vimeo on Demand
HD Video Download $9.99 | Streaming Rental $4.99.

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Suliere - The Crossing: Preview


Preview for 76-minute HD voyaging video. From the southern tip of Africa, northwestward across the Atlantic to the Caribbean island of Grenada, sail aboard the 50 foot catamaran, Suliere, on her maiden voyage. Find out what it's like to sail on one of the world's longest ocean passages. Your port of departure is St. Francis in South Africa then onto Cape Town for final commissioning. Once underway, stop in the middle of the Atlantic on the famous island of St. Helena where Napoleon was imprisoned before making your final passage to Grenada, gateway to the exotic Leeward Islands of the Caribbean. Learn and feel what it's like to live the dream of long range cruising under sail.

Purchase at https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/557527510/0/thesailingchannel
HD Video Download (Windows Media & QuickTime) $12.99.
SD DVD (includes world-wide delivery) $24.95

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Transatlantic with Street - Preview


Preview of 2-hour documentary.
Transatlantic with Street - A film by Gavin Shaw. A classic Atlantic ocean 5,000 mile trade wind passage shot in 1986 aboard noted sailor/author Don Street's 1905 engineless 44 foot yawl, Iolaire.
Documents Iolair's ninth Atlantic crossing from Ireland with eleven ocean islands along the way. First landfall is Vigo in dense fog. Next, a short-handed 800 mile passage to Madeira. Then enroute to the Canaries, the desolate and dangerous Salvage Islands. The trade winds fill in at 20 N and it's an easy reach to the Verdes. From there, a fast 14-day run of 2100 miles with whales, water rationing, a leaky bilge bring Iolaire safely into Antigua just in time for Christmas.
Available at https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/557582054/0/thesailingchannel
Streaming Rental $2.99
Video Download (mp4 & wmv) $12.99
DVD $24.95

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



600 Days to Cocos & the Galapagos Islands - Preview Pt. 2


Preview of Part 2
Originally shot in 16 mm color, the film has been restored and converted to HD video.
Completed in 1976, this is a two part sailing documentary by skipper and noted Hollywood cinematographer, Gene Evens (Roots, Jeremiah Johnson, Lady Sings the Blues, Batman and many more movie and television productions) and his wife Josie aboard their 32 foot sloop, "Discubridor" ("Discoverer"). Their two-year sailing adventure takes them over 10,000 miles from southern California south to Costa Rica, offshore to Cocos Island and the Galapagos Islands, then home to San Diego. Along the way they explore remote locales, fish, struggle against storms, and on a few occasions fight for survival.
In Part 1, Gene and his wife Josie, sail "Discubridor" ("Discoverer") south from San Diego down the coast of Baja California, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica where they are joined by their son Ron and a couple of friends for a 300 mile off shore sail to the mysterious Cocos Island. In Part 2, the crew explore Cocos Island, sail onto the legendary Galapagos Islands for more exploration, then Gene and Josie sail back across the Pacific alone and home to San Diego.
Available at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/600days
HD 1280 x 720 (Original format: 16mm color)
Pt. 1: To Cocos & the Galapagos Islands
Running Time: 90 Minutes
Pt. 2: Cocos & the Galapagos Islands
Running time: 65 Minutes

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Don Street Antigua Race Week 1985 Preview


Don Street Antigua Race Week 1985 Preview
From Don Street Antigua Race Week 1985. A one hour award-winning documentary by Charles Croft which lets you share the intense sailing action aboard Don Street's 80 year old, 44 foot, engineless yawl, "Iolaire" during Antigua Sailing Week, 1985, Iolarie's final appearance in one of the world's top sailing events.
Built in 1905, Don had sailed and raced "Iolaire" throughout the Caribbean for forty years while he developed his famous Imray-Iolair charts and the first comprehensive cruising guides that opened up the Caribbean to modern sailors. Antigua Sailing Week races became an annual event for Street and Iolaire since the first regatta in 1957. In 1985, Street decided to retire Iolaire from racing and they both went out in style, finishing only 5 points out of first place at race week's end. This award-winning documentary shows you what Caribbean racing was like in its golden years when the skippers all new each other and racing was more fun than business.
Available at https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/557582042/0/thesailingchannel
Streaming Rental $4.99 | Download-to-Own (mp4) $9.99
Get The Complete Street - all 5 Don Street Videos for just $49.95

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



New Zealand Television profiles sailor-author-filmmaker, Lin Pardey

Lin Pardey resides on a picturesque island along New Zealand's coast. Recently, New Zealand TV filmed Lin as she reminisced about her sailing career with husband, Larry.
Lin and Larry Pardey are among America's (and the world's) most knowledgeable and recognized cruising sailors. During their 40 plus year career, they sailed over 200,000 miles, including two circumnavigations east to west and west to east aboard two self-built, wooden, engine-free cutters under 30 feet. Authors of a dozen books, countless magazine articles, and co-creators of five cruising documentaries, Lin and Larry have shared their sailing experiences with tens of thousands around the globe prompting many to take up sailing and live the dream of the cruising lifestyle. The Pardey's motto is "Go simple, go modest, go small--just go".
Check out the Pardey Offshore Sailing 5 Video Series.

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV


Recent Podasts



USA Shares Amazing TREADSTONE Clip on Eve of Premiere

USA's Bourne spin-off series Treadstone premieres tomorrow night. While I've been surprised by the paucity of advertising in the real world, the network has released many, many clips online over the past month--enough, seemingly, to create a fairly good assembly cut of the pilot episode! But they've saved the best for last. A clip with an extended fight scene and a chase across European rooftops shared today by the International Spy Museum really demonstrates that they appear to have captured the tone and feel of Doug Liman's 2002 movie The Bourne Identity. (The lead actor also seems to have been cast at least partly for bearing a slight resemblance to Matt Damon.) This has me very excited to sample the series tomorrow night! Watch the clip here.

Read my review of the novel that started it all, Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Identity, here.

Treadstone premieres on Tuesday, October 15, at 10/9c on USA.


Tradecraft: Paramount Remakes THE PRESIDENT'S ANALYST with Trevor Noah

Theodore J. Flicker's 1967 James Coburn satire The President's Analyst is one of my very favorite spy movies. (It's also Coburn's best spy movie... Sorry, Derek Flint.) When describing it to people, I always say that the comedy holds up surprisingly well today... sadly. America is still facing many of the same social  issues Flicker sent up over fifty years ago (from institutional racism to monolithic Big Tech), and it's easy to imagine a remake. Now, Paramount is imagining one... with The Daily Show host Trevor Noah on board to produce and potentially star. According to The Hollywood Reporter, former Obama White House staffer Pat Cunnane will write the script. The premise, about a psychotherapist burdened with all of the President's top secret stresses, will obviously be familiar ground for him! According to his publisher, Cunnane served as "President Barack Obama’s senior writer and deputy director of messaging at the White House, where he worked for six years in many roles."

Per the trade, "Details for the new take are being kept under the couch but it is described as a re-examining the 1967 satire through the lens of the contemporary political landscape." You really wouldn't have to change too much. I do hope the new film retains the original's almost Pink Panther-esque slapstick tone though. It's not too often you see slapstick and satire married together, but Flicker's film did it perfectly. Severn Darden and Godfrey Cambridge co-starred in the original.


Tradecraft: KILLING EVE Spawns a Cold War Spin-off

On the eve of Killing Eve's series finale (airing this weekend), Deadline reports that "producer Sid Gentle Films is in early stage development on [a] spin-off, though it hasn’t got a greenlight yet." The spin-off (for BBC America and AMC Networks) would focus on Fiona Shaw's character, Carolyn Martens... but not as the cool, commanding spymaster we met in the show's first season. Instead, the potential spin-off would focus on her early days with MI6. From what we know of her history on the show, that could be incredibly compelling! Presumably such a series would focus on her time on Russia Desk and in Moscow during the waning days of the Cold War, when she recruited a crucial asset. I'm not so interested in this potential series because of its Killing Eve connection (though I do love that show's wit and tone and performances, and it would be nice to see them continue), but because of its setting. We don't see many Cold War era series, and when they do come along, I'll always be watching! It would be particularly cool to see one set in the late 80s with that focus. The Americans of course reveled in its 80s setting, but that was focused on Soviet agents undercover in America. A show about a British agent operating in Moscow at that time would be very different! 



AIP’s Vincent Price vehicle Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine was one of the first Sixties Bond parodies I ever heard of, long before I actually saw it. In a way, that was a good thing, because it afforded the movie years to percolate in my imagination, growing far beyond a potential it could possibly live up to when I finally saw it. Ultimately I was bound for disappointment, because, let’s face it, Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine is a far better title than it is a movie. But because of all those years that it lived in my mind as pure potential, I went into it for the first time after college (during college I had tried in vain to track down a 35mm print to program on campus) with a pre-built nostalgia, and nostalgia is a wonderful—and possibly essential—cushion for a movie like this. If you remember it from your childhood, you’ll probably enjoy it more than it deserves to be enjoyed. And the same can be said if you’ve somehow approximated such a nostalgia like I did. But even after that lengthy apologia for liking the movie, I have to admit that I only really like certain parts of it. Most of it is pretty bad.

Made at the height of the Sixties (and here I’m grudgingly conceding that that phrase, which I usually use very positively, can also have negative connotations), Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine is a as much a blend of what was popular then as those Seltzer and Friedberg “parody” movies (usually with “movie” in the title) were in the early 2000s. (Though to be fair it’s a lot better than those!) And since it was made by American International Pictures, it’s a blend of its time that particularly reflects that studio’s output. Therefore it’s as much a parody of their two bread-and-butter genres—Frankie and Annette beach movies and Poe-inspired Vincent Price horror movies—as it is of James Bond. While I’m indifferent to beach movies, I do love those Poe movies… so I’m not being an espionage chauvinist when I say that the only bits that really work are those inspired by the spy craze. And even then the hit-to-miss ratio is probably 50/50... at best.

Appropriately, Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine opens with one of the strangest title sequences of any Sixties spy movie. Under a rather great and undeniably infectious theme song performed by the Supremes (available on the stellar Ace Records Sixties spy theme compilation Come Spy With Us), instead of the Bond-style credits most spy spoofs opted for, Bikini Machine treats us to Claymation, courtesy of Gumby creator Art Clokey. And the entire Claymation sequence is built around the stupidest thing in the whole movie: a pair of stupid gold elf shoes with little bells on their pointed toes that Price’s character wears to justify his name, Dr. Goldfoot. I’m aware that I just used the word “stupid” twice in that sentence, but that’s because these shoes are seriously stupid. I don’t know whose idea they were, but I sure am glad that Ken Adam wasn’t struck by a similar necessity to equip Gert Frobe with jingling golden thimbles.

After the titles, we meet an attractive robot woman (Susan Hart) in a trenchcoat and fedora walking through the streets of San Francisco. We learn that she’s a robot woman through a series of stupid gags (there’s that word again… are you detecting a pattern?), like a car crashing into her and getting wrecked (because she’s metal, get it??), or two bank robbers escaping and crashing into her and getting knocked down (because she’s metal!), then shooting her full of holes with no discernable result (because… you’ve figured it out by now, haven’t you?). Then we meet Frankie Avalon being annoying in a restaurant and sporting a really annoying helmet of hair. (Uh-oh. There’s another word that bore repeating twice in one sentence!) The robot woman comes in and drinks a sip of his milk and then spouts out gallons of the white stuff (all from that one sip, apparently) through the “bullet holes” in her body. (John Cleese would recycle the same questionable gag years later in that Schweppes commercial on the original Licence to Kill VHS.) Despite her leakage, the holes (which aren’t visible) don’t seem to have damaged her mechanics one bit, and in minutes she’s successfully picked up Avalon and is heading back to his apartment with him.

Avalon is Craig Gamble, a bumbling agent of Secret Intelligence Command (or SIC, which I think is supposed to pass for a joke) who decorates his walls with a picture of Sherlock Holmes, apparently for inspiration. The robot woman is named Diane, and she talks with an annoying put-on Southern accent and, we and Gamble soon come to learn, wears only a gold lamé bikini underneath her fashionable spy trenchcoat! (The latter makes up for the former.) But what made her pick him?

The answer comes back at Dr. Goldfoot’s lair, where we meet the diabolical mastermind and his sidekick, Igor (occasional Elvis cohort Jack Mullaney). While Vincent Price deserves an iconic entrance in any movie he makes, it’s kind of undercut here by those stupid gold shoes, which really are quite stupid. (Have I mentioned that?) I am not a production designer, nor a fashion maven, but I am confident I could have designed much better gold shoes for the same purpose. And regular readers will know that I am not given to making such claims. Anyway, it transpires at Goldfoot HQ that the idiotic Igor programmed poor Diane to go after the wrong man. While Gamble hasn’t got two pennies to rub together, she was supposed to be seducing Avalon’s beach buddy Dwayne Hickman, as millionaire playboy Todd Armstrong. (As either an inside joke or laziness, Hickman’s character is named after Avalon’s character in Ski Party, and Avalon’s Craig Gamble is named after Hickman’s character from that movie.) To Igor’s credit, the two actors do look a lot alike (in a very generic Sixties heartthrob way), and that fact actually makes the movie a little bit confusing. The fact that Gamble turned out to be a secret agent was just bad luck—or bad scriptwriting. Luckily Dr. Goldfoot can operate Diane by remote control, and he’s able to reprogram her to suddenly walk out on Craig and set off to lay a trap for Todd.

Diane’s trap for Todd involves bending over and pulling her trenchcoat far enough aside to expose a glimpse of that golden behind as she pretends to inspect a flat tire. It also involves Dr. Goldfoot somehow taking remote control of Todd’s car, and driving him backwards until he sees Diane. (Dr. Goldfoot possesses a magical universal remote long before its time, and uses it primarily for making cars drive the wrong direction and various things blow up. He also threatens people with it a lot, though I’m not sure if he’s threatening to blow them up or to reverse them.) One glimpse of Diane, however, is enough to make Todd forget that it might be a little suspicious and just a tad weird to find yourself suddenly pulled backwards by an unseen force while driving. Their meeting also offers the movie’s choicest bit of dialogue—and, yes, it’s every bit as sexist as you would expect/hope for from a movie called Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine.

“Thank heavens you came along, darling, I’m completely flat!” declares Diane as she opens the front of her trenchcoat.

“Well, I wouldn’t say that,” replies Todd, ogling her gold bikini-clad breasts jutting out of the London Fog.

So what’s all this about? Well, sadly all of Dr. Goldfoot’s ingenuity is expended on a simple gold digging scheme. Diane is supposed to get millionaire Todd to marry her and then make him sign over power of attorney to her (which is of course the same as signing it to Dr. Goldfoot). Honestly, I find it a little disappointing that Dr. Goldfoot has the ingenuity and the wherewithal to build perfectly human-looking robots and universal remotes that control anything, and yet the best scheme he can come up with is gold digging. Why not aim higher, Dr. G? Why not strive for world domination? (Well... that's what sequels are for!)

Anyway, Igor’s error with the target has accidentally tipped off an agent of SIC to the mad doctor’s big gold digging plot. Fortunately for Dr. Goldfoot, though, he’s not a very good agent.

Gamble’s code number is only Double O and a half. “Why they won’t even let you carry a gun until you get a digit instead of a fraction!” yells his boss and uncle, Uncle Donald (genuine comic genius Fred Clark, of Zotz! and Hammer's Curse of the Mummy's Tomb). Donald’s not really in any position to berate his nephew, though, because he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer himself. When Igor shows up in his office dressed in what looks like a Sherlock Holmes Halloween costume (deerstalker and Inverness cape) claiming to be SIC director Inspector Abernathy, Donald believes him despite Gamble’s protestations.

The gags in this movie are mostly lame (as opposed to lamé), and recycled for the hundredth time. When an upper file cabinet drawer is closed, a lower one pops out knocking someone on the head. A beautiful girl robot is mis-programmed (Igor!) and starts talking like a Brooklyn gorilla. When Igor tries to spy on his boss using a periscope, Dr. Goldfoot splashes some ink on the top end giving Igor a black ring around his eye from the viewer. (Actually, that one's still kind of funny.) Even the spy-specific jokes tend to fall flat a lot of the time. Igor shows Dr. G a new attaché case (pronounced the American way, not the British “attachee”) with its own From Russia With Love-style gadgetry. What surprises does it have in store?  Would you believe a fist with a boxing glove that pops out and punches someone when they open it? (Neatly and obviously accomplished by situating a stuntman underneath the table the case is set on, easily able to reach through a hole in the table and the case.)

While the jokes often fall flat, highlights come in the form of random outbursts of go-go dancing, whether from Dr. Goldfoot’s bikini girls (whose default mode seems to be set as “go-go,” befitting their gold bikini costumes) or in nightclubs. (There’s a odd number from a band all dressed up as Fred Flintstone credited as Sam and the Apemen and accompanied by—you guessed it—go-go girls. But for some reason the go-go girls aren’t dressed in fur bikinis, just regular bikinis.)

Price himself camps it up to the extreme (surprise, surprise), parodying his own other AIP performances and even donning costumes from a few of them at times. To that end, the movie becomes more and more of an AIP in-joke as it proceeds (complete with an Annette Funicello cameo), and eventually Gamble and Todd end up in Dr. Goldfoot’s torture chamber, getting a tour that includes portraits of all his illustrious forebears (again bearing certain resemblances to famous Price roles past) and lots of familiar torture implements. It’s poor Todd who ends up strapped down beneath the swinging pendulum from The Pit and the Pendulum.

But then, in its final act, something unexpected happens. The movie becomes… really fun! The undisputable high point of the film is the fifteen-minute-long final chase through the streets of San Francisco in which the heroes and villains keep changing vehicles. It’s accomplished mostly through obvious rear projection, but the San Francisco scenery is quite real. The heroes (Gamble and Todd) start out in a gadget-laden Cadillac spy car whose gags include inflatable seats that inflate when you don’t want them to and a steering wheel that switches sides between the driver and the passenger at inopportune moments. The villains start out in a motorcycle and sidecar that become detached in the course of the chase and eventually manage to re-attach themselves. When Dr. Goldfoot uses his magic remote control device to blow up their spy car, the heroes swipe a red convertible (a Sunbeam Alpine, like Bond drove in Dr. No), and when the motorcycle and sidecar end up smashed on the front of a train, the villains (their faces coated in black soot, just like a cartoon character’s after surviving such a collision) appropriate an E-Type Jag. Eventually the heroes are on a bicycle while the baddies commandeer a San Francisco cable car—and manage to drive it right off its tracks and all over town! By the end the good guys are in a boat on a boat trailer careening wildly down San Francisco’s steep hills. It’s all pretty fun, really, in a typically zany way.

The end titles feature those stupid gold shoes again (though not Claymation this time), performing a disembodied dance (accomplished simply—and effectively—enough with a dancer dressed all in black dancing in front of a pitch black background) alongside gold bikini-clad go-go dancers—and similarly disembodied writhing gold bikini tops and bottoms. (That’s actually a really cool effect!) All of which handily beats (and makes up for) the Claymation opening in my book.

Even though Doctor Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine leaves things open for a sequel with Dr. Goldfoot and Igor surviving their cable car crash (and subsequent bombardment by gunboats) and turning up on the plane winging our victorious heroes off to Europe, the end credits instead tout the next beach movie, The Girl in the Glass Bikini. Which kind of brings us back to this movie’s title. Say it out loud to yourself. Think about it. Based on that title more than my (or any) review, I suspect you already know if this movie is for you or not.


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