
Homily for the 7th Sunday After Pentecost

Today we continue to celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord on Mt. Tabor, when the spiritual eyes of Peter, James, and John were opened to behold His divine glory. They saw Him shining brilliantly and heard the voice of the Father proclaiming “This is my beloved Son with Whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.” We also continue to prepare to celebrate the Dormition (or “falling asleep”) of the Theotokos, when she became the first to follow her Son as a whole embodied person into the eternal life of the heavenly kingdom.


Offering our Few Loaves and Fishes for the Salvation of the World: Homily for the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost

It is easy to fall into despair before our own personal problems, the challenges faced by loved ones, and the brokenness of our society and world. It is tempting to refuse to accept that we remain responsible for offering ourselves to Christ as best we can for healing and transformation in holiness, regardless of what is going on in our lives, families, or world


Homily for the Ecclesiastical New Year

Think for a moment about how we mark the passage of time in our lives. We all know how old we are. Students know what grade they are in. Workers know how long they have been employed. Married people count their anniversaries. Some of us remember America’s bicentennial. Perhaps we pay attention to such markers to try to make sense of the meaning of our lives as those caught up in the inevitable cycle of birth and death, of one generation passing away as another arises. As we read in Ecclesiastes, “That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” (Eccles. 1:9)


Homily for the Sunday After the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

As we continue to celebrate the Elevation of the Holy Cross, we must remain on guard against the temptation of viewing our Lord’s Cross as merely a religious symbol that requires nothing of us. Through His Self-Offering on the Cross, Christ has conquered death and brought salvation to the world. But in order for us to share personally in His eternal life, we must take up our own crosses, deny ourselves, and follow Him. If we refuse to do that, then we will show that we are ashamed of our Lord and want no part in Him or His Kingdom. We will show that we prefer to continue in the old way of death rather than to enter by His grace into the heavenly reign.


Homily for the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of Seventh Ecumenical Council

Many are strongly tempted today to allow the problems facing our culture and world to distract us from growing to maturity in the Christian life and bearing good fruit for the Kingdom of God. That is perfectly understandable in light of our constant access to global media and the gravity of current events.


The Ecclesio-Political System of Byzantium and Its Shortcomings

Fr. John draws attention to a feature of Byzantine statecraft in which the Emperor persecuted and manipulated the leadership of the Church.


The Homily of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) for the Sunday of the Last Judgment

Fr. John shares the Homily of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) for the Sunday of the Last Judgment.


Homily by Nathan Hoppe

Nathan Hoppe shares reflections on Albania and the call that we have to invite others to meet Christ.


A Homily for the Beginning of Lent

As the Lenten season begins, Fr. John Parker reads a brief sermon that he had penned, formerly read by Fr. Thomas Hopko, that is written in the style and tradition of St. John Chrysostom's well known and loved Paschal Homily.


A Promise is a Promise?: The Sunday of All Saints

Hebrews 11:33-12:2 presents us both with heroes who “succeeded” by outward appearances, and those who met affliction. We look to Exodus, Deuteronomy, Psalm 119, and especially Job to help us see how God makes many promises to His people, but crowns these with the gift of Himself, both in Jesus Christ, and in the promised Holy Spirit. It is this great gift that the ancient righteous anticipated, and that we have joyfully celebrated with them this week.


Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "God Creates the World," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: The Fall of Mankind and Noah's Ark

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "The Fall of Mankind and Noah’s Ark," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: The Hospitality of Abraham and Jacob & Esau

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "The Hospitality of Abraham and Jacob & Esau," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: Joseph Interprets Dreams and Joseph and His Family

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, Joseph Interprets Dreams and Joseph and His Family by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017) Available from Sebastian Press Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "Joseph Interprets Dreams and Joseph and His Family," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: Jacob's Ladder and Joseph & The Coat of Many Colors

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "Jacob’s Ladder and Joseph & The Coat of Many Colors," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: Joseph's Prophesy and The Prophet Moses

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "Joseph’s Prophesy and The Prophet Moses," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: Leaving Egypt and In the Wilderness

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "Leaving Egypt and In the Wilderness," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: God's Law and Joshua and the Battle of Jericho

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "God’s Law and Joshua and the Battle of Jericho," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: The Anointing of David and David and Goliath

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "The Anointing of David and David and Goliath," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: Ruth's Story and The Young Prophet Samuel

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "Ruth’s Story and The Young Prophet Samuel," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: David the Psalmist and King Solomon the Wise

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "David the Psalmist and King Solomon the Wise," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: King Solomon's Reign and The Prophet Elias

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "King Solomon’s Reign and The Prophet Elias," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: The Chariot of Fire and The Prophet Elisha

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "The Chariot of Fire and The Prophet Elisha," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: The Prophet Jonah Runs from God and the Prophet Jonah in Nineveh

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "The Prophet Jonah Runs from God and the Prophet Jonah in Nineveh," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: Tobit and Tobias and The Prophet Isaiah

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "Tobit and Tobias and The Prophet Isaiah," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: The Prophet Ezekiel and The Prophet Daniel in Babylon

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "The Prophet Ezekiel and The Prophet Daniel in Babylon," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: The Three Youths in the Fiery Furnace and The Prophet Daniel in the Lion

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "The Three Youths in the Fiery Furnace and The Prophet Daniel in the Lion’s Den," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: Saints Joachim and Anna and The High Priest Zacharias

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "Saints Joachim and Anna and The High Priest Zacharias," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: The Annunciation and Mary Visits Elizabeth

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "The Annunciation and Mary Visits Elizabeth," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Welcoming the Christ Child: Conclusion – Righteous Joseph and A Child is Born in Bethlehem

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "Conclusion – Righteous Joseph and A Child is Born in Bethlehem," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Coming Out of the Darkness

Fr. Ted explains that the purpose of our existence is to transfigure ourselves into being more like Christ.


Becoming the Father: The Sunday of the Prodigal Son

Fr. Ted calls us to become like the Father who was ready and willing to welcome those who return to the life of the Church, rather than the big brother who was judgmental towards his returning brother.


Coming Home

Fr. Theodore Paraskevopoulos invites us to enter the Great Fast with hope on the Sunday of Forgiveness.


The New Orthodox Faithful: Why Evangelical Christian University Graduates Are Becoming Orthodox

The Orthodox Church is seeing an influx of graduates from Evangelical Christian colleges and universities, exploring traditional forms of historic Christianity. In this program Kevin Allen discusses this trend with two graduates of BIOLA University (Jesse Cone and Michael Unruh) who were recently chrismated.


Transforming Desires and Overcoming Addiction

In episode 5, Andrew continues to explore the transformation of our desires and how that relates to addiction. Click HERE for a transcript.


The Divine Liturgy, Part 2: The Proskomide

The Proskomide, or the leavened bread that is offered to God, and the accompanying Proskomide prayers, form the essential first part of the Divine Liturgy, taking place well before the arrival of the parishoners to the scheduled service. In this program we attempt to convey some of the significance of the Proskomide and the preparation required for its use. In the Proskomide, the whole of the Kingdom of God - those on earth and in heaven - is commemorated; the Incarnate Lord, the One Sacrifice, the One Bread, the One Body of Christ.


Overcoming Anger

Using personal experiences, the Bible and teachings of the Church, Dn. Michael discusses the importance of handling our anger appropriately.


Greeting the Coming Day in Peace

Many begin their day praying that it will be greeted in peace. Molly Sabourin gives us a glimpse into her morning routine and the difference it can make in her outlook.



Here are some more stories, written by Brother Luke, of those who are part of the St. John the Compassionate Mission community.


A Prayer of Welcome on the Occassion of Someone New Coming to Live with Us

A Prayer of Welcome on the Occassion of Someone New Coming to Live with Us, written by Brother Luke.


9.28.24 Becoming the "Bene Dicere"

How can poverty, hunger, and mourning be considered "blessed?" Father Nicolai looks at the Beatitudes through the lens of the community, revealing the "Good Word," "Bene Dicere," or "Blessing" that is poured out in and through someone with a sincere heart.


Panic announces Playdate season 2 coming next year

a dozen surprise new games released to everyone at the same time on a regular schedule #


Becoming a Christian: Cerebral or Sacramental?

It has been suggested to me that in many (most?) Evangelical circles one becomes a Christian “by accepting the finished work of Christ”—i.e. by believing and accepting as true that on the cross Jesus paid the full price due our sin and by saying a prayer acknowledging this.


Is God Coming Today?

Fr. Apostolos shares about the flash mob that gathered on Palm Sunday and at the trial of Jesus.


Overcoming Spiritual Paralysis

Fr. Apostolos shares on the Sunday of the Paralytic. "Once healed and loosed from his paralysis, the paralytic took up his mat and started walking. So too must we shake off whatever form of spiritual paralysis has us in its grip and start walking actively, energetically, and intentionally in the Holy Orthodox faith God has given us."


Coming Home

Fr. Apostolos talks about the Prodigal Son and the loving father.


The Coming Change

Fr. Apostolos connects the gospel on the Rich Young Ruler with the change in church attendance, exhorting us not to get waylaid with the cares of this world.


The Economics of Salvation

Fr. Apostolos Hill homily about the parable of the unforgiving servant.


What is Meant by the Bridegroom Coming At Midnight?


Overcoming Evil with Good (Matthew 2:13-23)