
OSCE parliamentarians in Tbilisi adopt wide-ranging Declaration on human rights, security and the environment

TBILISI, 5 July 2016 – The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly adopted the 2016 Tbilisi Declaration today, addressing key issues in the fields of political affairs and security, economics, the environment, human rights, and humanitarian concerns. (Full text available here in EnglishFrench and Russian.)

The Declaration, resulting from months of work by committee rapporteurs and several days of debates at the Assembly’s Annual Session in Tbilisi, contains wide-ranging policy recommendations and pronouncements, serving as policy guidance to OSCE governments and the international community. Some 300 parliamentarians from 54 countries spanning North America, Europe and Central Asia contributed to the Session’s work. The Declaration and resolutions will now be sent to parliaments and to the foreign ministers of OSCE countries as policy input ahead of the OSCE’s 2016 Ministerial Council meeting this year in Hamburg.

Among the issues covered in the recommendations adopted by the parliamentarians are transnational terrorism, the crisis in and around Ukraine, protracted conflicts in Georgia, countering corruption, energy, climate change, migration, and the rights of refugees. The Declaration is the final product of the Assembly’s 2016 Annual Session, which was held in the Georgian capital from 1 to 5 July under the theme “25 Years of Parliamentary Co-operation: Building Trust Through Dialogue.”

Stressing the theme of trust-building, the Declaration “reaffirm[s] the undiminished validity and historic role of the guiding principles and common values of the Helsinki Final Act signed in 1975, including the commitments on politico-military, economic, environmental, human rights, and humanitarian issues.” It regrets however the trend of gridlock in the OSCE and urges OSCE countries to enhance the level of co-operation in addressing common challenges.

On terrorism, the Declaration calls upon governments to strengthen co-operation and develop measures aimed at blocking the funding of terrorist organizations. It further urges the OSCE to help governments counter terrorism through pragmatic assistance and promotion of best practices.

On the crisis in and around Ukraine, the Declaration urges all parties to fully implement the Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements, and “underlines respect for the principles of the inviolability of frontiers and territorial integrity, peaceful settlement of disputes, equal rights, and self-determination of peoples as stated in the Helsinki Final Act.”

Regarding climate change, the Declaration calls upon parliamentarians to promote political dialogue in order to achieve the goals set by the Paris Climate Agreement adopted last year, and to ensure that the Agreement’s targets are met “with the greatest sense of urgency by implementing robust policies and regulations on greenhouse gas emissions and facilitating the transition to a low-carbon economy.”

On migration, the Declaration stresses the importance of prioritizing the rights of those fleeing violence, and urges governments to stop imposing legal and physical barriers to the movement of people fleeing violence and to actively work toward an inclusive approach to migrants and refugees.

The Assembly also approved 15 resolutions to supplement the Declaration, addressing issues such as fundamental freedoms in the Crimean peninsula, prevention of child sexual exploitation, confidence-building measures in the Baltic Sea region, and ensuring that members of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly affected by international travel bans are able to attend OSCE events.

For the full text of the Declaration and resolutions, as well as speeches, photos, videos and more, please visit Additional photos are available on the Georgian Parliament’s Flickr pages at and

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is comprised of 323 parliamentarians from 57 countries spanning Europe, Central Asia and North America. The Assembly provides a forum for parliamentary diplomacy, monitors elections, and strengthens international co-operation to uphold commitments on political, security, economic, environmental and human rights issues.

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Addressing security challenges requires rebuilding trust, says resolution to be considered at OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s 25th Annual Session

COPENHAGEN, 13 June 2016 – Pointing to a loss of trust between OSCE countries in recent years, the rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly’s political affairs and security committee, Margareta Cederfelt (MP, Sweden), has authored a report and draft resolution geared towards strengthening international dialogue and improving co-operation to meet common challenges facing the OSCE region. The resolution will be considered at the OSCE PA’s 25th Annual Session, being held in Tbilisi, Georgia, from 1 to 5 July.

“Since so many international problems require real multilateral engagement, the gridlock and loss of trust we have recently seen across the OSCE area has had a tangible and negative impact on our mutual security,” Cederfelt said today. “Only by strengthening dialogue and political will can diplomatic efforts succeed in bringing together belligerent parties, resolving conflicts and addressing common threats.”

In this regard, she said that the OSCE should utilize its full capacity to tackle problems including transnational terrorism and the crisis in and around Ukraine. The resolution also points to conflicts and challenges of refugees and internally displaced persons in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova as requiring greater attention and political will. Regarding Abkhazia, Georgia, and South Ossetia, Georgia, the resolution calls for strengthening international dialogue in regard to the security and stability arrangements, and urges the full implementation of the EU-brokered Six-Point Agreement of 12 August 2008.

Other key themes highlighted by the rapporteur include women in armed conflict, the link between security and democracy, and the fight against corruption. Specifically, Cederfelt’s resolution:

  • Calls upon OSCE governments to harmonize and co-ordinate anti-terrorism legislation and intelligence-sharing, as well as develop measures to block the funding of terrorist groups;
  • Urges all parties to the Ukraine conflict to fully implement the Package of Measures for the implementation of the Minsk Agreements, and calls for an international peacekeeping operation under the auspices of the UN and the OSCE to reinforce the Minsk Agreements;
  • Calls for democratic and legal accountability in order to address corruption and ensure greater political integrity;
  • Encourages OSCE countries to promote effective measures to provide security guarantees and humanitarian relief for women at all stages of the conflict cycle.

Regarding the crisis in and around Ukraine, which Cederfelt underlines has been exacerbated by Russian aggression, the resolution expresses “respect for the principles of the inviolability of frontiers and territorial integrity, peaceful settlement of disputes, equal rights, and self-determination of peoples as stated in the Helsinki Final Act, and calls on the Russian Federation to restrain its aggressive practices and reverse the illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.” 

Concern is also expressed over recent military escalation in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, with the resolution urging parliamentarians to encourage political will from the sides in the region to promote an agreement on confidence building-measures to reduce the risk for further hostilities.

Cederfelt’s draft resolution will be debated and amended during a number of meetings of the OSCE PA’s General Committee on Political Affairs and Security beginning on 2 July. The committee will also take up several other resolutions that cover additional matters related to the OSCE’s politico-military dimension of security. After the amendment process and their adoption by the committee, resolutions will be voted on by the full Assembly during the final day of the Annual Session on 5 July, for inclusion in the OSCE PA’s Tbilisi Declaration.

The Declaration, containing wide-ranging policy recommendations and pronouncements in the fields of security, economics and the environment, and human rights, will be sent to the foreign ministers of OSCE participating States and presented in national parliaments. 

Held under the theme “25 Years of Parliamentary Co-operation: Building Trust Through Dialogue,” the Annual Session will take place at Expo Georgia Exhibition Center in Tbilisi, and is open to the media. Additional information, including the full text of resolutions and reports, is available here. Journalists interested in attending the Annual Session should register here by 20 June.

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is comprised of 323 parliamentarians from 57 countries spanning Europe, Central Asia and North America. The Assembly provides a forum for parliamentary diplomacy, monitors elections, and strengthens international co-operation to uphold commitments on political, security, economic, environmental and human rights issues.

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Accountability crucial to preventing future crimes against humanity, says President of the International Criminal Court at OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation

VIENNA, 16 June 2016 – Accountability is crucial to preventing future crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide, said President of the Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC), Judge Silvia Fernandez de Gurmendi as she addressed the 823d meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) on Wednesday in Vienna.

Fernandez emphasized that the current security challenges are staggering in their numbers and complexity.

“The world is facing destabilizing conflicts around the globe which include not only deliberate acts of violence against the physical security and well-being of civilians, but also deliberate attacks against their cultures and identities,” she said. “This demands a multi-faceted response from the international community to stop violence in the short-term, but also sustainable conflict resolution in the long-term.”

Fernandez stressed the importance of justice in preventing future crimes and the necessity of building the capacity of national jurisdictions. The ICC can exercise jurisdiction over crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide but it is complementary and not intended to replace national systems, she noted.

“Capacity building of national jurisdictions is essential. The OSCE has played a role - especially in the former Yugoslavia - and can also make contributions through supporting the rule of law and democratic institutions,” Fernandez said.

Ambassador Adam Bugajski of Poland, the OSCE participating State currently chairing the FSC, said: “In paragraph 30 of the Code of Conduct we committed ourselves, inter alia, to ensure that armed forces personnel are aware they are individually accountable under national and international law for their actions."

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Inter-institutional co-operation in focus of OSCE-supported security policy course in Bosnia and Herzegovina

SARAJEVO, 16 June 2016 – An-OSCE supported course on security policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) for some 30 participants from government institutions, parliament, police, armed forces, civil society, academia, media and industry concluded today in Sarajevo.

The two-week course, organized by the OSCE Mission to BiH and Council of Ministers’ Inter-ministerial Working Group on Monitoring the Implementation of BiH Security Policy, focused on the necessity of a multi-disciplinary approach and co-ordination and co-operation among various security actors. The course also aimed at increasing their knowledge of the BiH security policy and security system.

“The responsibility for security is not the exclusive domain of any one particular ministry or institution. No single institution has sufficient resources or mandate to address what have become global security concerns and problems,” said Michael Delacruz, Head of Security Co-operation Unit at the OSCE Mission to BiH.

Momir Brajic, member of the Council of Minister’s Inter-ministerial Working Group, said: “Implementation of the security policy requires a particular accent to be placed on the establishment and improvement of inter-section co-operation, principally on co-operation between the government and civil sector. Therefore, this course is an excellent forum for exchange of opinions and experiences between different actors in the area of security.”

Dario Busic, Head of the Department at the BiH Ministry of Communication and Transport, said: “The course covered very interesting topics, some of which were new for me. It, therefore, enabled me to see the field of transportation, as my field of expertise, from a new perspective.”    

The OSCE Mission to BiH and Inter-Ministerial Working Group have been organizing security policy courses since 2007 to raise understanding of BiH’s security policy and to exchange information in this area. The course is accredited by the BiH Civil Service Agency with ten credits and serves for the professional development and career advancement of civil servants.  

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OSCE Centre in Bishkek hosts regional discussion on Security Sector Governance and Reform

BISHKEK, 28 June 2016 – The OSCE’s role and activities in Security Sector Governance and Reform in Central Asia, and the challenges and opportunities in the field, are the focus of a three-day regional seminar hosted by the OSCE Centre in Bishkek, which began today in the Kyrgyz capital.

Taking part are some 50 representatives of OSCE field operations in Central Asia and regional partners, government officials from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, as well as civil society and academia. As well as providing a platform for regional networking among national and international partners, the discussion will explore challenges within police reform, border management and security, counter-terrorism, anti-corruption, justice sector reform among others.

“By reviewing the government’s budget and reports on its execution, adopting laws, establishing a working group to monitor enforcement of the laws and parliamentary decisions, we can make the reforms possible,” said Ainuru Altybaeva,  Kyrgyz member of parliament and member of the parliamentary Committee for International Relations, Defence and Security.

Security Sector Governance and Reform is increasingly recognized by OSCE participating States as an essential element in conflict prevention, early warning, crisis management and peace-building.

Daniele Rumolo, Acting Head of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek, said: “Effective security sector reform processes have to be carried out in full consultation with all affected sides, including civil society and independent experts, as well as with the support of international organizations. The new OSCE guidelines on Security Sector Governance and Reform are designed to lead us and all other stakeholders and partners, in upholding these principles.”

Professor Erica Marat of the National Defense University in Washington D.C. said that while there are challenges for reform processes in the region, there are also tremendous opportunities which can be supported by a well-educated population, empowered women, ethnic and religious diversity, and a vibrant civil society.

The regional seminar is part of an extra-budgetary project that aims to support, build capacity and raise awareness on Security Sector Governance and Reform within the OSCE. The project is supported by Germany’s 2016 OSCE Chairmanship, as well as Switzerland, Slovakia, Serbia and Austria. A similar regional event is planned for later this year in South-East Europe. 

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2016 OSCE Annual Security Review Conference focuses on reviving co-operative security in a challenging environment

VIENNA, 28 June 2016 – High-level representatives of OSCE participating States, Partners for Co-operation and partnering organizations are exploring how to revive co-operative security against the backdrop of current challenges to European security, during the three-day 2016 Annual Security Review Conference (ASRC), which started today in Vienna.

The Conference brings together about 400 participants and was opened by the Special Representative of the Federal Government of Germany for the OSCE Chairmanship Gernot Erler who stressed that the discussion should provide an “honest, scrupulously constructive dialogue.” He welcomed the agreement by all OSCE participating States to use the platform of the ASRC to discuss the crises and conflicts in the OSCE area in a frank manner.

“Peace in Europe is broken and the fundamental values and principles of the European security order have been and are being called into question. This situation is unacceptable,” he said. “At the same time we must adhere to a tone characterized by mutual confidence.”

Looking at the conflict in and around Ukraine in particular, Erler emphasized that the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) must not be threatened nor its work obstructed. “The SMM must not be made blind,” said Erler as he criticized the recent attacks on SMM unarmed aerial vehicles and cameras.

Erler welcomed the keynote speaker José Ramos-Horta, 1996 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former president of Timor-Leste:  “Mr. Ramos-Horta fought for the freedom of his country and his people with perseverance and by peaceful means.  Today, he can be a source of inspiration for us in the OSCE,” Erler said.  

In his speech, Ramos-Horta said that Europe is at a crossroads, but the region had faced greater challenges in the past. “You can do it again, and do better still,” he said, referring to the rebuilding of Europe after the Second Word War. With a view to many unresolved conflicts Ramos-Horta urged: “The preferred option should always be prevention of conflicts, dialogue and mediation to settle disputes. When these are actively, creatively and patiently exercised in a timely fashion more often than not they produce better results than the use of force.”

OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier said that despite divergent interpretations of the origins of the current crisis in European security “there is also a growing realization that we cannot simply give up on seeking a convergence of interests where this appears possible.”

Highlighting the agreement reached earlier this year by participating States on a second set of OSCE confidence-building measures on cybersecurity, Zannier said that the OSCE as the most inclusive platform for dialogue in the northern hemisphere should play a significant role in revitalising the discussion on strengthening arms control. “Establishing a neutral mechanism for military fact-finding, inspections under an OSCE flag or even a centralized and institutionalized OSCE verification/inspection mechanism are some of the suggestions that we may want to consider,” he said.

Michael Møller, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva conveyed a message to the ASRC participants by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, re-affirming the benefits of enhancing “the invaluable co-operation between the OSCE and the United Nations.”

Møller welcomed the call by Germany’s 2016 OSCE Chairmanship for ‘renewing dialogue, rebuilding trust and restoring security.’ “As we work to pursue these goals, we need to devise joint strategies according to our respective strengths,” he said.

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OSCE supports training of 16 National Points of Contact on implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1540

National Points of Contact from 16 OSCE participating States on implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their components were familiarized with countries’ commitments stemming from this Resolution, at a training session co-organized by the OSCE from 28 June to 1 July 2016 in Kaliningrad, in the Russian Federation. A National Point of Contact from Chile – an observer State – also took part.

The session was hosted by the Government of the Russian Federation, and conducted in partnership with the UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (UNRCPD) and the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

Welcoming the participants on behalf of Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, an official of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that “the efficiency of the UN Security Council Resolution 1540 can be guaranteed only through its full implementation by all countries”, and by encouraging close and constructive co-operation between all parties.

Robin Mossinkoff, the Head of the Forum for Security Cooperation Support Unit, said: “The OSCE has been supporting the network of OSCE National Points of Contact on implementing Resolution 1540 with annual meetings since 2014, and appreciates the Russian Federation’s initiative to hold this year’s annual meeting in format of a training session.”

Participants were provided with an overview of the international non-proliferation regimes and instruments. They discussed the national legislative and regulatory framework, enforcement of legislation with regard to export and border controls, transshipment, illicit trafficking and brokering control as well as the role of the Points of Contact in supporting the development and implementation of these measures.

Anton Martyniuk, the UNRCPD Coordinator of the project, noted that establishing Points of Contact and fostering their operation is a solid contribution to implementing Resolution 1540 at the national, regional and international levels.

Participants also visited a border crossing point to learn more about the work of a commodity identification centre.

The training course was organized as part of the joint UNODA-OSCE project on facilitating the regional implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540. UNRCPD and the OSCE organized the course in co-operation with the 1540 Committee and its Group of Experts.

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OSCE Project Co-ordinator to assist Ukraine in strengthening democratic control of defence and security sectors

KYIV, 15 July 2016 – The OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine today opened a new sphere of project assistance to Ukraine – improving democratic control of defence and security sectors – with a presentation of international experience and best practices at a conference in Kyiv.

The event, co-organized with the Parliament and the Ministry of Defence, brought together more than 120 parliamentarians, military and civilian representatives of various ministries, experts, and civil society activists to learn about the basic principles in this area, as well as practical examples from other countries.

During the conference, the OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security and the OSCE Security Sector Governance and Reform Guidelines were presented. Ukrainian translations of these documents can be found at  and, respectively.

The participants discussed in detail the national models of parliamentary and civic control over the defence sectors of Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, and Norway.

“The ability of Parliament, and of society at large, to exercise control over its security services is a true litmus test for democracy and rule of law,” said Jeffrey Erlich, Senior Project Officer at the OSCE Project Co-ordinator’s Office. “Such oversight contributes to a much more effective security sector by rooting out corruption, and by strengthening the bond between society and the armed forces.”

Igor Dolgov, Deputy Minister of Defence, said: “For me there is no question of whether it is possible to simultaneously deal with current crisis and implement reforms in defense sectors, including strengthening mechanisms of democratic control over armed forces. It is needed and it is already happening.”

Until the end of the year, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator will provide expertise in developing a concept paper and implementation plan for democratic oversight; assist in promoting dialogue between the military, parliamentarians, experts and civic activists; and contribute to raising awareness among the public by publishing relevant online resources.  Further assistance efforts will continue after 2016.

In partnering with the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF), the project will also draw on their expertise.

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OSCE Centre signs long-term agreement on co-operation with Kyrgyz State Committee on National Security

BISHKEK, 19 July 2016 – The OSCE Centre in Bishkek and the State Committee on National Security (SCNS) signed a long-term agreement with the aim of increasing co-operation to support the country's security sector.

The signing of this agreement will expand and boost co-operation between the OSCE and the Kyrgyz government in the fight against terrorism and violent extremism. It will also contribute to promoting joint efforts in combating internal and external threats with the aim of protecting peace and stability in the country and the region.

“In recent years, due to the increasing threat of terrorism in the world and particularly in Central Asia, close co-operation between the OSCE and the SCNS in countering violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism is becoming an urgent task,” said Sergey Kapinos, Head of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek. “Signing of a long-term cooperation agreement is an important step towards addressing this issue. The OSCE Centre highly values co-operation with the SCNS, and expresses its great appreciation for collaboration and willingness to continue active co-operation in countering terrorist threats."

Deputy Chairperson of the SCNS and Director of Anti-terrorism Centre (ATC) of the SCNS Rustam Mamasadykov highlighted the OSCE Centre’s significant contribution to the development and strengthening of democratic institutions, the rule of law, and its efforts to enhance the capacity of state authorities in effectively preventing and responding to terrorism and extremism.

“Co-operation between SCNS and the OSCE Centre in Bishkek has resulted in significant counter-terrorism capacity building and the strengthening of the national security agencies and other relevant state agencies in responding to terrorist attacks,” said Mamasadykov.

The OSCE Centre in Bishkek is also supporting the SCNS and the Kyrgyz government to carry out comprehensive security sector reform and in ensuring the implementation of the provisions of international treaties, UN Security Council resolutions, and OSCE decisions in the areas of defence, security and counter-terrorism.

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## Advisory Information

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Advisory URL:
Blog URL:
Date published: 2024-11-01
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Release mode: Released
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4 vulnerabilities in ibmsecurity

Posted by Pierre Kim on Nov 03

## Advisory Information

Title: 4 vulnerabilities in ibmsecurity
Advisory URL:
Blog URL:
Date published: 2024-11-01
Vendors contacted: IBM
Release mode: Released
CVE: CVE-2024-31871, CVE-2024-31872, CVE-2024-31873, CVE-2024-31874

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