
Drei Falle von Hydrops ovarii. Inaugural-Dissertation ... / vorgelegt von A. Müller.

Rostock : Druck von Carl Boldt, 1857.


Du curettage de l'utérus sans abaissement forcé à la vulve et d'une méthode de drainage utérin au moyen du crin de Florence / par Prosper Bouteil.

Paris : Société d’éditions scientifiques, 1893.


Du diabète phosphatique : recherches sur l'élimination des phosphates par les urines, conditions physiologiques modifiant l'élimination des phosphates, influence du régime alimentaire, variations pathologiques / par L.-J. Teiss

Paris : J.-B. Baillière, 1877.


Du passage de quelques médicaments dans les urines : modifications qu'ils y apportent, transformations qu'ils subissent dans l'organisme / par Léopold Bruneau.

Paris : V.A. Delahaye, 1880.


Du retrécissement cicatriciel du col de l'utérus au point de vue de l'accouchement / par Victor-Albert Taurin.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1895.


The Dublin dissector; : or, Manual of anatomy, comprising a concise description of ... the human body, for the use of students in the dissecting room / by a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

Dublin : printed for Hodges and Smith, 1831.


The effect of the cold weather in the early part of 1895 on the admission of medical cases into the Royal Edinburgh Infirmary. With a note on some earlier periods of severe weather / by A. Lockhart Gillespie.

London : Kenny & Co, [1895?]


Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Angiosclerose : Inaugural-Dissertation ... / von Elias Bregmann.

Dorpat : H. Laakmann, 1890.


Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom engen Becken : Inaugural-Dissertation ... / vorgelegt von Fritz Ebeling.

Tubingen : H. Laupp, Jr, 1889.


Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Lesestörungen auf Grund eines Falles von Dyslexie / von S. Weissenberg.

Berlin : L. Schumacher, 1890.


Ein Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie der Landry'schen Paralyse (Paralysis ascendens acuta) : Inaugural-Dissertation ... / vorgelegt von Walter Barth.

Jena : G. Fischer, 1889.


Ein eigentumlich verlaufender Fall von Phthisis Pulmonum : Inaugural-Dissertation ... / vorgelegt von Carlos Kraemer.

Tubingen : H. Laupp, Jr, 1889.


Ein Fall von Ovarialschwangerschaft : Veranderungen bei Syphilis und Nephritis : Inaugural-Dissertation ... / vorgelegt von Max Baur.

Tubingen : H. Laupp, Jr, 1888.


Elémens de physiologie végétale et de botanique / par C. F. Brisseau-Mirbel.

Paris : chez Magimel, 1815.


Ellis's demonstrations of anatomy : being a guide to the knowledge of the human body by dissection.

London : Smith, Elder, 1887.


Encyclopaedisches Woerterbuch der medicinischen Wissenschaften / Herausgegeben von den Professoren der Medicinischen Facultaet zu Berlin: C.F. v. Graefe, C.W. Hufeland, H.F. Link, K.A. Rudolphi, E. v. Siebold.

Berlin : J.W. Boike, 1828-49.


Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Hals- und Nasen-Krankheiten nach den Ergebnissen des ambulatoriums / von Docent Dr O. Chiari.

Leipzig : Toeplitz & Deuticke, 1887.


Ergebnisse der Sanitäts-Statistik des K. K. Heeres in den Jahren 1883-1887 / von Paul Myrdacz.

Wien : Holder, 1889.


Ergebnisse von 240 operierten Lupusfällen nebst Bemerkungen zur modernen Lupusbehandlung / von Ludwig Spitzer und Alfred Jungmann.

Wien : SafÏar, 1905.


Esquisse de nosographie vétérinaire / par J.-B. Huzard.

Paris : M. Huzard, 1820.


Esquisse psychologique des peuples européens / par Alfred Fouillee.

Paris : Alcan, 1903.


Essai sur le rétrécissement tricuspidien / Robert Leudet.

Paris : Steinheil, 1888.


Florida State Education Commissioner Pam Stewart Resigns

The state's board of education had renewed Commissioner Pam Stewart's contract for a year before the midterm election but after the election of a new Republican governor, she said she'd leave in January instead.


LGBTQ Issues Roil Florida School-Choice Debate

As lawmakers weigh expansion of the state’s voucher and tax-credit scholarship programs, some renew a push for anti-discrimination protection for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students.


Ex-Florida sheriff's removal lawsuit dismissed


Video of Teacher Dragging Special Education Student Roils Mississippi District

A Greenville, Miss. teacher was fired and a superintendent placed on administrative leave after a video of a student being dragged by her hair surfaced on social media.


Mississippi: No Public Funds For Superintendents' Group

State lawmakers have made it illegal for school districts to spend any public money on the Mississippi Association of School Superintendents, saying district leaders personally attacked state officials while they were seeking votes for a school funding initiative last year.



State of the States: Education highlights from latest governor's address before the legislature.


Mississippi School Named for Confederate President to Be Renamed for Obama

The name change comes as leaders of the school district in Mississippi's capital city, where more than 95 percent of students are African-American, are reconsidering Confederacy-linked names on three campuses.



Education remains Mississippi’s top priority, but programs won’t see increases this year as steep as in years past, Gov. Barbour told lawmakers.


Mississippi Textbooks Gloss Over Civil Rights Struggle

Mississippi’s outdated textbooks teach an abbreviated version of civil rights, undermining the state’s new ‘innovative’ standards.


Mississippi's New Solution for the Teacher Shortage

The Mississippi education department will be the first to operate a teacher residency program, which aims to increase retention and diversity in the profession.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Mississippi

This Quality Counts 2019 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


Mississippi Ranks 47th on Quality Counts Annual Report Card

The state, which earned a D-plus, scored low on the Chance for Success Index, which tracks a host of socioeconomic factors that can affect the educational environment.


Education Issues Resonate in Governors' Races

This year's November elections—a preview to next year's nationwide showdowns—cast their own spotlight on education, a dynamic that played out most prominently in the Kentucky governor's race, where teachers organized to unseat a combative incumbent who'd sparred with them.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Mississippi

This Quality Counts 2020 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


Appeals Court Revives Mississippi Suit Asserting Federal Right to Education

The court revived a lawsuit claiming that Mississippi's lack of a "uniform" education system violates the 1868 federal law that readmitted the state to the Union.


Governor: Mississippi schools remain closed rest of semester





Open Carry Issue in Michigan Schools May Not Be Settled

Questions remain after the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that two school districts have the right to ban guns from their schools.


Briefly Stated: Stories You May Have Missed

Education Week catches you up on the week gone by with a thoughtful look at recent news in K-12 education.


Briefly Stated: Stories You May Have Missed (Nov. 13, 2019)

A collection of short news stories from the last week.


Missouri Governor Struggles to Oust State Education Chief

Margie Vandeven, the state education chief, is appointed by an appointed board, which is still split on whether to fire Vandeven.




Missouri Chief's Ouster Sparks Political, Legal Aftershocks

The state's Republican governor is in a pitched battle with the state's educators over the process he used to fire Missouri's commissioner of education.


Missouri's State Board Hasn't Met Since January. With Governor Gone, What Now?

Gov. Erik Greitens has resigned and the board doesn't have enough governor-appointed members to form a quorum. Important tasks have been piling up.


Revamped School Board Starts Search for New Schools Chief for Missouri

The search for Missouri's next top education official has begun nearly 10 months after the last one was fired. The state board of education began accepting applications last week.


Missouri Tackles Challenge of Dyslexia Screening, Services

New state mandates start next school year aimed at identifying and supporting students with dyslexia. The 2016 law also led to development of training for teachers.


High Court Declines Missouri District's Appeal Over At-Large Board Voting

The justices declined to hear the appeal of the Ferguson-Florissant district over its at-large board elections, which lower courts invalidated as violating the Voting Rights Act.