
US warns against non-essential travel to China

Coronavirus death toll rises above 100


Eurostar and MAG passengers required to wear face masks

New rules come in this week


Travel brands back campaign to provide holidays for essential workers

Give Them a Break launches this month


Air Canada conducting temperature screening of all passengers

CleanCare+ initiative rolls out May 15


Derbyshire 73 Chesterfield virtually driving along the A7E22 on a road that runs through the Waddenzee and the Ijsselmeer

Here we are on a road between the Waddenzee which I can see to my left and the Ijsselmeer to my right . These Dutch certainly know how to control the sea .We have tried in the past in Norfolk where the land lies low . We did not do a bad job emulating the


Derbyshire 86 Chesterfield 768 hours what is the connection between hairdressers barbers and SpaceX Starlink

The butterfly counts not months but moments and has time enough Rabindranath Tagore one of my favourites. I saw the first butterfly of the season today . A Cabbage White the scourge of gardeners who love their cabbages . The pretty white things lays


Derbyshire 101 Chesterfield 7000 steps by 9.30 from frost to blue skiesSkype. Risk assessments and telekits will life ever be the same again

Surfacing this morning was difficult . It is a work day today . Last night we had a frost . Not a heavy one . Not the sort of frost you get in the Winter . Not the sort of frost that you have to scrape off the car windscreen. But a frost nevertheless . The


Sun Kissed and Running with the Wild Ajummas

After a week or so of the kind of weather that made me want to curl up in bed or in front of a fireplace the sun decided he wanted some time in the limelight and came out to strut his stuff over Guemsan. Thank god because I crave vitamin D like a crackhea


Brugge to Brussels no sprouts then mambo Italiano

sorry if you got 2 msgs re previous post Blog site said unpublished so did againthis is written the day after and its noon in Bruxelle as I was just so tired after yesterday that beauty sleep I referred to a catchup day mostly setting an alarm


This awesome dissection of internet hyperbole will make you cry and change your life | Charlie Brooker

Exaggeration is the official language of the internet. Only the most strident statements have any impact. Oversteer and oversell, all the time

The other day I was talking to a music fan who’d recently gone to see one of Kate Bush’s widely praised live appearances. Naturally I was keen to hear a first-hand account of this era-defining event, so I asked what it was like.

“The first half was great,” she said. “But the second half got a bit boring.”

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From the Editors: The Audio of Our Interview with Morrissey

British pop singer Morrissey has accused DER SPIEGEL of falsely quoting him in a recently published interview. The magazine stands behind its reporting and has made the decision to post the audio online in response.


Lessons from deploying DNSSEC in Mongolia

Guest Post: The most essential part of deploying DNSSEC was to understand what it is and how it works.

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European Union: What Brussels Can Do to Beat the Virus

The European Commission is limited in what it can do to combat the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this only makes it more imperative for Brussels to set the correct priorities.


I dressed and went for a walk -- determined not to return until I took in what Nature had to offer.

Raymond Carver, writer, poet


McDonald’s CEO expresses full confidence in chain’s meat supply

McDonald’s knows exactly where its beef is. The fast food chain’s CEO on Thursday expressed full confidence in the burger joint’s meat supply.


Ability to work from home could limit job losses - ESRI

More workers should be facilitated to work from home in order to improve their chances of retaining their jobs, according to the Economic and Social Research Institute.


Pass an essential workers’ bill of rights: During crisis, give those doing critical jobs added protections and pay

The COVID-19 crisis is laying bare our city’s extreme racial and economic inequality. Not only have communities of color borne the brunt of the pandemic, but workers of color make up 75% of New York’s essential workers, the people who are risking their health to provide the services on which we all rely.


Readers sound off on struggling small businesses, social distancing policing and solving homelessness

Lynbrook, L.I.: The news outlets have not covered the way that the smallest small businesses have been overlooked during the pandemic. As a Schedule C tax filer, I am eligible to collect Pandemic Unemployment Assistance under the CARES Act. I applied for PUA on March 16. I have been certifying for benefits every week. This entire time, my online account with the state Department of Labor says that my case is still pending.


If dairy is essential, why aren’t my rights? A N.Y. farmworker’s plea

I am proud that companies and farms are donating milk to many people. I am proud because I am one of the workers who helps produce that milk.


Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari toss Tennessee mansion back on the market

Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavalarri have chopped the price of their Tennnessee mansion to $4.95 million.


City star Walker believes he is being 'harassed'

Kyle Walker claims he is being "harassed" after admitting that he breached lockdown rules to visit his sister and parents.


Water main break in Brooklyn floods businesses, shuts down L train for three hours

The break took place near Driggs Ave. and N. 7th St. in Williamsburg about 4:30 a.m., officials said. The problem was fixed and the bulk of the flooding cleared up by 7 a.m. — not early enough to avoid rush hour disruptions in subway service.


Charges tossed against Brooklyn nail salon workers in broomstick beatdown

Two Brooklyn nail salon workers who pummeled a customer with brooms in a viral video had assault charges against them dismissed at trial – and a defense attorney says they were victims of a mob mentality fueled by elected officials.


Drivers, attendants of NYC’s biggest school bus contractor vote to authorize strike amid contract impasse

Two thousand workers from the Amalgamated Transit Union’s Local 1181 voted overwhelmingly to authorize the strike against their employer, which operates about 900 of the city’s more than 8,000 school bus routes.


CUNY, SUNY systems to cancel in-person classes for remainder of semester due to coronavirus

The college systems, which enroll a combined 700,000 students across the state, will move to a “distance learning model,” Cuomo said at a coronavirus-related press conference Wednesday.


Harlem School of the Arts closes down classes for coronavirus

The private institute offers arts classes to 4,000 students mostly in Harlem, through classes at its building and at partner schools.


3 Essential Content Promotion Tips to Get Your Content Seen

We all know the mantra, “Content is King”. It’s been drummed into our subconscious.
If we just focus on creating great content, online traffic will stampede to our virtual doors. Right?
While creating engaging and informative content is definitely important, it is only part of the equation.
If you want to reap the maximum benefits from that content, you need to know how to promote it.
Too often content promotion gets overlooked by marketers, but it is as essential as ...

The post 3 Essential Content Promotion Tips to Get Your Content Seen appeared first on RSS Feed Converter.


3 Reasons Why A Mobile-Friendly Website Design Is Essential

Online advertisers, logged off organizations, mentors, and creators are listening to all the more habitually about the need to guarantee that you have a mobile-friendly site plan. Basically, this implies that your site should naturally and powerfully conform to whichever gadget is being utilized to view the site, whether this is a cell phone, a tablet, or a desktop PC. Alterably conforming implies that the peruser does not need to make conformities physically; its done naturally.
A variable influencing this ...

The post 3 Reasons Why A Mobile-Friendly Website Design Is Essential appeared first on RSS Feed Converter.


Digital signage success stories for businesses

Digital signage allows you to promote your business services on display screens or video walls to keep your customers updated and increase sales. Your staff can view display screens whilst working, keeping them engaged on your company vision. Repeat Signage success stories include businesses across a diverse applications.


Dissecting Mechanisms of Financial Crises: Intermediation and Sentiment -- by Arvind Krishnamurthy, Wenhao Li

We develop a model of financial crises with both a financial amplification mechanism, via frictional intermediation, and a role for sentiment, via time-varying beliefs about an illiquidity state. We confront the model with data on credit spreads, equity prices, credit, and output across the financial crisis cycle. In particular, we ask the model to match data on the frothy pre-crisis behavior of asset markets and credit, the sharp transition to a crisis where asset values fall, disintermediation occurs and output falls, and the post-crisis period characterized by a slow recovery in output. We find that a pure amplification mechanism quantitatively matches the crisis and aftermath period but fails to match the pre-crisis evidence. Mixing sentiment and amplification allows the model to additionally match the pre-crisis evidence. We consider two versions of sentiment, a Bayesian belief updating process and one that overweighs recent observations. We find that both models match the crisis patterns qualitatively, generating froth pre-crisis, non-linear behavior in the crisis, and slow recovery. The non-Bayesian model improves quantitatively on the Bayesian model in matching the extent of the pre-crisis froth.


Squirrels eavesdrop on bird chatter to tell when a threat has passed

These nosy rodents may not speak bird-ese, per se, but they can still use avian chatter as a safety cue.


Invasive, flammable grasses now blanket much of the United States

New research quantifies the fire risks of eight species of invasive grass.


Anatomy professor uses 500-year-old da Vinci drawings to guide cadaver dissection

Leonardo da Vinci dissected some 30 cadavers in his lifetime, leaving behind a trove of beautiful—and accurate—anatomical drawings.


Editorial: Coronavirus isn't an excuse to rush through far-reaching laws that hurt L.A.'s businesses

The Los Angeles City Council is rushing a major law that would dictate how businesses rehire workers after layoffs.


Editorial: Is pro wrestling 'essential'? It is in Florida. And that's the way it has to be

The definition of "essential" necessarily varies by jurisdiction, and those definitions necessarily are controversial and subject to dispute.


Rob Pelinka says Lakers passed all tests, hopes for Finals exam

Rob Pelinka, the Lakers' general manager and top basketball executive, discusses the uncertain future of the NBA and potential title chase for the team.


USC loses to No. 20 Colorado and misses a shot at first place in Pac-12

The Trojans' offensive struggles continued as they fell 78-57 to the No. 20 Buffaloes at Galen Center and missed a shot at first place in the Pac-12.


USC coach Andy Enfield knows fan atmosphere in NCAA tournament will be missed

USC coach Andy Enfield knows the importance of fans' roles in events such as the NCAA tournament, which will be absent this year due to NCAA precaution on the coronavirus.


Op-Ed: How to help others during a pandemic when they're too embarrassed to ask

Asking for help can be scary and uncomfortable. If you can assist, don't wait for a request — offer help now.


Op-Ed: Millions of small businesses are about to collapse. We can't afford the mistakes we made in 2008

Saving Wall Street in the 2008 crash didn't save Main Street. We can't let that happen again.


Op-Ed: Yes, businesses have been hurt by coronavirus closures, but they won't get relief from the courts

The Supreme Court has made clear repeatedly that governments can regulate businesses to protect the public interest.


Angels' Andrew Heaney expresses disgust at Astros' cheating and lack of remorse

Angels pitcher Andrew Heaney struggled against the Houston Astros in 2018, and he's irate not only at the sign stealing but because players haven't apologized.


New Angels catcher Jason Castro survived Astros' tanking, missed trash-can banging

New Angels catcher Jason Castro played for the Astros when they lost 106 or more games three years in a row. He left Houston a year before they cheated in 2017.


Angels are running a lot this spring and manager Joe Maddon feels blessed about it

The Angels are running often this spring, with 10 stolen bases in their first 12 Cactus League games.


MLB players union discusses opening season in empty stadiums, Angels' Andrew Heaney says

Angels pitcher and union representative Andrew Heaney said the players union has discussed beginning the season by playing games without fans in ballparks.


Grocery stores seeking masks for 'essential' workers confront shortages, federal interference

Weeks after the CDC said people should use masks to curb the coronavirus, grocery stores struggle to buy them for staff, partly due to U.S. actions.


Some California businesses could reopen within weeks as state fights coronavirus, Newsom says

The first loosening of coronavirus restrictions would be for 'lower risk' businesses, including some manufacturing and small companies.


Women Bear The Brunt Of Coronavirus Job Losses

Before the coronavirus crisis, there were briefly more women on American payrolls than men. That's no longer true. Women accounted for 55% of the increase in job losses last month.


Sunday's crossword was messed up. Here's the correct version

The Sunday crossword for March 11, "Commercial Break," was published with an incorrect puzzle grid.


Supreme Court tosses Bridgegate convictions of two officials for ex-N.J. Gov. Chris Christie

The Bridgegate scandal was no crime, the Supreme Court ruled, tossing the convictions of two officials who caused a traffic jam as political punishment to then-Gov. Chris Christie’s enemies.