Dr. Fauci Enters 'Modified' Quarantine After Possible COVID-19 Exposure

Dr. Fauci is headed for self-isolation -- a tweaked version, that is -- after a White House staffer tested positive for coronavirus ... but he's only doing so as a precaution. The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious…


FDA Chief Self-Quarantines After Exposure to Person With COVID-19

After the contact, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn immediately took a diagnostic test for COVID-19 and tested negative. He wrote a note to staff that he is in self-quaratine for the next 2 weeks.
Reuters Health Information


COVID-19 in ICE Facilities Could Overwhelm Local ICUs

Results from a new modeling study, along with news of the first reported death of an ICE detainee, increase concerns among experts who fear local hospitals may be unable to care for those who need it.
Medscape Medical News


COVID-19 Daily: States Get Remdesivir, ICE Center Death

These are the coronavirus stories you need to know about today.
Medscape Medical News


For Most States, At Least A Third Of COVID-19 Deaths Are In Long-Term Care Facilities

The report comes as the government announced all states must now meet federal reporting guidelines. The type of information gathered by states up to now has been inconsistent.


A Liberal East Coast Science Writer Talks to a Pro-Trump Texan Strength Coach about COVID-19

A weight-lifting guru, author and podcaster calls the U.S. response to the pandemic an “exercise in hysteria" that might do more harm than good

-- Read more on ScientificAmerican.com


U.S. to allow states to distribute Gilead's remdesivir to fight COVID-19

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said on Saturday it would allow state health departments to distribute Gilead Sciences Inc's remdesivir drug to fight COVID-19, and the United States would receive about 40% of the drug maker's global donation.


Rare syndrome tied to COVID-19 kills three children in New York, Cuomo says

Three children in New York have died from a rare inflammatory syndrome believed to be linked to the novel coronavirus, Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Saturday, a development that may augur a pandemic risk for the very young.


Three key U.S. coronavirus officials in self-quarantine after COVID-19 exposure

Three senior officials guiding the U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic were in self-quarantine on Saturday after coming into contact with someone who had tested positive for the disease, their agencies and spokesmen said.


34 more test positive for COVID-19 in Bihar, total count 629

​​Of the 34, 11 hail from Begusarai, seven each from Saharsa and Madhepura, five, including a woman, from Rohtas, two from Darbhanga and one each from Khagaria and Araria districts.


Cricketers will have to live with dangers of COVID-19: Gautam Gambhir

"I don't think a lot of rules and regulations will be changed, you can probably have an alternate for the usage of saliva - apart from that I don't think so many changes will happen," Gambhir told Star Sports.


We had to be careful to ensure athletes remain free from COVID-19: Rijiju

Rijiju had already said that his ministry was devising a plan for a phased resumption of national camps for Olympic-bound athletes, starting with the athletes currently based at NIS Patiala and SAI Centre in Bengaluru by the end of this month.


Elon Musk threatens to move Tesla HQ out of California over Covid-19 restrictions

Tesla sues state authorities over lockdown after Fremont factory stopped from reopening

Tesla is suing local authorities in California as the electric carmaker pushes to reopen its factory there and chief executive Elon Musk threatens to move the company’s headquarters to Texas or Nevada.

Musk has been pushing to reopen Tesla’s Fremont, California, factory after Alameda County’s health department said the carmaker must not reopen because local lockdown measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus remain in effect.

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Мясной Бор. 1989 г.

Одно из самых страшных мест Второй мировой войны.
Мясной Бор — деревня в Новгородской области, недалеко от границы с Ленинградской обл., где в январе — марте 1942 г. в ходе кровопролитных сражений была окружена и погибла 2–ая ударная армия Волховского фронта, под командованием генерала Власова (того самого), пытавшаяся прорвать блокаду Ленинграда. По разным оценкам погибло от 50 до 130 тыс. человек. Около 30 тысяч попало в плен.
Армия дралась вообще без всякого снабжения в промёрзших ледяных болотах, питаясь мертвыми лошадьми и корой с деревьев. К чести генерала, надо отметить, что он отказался эвакуироваться последним самолетом, предпочтя разделить участь со своими солдатами.

Написал JIMM на porebrik.d3.ru / комментировать


Император Александр II в своем кабинете. Фотошоп 19 века.

Фото Императора Александра II в интерьере своего кабинета в Зимнем дворце. Фотоателье “Левицкий и сын”, Санкт–Петербург, 1877–1881 гг. Отсюда. По общему мнению — фотошоп (или коллаж) 19 века. Обсуждение здесь.

Написал xarms на cabinet.d3.ru / комментировать


Боно и Стинг, июнь 1986 года, США

В июне 1986 состоялось несколько концертов под лозунгом "A Conspiracy of Hope", организованных Amnesty International. Хэдлайнерами этих выступлений были Боно, Стинг и Брайан Адамс. Также принимали участие такие музыканты как Лу Рид и Питре Гэйбриел.

А сегодня бессменному лидеру группы U2 исполняется 60.

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Обращение к гражданам, перенесшим COVID–19


Уважаемые пациенты, перенесшие COVID–19!

Пациенты с критическим течением COVID–19 нуждаются в Вашей помощи и поддержке!

На базе ФГБУ «НМИЦ радиологии» Минздрава России с 24 апреля 2020 года работает COVID–центр, где проводятся клинические исследования безопасности и эффективности плазмы реконвалесцентов (выздоровевших) для лечения тяжелых форм COVID–19.

Убедительная просьба к тем гражданам, кто перенес COVID–19 (подтвержденный с помощью ПЦР исследования, КТ легких), позвонить по телефону +7 (495) 945–67–27

Вас попросят ответить на несколько вопросов и, если Вы соответствуете критериям включения в исследование в качестве донора, Вас пригласят стать донором плазмы.

Так же, в случае согласия стать донором и сдать свою кровь для исследования, можно написать на почту 13opk@mail.ru

Вместе мы спасём пациентов с критическим течением COVID–19!

Служба крови ФГБУ «НМИЦ радиологии» Минздрава России

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Александр Матвеевич Понятов и первый в мире видеомагнитофон VRX–1000, 1956 год, США


Александр Понятов (1892–1980) — американский инженер, основатель и президент компании Ampex, которая выпустила в 1956 году первый коммерческий видеомагнитофон. До появления этого изобретения единственным способом записи телепередач была съемка кинескопа на пленку, что давало посредственное качество изображения и было дорогостоящим. Так многие ранние телепередачи вообще не попали в архивы. С помощью видеомагнитофона стало возможным записывать передачи и транслировать их через несколько часов в другом часовом поясе. Изобретение было настолько революционным, что коллектив авторов VRX–1000 получил в 1957 году премию «Эмми».

Александр Матвеевич — выходец из крестьянской (позже купеческой) семьи Казанской губернии, учился в ИМТУ и в Германии, ветеран Первой мировой, воевал в Белой армии, иммигрировал в Китай, позже жил во Франции, затем стал гражданином США. Будучи уже 50–летним инженером, в 1944 организовал в своем гараже в Сан–Франциско фирму AMPEX (Alexander М. Poniatoff EXcellence), которая сначала работала на оборонку. После войны Ampex занялась выпуском аудиомагнитофонов. С 1951 года фирма вела разработку технологии записи видео на магнитную ленту и к 1956 представила первый серийный коммерческий образец видеомагнитофона, который опережал прототипы конкурентов: в Ampex VRX–1000 вместо того, чтобы увеличивать скорость движения магнитной ленты, магнитные головки в видеокамере и видеомагнитофоне закреплены на вращающемся с высокой скоростью барабане, что позволило значительно снизить скорость лентопротяжного механизма (а значит, и расход ленты).

На видеопленку Ampex в частности записаны «кухонные дебаты» Никсона и Хрущева (ч1 ч2).
В самом СССР из–за эмбарго пришлось самостоятельно разработать свой видеомагнитофон в 1958–1960 гг.

Написал Fenix на historyporn.d3.ru / комментировать


TDS Deducted sec 194 N Claiming rules

Dear All,TDS Deducted Sec 194 - N , F.Y 2.019-2020 . Can we Claim refund Please clarify


Technical Fees 194J -2%

What will be covered under Technical Fees @ 2% TDS Rate. Whether a Tally Software service provider will be under this Technical Fees and i have to deduct 2% or no ?Whether I.T service provider will be covered under Technical Fees and i have to deduct 2% or no ?


Covid-19: Fewer than 100 new deaths in France as hospitalisations continue to fall

French health officials on Saturday announced another 80 deaths from the new coronavirus, the lowest figure recorded over 24 hours since early April.


Countries set to lift lockdown measures as world’s Covid-19 cases surpass 4 million

The number of coronavirus cases worldwide topped four million as some of the hardest-hit countries readied Sunday to lift lockdown restrictions, despite concerns about a second wave of infections.


‘We’re afraid of tomorrow’: Syrian refugees face hunger, poverty amid Covid-19 downturns

Ahmad al-Mostafa can't afford milk for his baby daughter. A Syrian refugee, he has barely been able to feed his family since Lebanon sank into economic crisis last year. But now, a coronavirus lockdown has made things even worse.


France prepares to ease Covid-19 lockdown: What you need to know

On Thursday, the French government confirmed that the country will begin a “gradual” easing of its Covid-19 lockdown measures on Monday, May 11. Here’s everything you need to know about the restrictions being lifted.


Seoul mayor orders bars, clubs shut after new Covid-19 cases in South Korea

South Korea's capital has ordered the closure of all clubs and bars after a burst of new cases sparked fears of a second coronavirus wave as President Moon Jae-in urged the public to remain vigilant.


PSG's record £198m splurge on Neymar will stand for years as symbol of crisis | Jonathan Wilson

Elite clubs will prey on desperate ones in the hunt for bargains as the game reels from its biggest financial hit since the 1930s

Even at the time – in 2017 – the fee Paris Saint-Germain paid Barcelona for Neymar was extraordinary: £198m was 125% more than the previous record, set a year earlier when Manchester United had signed Paul Pogba from Juventus. Transfer records simply aren’t broken by that amount in the usual run of things. It was a statement signing, a deal designed not only to land the player, but to emphasise PSG’s financial power, to highlight their status as a super-club while inflating the market to a level at which only the mega-rich could compete.

Three years on, with football suspended across the globe and major leagues desperately seeking ways to get games on to stave off financial apocalypse, the world looks very different. A model predicated on constant growth has received an abrupt shock.

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New York warns of children's illness linked to Covid-19 after three deaths

State reports 73 cases of children falling severely ill with toxic shock-like reaction that has symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease

The deaths of three children in New York of inflammatory complications possibly linked to Covid-19 has prompted Andrew Cuomo, the state’s governor, to warn of “an entirely different chapter” of a disease that had been believed to cause only mild symptoms in children.

The governor reported the first death, of a five-year old boy, on Friday. At his morning press conference on Saturday, Cuomo raised the number of fatalities to three, after the death of a seven-year-old and a teenager.

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'It isn't over': South Korea records 34 new Covid-19 cases, the highest in a month

Twenty-six of the new coronavirus cases were domestically transmitted, including 14 in Seoul

South Korea has reported 34 new coronavirus cases, the highest daily number in a month, after a small outbreak emerged around a slew of nightclubs that a confirmed patient had visited.

Of the new cases announced on Sunday, 26 were domestically transmitted infections and eight were imported cases, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) said.

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100 days later: How did Britain fail so badly in dealing with Covid-19?

Since the UK confirmed its first case, its response has proved one of the least effective

It is 100 days since the first coronavirus case was confirmed in the UK on 31 January. The official death toll so far from the epidemic has topped 33,000 and is still rising fast. The actual total could be far higher, many analysts say – leaving Britain among the countries hit hardest by Covid-19.

The government has struggled to get on top of the crisis, facing growing criticism for its lack of early preparation to tackle the virus, its abrupt shifts in strategy, its failure to provide adequate protective equipment for its medical staff and other key workers, and its inability to organise testing on the scale that many say is vital.

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Coronavirus live news: three White House Covid-19 taskforce members go into self-quarantine

Anthony Fauci and top advisers from CDC and FDA to work remotely because of potential exposure to Covid-19; global cases pass 4 million; Russia cases approach 200,000. Follow the latest updates

A navy ship carrying evacuees from the Maldives arrived in India today as part of an effort to bring home hundreds of thousands of nationals stranded overseas due to the coronavirus lockdown.

Workers and students were unable to return home after India banned all incoming international flights in late March as part of the world’s biggest lockdown to combat the spread of the deadly infectious disease.

Malaysia’s government extended the time frame for movement and business curbs by another four weeks to 9 June, amid a gradual reopening of economic activity stunted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Earlier this week, businesses were allowed to resume business as usual, albeit under strict health guidelines, after having to close shop for two months as health authorities worked to contain the pandemic. Malaysia has so far reported 6,589 cases with 108 deaths.

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Coronavirus: UK sent 50,000 Covid-19 samples to US for testing

The government says "operational issues" in the UK meant 50,000 samples had to be flown to US labs.


UK to launch Covid-19 alert system

Boris Johnson is also expected to unveil a new message to "stay alert, control the virus, save lives".


Sazae-san Anime Delays New Episodes For 1st Time in 45 Years Due to COVID-19

Japan's #1 TV anime & world's longest animated show halted recordings in April


Coronavirus in Delhi: School teacher involved in distributing ration tests COVID-19 positive

Coronavirus Delhi update: The teacher had last come to school on April 28 and started showing COVID-19 symptoms from May 2. His test report came on Friday


Coronavirus crisis: Elon Musk threatens to move Tesla HQ out of California over COVID-19 curbs

Musk has been ranting about the stay-home order since the company's April 29 first-quarter earnings were released, calling the restrictions fascist and urging governments to stop taking people's freedom


Zoa Morani donates blood for COVID-19 plasmatherapy

Producer Karim Morani's daughter Zoa Morani donated her blood for plasmatherapy trials for COVID-19 treatment at Mumbai's Nair hospital. Zoa, who has recently recovered from coronavirus along with her father Karim Morani and sister Shaza Morani, took to Instagram to inform everyone about her blood donation. She also mentioned that any person who has recovered from COVID-19, can take part in the cause.

"Donated my blood today for the #plasmatherapy trials at #nairhospital.. it was fascinating!!! Always a silver lining i suppose... the team there was so enthusiastic and careful. There was a general physician on standby just incase of emergency and the equipment brand new and safe!!! All #Covid19 recovered people can be a part of this trial, to help others covid patients recover! Thank you Dr Jayanti Shastri and Dr Ramesh Waghmare for taking such good care of me.. hope this works #covidrecovery #IndiaFightsCorona," shared Zoa on Instagram on Saturday evening.

View this post on Instagram

Donated my blood today for the #plasmatherapy trials at #nairhospital .. it was fascinating !!! Always a silver lining i suppose ... the team there was so enthusiastic and careful. There was a general physician on standby just incase of emergency and the equipment brand new and safe !!! All #Covid19 recovered people can be a part of this trial , to help others covid patients recover ! Thank you Dr Jayanti Shastri and Dr Ramesh Waghmare for taking such good care of me .. hope this works 🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽 #covidrecovery #IndiaFightsCorona They even gave me a certificate and 500 rs , Wont lie , i felt super cool today ☺ï¸Â

A post shared by Zoa💫 (@zoamorani) onMay 9, 2020 at 6:22am PDT

Zoa shared photographs from the hospital clicked during and after her blood donation.

She also informed in her post that her blood donation has been acknowledged with a certificate and a Rs-500 remittance by the hospital and she feels "super cool" about it!

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Triple antiviral drug combo shows promise for treating COVID-19

A two-week course of antiviral therapy that combines the power of three drugs has shown promise in treating hospitalised patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 in a carefully undertaken phase 2 clinical trial.

The results of the trial, published in the journal The Lancet, involved 127 adults from six public hospitals in Hong Kong.

The drug combination tested in the trial included interferon beta-1b, which was developed to treat multiple sclerosis (MS), and lopinavir-ritonavir, which is normally used to treat HIV and ribavirin, an oral hepatitis C virus drug.

The findings of the phase two trial provided evidence that early treatment with triple antiviral therapy alongside standard care is safe and shortens duration of viral shedding (when the virus is detectable and potentially transmissible) compared to lopinavir-ritonavir alone—average seven days vs 12 days—in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.

"Our trial demonstrates that early treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 with a triple combination of antiviral drugs may rapidly suppress the amount of virus in a patient's body, relieve symptoms, and reduce the risk to healthcare workers by reducing the duration and quantity of viral shedding," said professor Kwok-Yung Yuen from the University of Hong Kong who led the research.

No new cases in Hong Kong as restrictions ease

Hong Kong recorded no new COVID-19 case on Saturday, a day after the city eased restrictions. Saturday was also the 20th day in a row with no local infections. Health experts earlier suggested that Hong Kong could be considered to be free of local transmission if there were no such cases after 28 days.

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