
An Aldi Price Tag Change Is Coming—Here's What You Need To Know


Comedian who slammed Peoria won't make any Illinois stops on upcoming tour


Sabalenka continues Zheng dominance at WTA Finals

Aryna Sabalenka continues her dominance over Zheng Qinwen with victory in the first match of the season-ending WTA Finals.


'We scrum to dominate' - behind the eight-man Boks machine

What is the secret behind South Africa’s eight-man machine – arguably the most formidable and feared scrum in rugby?


How Peebles is becoming a hotbed of pizza making

The Italian food is at the heart of a project to give young people "focus and a bit of purpose".


Sunak on Budget: Broken promise after broken promise

The former prime minister says Labour planned to "tax, borrow and spend far beyond" what they announced.


'No compromise' - Wrexham's McClean explains poppy stance

In the face of criticism, Wrexham captain James McClean says he will not compromise his convictions after explaining why he opts not to wear a poppy for Remembrance Day.


'Outdoor spaces not welcoming for bigger bodies'

Campaigners say it should be easier for plus-size walkers to enjoy the countryside.


'Our town is becoming a desirable place to live'

A £12m cash boost from the council has seen newly refurbished homes make Maryport more desirable.


Vernon Kay is coming to Coventry

Do you fancy Vernon's live 90's dance tour that's coming to the HMV Empire?


Office updates iOS, Android apps – Windows 10 apps coming soon

Since Microsoft first introduced Office for the iPad last March, it’s been downloaded some 40 million times, even with the restrictions of needing an Office 365 subscription to use it. Today, Microsoft announced that Office will soon be coming to …


The long, promising (and frustrating) history of Microsoft’s consumer file sync services

Live Drive, SDrive, Project M, Folders, FolderShare, Windows Live Sync, Live Mesh, SkyDrive, OneDrive. Yes, Microsoft has been at this file syncing game for a long time. The company bought FolderShare back in November of 2005, and has been …


Crystal Palace Subway Is Becoming A Cinema This Christmas

Son of a nutcracker!


Is British public life dominated by men?

Today in the Guardian, features writer Kira Cochrane has produced a story that is already being widely quoted on the numbers (or lack thereof) of visible women in the media. "In a typical month, 78% of newspaper articles are written by men, 72% of Question Time contributors are men and 84% of reporters and guests on Radio 4's Today show are men. Where are all the women?"

On the one hand, this story is decently written and based on a sound idea. Not least because rather than write an article on lazy assumptions of representations, it goes to the bother of looking at whether the actual numbers match up with the perceptions of the author. This is a good place to start in any conversation about representation and is often overlooked in media or social commentary.

That said, there is a huge difference between "counting numbers" and "producing statistics". Or, indeed, evidence. My problem is not with the article per se, which after all is simply a feature for the Life & Style section of the Grauniad, but rather with the reception it's had on Twitter and elsewhere as if it is le dernier cri in proof. The article is an improvement on most other articles of its kind. But it is also at best a beginning of something that could, and should, be examined further in a way which is compatible with well-designed research.

But the widespread acclaim indicates there is a danger of not taking the piece any further, and adopting its conclusions wholesale as if it was a well-designed in-depth study. It's not (yet). It could be. For example, the article starts with "In a typical month" - to be unimpeachable, you must establish in what way the months selected were "typical".

Because the numbers match so closely with the author's a priori assumptions, care should be taken to assure the reader that the shows selected do not comprise a skewed sample. (Actually, this should be done anyway.) We need to know what the spread of shows on television and radio are that are considered topical, political, or sufficiently serious. Why was Question Time included, and Loose Women excluded? I don't think one is especially more in-depth or topical than the other. Why is Have I Got News For You considered, which is a comedy show, and Moral Maze not, which is a serious radio programme featuring many regular women panellists and guests? Or the Radio 4 News Quiz, hosted by Sandi Toksvig and featuring many women as guests? What about Women's Hour?

Size, as ever, matters. What are the audience sizes for the shows, since clearly that is important? So, too, does sampling. Since it's presumably not practical or useful to count all appearances on all media, there needs to be a way of assuring that the ones considered in such a study comprise a representative sample of media, audience types, and audience sizes. This is something almost no examination of media topics outside academia bother to do (and many inside don't do it either). But if the shows can not be shown to be representative, the stud's conclusions could be accused of being skewed, and the results not taken seriously.

The title of the article, with its unexplored "why?" also presents the danger of interpreting an outcome as if it is the same as the opportunity. Why, indeed, should there be more women on Question Time, when the percentage of female MPs is only 22%? This surely this is a problem that needs to be addressed at root level (why are there not more women in government, considered for such positions, or running for them?) and not by whingeing about token women on politics shows.

The reaction to women going on some of these shows can be extremely negative, which makes other women considering whether to appear think twice. Remember when Fern Britton appeared on Question Time, and the furore over her opening her mouth on topics other than what we thought she should talk about? I was asked to go on QT last year and turned it down because I expected much the same reaction. Would a similarly placed man in media have had the same dismissive reception as Britton, particularly from women like Amanda Platell perceiving them as "lightweight"?

Similarly, the format of the Today programme on Radio 4 is extremely off-putting. Would you like to be shouted at for two minutes first thing in the morning on a show that prides itself on manufacturing controversy, or have a reasonable discussion over on Women's Hour? That, incidentally, is the question more-or-less as it has been put to me by the PR folks at Orion in the past. Come on, it's not even a contest which most women (and men) would choose given the option.

Age is also part of the mix. As one twitter correspondent (@petehague) commented, "I think that the entire debate misses the point that experienced commentators represent past gender policies ... i.e. if you want to get a professor of economics on TV, your selection is influenced by undergraduate gender balance decades ago." And not only the undergrad balance, but especially the percentage making it through study to professorships. David Starkey and his ilk are still rocking up peddling their schtick because, well, the women with the best and most cogent arguments to counter him are not at his level of academic or media experience yet. This phenomenon is almost certainly at work outside the academia bubble as well. And given the continuation of the trend in which women for various reasons choose family or life balance over single-minded pursuit of their careers, it may well never happen.

Finally, we must ask why it is women in media, even ones like say, Laurie Penny, who seem committed to an ideal of being a political writer, end up doing pieces about dating and handbags. Is it because when such assignments are offered, writers would rather take the job than turn it down? And does this, over time, contribute to an impression that anyone who has done so is destined to "lack gravitas"? There is a pink ghetto even - no, especially - at the Guardian. Isn't it ironic that Cochrane's piece is in the Life & Style section, rather than, say, Comment Is Free? On the same day when a man's thoughts on his Movember 'tache does get a spot in CiF?

So in short, while I broadly agree with Cochrane's thesis that it would be nice to see more women on shows like Question Time and Have I Got News For You, I'm not sure the critical applause is warranted. Yet. And I don't think it constitutes "proof" much at all apart from being about those shows on those days. Interesting? Yes. Generalisable to all media at all times? No. The difference between anecdotes and sampling is subtle (perhaps too much so for most media) but crucial.

You may be wondering why this matters on an issue in which most people are in agreement. It matters because if an argument is seen to be slapdash or half-baked, it throws the conclusions into doubt regardless of how worthy they are. It matters because for there to be change it's important to know the real and not imagined extent of the problem. And it matters because if something is worth doing, it's worth doing right. There's a germ of an interesting idea in there. The real question is what is to be done with it?


The Economics of Hooker Books

One of the more persistent criticisms I get these days is that by being public about my really rather normal experience of sex work, I am "silencing" people who label themselves a victims.

I'm not going to rehash the particular arguments regarding Happy Hookers vs. Abused Victims here, in part because Maggie McNeill has already done it. Suffice it to say that people who have read my writing know my experience of sex work, while useful, positive, and not abusive, was not quite the shopping-and-shoe-buying fantasy critics paint it as. But then most people who think that about me have never encountered my writing firsthand and are instead basing their impressions off a half-remembered advert featuring Billie Piper's tits. I understand. It's easy to get confused.

But it did give me a moment of pause: is my writing crowding out other voices in the market? I decided to examine this further.

Since many people purport to tell the story of sex workers for them, I excluded books that were either not written by or not straight biographies of a particular sex worker. I also excluded all that were fiction (such as my own Playing the Game) or deal with post-sex work life (such as Lily Burana's I Love a Man in Uniform).

Anyway, here are the results:

As you can see, my books are outnumbered by hooker memoirs that predate mine (Tracy Quan and Xaviera Hollander in particular). Outspoken strippers also chalk up plenty of contributions to the genre.

But outnumbering all of us by far are the 'misery memoirs' about prostitution. (Don't get angry at me for the sweeping generalisation. That is what the genre actually is called.) There are, to use the technical term, fucking shedloads of these books. You'll notice more than a few bestsellers in that stack as well. These were just the ones I could fit into the graphic; there are dozens upon dozens more. Many if not most of which were published after my books first came out.

It's probably fair to conclude that not only has my writing not stopped others from contributing their experience to the general debate on sex work, but that you're actually more likely to get noticed if you're unhappy with prostitution than generally satisfied with it.

With the swirling vortex of Kristof/trafficking/concern porn making the rounds, in fact, now might just be the right time to do it. If you were of a mind to write a book like that.

I encourage people with real firsthand views on the topic, whatever they are, to write. In fact moreso if you are not white, or not a cis woman, or not from the US or Western Europe. Women who look and sound approximately like me are already pretty well represented in the hallowed halls of sex worker lit. Let's diversify it all over the damn place until the orientalists and anti-migration-disguised-as-anti-trafficking types have to eat every last one of their words.

Just so long as we all understand that there is no such thing as one story of sex work - they are as diverse as the people in it. My story is my story. Your story is your story. None of us speak for all sex workers. And be honest. As Bob Dylan memorably put it “If you live outside the law you must be honest.” So long as we are all on the level, then getting as many true voices out there as possible is no bad thing.

Now back to the critics...

For pity's sake don't come crying to me if you're not as popular as you like. As the objective evidence shows, it categorically is not down to me whether or not people want to read your writing.

As regards writing as a career, it is dangerous to assume I or anyone else is getting "vastly rich" off of writing (as one bitter soul recently accused). Many people seem to think that writing a book, even a bestselling one, is a ticket to financial freedom and nets far beyond what even your common-or-garden escort can potentially make. I hate to break it to the dreamers, but that is not so.

If it was, do you think I'd still be writing? Hell, no. I'd be kicking back with J.K. Rowling and E.L. James in our secret volcano fortress warming my toes on a fire built by our minions entirely out of £50 notes and cackling madly. As opposed to the reality - sitting in my home office in a very average house in one of the poorest areas of the country. I'm not bankrolled by any grant-grabbing NGOs, my personal appearances usually only cover expenses, and nuisance legal threats from people with a lot of time on their hands cost more than all my living expenses combined. I've done better than most by writing and am still a long way off being a millionaire.

As it turns out, I hear the person who made that accusation supposedly comes from family money herself and spends her time as a dilettante poetess. If that's true, well, good luck with that. Whatever works amirite?

Best of luck, former fellow hos. This is not exactly the road less traveled but is no less bumpy for it.


Search Central Live 2024 is coming back to the APAC region

Search Central Live is coming back to the Asia Pacific region, bringing you insights from Google Search, fun networking opportunity, and more! This year we're aiming to visit Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Thailand.


Search Central Live 2024 is coming to Kuala Lumpur and Taipei

As previously announced, we're coming to Kuala Lumpur and to Taipei in the last quarter of 2024. And yes, we're very excited! The KL event will be in English and the Taipei event will be conducted in Mandarin (Traditional Chinese).


Pour un « Front économique » vraiment libéral !

TRIBUNE. Des experts saluent la creation de ce collectif pro-business, tout en exprimant le souhait qu'il s'attaque egalement au dirigisme de l'Etat.


Winter is coming ou choisir entre la Souveraineté et le Marché

Petite nouveauté : j'ouvre mon blog afin de faire vivre le débat et certains auront remarqué le changement d'intitulé. Désormais, Il y aura un nouveau contributeur en la personne de Vincent Grenier qui est entrepreneur et membre du Conseil National du...


Cette espèce marine serait capable de... faire repousser des parties de son anatomie

Les pycnogonides, une espèce marine apparentée aux araignées, peuvent faire repousser des parties du corps après amputation, et pas seulement de simples membres, selon une étude publiée lundi, ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles découvertes sur la régénération.

"Personne ne s'attendait à cela", a déclaré Gerhard Scholtz de la prestigieuse université Humboldt à Berlin, et l'un des auteurs principaux de cette étude parue dans la revue Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "Nous avons été les premiers à démontrer que c'était possible", a-t-il ajouté. Il est connu qu'une multitude d'espèces d'arthropodes tels que les mille-pattes, les araignées ou d'autres insectes peuvent faire repousser une patte après l'avoir perdue.

"Les crabes peuvent même se débarrasser automatiquement de leurs membres s'ils sont attaqués", a déclaré Gerhard Scholtz, précisant: "ils les remplacent par un nouveau membre". Ce que les chercheurs ont découvert à travers leurs expériences avec ces minuscules créatures à huit pattes, est qu'elles sont capables de régénérer même d'autres parties du corps. Pour l'étude, ils ont amputé différents membres et parties postérieures du corps de 23 pycnogonides juvéniles et adultes, et ont observé les résultats.

Repousse d'un corps à partir de seulement quelques cellules

Aucune régénération de parties du corps n'a été constatée dans les spécimens adultes, mais certains étaient toujours en vie après deux ans. Les spécimens juvéniles, en revanche, ont connu une régénération complète ou quasi-complète des parties du corps manquantes, y compris l'intestin postérieur, l'anus, la musculature, et certaines parties d'organes génitaux.

A long terme, 90% des pycnogonides ont survécu, et 16 spécimens juvéniles ont effectué leur mue par la suite au moins une fois. La régénération postérieure a ainsi été constatée chez 14 des spécimens juvéniles tandis qu'aucun des spécimens adultes n'a mué ou ne s'est régénéré. Les capacités de régénération varient à travers le règne animal.

Les vers plats, par exemple, peuvent faire repousser leur corps à partir de seulement quelques cellules. Les vertébrés, dont les hommes, n'ont quasiment aucune capacité de régénération à l'exception de quelques espèces comme les lézards, qui peuvent faire repousser leurs queues.

Selon Gerhard Scholz, les résultats de l'étude ouvrent de nouvelles voies de recherche dans le domaine. "Une multitude d'espèces différentes peuvent être testées de cette manière", dit-il, ce qui pourrait permettre de comparer les mécanismes de régénération. "Au bout du compte, peut-être que les mécanismes que nous découvrons chez les arthropodes nous aiderons dans les traitements médicaux après la perte d'un membre, d'un doigt, etc... chez les humains", espère le chercheur.


La justice stoppe une enquï¿œte potentiellement gï¿œnante sur Jean Castex, trois jours aprï¿œs sa nomination comme Premier ministre

Hasard du calendrier ou volontᅵ de prᅵserver le nouveau Premier ministre ? Selon Mediapart, une enquᅵte judiciaire ouverte par le parquet de Perpignan, potentiellement gᅵnante pour Jean Castex, a ᅵtᅵ...


Adaptive terminal sliding mode control of a non-holonomic wheeled mobile robot

In this paper, a second-order sliding mode adaptive controller with finite time stability is proposed for trajectory tracking of robotic systems. In order to reduce the chattering phenomenon in the response of the variable structure resistant controller, two dependent sliding surfaces are used. In the outer loop, a kinematic controller is used to compensate the geometric uncertainty of the robot, and in the inner loop, the proposed resistive control is used as the main loop. On the other hand, considering the dynamic uncertainty and disturbance of the robot, an adaptive strategy has been used to estimate the uncertainty limit during the control process in order to eliminate the need for basic knowledge to determine the uncertainty limit in the resistant structure. The proposed control method demonstrates significant enhancements in performance, with the linear velocity error improving by approximately 80%, leading to a more accurate and responsive system.


Why students need to learn biomimicry rather than select a correct answer? A neurological explanation

For a long time, high school students have been forced to practice selecting correct answers on college scholastic ability tests. Recently, it has been suggested that schools introduce biomimicry activities for STEM education to develop students' 21st century competency. However, there have been arguments about which system is more appropriate in terms of enhancing a student's competency development. Therefore, we evaluated neurological evidence of students' competency using fMRI scans taken during the selecting a correct answer for a biology question and during a biomimicry activity. Results showed that the repetitive practice of selecting correct responses limited a student's neurological activities to the brain network of the visual cortex and the front-parietal working memory cortex. However, the biomimicry activity simultaneously involved diverse prefrontal, parietal and temporal cortexes, and the putamen, limbic and cerebellum lobes. Therefore, this study proposes that the biomimicry activities could stimulate their coordinated brain development.


Promising Instructional Practices for English Language Learners

Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this exploratory case study was to understand how teachers, working with English Language Learners (ELLs), expanded their knowledge and instructional practices as they implemented a one-to-one iPad® program. Background: English Language Learners experience linguistic, cultural, and cognitive shifts that can be challenging, and at times lead to isolation for ELLs. While technology can be engaging, devices alone do not shift instructional practices, nor lead to student learning. Technology must be leveraged through shifts to pedagogical practice and linked thoughtfully to content goals. Methodology: This research was conducted through a qualitative case study of educators at an international school. Contribution: This study describes promising pedagogical practices for leveraging 1:1 mobile devices for ELLs. Findings: iPads can be a support for ELL students. One-to-one iPads allowed teachers to experiment with new pedagogical approaches, but this development varies greatly between teachers. During the 1:1 implementation there were challenges reported. Recommendations for Practitioners: In order to mitigate some of these challenges, and build on the success of this study, the researcher suggests developing a common vision for technology integration, using collaborative models of ELL teaching, and investing in professional development. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers should continue to document and observe the learning outcomes of ELL students in 1:1 environments, including an experimental study. Impact on Society: ELLs can benefit from 1:1 technology, and new pedagogical practices. For teachers to implement these new practices conversations on philosophy, engagement with families, and consistent professional development. Future Research: Future research can continue to expand the population of ELL students in 1:1 mobile learning environments; and the most powerful pedagogical practices.


Exploring the Key Informational, Ethical and Legal Concerns to the Development of Population Genomic Databases for Pharmacogenomic Research


Customizing Instruction


Web Triad: the Impact of Web Portals on Quality of Institutions of Higher Education - Case Study of Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Analysis of Information Systems Management (post)Graduate Program: Case Study of Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Principals, Agents and Prisoners: An Economical Perspective on Information Systems Development Practice


E-Textbooks Are Coming: Are We Ready?


Economic Upliftment and Social Development through the Development of Digital Astuteness in Rural Areas

One of the key attempts towards a collective African vision is the New Economic Partnership for African Development (NEPAD). Barnard and Vonk (2003) report that “53 countries have been urged to implement ICTs in three crucial development arenas: education, health and trade”. While NEPAD and other initiatives have contributed to the provision of ICT infrastructure with positive results as seen in the growth of Internet uses, the disparities in development across Africa are enormous. The challenge to Higher Education Institutions in Africa has been summarised by Colle (2005): “central to creating digital resources and academic infrastructure is the question of universities’ relevance to the world around them, and especially to the challenge of being an active player – ‘an anchor of a broad-based poverty alleviation strategy’ in an increasingly knowledge-based economy”. It can be inferred from Colle that the activities of HEIs in Africa ought to be geared towards contributing to the realisation of the Millennium development goals.


Hybrid App Approach: Could It Mark the End of Native App Domination?

Aim/Purpose: Despite millions of apps on the market, it is still challenging to develop a mobile app that can run across platforms using the same code. Background: This paper explores a potential solution for developing cross platform apps by presenting the hybrid app approach. Methodology: The paper first describes a brief evolution of the different mobile app development approaches and then compares them with the hybrid app approach. Next, it focuses on one specific hybrid app development framework called Ionic. Contribution: The paper presents the hybrid app approach as an emerging trend in mobile app development and concludes with the highlight of its advantages and teaching implications. Findings: The hybrid app approach reduces the learning curve and offers tools to allow the reuse of code to create apps for different mobile devices. Recommendations for Practitioners: The experience that the paper describes in using Ionic framework to create a hybrid app can be adopted in a web design or mobile app development course. Impact on Society : The advance in hybrid framework in general and the growing acceptance of open source framework, such as Ionic in particular, may provide an alternative to the native app domination and may trigger the rapid rise of hybrid apps in the years to come.


Virtual Pathology Learning Resource: A Promising Strategy in Teaching Pathology to Allied Health Science Students

Aim/Purpose: The objective of this study was to concept test a new instructional aid called Virtual Pathology Learning Resource (VPLR), which was used as a vehicle to communicate information and enhance teaching and learning of basic sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology) to allied health science students at a South Australian university. Background: Pathology was traditionally taught using potted specimens to review disease manifestations independently. However, this approach was found inadequate and ineffective. VPLR is a new teaching platform comprising of digitised human normal and human pathology specimens (histology, histopathology), patient case studies, short answer and critical thinking questions, and self-assessment quizzes. Using authentic learning theory as an educational pedagogy, this learning resource was developed to enhance the teaching and learning of Pathology. Methodology: Cross-sectional study design was used. A survey, given at the end of the course, gathered qualitative and quantitative data concerning the perceptions and experiences of the students about VPLR and its components. The online tool SurveyMonkey was utilised so that students could respond anonymously to a web link that displayed the questionnaire. The perceived impact on students was assessed using an 18-item questionnaire seeking agreement or disagreement with statements about VPLR, multiple choice and open-ended questions querying the best things about VPLR, benefits to be derived, and areas for improvement. Descriptive and frequency analyses were performed. Contribution: The VPLR approach involved rich learning situations, contextualised content, and facilitated greater understanding of disease concepts and problems. Findings: In a sample of 103 Medical Radiation students, 42% of students (N=43) responded to the post-intervention survey. The majority of students reported highly positive effects for each component of the VPLR. The overall results indicated that this tool was a promising strategy in teaching Pathology as it assisted students’ gaining knowledge of the science, facilitated connections between sciences, and allowed students to make better links with professional practice and skills. Recommendations for Practitioners: As students found VPLR to be beneficial, it is recommended that the same approach is applied for the teaching of Pathology to other health science students, such as Nursing. Other universities might consider adopting the innovation for their courses. Recommendation for Researchers: Applying VPLR to teaching other allied health science students will be undertaken next. The innovation will be appropriate for other health science students with particular emphasis on case-based or problem-based learning and combined with clinical experiences. Impact on Society: In reshaping the way of teaching a science course, students are benefited with greater depth of understanding of content and increase motivation to study. These are important to keep students engaged and ready for practice. VPLR may impact on education and technology trends so that exploration and possibilities of initiatives are ongoing to help students become successful learners. Other impacts are the new forms of learning discovered, the renewed focus on group work and collaboration, and maximising the use of technology in innovation. Future Research: Future directions of this research would be to conduct a follow-up of this cohort of students to determine whether the impacts of the innovation were durable, meaning the change in perceptions and behaviour is sustained over time.


Zooming?! - Higher Education Faculty Perspectives

Aim/Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic demanded an immediate and massive adaptation of higher education to distance learning. Teachers had to transform from face-to-face to distance teaching, with insufficient pedagogical and technological knowledge and resources. This study aims to capture higher education faculty experiences in the very early stages of the crisis-prompted transition into synchronous distance education in order to obtain a broader view on the faculty’s perspectives (benefits, challenges and insights) on distance teaching through synchronous online environments. Background: Although online teaching and learning have been part of higher education teaching for more than two decades, many instructors found themselves teaching remotely for the first time and facing new and unpredicted challenges. Methodology: This study explored and analyzed an e-mail thread discourse between teachers in a higher education institute, two months after “going online” due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A singular case study was conducted, and a retrospective and snapshot case study approach was used. Data analysis was an iterative exploratory process of going back and forth the empirical material, resulting in the construction of categories, then themes, and finally a conceptual framework was developed. Contribution: The findings contribute the knowledge domain of implementation of immediate and massive online teaching and learning from the faculty perspective. Findings: Two main focal points, students and teachers, were encountered. Three main recurring themes were identified associated with both students and teachers: Convenience, Ethical Issues, and Insights for the future. Two themes were identified associated with faculty: Pedagogy and Tools, and Resources. In addition, two themes were identified for students: Attendance and Responses. Each of the themes was decomposed into several aspects. Recommendations for Practitioners: Higher education institutions and stakeholders should build a campus wide e-learning agenda including appropriate infrastructure and professional development for the future. Recommendations for Researchers: The study presented a conceptual model based on qualitative case study methodology. The impact and influence of each of the components of the model should be further researched and measured using quantitative methodologies. Impact on Society: Understanding the benefits and challenges of distance learning from the faculty perspectives in order to implement better distance learning strategies. Future Research: The impact and influence of each of the components of the model should be further researched and measured using quantitative methodologies.


Egocentric Database Operations for Social and Economic Network Analysis


Interest in ICT Studies and Careers: Perspectives of Secondary School Female Students from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds


The Use of ICT for Economic Development in the Silesian Region in Poland


A Knowledge Integration Methodology for Developing Customized Maintenance Documents


A Promising Practicum Pilot – Exploring Associate Teachers’ Access and Interactions with a Web-based Learning Tool


Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Home Internet Usage Patterns in Central Queensland


Overcoming the Challenge of Cooperating with Competitors: Critical Success Factors of Interorganizational Systems Implementation


Risk of Misinforming and Message Customization in Customer Related Management

This paper discusses applications of the measures of the risk of misinforming and the role of the warranty of misinforming in the context of the informing component of Customer Related Management (CRM) issues. This study consists of two parts. Firstly, we propose an approach for customers’ grouping based on their attitude toward assessing product's properties and their expertise on the terminology/domain of the seller’s message describing the product. Also we discuss what the most appropriate personal/group warranty is for each of these group/clusters. 



Labor codes have been voluntarily adopted and used by manufacturers in emerging economies for the past two decades, as a means of ensuring minimally acceptable or core labor standards for workers. However, far too little is known of the potential benefits from the voluntary adoption of labor codes to the manufacturer, and prior human resource management research has been virtually silent on the business implications of their use for emerging economy manufacturers participating in global supply chains. Drawing on previous work across multiple disciplines and proposing a framework that extends human resource management theory more explicitly and rigorously to the context of emerging economy manufacturing, I theorize and demonstrate that the voluntary adoption of a labor code may constitute an effective human resource investment in emerging economies in improving establishment-level employee outcomes and operational and financial performance. The hypotheses are tested using longitudinal data on a sample of apparel manufacturing plants in Sri Lanka. Implications of this study include providing insight into how to expand the scope and relevance of human resource management theory to better understand research and practice in emerging economies.


Questioning Neoliberal Capitalism and Economic Inequality in Business Schools

The burgeoning economic inequality between the richest and the poorest is a cause of concern for social, political, and ethical reasons. While businesses are both implicated and affected by growing inequality, business schools have largely neglected to subject the phenomenon to sufficient critique. This is, in part, because far too many management educators rely on orthodox economic perspectives—often represented by neoliberal capitalism—which have dominated the curricula and the teaching philosophy of business schools. To address this issue, this article underscores the need for business schools to critically examine the relationship between neoliberal capitalism and economic inequalities, and to overtly engage with this nexus in pedagogical practice. The article concludes by revisiting the concepts of relationality and answerability as paths by which to address the current predicament. Relationality and answerability collectively offer: i) conceptual and reflexive tools by which to re-imagine business school education, and, ii) space for business schools to debate important questions about the taken-for-granted, but problematic, assumptions underlying the ideology of neoliberal capitalism



Research suggests that the structure of trainee reactions is captured with as few as one or as many as eleven dimensions. It is commonly understood that reactions contain both affective and cognitive components. To date, however, training research focuses largely on affective reactions that range from pleasant to unpleasant (i.e., valence). Here, we expand and further refine the construct of affective trainee reactions by including reactions that are more and less activating versions of pleasantness (e.g., excitement and calm, respectively) and unpleasantness (e.g., stress and boredom, respectively). We develop and validate a new measure based on this model and argue that the structure of affective reactions has implications for better understanding learning and course reputation outcomes. Results from a short online training indicate that reactions were best explained by four factors: pleasant activation (e.g., excitement), pleasant deactivation (e.g., calm), unpleasant activation (e.g., stress), and unpleasant deactivation (e.g., boredom). The relationships between these reactions and training outcomes suggest what is most beneficial for course reputation outcomes (i.e., pleasant activating reactions) may not benefit learning; what is most beneficial for learning (i.e., pleasant deactivating reactions) may benefit course reputation outcomes but slightly less so.


Why is Elon Musk becoming Donald Trump's efficiency tsar?

The tech billionaire joins the incoming administration to "dismantle government bureaucracy" - but what's in it for both of them?


President-Elect Trump Promises National Concealed Carry Reciprocity in His Next Term

President-Elect Donald Trump reaffirmed his commitment to protecting the Second Amendment by announcing his push for national concealed carry reciprocity.

  • Gun Rights News
  • Donald Trump
  • National Concealed Carry Reciprocity


Assessing economic impact of Trump’s victory

DONALD Trump’s victory in the 2024 US presidential election has raised global concerns about how his economic policies may impact countries like Malaysia.

With an “America First” approach focused on protecting domestic interests, the Trump administration is expected to reshape international trade, shift investment flows and influence geopolitical relationships.

For Malaysia, this outcome presents not only challenges but also opportunities in key economic sectors, including trade, foreign investment and commodities.

Trump is anticipated to continue protectionist policies that prioritise US jobs and domestic production. His proposal to impose a 10% import tariff on all goods entering the US aims to reduce reliance on foreign products and bolster domestic manufacturing.

Additionally, Trump’s plan to impose tariffs as high as 60% on Chinese products could have significant implications for Malaysia, one of the major exporters of electronic products and components to the US. If high tariffs are applied to Chinese goods, Malaysian products incorporating Chinese components could also be impacted, potentially diminishing US demand for Malaysian exports.

While this situation presents risks, it also provides opportunities as companies diversify supply chains away from China. Malaysia benefitted from the “China+1” strategy during Trump’s first term, as exports to the US increased amid US-China trade tensions.

Malaysia’s semiconductor industry, a focus of large investments from multinational companies such as Intel and Infineon, may continue to attract interest as a stable manufacturing base.

Currently, Malaysia holds around 13% of the global market in chip packaging and testing, making it a favourable location for companies seeking to expand operations outside of China. These conditions indicate Malaysia’s potential to further establish itself as a manufacturing hub if it can maintain political stability and investor-friendly economic policies.

The energy sector is also likely to be affected. Trump’s pro-oil stance could lead to increased US production and exports of fossil fuels. Should global oil prices rise, Malaysia, as an oil exporter, stands to benefit from higher national revenue.

However, rising oil prices also carry inflationary risks, as increased energy costs could drive up production costs and consumer prices domestically. While the energy sector may gain, higher energy costs could pressure consumer purchasing power and escalate operational costs for local industries.

To maximise these potential gains, Malaysia will need to balance these impacts on the consumer sector and ensure monetary policies support price stability.

The Malaysian commodity sector, particularly palm oil, faces potential challenges as well. During Trump’s first term, the US imposed import restrictions on Malaysian palm oil companies such as FGV Holdings and Sime Darby Plantation over allegations of forced labour. These restrictions affected Malaysian palm oil exports to the US, reducing revenue and harming the country’s image as a responsible producer.

Should similar policies persist, Malaysia will need to strengthen sustainable labour practices and meet international standards to retain access to global markets and protect its reputation as an ethical producer.

Trump’s policies could bring added uncertainty to Malaysia’s capital markets and the ringgit’s value. With US interest rates currently at 4.75%-5.00%, any influence Trump may exert on the Federal Reserve to raise rates could lead global investors to favour US assets, potentially causing capital outflows from Malaysia.

In 2023, Malaysia saw a 6.8% decline in foreign equity inflows, and the ringgit depreciated by around 8% against the US dollar. This shift reduces liquidity in local capital markets, and foreign investors may approach Malaysian equities with greater caution, especially if Trump’s policies introduce additional tariffs or trade restrictions.

As demand for the US dollar rises, the ringgit may face continued downward pressure. A weaker ringgit could increase import costs, particularly in vital sectors like food and technology, compounding domestic inflationary pressures, which currently stand at 2.8%.

To address these challenges, Malaysia needs a strong risk management strategy to maintain market stability and support the ringgit amid growing uncertainties.

In addition, Trump’s protectionist stance may directly impact Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into Malaysia. As a manufacturing hub in Southeast Asia, Malaysia could see reduced FDI if the US pursues an aggressive stance on countries with significant trade surpluses.

Trump’s emphasis on protecting US jobs and domestic economic interests may lead to decreased investment from US companies in Malaysia.

Concurrently, prolonged US-China trade tensions could make investors more cautious about Malaysia, which may be perceived as politically and economically vulnerable. Any decline in FDI could affect job creation, technology growth and Malaysia’s long-term economic stability.

Furthermore, Trump’s victory raises concerns about the future of the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (Ipef). Trump has previously expressed a desire to withdraw from trade agreements like Ipef, which he sees as “another TPP”. If this happens, Malaysia may face challenges in maintaining market access and regional economic integration.

To prepare, Malaysia must diversify its trade partnerships, strengthen local industries and foster growth in resilient sectors. Malaysia’s involvement in Ipef reflects its commitment to regional economic integration, which could help mitigate the negative effects of US protectionist policies.

In summary, Trump’s victory could have significant implications for Malaysia’s economy. Protectionist policies and prolonged trade tensions could disrupt global supply chains, increase market uncertainty and challenge Malaysia’s economic growth.

Malaysia must be prepared with sustainable and adaptable strategies to tackle these challenges while capitalising on emerging opportunities to maintain economic resilience amid an increasingly complex global landscape.

The writer is a researcher and Islamic Finance consultant.

  • Dr Shahrul Azman Abd Razak