
Corona III - stories [STICKY WICKET]


Mole is the JCS resident insectivore who shares his views on various aspects of life-science research. In this series, called The Corona Files, Mole talks about how the COVID-19 pandemic is changing the landscape for researchers.


With 1844 first edition, Smithsonian Libraries completes its collection of Charles Darwin’s three-volume geology series

Smithsonian Institution Libraries has recently acquired a rare first edition of Darwin's Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands, Visited During the Voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle.

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Smithsonian’s National Gem Collection acquires a yellow fluorite from Tanzania

Fluorite is well known and prized for its rich variety of colors, most commonly pale green, purple, yellow, orange, blue, pink and colorless. “We acquired this specimen because it is a very nice quality fluorite with an attractive color and it is large enough to be exhibited,” Curator Jeff Post says.

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Ancient megalake discovered beneath Sahara Desert

Formed some 250,000 years ago when the Nile River pushed through a low channel near Wadi Tushka, it flooded the eastern Sahara, creating a lake that at its highest level covered more than 42,000 square miles.

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Smithsonian Digital Repository Now Contains 10,000 Items

The Smithsonian Research Online program recently surpassed the mark of 10,000 publications in the Digital Repository. This collection of digital publications by Smithsonian staff represents a broad review of research done by researchers at the Institution.

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Smithsonian hydrologist discovers that rainfall has dried up Panama’s drinking water

To understand the long-term effects of a prolonged tropical storm in the Panama Canal watershed, Robert Stallard, staff scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and research hydrologist at the U.S. Geological Survey, and Armando Ubeda, the LightHawk Mesoamerica program manager, organized four flights over the watershed to create a digital map of landslide scars.

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Pink tourmaline “Nautilus” pendant enters National Gem Collection

The pendant took Grand Prize in the National Saul Bell Design Competition in 2008 and features a beautiful 3.76-ct pink tourmaline from Nigeria.

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Q&A: Smithsonian volcanologist Richard Wunderman answers questions about the Aug. 23, East Coast earthquake

Richard Wunderman is managing editor of the Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network and a geologist in the Division of Mineral Sciences at the Smithsonian’s […]

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Boom and bust cycle of marine biodiversity every 60 million years linked to uplifting of continents

A mysterious cycle of booms and busts in marine biodiversity over the past 500 million years could be tied to a periodic uplifting of the world's continents, scientists report

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Iowa meteorite crater confirmed

Recent airborne geophysical surveys near Decorah, Iowa are providing an unprecedented look at a 470-million-year-old meteorite crater concealed beneath bedrock and sediments. The aerial surveys, […]

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Salamander DNA reveals evidence of older land connection between Central and South America

The humble salamander may provide evidence to support a controversial claim that North and South America were joined together much earlier than previously thought. The […]

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Scientists uncover relationship between lavas erupting on sea floor and deep-carbon cycle

Scientists from the Smithsonian and the University of Rhode Island have found unsuspected linkages between the oxidation state of iron in volcanic rocks and variations […]

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Earth’s gold came from colliding dead stars

We value gold for many reasons: its beauty, its usefulness as jewelry, and its rarity. Gold is rare on Earth in part because it’s also […]

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Is Earthly Life Premature From a Cosmic Perspective?

The universe is 13.8 billion years old, while our planet formed just 4.5 billion years ago. Some scientists think this time gap means that life […]

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What the Ancient CO2 Record May Mean for Future Climate Change

The last time Earth experienced both ice sheets and carbon dioxide levels within the range predicted for this century was a period of major sea […]

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Colossal diamond’s eerie glow earns it a fiery name

Several weeks before it went on display in mid-November at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, minerals curator Jeff Post stood in the museum’s […]

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Microplastics in our environment: A conversation with Odile Madden, Smithsonian plastics scientist

Odile Madden knows a lot about plastic. A materials scientist with the Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute, she has spent the past eight years studying plastics […]

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Battle against invasive marine species comes up short as global shipping surges

In the battle against invasive species, giant commercial ships are on the front lines. But even when they follow the rules, one of their best […]

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Scientists are using the universe as a “cosmological collider”

Cambridge, MA -Physicists are capitalizing on a direct connection between the largest cosmic structures and the smallest known objects to use the universe as a […]

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Theoretical study of the properties of X-ray diffraction moiré fringes. I. Corrigenda and addenda

Seven corrections are made and several supplementary equations are added to the article by Yoshimura [Acta Cryst. (2015), A71, 368–381].


The transformation matrices (distortion, orientation, correspondence), their continuous forms and their variants. Corrigenda

Appendices B4 and B5 of Cayron [Acta Cryst. (2019), A75, 411–437] contain equations involving the point group and the metric tensor in which the equality symbol should be substituted by the inclusion symbol.


Relativistic correction of atomic scattering factors for high-energy electron diffraction

Relativistic electron diffraction depends on linear and quadratic terms in the electric potential, the latter being neglected in the frequently used relativistically corrected Schrödinger equation. The quadratic electric potential term modifies atomic scattering amplitudes in particular for large-angle scattering and backscattering. The respective correction increases with increasing scattering angle, increasing atomic number and increasing kinetic energy. Conventional tabulations for electron scattering and its large-angle extrapolations can be amended in closed form by a universal correction based on the screened Coulomb potential squared.


Cluster-mining: an approach for determining core structures of metallic nanoparticles from atomic pair distribution function data

A novel approach for finding and evaluating structural models of small metallic nanoparticles is presented. Rather than fitting a single model with many degrees of freedom, libraries of clusters from multiple structural motifs are built algorithmically and individually refined against experimental pair distribution functions. Each cluster fit is highly constrained. The approach, called cluster-mining, returns all candidate structure models that are consistent with the data as measured by a goodness of fit. It is highly automated, easy to use, and yields models that are more physically realistic and result in better agreement to the data than models based on cubic close-packed crystallographic cores, often reported in the literature for metallic nanoparticles.


X-ray diffraction from strongly bent crystals and spectroscopy of X-ray free-electron laser pulses

The use of strongly bent crystals in spectrometers for pulses of a hard X-ray free-electron laser is explored theoretically. Diffraction is calculated in both dynamical and kinematical theories. It is shown that diffraction can be treated kinematically when the bending radius is small compared with the critical radius given by the ratio of the Bragg-case extinction length for the actual reflection to the Darwin width of this reflection. As a result, the spectral resolution is limited by the crystal thickness, rather than the extinction length, and can become better than the resolution of a planar dynamically diffracting crystal. As an example, it is demonstrated that spectra of the 12 keV pulses can be resolved in the 440 reflection from a 20 µm-thick diamond crystal bent to a radius of 10 cm.


Converting three-space matrices to equivalent six-space matrices for Delone scalars in S6

The transformations from the primitive cells of the centered Bravais lattices to the corresponding centered cells have conventionally been listed as three-by-three matrices that transform three-space lattice vectors. Using those three-by-three matrices when working in the six-dimensional space of lattices represented as Selling scalars as used in Delone (Delaunay) reduction, one could transform to the three-space representation, apply the three-by-three matrices and then back-transform to the six-space representation, but it is much simpler to have the equivalent six-by-six matrices and apply them directly. The general form of the transformation from the three-space matrix to the corresponding matrix operating on Selling scalars (expressed in space S6) is derived, and the particular S6matrices for the centered Delone types are listed. (Note: in his later publications, Boris Delaunay used the Russian version of his surname, Delone.)


The atomic structure of the Bergman-type icosahedral quasicrystal based on the Ammann–Kramer–Neri tiling

In this study, the atomic structure of the ternary icosahedral ZnMgTm quasicrystal (QC) is investigated by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The structure is found to be a member of the Bergman QC family, frequently found in Zn–Mg–rare-earth systems. The ab initio structure solution was obtained by the use of the Superflip software. The infinite structure model was founded on the atomic decoration of two golden rhombohedra, with an edge length of 21.7 Å, constituting the Ammann–Kramer–Neri tiling. The refined structure converged well with the experimental diffraction diagram, with the crystallographic R factor equal to 9.8%. The Bergman clusters were found to be bonded by four possible linkages. Only two linkages, b and c, are detected in approximant crystals and are employed to model the icosahedral QCs in the cluster approach known for the CdYb Tsai-type QC. Additional short b and a linkages are found in this study. Short interatomic distances are not generated by those linkages due to the systematic absence of atoms and the formation of split atomic positions. The presence of four linkages allows the structure to be pictured as a complete covering by rhombic triacontahedral clusters and consequently there is no need to define the interstitial part of the structure (i.e. that outside the cluster). The 6D embedding of the solved structure is discussed for the final verification of the model.


SPIND-TC: an indexing method for two-color X-ray diffraction data

Recent developments of two-color operation modes at X-ray free-electron laser facilities provide new research opportunities, such as X-ray pump/X-ray probe experiments and multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion phasing methods. However, most existing indexing methods were developed for indexing diffraction data from monochromatic X-ray beams. Here, a new algorithm is presented for indexing two-color diffraction data, as an extension of the sparse-pattern indexing algorithm SPIND, which has been demonstrated to be capable of indexing diffraction patterns with as few as five peaks. The principle and implementation of the two-color indexing method, SPIND-TC, are reported in this paper. The algorithm was tested on both simulated and experimental data of protein crystals. The results show that the diffraction data can be accurately indexed in both cases. Source codes are publicly available at


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Basic BBCode Tutorial


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See what connections your Mac is making via Terminal [script included]


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Astronomers solve mystery of dusty foot trails crossing telescope mirrors

A mysterious nocturnal animal was leaving its tracks on the delicate mirrors of the telescopes at the Smithsonian's Whipple Observatory in Arizona. With a little ingenuity and a live trap, the mystery was solved. The visitor proved to be a ringtail cat, a member of the raccoon family.

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Smithsonian team examines African remains from a colonial burial site in Maryland

Forensic anthropologists from the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History discover African remains at a Colonial burial site in Maryland. Follow them as they study the remains, reconstruct the face and body, and share what they learn about the African experience in the Chesapeake in the 1600s.

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