omi Overcoming Sin By Not Hiding By Published On :: 2021-05-27T21:13:12+00:00 Repentance is a matter of saying, that’s not me, that’s not who I am—even while all I can see is my failure and darkness. This is because who I am, who I am becoming, is hidden in Christ. When I turn my attention to my failure and darkness, all seems to become failure and darkness because guilt makes me want to hide from God, driving me back to sin. In turning to Christ (rather than hiding behind the fig leaves of the knowledge of good and evil–the guilt and sin dynamic), the Light cleanses me from all darkness. We only turn to sin when we turn from the Light, and it is only in turning to the Light that we start to experience real victory over sin. Full Article
omi Overcoming Temptations By Published On :: 2021-06-05T15:49:55+00:00 Fr. Michael Gillis talks about how part of our problem with overcoming temptation is that we don’t understand what temptations are for, what they are meant to accomplish in our lives. We wrongly think that temptations exist to test us to see if we will be “good.” We still haven’t believed the words of Jesus who said: “There is no one good but God.” Temptations come not to test us to see if we will be good; rather, temptations come to show us that we are not good and that we need to flee in humility to God for refuge. Temptations come because we think we can make it through the day without God’s constant help. Temptations come because we think a comfortable life is normal, rather than a gift from God. This is what the saints call self-esteem. Full Article
omi Episode 30: The Promise of The Promise By Published On :: 2017-05-11T13:05:10+00:00 This week, Christina and Emma watched The Promise. They discuss the film’s depictions of Christianity, the power of unity between people, the reality that Life overcomes death, and cultural responses to suffering. They close with their Top 5 Predictable (But Still Enjoyable) Movie Love Stories. Full Article
omi Episode 43: The Path Toward Becoming Human By Published On :: 2017-10-20T14:00:49+00:00 The guys watched the new Orthodox documentary Becoming Truly Human. They discuss the nature of conversion stories, the role of parents in journeys through faith, and how doubt can be central to our spiritual walk.They close with their Top 5 Martyr Stories. Full Article
omi Episode 127: Becoming New Men By Published On :: 2020-05-07T23:32:47+00:00 The guys explore the beautiful new documentary film, "New Men." They explore the challenge of staying in one place, whether monastic life is a higher calling, and struggles of the Christian life. You can find the film at Full Article
omi Episode 144: Becoming Mrs. Lewis By Published On :: 2020-12-17T18:25:45+00:00 The girls discuss Becoming Mrs. Lewis, the historical fiction novel about Joy Davidman, CS Lewis' wife. They address the idea of womanhood, how love builds up, and how faith is often very messy. Full Article
omi Moving Up by Moving Down: Homily for the 4th Sunday of Lent By Published On :: 2016-04-12T01:07:30+00:00 On this Sunday of "The Ladder of Divine Ascent," by St. John Climacus, we are called to ever greater heights of union with God by lowering ourselves through humble repentance. Full Article
omi His Bodily Wounds and Ours: Homily for Thomas Sunday By Published On :: 2016-05-11T01:02:57+00:00 On Thomas Sunday, we are reminded that Christ rose victoriously with his wounds and that we too may bring our bodily limitations and challenges into the redeeming light of the risen Christ. Full Article
omi Overcoming Hatred and Division Through the Resurrection: Homily on the Samaritan Woman By Published On :: 2016-05-31T18:55:26+00:00 Do you understand the Gospel as being good news for all, even for those whom you hate? Full Article
omi Christ's Shocking Mercy: Homily for “St. Timon” Sunday By Published On :: 2016-07-27T01:30:42+00:00 Fr. Philip calls us to become vessels of the shocking love of God that is the salvation of the world. Full Article
omi Our Hope for Eternal Life: Homily for the Dormition By Published On :: 2016-08-16T23:43:16+00:00 The dormition of the Theotokos is an icon of our hope for eternal life. Full Article
omi Becoming Our True Selves in Advent By Published On :: 2016-12-09T21:40:44+00:00 What is keeping you "stooped over," hindering you from becoming more like Jesus? Full Article
omi Pentecost: The Coming of the Holy Spirit By Published On :: 2019-06-18T16:54:57+00:00 Fr. Philip LeMasters preaches on the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Full Article
omi Becoming Truly Human and More Like God in Holiness This Lent By Published On :: 2020-03-13T21:48:04+00:00 Lenten practices are not instruments of punishment or legalism, but blessed tools for becoming more fully our true selves as living icons of God. Full Article
omi Becoming Radiant with Light in a World Paralyzed by the Fear of Death By Published On :: 2020-03-17T20:22:58+00:00 On this second Sunday of Great Lent, we commemorate St. Gregory Palamas, who defended the experience of monks who, in the stillness of prayer from their hearts, saw the Uncreated Light of God. Full Article
omi Becoming Truly Human by Ascending with Christ By Published On :: 2020-06-05T18:35:41+00:00 By rising into heavenly glory as the God-Man, Christ has shown us what it means to become truly human in the divine image and likeness. Full Article
omi Becoming Our True Selves Through Faith in Christ By Published On :: 2020-07-14T21:40:08+00:00 The only true response to the challenges we face today is to believe in and confess Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. If we cultivate the humility necessary to entrust ourselves to Him, then we will gain the spiritual strength not to fall into self-centeredness, fear, resentment, hatred, or other sinful states of soul that are such appealing distractions to facing the truth about ourselves. Full Article
omi Becoming “The Light of the World” Through the God-Man By Published On :: 2020-07-20T20:19:26+00:00 As odd as it will sound to many in our culture, Christ does not call us to become successful or powerful by earthly standards, including those of our own society. He calls us to shine with holiness such that His glory radiates through us and illumines a world darkened by sin and death. Doing so requires that we do not rest content with being good citizens or moral people, regardless of how those terms are defined. Full Article
omi Overcoming “the Dividing Wall of Hostility” as the Living Temple of God By Published On :: 2020-11-24T23:52:39+00:00 Joachim, Anna, and the Theotokos were the complete opposites of the rich man in today’s gospel reading. His only concern was to eat, drink, and enjoy himself because he had become so wealthy. He was addicted to earthly pleasure, power, and success, and saw the meaning and purpose of his life only in those terms. In stark contrast, the Theotokos followed the righteous example of her parents. She was prepared by a life of holiness to agree freely to become our Lord’s mother. Full Article
omi Becoming Like Christ by Obeying His Commandments By Published On :: 2021-04-01T17:17:27+00:00 Christ did not offer Himself on the Cross and rise from the dead in order to make us well-adjusted citizens of this world, but to heal every dimension of our brokenness so that we will shine brilliantly with His divine glory. Full Article
omi Becoming the Light of the World Through the God-Man By Published On :: 2021-07-19T20:24:02+00:00 We must live distinctive lives that draw others to share in the divine healing that our Lord has made available to all. Full Article
omi Becoming “A New Creation” Through the Cross of Christ By Published On :: 2021-09-27T20:25:48+00:00 It is only by dying to the old ways of death that we may live as His “new creation.” Full Article
omi Becoming Our True Selves Together by Loving God and Neighbor By Published On :: 2021-09-27T20:50:08+00:00 If we want to know Christ as the beloved disciple did, then we must learn that our very life is in our brothers and sisters. Loving them and Christ in them is the only way to find liberation from fear in our world of corruption, for it is fear that separates us from one another and keeps us from becoming together the uniquely beautiful persons our Lord created us to become in His image and likeness. Full Article
omi Mindfully Becoming Who We Are in Christ One Day at a Time By Published On :: 2021-10-27T14:05:00+00:00 We must remember who we are and find our true selves in Him, if we want to avoid the inevitable disintegration of personality and character that comes from slavery to our passions. Then we too will be able to obey with joy the Lord’s command to the formerly demon-possessed man: “Return to your home, and declare all that God has done for you.” Full Article
omi Homily for the Sunday of the Forefathers of Christ and Spyridon the Wonderworker By Published On :: 2021-12-13T22:49:15+00:00 As “the poor and maimed and blind and lame,” we must prepare to accept the extraordinary invitation that is ours in Jesus Christ by gaining the strength to make our daily responsibilities points of entrance to the heavenly kingdom. They are not reasons to shut ourselves out of the heavenly banquet, but opportunities to unite ourselves ever more fully to Him in freedom. Full Article
omi Becoming Holy Even as We Live in the World By Published On :: 2022-03-21T23:07:20+00:00 Whenever we pray, fast, and serve others with humility, we open ourselves to the healing light of the Lord and become more like Him. These practices are not reserved for those who have abandoned the world, but are necessary for all of us who remain weak before our passions with spiritual vision darkened by sin. The circumstances of our lives never excuse us from answering the call to become radiant with the divine energies of our Lord, but present their own opportunities to rise, take up our beds, and walk. Full Article
omi Becoming Persons United to Christ in Love By Published On :: 2022-05-10T21:40:25+00:00 The devotion of the Myrrh-Bearers, Joseph and, Nicodemus shows us what true faith looks like, and we will never acquire it by looking for ways to fit God comfortably into our lives in order to help us achieve our goals in and for this world, regardless of how noble we think they are. Full Article
omi Overcoming the Paralysis of our Passions By Published On :: 2022-05-16T19:27:52+00:00 Entering into the holy joy of Pascha is truly an eternal journey of sharing ever more fully in the healing mercy of Christ as we become more like Him in holiness. The only way to do that is to rise, take up our beds, and walk each day of our lives in obedience as best we can. Full Article
omi Overcoming the Darkness Evident in a Society Accustomed to School Shootings By Published On :: 2022-06-01T00:34:55+00:00 In light of what such atrocities reveal about the human condition, it is obviously not enough to affirm religious beliefs, to perform certain acts of outward piety, or merely to identify ourselves as Orthodox Christians. Indeed, it is entirely possible to do all those things while remaining blind, embracing the darkness, and becoming all too comfortable with the forces of death and destruction. Full Article
omi Becoming the Light of the World Through the God-Man By Published On :: 2022-08-07T16:30:12+00:00 By the grace of our Lord, we may become the light of the world as we do what the world does not prize: praying in secret; struggling to fast as we best we can; giving generously to the needy without drawing attention to ourselves; forgiving and praying for those who wrong us; mindfully rejecting the temptation to praise ourselves or to condemn anyone else; and confessing and repenting of our sins on a regular basis. Full Article
omi Homily for the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ in the Orthodox Church By Published On :: 2023-01-02T18:25:15+00:00 If we want to share personally in Christ’s restoration and fulfillment of the human person in God’s image and likeness, we must cut off from our hearts and minds all that would separate us from embracing the great mystery of the One Who was circumcised in the flesh on the eighth day. Full Article
omi Becoming Persons in Communion with God and One Another by the Holy Spirit By Published On :: 2023-06-05T20:09:57+00:00 Today we celebrate the restoration of our true unity in God through the unifying power of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter sent by the risen and ascended Savior Who is seated at the right hand of the Father in heavenly glory. Full Article
omi Becoming Receptive to the Light of Christ Through Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving By Published On :: 2023-06-19T14:57:05+00:00 The spiritual disciplines of the Apostles Fast provide us all with opportunities to clarify our spiritual vision and gain the strength to see all the blessings of this life as gifts to be offered to God. Full Article
omi Becoming “All Flame” Through the God-Man By Published On :: 2023-07-17T21:17:44+00:00 There is a temptation in pursuing the Christian life to think that we are more faithful than we actually are because we have confused lesser goals for our true calling. Then we can pat ourselves on the back for achieving far less than what the God-Man has made possible for us as “partakers of the divine nature.” Full Article
omi Becoming a Human Person Fully Alive to the Glory of God By Published On :: 2023-11-20T06:00:01+00:00 St. Irenaeus wrote that “The glory of God is a man fully alive, and the life of man consists in beholding God” (Adv. haer. 4.20.7).” To be a human person is to bear the image of God with the calling to become more like Him in holiness. The more we do so, the more we become our true selves. The God-Man Jesus Christ came to restore and fulfill us as living icons of God. He enables us to become truly human as we participate personally in Him as the Second Adam. As St. Paul wrote, “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” (2 Cor. 1:20) Full Article
omi Homily for the Sunday of Forefathers (Ancestors) of Christ in the Orthodox Church By Published On :: 2024-01-01T06:00:01+00:00 As we welcome Christ into our lives and world at His Nativity, we must remain focused. There is no shortage of distractions this time of year that appeal to our passions and threaten to convince us that there are matters more important than accepting His gracious invitation to enter fully into the joy of the banquet of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Savior calls us to embrace our true vocation not only during divine services or in the eschatological future, but in every moment of our lives. Full Article
omi Homily for the Sunday Before the Theophany (Epiphany) of Christ in the Orthodox Church By Published On :: 2024-01-22T06:00:01+00:00 Today is the Sunday before the Feast of Theophany (or Epiphany), when we celebrate Christ’s baptism in the river Jordan and the revelation that He is truly the Son of God. His divinity is made manifest and openly displayed at His baptism when the voice of the Father declares, “You are my beloved Son” and the Holy Spirit descends upon Him in the form of a dove. Theophany shows us that Jesus Christ, who was born in the flesh for our salvation at Christmas, is not merely a great religious teacher or moral example. He is truly God—a member of the Holy Trinity– and His salvation permeates His entire creation, including the water of the river Jordan. Through Christ’s and our baptism, we become participants in the holy mystery of our salvation, for He restores to us the robe of light which our first parents lost when they chose pride and self-centeredness over obedience and communion. He enters the Jordan to restore Adam and Eve, and all their children, to the dignity of those who bear the image and likeness of God. Full Article
omi Homily for the Sunday of Forgiveness in the Orthodox Church By Published On :: 2024-03-26T12:25:37+00:00 On the last several Sundays, our gospel readings have challenged us to return home from our self-imposed exile. Zacchaeus gave more than justice required to the poor and those whom he had exploited from his ill-gotten gains, and was restored as a son of Abraham. By her persistence and humility, the Canaanite woman received the deliverance of her daughter as a sign that Christ calls all people to return home to Him in faith. The publican returned to his spiritual home by humbly calling for the Lord’s mercy, even as the Pharisee exiled himself by his pride. The prodigal son took the long journey home after coming to his senses about the misery of being in exile from the father whom he had abandoned. Full Article
omi Homily for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son By Published On :: 2024-04-01T05:00:01+00:00 The themes of exile and return are prominent throughout the entire narrative of the Bible. Adam and Eve were cast out of Paradise. The Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt until Moses led them back to the Promised Land. The kingdoms of Israel and Judah went into exile in Assyria and Babylon, respectively, with only Judah returning home. The Jews endured a kind of exile when the Romans occupied their land and longed for restoration through a new King David. Our Lord provided the true restoration of a kingdom not of this world, leading all with faith in Him back to Paradise through His Cross and glorious resurrection. The canon of the New Testament concludes with the Revelation or Apocalypse, which portrays the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, the joyful fulfillment of all things in Him. Full Article
omi Homily for the First Sunday of Lent (The Sunday of Orthodoxy) By Published On :: 2024-04-08T05:00:01+00:00 On this first Sunday of Great Lent, we commemorate the restoration of icons centuries ago in the Byzantine Empire. They were banned due to a misguided fear of idolatry, but restored as a proclamation of how Christ calls us to participate in His salvation in every dimension of our existence. Full Article
omi Homily for the Second Sunday of Great Lent By Published On :: 2024-04-22T17:03:21+00:00 We will misunderstand these blessed weeks of Lent if we assume that they are about helping us to have clearer ideas or deeper feelings about our Lord’s crucifixion and resurrection. We will be even more confused if we think that our intensified prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and repentance somehow earn God’s forgiveness or make us better than other people. Quite the contrary, Lenten disciples are simply opportunities to open our souls to the gracious healing of our Lord so that we may share more fully in His life. That is another way of saying that the point of Lent is to grow in our knowledge of God through true spiritual experience and encounter. Full Article
omi Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent By Published On :: 2024-04-29T15:16:22+00:00 If we have embraced the spiritual practices of Lent with any level of integrity for the last few weeks, the weakness of our faith has surely become apparent to us. Full Article
omi Homily for the Feast of Palm Sunday By Published On :: 2024-05-13T20:11:40+00:00 The Desert Father Saint Antony the Great once tested a group of monks by asking them, beginning with the youngest, the meaning of a certain passage of Scripture. In response to their answers, he said, “You have not understood it.” Finally, he asked Abba Joseph, who said, “I do not know.” Then Abba Antony said, “Indeed Abba Joseph has found the way, for he has said: ‘I do not know.’” Full Article
omi Homily for the Sunday of St. Thomas the Apostle By Published On :: 2024-05-27T05:00:01+00:00 Today we continue to celebrate the most fundamental and joyful proclamation of our faith: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life! Full Article
omi Homily for the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women, Pious Joseph of Arimathaea, & Righteous Nicodemus By Published On :: 2024-06-03T15:11:02+00:00 As we continue to celebrate our Lord’s glorious resurrection on the third day and victory over Hades and the tomb, we have to admit that all too often we live as though death still reigned. We do so especially when we obsess about how weak, broken, and vulnerable we are, especially in light of the grave. Full Article
omi Homily for the Sunday of the After-feast of the Ascension and Commemoration of the Holy Fathers By Published On :: 2024-06-24T17:30:00+00:00 Forty days after His resurrection, our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ ascended in glory into heaven and sat at the right hand of God the Father. He did so as One Who is fully divine and fully human, One Person with two natures. He ascended with His glorified, resurrected body, which still bore the wounds of His crucifixion. Our Lord’s Ascension reveals that we may participate by grace in the eternal life of the Holy Trinity and share in His fulfillment of the human person in God’s image and likeness. We may experience such blessedness even now by uniting ourselves to Christ even as we live and breathe in this world with our feet on the ground. Full Article
omi Homily for the Great Feast of Pentecost By Published On :: 2024-07-08T21:18:08+00:00 On today’s great Feast of Pentecost, we celebrate the fulfillment of the deepest desires of those who bear the divine image and likeness to participate personally in the eternal life of God. Full Article
omi Homily for the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council By Published On :: 2024-07-22T20:54:42+00:00 We live in a time when many people water down and distort the Christian faith however it pleases them. Some do so in support of their favorite political or cultural agendas, while others simply want a little spirituality to help them find greater peace of mind or success in their daily lives, which do not differ at all from those of people who do not identify themselves as Christians Full Article
omi The Roman Centurion with Humble Faith in the Jewish Messiah: Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Matthew By Published On :: 2024-08-05T05:00:01+00:00 Our Lord’s ministry violated many of the religious and cultural sensibilities of first-century Palestine in shocking ways. Contrary to all expectations for the Jewish Messiah, He asked for a drink of water from a Samaritan woman with a broken personal history, engaged in an extended spiritual conversation with her, and then spent two days in a Samaritan village. He invited Himself to the home of Zacchaeus, a corrupt tax-collector for the Roman army of occupation. And as we read today, He not only healed the servant of a Roman centurion, but said of this man, “Truly, I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.” This encounter is truly astounding because the Jews expected a Messiah to defeat the Romans by military force, not to praise the faith of their officers. Full Article
omi Transfigured in Holiness Like the Theotokos: Homily for the Sixth Sunday After Pentecost By Published On :: 2024-08-12T20:52:13+00:00 We are certainly in a spiritually rich time of year in the life of the Church. Having begun the fast in preparation for the Dormition of the Theotokos, we are now also anticipating the Transfiguration of the Lord, when Peter, James, and John beheld His divine glory on Mount Tabor. As with all the feasts of the Church, the point is not simply to remember what happened long ago, but instead to participate personally in the eternal truth made manifest in these celebrations. And that means nothing less than being transfigured ourselves by our Lord’s gracious divine energies as we come to share more fully in His restoration and fulfillment of the human person as a living icon of God. Full Article