
When Your Lent is Not Instagram-Worthy

Nicole reads something she wrote on Lazarus Saturday 2018, during a Lent that was NOT instagram-worthy, and reflects on it now a year later. Intro and outro music: "Idea" and "Remedy for Melancholy," by Kai Engel.


The Difference Between Your Dreams and Your Reality

What kind of church and facilities would you have built if money were no object and you were committed to addressing all of your community’s needs? Now what did you actually build? The difference between your dreams and your reality could, among other things, be a measure of the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of your capital campaign and overall leadership program. Anthony Scott joins Bill Marianes to talk about Capital Campaigns and how to run them.


Why Are You Here? Living Your Calling - Part 2

In this program, we discuss with Christian medical professionals Dr. John Kelley and Dr. Constantine Kokenes the wonderful and diverse ways they have found to live their callings and serve their churches, communities and God’s people and creation.


How Can You and Your Church Be More Effective

Bill Marianes welcomes Jim Huling, the primary author who wrote the #1 best-selling 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX), that best defines how to truly get things done more effectively and impactfully in any kind of organization. He shares with us these proven critical techniques. 4DX can even revolutionize the way you think about church strategic planning.


Why Are You Here on Earth? What Is Your Purpose?

Join Bill Marianes as he talks again with Wall Street Journal Business bestselling author Jim Huling, one of the co-authors of The 4 Disciplines of Execution. They discuss how each of us can find answers to the questions, “Why are you here on this Earth?” and “What is the Purpose of Your Life?” and explore several specific successful models to discover your specific calling, purpose, and WHY in order to answer those questions.


Good and Faithful Servant: Through Living Your Stewardship Calling - Part 3

Part 3: The Journey Through Death To The Resurrection – Fr. George L. Livanos


Good and Faithful Servant: Through Living Your Stewardship Calling - Part 1

Part 1: The Journey Through Life In Search Of Calling – Fr. George L. Livanos


Good and Faithful Servant: Through Living Your Stewardship Calling - Part 2

Part 2: The Moment After – The Clarity of Vision From The Partner’s Perspective – Presvytera Dianthe Livanos


Good and Faithful Servant: Through Living Your Stewardship Calling - Part 4

Part 4: The Brother's Perspective - Fr. John Touloumes and Dr. Nicholas Loutsion


Autism: What Can You and Your Parish Do

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects an estimated 1 in 44 children in the United States. ASD can create challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication. After her son Michael was diagnosed with ASD, Dr. Lisa Liberatore and her husband Dr. Dimitri Kessaris formed LUV Michael, a pioneering nonprofit ministry that transforms the lives of those with ASD. We will speak with Lisa Liberatore and Mark Bondi about their innovative LUV Michael organic granola products enterprise that employs the autistic population, their U.S. Autism Homes housing initiative, and other autism advocacy. LUV Michael is a unique ministry opportunity for you and your parish to help create meaningful work for autistic adults, learn about autism, and advocate for autism acceptance


Living Your Calling During and After Serious Illnesses

When you or a loved one become seriously ill, even terminally ill, how do you respond? What you do next is critical. You have been called by your Creator. You have a Stewardship Calling – something you need to do with the gifts over which God made you a steward. But how do we live that calling in in the fce of serious illness or death? Join Bill as he speaks with faithful Orthodox Christians Rip Kastaris, Tracy Namee, and Nikki Bober. They'll explore how those with major heart disease, cancer, and other serious illness diagnoses can continue to live their Stewardship Calling.


Living Your Calling After Your Loved Ones Pass - Part 2

This week, Bill speaks with Matushka Trudi Richter and Presvytera Dianthe Livanos about how we continue to live our Stewardship Callings after our loved ones pass on to the kingdom eternal. If you or someone you love is seriously ill, or if you have experienced the death of a loved one, and you are wondering why and how you will carry on, then this conversation is for you. This is part two with Bill speaking with Presbytera Dianthe Livanos.


Living Your Calling After Your Loved Ones Pass - Part 3

This week, Bill speaks with Matushka Trudi Richter and Presvytera Dianthe Livanos about how we continue to live our Stewardship Callings after our loved ones pass on to the kingdom eternal. If you or someone you love is seriously ill, or if you have experienced the death of a loved one, and you are wondering why and how you will carry on, then this conversation is for you. In part three, Bill with his guests Mat. Trudi and Presv. Dianthe reflect together on the topic.


Living Your Calling After Your Loved Ones Pass - Part 1

This week, Bill speaks with Matushka Trudi Richter and Presvytera Dianthe Livanos about how we continue to live our Stewardship Callings after our loved ones pass on to the kingdom eternal. If you or someone you love is seriously ill, or if you have experienced the death of a loved one, and you are wondering why and how you will carry on, then this conversation is for you. This is a three part program and part one features the interview with Mat. Trudi Richter.


How Your Brain Works

After a long hiatus, Christian returns to discuss neurobiology and some of its implications for how we live our lives as Christians.


10 Simple Ways to Make Your WordPress Site Faster

I've become obsessed with site speed over the last six months, systematically working through each of my sites to improve their speed. Supposed SEO benefits aside, the faster your site is, the better the user experience. And the better the user experience, the higher the conversion rate – sales, leads or newsletter subscribers; whatever a…

The post 10 Simple Ways to Make Your WordPress Site Faster appeared first on Sugarrae.


Using Google Alerts to Find New Affiliate Programs in Your Niche

Google Alerts is a free service offered by Google that will alert you to new content Google finds on the web that contains keywords you specify. Google Alerts is most commonly recommended as a way to monitor your brand – and your competition's brand – online. But I also use Google Alerts as a way…

The post Using Google Alerts to Find New Affiliate Programs in Your Niche appeared first on Sugarrae.


How to Make Your WordPress Website Secure (SSL) in 6 Steps

If you've looked into search engine optimization as a promotional technique for your website, you have likely come across the advice to make your website secure (having an https:// appear in front of your URLs instead of http://). Google has been very vocal in pushing for all websites to make the move to being secure,…

The post How to Make Your WordPress Website Secure (SSL) in 6 Steps appeared first on Sugarrae.


Die Before You Die (to Your Bad Self)

If the Lord will accept us at "the eleventh hour" -- why all the prayer, fasting, and alms giving? Fr Joseph speaks at an ecumenical gathering about how the Orthodox work out their salvation.


Priest Says “Pull Out Your Phone”

In a move as shocking as reading the lyrics to popular songs in church, Fr. Joseph asks the folks at St Joseph/Houston to pull our their cell phones!


Let Your Faith Be Your Eyes

Fr Joseph interviews Alex Hordge. Alex was baptized last Pascha, sings in the church choir, and attends college classes at The Saint Constantine School. Alex is also blind.


Work Out Your Own Salvation

Fr. John shares from Philippians 2:12-13.


What's Your Excuse?

Fr. John talks about the importance of taking time to read and understand the Scriptures.


Your Money or Your Life

Fr. John shares from Mark 8:34-9:1.


Losing Your Life to Save It

Fr. John Whiteford shares from Mark 8:35 and tells the story of the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste.


No One Can Hurt You But Yourself

Fr. John Whiteford delivers an exhortation to learn from this quarantine and use that spiritual wisdom in life moving forward.


Put Not Your Trust In Princes

Fr. John Whiteford's homily speaks about the anxiety we rightfully feel during this election season but reminds us that our kingdom is not of this world. We must remember to keep our trust in the Lord, lay aside our earthly cares, and look to Him, and not politics, for our deliverance.


Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Fr. John Whiteford concludes his series of homilies from the Psalms on by discussing where the wicked and the righteous end up, and why we should put our hope in God. (PSALM 26:25-40)


Love Your Enemies

Fr. John Whiteford explores the true meaning of loving our enemies, as demonstrated in Luke 6:27-36.


Simple Daily Activities May Make Your Brain Four Years Younger

  • Brain & Behavior


In Your Right Mind

The Gadarene Demoniac had been reduced to an animal existence by his misuse of his freedom. Jesus comes and heals him and he is finally in his right mind. Are you in your right mind?


Because Of Your Little Faith

Jesus uses seemingly harsh language when a father brings an epileptic son to the Lord for healing. But it's only because it's only this kind of language that can break past the selfishness of our own hearts to teach us how to have faith the size of a mustard seed!


Bearing Your Cross and Following Jesus

There wasn't a Jew within the sound of Jesus' voice when He said if any man would be my disciple, he must take up his cross... You see, there's only one use for a cross, and that's for an execution. The Christian message invites us not only to follow Christ but to die to everything that isn't like Christ in our lives. That's what it means to "bear your cross!"


What You Love the Most Gets Your Best

The guests invited to the rich man's banquet didn't value their invitation to his dinner as much as they valued other things. In the end, none of the expected elite got to go, but the most unexpecting group were invited and enjoyed the hospitality of the rich man!


Take Up Your Past And Walk

On the Third Sunday of Pascha we are called to remember the healing of the Paralytic 38 years sick. Jesus asks him a question and confronts him with a command: "Do you WANT to be healed?" and "Take up your pallet and walk." The power of desire and obedience challenges us to allow the grace of God to transfigure our past from a burden to a badge of grace and mercy.


How's Your Prayer

The monks on Mt. Athos use to greet one another, not with "How are you?" or "How are you doing?" but with "How is your prayer?" St. Paul tells the faithful at the Ephesian Church that the gifts God has given to His Church were meant to bring each of us to the unity of the faith, to maturity, to the full stature of Jesus Christ. So, is that what is happening in your life? If not, why not?


To See Yourself

On this Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, we are confronted with a theology that invites us to know ourselves by seeing what God looks like in flesh!


Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude

Jesus refuses to allow the lack of faith of His disciples to send the crowd away. He tells them, commands them "You feed them!"


Your Part of the Vision

The Orthodox Church teaches that Jesus Christ is more than a great teacher, more than a good man. The Church teaches that Jesus Christ is God in human flesh; born of a Virgin, and come to save the world! You are part of that vision for humanity!


What Motivates Your Faith?

On this Sunday of Zacchaeus we start our preparation for Great Lent. And our first labor is to examine our motives. So, what motivates your faith?


Get Your Mind Right


It's Not Your Fault or Is It?

Michael describes his recent experience, while recovering from a concussion, of viewing key scenes from the Academy Award winning movie Good Will Hunting through an Orthodox Christian lens. Using these scenes and their circumstances as illustrations, he discusses understanding sin as sickness, condemning self-judgment and judgment in general, the fine line between our sense of personal accountability and self forgiveness, and both God’s love for us and our love for each other as it should be.


The Lie Whisperer: Overcoming the Enemy in Your Head

Dealing with the negative voice in your head that holds you back, causes doubt and anxiety, and robs you of your peace and joy.


“Your Faith Has Made You Well” – Or Has It?

Christ says “your faith has made you well” specific to three healings in the Gospel accounts. This phrase means much more than we think it does and understanding it in full opens our eyes to how we should be living our faith and why many of us are not. Join Michael as breaks this simple phrase down with all of its layers of meaning and what we should be doing daily to be made well.


Don't deny your doubts and your struggles. Be who-you-are before Christ, so He may save who-you-are.

Don't look for the easy way out of pain. Do not deny the reality of your doubts, your struggles and your sins. Be who-you-are before Christ, so that He may save the truth of who-you-are.


Reset Your Spiritual Life

'All is well, but I feel dry. Where there was life, I now have only the memory of it.' We tend to formalise our spiritual life, but Life is not in formalities: Life is in the Spirit—We need to reset our spiritual life to factory settings, jumping out of our comfort zones into a new, living faith.


When your heart aches for prayer: simple advice to help you pray again


You Need Time and Space ALONE for a RESET of your Life

Fr. Seraphim encourages viewers to take time away before resetting their lives.


The Voices You Listen to Shape Your Life

The Voices You Listen to Shape Your Life (w/ Fr. Seraphim Aldea)


How to Find High-Value Keywords For Your Blog

Keyword research is a lot more difficult than you might imagine. Finding popular keywords is only the start. You also have to be able to spot which keywords your blog can realistically rank for and where your competitors are vulnerable. If you want your blog to grow organically, you have to play the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) […]

The post How to Find High-Value Keywords For Your Blog appeared first on Leaving Work Behind.