ave From a Certain Point of View: Was Luke Right to Leave Dagobah with His Training Incomplete? By www.starwars.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 15:00:20 +0000 Two StarWars.com writers debate Luke’s choice in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Full Article Opinions dagobah From a Certain Point of View Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
ave 2013 Travel Lookback: Winter Escape to Hawaii By www.thatswhatjennisaid.com Published On :: Wed, 22 May 2019 02:55:00 +0000 Continuing my project to journal all of my travel adventures, we come to an entertaining entry: The Big Island of Hawaii and the Great Luggage Chase of 2013.The trip was well planned but poorly executed due to weather mishaps. I was supposed to fly DCA-JFK-LAX-KOA but snow dropped visibility to near zero at JFK so my plane was rerouted to Providence, RI after we took off from DCA. After several hours Delta put everyone back on a plane to JFK and rescheduled the connecting flights outbound from there. There was no way I was going to make it out to LAX in time to catch the Delta flight to Hawaii, but as I was still a shiny Diamond Medallion back then and mattered to the airline, Delta put me on an AA flights to ensure I would get to Hawaii one way or another. The AA flight routed through PDX (Portland) and because of more weather problems our flight into Portland was delayed and I missed my Hawaii flight after all. Now I was stranded in Portland overnight, while my luggage (including my coat) was in LAX (it had remained on my original itinerary). 44 degrees Fahrenheit and I was dressed in anticipation of Hawaii with my sleeveless summer dress and flip-flops. Gah! Are you laughing yet? Delta put me up in a hotel for the evening and in the next morning I was back at the airport in my dirty clothes, tired, cranky, and eager to get to Hawaii. Let this vacation start already! I landed on Kona Island (also called Hawaii Island or the Big Island) and was immediately dismayed to find my luggage wasn’t due to arrive until that evening (having missed the evening flight the night before, they put it on the next evening flight available 24 hours later). This was a problem as I was going to be on the road for most of the trip, exploring. I left information with Delta on my whereabouts for that evening and hoped for the best. I hopped into my rental car and headed for Volcano National Park. Along the way, the scenery was gorgeous and for a good portion of the trip my car was the only one on the highways I traveled. I journeyed to the end of the Chain of Craters Road, which follows along the ocean and dead ends at a lava flow that closed the road beyond.As I approached Volcano National Park, the sun began to set. There was a beautiful lava lake in the Halema’uma’u crater (the 2019 eruption of Mt. Kilauea drained it) and I was lucky enough to stand before it that evening and enjoy its stunning ebb and flow. My poor quality cell phone picture cannot capture its essence. I had an intense dinner at Thai Thai in Volcano. It was the hottest Thai food I have ever had outside of Bankok and it brought on an instant headache and the feeling that my lips were on fire. I recommend the place only if you can stand the heat. The next morning I was up at 4am with plans to visit the highest point on the island and the summit of the tallest mountain in the world – Mauna Kea. From its base, Mauna Kea is over 10,000 meters tall (Mt. Everest is just 8,850 for comparison). It was a cold journey as my luggage still had not arrived into Hawaii (Delta was frantically searching for my bags and could not locate them in the system at all) and so I had only my summer dress I wore on the flight to Hawaii and the t-shirt/shorts combo I purchased the day before. The view from the top proved more than worth the discomfort of the cold. As I was descending from the summit, Delta called with some good news. They found my bags at KOA. They said they would hold them for me till later that evening when I arrived for my flight to HNL. And they gave me a $200 delta voucher for my trouble. That made me feel a little bit better, but it reinforced the universal travel truth: checking luggage for a weekend trip is almost always a bad idea.It was a leisurely drive back to KOA, with more scenic shots along the way. When I got to KOA airport, Delta had some fun news for me. My bags weren’t at the airport anymore where they were supposed to be. As a “courtesy”, Alaska had picked them up from Delta baggage and sent a courier across the island to the hotel I stayed at the night before (2.5 hours away) to hand deliver them to me. With just a few hours before my departing flight for HNL, I told Delta they needed to get ahold of the driver and advise him to race his ass back to this side of the island to the airport. I was doubtful I would ever see my luggage again, but thirty minutes before takeoff, a very tired and sweaty courier waved at me and handed me my bags. As soon as I got to Waikiki and checked into my hotel, I took a long shower and enjoyed the luxury of putting on clean clothes- a ritual I usually take for granted. I enjoyed a couple of relaxing days taking in the sun and fruity cocktail drinks on the beaches of Waikiki before heading home to Virginia. That trip was delayed too, because of storms in Virginia, and I ended up spending the night near LAX and coming home a day later. All in all a good trip, excluding the weather and luggage fiascos. I have since been back to the Hawaiian Islands two or three times (to Oahu and Maui) but the Big Island is definitely the most spectacular of them all. Go to Oahu for the history and shopping, go to Maui for the food, but go to the Big Island for the rugged scenery that will take your breath away. Full Article hawaii travel
ave America Doesn’t Have a Public Health System By robertreich.org Published On :: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 19:43:54 -0400 Dr. Anthony S Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and just... Full Article
ave Corporations Will Not Save Us: The Sham of Corporate Social... By robertreich.org Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 14:21:47 -0400 Corporations Will Not Save Us: The Sham of Corporate Social ResponsibilityLast August, the Business Roundtable – an association of CEOs of America’s biggest corporations – announced with great fanfare a “fundamental commitment to all of our stakeholders” and not just their shareholders. They said “investing in employees, delivering value to customers, and supporting outside communities“ is now at the forefront of their business goals — not maximizing profits.Baloney. Corporate social responsibility is a sham.One Business Roundtable director is Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors. Just weeks after making the Roundtable commitment, and despite GM’s hefty profits and large tax breaks, Barra rejected workers’ demands that GM raise their wages and stop outsourcing their jobs. Earlier in the year GM shut its giant assembly plant in Lordstown, Ohio. Nearly 50,000 GM workers then staged the longest auto strike in 50 years. They won a few wage gains but didn’t save any jobs. Barra was paid $22 million last year. How’s that for corporate social responsibility?Another prominent CEO who made the phony Business Roundtable commitment was AT&T’s Randall Stephenson, who promised to use the billions in savings from the Trump tax cut to invest in the company’s broadband network and create at least 7,000 new jobs. Instead, even before the coronavirus pandemic, AT&T cut more than 23,000 jobs and demanded that employees train lower-wage foreign workers to replace them. Let’s not forget Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon and its Whole Foods subsidiary. Just weeks after Bezos made the Business Roundtable commitment, Whole Foods announced it would be cutting medical benefits for its entire part-time workforce. The annual saving to Amazon from this cost-cutting move is roughly what Bezos – whose net worth is $117 billion – makes in a few hours. Bezos’ wealth grows so quickly, this number has gone up since you started watching this video.GE’s CEO Larry Culp is also a member of the Business Roundtable. Two months after he made the commitment to all his stakeholders, General Electric froze the pensions of 20,000 workers in order to cut costs. So much for investing in employees. Dennis Muilenburg, the former CEO of Boeing, also committed to the phony Business Roundtable pledge. Shortly after making the commitment to “deliver value to customers,” Muilenburg was fired for failing to act to address the safety problems that caused the 737 Max crashes that killed 346 people. After the crashes, he didn’t issue a meaningful apology or even express remorse to the victims’ families and downplayed the severity of the fallout to investors, regulators, airlines, and the public. He was rewarded with a $62 million farewell gift from Boeing on his way out.Oh, and the chairman of the Business Roundtable is Jamie Dimon, CEO of Wall Street’s largest bank, JPMorgan Chase. Dimon lobbied Congress personally and intensively for the biggest corporate tax cut in history, and got the Business Roundtable to join him. JPMorgan raked in $3.7 billion from the tax cut. Dimon alone made $31 million in 2018. That tax cut increased the federal debt by almost $2 trillion. This was before Congress spent almost $3 trillion fighting the pandemic – and delivering a hefty portion as bailouts to the biggest corporations, many of whom signed the Business Roundtable pledge. As usual, almost nothing has trickled down to America’s working class and poor. The truth is, American corporations are sacrificing workers and communities as never before in order to further boost runaway profits and unprecedented CEO pay. And not even a tragic pandemic is changing that. Americans know this. A record 76 percent of U.S. adults believe major corporations have too much power. The only way to make corporations socially responsible is through laws requiring them to be – for example, giving workers a bigger voice in corporate decision making, requiring that corporations pay severance to communities they abandon, raising corporate taxes, busting up monopolies, and preventing dangerous products (including faulty airplanes) from ever reaching the light of day. If the CEOs of the Business Roundtable and other corporations were truly socially responsible, they’d support such laws, not make phony promises they clearly have no intention of keeping. Don’t hold your breath. The only way to get such laws enacted is by reducing corporate power and getting big money out of our politics. The first step is to see corporate social responsibility for the sham it is. The next step is to emerge from this pandemic and economic crisis more resolved than ever to rein in corporate power, and make the economy work for all. Full Article video videos pandemic corporate social responsibility corporate power
ave 24 things, and if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you. Thing 6. By johnfinnemore.blogspot.com Published On :: Fri, 06 Dec 2019 18:15:00 +0000 This is from the tour show. It's the image we put up at the start of the sketch about the designer of the snake, to try to get across the idea of an animal design department. Tomorrow, I'll put up the image that replaces it when the head of the department says he has one or two questions about the new design... Full Article Drawings
ave Wait, I Still Have Kickstarter Sketches By skin-horse.com Published On :: Sun, 29 Mar 2020 04:01:00 +0000 Shaenon: One last set of sketches I did for Kickstarter backers. I have to apologize to the uppermost-tier backers, whose packages I’m putting together now. On the plus side, I got a request to draw Imogene, the 1950s-fixated mad genius[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry... Full Article
ave CANCELED! Five Cartoonists on Their Problematic Faves By scans-daily.dreamwidth.org Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 18:00:22 GMT Posted by: history79( Read more... ) comments Full Article medium: webcomic
ave Je nárok na stravenku při home office? A co další benefity v době rouškové? By www.idnes.cz Published On :: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 22:00:00 GMT Místo zájezdu nové brýle a namísto pravidelné masáže konzultace s lékařem na dálku. Vládní opatření proti koronaviru změnila také čerpání zaměstnaneckých benefitů. Na rozdíl od výplat je však firmy nekrátí. Full Article Finance - Práce a podnikání
ave Why do posts have to have a 'title'? By radar.spacebar.org Published On :: Sat, 31 Aug 2019 23:46:10 -0400 Hi, Not too much to add this month. A new direct flight to Montreal this summer popped up, so we took a trip there last weekend. I had never been, and it is a fun city, with good food, beer, music, geodesic domes, and other things. I always try to participate in a local running race if I can, and there was a small 10k fundraiser near the Olympic stadium. I managed a 43m39s (about 7 min/mile), which is not bad for an old guy, finishing in 11th place. It's not like I was just out for a jog, but I certainly didn't put maximum effort here, because I also wanted to enjoy the rest of my vacation day and anyway I retired from the 10k distance in post 990. I used to think that I was never going to be able to beat the times that I recorded in my late 20s when I felt young. But the decade+ of regularly running hard must have some long-term effects, because I'm pretty sure I could have run 6m30s miles here without dying, and perhaps with a death effort (not to mention losing 10 pounds or so) I could have set a personal record. This also happened with a 5k I did a couple years ago. Good to not feel washed up, but of course this is just talk unless I prove it! Speaking of old, I'll probably turn 40 before the next post (September 27)! I have been getting deep into this project described in the previous post, but which remains confidential, as they do. But it finally gave me a reason to get an oscilloscope! I have a lot of traveling to do in September so I'm unlikely to finish it (and video, etc.), but the project is still very much in the fun state, so maybe that's good news for me. Almost out of time to even finish this post before the month expires. But brief recommendations: I've been playing and liking Dicey Dungeons. It is good and has a very wholesome and pleasant style. Sometimes you need that. I also really like the new album called Anak Ko by Jay Som. Great production, songwriting, vocals, everything. Full Article
ave 【FromStaff】『NO TRAVEL,NO LIFE』 ボイスドラマ CD 出演決定! By ameblo.jp Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 12:00:10 +0900 『NO TRAVEL,NO LIFE』 ボイスドラマ CD 販売決定!!原作:須田 誠 脚本・演出:吉田武寛■出演■<CUBA 編>反橋宗一郎 /中村裕香里/吉澤 翼/武藤賢人/千歳ゆう/鵜飼主水/伊藤玲奈<ASIA 編>反橋宗一郎/遠藤三貴/北乃颯希/久下恭平/星守紗凪/KIMERU/伊藤玲奈■販売■NO TRAVEL,NO LIFE ボイスドラマ CD (CUBA 編/ASIA続きをみる『著作権保護のため、記事の一部のみ表示されております。』 Full Article
ave you cant leave now By www.marriedtothesea.com Published On :: Thu, 29 Aug 2019 04:00:00 EDT Today on Married To The Sea: you cant leave nowThe Worst Things For Sale is Drew's blog. It updates every day. Subscribe to the Worst Things For Sale RSS! Full Article autogen_comic
ave you have the flu By www.marriedtothesea.com Published On :: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 04:00:00 EDT Today on Married To The Sea: you have the fluThe Worst Things For Sale is Drew's blog. It updates every day. Subscribe to the Worst Things For Sale RSS! Full Article autogen_comic
ave weary traveler By www.marriedtothesea.com Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2019 04:00:00 EST Today on Married To The Sea: weary travelerThe Worst Things For Sale is Drew's blog. It updates every day. Subscribe to the Worst Things For Sale RSS! Full Article autogen_comic
ave nine cool things on a tuesday (stay home, save lives edition) By jamarattigan.com Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 10:00:59 +0000 No doubt — this is a crazy, scary, sad, worrying time for everyone. Most of us are sheltering in place and trying our best to adjust to a new reality. While we are not performing heroic deeds like all the frontline healthcare workers and first responders, grocery store employees and delivery drivers, we can all … Continue reading nine cool things on a tuesday (stay home, save lives edition) Full Article cool things art children's literature country music illustration needlework picture books poetry popular music read alouds
ave Again, the Maltese judicial system is proven to have collapsed and now it also seems ridiculous By maltaobserver.blogspot.com Published On :: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 09:00:00 +0000 Today one can read in The Times of a man being sentenced to one month in prison and fined 233€ for illegal gambling. The fantastic and almost unbelievable fact is that the crime was committed in 2001 and the man pleaded guilty in 2002. The man had to wait ten years to be punished for a crime he had admitted almost immediately! To make this even more surprising (well, maybe not so surprising; this is probably typically for the judicial system in Malta) the judge found that the prosecution had failed to prove the allegations against the man, but, since he had admitted the crime the judge had to find him guilty. The Observer sincerely hopes that the latter is not true. In most other countries, with a more sophisticated and functioning judicial system than Malta, an admission is not enough to prove that a person has committed a crime. When famous murders occur, quite many people come to the police and plead guilty. This is a well-known fact among Alphacriminologists. Probably and hopefully The Times has not published full details about why the judge had to find the man guilty. Full Article
ave Histogram: You have to know the past to understand the present by Tomas Petricek By lambda-the-ultimate.org Published On :: Sun, 15 Sep 2019 01:26:13 +0000 Histogram: You have to know the past to understand the present by Tomas Petricek, University of Kent Programs are created through a variety of interactions. A programmer might write some code, run it interactively to check whether it works, use copy and paste, apply a refactoring or choose an item from an auto-complete list. Programming research often forgets about these and represents programs as the resulting text. Consequently, thinking about such interactions is often out of scope. This essay shifts focus from programs to a more interesting question of programming. We represent programs as lists of interactions such as triggering an auto-complete and choosing an option, declaring a value, introducing a variable or evaluating a piece of code. We explore a number of consequences of this way of thinking about programs. First, if we create functions by writing concrete code using a sample input and applying a refactoring, we do not lose the sample input and can use it later for debugging. Second, if we treat executing code interactively as an interaction and store the results, we can later use this information to give more precise suggestions in auto-complete. Third, by moving away from a textual representation, we can display the same program as text, but also in a view inspired by spreadsheets. Fourth, we can let programmers create programs by directly interacting with live previews as those interactions can be recorded and as a part of program history. We discuss the key ideas through examples in a simple programming environment for data exploration. Our focus in this essay is more on principles than on providing fine tuned user experience. We keep our environment more explicit, especially when this reveals what is happening behind the scenes. We aim to show that seeing programs as lists of interactions is a powerful change of perspective that can help us build better programming systems with novel features that make programming easier and more accessible. The data exploration environment in this interactive essay may not yet be that, but it gives a glimpse of the future. Full Article LtU Forum
ave "She Saved Us From World War Three" By floggingbabel.blogspot.com Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 20:24:00 +0000 .Very few people in the science fiction community ever came face to face with Alice Sheldon, who wrote SF under the pseudonym James Tiptree, Jr, much less met her tarantulas. One of those very few was Gardner Dozois. When he sold his papers to UC Riverside (the proceeds went to keeping his wife, Susan Casper, alive for several years longer than would otherwise have happened), bookman Henry Wessells became aware of the correspondence between Sheldon and Dozois.Now, Henry has created a chapbook, She Saved Us from World War Three, containing the two most significant letters from that correspondence. The first is from Sheldon, telling Gardner that the secret of her identity was about to go public and that she was not a man but a woman. The second is her relieved response to Gardner's assurance that they were still friends.Which understates how Gardner felt about Sheldon/Tiptree. He was in awe of her as a writer and remained so after the murder-suicide that ended her life.To go with the letters and give them some context, I interviewed Gardner about his friendship with Alice Sheldon and this introduction now forms the bulk of the chapbook.Today is the publication date for She Saved Us from World War Three and it is currently available for sale. It costs $20, which is not cheap for twenty pages of prose but is cheap for a beautifully made limited edition chapbook with fold-out facsimiles of the letters themselves.Those of you who need it know who you are. Me, I already have my copy. I'm going to dig up the oversized paperclip which Sheldon gave to Gardner as a souvenir of their meeting and Gardner gave to me because souvenirs meant nothing to him and keep the two of them together. This is a very meaningful publication for me.You can find ordering information here.Above: The chapbook's cover. Photo by John DeChancie and used with his permission. John is a Mensch. I esteem him highly.* Full Article
ave Should college football players have draft flexibility? Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh thinks so By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 17:13:37 +0000 Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh penned a two-page open letter advocating flexibility for college athletes looking to enter the NFL Draft. Full Article college-football
ave European slaves in the year 1000 By languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 16:55:27 +0000 Valerie Hansen has a new book just out: THE YEAR 1000: When Explorers Connected the World — and Globalization Began. New York: Scribner, 2020. A NYT review of Hansen's landmark volume is copied below, but let's first look at some interesting language notes concerning the background of the word for "slave" (Chapter 4 is on […] Full Article Etymology Language and business Language and history Language and travel
ave Things every website should have By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 22 Jan 2011 15:39:00 EST If you're brand new ot creating websites or blogs you may feel a little like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck when it comes to figuring out what things your site needs. There are thousands of things to choose from such as GIF files, videos, widgets, slide shows etc. But before you start getting carried away adding these things you need to add the basics, call them your core fundamentals if you will. Without these your site won't be as effective as what it could be, and won't attract the traffic that you want. Full Article
ave 12 Things Your First Aid Kit Should Have By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 13:14:00 EST When it comes to making a bug out bag, or having an emergency bag for long road trips, or camping, and hiking trips. One of if not the most important items you need for your emergency gear is a first aid kit. And while they can be bought almost anywhere, there contents can vary depending on there size or price range. Regardless of your budget there are some items you should always have present in your first aid kit. Here is a list of 12 things I recommend everyone have that aren’t always included in an off the shelf first aid kit. Full Article
ave The Wolfman What Have You Done By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 06:09:00 EST I’m a huge fan of horror movies and movies about things that go bump in the night. The Wolfman is one of my favourites and one of the best werewolf movies to come out in a long time. For this video I was originally going to use the song Du Riechst So Gut (translated from German means you smell so good) by the band Rammstein. Full Article
ave Can You Have Too Much Content (blog post) By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 05:18:00 EST I was recently asked this question “If I add content to my blog too fast does that mean Google will penalize my blog?” Google won’t penalize your website for adding a lot of content fast; in fact it’s the complete opposite. If you add content everyday to your blog or website it actually helps............ Full Article
ave Living Room Lifesavers brings lifesaving skills to the home during social isolation - Great Lakes Advocate By news.google.com Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 02:00:00 GMT Living Room Lifesavers brings lifesaving skills to the home during social isolation Great Lakes Advocate Full Article
ave Only the Brave Will Want to Sightsee on the Glassy Glacier Skywalk By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 09 May 2014 11:30:00 -0700 Full Article mother nature ftw design vertigo vacation
ave Crazy Russian Guy Puts Dog Gadgets to the Test so You Don't Have To By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 10:00:00 -0700 Full Article russia dogs test Video gadget
ave Does WIPO’s New Leadership Have the Vision to Shake Up Global Copyright Policy-Making? By creativecommons.org Published On :: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 15:32:41 +0000 New beginnings at WIPO On March 4, Daren Tang was nominated director general of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the United Nations agency dealing with intellectual property matters. Tang is currently the chief executive of the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) and his six-year term as top WIPO official will start on October … Read More "Does WIPO’s New Leadership Have the Vision to Shake Up Global Copyright Policy-Making?" The post Does WIPO’s New Leadership Have the Vision to Shake Up Global Copyright Policy-Making? appeared first on Creative Commons. Full Article Policy / advocacy / copyright reform copyright copyright policy intellectual property WIPO
ave How the hell have you done it? By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sun, 09 Dec 2018 14:00:00 +0000 On April 18th of 1961, it was announced that iconic Hollywood star Gary Cooper was dying of cancer after a glittering 36 year career that saw him amass countless fans, plaudits, and awards across the globe. Weeks after that news broke, and just days before he died, Cooper received the following fan letter from Kirk Douglas, Full Article Uncategorized
ave Kids Have a Terrible Sense of Direction By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:00:00 -0700 Full Article kids zoo funny lost
ave What helps women who have learning disabilities get checked for cervical cancer? By feeds.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Monday, September 7, 2015 - 13:47 This is a paper produced as part of the PROP2 (Practitioner Research: Outcomes and Partnership) programme, a partnership between the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) at the University of Edinburgh and IRISS that was about health and social care in Scotland. This paper was written by Elaine Monteith from ENABLE Scotland who participated in the PROP2 programme. What this research paper explores: All women are asked to go to the doctor every few years to get a check for cancer but women who have a learning disability don’t go for these checks as often as other women. The paper explore what barriers there are for women attending for checks and also looks at what could be done to encourage women them to attend. Full Article
ave Sharing practice to improve outcomes for care leavers. Evaluation report on an inter-authority learning exchange By feeds.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Monday, November 30, 2015 - 09:44 Evaluation report for the inter-authority learning exchange between Shetland Islands, Falkirk and Glasgow Councils throughcare and aftercare teams. In February 2014 a member of the Throughcare and Aftercare team from Shetland, spent two weeks in each host authority as a means of developing and sharing practice, experience and learning. The report describes the planning process, in-situ experience, and post-exchange learning of participants, it also report highlights the positive learning outcomes and benefits achieved for all participating local authorities. The report identifies ideas for future applications of such a learning and practice exchange model to improve practice for looked after young people and care leavers. Full Article
ave Friends Have Good-Humored Racist Joke War on Twitter By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sun, 25 Aug 2019 07:00:00 -0700 Just two dudes completely roasting the hell out of each other in a distinctively non-PC way. The back and forth here is what makes it. Sorta like this facebook thread that answered funny questions black people had about white people, it's good to see online conversations like this that don't spiral out of control. Full Article twitter racism jokes race internet friends lol light friendly funny politically correct Memes
ave 20 Revolutionary Communist Memes That Have No Class By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 07:00:00 -0700 These memes will make you us want to quit Stalin and overthrow capitalism right Mao. Full Article red scare soviet union political memes communist memes capitalism satire communism satire memes revolution drake memes Soviet Russia politics communist propaganda capitalist propaganda propaganda trotsky karl marx slaps roof of car communist party mao ussr chairman mao lenin stalin Fidel Castro socialist memes friedrich engels
ave Have You Met Donald Trump's Imaginary Friend Jim? By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 07 Sep 2019 19:00:00 -0700 It's been a fun week for political memes. While Donald Trump's friend "Jim" has been the subject of skepticism since as early as 2016, the marvelous mystery has once again been thrust into the spotlight by the Associated Press. Their July 13th piece, "Trump in Paris: The curious case of his friend Jim" was covered by outlets such as HuffPo and the AV Club, and inspired a healthy number of Twitter jokes. We've put together the most noteworthy Jim jokes from the past year, for your convenient viewing pleasure. Full Article twitter donald trump Memes france journalism
ave Iowa Caucus's Delayed Results Have Churned Up Some Anxious Reaction Memes By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 04 Feb 2020 16:00:00 -0800 Last night the 2020 Iowa Democratic Caucus stirred up quite the controversy when it was announced that the results would be delayed due to "inconsistencies" in a new app meant to speed up the reporting results of the caucus. Ironic, to say the least. But hang tight, because they're set to be released at 5 pm Eastern Time.Ahead of the results being released, Pete Buttigieg gave what appeared to be a victory speech last night to the confusion of many. The bizarre move has lead many to believe that the system may have been rigged in Mayor Pete's favor.As always, we have to give the disclaimer that we're not picking sides; we're merely reporting on what the internet has been saying, so scroll down to see some of our favorite reaction memes and tweets while we all wait impatiently for the results. Full Article twitter iowa caucus 2020 bernie sanders pete buttigieg funny memes presidential election caucus Iowa reaction memes politics
ave Men’s Sheds offer alternative avenue for improving health and wellbeing By feeds.iriss.org.uk Published On :: Tue, 06 Sep 2016 04:33:20 PDT Men’s Sheds health initiatives increase men’s confidence, self-worth and sense of wellbeing by providing an environment for men that is appealing, safe and socially acceptable, new research by a Leeds Beckett University academic has...See it on Scoop.it, via Social services news Full Article
ave THE VULCAN HAND SIGN CAN BE HARD TO MASTER IF YOU DON'T HAVE FINGERS By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 02:00:00 -0700 Full Article
ave Haven't had a fresh hamster in weeks By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 08:00:00 -0700 Full Article
ave Save Grandma, Save the Economy By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 11:25:32 +0000 The meat supply is starting to fail. Meat processing factories seem especially susceptible to COVID-19 probably because of mist, chilled air circulation, the creation of aerosols and close worker contact. What other industries could be affected? What would happen if the energy, transportation, or pharmaceutical sector failed? We aren’t even sure which industries are critical. […] The post Save Grandma, Save the Economy appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION. Full Article Uncategorized
ave Things Have Changed By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 14:04:08 +0000 Clusterfuck Nation For your reading pleasure Mondays and Fridays Support this blog by visiting Jim’s Patreon Page At least in wartime, the bars stay open. That’s how you know this is a different thing altogether from whatever else you’ve seen in your lifetime. Even those of us who signed up for this trip — that is, more » The post Things Have Changed appeared first on Kunstler. Full Article Clusterfuck Nation – Blog
ave Leave fireworks to the professionals By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 12:37:24 PDT Independence Day and fireworks go hand in hand, but fireworks shouldn’t go in consumers’ hands. That’s the message the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is reinforcing this Fourth of July. Fireworks annually cause devastating burns, injuries, fires, and even death, making them too dangerous to be used safely by consumers. Full Article
ave Raise Gift Cards - Save an extra 5% By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 14:23:48 +0000 Saw this in an email. Save 5% on Raise Gift Cards until 11:59PM Use Coupon Code: APRIL Would be a good time to buy PSN / Xbox / Nintendo cards for digital sales. Full Article
ave Do Flyers have a Social Life? By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 01 Nov 2019 14:49:22 +0000 We bowed our heads in prayer to mourn yet another loss. It was the third murder in a week. The police captain called a meeting together to develop collaborative alternatives to enforcement so the mostly Black and Latino civilian volunteers could get more involved in promoting crime control. Lakeside, where I was conducting research, is […] Full Article Uncategorized advertising communication crime/law design
ave Quarantine Beauty: The Tools And Techniques That Have Me Glowing! By galadarling.com Published On :: Sat, 18 Apr 2020 20:22:46 +0000 I don’t know about you, but giving daily make-up a rest has been doing wonders for my skin. But in case we’ve never met before — hi, I’m Gala! — I like to maximize things. My train of thought goes something like, ‘Sure, my skin looks good… But what if I came out of quarantine looking better than […] The post Quarantine Beauty: The Tools And Techniques That Have Me Glowing! appeared first on Gala Darling. Full Article beauty
ave “Simone de Beauvoir alone would never have gotten me from intellect to action” By www.ourbodiesourselves.org Published On :: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 19:57:42 +0000 Note from OBOS co-founder Judy Norsigian: After publication of my reflections piece in the June 2019 issue of the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH), I received this wonderful email from Kay Johnson. Her story reminds us all once again of how ONE life experience (reading a book/having a terrific teacher or mentor/participating in an eye-opening social justice action/etc.) can change the course of our lives and bring us into partnership with others also committed to racial, economic and social justice for all. I am ... More The post “Simone de Beauvoir alone would never have gotten me from intellect to action” appeared first on Our Bodies Ourselves. Full Article Readers' Stories
ave Transition in the Refrigeration Industry Will Have an Impact on Emergency Response By community.nfpa.org Published On :: 2019-11-12T19:46:05Z The ongoing push toward sustainability of refrigeration systems requires the adoption of low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants to meet the shift in environmental regulations. In 2016, nearly 200 countries signed the Kigali Agreement, a Full Article fire service research training emerging issues refrigerants ashrae flammable refrigerants kigali agreement
ave Pantry Pickings - Have a Look in my Kitchen By www.theydrawandcook.com Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 18:01:45 -0500 I was just working on a series of packages and tins in my kitchen that I hadn't drawn during the Pantry Art Project in January, when you came up with Wanna Play Along - this is the work I love most, so yay, I'm playing along! Full Article
ave 6 ways to save energy while sheltering in place By inhabitat.com Published On :: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 15:30:00 +0000 Now that millions of Americans are isolated in their homes, everyone is using more energy during off-peak hours. Americans are getting more concerned with paying their growing electricity bills. Combined with the obvious environmental tolls of changing and increased at-home energy usage, paying a larger bill during times of economic uncertainty is enough to weigh on anyone’s heightened nerves. Inhabitat has rounded up some tips and tricks to help readers save energy (and money) at home during this time.[...] Full Article Energy "energy efficiency" Environment Technology green lighting energy saving thermostat mental health coronavirus
ave Marine veteran converts a school bus into a nonprofit traveling art studio By inhabitat.com Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 14:30:00 +0000 It's safe to say that Marine veteran Jessica Rambo is not one to rest on her laurels. After 10 years of service in the Marine Corps, the mom of two worked day in and day out for two years in order to convert a 1997 Blue Bird school bus into a full-time tiny house on wheels that also serves as a roaming art studio. Now, Rambo and her two kids are about to embark on a long road trip to bring her nonprofit art organization, The Painted Buffalo Studio, to veterans around the country.[...] Full Article art studio Tiny Homes on Wheels tiny house on wheels bus conversion diy bus conversion skoolie Bus Conversions Painted Buffalo Traveling Studio diy skoolie
ave Elections May Have to Change During the Coronavirus Outbreak. Here’s How. By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 17:12:50 +0000 As the novel coronavirus spreads through the U.S. during presidential primaries, election and government officials are scrambling to figure out how to allow voters to cast their ballots safely ― or postpone primaries altogether. Managing in-person voting during an unprecedented pandemic has forced authorities to overcome new virus-related hurdles: providing sufficient cleaning supplies to polling […] Full Article Articles coronavirus interview us elections