cle International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems By Published On :: Full Article
cle Enhancing clean technology's dynamic cross technique using value chain By Published On :: 2024-10-01T23:20:50-05:00 Numerous Indian economic sectors have been impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic, with many being forced to the verge of extinction. As a result, this essay analyses the importance of supply chains for grapes and the manufactured goods made from them, including beverages and currants, in a specific state that happens to be India's top grape-producing region. In order to identify the sites of rupture brought on by the pandemic and to recommend policy changes to create a resilient system, a value chain analysis is performed. Value chain management has emerged as one of the key strategies businesses use today to boost productivity and costs when they are up against greater rivalry in the marketplace, however, with several new challenges, such as concerns over security, environmental protection, compensation, and business accountability. According to the value chain study, the level of value addition for intermediary agents, such as pre-harvest contractors, has increased after COVID-19 at the expense of farmers. Various policy approaches are explained to enhance the grape value chain using the knowledge gained from Porter's value chain results and supply and demand shocks. Full Article
cle Learning Circles: A Collaborative Technology-Mediated Peer-Teaching Workshop By Published On :: 2015-04-14 This research study explores peer teaching and learning without a domain expert teacher, within the context of an activity where teams of second level students (~16 years old) are required to create a learning experience for their peers. The study looks at how participants would like to be taught and how they would teach their peers if given the opportunity and examines the support they require, their motivation levels, and if they actually learn curriculum content using this approach. An exploratory case study methodology was used, and the findings suggest that students want varied learning experiences that include many of the elements which would fall under the heading of 21st century learning, that with some support and encouragement they can create innovative learning experiences for their peers, and that they can learn curriculum content from the process. Full Article
cle CLIF: Moving repositories upstream in the content lifecycle By Published On :: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 00:00:00 -0600 The UK JISC-funded Content Lifecycle Integration Framework (CLIF) project has explored the management of digital content throughout its lifecycle from creation through to preservation or disposal. Whilst many individual systems offer the capability of carrying out lifecycle stages to varying degrees, CLIF recognised that only by facilitating the movement of content between systems could the full lifecycle take advantage of systems specifically geared towards different stages of the digital lifecycle. The project has also placed the digital repository at the heart of this movement and has explored this through carrying out integrations between Fedora and Sakai, and Fedora and SharePoint. This article will describe these integrations in the context of lifecycle management and highlight the issues discovered in enabling the smooth movement of content as required. Full Article Articles
cle Oracle Database Workload Performance Measurement and Tuning Toolkit By Published On :: Full Article
cle Meta-Analysis of Clinical Cardiovascular Data towards Evidential Reasoning for Cardiovascular Life Cycle Management By Published On :: Full Article
cle The Interface between Technological Protection Measures and the Exemptions to Copyright under Article 6 Paragraph 4 of the Infosoc Directive and Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act By Published On :: Full Article
cle Automatic pectoral muscles and artefacts removal in mammogram images for improved breast cancer diagnosis By Published On :: 2024-11-08T23:20:50-05:00 Breast cancer is leading cause of mortality among women compared to other types of cancers. Hence, early breast cancer diagnosis is crucial to the success of treatment. Various pathological and imaging tests are available for the diagnosis of breast cancer. However, it may introduce errors during detection and interpretation, leading to false-negative and false-positive results due to lack of pre-processing of it. To overcome this issue, we proposed a effective image pre-processing technique-based on Otsu's thresholding and single-seeded region growing (SSRG) to remove artefacts and segment the pectoral muscle from breast mammograms. To validate the proposed method, a publicly available MIAS dataset was utilised. The experimental finding showed that proposed technique improved 18% breast cancer detection accuracy compared to existing methods. The proposed methodology works efficiently for artefact removal and pectoral segmentation at different shapes and nonlinear patterns. Full Article
cle ICT Use: Educational Technology and Library and Information Science Students' Perspectives – An Exploratory Studyew Article By Published On :: 2015-12-14 This study seeks to explore what factors influence students’ ICT use and web technology competence. The objectives of this study are the following: (a) To what extent do certain elements of Rogers’ (2003) Diffusion of Innovations Theory (DOI) explain students’ ICT use, (b) To what extent do personality characteristics derived from the Big Five approach explain students’ ICT use, and (c) To what extent does motivation explain students’ ICT use. The research was conducted in Israel during the second semester of the academic year 2013-14, and included two groups of participants: a group of Educational Technology students (ET) and a group of Library and Information Science students (LIS). Findings add another dimension to the importance of Rogers’ DOI theory in the fields of Educational Technology and Library and Information Science. Further, findings confirm that personality characteristics as well as motivation affect ICT use. If instructors would like to enhance students’ ICT use, they should be aware of individual differences between students, and they should present to students the advantages and usefulness of ICT, thus increasing their motivation to use ICT, in the hopes that they will become innovators or early adopters. Full Article
cle Building an Internet-Based Learning Environment in Higher Education: Learner Informing Systems and the Life Cycle Approach By Published On :: Full Article
cle Social Networks in which Users are not Small Circles By Published On :: 2015-06-16 Understanding of social network structure and user behavior has important implications for site design, applications (e.g., ad placement policies), accurate modeling for social studies, and design of next-generation infrastructure and content distribution systems. Currently, characterizations of social networks have been dominated by topological studies in which graph representations are analyzed in terms of connectivity using techniques such as degree distribution, diameter, average degree, clustering coefficient, average path length, and cycles. The problem is that these parameters are not completely satisfactory in the sense that they cannot account for individual events and have only limited use, since one can produce a set of synthetic graphs that have the exact same metrics or statistics but exhibit fundamentally different connectivity structures. In such an approach, a node drawn as a small circle represents an individual. A small circle reflects a black box model in which the interior of the node is blocked from view. This paper focuses on the node level by considering the structural interiority of a node to provide a more fine-grained understanding of social networks. Node interiors are modeled by use of six generic stages: creation, release, transfer, arrival, acceptance, and processing of the artifacts that flow among and within nodes. The resulting description portrays nodes as comprising mostly creators (e.g., of data), receivers/senders (e.g., bus boys), and processors (re-formatters). Two sample online social networks are analyzed according to these features of nodes. This examination points to the viability of the representational method for characterization of social networks. Full Article
cle Ensemble Learning Approach for Clickbait Detection Using Article Headline Features By Published On :: 2019-05-27 Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is to propose an ensemble learners based classification model for classification clickbaits from genuine article headlines. Background: Clickbaits are online articles with deliberately designed misleading titles for luring more and more readers to open the intended web page. Clickbaits are used to tempted visitors to click on a particular link either to monetize the landing page or to spread the false news for sensationalization. The presence of clickbaits on any news aggregator portal may lead to an unpleasant experience for readers. Therefore, it is essential to distinguish clickbaits from authentic headlines to mitigate their impact on readers’ perception. Methodology: A total of one hundred thousand article headlines are collected from news aggregator sites consists of clickbaits and authentic news headlines. The collected data samples are divided into five training sets of balanced and unbalanced data. The natural language processing techniques are used to extract 19 manually selected features from article headlines. Contribution: Three ensemble learning techniques including bagging, boosting, and random forests are used to design a classifier model for classifying a given headline into the clickbait or non-clickbait. The performances of learners are evaluated using accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measures. Findings: It is observed that the random forest classifier detects clickbaits better than the other classifiers with an accuracy of 91.16 %, a total precision, recall, and f-measure of 91 %. Full Article
cle Trust in Google - A Textual Analysis of News Articles About Cyberbullying By Published On :: 2022-02-06 Aim/Purpose: Cyberbullying (CB) is an ongoing phenomenon that affects youth in negative ways. Using online news articles to provide information to schools can help with the development of comprehensive cyberbullying prevention campaigns, and in restoring faith in news reporting. The inclusion of online news also allows for increased awareness of cybersafety issues for youth. Background: CB is an inherent problem of information delivery and security. Textual analysis provides input into prevention and training efforts to combat the issue. Methodology: Text extraction and text analysis methods of term and concept extraction; text link analysis and sentiment analysis are performed on a body of news articles. Contribution: News articles are determined to be a major source of information for comprehensive cyberbullying prevention campaigns. Findings: Online news articles are relatively neutral in their sentiment; terms and topic extraction provide fertile ground for information presentation and context. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers should seek support for research projects that extract timely information from online news articles. Future Research: Refinement of the terms and topics analytic model, as well as a system development approach for information extraction of online CB news. Full Article
cle Information Technology and the Complexity Cycle By Published On :: 2024-06-11 Aim/Purpose: In this paper we propose a framework identifying many of the unintended consequences of information technology and posit that the increased complexity brought about by IT is a proximate cause for these negative effects. Background: Builds upon the three-world model that has been evolving within the informing science transdiscipline. Methodology: We separate complexity into three categories: experienced complexity, intrinsic complexity, and extrinsic complexity. With the complexity cycle in mind, we consider how increasing complexity of all three forms can lead to unintended consequences at the individual, task and system levels. Examples of these consequences are discussed at the individual level (e.g., deskilling, barriers to advancement), the task level (e.g., perpetuation of past practices), as well as broader consequences that may result from the need to function in an environment that is more extrinsically complex (e.g., erosion of predictable causality, shortened time horizons, inequality, tribalism). We conclude by reflecting on the implications of attempting to manage or limit increases of complexity. Contribution: Shows how many unintended consequences of IT could be attributed to growing complexity. Findings: We find that these three forms of complexity feed into one another resulting in a positive feedback loop that we term the Complexity Cycle. As examples, we analyze ChatGPT, blockchain and quantum computing, through the lens of the complexity cycle, speculating how experienced complexity can lead to greater intrinsic complexity in task performance through the incorporation of IT which, in turn, increases the extrinsic complexity of the economic/technological environment. Recommendations for Practitioners: Consider treating increasing task complexity as an externality that should be considered as new systems are developed and deployed. Recommendation for Researchers: Provides opportunities for empirical investigation of the proposed model. Impact on Society: Systemic risks of complexity are proposed along with some proposals regarding how they might be addressed. Future Research: Empirical investigation of the proposed model and the degree to which cognitive changes created by the proposed complexity cycle are necessarily problematic. Full Article
cle CLEAR & RETURN: Stopping Run-Time Countermeasures in Cryptographic Primitives By Published On :: Myung-Hyun KIM,Seungkwang LEE, Vol.E107-D, No.11, pp.1449-1452White-box cryptographic implementations often use masking and shuffling as countermeasures against key extraction attacks. To counter these defenses, higher-order Differential Computation Analysis (HO-DCA) and its variants have been developed. These methods aim to breach these countermeasures without needing reverse engineering. However, these non-invasive attacks are expensive and can be thwarted by updating the masking and shuffling techniques. This paper introduces a simple binary injection attack, aptly named clear & return, designed to bypass advanced masking and shuffling defenses employed in white-box cryptography. The attack involves injecting a small amount of assembly code, which effectively disables run-time random sources. This loss of randomness exposes the unprotected lookup value within white-box implementations, making them vulnerable to simple statistical analysis. In experiments targeting open-source white-box cryptographic implementations, the attack strategy of hijacking entries in the Global Offset Table (GOT) or function calls shows effectiveness in circumventing run-time countermeasures. Publication Date: 2024/11/01 Full Article
cle A Method for Indoor Vehicle Obstacle Avoidance by Fusion of Image and LiDAR By Published On :: 13 November, 2024 Background and Objective: In response to the challenges of poor mapping outcomes and susceptibility to obstacles encountered by indoor mobile vehicles relying solely on pure cameras or pure LiDAR during their movements, this paper proposes an obstacle avoidance method for indoor mobile vehicles that integrates image and LiDAR data, thus achieving obstacle avoidance for mobile vehicles. Materials and Methods: This method combines data from a depth camera and LiDAR, employing the Gmapping SLAM algorithm for environmental mapping, along with the A* algorithm and TEB algorithm for local path planning. In addition, this approach incorporates gesture functionality, which can be used to control the vehicle in certain special scenarios where “pseudo-obstacles” exist. The method utilizes the YOLO V3 algorithm for gesture recognition. Results: This paper merges the maps generated by the depth camera and LiDAR, resulting in a three-dimensional map that is more enriched and better aligned with real-world conditions. Combined with the A* algorithm and TEB algorithm, an optimal route is planned, enabling the mobile vehicles to effectively obtain obstacle information and thus achieve obstacle avoidance. Additionally, the introduced gesture recognition feature, which has been validated, also effectively controls the forward and backward movements of the mobile vehicles, facilitating obstacle avoidance. Conclusion: The experimental platform for the mobile vehicles, which integrates depth camera and LiDAR, built in this study has been validated for real-time obstacle avoidance through path planning in indoor environments. The introduced gesture recognition also effectively enables obstacle avoidance for the mobile vehicles. Full Article
cle CHANGING WITH THE TIMES: AN INTEGRATED VIEW OF IDENTITY, LEGITIMACY AND NEW VENTURE LIFE CYCLES By Published On :: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 18:48:17 +0000 In order to acquire resources, new ventures need to be perceived as legitimate. For this to occur, a venture must meet the expectations of various audiences with differing norms, standards, and values as the venture evolves and grows. We investigate how the organizational identity of a technology venture must adapt to meet the expectations of critical resource providers at each stage of its organizational life cycle. In so doing, we provide a temporal perspective on the interactions between identity, organizational legitimacy, institutional environments, and entrepreneurial resource acquisition for technology ventures. The core assertion from this conceptual analysis is that entrepreneurial ventures confront multiple legitimacy thresholds as they evolve and grow. We identify and discuss three key insights related to entrepreneurs' efforts to cross those thresholds at different organizational life cycle stages: institutional pluralism, venture-identity embeddedness and legitimacy buffering. Full Article
cle COMING FULL CIRCLE WITH REACTIONS: UNDERSTANDING THE STRUCTURE AND CORRELATES OF TRAINEE REACTIONS THROUGH THE AFFECT CIRCUMPLEX By Published On :: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 16:51:24 +0000 Research suggests that the structure of trainee reactions is captured with as few as one or as many as eleven dimensions. It is commonly understood that reactions contain both affective and cognitive components. To date, however, training research focuses largely on affective reactions that range from pleasant to unpleasant (i.e., valence). Here, we expand and further refine the construct of affective trainee reactions by including reactions that are more and less activating versions of pleasantness (e.g., excitement and calm, respectively) and unpleasantness (e.g., stress and boredom, respectively). We develop and validate a new measure based on this model and argue that the structure of affective reactions has implications for better understanding learning and course reputation outcomes. Results from a short online training indicate that reactions were best explained by four factors: pleasant activation (e.g., excitement), pleasant deactivation (e.g., calm), unpleasant activation (e.g., stress), and unpleasant deactivation (e.g., boredom). The relationships between these reactions and training outcomes suggest what is most beneficial for course reputation outcomes (i.e., pleasant activating reactions) may not benefit learning; what is most beneficial for learning (i.e., pleasant deactivating reactions) may benefit course reputation outcomes but slightly less so. Full Article
cle Are soap-free cleansers effective for the removal of coronovirus during hand washing? By Published On :: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 02:03:26 +0000 There is currently no specific study published that addresses this specific question. However, there is a wealth of data from various studies on washing with soap (with or without antibacterial agents) on other microbes to suggest that the act of washing with soap and water is an effective measure to reduce contamination and aid infection prevention strategies to stay well. Of notable mention, one study evaluated the efficacy of soap and water versus alcohol-based hand-rub preparations against live H1N1 influenza virus on the hands of human volunteers. It found that both methods were highly effective in reducing influenza A virus on human hands. In the study, the soap used was with a non-medicated liquid soap (pH-balanced, with emollient and moisturiser, but not containing sodium lauryl sulfate, instead contains other surfactants), which was found to be effective in reducing viral load from the hands after washing for 40 seconds. Using soap to wash hands is more effective than using water alone, and is postulated because the surfactants in soap lift soil and microbes from skin, and people tend to scrub hands more thoroughly when using soap, which further removes germs. Thus from the above information, it would be expected that use of such cleansers should still work, esp. for selective individuals with eczema or sensitive dry hands, where frequent hand-washing may increase existing irritation and compromise the skin barrier. The WHO 20-second hand washing technique should be used regardless of the type of soap for effective cleaning. Full Article
cle ECASA responds to Adam Cruise article on proposed captive wildlife interactions ban By Published On :: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 19:16:06 +0000 The Elephant Care Association of South Africa (ECASA) responds to Dr. Adam Cruise’s article, ‘Rules of Engagement: South Africa to ban captive wildlife interactions for tourists’ The Elephant Care Association of South Africa is deeply concerned by Dr Cruise’s article,... Full Article Newsletters
cle Liew: Goal for electric-vehicle adoption in terms of TIV within reach By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 12:05:00 GMT KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s goal of reaching 50% electric vehicle (EV) adoption by 2040 and 80% by 2050 in terms of total industry volume (TIV) is within reach, according to Deputy Investment, Trade, and Industry Minister Liew Chin Tong.Liew said that the target – in accordance with the National Energy Transition Roadmap – aligns with the global shift towards sustainable transport.“According to the International Energy Agency in the Global EV Outlook, globally in 2018, only 2% of total global sales was from EV, but by 2022, it was 14%, and by 2023, 18% of total global sales of cars comes from electric vehicles. In China this year, there were several months that EV overtook internal combustion cars, ICE cars. So these are all possible,” he told reporters at E-Mobility Asia 2024 (EMA 2024) today. To achieve the target, Liew said that Malaysia needs to work together to develop a national effort to electrify its vehicles as much as possible.He added that this is necessary to reduce national oil consumption and create more opportunities for various forms of manufacturing, including crossings of semiconductor and automotive industries.Additionally, he said that the government is hoping that Malaysia will not just manufacture parts of the cars, but it is hoping that there will be horizontal crossing between the automotive industry and the semiconductor industry.“So that one day, we are also known for designing chips for the automotive industry. That is one of our aspirations,” he remarked.Liew said that another aspiration is to take advantage of the electrification of mobility, so that through this transition, Malaysia can reduce its overall national petroleum consumption.“In most of our discussions, we are talking about shifting the burden of who pays for the petroleum consumption in this country. To address the question of the RON95 subsidy, I think E-Mobility has a big role to play. Electrification has a big role to play,” he added.The event, EMA 2024 unveils electromobility and sustainable solutions as the way forward to reduce global emissions and tackle climate change.China’s electric car manufacturers BYD, Chery and GWM are showcasing their latest models at the event, while Malaysia’s Eclimo is unveiling its new bikes.EMA 2024 comes as EV demand surges in Southeast Asia and amid the global outlook that more than one in four vehicles on the road will be electric by 2035 according to the International Energy Agency.Liew officiated the opening of the event that has drawn stakeholder and industry support including the state-owned Malaysia Automotive, Robotics & IoT Institute, and Electric Vehicle Association of Malaysia as strategic partners. Full Article Hayatun Razak
cle BSP finalizing framework for clearing switch operations By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is finalizing a regulatory framework to ensure the efficiency of clearing switch operations within the national payment system, particularly the automated clearing houses under the National Retail Payment System. Full Article
cle CCleaner Standard 6.30.11385 By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 06:58:34 -0500 CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy, and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. Install, uninstall, and toolbar included. [License: Ad-Supported | Requires: 11|10|8|7|macOS | Size: 75 MB ] Full Article
cle CCleaner Slim 6.30.11385 By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 06:59:54 -0500 CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy, and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. Install, uninstall, and toolbar included. [License: Ad-Supported | Requires: 11|10|8|7|macOS | Size: 75 MB ] Full Article
cle CCleaner Portable 6.30.11385 By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 07:01:20 -0500 CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy, and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. Install, uninstall, and toolbar included. [License: Ad-Supported | Requires: 11|10|8|7 | Size: 69 MB ] Full Article
cle CCleaner Professional Plus 6.30.11385 By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 07:02:14 -0500 CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy, and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. Install, uninstall, and toolbar included. [License: Shareware $39.95 | Requires: 11|10|8|7|macOS | Size: 75 MB ] Full Article
cle Avast Clear 24.11.9615 By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 07:13:55 -0500 Avast Clear (Avast Software Uninstall Utility) can completely remove Avast when the Add/Remove programs option does not work properly. [License: Freeware | Requires: 11|10|8|7 | Size: 13 MB ] Full Article
cle Skip the Ads: A Clever Trick to Watch Youtube Ad Free By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 09:30:57 -0500 ... Full Article
cle Report: The Average Price of a New Vehicle By Published On :: Tue, 27 Apr 2021 14:00:00 +0000 The average price for a new vehicle rose over the past month, but the increase was only negligible, according to the latest sales figures from car valuation site Kelley Blue Book (KBB). How Much Does a New Car Cost Right Now? The average price for a new vehicle was $48,397 in September 2024 — 0.4% […] The post Report: The Average Price of a New Vehicle appeared first on Clark Howard. Full Article Cars
cle What’s the Cheapest Way To Replace a Lost Vehicle Key Fob? By Published On :: Thu, 27 Apr 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Raise your hand if you’ve ever lost something. If both of your hands are still down, I’m assuming you’re lying or don’t feel like getting questioned by those around you for looking inexplicably silly with your hands up. Whether it’s your wallet, your keys or your sunglasses, you’ve misplaced or left something at some point […] The post What’s the Cheapest Way To Replace a Lost Vehicle Key Fob? appeared first on Clark Howard. Full Article Cars Ask Clark newsletter
cle TSA PreCheck® vs. Global Entry vs. CLEAR: Which Is Best for You? By Published On :: Thu, 11 Aug 2022 14:00:00 +0000 Waiting in security lines at the airport has to be on the list of least enjoyable things about traveling in 2024. It’s right up there with traffic jams and canceled reservations. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Thanks to three very affordable programs, you could be skipping to the front of airport security […] The post TSA PreCheck® vs. Global Entry vs. CLEAR: Which Is Best for You? appeared first on Clark Howard. Full Article Travel newsletter partner_rss_exclude
cle The clear-eyed guide to choosing your perfect eye cream By Published On :: Fri, 30 Aug 24 09:29:23 +0500 Often dubbed 'expensive moisturisers,' there is a way to make them work for you Full Article Fashion
cle Scientists reveal rare fragment of a large motorcycle size meteorite By Published On :: Tue, 03 Sep 24 17:43:53 +0500 The fragment - black and shiny on the outside with a light grey, concrete-like interior - weighs less than 90 grams Full Article Technology
cle World’s strongest battery set to revolutionise energy efficiency in future vehicles By Published On :: Tue, 10 Sep 24 19:28:58 +0500 The new technology could potentially reduce the weight of laptops by half, make mobile phones as thin as a credit card Full Article Technology
cle Pod Rods: Most stolen vehicles, Camry named Daytona 500 Pace Car By Published On :: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 12:00:00 -0500 Plus: Cadillac Ciel Concept, weekend car events and more. Full Article Pod Rods
cle India greenlights $1.3b incentive plan to boost electric vehicle adoption By Published On :: Wed, 11 Sep 24 17:42:45 +0500 Scheme to give subsidies worth INR36.79 billion on e-two wheelers, e-three wheelers, e-ambulances and e-trucks Full Article World
cle Vans "The Circle" BMX Shop Video Contest By Published On :: 2020-10-11 21:29:41 VANS should already be known for to set up massive BMX events for the scene. In keeping with the current situation, things are going a little differently this time. With the video contest "The Circle" Vans would like to support the local BMX shops as well as their scene and riders. 10 BMX shops from Europe will take part, which will compete for a total of 20,000 euros in prize money. We are also invited with the kunstform BMX Shop Stuttgart and are really looking forward to the project! You can find the official press release from VANS below. We will of course keep you up to date. Vans Europe are excited to announce a new initiative to support local BMX stores, their riders and their communities. The Circle is a brand new Vans BMX filming competition where 10 BMX shops from across the UK, Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Russia will go head to head for the chance to win up to €10,000 in prize money. Filmed entirely at their local spots, The Circle will be a real chance for local BMX communities to showcase their crew of talent to viewers across the world – pros, ams, local heroes, creatives – everyone who contributes to their scene and makes their BMX circle what it is. All full edits will be available to view on from November 6th for the public to vote on their “Fan Favourite”, before The Circle will culminate in a live one-hour online screening on 14th November. Vans will bring together some of the most prolific names in the BMX world to judge the competition – including Dakota Roche, Alex Valentino, Peter Adam, Jon Taylor. Keep your fingers crossed, your kunstform BMX Shop Team! Related links: all products of VANS Full Article
cle Vans "The Circle" Meet The Teams Video By Published On :: 2020-10-12 22:07:51 In post # 2 of the VANS "The Circle" series, it's our turn now. In our "Meet The Teams" video, Daniel Fuhrmann introduces the kunstform BMX Shop Stuttgart and the team of riders that will take part in the VANS video contest . Have fun with the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team! Related links: all products of VANS all VANS "The Circle" videos on Youtube Full Article
cle Vans "The Circle" Final Team Video By Published On :: 2020-11-08 18:54:11 The VANS "The Circle" BMX Shop Online Video Contest is in full swing. Our video from Stuttgart is now also published on A huge thanks to Flawless Issues for the awesome track, David Schaller for filming and editing and of course to our team riders Felix Prangenberg, Miguel Smajli, Felix Donat, Artur Meister and Daniel Fuhrmann. Vote for your BMX shop on Have fun with the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team! all products of VANS all VANS "The Circle" videos on Youtube Full Article
cle Vans "The Circle" BMX Shop Video Contest By Published On :: 2021-10-04 11:16:30 VANS is known for putting on awesome BMX events for the scene. After the Vans "The Circle" contest was a huge success last year, the contest is back in an even bigger version this year! With the video contest "The Circle" Vans would like to support the local BMX shops as well as their scene and drivers. 19 BMX shops from all over the world will take part, which will compete for a total of 20,000 euros in prize money. We are also a part of it with the kunstform BMX Shop Berlin and are really looking forward to the project! Our team riders Felix Prangenberg, Miguel Smajli, Robin Kachfi, Justin Rudd, Elias Bauer, Konsty Rudobashta and Paul Thölen are extremely motivated to go in! If you are curious to learn more about it check the interview with Thommy Ebeling and Daniel Fuhrmann on Dig BMX. You can find the official press release from VANS below. We will of course keep you up to date. We're stoked to announce that Vans 'The Circle' is back for 2021 and this year it's even bigger and better than ever with 19 shops competing from around the globe, and the addition of a photography award to add some extra creative juice into the mix. Filmed entirely at their local spots, The Circle will be a real chance for local BMX communities to showcase their crew of talent to viewers across the world – pros, ams, local heroes, creatives – everyone who contributes to their scene and makes their BMX circle what it is. All full edits will be available to view on from October 13th for the public to vote. Vans will bring together some of the most prolific names in the BMX world to judge the competition – including Dennis Enarson, Dan Lacey, Angie Marino, Calvin Kosovich. Root for us, Your kunstform BMX Shop Team! Related links: DIG BMX Interview all products of VANS Full Article
cle Vans "The Circle" 2021 - Vote for kunstform By Published On :: 2021-10-13 23:34:40 The VANS "The Circle" BMX Shop Online Video Contest is in full swing. Our video from Berlin is now also published on A huge thanks to Happy Diving for the awesome track, Felix Prangenberg for filming and editing and of course to our team riders Paul Thölen, Miguel Smajli, Robin Kachfi, Justin Rudd, Konsty Rudobashta and Elias Bauer. Vote for your BMX shop on Have fun with the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team! all products of VANS Full Article
cle This week's top news articles By Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 10:01:03 GMT These are the most read articles that we've posted during the last fortnight:ArticleDateViewsLikesComments10335 The Endurance announced!07 Nov3830013699Captain America Brave New World sets revealed!01 Nov120746688How quickly have BrickLink Designer Program sets sold out?02 Nov1153411873Chinese Traditional Festival and Monkie Kid sets revealed at CIIE06 Nov108091028770+ X-Mansion Easter Eggs and References03 Nov1022113535New Insiders reward: Treasure Chest01 Nov89639740Review: 5009005 Entrance Gate31 Oct87389845Review: 5009015 Cerebro30 Oct86989035Two new rewards set for release on Black Friday08 Nov72826535LEGO cars: 4 studs, 6 studs and everything in between27 Oct722717944The total number of news article views this week is 186,171, which is 33,840 more than last week.© 2024 Republication prohibited without prior permission. Full Article
cle India blind team's T20 World Cup participation uncertain due to pending clearance By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 11:56:00 +0500 India blind cricket team players. — CABI/FileWith the Blind T20 World Cup in Pakistan just days away, the Indian government has yet to clear its blind cricket team for participation, India Today reported.Although the Sports Ministry has issued a No Objection Certificate for... Full Article
cle Christian Life Bible Studies (LifeCycle): By Published On :: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 09:30:12 PST Online Christian Discipleship School...Bible studies, training and everything you need to disciple someone or to study Christian living for yourself. The 16 studies are arranged to be taken in order to depict the Christian life cycle. Full Article
cle Obama suppressed Iran nuclear intel to get deal, U.S. counterspy says By Published On :: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 16:29:17 -0400 The CIA suppressed secrets from inside Iran during the Obama administration showing efforts by Tehran to build a nuclear weapon were more advanced than suspected, according to a former National Security Agency counterintelligence official. Full Article
cle U.S. identifies Beijing's mayor and current, past politburo members in Xi Jinping's inner circle By Published On :: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 16:07:51 -0400 Chinese President Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and chairman of its Central Military Commission, has emerged in the past two years as the country's most powerful ruler since Mao Zedong. Full Article
cle Catholics swung to Trump this election cycle By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 11:26:15 -0500 Catholic voters said "yes" to Donald Trump in Tuesday's election, giving the Republican a 10-point jump from 2020 to 2024. Full Article
cle Future of school choice unclear after state ballot defeats By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 15:59:55 -0500 Voters in Colorado, Kentucky and Nebraska on Tuesday rejected school choice ballot measures that would have let parents spend state education dollars on private and public charter schools. Full Article