
lhát; viz také ovčáčkovina, podle Jiřího Ovčáčka, mluvčího prezidenta Miloše Zemana Příklad: „Mám pocit, že mi v práci ovčáčkujou. Něco se tam peče za mýma zádama.”

Příspěvek ovčáčkovat pochází z Čeština 2.0


virtuální hospoda

situace, kdy více lidí popíjí doma alkohol a jsou navzájem propojeni videokonferencí Příklad: „Včera jsme měli s kolegy virtuální hospodu, když už nemůžeme do té normální.”

Příspěvek virtuální hospoda pochází z Čeština 2.0


Zum Würfeln: Kunstkritiken

Zeitknappheit, Personalmangel, begrenzte Ressourcen … Wir kennen die Probleme der Redaktionen nur allzu gut und haben dafür die Lösung: Mit unserem Würfelspiel „Kurz vor Redaktionsschluss“ lassen sich, jawoll, auch kurz vor Redaktionsschluss auf die Schnelle druckreife Teaser, kurze Artikel und Besprechungen ganzer Kunstausstellungen erstellen. Folge 9 unserer 16-teiligen Serie: Kunstkritiken. Hier gibt es ein größeres […]

  • Kurz vor Redaktionsschluss


Comic for Wednesday, December 25, 2019


I'll be reading in Chicago March 25

I'll be in Chicago for the Chicago zine fest - reading on Fri 25, doing a writing workshop Sat at 11 am, and tabeling. Come visit!


Allan Linder, 1925 – 2020

My grandfather, Allan Linder, age 94, passed away on Tuesday. Not Covid-19 related, and that’s only one of the things that’s been very surreal about the last few weeks. Telling people, “My grandpa is sick – it’s not covid,” as a kind of verbal footnote. He went into hospice care in early February after a […]


Cure to release 40 Live: Cureation25 & Anniversary on Oct. 18th







LONDON, August 8th — Less than a year before their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, The Cure celebrated their 40thanniversary. On October 18th 2019, Eagle Vision will present two special performances in which they commemorated this milestone, when 40 LIVE – CURÆTION-25 + ANNIVERSARY is released in a Limited Edition Deluxe Box (2Blu-ray+4CD, or 2DVD+4CD, each with 40-page book), on Limited Edition Hardbook 2Blu-ray or 2DVD (each with 16 page book), and standalone digital formats.

The first film — CURÆTION-25: From There To Here | From Here To There– was captured on the tenth and final night of the 25thMeltdown Festival (curated by lead singer Robert Smith) at London’s Royal Festival Hall in June 2018. Presented in HD with 5.1 surround sound, Smith, Simon Gallup, Jason Cooper, Roger O’Donnell, and Reeves Gabrels performed a song from each of their 13 studio albums in chronological order, displaying the evolution of The Cure’s music live on stage. At the core of the set, they broke the cycle with some new, unreleased songs – offering a glimpse into the band’s future – before retracing their steps with another song from each album, ending with “Boys Don’t Cry.”

Released in theatres globally only last week, ANNIVERSARY: 1978-2018 Live In Hyde Park London features the band’s acclaimed 29-song, 135-minute anniversary concert. Filmed in one of London’s Royal Parks to a crowd of 65,000 fans, The Cure presented a four-decade deep set on July 7, 2018, including “Just Like Heaven,” “Lovesong,” “High,” and “The End Of The World.” Adding to the experience, the band is back-dropped by giant screens displaying footage that complements the unique moods and emotive song writing that established The Cure as pioneers of alternative rock. The result is a concert that Rolling Stoneexpressed shows the “unique power in The Cure’s live performance.”

Directed by Tim Pope – the long-time collaborator behind many of The Cure’s music videos and their award-winning 1986 film In Orange– Anniversary is chronicled in 4K with a 5.1 surround sound mix by Robert Smith and Paul Corkett. Pope states “I went to rehearsals in a very cramped studio just the day before the show… I knew as the set list unfolded that the only way to show people The Real Cure was to capture not only the grand, epic dimension of their stage show, but also the close, intimate side of this band simply making music together.”

“This really was the perfect way to celebrate 40 years of the band,” Smith exclaimed. “It was a fabulous day none of us will ever forget!”

THE CURE: 40 LIVE – CURÆTION-25 + ANNIVERSARY limited edition Deluxe Box includes gatefold 2x Blu-ray/DVD and 4x CDs, covering both concerts with nearly 9 hours of content, plus a 40 page hardback book. The limited edition Hardbook includes 2x Blu-rays/DVDs and 16 page booklet. CURÆTION-25 and ANNIVERSARY are available as standalone concerts on Digital


From There To Here | From Here To There

1.     Three Imaginary Boys
2.     At Night
3.     Other Voices
4.     A Strange Day
5.     Bananafishbones
6.     A Night Like This
7.     Like Cockatoos
8.     Pictures Of You
9.     High
10.   Jupiter Crash
11.   39
12.   Us Or Them
13.   It’s Over
14.   It Can Never Be The Same
15.   Step Into The Light
16.   The Hungry Ghost
17.   alt.end
18.   The Last Day Of Summer
19.   Want
20.   From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea
21.   Disintegration
22.   If Only Tonight We Could Sleep
23.   Sinking
24.   Shake Dog Shake
25.   One Hundred Years
26.   Primary
27.   A Forest
28.   Boys Don’t Cry


1978-2018 Live In Hyde Park London

1.     Plainsong
2.     Pictures Of You
3.     High
4.     A Night Like This
5.     The Walk
6.     The End Of The World
7.     Lovesong
8.     Push
9.     Inbetween Days
10.   Just Like Heaven
11.   If Only Tonight
12.   Play For Today
13.   A Forest
14.   Shake Dog Shake
15.   Burn
16.   Fascination Street
17.   Never Enough
18.   From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea
19.   Disintegration
20.   Lullaby
21.   Caterpillar
22.   Friday I’m In Love
23.   Close To Me
24.   Why Can’t I Be You
25.   Boys Don’t Cry
26.   Jumping Someone Else’s Train
27.   Grinding Halt
28.   10:15 Saturday Night
29.   Killing an Arab


【1/25・26】神戸レッスン会 & 学宴 のお知らせ




ベースオントップ 神戸元町店





◇ティークルーズ ◇


(ケーキ、フリーソフトドリンク、乗船料 込)






上記の時間内で、プライベートタンゴレッスン(1対1)、プライベートトレーニング(1対1)、プライベートカウンセリング(1対1)も可能です。※土日はスタジオが混み合いますので、ご希望の方はお早めにお知らせ下さいm(._.)m ※2、3人でのレッスンやグループレッスンをご希望の方、ご相談下さい(^-^)b

◯希望クラス(例えば、1/25の3レッスンと、学宴を希望 etc…)





La EPA y CBP actúan para proteger al público contra el producto “Virus Shut Out” no registrado importado a California

LOS ÁNGELES – Hoy, la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA, por sus siglas en inglés) y la Oficina de Comercio Internacional de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza (CBP) de los EE. UU.


Kuala Lumpur 25 28.04.19

I arrived the next day early in the morning. My next host picked me up from the train station close to his home. His apartment looked more like a hostel. It was only small but there was a living room a kitchen and apart from his own room there were 2 ot


Derbyshire 95 Chesterfield Bottom Road 125 days and counting down

Rain it can be quite therapeutic . When it patters on Gabbys roof it can lull you into sleep . When it hammers down it is worse than listening to Ginger Baker and Keith Moon on their drumkits on the roof. It does the garden good . But lying in bed listen


Days 2425

From Gettysburg to WilliamsburgWe spent the morning paying our respects to those who lost their lives in the Civil War. Visiting the National Gettysburg Cemetery was a truly humbling experience. I was glad that we were there early in the morning with


Leeds UT to Moab UT 925 10210

THE BASICS We're still amid Utah's gorgeous national parks. We have progressed from Zion to Bryce to Capitol Reef and now are in Moab to enjoy Arches and Canyonlands.THE FLUFFAt the end of my last blog I commented on the women I had seen wearing



Hallo zusammenIch und Stephanie von Canada ich habe Sie in Arequipa getroffen haben uns entschlossen einen Jungeltrip zu machen. Da der Nationalpark Manu so teuer war habe ich nach anderen Alternativen ausschau gehalten und den Nationalpark Tambop


Stiftung Warentest über Bluetooth-Kopfhörer: "Ein Gerät hat 'sehr gut'"

Viele Bluetooth-Kopfhörer liefern gute Klangqualität, sagt Peter Knaak von der Stiftung Warentest. Worauf Sie beim Kauf achten sollten.


Coronavirus – Gefahr für die Lunge: Worauf Sportler jetzt achten sollten

Nach der Zwangspause wollen nun viele möglichst schnell wieder fit werden. Doch Mediziner warnen davor, es beim Einstieg zu übertreiben - vor allem nach überstandener Krankheit.


Annalena Baerbock und Robert Habeck fürchten gesellschaftlichen "Rollback" durch Corona

Annalena Baerbock und Robert Habeck warnen vor einem gesellschaftlichen Rückschritt infolge der Coronakrise. Was würden sie tun, wenn sie an der Macht wären?


"M.O.M - Milf oder Missy" bei Joyn: Suhlen im flachen Plattitüdenbassin

Das Streamingportal Joyn versucht sich an einem Datingformat: "M.O.M - Milf oder Missy" lässt zwei Männer aus Frauen verschiedenen Alters wählen – und versumpft in faden Klischees. 


Coronavirus: El rechazo alemán de los eurobonos es insolidario, mezquino y cobarde

Europa es más que una coalición de ególatras. En una crisis como esta no existe alternativa para los eurobonos.


A Multi-Risk SIR Model with Optimally Targeted Lockdown -- by Daron Acemoglu, Victor Chernozhukov, Iván Werning, Michael D. Whinston

We develop a multi-risk SIR model (MR-SIR) where infection, hospitalization and fatality rates vary between groups—in particular between the “young”, “the middle-aged” and the “old”. Our MR-SIR model enables a tractable quantitative analysis of optimal policy similar to those already developed in the context of the homogeneous-agent SIR models. For baseline parameter values for the COVID-19 pandemic applied to the US, we find that optimal policies differentially targeting risk/age groups significantly outperform optimal uniform policies and most of the gains can be realized by having stricter lockdown policies on the oldest group. For example, for the same economic cost (24.3% decline in GDP), optimal semi–targeted or fully-targeted policies reduce mortality from 1.83% to 0.71% (thus, saving 2.7 million lives) relative to optimal uniform policies. Intuitively, a strict and long lockdown for the most vulnerable group both reduces infections and enables less strict lockdowns for the lower-risk groups. We also study the impacts of social distancing, the matching technology, the expected arrival time of a vaccine, and testing with or without tracing on optimal policies. Overall, targeted policies that are combined with measures that reduce interactions between groups and increase testing and isolation of the infected can minimize both economic losses and deaths in our model.


Cúlú 8% ar an ngeilleagar i mbliana tuartha

Tiocfaidh cúlú 8% ar an ngeilleagar i mbliana agus tiocfaidh borradh 6% faoi arís an bhliain seo chugainn, a deirtear i dtuarascáil nua atá foilsithe ag an gCoimisiún Eorpach.


"Craobh na hÉireann le tosú san Fhómhar"

Tuigtear go bhfuil sé fós i gceist ag Cumann Lúthchleas Gael go mbeadh Craobh na hÉireann ar siúl i mbliana ainneoin srianta sóisialta a bheith i bhfeidhm i gcónaí cuid mhaith den samhradh.


37 eile básaithe le Covid-19 sa Phoblacht, 265 cás nua

Fógraíodh tráthnóna go bhfuil 37 duine eile básaithe leis an ngalar Covid-19 sa Stát. Fágann sin go bhfuil 1,375 duine ar fad básaithe leis an ngalar i bPoblacht na hÉireann.


Imní faoin líon cásanna den choróinvíreas sa phobal

Dúirt Príomh-Oifigeach Leighis na Roinne Sláinte an Dr Tony Holohan cé go bhfuil an líon cásanna den ghalar Covid-19 ag laghdú i dtithe altranais gur údar imní é go bhfuil an líon cásanna i measc an phobail réasúnta seasmhach i gcónaí.


Tús inniu le cainteanna foirmiúla faoi bhunú rialtais nua

Cuirfear tús le cainteanna foirmiúla tráthnóna idir trí pháirtí polaitíochta - Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil agus an Comhaontas Glas - maidir le bunú rialtais nua.


Glaoch práinneach ar chúnamh in am seo an éigin

Tá feachtas nua seolta ag Cumann Naomh Uinseann de Pól le hairgead a bhailiú go práinneach agus iad ag tuar go dtiocfaidh ardú as seo go ceann roinnt seachtaintí ar an éileamh a bheas ar sheirbhísí na heagraíochta.


Daoine ag diúltú eolas a thabhairt ag aerfoirt agus calafoirt

Dúirt ard-stiúrthóir Chomhairle um Chearta an Duine Liam Herrick go bhfuil an Stát in ann iallach a chur ar dhaoine eolas a thabhairt faoina gcuid taistil.


"Réiteach ar cheist na hArdteiste faoi cheann cúpla lá"

Dúirt an Taoiseach Leo Varadkar sa Dáil gur mian leis an Rialtas réiteach a fháil ar an éiginnteacht a bhaineann le scrúduithe na hArdteistiméireachta faoi dheireadh na seachtaine seo.


29 eile básaithe le Covid-19 sa Phoblacht, 137 cás nua

Dhearbhaigh na húdaráis sláinte tráthnóna go bhfuil 29 duine eile básaithe leis an ngalar Covid-19 sa Stát. Fágann sin go bhfuil 1,403 duine ar fad básaithe leis an ngalar i bPoblacht na hÉireann.


Foireann theach Altranais Dealgan croíbhriste ag bás 23

Tá sé deimhnithe ag príomh stiúrthóir Teach Altranais Dealgan i nDún Dealgan, gur bhásaigh 23 áitritheoir san ionad ón 1ú Aibreán i leith, go leor acu a raibh Covid-19 orthu.


Plean B in áit na hArdteistiméireachta le plé ag an gComhaireacht

Déanfar machnamh ar mhalairt phlean do scrúduithe na hArdteistiméireachta a chuirfidh an tAire Oideachais Joe McHugh os comhair chruinniú comhaireachta ar maidin. Sin a dúirt foinsí sinsireacha comhrialtais le RTÉ.


Fearg agus fuath á spreagadh ag Covid-19 - Náisiúin Aontaithe

Tá an coróinvíreas ag spreagadh fearg, fuath agus ciníochas i measc daoine a deir Ceannaire na Naisiún Aontaithe. Dúirt Antonio Guterrez an méid sin agus srianta san Eoraip agus san Astráil á maolú de réir a chéile.


Cead ón Vatacáin Ospidéal Naomh Uinseann a bhronnadh ar an Stát

Tá cead tugtha ag an Vatacáin d'ord Siúracha Cráifeacha na Carthannachta Ospidéal agus tailte Naomh Uinseann i mBaile Átha Cliath a bhronnadh ar an Stát trí chomhlacht dar teideal Grúpa Sealbhaíochta Cúram Sláinte Naomh Uinseann.


27 bás eile le Covid-19 sa Phoblacht - 156 cás nua

Dhearbhaigh na húdaráis sláinte tráthnóna go bhfuil 27 duine eile básaithe leis an ngalar Covid-19 sa Stát. Fágann sin go bhfuil 1,429 duine ar fad básaithe leis an ngalar i bPoblacht na hÉireann.


Clippers owner Steve Ballmer helps donate $25 million to fight the coronavirus

A philanthropic group founded by Clippers owner Steve Ballmer and his wife says it has pledged more than $25 million toward the coronavirus outbreak.


Hernández: Lakers' possible exposure to coronavirus shows seriousness of this pandemic

Like millions of other Americans, the Lakers might have been exposed to the virus at work, specifically in their last game before the NBA suspended its season.


Hernández: Angels owner Arte Moreno talks (sort of) about failed trade for Joc Pederson and Ross Stripling

Angels owner Arte Moreno explained how Gerrit Cole was his team's primary target in the offseason, but despite his team's big offer, "you knew no matter what I did, we were going to get outbid."


Swing adjustments by Dodgers' Kiké Hernández pay off so far this spring

Dodgers utilityman Kiké Hernández made adjustments to his swing during the offseason that he believes will produce more power.


Hernández: Tom Lasorda still brandishes his fighting spirit even without an opening day

Dodgers legend Tom Lasorda is disappointed opening day has been postponed, but he's certain the country will beat the the coronavirus outbreak.


The Check-In: Dodgers' Kiké Hernández hits colored balls with a rosy outlook

Dodgers utility man Kiké Hernández is eager to play because he'll be a free agent this winter, but he's having fun staying busy with his wife, Mariana.


Hernández: UCLA coach Mick Cronin delivering unexpected with current roster

Developments anticipated two or three years into the future are happening already, as UCLA now stands alone atop the Pac-12, Dylan Hernandez writes.


UCLA's 1995 basketball championship team goes virtual for its 25-year reunion

With the coronavirus outbreak putting tradition reunions on hold, the 1995 UCLA men's basketball NCAA title team improvises by meeting and reminiscing on Zoom.


Remembering UCLA's NCAA title victory in men's basketball 25 years later

Examining the UCLA men's basketball team's NCAA championship victory in 1995 with retrospective features and stories from The Times' archives.


Garden Calendar: How to take a free hügelkultur workshop

There's so much to do in the Southern California garden right now, such as creating water-saving berms -- called hügel berms -- in your backyard.


¿Por cuánto tiempo trabajaremos desde casa? Qué sabemos y qué desconocemos al respecto

¿Cuándo podemos volver al trabajo? Nadie lo sabe. Hasta entonces, trata de estar bien contigo mismo.


27,525 pounds of carrots a day: How L.A. schools are feeding the masses

Coronavirus: While food banks struggle, L.A.'s schools are feeding the hungry


Ballet Hispánico's 'Con Brazos Abiertos': Your quarantine must-watch of the day

Join the watch party for Ballet Hispánico's 'Con Brazos Abiertos' and catch a Q&A with choreographer Michelle Manzanales.


Airbnb is cutting 25% of staff amid worldwide travel slump

About 1,900 Airbnb employees will be affected by the layoffs, CEO Brian Chesky said.


What Rigoberto González is reading, hearing and watching in quarantine

In quarantine, mystery poet Rigoberto González


Scott Disick relists Hidden Hills farmhouse for $6.25 million

Reality TV star Scott Disick is still trying to flip his Hidden Hills farmhouse, relisting the two-story home for $6.25 million.