
Dusen Dusen + Jen Stark’s Psychedelic Collab Of Summer-Ready Accessories

Designed for Waves Wine, the new terry-cloth beach towel + tote bag is a fusion of Ellen Van Dusen, of Dusen Dusen, and Jen Stark’s signature creative styles.


F5: Tyler Deeb’s Appreciation for Tetris, NYC, Soup Dumplings + More

Tyler Deeb, founder of Misc. Goods Co., joins us for Friday Five to talk about how he relaxes, what city makes him feel most alive, a favorite way to hang + more!


The FOCX PIONEER Wallet Could Be the Sleekest Compact Wallet Out

Looking for a high-end, compact wallet with modern tech features? The minimalist FOCX PIONEER wallet could be the new wallet for you.


Freedom and voting power

Abstract This paper proposes a method of evaluating elections in terms of freedom of choice. It evaluates voting institutions in terms of their allocation of control. Formally, the paper develops the symmetric power order, a measure of voting power for multicandidate elections. The measure generalizes standard pivotality-based voting power measures for binary elections, such as […]

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Narrative construction of vocational identity in university students: The role of influential experiences and significant others in the framework of cultural psychology

Culture &Psychology, Ahead of Print. This study sought to understand the process of construction of the vocational identity of university students. Assuming cultural psychology as a theoretical reference, a qualitative methodology was adopted, with a narrative perspective. In-depth interviews were conducted with 20 participants, male and female engineering, and psychology students from two universities in […]

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Evidence-based group therapy for eating disorders.

Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, Vol 28(3), Sep 2024, 163-177; doi:10.1037/gdn0000221 Objective: The goal was to identify evidence-based group psychotherapy for adults with anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), and binge-eating disorder (BED). Method: We reviewed randomized controlled trials of group psychotherapy for clinical samples of adults diagnosed with AN, BN, and BED published […]

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Bayes in the Age of Intelligent Machines

Current Directions in Psychological Science, Ahead of Print. The success of methods based on artificial neural networks in creating intelligent machines seems like it might pose a challenge to explanations of human cognition in terms of Bayesian inference. We argue that this is not the case and that these systems in fact offer new opportunities […]

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Associations of Racial Equity Training, Policies, and Practices With Routine Supervision Strategies in Community Corrections

Criminal Justice and Behavior, Ahead of Print. Community corrections agencies across the United States are adopting racial equity as a priority in their polices, practices, and staff training, though how racial equity can be translated into the routine practices of probation and parole officers has not been widely discussed. This study examines the associations of […]

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Population-Level Administrative Data: A Resource to Advance Psychological Science

Current Directions in Psychological Science, Ahead of Print. Population-level administrative data—data on individuals’ interactions with administrative systems, such as health-care, social-welfare, criminal-justice, and education systems—are a fruitful resource for research into behavior, development, and well-being. However, administrative data are underutilized in psychological science. Here, we review advantages of population-level administrative data for psychological research and […]

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Traces of Our Past: The Social Representation of the Physical World

Current Directions in Psychological Science, Ahead of Print. How do humans build and navigate their complex social world? Standard theoretical frameworks often attribute this success to a foundational capacity to analyze other people’s appearance and behavior to make inferences about their unobservable mental states. Here we argue that this picture is incomplete. Human behavior leaves […]

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A Comparison of Perspectives of Inmates vs. Staff in Determining Critical Content for Occupational Therapy Transitional Programming with Female Inmates

Volume 34, Issue 5, September-October 2024, Page 323-347. Read the full article ›

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Conspiracy Theories: Groups, Ideology, and Status as Three Distinct Bases for Expressions in Society

Current Directions in Psychological Science, Ahead of Print. Conspiracy theories have been treated mostly as a homogeneous phenomenon in empirical research. However, to fully understand their causes and consequences, a multifaceted approach to conspiracy theories would be useful. Here, we propose an organizational framework with three facets (groups, ideology, and status) to conceptualize conspiracy theories. […]

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Analysis of Ohio Advanced Practice Registered Nurses’ Rate of Prescribing Naltrexone for Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder Since Elimination of the X-Waiver

Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Ahead of Print. Background:Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is common and deadly. Naltrexone is a treatment for AUD. Previous research examined factors that predict Ohio Advanced Practice Registered Nurses’ (APRNs) utilization of naltrexone to treat AUD. Inclusion criteria included APRNs’ endorsing receipt of the X-waiver, a designation indicating providers’ […]

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Estimating Test-Retest Reliability in the Presence of Self-Selection Bias and Learning/Practice Effects

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print. Test-retest reliability is often estimated using naturally occurring data from test repeaters. In settings such as admissions testing, test takers choose if and when to retake an assessment. This self-selection can bias estimates of test-retest reliability because individuals who choose to retest are typically unrepresentative of the broader testing […]

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“I Don’t Just Take Whatever They Hand to Me”: How Women Recently Released from Incarceration Access Internet Health Information

Volume 34, Issue 5, September-October 2024, Page 306-322. Read the full article ›

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Disability Inclusion in Development Efforts: Analyzing the United States Agency for International Development’s Funding Solicitations for Evidence of Inclusive Practices

Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Ahead of Print. In 1997, the United States Agency for International Development established a policy focused on including people with disabilities in its development efforts. For the past two decades, this initiative has been echoed globally, yet research on its effectiveness remains limited. This study revisits a previous 2015 analysis […]

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One Size Does Not Fit All: Unraveling Item Response Process Heterogeneity Using the Mixture Dominance-Unfolding Model (MixDUM)

Organizational Research Methods, Ahead of Print. When modeling responses to items measuring non-cognitive constructs that require introspection (e.g., personality, attitude), most studies have assumed that respondents follow the same item response process—either a dominance or an unfolding one. Nevertheless, the results are not equivocal, as some preliminary evidence suggests that some people use an unfolding […]

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Ethical leaders’ search for meaning: Ancient Confucian wisdom in Modern East Asia

Culture &Psychology, Ahead of Print. In secular Western societies, individuals often embark on an autonomous quest for meaning in life, which, however, can lead to frustration. In contrast, many East Asian ethical leaders draw on age-old teachings to find fulfillment—an underexplored topic that merits further investigation. By analyzing ancient Confucian tenets and the discourses of […]

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“The Soul Recognizes Itself in Somebody Else”: The Healing Value of Forgiveness among Formerly Incarcerated People in the Profession Practice of Peer-Support

The Prison Journal, Ahead of Print. The present study focuses on perceptions of forgiveness among formerly incarcerated people engaged in peer-support roles, based on their lived experience and referred to as wounded healers. Participants were 26 men and women with a history of addiction, trauma, and incarceration who are employed in formal peer-support positions and […]

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A qualitative study exploring participants experiences of the Mental Imagery for Suicidality in Students Trial

Abstract Objectives Higher education students experience elevated levels of suicidal ideation, but often face barriers in accessing support. The Mental Imagery for Suicidality in Students Trial (MISST; ISRCTN13621293; NCT05296538) tested the feasibility and acceptability of a six-session imagery-based approach called Broad-Minded Affective Coping (BMAC). This qualitative evaluation explored the experiences of MISST participants and staff. […]

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Commentary: What Is the Breadth of “Educational Measurement?”

Abstract The work of educational measurement is a highly collaborative endeavor that brings together professionals from many disciplines. While the introduction of the “Foundational Competencies in Educational Measurement” acknowledges this, the explanation of the framework itself falls short in acknowledging the competencies and skills of those from disciplines other than psychometrics, such as content development […]

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Using Legitimation Code Theory to explore knowledge building in English medium higher education teaching: methodological challenges and innovations

Volume 29, Issue 7, October 2024. Read the full article ›

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Effects of creative movement, general movement, or seated play interventions on motor performance in children with autism spectrum disorder: A pilot randomized controlled trial

Publication date: January 2025 Source: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Volume 119 Author(s): W.C. Su, S. Srinivasan, A.N. Bhat Read the full article ›

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Examining the reciprocal associations between symptoms of depression and anxiety and contact with the criminal justice system

Abstract Background Taken together, prior publications on the association between symptoms of depression and anxiety and contact with the criminal justice system (CJS) suggest a bi-directional relationship, but all the studies only focus on one direction in this relationship. Aims To examine, in longitudinally collected data, period-specific within-individual change in anxiety and depression measures preceding […]

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Peripersonal Space Plasticity in Relation to Psychopathology and Anomalous Subjective Experiences in Individuals With Early‐Onset and Adult‐Onset Schizophrenia

ABSTRACT Introduction Individuals with schizophrenia present anomalies in the extension and plasticity of the peripersonal space (PPS), the section of space surrounding the body, shaped through motor experiences. A weak multisensory integration in PPS would contribute to an impairment of self-embodiment processing, a core feature of the disorder linked to specific subjective experiences. In this […]

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