
Create strategic reserve for milk powder says CII

CII suggested government to consider measures such as rationalization of GST on value added products such as butter and ghee to build market resilience. CII also suggested the government to distribute liquid milk through mid-day meal schemes to ensure nutrition availability for children.


Building the skills for economic growth and competitiveness in Sri Lanka / Halil Dundar, Benoît Millot, Yevgeniya Savchenko, Harsha Aturupane and Tilkaratne A. Piyasiri

Online Resource


Réussir l'école du socle: en faisant dialoguer et coopérer les disciplines / Céline Walkowiak, Francis Blanquart

Hayden Library - LB1629.5.F815 W35 2013


Rankings and the reshaping of higher education: the battle for world-class excellence / Ellen Hazelkorn

Online Resource


India should talk directly to Taliban, says U.S. Special Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad

The territory of Afghanistan must not be used against the United States, our allies and in fact the world


Transition metal dichalcogenides for alkali metal ion batteries: engineering strategies at the atomic level

Energy Environ. Sci., 2020, 13,1096-1131
DOI: 10.1039/C9EE03549D, Review Article
Biao Chen, Dongliang Chao, Enzuo Liu, Mietek Jaroniec, Naiqin Zhao, Shi-Zhang Qiao
This review provides enriched information for understanding the charge storage mechanisms of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), as well as the importance of intrinsic structure engineering for enhancing the performance of TMDs in energy storage.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] Product Modification in Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Corn Stalk: The Decoupled Effect of Acidity and Porosity within a Core–Shell Micro-/Mesoporous Zeolite

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c01518


The metabolic pathway engineering handbook / edited by Christina D. Smolke


Biocatalysts and enzyme technology / Klaus Buchholz, Volker Kasche and Uwe T. Bornscheuer

Buchholz, Klaus, 1941-


Reporting research : a biologist's guide to articles, talks, and posters / R.S. Clymo

Clymo, R. S., author


[ASAP] Characterization of Long Linear and Branched Alkanes and Alcohols for Temperatures up to 573.15 K by Surface Light Scattering and Molecular Dynamics Simulations

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c01740


Private lab in Kolkata sealed for illegal COVID-19 tests

Government urges people to go only to approved centres.


What Mulk tells Muslims and Hindus

Mulk tells Indian Muslims they have to ensure that their children don't get involved in jihad, and at the same time tells Hindus not to doubt the patriotism of Indian Muslims, notes Syed Firdaus Ashraf.


Why should patriotic Indians be embarrassed by Mulk?

'Mulk questions the very principle, of good-Muslim exceptionalism.''That, of course, we adore Abdul Hamid, A P J Abdul Kalam and Bismillah Khan and if only more Muslims were like them.''Anubhav Sinha sticks his neck out to say that these are no exceptions.''Most Muslims are like them. It is the terrorists who are exceptions,' says Shekhar Gupta.


Fed up of Kangana's meddling, Sonu walks out of Manikarnika

'He took a lot of crap from a person who feels she knows how to direct a film.'


Usage of supercritical fluid techniques to obtain bioactive alkaloid-rich extracts from cherimoya peel and leaves: extract profiles and their correlation with antioxidant properties and acetylcholinesterase and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities

Food Funct., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0FO00342E, Paper
Oscar Galarce-Bustos, Mª Teresa Fernández-Ponce, Antonio Montes, Clara Pereyra, Lourdes Casas, Casimiro Mantell, Mario Aranda
The wastes generated by cherimoya cultivation and processing industries should be contemplated as a valuable source of bioactive alkaloids, with potential in pharmaceutical applications for the treatment or prevention of chronic diseases.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Structural and physicochemical changes in almond milk during in vitro gastric digestion: impact on the delivery of protein and lipids

Food Funct., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9FO02465D, Paper
Xin Wang, Aiqian Ye, Harjinder Singh
The gastric digestion of almond milk in a human gastric simulator resulted in major structural and physicochemical changes. The changes had significant impact on the rate of delivery of protein and lipids to the small intestine.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


The milk macromolecular peptide: preparation and evaluation of antihypertensive activity in rats

Food Funct., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0FO00151A, Paper
Pengfei Cui, Xue Yang, Yunliang Li, Qiufang Liang, Yucheng Wang, Feng Lu, John Owusu, Shanfen Huang, Xiaofeng Ren, Haile Ma
In order to avoid the discomfort of digesting milk protein and make full use of the gastrointestinal digestive function, a milk macromolecular peptide was prepared with ACE inhibitory activity after gastrointestinal digestion as the index.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Review

Even though the plot is not extraordinary, the sheer canvas on which this movie is mounted and the VFX is worth the money, applauds Imad Baig.


Bundesliga restart gives hope to other leagues: Schalke's Wagner

Bundesliga restart gives hope to other leagues: Schalke's Wagner


[ASAP] Synthesis of the 1,2,4-Thiadiazole Alkaloid Polyaurine B

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00166


[ASAP] Irpexine, an Isoindolinone Alkaloid Produced by Coculture of Endophytic Fungi, <italic toggle="yes">Irpex lacteus</italic> and <italic toggle="yes">Phaeosphaeria oryzae</italic>

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00047


[ASAP] Aromatic Esters of the Crinane Amaryllidaceae Alkaloid Ambelline as Selective Inhibitors of Butyrylcholinesterase

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b00561


[ASAP] Cytotoxic Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids from <italic toggle="yes">Tabernaemontana corymbosa</italic> as Potent Autophagy Inhibitors by the Attenuation of Lysosomal Acidification

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b00856


[ASAP] Review of Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products<source>Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products</source>, Volume 108. Edited by A. Douglas Kinghorn, Heinz Falk, Simon Gibbons, Jun’ichi Kobayashi, Yoshinori A

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00356


[ASAP] Bromo-spiroisoxazoline Alkaloids, Including an Isoserine Peptide, from the Caribbean Marine Sponge <italic toggle="yes">Aplysina lacunosa</italic>

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b01286


LIC disinvestment: 100,000 employees stage walk-out across country

There are 13 unions in LIC, and employees and officers affiliated to 11 unions were on protest


Induced fish breeding : a practical guide for hatcheries / Nihar Ranjan Chattopadhyay (Professor, Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fishery Sciences, West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Kolkata, West Bengal, India)

Chattopadhyay, Nihar Ranjan, author


Guidance, navigation, and control 2018: proceedings of the 41st Annual AAS Rocky Mountain Section Guidance and Control Conference held February 1-7, 2018, Breckenridge, Colorado / edited by Cheryl A.H. Walker

Barker Library - TL787.A244 v.164


The Strategic Defense Initiative: Ronald Reagan, NATO Europe, and the Nuclear and Space Talks, 1981-1988 / Ralph L. Dietl

Dewey Library - UG743.D54 2018


Spaceflight mechanics 2019: proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting held January 13-17, 2019, Kaanapali, Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A. / edited by Francesco Topputo, Andrew J. Sinclair, Matthew P. Wilkins, Renato Zanetti

Barker Library - TL787.A244 v.168


Guidebook for integrating collaborative partnering into traditional airport practices / Sinem Mollaoglu, Angelo Garcia, Harshavardhan Kalbhor, and Brian Polkinghorn

Barker Library - TL725.3.M2 M65 2019


Muslims talking politics: framing Islam, democracy, and law in Northern Nigeria / Brandon Kendhammer

Rotch Library - DT515.8.K46 2016


Talking environment: Vandana Shiva in conversation with Ramin Jahanbegloo.

Rotch Library - HQ1194.J34 2013


Challenges of affordable housing finance in IDB member countries using Islamic modes / Nasim Shah Shirazi, IRTI, Muhammad Zulkhibri, ERPD, Salman Syed Ali, IRTI ; in collaboration with Shape Financial Corp

Rotch Library - HD7371.7.A4 S45 2012


The Ottoman culture of defeat: the Balkan Wars and their aftermath / Eyal Ginio

Rotch Library - DR46.A3 G56 2016


Spaces on the move and obliteration of identities: rebirth of space and identity / Tuğba Aydin, Mohammed Belbacha, Abdella El Boubekri, Mohamed Dellal, Mohamed Elkouche, editors = Herekeltli Mekanlar ve Aşınan Kimlikler: Mekan ve Kimliğin Yeniden Doğuşu

Rotch Library - BF697.S68 2015


The dream: a diary of the film / Mohammad Malas ; introduced and annotated by Samirah Alkassim

Rotch Library - PN1995.9.P24 M3513 2016


Urban Muslim migrants in Istanbul: identity and trauma among Balkan immigrants / Frances Trix

Rotch Library - DR727.M87 T75 2017


Europe's Balkan Muslims: a new history / Nathalie Clayer, Xavier Bougarel ; translated by Andrew Kirby

Rotch Library - BP65.B28 C5313 2017


Abdulkader Arnaout: designing as visual poetry: a pioneer of graphic design in Syria / Yasmine Nachabe Taan

Rotch Library - NC999.6.S95 A7638 2017


Political change in the Middle East and North Africa: after the Arab Spring / edited by Inmaculada Szmolka

Rotch Library - JQ1850.A91 P65 2017


Uluslararası Diyarbakır surları sempozyumu: International symposium of the city walls of Diyarbakır / editörler, Yrd. Doç. Dr. F. Meral Halifeoğlu, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Neslihan Dalkılıç

Rotch Library - NA497.T9 U58 2012


Balkanlardaki Türk mimari eserlerinden örnekler / Ömer Turan, Mehmet Z. İbrahimgil

Rotch Library - NA499.T87 2004


Mega cities, mega challenge: informal dynamics of global change: insights from Dhaka, Bangladesh and Pearl River Delta, China / Frauke Kraas, Kirsten Hackenbroch, Harald Sterly, Jost Heintzenberg, Peter Herrle and Volker Kreibich (eds.)

Rotch Library - HT169.B342 D435 2019


Balkrishna Doshi: architecture for the people / concept, Mateo Kries, Kushnu Panthaki Hoof, Jolanthe Kugler ; editors, Jolanthe Kugler, Khushnu Panthaki Hoof, Meike Wolfschlag ; authors, Samanth Subramanian [and 9 others] ; photographers Iwan Baan [and 3

Rotch Library - NA1510.D722 A4 2019


Srinagar: an architectural legacy / Feisal Alkazi

Rotch Library - DS486.S666 A45 2014


Talking architecture / Raj Rewal in conversation with Ramin Jahanbegloo

Rotch Library - NA1510.R48 T35 2019