
Concerned I have a rootkit


Spyware or Trojan...2-3 months and it comes back


Comparison of two MnIVMnIV-bis-μ-oxo complexes, {[MnIV{N4(6-Me-DPEN)}]2(μ-O)2}2+ and {[MnIV{N4(6-Me-DPPN)}]2(μ-O)2}2+

The addition of tert-butyl hydro­peroxide (tBuOOH) to two MnII complexes, differing by a small synthetic alteration from an ethyl to a propyl linker in the ligand scaffold, results in the formation of the high-valent bis-oxo complexes, {[MnIV{N4(6-Me-DPEN)}]2(μ-O)2}2+ (1) and {[MnIV{N4(6-Me-DPPN)}]2(μ-O)2}2+ (2).


Obtaining the best results: aspects of data collection, model finalization and inter­pretation of results in small-mol­ecule crystal-structure determination

This article aims to encourage practitioners, young and seasoned, by enhancing their structure-determination toolboxes with a selection of tips and tricks on recognizing and handling aspects of data collection, structure modelling and refinement, and the interpretation of results.


Crystal structure and characterization of a new copper(II) chloride dimer with meth­yl(pyridin-2-yl­methyl­idene)amine

The new copper(II) complex [CuLCl2]2, where L is a product of Schiff base condensation between methyl­amine and 2-pyridine­carbaldehyde, is built of discrete centrosymmetric dimers.


Co-crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and DFT studies of 3,4-ethyl­ene­dioxy­thio­phene solvated bis­[1,3-bis­(penta­fluoro­phen­yl)propane-1,3-dionato]copper(II)

The title complex, Cu(L)2 or [Cu(C15HF10O2)2], comprising one copper ion and two fully fluorinated ligands (L−), was crystallized with 3,4-ethyl­ene­dioxy­thio­phene (EDOT, C6H6O2S) as a guest mol­ecule to give in a di­chloro­methane solution a unique co-crystal, Cu(L)2·3C6H6O2S.


Forthcoming article in Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications


Report of the Executive Committee for 2017

The report of the Executive Committee for 2017 is presented.


Anomalous small viral shells and simplest polyhedra with icosahedral symmetry: the rhombic triacontahedron case

The development of antiviral strategies requires a clear understanding of the principles that control the protein arrangements in viral shells. Considered here are those capsids that violate the paradigmatic Caspar and Klug (CK) model, and it is shown that the important structural features of such anomalous shells from the Picobirnaviridae, Flaviviridae and Leviviridae families can be revealed by models in the form of spherical icosahedral packings of equivalent rhombic structural units (SUs). These SUs are composed of protein dimers forming the investigated capsids which, as shown here, are based on the rhombic triacontahedron (RT) geometry. How to modify the original CK approach in order to make it compatible with the considered rhombic tessellations of a sphere is also discussed. Analogies between capsids self-assembled from dimers and trimers are demonstrated. This analysis reveals the principles controlling the localization of receptor proteins (which recognize the host cell) on the capsid surface.


A coloring-book approach to finding coordination sequences

An elementary method is described for finding the coordination sequences for a tiling, based on coloring the underlying graph. The first application is to the two kinds of vertices (tetravalent and trivalent) in the Cairo (or dual- tiling. The coordination sequence for a tetravalent vertex turns out, surprisingly, to be 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, …, the same as for a vertex in the familiar square (or 44) tiling. The authors thought that such a simple fact should have a simple proof, and this article is the result. The method is also used to obtain coordination sequences for the,, 4.82, 3.122 and 34.6 uniform tilings, and the snub-632 tiling. In several cases the results provide proofs for previously conjectured formulas.


k-Isocoronal tilings

In this article, a framework is presented that allows the systematic derivation of planar edge-to-edge k-isocoronal tilings from tile-s-transitive tilings, s ≤ k. A tiling {cal T} is k-isocoronal if its vertex coronae form k orbits or k transitivity classes under the action of its symmetry group. The vertex corona of a vertex x of {cal T} is used to refer to the tiles that are incident to x. The k-isocoronal tilings include the vertex-k-transitive tilings (k-isogonal) and k-uniform tilings. In a vertex-k-transitive tiling, the vertices form k transitivity classes under its symmetry group. If this tiling consists of regular polygons then it is k-uniform. This article also presents the classification of isocoronal tilings in the Euclidean plane.


Determination of stacking ordering in disordered close-packed structures from pairwise correlation functions

It is shown how to reconstruct the stacking sequence from the pairwise correlation functions between layers in close-packed structures. First, of theoretical interest, the analytical formulation and solution of the problem are presented when the exact pairwise correlation counts are known. In the second part, the practical problem is approached. A simulated annealing procedure is developed to solve the problem using as initial guess approximate solutions from previous treatments. The robustness of the procedure is tested with synthetic data, followed by an experimental example. The developed approach performs robustly over different synthetic and experimental data, comparing favorably with the reported methods.


MATLAB - h5disp incorrectly errors out on HDF5 files containing fixed-length UTF-8 encoded strings

Attempting to display the contents of an HDF5 file containing fixed-length UTF-8 encoded strings results in an unexpected error in MATLAB.

For example, the following code


returns this error:

Error using h5infoc
UTF-8 encoding is only supported for variable length strings.

Error in h5info (line 108)
hinfo = h5infoc(filename,location, useUtf8);

Error in h5disp>display_hdf5 (line 121)
hinfo = h5info(options.Filename,options.Location);

Error in h5disp (line 99)
This bug exists in the following release(s):

Interested in Upgrading?


System Composer - MATLAB might crash when System Composer functions have invalid or missing stereotypes as input

When creating a System Composer architecture model, if the following functions are called with an invalid or missing stereotype, it can cause the model to get corrupted and might lead to a MATLAB crash:

  • addComponent
  • addPort
  • connect
When the corrupted model is saved or loaded and edited, the Simulink Diagnostic Viewer might display an error that indicates the System Composer model is inconsistent, and then result in a MATLAB crash.
This bug exists in the following release(s):
R2020a, R2019b, R2019a

Interested in Upgrading?


Simulink - Incorrect Code Generation: In a model containing blocks from the SoC Blockset and asynchronous sample time, the sorted order might be incorrect

Simulink might produce an incorrect sorted order for a model that meets all of the following conditions:

  • The model contains blocks from the SoC Blockset
  • The Signal logging option is selected in the model configuration set
  • Signals using asynchronous sample time are configured for logging
As a result, Simulink might produce incorrect results in Normal, Accelerator, and Rapid Accelerator simulation modes as well as in generated code.
This bug exists in the following release(s):

Interested in Upgrading?


MATLAB - When opening a text file with UTF-16 or UTF-32 encoding using the Import Tool, a warning message is shown, and if you proceed, the data may not be imported correctly.

If you try to open a text file with UTF-16 or UTF-32 encoding, the Import Tool displays a warning message stating that the encoding is not supported.  If you continue to load the file anyways, it is opened with UTF-8 encoding, and the file may not be displayed or imported as expected.This bug exists in the following release(s):

This bug has a workaround

Interested in Upgrading?


Simulink - Signal Editor prematurely indicates that a save operation is complete

When the Signal Editor is saving data, the indicator that the save is occurring does not appear.  You might notice a delay when saving large data files.This bug exists in the following release(s):

Interested in Upgrading?


Simulink - Subsystem Reference block's position changes on loading or during synchronization of contents

In certain scenarios, a Subsystem Reference block changes its position. It can happen during: 

  1. Loading of top model which contains the Subsystem Reference block 
  2. Synchronization of Subsystem Reference block's contents
  3. Converting a subsystem to Subsystem Reference block 
This bug exists in the following release(s):

Interested in Upgrading?


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How to share your LAN internet connection via Wifi


Troubleshoot Network Connections with Ipconfig Command


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(Outlook 365) Exporting IMAP Outlook Contact on Android Device




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Russian E-Commerce and E-Payments Report

This free report highlights the main facts, numbers and trends of the Russian ecommerce and e-payments markets in an international perspective.


Cross-Border Payments and Commerce Report 2019 – 2020

The new Cross-Border Payments and Commerce Report 2019 – 2020 depicts the major trends driving growth in cross-border payments, cross-border commerce, and marketplaces.


Who's Who in Payments 2020 – Complete Overview of Key Payment Providers

Who’s Who in Payments – Complete Overview of Key Payment Providers encompasses key trends in the payments industry.


Crystal structure and characterization of a new copper(II) chloride dimer with methyl(pyridin-2-ylmethylidene)amine

The new copper(II) complex, namely, di-μ-chlorido-bis{chlorido[methyl(pyridin-2-ylmethylidene)amine-κ2N,N']copper(II)}, [Cu2Cl4(C7H8N2)2], (I), with the ligand 2-pyridylmethyl-N-methylimine (L, a product of Schiff base condensation between methylamine and 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde) is built of discrete centrosymmetric dimers. The coordination about the CuII ion can be described as distorted square pyramidal. The base of the pyramid consists of two nitrogen atoms from the bidentate chelate L [Cu—N = 2.0241 (9), 2.0374 (8) Å] and two chlorine atoms [Cu—Cl = 2.2500 (3), 2.2835 (3) Å]. The apical position is occupied by another Cl atom with the apical bond being significantly elongated at 2.6112 (3) Å. The trans angles of the base are 155.16 (3) and 173.79 (2)°. The Cu...Cu separation in the dimer is 3.4346 (3) Å. In the crystal structure, the loosely packed dimers are arranged in stacks propagating along the a axis. The X-band polycrystalline 77 K EPR spectrum of (I) demonstrates a typical axial pattern characteristic of mononuclear CuII complexes. Compound (I) is redox active and shows a cyclic voltammetric response with E1/2 = −0.037 V versus silver–silver chloride electrode (SSCE) assignable to the reduction peak of CuII/CuI in methanol as solvent.


Obtaining the best results: aspects of data collection, model finalization and interpretation of results in small-molecule crystal-structure determination

In small-molecule single-crystal structure determination, we now have at our disposal an inspiring range of fantastic diffractometers with better, brighter sources, and faster, more sensitive detectors. Faster and more powerful computers provide integrated tools and software with impressive graphical user interfaces. Yet these tools can lead to the temptation not to check the work thoroughly and one can too easily overlook tell-tale signs that something might be amiss in a structure determination; validation with checkCIF is not always revealing. This article aims to encourage practitioners, young and seasoned, by enhancing their structure-determination toolboxes with a selection tips and tricks on recognizing and handling aspects that one should constantly be aware of. Topics include a pitfall when setting up data collections, the usefulness of reciprocal lattice layer images, processing twinned data, tips for disorder modelling and the use of restraints, ensuring hydrogen atoms are added to a model correctly, validation beyond checkCIF, and the derivation and interpretation of the final results.


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