
2016 5th Workshop on Extreme-Scale Programming Tools (ESPT) [electronic journal].

IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated


1616: Anuario de la Sociedad Espanola de Literatura Comparada [electronic journal].

Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca


[ASAP] Controlling Microarray Feature Spreading and Response Stability on Porous Silicon Platforms by Using Alkene-Terminal Ionic Liquids and UV Hydrosilylation

DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c00106


Never again : reflections on environmental responsibility after Roe 8 / edited by Andrea Gaynor, Peter Newman & Philip Jennings


[ASAP] Solution-Processable and Patternable Poly(<italic toggle="yes">o</italic>-methoxyaniline)-Based Nanocomposite Film for Large-Area Electrochromic Display with Large Optical Modulation and Ultrafast Response Speed

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c03079


Biochemistry and molecular biology / Despo Papachristodoulou, Alison Snape, William H. Elliott, and Daphne C. Elliott

Hayden Library - QP514.2.E36 2018


Vertebrate and Invertebrate Respiratory Proteins, Lipoproteins and Other Body Fluid Proteins

Online Resource


π-Type halogen bonding enhanced the long-lasting room temperature phosphorescence of Zn(II) coordination polymers for photoelectron response applications

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0QI00191K, Research Article
Xiao-Gang Yang, Xiao-Min Lu, Zhi-Min Zhai, Jian-Hua Qin, Xin-Hong Chang, Min-Le Han, Fei-Fei Li, Lu-Fang Ma
Long-lasting phosphorescence emission was achieved via π-type halogen bonding in Zn(II) based coordination polymers. The delocalized H-aggregates afforded large electron channels for efficient charge transport and high photoelectron response.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Fight-or-flight response tied to fitness


Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Physics ESPOCH (ICPE-2017): conference date, 6-8 December 2017: location, Riobamba, Ecuador / editors, Christian L. Vásconez

Online Resource


Nuclear Emergencies: A Holistic Approach to Preparedness and Response / Georg Steinhauser, Akio Koizumi, Katsumi Shozugawa, editors

Online Resource


Hope is not a strategy - our shared responsibility for the future of work and workers / The Senate, Select Committee on the Future of Work and Workers

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Select Committee on the Future of Work and Workers, author, issuing body


Protease-Responsive Mass Barcoded Nanotranslaters for Simultaneously Quantifying the Intracellular Activity of Cascaded Caspases in Apoptosis Pathways

Chem. Sci., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0SC01534B, Edge Article
Open Access
Hongmei Xu, Xiaodan Huang, Zhenzhen Zhang, xuemeng zhang, Qianhao Min, Jun-Jie Zhu
Quantitatively delineating the activation network of multiple proteases that participate in cellular processes is highly essential to understanding physiological and pathological states of cells. In this study, protease-responsive mass barcoded...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Redox-responsive supramolecular polymeric networks having double-threaded inclusion complexes

Chem. Sci., 2020, 11,4322-4331
DOI: 10.1039/C9SC05589D, Edge Article
Open Access
Hikaru Aramoto, Motofumi Osaki, Subaru Konishi, Chiharu Ueda, Yuichiro Kobayashi, Yoshinori Takashima, Akira Harada, Hiroyasu Yamaguchi
A hydrogel actuator with a 1:2 host–guest complex controlled by redox stimuli has been developed to realize faster and larger deformation.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A pH ratiometrically responsive surface enhanced resonance Raman scattering probe for tumor acidic margin delineation and image-guided surgery

Chem. Sci., 2020, 11,4397-4402
DOI: 10.1039/D0SC00844C, Edge Article
Open Access
Wenjia Duan, Qi Yue, Ying Liu, Yunfei Zhang, Qinghua Guo, Cong Wang, Shujie Yin, Dandan Fan, Wenjing Xu, Jiexian Zhuang, Jiachao Gong, Xinwei Li, Ruimin Huang, Liang Chen, Silvio Aime, Zhongliang Wang, Jianfeng Feng, Ying Mao, Xiao-Yong Zhang, Cong Li
A novel pH ratiometrically responsive surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) probe was developed for tumor acidic margin delineation and image-guided surgery.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Biocatalytic reversible control of the stiffness of DNA-modified responsive hydrogels: applications in shape-memory, self-healing and autonomous controlled release of insulin

Chem. Sci., 2020, 11,4516-4524
DOI: 10.1039/D0SC01319F, Edge Article
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Chen Wang, Amit Fischer, Avner Ehrlich, Yaakov Nahmias, Itamar Willner
Biocatalytic control over the stiffness of pH-responsive hydrogels is applied to develop shape-memory, self-healing and controlled release matrices.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Bihar: Absentee doctors yet to respond to notices

Though two days have passed since the state health department issued show-cause notices to 362 absentee doctors, more than 85% of them have not come up with any explanation yet.


What is ASBA with respect to IPOs?

As of April 1, 2019, there were 66 SCSBs such as HDFC Bank, SBI, ICICI Bank, PNB, Kotak Mahindra Bank, SBI and Axis Bank, among others, which are recognised as being capable of providing ASBA services to customers.


The skillful teacher : on technique, trust, and responsiveness in the classroom / Stephen D. Brookfield

Brookfield, Stephen, author


Evolving entrepreneurial education : innovation in the Babson classroom / edited by Victoria L. Crittenden, Kathryn Esper, Nathaniel Karst, Rosa Siegers, Babson College, USA


Handbook of research on collaborative teaching practice in virtual learning environments / Gianni Panconesi (Esplica, Italy), Maria Guida (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation, and Educational Research, Italy), [editors]


MySQL 8 Query Performance Tuning: a Systematic Method for Improving Execution Speeds / Krogh, Jesper

Online Resource


12 points pour optimaliser votre cabinet comptable [electronic resource] / Jean-Marie Conter ; éditeur responsable, Luca Venanzi

Conter, Jean-Marie


The fraud audit [electronic resource] : responding to the risk of fraud in core business systems / Leonard W. Vona

Vona, Leonard W., 1955-


A bespoke microfluidic pharmacokinetic compartment model for drug absorption using artificial cell membranes

Lab Chip, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00263A, Paper
Jaime L. Korner, Elanna B. Stephenson, Katherine S. Elvira
A new type of pharmacokinetic compartment model using artificial cell membranes that predicts intestinal absorption three times more accurately than the current state of the art.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] Unraveling the Electric Field-Induced Second Harmonic Generation Responses of Stilbazolium Ion Pairs Complexes in Solution Using a Multiscale Simulation Method

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b01161


Legal Research Reports: Government Responses to Disinformation

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Government Responses to Disinformation.

Concerns regarding the impact of viral dissemination of disinformation on democratic systems of government, on political discourse, on public trust in state institutions, and on social harmony have been expressed by many around the world. This report addresses reported instances of alleged disinformation and highlights governmental responses to challenges posed by the spread of disinformation on social media platforms in 16 jurisdictions

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Shakespeare's Hamlet: philosophical perspectives / edited by Tzachi Zamir

Online Resource


Shakespeare in the marketplace of words / Jonathan P. Lamb

Hayden Library - PR3077.L36 2017


Shakespeare and London / Duncan Salkeld

Hayden Library - PR2918.S25 2018


Shakespeare's festive comedy: a study of dramatic form and its relation to social custom / C.L. Barber ; with a new foreword by Stephen Greenblatt

Online Resource


How the classics made Shakespeare / Jonathan Bate

Online Resource


Shakespeare's early readers: a cultural history from 1590 to 1800 / Jean-Christophe Mayer

Dewey Library - PR2967.M39 2018


Shakespeare's rise to cultural prominence: politics, print and alteration, 1642-1700 / Emma Depledge, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Dewey Library - PR2899.D47 2018


Shakespearean celebrity in the digital age: fan cultures and remediation / Anna Blackwell

Dewey Library - PR2970.B53 2018


Shakespearean intersections: language, contexts, critical keywords / Patricia Parker

Hayden Library - PR3072.P37 2018


Phantasmatic Shakespeare: imagination in the age of early modern science / Suparna Roychoudhury

Dewey Library - PR3047.R69 2018


Teaching social justice through Shakespeare: why Renaissance literature matters now / edited by Hillary Eklund and Wendy Beth Hyman

Dewey Library - PR2970.T43 2019


The Oxford handbook of Shakespeare and dance / edited by Lynsey McCulloch and Brandon Shaw

Online Resource


Staged Normality in Shakespeare's England [electronic resource]


Variable protein expression in marine-derived filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum in response to varying copper concentrations and salinity

Metallomics, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9MT00316A, Paper
Nikita Lotlikar, Samir Damare, Ram Murti Meena, Saranya Jayachandran
Copper is one of the essential trace dietary minerals for all living organisms, but is potentially toxic at higher concentrations, mainly due to the redox reactions in its transition state.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Proteomic analysis of the S. cerevisiae response to the anticancer ruthenium complex KP1019

Metallomics, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0MT00008F, Paper
Open Access
Laura K. Stultz, Alexandra Hunsucker, Sydney Middleton, Evan Grovenstein, Jacob O’Leary, Eliot Blatt, Mary Miller, James Mobley, Pamela K. Hanson
Proteomic analysis reveals that the anticancer ruthenium KP1019 induces proteotoxic, genotoxic, and oxidative stress responses in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] Comprehensive Insights into the Catalytic Mechanism of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome 3C-Like Protease and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 3C-Like Protease

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c00110


Coronaviurs | China supports WHO-led review of global pandemic response

China said Friday it supports a World Health Organization-led review into the global response to the coronavirus outbreak, but only “after the pandem


Coronavirus | China, U.S. commit to implement trade deal despite row over virus

Vice-Premier Liu He speaks to USTR Lighthizer, Mnuchin


A literary occupation: responses of German writers in service in occupied Europe / William J. O'Keeffe

Hayden Library - PT405.O43 2013


Mein Vaterland war ein Apfelkern: ein Gespräch mit Angelika Klammer / Herta Müller

Hayden Library - PT2673.U29234 Z461 2014


The biology of color, a database of industrial espionage, and a link between prions and diabetes

This week we hear stories on diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease in chimps, a potential new pathway to diabetes—through prions—and what a database of industrial espionage says about the economics of spying with Online News Editors David Grimm and Catherine Matacic. Sarah Crespi talks to Innes Cuthill about how the biology of color intersects with behavior, development, and vision. And Mary Soon Lee joins to share some of her chemistry haiku—one poem for each element in the periodic table. Listen to previous podcasts. [Image: Zoltan Tasi/Unsplash; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


A new dark matter signal from the early universe, massive family trees, and how we might respond to alien contact

For some time after the big bang there were no stars. Researchers are now looking at cosmic dawn—the time when stars first popped into being—and are seeing hints of dark matter’s influence on supercold hydrogen clouds. News Writer Adrian Cho talks with Sarah Crespi about how this observation was made and what it means for our understanding of dark matter. Sarah also interviews Joanna Kaplanis of the Wellcome Sanger Institute in Hinxton, U.K., about constructing enormous family trees based on an online social genealogy platform. What can we learn from the biggest family tree ever built—with 13 million members spanning 11 generations? In a bonus segment recording during a live podcasting event at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Austin, Sarah talks with Michael Varnum of Arizona State University in Tempe about what people think they will do if humanity comes into contact with aliens that just happen to be microbes. Live recordings sessions at the AAAS meeting were supported by funds from the European Commission. This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Listen to previous podcasts. [Image: Kilo-Degree Survey Collaboration/H. Hildebrandt & B. Giblin/ESO; Music: Jeffrey Cook]  


‘Centre will be held responsible’

TIRUVARUR The Coordination Committee of All Farmers Associations of Tamil Nadu has said that the Union government would be held responsible if the COV