
Customs Amendment (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Implementation) Bill 2018 [Provisions] ; Customs Tariff Amendment (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Implementation) Bill 2018 [Pr

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, author, issuing body


Australian Citizenship Legislation Amendment (Strengthening the Commitments for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2018 / Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, author, issuing body


Freedom of Speech Legislation Amendment (Censorship) Bill 2018, Freedom of Speech Legislation Amendment (Insult and Offend) Bill 2018, Freedom of Speech Legislation Amendment (Security) Bill 2018 / Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, author, issuing body


Advisory Report on the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Strengthening the Citizenship Loss Provisions) Bill 2018 / Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

Australia. Parliament. Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, author, issuing body


Brown & Marriott's ADR principles and practice / Dr Shirley A. Shipman, Benjamin D. Waters, William Wood

Shipman, Shirley, 1957- author


Report to the Attorney-General : review of the operation, effectiveness and implications of terrorism-related citizenship loss provisions contained in the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 / Dr James Renwick SC

Renwick, James, 1963- author


A Center for History and Citizenship

Colonial Williamsburg rises to meet the future with a new mission as a Center for History and Citizenship. Foundation President Colin Campbell describes the shift.


Violence over tree ownership leads to tension in Pratapgarh

  • DO NOT USE Uttar Pradesh
  • India


Austrian perspectives on entrepreneurship, strategy, and organization / Nicolai J. Foss, Peter G. Klein, Matthew McCaffrey.

Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2019.


Government incentives for entrepreneurship [electronic resource] / Josh Lerner

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020


Innovation and entrepreneurship in housing [electronic resource] / Edward Kung

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020


All about Bhoot Part 1: The Haunted Ship

All you wanted to know about Bhoot Part 1: The Haunted Ship.


Fear of falling and its relationship to depression and anxiety in older adults living in the community and in extended care facilities in Australia / Jacinta Hatton

Hatton, Jacinta, author


Women, Leadership, and Asian Economic Performance

In an era of slowing economic growth, Asian countries face an imperative to boost productivity. One possible source of economic revitalization would be to make better use of women in the labor force. Although female representation in corporate leadership has been rising gradually over time, as of 2017, women comprised only 16 percent of executive officers and 11 percent of board members in publicly listed firms in Asia. Research shows that Asian firms with female executive officers and board members perform better in terms of net profit margin and return on assets than firms that lack females in leadership positions. Public policy can improve this gender gap. For one thing, countries that produce large numbers of female college graduates in fields such as law, business, or economics tend to generate more female corporate executives.

Refer to the Appendix for additional data and a detailed exposition of data collection and cleaning.


Reinventing citizenship [electronic resource] : Black Los Angeles, Korean Kawasaki, and community participation / Kazuyo Tsuchiya

Tsuchiya, Kazuyo


Immigrant farmworkers and citizenship in rural California [electronic resource] : playing soccer in the San Joaquin Valley / Hugo Santos-Gomez

Santos Gómez, Hugo


Leadership and organization for community prevention and intervention in Venezuela [electronic resource] / Maritza Montero, editor


Urban governance and democracy [electronic resource] : leadership and community involvement / edited by Michael Haus, Hubert Heinelt and Murray Stewart


Relationships (Western Australia. Mental Health Services. Community Development Centre)


Higher education beyond job creation [electronic resource] : universities, citizenship, and community / Thomas A. Bryer

Bryer, Thomas A., 1978-


Social youth entrepreneurship [electronic resource] : the potential for youth and community transformation / by Melvin Delgado

Delgado, Melvin


Community-based entrepreneurship and rural development [electronic resource] : creating favourable conditions for small businesses in Central Europe / by Matthias Fink, Stephan Loidl, and Richard Lang

Fink, Matthias


Materials engineering: bonding, structure, and structure-property relationships / Susan Trolier-McKinstry, Pennsylvania State University, Robert E. Newnham, Pennsylvania State University

Barker Library - TA403.T746 2018


Organizational culture and leadership / Edgar H. Schein with Peter Schein

Schein, Edgar H., author


The leadership experience / Richard L. Daft, with the assistance of Patricia G. Lane

Daft, Richard L., author


Defence Amendment (Sovereign Naval Shipbuilding) Bill 2018 / The Senate, Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee, author, issuing body


International entrepreneurship : starting, developing, and managing a global venture / Robert D. Hisrich

Hisrich, Robert D, author


CSR, sustainability, and leadership / edited by Gabriel Eweje and Ralph J. Bathurst


CSR 2.0 and the new era of corporate citizenship / Mark Anthony Camilleri (University of Malta, Malta), [editor]


Innovation and entrepreneurship : creating new value / Danny Samson, Marianne Gloet

Samson, Danny, author


Understanding social entrepreneurship : the relentless pursuit of mission in an ever changing world / Jill Kickul, Thomas S. Lyons

Kickul, Jill R., author


HC advocates help AAP membership swell, 15,000 join in Kolkata so far

The cell would be formally set up after January 26, as the membership drive is going on, Bhattacharjee said.


Theatricality, dark tourism and ethical spectatorship : absent others / Emma Willis

Willis, Emma, author


Disability, public space performance and spectatorship : unconscious performers / Bree Hadley

Hadley, Bree, author


Feminist visions and queer futures in postcolonial drama : community, kinship, and citizenship / Kanika Batra

Batra, Kanika, 1972-


Cultivating leadership in schools : connecting people, purpose, and practice / Gordon A. Donaldson, Jr. ; foreword by Michael G. Fullan.

New York : Teachers College Press, ©2001


Collaborative creativity : educating for creative development, innovation, and entrepreneurship / Robert Kelly.

Edmonton, Alberta : Brush Education Inc., 2020


Teen Technorati - 2014 Thiel Fellowship Documentary Series Teaser

Watch a preview of our new documentary series, Teen Technorati, which follows 40 students under the age of 20 as they compete for a Thiel Fellowship. Created by investor Peter Thiel, the $2 million fund awards $100,000 to 20 winners who will have to drop out of school to further develop their individual medical, technology, and design-based projects. From team challenges to a lightning pitch in front of the judges, see who makes the cut as the next generation of young, innovative entrepreneurs.


Teen Technorati - Meet the 2014 Thiel Fellowship Finalists

20 winners. $100,000 each. The chance to bring an idea to life. We follow 40 student finalists as they compete for a coveted and controversial Thiel Fellowship. Their projects range from cancer research to new app technology, but there's just one catch if they win—they'll have to drop out of school. Meet the 2014 Thiel Fellowship finalists.


Teen Technorati - The Thiel Fellowship Finalists Go One-on-One with the Mentors

The lightning pitches are over, but the finalists continue to sweat in the mentor matches. Judges and industry head honchos meet with each of the 40 students to find out more about their projects. Can the fellowship finalists effectively articulate their concepts and business plans, or will the tough questions and high-pressure one-on-ones prove to be too much?


Teen Technorati - The Thiel Fellowship Finalists Leave S.F. & Head Back to Reality

After a weekend of activities and final pitches, the 40 students get ready to pack up their things and head back to reality until the 20 fellowships are awarded. In this episode, the students reflect back on what they’ve learned over the past few days, and what they’ll do if chosen as a 2014 Thiel Fellow.


Teen Technorati - Talking with Darby Schumacher, the 18-Year-Old Thiel Fellowship Finalist Who Wants to Prevent SIDS

Eighteen-year-old Darby Schumacher is trying to create a safer and healthier world for newborns. The 2014 Thiel Fellowship finalist is working to develop an alert system that tracks vital signs in babies to help combat Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The Tennessee native explains what prompted her to start the project and why she wants to become an entrepreneur.


The Window - Goodyear Blimp Part 1: A New Airship Takes to the Skies

We go inside the latest addition to a fleet of lighter-than-air vehicles—the most advanced blimp in the air.


The Window - Goodyear Blimp Part 2: How Many Pilots Does it Take to Fly the New Goodyear Airship?

Find out how the tech, aviation, and design of Goodyear's new airship stack up to its predecessors.


The Window - Goodyear Blimp Part 3: From Zeppelin to Goodyear: Discover the History & Future of Airships

Blimps have come along way from the Zeppelin days; find out what's in store for the future of Goodyear's new airships.


Virgin Galactic's New SpaceShipTwo Puts it Back in the Space Race

Virgin Galactic unveiled its new SpaceShipTwo shuttle designed to more safely bring tourists on sub-orbital space flights.


The Independence Day: Resurgence Spaceship Has Its Own Gravity.

In the trailer for Independence Day: Resurgence, the alien spacecraft seems to rip buildings from the ground using gravitational force. Is that physically possible? Nope. But that didn't stop us from calculating the mass it would need in order to destroy Earth.


The Beautiful Relationship Between Physics and Jazz

Stephon Alexander is a theoretical physicist, but he's also a jazz fanatic whose musical obsession has helped him better understand the world of cosmology, quantum gravity and particle physics.


NASA Fact-Checks Star Trek's Starship Enterprise

Warp speed, deflector shields, teletransportation-- what's real and what's not in Star Trek? No one better to tell us than NASA's engineers at the Jet Propulsion Lab.


Take a Tour of the Most Tricked-Out Science Ship in America

This 238-foot beauty isn’t just oddly comfortable—it comes equipped with some serious tech for some serious oceanography.