
National Park Service Seeks Public Input on the Trans-Canyon Water Distribution Pipeline Project at Grand Canyon National Park

The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking public comment on a proposal to replace the obsolete Trans-Canyon Water Distribution Pipeline (Pipeline). The analysis of the project to replace the Pipeline and development of alternatives through an environmental assessment (EA) is required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).


Grand Canyon National Park Seeks River Logistics Contracts

The National Park Service announces a solicitation for award of up to three contracts to provide logistical services in support of administrative river trips along the Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park.


Missing Person Search at Grand Canyon National Park

The National Park Service is conducting a missing person's search within Grand Canyon National Park.


Body Located Near Black Bridge in Grand Canyon National Park

On Wednesday afternoon search and rescue crews located a body believed to be Sarah Beadle of Fort Worth, TX.


Grand Canyon National Park to Celebrate Founder's Day with Fee Free Entrance

Grand Canyon National Park will join national park sites around the country in celebrating Founder's Day with free entrance to the park.


Public invited to release of California Condors on Saturday, Sept. 30, at Vermilion Cliffs National Monument

VERMILION CLIFFS, Ariz. – California Condors will be released to the wild in the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in northern Arizona at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 30. The public is welcome to observe the release from a viewing area where spotting scopes will be set up and project personnel will be available to answer questions.


National Park Service to Reduce Bison Herd at Grand Canyon National Park

The National Park Service (NPS) will work with cooperating agencies and partners to reduce the size of the bison herd on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.


National Park Service Selects Three Companies to Provide River Logistics at Grand Canyon National Park

The National Park Service has selected three companies to provide logistical services in support of administrative river missions along the Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park. The apparent awardees are Ceiba Adventures, Inc, Colorado River & Trails Expeditions, and Grand Canyon Whitewater, LLC.


Grand Canyon National Park to Waive Entrance Fees for National Public Lands Day

Grand Canyon National Park will join national park sites around the country in celebrating National Public Lands Day with free entrance to the park. Entrance fees will be waived for all visitors arriving to Grand Canyon National Park on Saturday, September 30, 2017.


Lisa Carrico Selected as Grand Canyon National Park Deputy Superintendent of Operations and Science

Lisa Carrico, a 33-year veteran of the National Park Service (NPS), has been selected as Deputy Superintendent of Operations and Science at Grand Canyon National Park.


Man sentenced for DUI, assault, and other violations in Grand Canyon National Park

After pleading guilty to several charges, a man was sentenced to imprisonment and supervised probation during a recent court hearing. Nathan D. Goodman, age 36, is also banned from Grand Canyon National Park.


Grand Canyon National Park North Rim to Begin Seasonal Closures; Will Stay Open for Day Use

North Rim operations will begin seasonal shut-down of most visitor services on Sunday, October 15.


Grand Canyon National Park North Rim Yurt Permanently Closed

Grand Canyon National Park has closed the yurt located at CC Hill on the North Rim effective September 21, 2017 for safety concerns.


Prescribed Fire Update: Favorable Conditions Allow Fire Managers to Continue Operations on North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

National Park Service (NPS) and US Forest Service (USFS) fire managers, working together as the North Zone Interagency Fire Management Program, anticipate initiating more prescribed fire (Rx) treatments this week as weather and fuel moisture conditions allow on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.


Missing Person Search Underway at South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

The National Park Service is conducting a search for a missing person within Grand Canyon National Park.


Body Recovered on South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

On Friday, November 10 at approximately noon, the National Park Service located a body below the rim on the Rim Trail, between Pipe Creek and Mather Point.


National Park Service Seeks Public Scoping Comments on the Expanded Non-native Aquatic Species Management Plan

The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking public input on an Expanded Non-native Aquatic Species Management Plan and Environmental Assessment (EA) in Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP) and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (GCNRA) below the Glen Canyon Dam. Public scoping will be held for a 30-day period from November 15 to December 14.


Grand Canyon National Park to Waive Entrance Fees on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Grand Canyon National Park will join national park units across the country and offer visitors free entrance into the park on Monday, January 15, 2018.


Statement from Grand Canyon National Park on the Resumption of Visitor Services Following End of Government Shutdown

Following the enactment of the continuing resolution, staff at Grand Canyon National Park resumed regular operations Tuesday, January 23, 2018.


Grand Canyon National Park to Open 2019 Noncommercial River Trip Permit Lottery

On Thursday, February 1, 2018 the National Park Service will begin accepting applications for noncommercial river trip permits to raft the Colorado River through Grand Canyon National Park. The permits are for specific launch dates within calendar year 2019.


National Park Service Request Public Input on the Desert View Inter-tribal Cultural Heritage Site Plan at Grand Canyon National Park

The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking public comment on a proposal to modify facilities at Desert View to create an Inter-tribal Cultural Heritage Site. The NPS is preparing an environmental assessment (EA), in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, to develop and evaluate alternatives.


Grand Canyon National Park Celebrates African American History Month with Special Evening Program

In honor of African American History Month, Grand Canyon National Park will host a special evening program to highlight the African American experience in Northern Arizona and contributions to Grand Canyon National Park.


Business Opportunity Announced for Contracts for River Running on the Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park Superintendent Christine Lehnertz has announced the availability of a prospectus for 16 business opportunities to provide guided whitewater tours on the Colorado River.


Tusayan Route Shuttle Bus Operations to begin March 1- Park and Ride; we’ll be Your Guide at Grand Canyon National Park

The National Park Service will again offer shuttle bus service between Grand Canyon National Park and the neighboring town of Tusayan in 2018, starting March 1.


Grand Canyon National Park Announces 2019 Centennial Logo

In recognition of Grand Canyon National Park's 99th birthday, the National Park Service and Grand Canyon Association unveiled the logo for the park's upcoming 2019 Centennial.


Shuttle Bus Tips and Other Spring Break Hacks for Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park visitors planning to hike, camp, recreate, and take in the breathtaking views of Grand Canyon National Park during spring break 2018 should also prepare for long lines and road construction.


Level 2 Water Restrictions Implemented at the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park implemented Level 2 water conservation measures.


Level 3 Water Restrictions to be Implemented at the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park on Friday, March 16

On Friday, March 16, 2018 Grand Canyon National Park will begin phasing to Level 3 water restrictions and conservation measures due to a series of breaks in the Transcanyon Waterline.


Grand Canyon National Park Changes Entrance Fee to Address Infrastructure Needs & Improve Visitor Experience

The National Park Service (NPS) announced today that Grand Canyon National Park will modify its entrance fees beginning June 1, 2018 to provide additional funding for infrastructure and maintenance needs that enhance the visitor experience.


Celebrate Earth Day at Grand Canyon during National Park Week Fee-Free Day

Grand Canyon National Park invites the public to celebrate Earth Day during National Park Week fee-free day on Saturday, April 21, 2018, at the Grand Canyon Visitor Center Plaza near Mather Point from 10 am to 2 pm. All Earth Day activities are free and open to the public.


North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park to Open Tuesday, May 15 for 2018 Season

The gate at the entrance to the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park will open on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 7:30 am.


Tourism to Grand Canyon National Park Creates Economic Benefits

A national park service report shows that more than 6.2 million visitors to Grand Canyon National Park in 2017 supported the local economy.


Astronomers to Provide Free Telescope Viewing at Grand Canyon National Park, June 9-16

The 28th annual Grand Canyon Star Party will be held from Saturday, June 9 through Saturday, June 16, 2018 on the South and North Rims of Grand Canyon National Park.


Rangers at Grand Canyon National Park Remind Visitors to View Wildlife Safely

The National Park Service reminds visitors to enjoy Grand Canyon safely and to remember a visit to Grand Canyon is not like going to the zoo-there are no fences to separate you from real wild animals.


Fire Managers Remind Visitors and Residents of Very High Fire Danger at Grand Canyon National Park

NPS fire managers remind visitors and residents that fire danger in the park is very high.


Kaibab National Forest, Grand Canyon National Park to implement additional fire restrictions starting this Friday, June 8th

The U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service will implement additional fire restrictions, also known as Stage II fire restrictions, across the North Kaibab Ranger District, and the South Rim, North Rim and Inner Canyon of Grand Canyon National Park beginning at 8 a.m. this Friday.


Rangers Remind Visitors to Hike Smart at Grand Canyon National Park

Visitors to Grand Canyon, especially inner canyon hikers, mule riders, and backpackers, need to prepare for excessively hot days in the coming weeks.


Grand Canyon National Park will Implement Level 2 Water Restrictions on the North Rim on Monday, June 18

Due to a malfunction in the pump that supplies water to the North Rim of Grand Canyon, the North Rim will enter Level 2 water restrictions on Monday, June 18, 2018.


Grand Canyon National Park Will Ease North Rim Water Restrictions

Grand Canyon National Park Will Ease North Rim Water Restrictions


Rangers Strongly Urge Visitors to Hike Smart at Grand Canyon National Park

National Park Rangers at Grand Canyon National Park are strongly urging visitors to Grand Canyon, especially inner canyon hikers, mule riders, and backpackers to be prepared for excessively hot days in the coming weeks.


Grand Canyon National Park invites the public to the 7th Annual Living History Event "Echoes from the Canyon"

In place of the park's nightly evening program, visitors can learn about characters from Grand Canyon's past as they come to life and share their stories about life on the rim. Opening night is Friday, June 29 at 8:30 pm at McKee Amphitheater with additional presentations on Friday, July 27; Saturday, July 28; and Sunday July 29.


Safety First at the Rim- Tips for Viewing Grand Canyon National Parkv

Safety First. A trip to Grand Canyon can be both fun and safe by keeping these few tips in mind.


Grand Canyon National Park Requests Public Input for Maswik South Lodging Complex Project

The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking public comment on a proposal to demolish and rebuild the Maswik South lodging complex (Maswik South), and to construct two new sections of road to improve traffic flow in the vicinity of Maswik South.


Stage 2 Fire Restrictions to be Lifted at Grand Canyon National Park

Increased monsoonal activity has significantly lowered the fire danger risk for Grand Canyon National Park. On Friday, July 13, 2018 at 8:00 am stage 2 fire restrictions will be rescinded for the entire Grand Canyon National Park.


Excessive Heat Warning Issued for Grand Canyon National Park

The National Weather Service in Flagstaff, Ariz. has issued an excessive heat warning for the surrounding area, including Grand Canyon National Park at Phantom Ranch and Indian Gardens. This warning will be in effect from Monday, July 23 to Wednesday, July 25 at 8 p.m.


Grand Canyon National Park Suppressing Three Fires on North Rim

Recent monsoonal activity in the region resulted in an several new lightning ignited fires on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park over the past several days. Fire crews are actively working to suppress three fires within Grand Canyon National Park.


Obi Fire on Grand Canyon National Park North Rim Grows to 578 Acres

The Obi Fire, which started on July 21st, is approximately 578 acres. Daytime growth was slower despite active surface fire in downed logs and needle cast and a few instances of single tree torching. The fire continues to move to the north and east displaying moderated fire behavior due to overcast skies and scattered light rain showers.


Grand Canyon National Park Awarded State Grant to Improve Highway Safety and Stop Impaired Driving

The Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, along with the DUI Abatement Council, granted Grand Canyon National Park $10,000 to improve highway safety and stop impaired driving.


Humpback Chub Successfully Released in Bright Angel Creek in Grand Canyon National Park

On May 14, biologists with the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Bureau of Reclamation released endangered humpback chub, an endangered fish species endemic to the Colorado River basin, into Bright Angel Creek - following six years of successful removal of nonnative trout.


Joint News Release: Obi Fire on Grand Canyon National Park North Rim Grows to 743 Acres; New Start Stina Fire on Kaibab National Forest

The Obi Fire, which started on July 21st, is approximately 743 acres. Growth of the fire perimeter today was primarily in the northern and southeastern portion of the fire perimeter.