
Dovolená v Alpách i na Jadranu se přece jen rýsuje, levnější nebude

Koronavirová pandemie srazila návštěvnost v turistických destinacích po celém světě na minima. Po rozvolnění pravidel by se však cestovatelé měli do rekreačních oblastí vrátit. Jde o to, zdali a jak se podaří letní dovolenou u moře i v Alpách zachránit.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


Happy Valentine

Happy Valentine!









Ewing says his gold medals, NCAA ring stolen

Hall of Famer Patrick Ewing says his two Olympic gold medals along with his 1984 NCAA championship ring were stolen.


Šití v Číně je pro ně tabu. Vsadili na české švadleny a dnes slaví úspěch

Spodní prádlo obvykle řeší především ženy. Existují však výjimky. Mezi ty patří i Adam Rožánek, spolumajitel české módní značky spodního prádla Styx. Je české ve všech směrech. Všechno od začátku až do konce totiž vzniká v tuzemsku. Poslední týdny ukázaly, že tato strategie je správná.

  • Finance - Práce a podnikání


Zaplatili jste letos dovolenou? Možná budete dotovat cestovní kancelář

Možnost cestování je silně omezená a nic zatím nenasvědčuje tomu, že by lidé v letošní letní sezoně mohli vyrazit na zahraniční dovolenou. Zároveň ale nikdo dnes ještě neví, zda se nějaká možnost přece jen neobjeví. Pokud jste si koupili dovolenkový zájezd, jste asi momentálně jako na trní. Pojedete? Vrátí vám peníze?

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


2017 Best Music: Slenderbodies

musicisart magazine 2017 Best Music: Slenderbodies

Los Angeles-based duo Slenderbodies create music that feels like your watching the ocean. Slenderbodies recently released their brand new project fabulist out now via Majestic Casual Records. The five-track collection is full of whispers of sensuality found within falsetto vocals accompanied with vibrations of soft guitars melted into funky and soulful bass-lines that collide together […]

The post 2017 Best Music: Slenderbodies appeared first on musicisart magazine.


Zero Notebook 7: Helen


Introducing Helen. There's more to her than meets the eye.

Written upside-down--so they won't necessarily be taken as gospel by any readers are three quick notes scrawled to myself:

Mother as Mind Spider

Storyteller as Spider & Weaver

Chrone as Spider

I apologize for the misspelling of "crone." But I was writing (and thinking) too fast to care much for accuracy.

But what, you ask, does it mean . . . ?

The influence of Louise Bourgeois is pretty obvious here. Late in life, she created those wonderful, terrifyingly realistic giant spiders with long steel needles at the end of their legs and said that they were all about her mother. Who made a living repairing tapestries, using long steel needles. So it's not the slap in her face it might seem.

I liked the spider representing the archetypal woman-as-maker, which fit Helen right down to the ground. I was also fighting a fight all the way through with received archetypal images of women were were almost all pretty or dainty or passive. I wanted to get at that primal fierceness that lurks inside us all.

And, ounce for ounce, you don't get much fiercer than a spider.

And tomorrow and Friday . . .

There will be news.

Above: Seventh image. Three to go.



Zero Notebook 10: Helen


Our revels now are ended. These our images, as I foretold you, were all spirits and are melted into air, into thin air...

But before we go, one more page, the back inside cover to be specific. It contains two more images of Helen. One is a publicity shot from a period she was going to leave out of the autobiography she never wrote, when she made a brief, ill-fated stab at acting. The other is from a dark period in her middle age.

She was far better-looking than she'd ever admit to being.

And what, you ask, does it mean . . . ?

To find that out, you're just going to have to read The Iron Dragon's Mother, now aren't you?

Above: Tenth image. Tout finis!



2020/05/01_alena - Алена Калистратова

Не стало Алены Калистратовой, Eva Kali, cotopaxi. Внезапная острая пневмония. Все понимают, что за пневмония, но в Эквадоре, где она жила почти двадцать лет, не очень сейчас хорошо с диагностикой коронавируса. Остались в архиве фотографии. Мы общались по сети, а виделись последний раз только в 2004, когда Алена и Андрей Ширяев обосновались в Эквадоре, и мы с Березиным ездили к ним в гости. У меня на диске хранится немного фотографий, которые делала она — Алена отлично фотографировала и любила это. Люди, быт Эквадора, горы, снова люди, улицы. Давайте просто еще раз посмотрим на этот волшебный разноцветный мир, в котором жила Алена, которую мы помним:

А еще осталось немного фотографий с моей тогдашней мыльницы — они конечно плохенькие, в разрешении, которое считалось нормальным в 2004. Зато на них есть сама Алена:


Speed paint challenge ACW

 I gave myself a challenge tonight of seeing how quick I could paint some ACW soldiers to a standard I’d be happy to game with. I started off with a black under coat and added single colours to block out the uniform. I forced myself to just use one coat colour ( Foundry Union uniform B), I found later this can be dry-brushed with earth brown and this acts as a highlight. The soldiers are rough and ready campaign guys, so mud and dust was added to them.

Also, I love the fact that the varnish is as hard as nails and will protect them from knocks and scrapes. My last lot, because of the number of them, I just matte varnished without any gloss or floor varnish underneath. This didn’t sit well with me and I’m a lot happier knowing this lot have been dipped.

 As with the ECW lot, the flesh is the only paint I allowed myself to use two colours on. It made such a difference it was a ‘no brainer’. Skin tone under Army Painter needs two colours I think, as sometimes without, it can loose something and the men appear a little lifeless.

 Well after the quick blocking in and weathering I gave them a brush with the Army Painter strong tone. The results were very pleasing, a lot better than the photos do justice really.

For the American Civil War you need a lot of men unless of course you are using skirmishing rules. This I think has to be the route for me now with all of of my big projects, the results are quick and still pleasing. It’s also nice to force yourself into new ways of working which helps keep the hobby fresh and rewarding. I think that is a good word to use for the Dip, rewarding. Seeing those bags of figures in draws get a lick of paint on them and become units and thus, usable.

 We’ll have to see how they turn out when they’re matte varnished
This lot must have taken me an hour maybe a bit less. The brown tone works well on these guys but should be even better on the soft greys and browns of the Confederate army.

  • American Civil War
  • Dip


Valentine’s Day is coming!

I am so nervous about Valentine’s Day.  I haven’t ever done this before until I visited Earth and my friend Skeeter told me about it.  Should I give Spec a Valentine that is special and tells him how cute I think he is or should I give all my friends a Valentine that is the […]


Out of school? Make Friends Challenge

Hi all.  Check out some of the really great party ideas some of you have added to my last post.  Watch the What’s New on the homepage.  Soon we’ll be doing some of them.  Continue to send me your party ideas – you guys rock. I have a challenge for you – how many NEW friends can […]


F&S betalen zich nog steeds blauw aan de pomp (NRC, wo, 29-04-20)


F&S houden voldoende afstand tijdens het winkelen (NRC, vr, 01-05-20)


How to test length contraction by experiment?

Relativistic length contraction is theoretically predicted but not directly tested, which lead to incorrect interpretation of the theory illustrated by Bell’s spaceship paradox and Ehrenfest paradox. But these paradoxes can help us designing experiments to test length contraction. Ideal direct experimental proof should contain the following steps: 1. Measure the tested object’s length at rest,...


Astrophysical jet and length contraction

Astrophysical jets are flows of matter that moves at relativistic speed. They are opportunity to see length contraction in action. An astrophysical jet is analyzed to explain the length contraction effect. Astrophysical jets are ejected from compact objects such as black holes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrophysical_jet#/media/File:M87_jet.jpg is a photograph of the jet ejected by the supermassive black hole...


From Michelson–Morley experiment to length contraction

Length contraction is used to explain Michelson–Morley experiment. A Michelson interferometer is formed by 2 perpendicular arms. The journey of light along the vertical arm gives the time dilation law. The journey of light along the horizontal arm gives the length contraction law. The derivation scheme of the length contraction law is: 1. The time...


Length, distance and Michelson–Morley experiment

There are 2 types of length contraction, the physical meaning of each is explained below with the help of the example shown in Figure 1. The Earth and the star are stationary and the spaceship mobile. The 2 types of length contraction are: 1) Object contraction: In the frame of the Earth the length of...


The grand challenge(s) for social work

At the Social Work Scotland AGM 2018, John Devaney, Centenary Chair of Social Work, spoke about social work in Scotland today.

He focused on three key themes:

The nature of modern social work and contribution of social workers to civil society The role of leadership in social work How to raise or sustain profile of what social work does and its value to wider society.

Transcript of episode

Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes


We're seeking a talented Service Designer

Iriss is seeking a Service Designer for its Pilotlight programme to support the continued development and delivery of self-directed support (SDS) in Scotland. 

Pilotlight works with co-design teams of people to design pathways to self-directed support.  Now in its fourth year, the Pilotlight programme uses a design approach to demonstrate how to design support for seldom heard groups, provide more personalised and appropriate services and increase the marketplace of support providers.

read more


Violent and aggressive children. Caring for those who care

The topic of domestic violence is an emotive one conjuring visions of child abuse by parents or carers, or marital violence, in general abuse by men of their wives or partners. According to published police statistics in Scotland for the years of 2012 – 13 male violence of women accounted for 80% of all domestic abuse, and in 2014 over 2,600 children in Scotland were identified as needing protection from abuse. This is particularly concerning since the NSPCC suggests that, for every child who has been identified, there are 8 other children who are at risk but who are ‘under the radar’. These statistics, highlighting the underlying nature of inter-family abuse relationships, i.e. the abuse of less powerful and more vulnerable family members by more powerful adults, undoubtedly account for the majority of the abuse situations within family homes. However this is, sadly, not the whole story. Understanding abuse within a family means recognising the impact of sibling aggression on every family member. It also needs to encompass the growing recognition of child to parent aggression and it is this latter aspect of inter-family relationships with which this article is primarily concerned.


Undone: The Unprocrastination Challenge

By Leo Babauta This month, I’m issuing a challenge to all of you procrastinators … and no, you can’t make the joke that you’ll do it later! The challenge is called Undone: The Unprocrastination Challenge, and it’s a part of my Sea Change Program. The challenge is to set aside an “unprocrastination session” every day […]

  • Productivity & Organization


NFPA’s Lorraine Carli named to National Fallen Firefighter Foundation Board of Directors

The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) recently announced the appointment of new members to their Board of Directors including the addition of Lorraine Carli, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) vice president of Outreach and


Portland welcomes first Living Building Challenge project

Pacific Northwest architecture firm Mahlum has made history with the certification of its new architecture studio as Portland's first Living Building Challenge (LBC) project. As an LBC-certified workspace, Mahlum's new studio meets rigorous sustainability targets including net-zero embodied carbon emissions and the diversion of almost all construction waste from the landfill. The project is the 48th LBC-certified project in the United States and 57th in the world. [...]


The Incident Response Challenge 2020 — Win $5,000 Prize!

Cybersecurity firm Cynet today announced the launch of a first of its kind challenge to enable Incident Response professionals to test their skills with 25 forensic challenges that were built by top researchers and analysts. The challenge is available on https://incident-response-challenge.com/ and is open to anyone willing to test his or her investigation skills, between April 21st and May


Please Stop Using The 'Brown Country' Lens Filter

By Dan Duddy  Published: May 06th, 2020 


Podcast Episode 293: Lennie Gwyther

In 1932, 9-year-old Lennie Gwyther set out to ride a thousand kilometers to see the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Along the way he became a symbol of Australian grit and determination. In this week’s episode of the Futility Closet podcast we’ll tell the story of Lennie’s journey, and what it meant to a struggling nation. We’ll also recall a Moscow hostage crisis and puzzle over a surprising attack. Intro: Japanese detective novelist Edogawa Rampo’s name is a phonetic homage. Samuel Barber decided his future at age 9. Sources for our feature on Lennie Gwyther: Peter Lalor, The Bridge:...


Crock Pot Vegetable Lentil Soup

I adore hearty soups for dinner, and this delicious crock pot vegetable lentil soup is my latest favorite! This slow-cooker lentil soup is a top pick from my readers! Crock Pot Vegetable Lentil Soup Recipe I originally found this recipe via an email sent by Forks Over Knives. I made just a couple small changes […]

The post Crock Pot Vegetable Lentil Soup appeared first on Dear Crissy.


2020 Free Printable Calendar: Minimal & Modern

Back by popular demand is our minimal and modern 2020 free printable calendar! This gorgeous free 2020 calendar is clean, simple, and perfect to help you plan your busy life. Free 2020 Printable Calendar Per your requests, we’ve even upgraded this year’s free printable 2020 calendar with options for a Sunday or Monday start calendars! […]

The post 2020 Free Printable Calendar: Minimal & Modern appeared first on Dear Crissy.


How to find your "Helen": Alison Knott and recognizing your ideal client

The key to success in freelancing is realizing how to find the right clients - the people who are not only great to work with, but actually have money to pay you

Alison Knott is a web consultant who mentors creatives, and she knows all the mistakes that freelancers make: targeting the wrong clients, the wrong platforms, the wrong rewards. In this episode, she shares the decisions you have to make right now to start making money! 

Today’s links: 

Want to support the show?

Order a custom infographic from Easel.ly! Use this link (https://www.easel.ly/infographicdesign/) for a great price! 

Think you’d be a great fit for the show? Let me know at twitter.com/KCarCFH

Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or recommend us to a friend. It helps immensely.

Download here!


ACLU Challenges Arkansas’s Latest Attempt to Restrict Abortion Access

Arkansas’s only in-clinic abortion provider, Little Rock Family Planning Services, is suing the state to challenge a rule requiring patients to get a COVID-19 test within 48 hours of their abortion procedure. This is the second time Arkansas abortion providers have had to fight a legal battle to protect abortion access during the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), representing Little Rock Family Planning Services, argues that the Department of Health rule severely restricts abortion access, especially for patients who are close to Arkansas’s 20-week gestational limit. Little Rock Family Planning Services reports that it has been unable to find any COVID-19 testing location that will test asymptomatic people and provide results within 48 hours. “For women who cannot obtain access to COVID-19 NAAT testing within 48-hours of their procedures, the Directive entirely bars them from exercising their constitutional right to receive pre-viability abortion care in Arkansas,” wrote the ACLU in the lawsuit. Last month, Arkansas tried to halt all but “immediately medically necessary” abortions during the coronavirus pandemic. The ACLU challenged that order, and a federal judge issued a restraining order to allow abortion care to continue as normal. A week later, the Eighth Circuit Court of […]


Comic: Valentine's Rejection



Donalyn Miller's Social Distancing #BookADay Challenge!

Donalyn Miller's #BookADay Challenge is usually in the summer. After talking with people on Twitter and Facebook, Donalyn (happily) decided to hold a Coronavirus social distancing #BookADay challenge, so that readers who miss talking with other readers can gather and share.

You can see the "official" #bookaday guidelines on the Nerdy Book Club blog.


Book Giveaway, Advice For Young Writers from Karla Valenti (MARIE CURIE & THE POWER OF PERSISTENCE)

GIVEAWAY (U.S. only): Karla is giving away a copy of Marie Curie And The Power Of Persistence, written by Karla Valenti and illustrated by Annalisa Beghelli! *** ENTER HERE ***

Karla Arenas Valenti was born and raised in Mexico. Since then she has put down roots in a number of countries she now calls home: Japan, France, Germany, and the U.S. where she lives in the Chicagoland area with her husband and three kids. She writes picture books and middle grade novels. You can find out more about Karla at www.karlavalenti.com or connect with her on Facebook or Twitter @KV_writes.

I asked Karla to describe her book, and here's what she replied:

My Super Science Heroes is a picture book series for children ages 4-8. The series focuses on key scientists, but rather than defining those scientists by what they did (their achievements), we are choosing to highlight who they were (the traits that made those achievements possible).

This distinction is important as it allows readers (young and old) to re-frame what it means to “succeed” - in other words, you do not need to be a genius or Nobel-prize winner in order to be a hero in your own life. Arguably, what makes someone a hero is how they make use of their own “super powers” in pursuit of their dreams.

And what are these super powers?

The first one we chose to highlight is persistence.

Throughout her personal and professional life, Marie Curie encountered many societal and institutional limitations that threatened to block her progress. Rather than telling our young readers about these challenges, however, we chose to show them. Enter Mr. Opposition, a character designed to embody these counterforces and give Marie a chance to prove her persistence to all her fans and readers.

In this way, Marie’s ultimate success and notable achievements are not presented as the inevitable result of a gifted mind. Rather, we are honoring the tremendous effort she exhibited in never giving up on her dreams, a super power indeed.

Our next book focuses on the power of curiosity, exemplified by Alan Turing and his minion, Miss Enigma (due out Jan 2021).

My Super Science Heroes is unlike any other children’s book series focusing on historical figures, and we hope it will inspire countless of young scientists (and non-scientists) as they develop their own super powers.


This is a story about the unexpected surprises that come our way when we are open to any (and sometimes unconventional) opportunities.

I was living in Europe at the time, and a friend forwarded an open call for story submissions run by a non-profit science association. The Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) was looking for a creative way to raise funds to support their science initiatives, so they launched a contest for picture book submissions. The topic was a story about Marie Curie, but told in a way that would excite young readers about science

As a fiction writer, I was hesitant at first to submit a story on a non-fiction topic. However, I also viewed this as an opportunity to flex my creative wings, so I took the challenge and wrote a story about Marie Curie... the super hero.

As I researched her life, it became clear that, while she certainly accomplished a great deal as a scientist, her most notable achievement was her unwavering persistence in facing a number of challenges throughout her life. Persistence! A skill highly valued in the scientific community (and one present in all of us).

What if the book was about Marie Curie using her power of persistence to achieve great things in the scientific world?

What if she had an evil nemesis who lived in a craggy cave deep underground, and whose sole purpose was preventing the spread of knowledge?

What if he sent his minion, Mr. Opposition, to stop Marie in her heroic journey?

Thus was born the My Super Science Heroes series.

It was an unconventional premise, but I decided to submit the story. To my tremendous surprise, I won!

Working with Micaela Crespo Quesada (a super scientist herself) and the MCAA association, we identified the perfect illustrator for the project, Annalisa Beghelli. Her artwork brilliantly captured the super hero themes we wanted to explore. In a true collaboration, the three of us worked to bring this project to life.

Initially, the project was going to be funded exclusively through a global crowdsourcing campaign. Not only did we exceed our goal by 20%, but a couple weeks into the campaign, we received an offer by Kelly Barrales-Saylor at Sourcebooks for world rights.

Fast forward to today as we celebrate the world publication on April 7th of Marie Curie and the Power of Persistence.

Q. What advice do you have for young writers?

In a perhaps not-so-ironic twist, the most valuable piece of advice I can offer is to believe in the power of persistence. And I hesitate to say this is only relevant to young writers (since I myself only learned this as a writer after many years).

The journey I have taken to get to this point has not been a short (or always-joyful) one. Indeed, it has been more agonizing than not, more heart-breaking than uplifting, and certainly taken a lot longer than I expected.

There have been plenty of opportunities for me to give up and walk away (and if I'm honest, there have been moments in my life where I've had to do that). However, I am fiercely proud of this story because it feels like a real badge of honor; a testament to the courage it takes to pick up your "pen" and keep putting words to paper, despite everything standing in your way.

The truth is, we all have our own version of Mr. Opposition, and we all must do battle with the nemesis that intends to bring us down. But word by word, line by line, we can persist. That is no small thing.


For more interviews, see my Inkygirl Interview Archive. Also see Advice For Young Writers and Illustrators, a compilation of tips generously offered by children's book creators I've interviewed over the years.


Review: Struman Optics Cinematic Lenses for Smartphones

The post Review: Struman Optics Cinematic Lenses for Smartphones appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Lee Herbet.

The argument of whether smartphones can take good photos or not has been settled – they can! In this article, we are going to have a look at a set of lenses for smartphones from an Australian company, Struman Optics. While there are many lenses for smartphones on the market, I found a manufacturer that […]

The post Review: Struman Optics Cinematic Lenses for Smartphones appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Lee Herbet.


Weekly Photography Challenge – Everyday Objects

The post Weekly Photography Challenge – Everyday Objects appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Caz Nowaczyk.

Since many of us are still limited to where we can go, this week’s photography challenge topic is the EVERYDAY OBJECTS! Everyday objects can be anything from a cup filled with coffee, TV remote, shoes, pens, computer mouse to a guitar pick. You get the picture! Get creative with them, either with the photography style […]

The post Weekly Photography Challenge – Everyday Objects appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Caz Nowaczyk.


「KATALK'n SHOW in Valentine ー35歳になっちゃった!ー」のQ&A


いよいよ2月9日よりKATALK'n SHOW in Valentine -35歳になっちゃった!-が開催されます。






◇KATALK'n SHOW in Valentine -35歳になっちゃった!-Q&A◇










物販販売時間 11:30~
























Fishing Calendar for May 9, 2020

Evening - FAIR


‘We Roar’: Dr. Glenn Wakam ’11 digs into the racial inequities of COVID-19

Surgical resident Glenn Wakam shares his view of the health disparities exposed and amplified by the pandemic, from his perspective on the front lines in a Detroit-area hospital.


Girl who silenced world for 5 minutes

Cullis-Suzuki was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia. Her mother is writer Tara Elizabeth Cullis. Her father, geneticist and environmental activist David Suzuki, is a third-generation Japanese Canadian. While attending Lord Tennyson Elementary School in French Immersion, at age 9, she founded the Environmental Children's Organization (ECO), a group of children dedicated to learning […]