
The Weather Company, an IBM Business, to Integrate Global Flight Tracking Data from FlightAware

The Weather Company, an IBM Business announced today that it is enhancing its global flight operations solution WSI Fusion, with live flight tracking data from FlightAware. WSI Fusion provides early insight into changing flight, airport and airspace conditions, enabling aviation providers to carefully plan and track flights, optimize operations and reduce the impacts of disruptive events. With the addition of FlightAware’s data, including its private network of over 12,000 Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) ground stations in over 160 countries, WSI Fusion customers will have access to enhanced flight following capabilities worldwide.

  • Travel & Transportation


The Weather Company, an IBM Business, and UCAR Collaborate to Advance Weather Science Globally Through New Global Model Powered by IBM Supercomputing

At the International Supercomputing Conference in Frankfurt, The Weather Company, an IBM Business, today announced a plan to help improve weather prediction globally via a new collaboration with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), a federally funded research and development center for the atmosphere and Earth’s geospace systems.


The Weather Company and PRISA Noticias Collaborate To Offer Comprehensive Weather News and Information across Spanish-Language Media

The Weather Company, an IBM Business, and PRISA Noticias, one of the world’s leading Spanish-language media groups and owner of EL PAÍS newspaper, announced today a collaboration to combine the most accurate forecasts with one of the Spanish-speaking world’s largest media groups. The Weather Company will provide in-depth weather data and forecasts, as well as tailored content across PRISA properties. In turn, PRISA Noticias will provide locally relevant articles, photos and video content within the Spanish versions of The Weather Channel app and website (weather.com). The collaboration will also enable local marketers to access advanced data-driven advertising solutions from IBM Watson Advertising (formerly The Weather Company’s ad sales business) across both companies’ properties.


The Weather Company and Rogers Media to Bring Most Accurate Weather Forecasts to Canada

The Weather Company, an IBM Business and Rogers Media announced today an agreement to provide weather information and content customized specifically for the Canadian market. With this agreement, The Weather Company will provide in-depth weather data and forecasts, as well as curated content, across Rogers Media properties. In turn, Rogers Media will provide locally relevant articles, photos and video content across the Canadian versions of The Weather Channel app and website (weather.com) to provide residents with the most pertinent information possible. The Weather Company and Rogers Media will also align to enhance advertising across both companies’ properties, with Rogers leveraging its ad sales capabilities to monetize The Weather Channel properties in Canada.

  • IBM Watson Analytics


IBM’s Harriet Green Named One of Fast Company’s 100 Most Creative People in Business

IBM today announced that Fast Company has named IBM’s Harriet Green one of its 100 Most Creative People in Business for 2017. The annual list honors an influential and diverse group of leading thinkers from a vast range of global industries.


The Weather Company, an IBM Business, Named Official Weather Partner of NASCAR

NASCAR and The Weather Company, an IBM Busines, announced today a multi-year agreement that will optimize the weather-related decision process for NASCAR as it incorporates hyper-local weather data and forecasts into their races to improve race-day operations and fan engagement. As part of the agreement, The Weather Company, via The Weather Channel brand, becomes the Official Weather Partner of NASCAR.


Sony and Sony Global Education Develop a New System to Manage Students' Learning Data, Built on IBM Blockchain

IBM Japan today announced that Sony Corporation and Sony Global Education, a subsidiary of Sony that works to provide global educational services, have developed a new blockchain-based student education records platform. With the solution, school administrators can consolidate and manage students' educational data from several schools, as well as record and refer their learning history and digital academic transcripts with more certainty. The new platform, developed using IBM Blockchain, uses blockchain technology running on the IBM Cloud to track students’ learning progress, as well as establish transparency and accountability of scholastic achievements between students and schools.


IBM optimise "Watson Anywhere" avec de nouveaux clients et des innovations conçues pour rendre encore plus facile la mise à l'échelle de l'intelligence artificielle sur tous les types de cloud

Reconnaissant que les entreprises mettent du temps à adopter l'intelligence artificielle, en partie à cause de la complexité croissante des données, IBM (NYSE : IBM) dévoile aujourd'hui de nouvelles innovations qui optimisent son approche Watson Anywhere pour mettre à l'échelle l'intelligence artificielle sur tous les types de cloud, et de permettre à une multitude de clients de tirer parti de la stratégie pour intégrer l'intelligence artificielle à leurs données, où qu'elles se trouvent.


NEWS: We'll Be at Anime NYC 2019!

This is our second time at AnimeNYC! If you're there, feel free to stop by table H21 and see us in the Artist Alley!

See you there! -Hamlet


Rekordní částka. Americké ministerstvo financí si půjčí 3 biliony dolarů

Americké ministerstvo financí v pondělí uvedlo, že si v současném čtvrtletí půjčí rekordní 3 biliony dolarů (v přepočtu asi 75 bilionů korun), aby mohlo pokrýt obrovské náklady spojené s koronavirovou krizí. Peníze vláda potřebuje na testování, zdravotní péči, pomoc pro firmy a domácnosti a na opatření, která mají pomoci v boji s nemocí a zmírnit ekonomické dopady.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


24 Things, though it would be quite funny to drop out now. Thing 20.

These are the practice sketches for yesterday's, but I think I like some of them better than the way it turned out. Especially the cheerful chap in the bottom right corner.


April 2020 Wallpaper: Balcony Cats

Shaenon: My kid told me I should only draw cats, so I made this Florida Keys-themed wallpaper for him. As usual, if you make a donation in any amount to the Skin Horse Tip Jar, or contribute any amount to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...


Srazí krize covid-19 ceny nemovitostí v Česku? Lze to očekávat

Říká se, že po krizi spojené s onemocnění covid-19 se probudíme do jiného světa. Otázka je, zda to bude platit i pro realitní trh. Podle odborníků s největší pravděpodobností ano. Což platí jak pro prodejní ceny nemovitostí, tak pro ceny nájemního bydlení.

  • Finance - Investování


Šití v Číně je pro ně tabu. Vsadili na české švadleny a dnes slaví úspěch

Spodní prádlo obvykle řeší především ženy. Existují však výjimky. Mezi ty patří i Adam Rožánek, spolumajitel české módní značky spodního prádla Styx. Je české ve všech směrech. Všechno od začátku až do konce totiž vzniká v tuzemsku. Poslední týdny ukázaly, že tato strategie je správná.

  • Finance - Práce a podnikání


Kvíz: Děti mohou být v online světě ohroženy. Víte, jak je chránit?

Děti se v online světě pohybují naprosto přirozeně a svými technickými znalostmi často předčí své rodiče. Na druhou stranu jsou právě ony nejohroženější skupinou čelící útokům internetových predátorů a kyberšikaně. Rodiče často o hrozbách ani netuší. Vyzkoušejte si náš kvíz a zjistěte, jak jste na tom s digitálními znalostmi právě vy.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Tiny achievements

In my team's morning standup[1] today, my boss asked us for our "most ridiculous / useless achievement" of the weekend. He offered as his, that he and his wife had looked at their growing stack of papers for shredding, and had a bonfire of them instead.

Another colleague offered up fitting one of those little metal keyhole covers on his front door, and I said that I'd finished the paté in the fridge no-one else was eating before it went off.

What are your tiny achievements of the week?

[1] which is of course actually conducted these days sitting down in our respective homes ...



HNY 2020!

Hello and happy new year! I’m currently at a party and basically forgot to post, which is fine because I didn’t finish anything this month! I did make progress on my project, but then also expanded the scope (as is my way) and then also ruined a part of it, both activities pretty much consuming all the free time of the holiday break with such excursions. I've still been running the prime-finding space heater as described in post 1175 but my luck has regressed to the mean and I have no new primes despite running for 30x longer than last time. The winter slows me down for sure. In the melancholy I played a few video games, which were unremarkable except for Fidel Dungeon Rescue, which I really like. It’s described as a roguelike, but it’s really a puzzle game. It won my heart when I convinced myself that one level was impossible, then implemented a solver for it, which made me realize I was missing something, but then convinced myself that it was still impossible, but then the solver solved it and proved my brain is soft.


[tasty review] United Tastes of America by Gabrielle Langholtz, Jenny Bowers, and DL Acken

  Feeling a little peckish? What’s your pleasure? If you’re craving something savory, perhaps we should zip on over to Illinois for some deep dish pizza and pierogies. Something a little more substantial? Well, we could feast on chicken fried steak in Oklahoma and bison burgers in Wyoming, before topping everything off with a platter … Continue reading [tasty review] United Tastes of America by Gabrielle Langholtz, Jenny Bowers, and DL Acken


Are some members of the clergy horny and/or greedy?

The Observer is well aware of that this article might upset religious people especially members of the clergy, but it is an interesting subject that is well worth discussing. Many of The Observer’s Maltese friends say the same thing: Many Catholic priests in Malta have “girlfriends” and many priests ask for kickbacks from the undertakers.

The Maltese people the Observer has spoken to say that it is a well-known secret that many Catholic priests have girlfriends. It is also said that this is very natural since priests have the same sexual desire as every other men. Since the Catholic Church does not allow priests to marry, the priests have no other option (at least not such pleasant ones) but to have girlfriends in secret. Some of the people The Observer have spoken to also claim that it is not unusual that the priests meet women during confession and then learn about the women’s moral character and then can make their move. True or not true? We know that Catholic priest in many cases have taken advantage of young boys so why should this not be even more possible?

Many of The Observer’s Maltese friends also claim that priests advise funeral directors about recently deceased and then ask for kickbacks for the tip. The reason why this is possible for priests is that priests are often called to death-beds to give last rites and often know very soon that someone has passed away. It is also said that priests in such situation take advantage of the situation when a person is very vulnerable and asks for a donation to the Catholic Church. AlphaIf this is true, it is extremely offensive and immoral, especially the custom of taking kickbacks.

It would be interesting to hear what the readers of this blog think in this subject.


French (near) homonyms – "calembours pourris"

[h/t Stephan Hurtubise]  


It is Impossible Not to be Happy for This Golfing Granny on "The Price is Right"

  • golf
  • old people rock
  • the price is right
  • Video


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2019.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2019.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.


Rob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter Feed

published: 2020.