
Interpretation acts : origins and meaning / Chad Jacobi

Jacobi, Chad, author


Truth in our times : inside the fight for press freedom in the age of alternative facts / David E. McCraw

McCraw, David Edward, author


The law of insurance contracts / by Malcolm A. Clarke ; with the assistance of Julian M. Burling and Robert L. Purves

Clarke, Malcolm A. (Malcolm Alistair)


Illustrated anatomy of the bovine male and female reproductive tracts : from gross to microscopic / K. June Mullins and Richard G. Saacke

Mullins, K. June (Kathleen June), 1946-


The political economy of nuclear energy: prospects and retrospect / Dipak Basu, Victoria W. Miroshnik

Online Resource


Recycling of spent lithium-ion batteries: processing methods and environmental impacts / Liang An, editor

Online Resource


Held captive by gas: the price of politics in Gazprom's long-term contracts with Central European buyers (2009 to 2014) / Joshua Posaner

Online Resource


Advanced energy design guide for small to medium office buildings: achieving zero energy / ASHRAE, The American Institute of Architects, Illuminating Engineering Society, U.S. Green Building Council, U.S. Department of Energy

Online Resource


After Unnao, skeletons found in three other UP districts

  • DO NOT USE Uttar Pradesh
  • India


2013 murder: Court rejects CBI report, summons Raja Bhaiya, 14 others as accused

  • DO NOT USE Uttar Pradesh
  • India


Release of silver from nanoparticle-based filter paper and the impacts to mouse gut microbiota

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9EN01387C, Paper
Jingtao Wu, Cui Li, Jie Zhang, Neal W. Menzies, Paul M. Bertsch, Peng Wang, Peter M. Kopittke
The high antibacterial properties of the filter paper containing silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) and subsequent impacts on mice.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Molten NaCl-induced MOF-derived carbon-polyhedron decorated carbon-nanosheet with high defects and high N-doping for boosting the removal of carbamazepine from water

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2020, 7,1205-1213
DOI: 10.1039/C9EN01408J, Paper
Dezhi Chen, Shoujun Wang, Zhiming Zhang, Hongying Quan, Yachao Wang, Yijie Jiang, Matthew J. Hurlock, Qiang Zhang
The efficient removal of endocrine-disrupting pollutants (EDCs) from water is a crucial issue for improving the quality of drinking water.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Exposure medium and particle ageing moderate the toxicological effects of nanomaterials to Daphnia magna over multiple generations: a case for standard test review?

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2020, 7,1136-1149
DOI: 10.1039/D0EN00049C, Paper
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Laura-Jayne A. Ellis, Eugenia Valsami-Jones, Iseult Lynch
Pristine engineered nanomaterials (NMs) entering the aquatic environment become ‘aged’ during their lifetime via chemical, physical and/or biological process.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Nanoparticulate zero valent iron interaction with dissolved organic matter impacts iron transformation and organic carbon stability

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0EN00197J, Paper
Yanlong Wang, Kun Yang, Daohui Lin
Although there is an increasing use of nanoparticulate zero-valent iron (nZVI) in the remediation of contaminated soil and water environments, there is still little understanding of the mechanisms of interaction...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Sulfidation attenuates the adverse impacts of metallic nanoparticles on anammox from the perspective of chronic exposure

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0EN00219D, Paper
Zheng-Zhe Zhang, Yu Zhang, Ya-Fei Cheng, Ren-Cun Jin
The risks of metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) in anammox have attracted increasing attention; however, how sulfidation, an important environmental transformation process, affects their toxicity potential is unclear.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Different effects in the selective detection of aniline and Fe3+ by lanthanide-based coordination polymers containing multiple reactive sites

CrystEngComm, 2020, 22,2837-2844
DOI: 10.1039/D0CE00238K, Paper
Xinfang Liu, Liyong Du, Rongfang Li, Ningning Ma, Mengdi You, Xun Feng
Isostructural Ln-CPs (1-Eu and 2-Tb) show almost the same high detection ability for Fe3+ and different detection abilities for aniline. The detection difference was studied through PXRD, UV-vis, luminescence lifetimes and Hirshfeld surface analysis.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Substituent effects on the crystallization mechanisms of 7-chloro-4-substituted-quinolines

CrystEngComm, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CE00214C, Paper
João P. P. Copetti, Paulo R. S. Salbego, Tainára Orlando, Jéssica M. L. Rosa, Gabriela F. Fiss, João P. G. de Oliveira, Mário L. A. A. Vasconcellos, Nilo Zanatta, Helio G. Bonacorso, Marcos A. P. Martins
The crystallization mechanisms of a series of fourteen 7-chloro-4-substituted-quinolines were proposed based on a retrocrystallization approach using the supramolecular cluster as demarcation.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Digitization and pre-purchase information : the causal and welfare impacts of reviews and crowd ratings / Imke C. Reimers, Joel Waldfogel

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020


The coronavirus and the Great Influenza Pandemic [electronic resource] : lessons from the "Spanish Flu" for the coronavirus's potential effects on mortality and economic activity / Robert J. Barro, José F. Ursúa, Joanna Weng

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020


Covid19 and the macroeconomic effects of costly disasters [electronic resource] / Sydney C. Ludvigson, Sai Ma, Serena Ng

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020


Discussion paper on the late effects of polio/post-polio syndrome / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health and Ageing

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Health and Ageing


Dysregulated biological pathways in major depression : an examination of the antidepressant effects of curcumin / by Adrian L. Lopresti

Lopresti, Adrian L., author


Increasing physical activity levels of primary school-aged children and its effects on physical health and psychological well-being : evaluations of a home-based and a school-based behavioural self-management intervention / Cath Price

Price, Cath, author


Can Technology Offset the Effects of Population Aging on Economic Growth? New Report from the Asian Development Bank

Population aging will leave many of Asia's economies increasingly dependent on an aging, and eventually a shrinking, workforce. Historically, an aging workforce has been seen as an impediment to economic growth. Experience from economies in advanced stages of aging suggests, however, that population aging can induce innovation and adoption of new technologies and so promote productivity and sustained growth. But there is no guarantee that all aging societies stand to benefit. Countries in Asia need to adopt technologies appropriate for their level of demographic transition, facilitate learning across all ages, and encourage regional cooperation for the most efficient use of their work forces and other resources.


Japan and South Korea: Two "Like-Minded" States Have Mixed Views on Conflicts in the South China Sea

Many argue that China's increasingly aggressive posture in the South China Sea is an attempt to unilaterally alter the US-led regional order, which includes a strong emphasis on freedom of navigation. In response, the US has stressed the importance of "like-minded" states—including Japan and South Korea—in defending freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and elsewhere. The "like-minded" characterization, however, disguises important differences in attitudes and behavior that could hinder joint efforts to push back against China. [Full text]


Fighting poverty with facts [electronic resource] : community-based monitoring systems / Celia Reyes and Evan Due

Reyes, Celia M


Grassroots to global [electronic resource] : broader impacts of civic ecology / edited by Marianne E. Krasny


Metal fatigue: effects of small defects and nonmetallic inclusions / Yukitaka Murakami

Online Resource


Size effects in plasticity: from macro to nano / George Z. Voyiadjis, Mohammadreza Yaghoobi

Online Resource


Mediated authenticity : how the media constructs reality / Gunn Enli

Enli, Gunn, 1970-


Mastering blockchain : distributed ledger technology, decentralization and smart contracts explained / Imran Bashir

Bashir, Imran, author


Companies stare at Rs 30,000 crore sales loss for summer products due to extended lockdown

Summer sales of air-conditioners, refrigerators, soft drinks and ice creams will take a massive hit this year.


Construction contracts : questions and answers / David Chappell

Chappell, David


The construction of contracts : interpretation, implication, and rectification / by Gerard McMeel

McMeel, Gerard


The interpretation of contracts / Kim Lewison

Lewison, Kim


The interpretation of contracts / by Kim Lewison

Lewison, Kim


Construction contracts dictionary / Chow Kok Fong ; with a foreword by Andrew Ang

Chow, Kok Fong


Keating on construction contracts

Furst, Stephen


Uddhav praises Gadkari for asking state govts to complete road projects

There have been numerous gazette notifications from Gadkari's ministry on land acquisition and other related issues to expedite work on national highways, bridges and flyovers


09/22:10 EST Warning to Sheep Graziers for Northern Country, North Central, North East, South West, Central, West and South Gippsland and East Gippsland forecast districts


09/16:01 EST Frost Warning for North East and East Gippsland forecast districts


09/16:50 EST Cancellation Severe Weather Warning for East Gippsland, North East and West and South Gippsland Forecast Districts.


Murder convicts perform at KIFF event

The inmates at Dum Dum Central Jail Monday got a taste of the Kolkata International Film Festival, which kickstarted Sunday.


Mamata sets up five-member committee for speedy clearance of industrial projects

The committee will operate as a task force, will promote the "single window" system for the clearance of proposals.


On talks table: No Gorkhaland, only GTA projects

The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has put its demand for a separate Gorkhaland state on the backburner at least for the time being.


'Investors'' lack of will in completing projects a concern''

Pulling out of a project is a matter of concern said Industries Minister Partha Chatterjee Sunday.


HC directs SFIO to further probe Tower Infotec chit fund scam

Tower Infotec had collected money from public without taking permission from concerned authorities.


NIA collects samples, probe focuses on KLO

Jalpaiguri : Man carrying the bomb on his bicycle had links with KLO, say police sources


Eco Survey predicts higher growth for next year

The pre-Budget Economic Survey for 2012-13, tabled in Parliament today, has projected a turnaround in the economy in 2013-14, with growth expected to be in the range of 6.1 to 6.7 per cent, up from the advance estimates of five per cent growth in ...


Reliable financial products can boost total savings

Reliable and easily accessible financial saving opportunities can help boost total savings and reduce attractiveness of alternatives like gold, the Economic Survey 2012-13 has said.