
Trusting in the Promises of God (Mark 9:17-31)

Fourth Sunday of the Great Fast


Becoming What God Wants Us To Be (Mt 10:32-33, 37-38; 19:27-30)

On the Sunday after Pentecost we celebrate the life of the Holy Spirit in all those who have become sanctified by God's Grace. Fr Tom reminds us that all Christians are called to be holy, as he expounds on the teachings of our Lord to His disciples.


Overcoming Obstacles To Conversion (Lk 19:1-10)

In some Orthodox traditions, the story of Zacchaeus is the first reminder of the coming of Great Lent. Fr Thomas teaches us that Zacchaeus exhibits the zeal that is an essential prerequisite for true conversion, the conversion that Christ desires of us during the Great and Holy Fast.


Becoming a True Worshipper

Fr Thomas shows us how the story of the Lord's conversion of the Samaritan Woman at the well is the pattern for telling others about the good news of Jesus Christ to make them true worshippers.


The Promise

On the Sunday before the Nativity, Fr. Tom reminds us of God's promise all throughout the Scriptures - that He is faithful and that we enter into His salvific plan as the Savior enters into our humanity at Christmas.


The Key to Becoming Like God

Listen as Fr. Tom urges us to become like God in our forgiveness.


The Promise of Persisting

Listen as Fr. Tom reminds us that the promise of eternal life is tied to the commandment to persist until the very end.


Overcoming the World

The faith that overcomes the world is the true faith, Orthodoxy, not heterodoxy or otherwise believing.


Welcoming Christ into Jerusalem

Dr. Dn. Emmanuel Kahn gives the Palm Sunday homily.


Coming to God with Empty Hands

Fr. Gregory Hallam gives the homily on Sunday, February 5, 2017.


Promises Old and New

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn asks: What does it mean to live, in St John Chrysostom’s phrase, “among the promises” for my life?


Becoming Godly

How do we "train ourselves in godliness" as St. Timothy admonishes?


Becoming Familiar With God

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn preaches on the Forefeast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple.


Becoming Holy

Today we celebrate the lives and deaths of all the saints. Here are people so committed to Christ and His Church that we want to remember them and seek their prayers and fellowship.


Promises Kept By Grace

We can be confident that Jesus Christ will forgive us and guide us and heal us - always.


Fulfillment of the Promise


Becoming a Healing Presence

Bobby Maddex interviews Dr. Albert Rossi, the residential clinical psychologist at St. Vladimir’s Seminary and the author of the new AFP book Becoming a Healing Presence.


A Homily on the Nativity

As a Christmas gift to our listeners, the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies (IOCS) presents a reading of "A Homily on the Nativity" from the book Harp of the Spirit: Poems of St. Ephrem the Syrian, translated by Sebastian Brock and published by IOCS.


Becoming Human

Dr. Rossi reviews the new book by Fr. John Behr: Becoming Human.


Fr. Ted Pisarchuk - Becoming a Better Parishioner

Dr. Rossi interviews the parish priest at St. Justin Martyr Orthodox Church in Jacksonville about parish life, outreach, and evangelism.


The Homily

Dr. Rossi interviews Dr. Bruce Beck, Assistant Professor of New Testament and Director of the Pappas Patristic Institute at Holy Cross Seminary. They talk about the importance of the homily in the Divine Liturgy and how we should prepare ourselves to hear it.


Becoming Childlike

Dr. Rossi reflects upon an interaction that he had with his granddaughter and Jesus' call to become like a little child.



Dr. Rossi interviews Fr. Sergius Halvorsen on the place of the homily in the life of the average parishioner. The Rev. Dr. J. Sergius Halvorsen is the Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program, Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Rhetoric at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Yonkers, NY.


The Homily and the Hearer: Interview with Fr. Sergius Halvorsen

Dr. Albert Rossi has a follow up interview with Fr. Sergius Halvorsen on the topic of "The Homily and the Hearer." Rev. Dr. J. Sergius Halvorsen is the Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Yonkers, NY.


Becoming a Healing Presence in Dark Times

Dr. Albert Rossi reflects on how we can be a healing presence during these dark times in our world.


Overcoming Impulse Through Relaxation and Prayer: An Interview with Fr. Alexis Trader

Dr. Albert Rossi interviews Fr. Alexis Trader, author of Ancient Christian Wisdom, on the topic of overcoming impulsivity and the desire to control the world around us.


Becoming Like Children

Dr. Albert Rossi shares his thoughts on what it means to become like a child in order to inherit the Kingdom of God.


Lenten Homily

Fr. John Parker is the Chair of the Dept. of Evangelization for the Orthodox Church in America. He wrote this homily to begin Lent based on the Paschal Homily of St. John Chrysostom.


Demonizing Dichotomies or a Rainbow Flag

Fr. Lawrence Farley warns us that we can neither demonize the world nor accept all that it offers.


The Coming of the Lord - St. Leo the Great

Fr. Matthew examines a sermon by St. Leo of Rome, normally read in the season of Pascha, yet which sheds great light on the coming of the Lord, and the pastoral message to be gleaned from the intense theological disputes about Christ's natures that raged in the early Church.


The Coming of the Lord - St. Leo the Great

Archimandrite Irenei examines a sermon by St. Leo of Rome, normally read in the season of Pascha, yet which sheds great light on the coming of the Lord, and the pastoral message to be gleaned from the intense theological disputes about Christ’s natures that raged in the early Church.


OCA 15th All American Council Coming Soon

On November 10-13, the Orthodox Church in America will convene its 15th All-American Council in Pittsburgh. It is a significant event as a new Metropolitan will be elected. Ancient Faith Radio is honored to be the official media partner for the Council and will be there in November to make the sessions available for those who cannot come. We will also bring you the announcement of the new Metropolitan as well as an interview with him. In a series of interviews leading up to November 10, we will talk with various representatives of the OCA in anticipation of this historic event. In this first interview we talk with Fr. Andrew Jarmus, the Director of Ministries and Communications for the OCA and provide some basic information about the event including the process followed in electing a new Metropolitan.


Homily on the Presentation of the Theotokos

Fr. Wilbur Ellsworth from Holy Transfiguration Antiochian Orthodox Church in Warrenville, IL.


Met. Kallistos Coming to Chicago!

Dr. Brad Nassif is our guest to talk about an opportunity to hear Met. Kallistos Ware at North Park University in Chicago February 22-23.


Coming to Orthodoxy

On this special edition of Ancient Faith Presents, Father Nabil Hanna, the priest at St. George Orthodox Church in Fishers, Indiana, speaks at the 20th anniversary celebration of St. Mary's Orthodox Church in Goshen, Indiana.


Homily at the Funeral of Fr. Thomas Hopko

On Monday, March 23, 2015, Fr. Thomas Hopko was prayed into God's presence by hundreds of friends, hierarchs, clergy, and family. The funeral homily was given by Fr. John Behr, Dean at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary.


Becoming Truly Human

An interview with Charles Ajalat about the Becoming Truly Human course in the Antiochian Archdiocese. Learn about this home-based and lay led approach to spreading the Gospel now available. Find out more at the Antiochian website.


A Hard Promise to Keep

Joel Smith and Fr. Moses Berry join us to talk about a video documentary planned to tell the remarkable story of Fr. Moses Berry and his coming to Orthodoxy. Also mentioned was the Brotherhood of St. Moses the Black conference coming up in October. Learn more about A Hard Promise to Keep and stay connected with progress.


Kathryn Bocanegra and the Upcoming OCAMPR Conference

Bobby Maddex interviews Dr. Kathryn Bocanegra, a post-doctoral fellow at Loyola University of Chicago’s Center for Criminal Justice Research, Policy, and Practice, and one of the keynote speakers at the upcoming annual conference of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion, or OCAMPR. For more information about the conference and to register, please click here.


Dn. Perry Hamalis and the Upcoming OCAMPR Conference

Bobby Maddex interviews Dn. Perry Hamalis, the Cecelia Schneller Mueller Professor of Religion at North Central College and one of the keynote speakers at the upcoming annual conference of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion, or OCAMPR. For more information about the conference and to register, please click here.


Coming Soon - Ancient Faith Today with Kevin Allen

John Maddex interviews Kevin Allen about the new live call-in program coming to Ancient Faith Radio on April 22. Learn about the topics and plans as well as how you can be involved,


The Promise, the Process, and the Price

Fr. Pat discusses three periods of biblical history related to the Nativity.


Coming to Terms with the Beyond

An abiding sense of the beyond is utterly native to human experience. Fr. Pat Reardon makes three points about this experience.


Becoming a Christian


Overcoming Laziness

We're answering one of your questions, about how we can overcome laziness. How can changing our perspective help?


Does God Promise Happiness? (with Hank Hanegraaff)

If we are faithful, does God reward us? Does He promise wealth and blessings? Or is true happiness so much more... Hank Hanegraaff, the Bible Answer Man, joins Steve at the start of Holy Week.


Coming Soon - Orthodoxy Live!

Kevin interviews Fr. Evan Armatas who will host a brand new call in program starting November 18 and then be heard the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. This program will offer an "open line" to any question about Orthodoxy and the Bible and then a podcast will be available to download shortly after each program. A few calls came in even on this program to give us a taste of the format.


Becoming Holier than God

Don't try this on with God: He doesn't like it. Mark 2:23 - 3:5


The Homilies of St. Raphael Hawaweeny

On this special episode of American Orthodox History, recorded at the first symposium on American Orthodox History at Princeton University, Matthew interviews Samuel Noble, a doctoral candidate at Yale University who has been translating from Arabic the homilies of St. Raphael Hawaweeny.


Scaling Your Business Requires Understanding Your Unit Economics

In the world of business, understanding unit economics is crucial for achieving scalability, profitability, and maintaining overall business health. It provides valuable insights into the financial performance of a company, allowing entrepreneurs and managers to make informed decisions about resource allocation, pricing, and profitability. I spend a decent amount of time talking about this in ... Read more

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