
Email Your local MP telling them to stop Cuts to support for disabled people.

38 Degrees appear to have finally started a campaign to put pressure on the government to stop cuts to support for disabled people. Click here to email Andrew Turner (or whoever your local MP is) it only takes a minute you just need to provide your postcode and fill in your address. MP's do respond to emails too I've had several letters from the house of commons in response to emails I've sent.


Vijesti :: Potpisan sporazum o suradnji između Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku i Hrvatske komore dentalne medicine

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Potpisan sporazum o suradnji između Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku i Hrvatske komore den
Postano: 12.11.2024. 11:59 (GMT 1) Dana 11. studenog 2024., točno u 11 sati i 11 minuta, u Svečanoj dvorani Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku potpisan je sporazum o suradnji između Akademije i Hrvatske komore dentalne medicine. Sporazum su uime institucija potpisali dekanica Akademije, akademkinja Helena Sablić Tomić, i dr. sc. Hrvoje Pezo, predsjednik Komore.

Sporazum označava početak suradnje između jedinstvene umjetničko-znanstvene institucije u zemlji i strukovne organizacije koja predstavlja dentalnu medicinu u Hrvatskoj. Cilj je sporazuma objediniti znanje i resurse kako bi se postigli viši standardi u razumijevanju i unaprjeđenju zajedničkih područja djelovanja koji se protežu kroz edukaciju, zdravstvo, kulturu i interdisciplinarne projekte koji se razvijaju na specijalističkom studiju Kreativnih terapija pri Akademiji za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku.

Ovim partnerstvom želimo otvoriti nove mogućnosti suradnje u području obrazovanja i profesionalnog razvoja te omogućiti razmjenu iskustava između umjetničko-znanstvene zajednice i medicinske struke“, istaknula je akademkinja Helena Sablić Tomić. „Akademija i Komora mogu se zajedničkim naporima baviti istraživanjem novih pristupa u edukaciji kao i poticanjem šireg društvenog dijaloga o važnosti holističkog pristupa zdravlju.

Predsjednik Komore dr. sc. Hrvoje Pezo naglasio je da sporazum predstavlja jedinstvenu priliku za razvoj novih standarda u edukaciji o zdravstvenoj kulturi i prevenciji. „Spoj umjetničkog i znanstvenog pristupa, uz medicinsku ekspertizu, omogućuje nam da dublje sagledamo utjecaj koji zdravlje ima na svakodnevni život, ali i na kulturu i društvenu dinamiku. Vjerujemo da će se kroz ovu suradnju razvijati inovativni pristupi obrazovanju i informiranju javnosti,“ izjavio je dr. Pezo.

Tekst i foto: Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku


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Are older releases of the database really unsupported?


I see posts on Oracle related forums about various releases (anything that isn't 11.x or 12.x) being "unsupported". This is wrong. Of course you should upgrade any 9i or 10g databases, but you don't have to.

Oracle Corporation's lifetime support policy is documented here,
Lifetime Support Policy
take a look, and you'll see that release 10.2 was in premier support until end July 2010 when it went into extended support. At end July 2013, it goes into sustaining support. Sustaining support will continue indefinitely. Even release 8.1.7 will have sustaining support indefinitely.
So what is sustaining support? That is documented here,
Lifetime support benefits
To summarize, extended support gives you everything you are likely to need. What you do not get is certification against new Oracle products or new third party products (principally, operating systems). But does that matter? I don't think so. For example, release (still in premier support) is not certified against Windows 8, but it works fine.
Sustaining support has a more significant problem: no more patches. Not even patches for security holes, or changes in regulatory requirements. The security patch issue may of course be serious, but regulatory issues are unlikely to matter (this is a database, not a tax management system.) Think about it: 10g has been around for many years. It is pretty well de-bugged by now. If you hit a problem with no work around, you are pretty unlucky. Sustaining support gives you access to technical support, available patches, software, and documentation. That is all most sites will ever need.
Right now, I am working on a database. It cannot be upgraded because the application software is written by a company that does not permit a database upgrade. Why not? Well, the reason may be commercial: they have a replacement product that is supported on newer databases. But that is nothing to do with me. The database works, the software works. Making it work better is a challenge - but that is what a DBA is paid to do. Don't just write it off as "unsupported".
Of course I am not suggesting that users should not upgrade to current releases - but upgrades are a huge project, and can have major implications. Running out dated software is silly, unless you have an irrefutable reason for so doing. The lack of security patches make you vulnerable to data loss. The lack of regulatory patches may make it illegal. The lack of newer facilities will be restricting the utility of the system. You may be losing money by not taking of advantage of changes of newer technology that can better exploit your hardware.
If anyone is looking for consulting support to upgrade their database - my boss will be happy to give you a quote. But I won't refuse to support you in the meantime.
John Watson
Oracle Certified Master DBA


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Martial Arts Therapy Sports Cap

This Sports Cap will help you show your passion and dedication to your martial arts discipline and that it truly is better than therapy - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's martial arts. Who needs therapy; when the martial arts are your outlet? There can be several reasons of why you do not need therapy when you use martial arts as therapy. In martial arts, whether it is taekwondo, karate, kung fu or jujutsu, there is a physical and mental level of discipline that is achieved that overflows into every area of your life, helping you to be able to have respect for others, maintain focus to achieve other goals and also to help overcome problems and situations. Then there is the physical release that martial arts bring whether it is working on your forms, during sparing or breaking boards. Another way that martial arts helps bring tension release and peace top the mind and body is the mental preparation and focus bring a single mind to the task at hand creating self-control, self-restraint and a mental readiness to handle potentially stressful situations and diffuse them easily.


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WARNING: Approach With Caution Sports Cap - Let other people know that you need to be approached with caution with the "WARNING: Approach With Caution" 3D Industrial Metal Looking Sign Mega Cool Shirts, Sweatshirts, Clocks, Stickers, Mugs And More. Makes an excellent gift for those that are slighty tempermental too!


TNP - Understanding the Importance of Phytonutrients

Description on role of, and sources for phytonutrients and phytochemicals.


Content + Community Strategist Looking For New Opportunities

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Singapore - Holy Shit, I saw Diana Ser!!

Holy Shit, I saw Diana Ser today!! Well, it all began I had a dream this morning. I dream that I will saw a beautiful sweet woman today! And then thunderstorm... Lighting... Duh!! I woke up and thought I having nightmares...

I was working today and is was Saturday! Weekend, humm.. As usual when to work and my office is just sit on the Singapore Post main branch building!! When to pay my Singapore Post bills, so did I drop a mail as I passby the letterbox.

I took my number and when to the counter and pay my postal bills. As I was waiting, my head turn left and I did not notice I saw a short, sweet, curly hair, beautiful lady over the next counter!! Until, she was ask about her name to take her parcel as they as send to her. She spoken & said "Diana". My head was think is it that Diana Ser from Channel NewsAsia. I hardly seen as celebraties in the public.
I expect her to be taller in the TV news. So I ask the Singapore Post counter guy. Is that Diana Ser? He simply reply, humm.. let me see! Yeah! Is her. When I look at her she when over another counter to take her parcel. She hurried away and took a big box and a few letter on top of it. Damm, she cute!! =p haha She was wearingher brown leather handbag, demin jeans & white spaghetti strips with her brown bra strips sticking out!! She look great on her curly wavy hair although!

I though is was the end of seen her hurried back to her car I guess. BUT WAIT!!!!!

I when to the NTUC fairprice supermarket was thinking of picking up some yogurt for lunch. Then Diana Ser appear in front of me as she was chosing some butter. I when pass her and think what yogurt I want to eat. Again my mind was thinking holy shit I saw her 2 times of this celebraties in person. Most of the time & most of the Singaporean will saw her on the news TV as a anchorwomen of the Channel NewsAsia Repoter lor!! >_< She is exectlly as Cindy (my ex-gf size). Boy she still hot! I was really expect her to be taller woman and i guess due to all the makeup on the TV and off makeup and in real person is a whole different story lol.....

Have you met any Celebrities before?


HK - FREE BUS Airport Express Railway (AER)

Airport Express Shuttle Routes – free with AER.
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H1 -- Service Hour: 06:10 - 23:00
Island Shangri-La -> Conrad International Hong Kong -> Pacific Place -> JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong -> The Empire Hotel Hong Kong -> Renaissance Harbour View Hotel -> Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre -> Furama Hotel Hong Kong

H2 -- Service Hour: 06:10 - 23:00
The Wharney Hotel -> Century Hong Kong Hotel -> The Excelsior, Hong Kong -> Luk Kwok Hotel
From / To AER Kowloon Station – free with AER.

K1 -- Service Hour: 06:05 - 23:00
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K2 -- Service Hour: 06:15 - 23:00
The Marco Polo Prince -> The Marco Polo Gateway -> The Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel -> Sheraton Hong Kong

K3 -- Service Hour: 06:05 - 23:00
The Kowloon Hotel -> Hyatt Regency Hong Kong -> Great Eagle Hotel -> Royal Pacific Hotel / China Ferry Terminal

K4 -- Service Hour: 06:15 - 23:00
New World Renaissance Hotel -> Regal Kowloon Hotel -> Hotel Nikko Hongkong -> Grand Stanford Inter-Continental Hong Kong -> Kowloon Shangri-La

K5 -- Service Hour: 06:05 - 23:00
Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong -> Park Hotel -> Hotel Miramar -> Windsor Hotel -> The Empire Hotel Kowloon -> BP International

K6 -- Service Hour: 06:15 - 23:00
Eaton Hotel Hong Kong -> Dorsett Garden Hotel -> Majestic Hotel


LXer: Dome Keeper hits 1 million players - multiplayer and modding support to come

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"That's not a proper sport!" Oh yeah?

A couple of lovely people I know have suggested that some of the Olympic disciplines are not “proper sports”. This sentiment is one frequently echoed by compatriots of losers, stand-up comedians and miserable bastards the World over.

It has now seeped into the social consciousness and zeitgeist to the extent that many people mistakenly think “sports” are one thing - typified by physical endurance, stamina, or skill - and “games” are things anybody can do really, probably whilst having a pint at the same time.

Let’s put to one side that “the Olympics” are actually called “the Olympic Games” (or in French, “Jeux olympiques”), and just assume the “point” of the Olympics is to promote “sporting disciplines”.

Why do I feel certain that every single one of the Olympic disciplines is worthy of the name “sport”?

Even archery, which I reckon I could have a good bash at it with the right kit despite being a perfect example of how bad Guinness can be for your waistline, or boxing which is standing around and punching people when they didn’t even borrow that DVD off you in the first place.

Yes, I’d even include dressage where the horse is the one actually doing the moving about, whilst the “competitor” sits atop in a fine hat looking more English than a teapot in a red phone box (even when the competitor is French, which must be embarrassing for them).

All of these can be - and in the context of the Olympics, most definitely are - sports.

To explain, let’s just focus on what makes something nothing more than “a game”.

Any activity can be made into a game. All you need is a way to keep score and some rules to make sure the scores actually mean something. Staring at a wall: how long for without looking away? Making a cup of tea: judges could taste-test quality, or there could be speed trials. Having a nice sit down and a biscuit: how few crumbs can be counted on your lap afterwards?

Most games are obviously a bit more involved and preferably prefer people either getting naked or putting things onto a spring-loaded donkey (or both!), but the point is I could make a game out of writing this very post if I wanted. Or even this sentence. (4 words, 0.6 seconds, 100 words/minute, if you’re interested).

“Gamification” is a major social force in the web application industry right now, to the point where sitting in your office and pressing a button in an app on your phone can make you “Mayor”, which is why I don’t use FourSquare: I might become an annoying prat who asks for a third of a Londoner’s council tax to spend on bicycles and zip lines or whatever.

Games are obviously more fun when there is a degree of competition, and therefore the scores must be fairly comparable. You and I might decide to play pooh-sticks for example, and we will have a grand old time as I crush you and claim glorious victory and then we’ll go and get an ice cream or something. The fun is in me beating you without “cheating”. Or you usurping me and claiming a surprise victory, perhaps (like that’s ever going to happen, you fool), all whilst not kicking me in the head as I sing “We are the Champions”, etc.

This is a game: any activity at which there are some established rules allowing the participants to keep score, and where the point of the rules is to make different participants scores comparable with each other.

Cheating isn’t just “naughty” - it stops it becoming a game, because the scores are no longer comparable. If I turned up to pooh-sticks with laser-guided remote-controlled precision sticks with outboard motors on them, I can’t claim a fair victory when you’ve just picked up that stick with a leaf on it next to that weird moss on that rock, no not that one, that one over there, no, there you moron… yes, the bent one! 

Providing the game is fair then, I would argue that any game can become a sport. How? Other people caring about the outcome.

If whilst I am thrashing you at pooh-sticks, a small crowd appears and starts cheering one or the other of us on (hint: I’m very charismatic, they’ll be cheering for me mostly), then we have a sport. The number of people who care about the outcome or who want to have a go themselves determines how “sporting” it is. Once we start keeping World Records, or we meet regularly to do contest on a schedule we share with non-participants, and arrange ourselves into leagues, and perhaps start making money from the gullible fools who fawn in my pooh-stick abilities, then we have a moderately successful sport.

Sport is, I think, simply any game, where non-participants care about or are interested in the scores and who wins.

If the dressage, archery or boxing events at the Olympics, it’s pretty clear there were non-participants who cared about the outcome. In some cases, they really cared to the point where they flocked to Twitter, barely able to type through their blubbering tears about how wonderful and marvellous it is that somebody they’ve never met who happens to be considered by International Law to be a citizen of the same part of the World as them despite living 3,000 miles away, beat somebody who lives 300 miles away who they do not share such a close bond with due to them suffering the genetic disadvantage of being French.

So, here’s my cut-out-and-keep guide:

  1. In both games and sports, people keep score somehow
  2. In both games and sports, rules ensure the scores of different participants are fairly comparable
  3. In games only the participants care about the comparison, in sports there are non-participants who also care

If this still doesn’t make sense to you, think about what sports would become if nobody cared? Or even if the outcome wasn’t scored or measured? What exactly would those footballers be doing if nobody nobody cared about the score? What would the by doing if they didn’t bother keeping score? Just what is it that Usain Bolt would be proving by running really quickly if nobody was watching? Or some people were watching, but were not measuring how fast he was running?

So the next time you hear somebody say “that’s not a real sport”, despite there being a clear loyal following of non-participants, maybe point out that it might be an activity whose outcome they don’t care about, so that can mean it’s not a sport to them.

But to the participants and to their followers, and to the people around them, it is very much a sport. And what they’re saying is a smidge hurtful to all of them, even if it’s just pooh-sticks. So, you know, try not to say that. It makes you sound a little bit mean.


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12/13 Mr. Pink's Porn Reviews News

Site News and Recent Additions - 12/01 - We have been informed of complaints of cross sales and cancellation problems with Incredible Pass. In response, we have chosen to remove our review of Incredible Pass. I'm not going to stand for companies that are trying to scam or screw over our visitors. If you have any serious complaints of any other sites, please email me and I will look into the issue. 12/13 - Porn Pros, Real Ex-Girlfriends, 18 Years Old, Cock Competition and 40oz Bounce have worked out a deal with MrPinks.com to offer discount pricing. Their monthly membership prices have dropped from $24.95 per month to $17.95 per month. The $1 trial still offers limited access.


An Unexpected Benefit of Online Casinos in Brazil: Supporting the Energy Sector

In a surprising turn of events, the Brazilian government has found a new ally in its fight against inflation and energy challenges: online casinos and crash games, like Aviator operators. By introducing additional taxes on these rapidly growing sectors, the government aims to channel the revenue into critical areas of the economy, including the burgeoning green energy sector. This strategy not only addresses economic stability but also aligns with Brazil's long-term commitment to sustainable development.


GlobalData Report: Oil and Gas Industry Slows Energy Transition Efforts

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