
How is the coronavirus outbreak affecting China’s relations with India?

China’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has reinforced the skeptical perception of the country that prevails in many quarters in India. The Indian state’s rhetoric has been quite measured, reflecting its need to procure medical supplies from China and its desire to keep the relationship stable. Nonetheless, Beijing’s approach has fueled Delhi’s existing strategic and economic concerns. These…



Dealing with Delhi: How culture shapes India’s Middle East policy

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the United Arab Emirates revealed New Delhi’s intention to bolster bilateral relations with the Gulf states. It was the first visit by an Indian prime minister in over 30 years, demonstrating the country’s renewed focus on expanding ties with the region it has always called “West Asia.” Although India and the Middle East share a long history of trade, immigration and cultural exchange, relations have yet to reach their full potential.

Read "Dealing with Delhi: How culture shapes India’s Middle East policy"

In this policy briefing, Kadira Pethiyagoda highlights the importance of an under-reported aspect of the relationship – culture. The author explains the role it plays in India’s policies toward the region, particularly under the current government, and argues that Gulf states need to understand the impact of Indian values and identity. Pethiyagoda provides recommendations on how the Gulf states can, through better understanding the cultural drivers of Indian foreign policy, build stronger ties with India, thereby advancing both economic and strategic interests.


Publication: Brookings Doha Center
Image Source: © Adnan Abidi / Reuters


‘India needs an immediate fiscal stimulus of around 5%’



Is India getting right mix of fiscal & monetary policy?



India’s foreign affairs strategy

India finds itself in an increasingly dangerous world, one that is fragmenting and slowing down economically. It is a world in transition, one in which India’s adversaries — state or non-state, or both as in Pakistan’s case — are becoming increasingly powerful. If the external world is becoming more unpredictable and uncertain, so are internal…



Webinar: Electricity Discoms in India post-COVID-19: Untangling the short-run from the “new normal” India’s electricity grid’s most complex and perhaps most critical layer is the distribution companies (Discoms) that retail electricity to consumers. They have historically faced numerous challenges of high losses, both financial and operational. COVID-19 has imposed new challenges on the entire sector, but Discoms are the lynchpin of the system.  In a panel discussion…



Covid-19: Getting Indian citizens back home



Podcast | Comparative politics & international relations: Lessons for Indian foreign policy



Choices: Inside the making of India’s foreign policy

The foreign policy and national security choices of a country are often critical and have a strong impact on global perceptions of the country and also on its ties with other nations and international organizations. In his new book, “Choices: Inside the Making of India’s Foreign Policy” (Brookings Institution Press, 2016), Shivshankar Menon, distinguished fellow […]



India-Pakistan: The Next Critical Steps

In his first major address on the Administration’s on-going efforts to end nuclear proliferation in South Asia, Deputy Secretary Talbott will give an on-the-record report on the status of the negotiations with India and Pakistan as well as outline U.S. government goals for the next critical steps.



Progress paradoxes in China, India, and the US: A tale of growing but unhappy countries

What we know depends on what we measure. Traditional income-based metrics, such as GDP and poverty headcounts, tell a story of unprecedented economic development, as seen by improvements in longevity, health, and literacy. Yet, well-being metrics, which are based on large-scale surveys of individuals around the world and assess their daily moods, satisfaction with life,…



India’s energy and climate policy: Can India meet the challenge of industrialization and climate change?

In Paris this past December, 195 nations came to an historical agreement to reduce carbon emissions and limit the devastating impacts of climate change. While it was indeed a triumphant event worthy of great praise, these nations are now faced with the daunting task of having to achieve their intended climate goals. For many developing…



Recycled Play Structures Bring Joy to Schools in Rural India

Artist Shilpa Joglekar works with rural communities in India and Taiwan to create much-needed play structures out of natural and recycled materials.


Indian Vultures Show Some Signs Of Recovery Since Veterinary Painkiller Ban

Some good news on the critically endangered Indian vulture: New research published in PLoS One documents how the rate of the bird's decline has fallen since India, Nepal, and Pakistan banned the veterinary painkiller


India, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea All Soon Clobbering the US on Renewable Energy

Furthering a trend: As the United States continues virtually deadlocked on enacting any legislation pricing carbon or significantly promoting renewable energy, more Asian countries than China are likely to


Cleveland Indians Score Another Green Hit With Innovative Helix Turbine, A Baseball First

A 18-foot-wide helix turbine specially designed for urban spaces has been installed on the roof of Progressive Field, ready to begin churning out energy on opening day.


Greenpeace tackles destructive tuna fishing in the Indian Ocean

Fish Aggregating Devices are a serious driver of overfishing, which is why Greenpeace is on a mission to dismantle all the FADs it can find.


Art Show Spotlights India's Polluted Yamuna River

The source of 70 percent of New Delhi's water, the Yamuna River is filthy with sewage and garbage, but people are now being drawn to its banks by a new art exhibit that seeks to raise awareness about the river's plight.


Photographer documents India's forgotten yet still remarkable water stepwells

These impressive feats of architecture and engineering are one of India's traditional methods of water conservation. Now threatened by disuse and a growing water crisis, one photojournalist is documenting them before they are forgotten.


In 2 years, all streetlights in India will be LEDs

India's streetlights are about to have a serious upgrade. The energy savings alone will be huge.


Couple creates wildlife sanctuary in India by letting barren farmland return to nature

The husband and wife have spent 25 years buying up wasteland farmers no longer wanted; now elephants, tigers and leopards roam free there.


Government says every car in India could be electric by 2030

If this plan even halfway succeeds, oil companies will be in serious trouble.


Indian state aims to plant record-breaking 50 million trees in one day

Uttar Pradesh is going to be looking a lot greener after a marathon 24-hour tree-planting frenzy.


India to halt all coal plant construction by 2022

That's way sooner than almost anyone expected.


"Vegan Richa's Indian Kitchen" is a serious Indian cookbook for vegans

Vegans will love this cookbook that has grown out of a popular Indian food blog. Now it's possible to enjoy classics like tofu-paneer in spinach and chicken-free balti.


Simple solar-powered water purification system turns sewage water into clean drinking water in India

The system will also help reduce the spread of disease in rural villages.


Tigers, leopards and wild dogs found living in surprising harmony in Indian reserves

A new study finds 3 carnivores that usually avoid each other at all costs have found smart ways to peacefully co-exist. #goals


China and India years early on climate goals, meanwhile...

The unexpectedly fast progress of other countries may even "cancel out" American rollbacks.


German International School in India goes vegan

It became too difficult for students and teachers to reconcile eating meat with caring for abandoned animals.


A new generation of Indian farmers rejects industrial food production

Supported by the Amrita Bhoomi Agroecology Centre, young farmers are experimenting with natural farming methods, while saving money and lives in the process.


You could be fined for possession of single-use plastic in India

The state of Maharashtra, home to Mumbai, collected nearly $6,000 in fines this past Sunday from businesses that haven't gotten rid of banned plastics yet.


A tribe in India just sent us this letter about tigers

The indigenous Chenchu people say they know the real way to save India's tigers.


Indian students mail 20,000 empty food wrappers to manufacturers

A dramatic act of protest reminds companies to take responsibility for the wasteful packaging they produce.


India may smash its 175 GW renewables target several years early

It's not revising up its official targets, but the government is hinting that it may now achieve 225 GW by 2022.


Indiana utility to quit coal and cut CO2 90% within 10 years

This ambitious goal is all the more remarkable because NIPSCO is currently 65% coal dependent.


Reflective paint, free water, medical training: How Indian authorities slashed heat deaths 90%

We are by no means helpless in the face of climate change.


India to implement major single-use plastic ban on Oct 2

This year, Gandhi's birthday will be marked by a national crackdown on six specific plastic items.


150 Amazon Indians Occupy Belo Monte Dam Site

Where the words and appeals of those indigenous tribes destined to be displaced by the dam had failed, nearly two-hundred native Amazonians have now gathered in a last ditch effort to protect their homeland using their bodies.


GM Cotton Fails - Insect Pests Thriving on Indian Plants When They Should Be Dead

An article in the latest issue of the journal Current Science raises serious questions about the long-term viability of genetically-modified Bt cotton to actually do what it's intended to do, increase pest resistance.


GM Cotton Fails to Raise Yields in India, Despite Large Increase in Planting

Though cotton yields initially doubled when GM cotton began being planted a decade ago, in the past six years yields have failed to increase even though planting has markedly increased.


Large solar selling cheaper than fossil fuels in Texas, Georgia, India, Brazil, and Chile

Solar power has grown up, and it's ready to blow up.


Vedanta Resources' Orissa Bauxite Refinery Expansion Blocked by Indian Government

Two months after the Indian government stopped plans by UK-based Vedanta Resources to put a bauxite mine on a mountain held sacred by two indigenous tribal groups in Orissa, on the


India follows China's lead, bans plastic waste imports

Another door has closed for Western nations hoping to dump their trash overseas. Maybe it's time for another model?


Calling for Clean Energy at Indiana University

Students organize a massive call-in to demand the school transition away from coal.


U.S. and India agree to “cooperate closely” on climate change

Yesterday, U.S. President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a deal to work together against climate change.


Indian state plans 25 GW of solar, gets 40

I'll say it again, renewables are taking off much faster than anyone expected.