
UPDATED: Mandatory Water Conservation Implemented at Grand Canyon National Park Due to Water-System Issues

Beginning at 8 am on Thursday, June 23rd Grand Canyon National Park will implement mandatory Level 2 water conservation measures due to diminished water resources.


UPDATE: Continued Mandatory Water Conservation at Grand Canyon National Park Due to Water-System Issues

Grand Canyon National Park remains at mandatory Level 2 water conservation measures due to diminished water resources.


UPDATE:Grand Canyon National Park Back to Level 1 Basic Water Conservation Measures

Water restrictions at Grand Canyon National Park have been scaled back to basic conservation measures.


Grand Canyon National Park to Conduct Selective Sobriety Checks July 4th

Grand Canyon National Park rangers will implement a selective sobriety checkpoint July 4th in an effort to assure the safety of park visitors and residents.


UPDATE: Grand Canyon National Park Water Out of Level 1 Water Conservation

Grand Canyon Village is no longer in level 1 water conservation mode and water operations have returned to normal.


Grand Canyon National Park to Manage Fuller Fire on the North Rim

National Park Service fire managers on the North Rim of Grand Canyon have decided to manage the Fuller Fire for multiple objectives.


Hiker Fatality at Ooh Aah Point on South Kaibab Trail at Grand Canyon National Park

On Friday, July 8, 2016 Park Rangers responded to a call from hikers on the South Kaibab Trail reporting a woman who fell from Ooh Aah Point.


Grand Canyon Helitack Receives Prestigious National EMS Award

On July 25, National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis presented the 2015 National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) Wildfire Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Award to the Grand Canyon Helitack Crew.


Grand Canyon National Park to Celebrate NPS Centennial with Fee Free Entrance August 25-28

The National Park Service (NPS) is turning 100 years old on August 25, 2016 and to celebrate the anniversary, Grand Canyon National Park will waive entrance fees August 25-28.


Take Wing this Weekend with Grand Canyon National Park’s Festival of Flight

Grand Canyon National Park invites bird enthusiasts of all levels to participate in a weekend of birding fun and excitement including a LIVE radio broadcast with Talkin’ Birds Radio.


Missing River Guide on Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park

On Monday, September 12 the National Park Service received a satellite phone call from a commercial river trip reporting a missing guide near River Mile 137 also known as Pancho’s Kitchen.


Search Continues for Missing River Guide on Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park

A National Park Service Search and Rescue crew was flown into the Canyon early this morning to begin the search for missing river guide, Joshua Tourjee. Tourjee was reported missing on September 12 by his river trip after failing to return to camp the previous evening.


Enjoy Free Entrance, Bike Your Park Day, and Arizona Storytellers at Grand Canyon for National Public Lands Day September 24

Celebrate National Public Lands Day with free entrance to Grand Canyon National Park Saturday, September 24.


Grand Canyon National Park Fire Managers Planning for Two Prescribed Burns

National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) fire managers, working together as the North Zone Interagency Fire Management Program, anticipate initiating a prescribed fire treatment this fall as weather and fuel moisture conditions allow near the boundary line between the North Kaibab Ranger District of the Kaibab NF and the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.


Body Recovered from Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park

On Tuesday, September 20th National Park Service personnel located a body on the Colorado River at River Mile 139.


Grand Canyon National Park’s North Rim to Begin Seasonal Closures; Park Remains Open for Day Use

North Rim operations will begin seasonal shut-down of most visitor services on Saturday, October 15.


Grand Canyon National Park Fire Managers Plan Prescribed Burns on North Rim

Fire managers at Grand Canyon National Park anticipate initiating two prescribed burns on the North Rim this week as weather and fuel moisture conditions allow.


2016 Commercial Vehicle Inspection a Success at Grand Canyon National Park

On October 3 and 5, 2016, Grand Canyon National Park partnered with Arizona Department of Public Safety and the US Department of Transportation to support ongoing inspections of all commercial traffic entering the park.


Grand Canyon National Park to Host Native American Indian Heritage Celebration November 9; Will Waive Entrance Fees for Veterans Day 2016

On Wednesday, November 9, Grand Canyon National Park will host a Native American Indian Heritage Celebration and will waive entrance fees on Veterans Day.


Winter Driving and Hiking Conditions Have Arrived in Grand Canyon National Park

Following a storm last weekend, and with a chance for more snow on Friday, visitors to Grand Canyon National Park should be prepared for snowpacked and icy roads.


Grand Canyon National Park Celebrates 6 Millionth Visitor in 2016

Grand Canyon National Park celebrated its 6 millionth visitor as its final National Park Service Centennial event.


Grand Canyon National Park Celebrates Centennial Success, Looks Ahead to 2019

As the National Park Service (NPS) prepares for a second century of service, Grand Canyon National Park celebrates the significant accomplishments of the NPS centennial celebration and looks ahead to its own park centennial in 2019.


Grand Canyon National Park to Waive Entrance Fees for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Grand Canyon National Park will join national park sites around the country in celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with free entrance to the park. Entrance fees will be waived for all visitors arriving to Grand Canyon National Park on Monday January 16, 2017.


Grand Canyon National Park to Open 2017 Noncommercial River Trip Permit Lottery

On Wednesday, February 1, 2017 the National Park Service will begin accepting applications for noncommercial river trip permits to raft the Colorado River through Grand Canyon National Park.


Grand Canyon National Park Annual Pass Available for 2017

Grand Canyon National Park annual passes are available for purchase for 2017. This annual pass provides free entrance for a year exclusively to Grand Canyon National Park.


Grand Canyon National Park to Waive Entrance Fees for President’s Day

Grand Canyon National Park will join national park sites around the country with free entry into the park in honor of President’s Day Monday, February 20, 2017.


Tusayan Shuttle Bus Route at Grand Canyon National Park Begins Wednesday, March 1, 2017 to Help Ease Spring Break Congestion – Park and Ride; we’ll be Your Guide

The National Park Service will again offer shuttle bus service between Grand Canyon National Park and the neighboring town of Tusayan, Arizona in 2017. Service will begin March 1 to help ease spring break congestion on the South Rim.


Grand Canyon National Park Plans Repairs to Indian Garden Pump House and Black Bridge

Beginning in mid-February the National Park Service will rehabilitate the pump houses at Indian Garden and the Black Bridge near Phantom Ranch.


Grand Canyon National Park Rangers Recover Body below Mather Point

On Tuesday, March 14, at 4:17 pm, the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a call reporting that a visitor had fallen from the rim of the canyon west of Mather Point.


Grand Canyon National Park to Temporarily Close North Kaibab Trail and Restrict Rim-to-Rim Traffic while Crews Clear Rockslide Debris; Ribbon Falls also Closed

On Monday, March 27, Grand Canyon National Park will begin daily closures of the North Kaibab Trail at Redwall Bridge to remove debris from a storm-caused rockslide. During this time, rim-to-rim travel will be restricted.


Grand Canyon National Park to Temporarily Close Colorado River Trail for Maintenance Starting Monday, April 3

Due to an unanticipated rockslide the National Park Service (NPS) will close the Colorado River Trail between Pipe Creek and the Silver Bridge for trail repair starting Monday, April 3.


Celebrate Earth Day at Grand Canyon during National Park Week Fee-Free Days

Grand Canyon National Park invites the public to celebrate the 47th anniversary of Earth Day during National Park Week fee-free days on Saturday, April 22, 2017.


North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park to Open as Planned May 15 with Limited Visitor Services and Water Conservation Measures

The North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park will open as scheduled, on May 15, with limited visitor services and water conservation measures due to a break in the North Rim water pipeline.


Missing Backcountry Hikers Near Tapeats Creek at Grand Canyon National Park

On Saturday evening, April 15 the National Park Service received an alert from a personal locating beacon in a backcountry area of Grand Canyon National Park near the confluence of Tapeats Creek and Thunder River.


Update: Search for Missing Backcountry Hikers at Grand Canyon National Park Continues in Limited Mode

After five days of extensive searching, today the National Park Service (NPS) is reducing the scale of the search for two hikers who went missing at Grand Canyon National Park on Saturday, April 15.


Fatality on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park

At approximately 12 pm on Sunday, April 23, Grand Canyon National Park was alerted to a personal locator beacon activation near Hance Rapid on the Colorado River.


Body Recovered from Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park

On Friday, April 28 the Grand Canyon Regional Communications was notified by a commercial river trip that they located a body on the Colorado River at River Mile 152.


Tourism to Grand Canyon National Park Creates $904 Million in Economic Benefits

A new National Park Service (NPS) report shows that 5,969,811 visitors to Grand Canyon National Park in 2016 spent $648,170,900 in communities near the park.


Grand Canyon National Park Starts Hauling Water to North Rim as Pipeline Repairs Continue

Grand Canyon National Park’s North Rim will open as scheduled May 15 with limited visitor services despite major storm-caused breaks in the only pipeline that supplies its water.


National Park Service Seeks Public Comment on an Initial Bison Herd Reduction Environmental Assessment for Grand Canyon National Park

The National Park Service (NPS) has announced that the Initial Bison Herd Reduction Environmental Assessment (EA), which evaluates management actions related to bison on Grand Canyon’s North Rim, is available for public review and comment.


Astronomers to Provide Free Telescope Viewing at Grand Canyon National Park, June 17-24

The 27th annual Grand Canyon Star Party will be held from Saturday, June 17 through Saturday, June 24, 2017 on the South and North Rims of Grand Canyon National Park.


Rangers Respond to Single Vehicle Accident in Grand Canyon National Park

At approximately noon on Sunday, May 21, the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a call about a single car accident on Center Road in Grand Canyon Village.


National Park Service Extends Public Comment Period on Initial Bison Herd Reduction Environmental Assessment for Grand Canyon National Park

The NPS has announced that it will extend the public comment period on the Initial Bison Herd Reduction Environmental Assessment (EA). The EA will now be available for public review and comment through June 14, 2017.


News Release: Fire Managers at Grand Canyon National Park Plan Prescribed Fire Adjacent to Grand Canyon Village

Grand Canyon National Park fire managers—working with resources from Sedona Fire Department, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Rocky Mountain National Park, Zion National Park, and Kaibab National Forest—anticipate initiating a prescribed fire treatment this weekend as weather and fuel moisture conditions allows.


Fire Managers at Grand Canyon National Park Continue Prescribed Fire Operations

Grand Canyon National Park fire managers—working with resources from Sedona Fire Department, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Rocky Mountain National Park, Zion National Park, Saguaro National Park and Kaibab National Forest—are continuing operations on the Long Jim III Prescribed Fire.


Fire Managers at Grand Canyon National Park Complete Ignition Operations on Long Jim III Prescribed Fire

Grand Canyon National Park fire managers completed ignition operations on the Long Jim III Prescribed Fire. Crews will now monitor the unit and mop up any areas along the fire’s perimeter that may threaten the holding line.


Park Rangers Search for Missing Hiker in Grand Canyon National Park

On Tuesday, June 13 at approximately 7:45 pm, the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a call reporting an overdue hiker.


UPDATE: Search Continues for Missing Hiker in Grand Canyon National Park

Search efforts continue in Grand Canyon National Park for missing hiker, 72 year-old Raafat “Ralph” Nasser-Eddin of Los Angeles, CA and Lebanon.


Grand Canyon National Park Issues Warnings to Pet Parents

Bringing Fido or Freda to visit Grand Canyon National Park can be an once-in-a-lifetime experience for you and your furry family members, but before you plan your great American road trip, be sure to follow these suggestions from Park—and Bark!— Rangers.


Celebrate 4th of July Safely at Grand Canyon National Park v

The National Park Service would like to remind everyone that the best way to enjoy Fourth of July at Grand Canyon National Park is safely. Visitors and residents are encouraged to contribute to a safe and enjoyable park experience on Fourth of July by drinking responsibly and not driving under the influence. With the holiday fast approaching, visitors and residents are also reminded that fireworks are prohibited within Grand Canyon National Park at all times.