
'More Than Honey': A film to fuel the fight to save bees

Markus Imhoof's new documentary balances microphotography with compelling storytelling. The film will debut on June 10.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Obama launches plan to save the bees and butterflies

The president steps up efforts to protect the pollinators — and their $24 billion contribution to the U.S. economy.


Help save bees with a device on your keys

The designer of the Bee Saver, a bioplastic keychain that contains artificial nectar, believes small acts can make a big difference.


Mushroom extract may help save bees

Mushroom extracts have been shown to reduce the presence of bee-killing viruses.

  • Research & Innovations


Act fast to save big on LED light bulbs

If you love the idea of long-lasting LED bulbs but not the price, this one-day Amazon Gold Box Deal may put these energy savers in your price range.


Chocolate companies put their heads together to save trees

Twelve of the world's leading chocolate producers, with some help from Prince Charles, intend to tackle deforestation.

  • Wilderness & Resources


How the wind saved Florida from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

At the time of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the spring of 2010, computer models predicted that the 200 million gallons of crude oil pouring out of the gus

  • Climate & Weather


White rhinos team up to save northern relatives from extinction

Researchers hope these rhinos could serve as surrogate mothers, saving the northern white rhino subspecies.


School-age boy saves a species after quest to find an 'extinct' frog

The Jambato harlequin frog had been feared extinct for at least the last 30 years.


TVs and a little yellow sticker: An easy and cheap way to save energy

Empowering consumers to make smart decisions can change the marketplace and shrink our national energy footprint.


Cats, dogs and a bobcat are the latest burn victims saved with fish skin

A team of veterinarians use tilapia skin as a healing bandage on their paws.


Stranded hikers saved by message in a bottle

Family sends an SOS message in a bottle from California's Arroyo Seco River — and it saves them.

  • Wilderness & Resources


The Oxygen Project: Let's save the oceans and put money in our pockets

Rutherford Seydel's Oxygen Project creates a sustainable Earth while creating financial sustainability for all. All it will take is a massive group action.


Quick-thinking staff save zoo animals from wildfire in Australia

Animals at Australia's Mogo Zoo were saved from wildfires by savvy staff.


Can pizza save the world?

A Minneapolis restaurant delivers Planet Saving Pizza in electric cars.


The Nest: A thermostat that's eager to learn in order to help you save

From two Apple expats comes the Nest Learning Thermostat, a cleverly intuitive household thermostat that picks up on your daily schedule as well as your heating


Man saves swan tangled up with a fishhook

A family spots a swan caught in fishing line — and Uncle Freddy saves the day.


6 things Microsoft's Nadella must do to save Windows

Microsoft faces strong competition on both desktop and mobile fronts. What can the new CEO do to ensure the company's success?

  • Sustainable Business Practices


5 cheap ways to save 1,000 gallons of water

Water is humanity's most valuable resource. Want to green your usage? These ideas cost next to nothing and can each save 1,000 gallons a year.


Could a medicine used to treat gout also save our citrus?

New research could stop the spread of citrus greening, a disease that is killing Florida's oranges.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Predator-proof fence saves seabirds in Hawaii

By keeping out invasive cats, rats and other predators, a new fence on Kauai is helping a rare bird bounce back.


How tiny wasps could save the Christmas Island red crab from invasive crazy ants

Conservationists are hoping for a Christmas (Island) miracle.


Anjelica Huston saves chimps

PETA Person of the Year returns in musical series 'Smash'.

  • Arts & Culture


8 special dogs saved by social media

Sometimes a Facebook post or a tweet can make all the difference for a shelter dog.


How a 3-D printed mask helped save this puppy

UC Davis vets and engineers designed a mask and cast exclusively for Loca, a Staffordshire bull terrier severely injured by another dog.


This man's blood has saved 2.4 million babies

James Harrison's plasma is used to make treatments for Rhesus disease. He has made 1,173 donations over more than 60 years, but now he has to retire.


First-ever insect vaccine could help save bees

Developed at the University of Helsinki, PrimeBEE allows immunological signals to be passed from a queen bee to her offspring.


The fight to save Coal River Mountain

Massey Energy wants to rip down Coal River Mountain in West Virginia to get at the coal below. Local residents need your help.


Could carbon farming save our soils?

Sustainable agricultural practices add essential carbon to soil's organic matter, which could be key to reviving soil quality.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Cut the budget, save the environment

The Green Scissors 2010 report shines the spotlight on government spending that is both wasteful and harmful to the environment.


Climate change's kryptonite: The green rock that could help save our planet

Olivine is a miracle green rock that absorbs carbon dioxide naturally from the air.

  • Climate & Weather


How can I save gas while playing taxi driver to my kids?

Morieka Johnson can help you maximize those trips to school, tae kwon do, gymnastics, soccer ...


Will the smartphone save public transit?

Public transit has long been undervalued as a mobility option. Thanks to new technologies and new ways of living, that's changing.


How Finn the yellow lab helped save an island of penguins

Finn the conservation dog was trained to sniff out pesky rabbits, and in the process he protect native plants and threatened Humboldt penguins.


Sea otters are helping save their own habitat

Eelgrass is thriving again, thanks to the help of a sea otter rehabilitation program.


How nuns in Mexico are helping save a critically endangered salamander

The Sisters of the Monastery of the Dominican of Order have cared for the rare salamanders for 150 years.


Can a glut of fake horns save real rhinos?

Scientists plan to flood the black market with cheap fake rhino horns to disrupt the poaching market.


A 'raft' of volcanic stone may be a lifesaver for the Great Barrier Reef

A floating sheet of pumice could bring an infusion of life to Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Media Mayhem: Can Twitter save the earth?

How a social networking site beat the major media on a major environmental story.


11th Hour: How one film saved an ancient forest

On the heels of a failed COP15, one story reminds me of the importance of media in the fight to save our planet.

  • Research & Innovations


IBM energy conservation projects save $43 million

Energy efficiency efforts are a highlight of the company’s 2011 Corporate Responsibility Report.


How do movie theaters save energy?

LEDs, photovoltaic arrays and motion sensors are helping cinemas save money while lessening their impact on the planet.


LED lights saved $675M in energy costs in 2012

LEDs saved about 71 trillion British thermal units, equivalent to an annual energy cost savings of about $675 million!


Will Kindle save the rainforest?

Will Kindles save the rainforest? Now that Amazon’s debuted its new $359 Kindle, an e-reader available Feb. 24, e-reader and e-book marketers alike are busy b

  • Arts & Culture


Toddler uses FaceTime to save mom after dog bite

After breaking up a fight between two dogs, Arizona mother Laura Toone needed medical attention.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


Download this game to rescue cats in outer space, and save real-life cats at the same time

The student-designed mobile game Galactickitties lets you save space-flying felines and benefit the ASPCA too.


Save money... travel digitally

Is hi-def digital travel the new eco/recession-friendly way to go?


Telecommuting: How to save the world in your pajamas

Learn how telecommuting can work for you with some advice from people who do it.


How bikes can save us [Infographic]

What could be better than losing weight and gaining money? Here's what can happen when you take a bike for a spin.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Eagle Scout's airport invention will save raptors, and possibly humans too

This industrious teen hopes to make flying safer for all with his raptor trap, which is designed to prevent bird-strikes at airports.