
OSCE Office in Tajikistan donates audio-visual material to enhance interactive teaching at Police Academy

DUSHANBE, 29 July 2016 – The OSCE Office in Tajikistan today donated audio-visual equipment to the Police Academy of Tajikistan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs with the aim of supporting the Academy’s lecturers to use interactive teaching techniques on the investigation of crimes related to the trafficking of human beings.

The equipment includes a computer, a projector, a screen, speakers, a printer, and an Uninterruptible Power Supply device (UPS). An external hard disk drive was also donated to allow for the storing of an electronic library of thematic video films and other informational resources in this field.

“This equipment will improve the teaching of the Course on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, and will therefore enable the police to more effectively address this serious social problem,” said Fabio Piana, Deputy Head of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan.

Karim Soliev, the first Deputy Director of the Police Academy, thanked the OSCE for its continued support in building the capacity of future law enforcement staff and Police Academy cadets in combating human trafficking and domestic violence in Tajikistan. “This equipment is of great help to lecturers who will now be able to apply more interactive teaching techniques,” he said.

In previous years, the OSCE has provided expert support to the Police Academy, including the development of the Lecturer’s Guidelines on teaching this specialized and compulsory 20-hour course. The OSCE has also trained the team of lecturers on modern interactive teaching techniques and has recently updated the Course on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings with regard to new legislation in this field.

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OSCE Dialogue Academy alumni meet in Belgrade

Twenty young women, alumni of the OSCE Dialogue Academy, met in Belgrade from 6 to 8 April 2016, to continue co-operation and agree on joint projects for 2016.

The meeting was organized under the auspices of the OSCE-supported “Follow Us” Initiative – a confidence-building initiative which gathers prominent women from Belgrade and Prishtinë/Priština working in politics, media, academia and civil society.

This was the first visit to Belgrade for the alumni from Prishtinë/Priština. They were welcomed at the Serbian Parliament by the representatives of the “Follow Us” Initiative. During their meetings, participants from Prishtinë/Priština and Belgrade acknowledged the importance of women civic activism to fostering reconciliation and dialogue, and explored ideas for joint actions involving young women from both societies.

“I really enjoyed my first time in Belgrade, and I am proud to be part of this initiative. It shows that dialogue and education for peace can definitely help free our hearts from prejudice and intolerance and the rejection of others,” said Marigona Lajqi, Dialogue Academy alumnae from Prishtinë/Priština.

“I am happy that we could welcome our friends from Prishtinë/Priština here in Belgrade. Co-operation and mutual understanding leads to great things; we defined a number of joint activities to be implemented this year. The initiative allows us to grow both as individuals and as part of a group,” said Jovana Živković, alumnae from Belgrade.

Participants of the meeting agreed to implement a mentoring and apprenticeship programme with prominent women in Belgrade and Prishtinë/Priština, as well as hold outreach events in both societies, aimed at strengthening dialogue on specific issues, such as ending gender-based violence.

The next exchange visit will take place in August 2016 in Prizren, and joint 2016 activities and results will be presented at an end of year conference.


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OSCE to organize 2016 Dialogue Academy for Young Women

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo and the OSCE Mission to Serbia, for the second consecutive year, will organize the Dialogue Academy for Young Women as part of the Follow Us initiative. The initiative gathers prominent women from politics, academia, media and civil society from Belgrade and Prishtinë/Priština and supports the process of dialogue, reconciliation and confidence-building between the two societies.

The purpose of the Academy is to empower young women by educating them on issues relating to women’s role in promoting dialogue, reconciliation, and co-operation. The 2016 edition of the programme builds upon last year’s experience and success whereby 22 young women from Prishtinë/Priština and Belgrade had the opportunity to participate in a series of instructive lectures and team-building exercises and be part of a wide network of activists and experts in the fields of women empowerment, women in politics, dialogue and reconciliation.

This year, 24 female students of social science and young professionals in the areas of media, politics, and civil society will be attending the Academy programme from 30 September to 9 October 2016, organized at the Peace Castle Schlaining, Austria. 

Graduates from the Academy will become Dialogue alumni and are expected to create their own alumni network which will enable them to design and implement joint projects, following the example of the 2015 OSCE Dialogue Academy alumni.

For more information on the application please click here.

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  • Conflict prevention and resolution
  • Tolerance and non-discrimination
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OSCE Dialogue Academy alumni meet in Belgrade

Twenty young women, alumni of the OSCE Dialogue Academy, met in Belgrade from 6 to 8 April 2016, to continue co-operation and agree on joint projects for 2016.

The meeting was organized under the auspices of the OSCE-supported “Follow Us” Initiative – a confidence-building initiative which gathers prominent women from Belgrade and Prishtinë/Priština working in politics, media, academia and civil society.

This was the first visit to Belgrade for the alumni from Prishtinë/Priština. They were welcomed at the Serbian Parliament by the representatives of the “Follow Us” Initiative. During their meetings, participants from Prishtinë/Priština and Belgrade acknowledged the importance of women civic activism to fostering reconciliation and dialogue, and explored ideas for joint actions involving young women from both societies.

“I really enjoyed my first time in Belgrade, and I am proud to be part of this initiative. It shows that dialogue and education for peace can definitely help free our hearts from prejudice and intolerance and the rejection of others,” said Marigona Lajqi, Dialogue Academy alumnae from Prishtinë/Priština.

“I am happy that we could welcome our friends from Prishtinë/Priština here in Belgrade. Co-operation and mutual understanding leads to great things; we defined a number of joint activities to be implemented this year. The initiative allows us to grow both as individuals and as part of a group,” said Jovana Živković, alumnae from Belgrade.

Participants of the meeting agreed to implement a mentoring and apprenticeship programme with prominent women in Belgrade and Prishtinë/Priština, as well as hold outreach events in both societies, aimed at strengthening dialogue on specific issues, such as ending gender-based violence.

The next exchange visit will take place in August 2016 in Prizren, and joint 2016 activities and results will be presented at an end of year conference.


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OSCE to organize 2016 Dialogue Academy for Young Women

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo and the OSCE Mission to Serbia, for the second consecutive year, will organize the Dialogue Academy for Young Women as part of the Follow Us initiative. The initiative gathers prominent women from politics, academia, media and civil society from Belgrade and Prishtinë/Priština and supports the process of dialogue, reconciliation and confidence-building between the two societies.

The purpose of the Academy is to empower young women by educating them on issues relating to women’s role in promoting dialogue, reconciliation, and co-operation. The 2016 edition of the programme builds upon last year’s experience and success whereby 22 young women from Prishtinë/Priština and Belgrade had the opportunity to participate in a series of instructive lectures and team-building exercises and be part of a wide network of activists and experts in the fields of women empowerment, women in politics, dialogue and reconciliation.

This year, 24 female students of social science and young professionals in the areas of media, politics, and civil society will be attending the Academy programme from 30 September to 9 October 2016, organized at the Peace Castle Schlaining, Austria. 

Graduates from the Academy will become Dialogue alumni and are expected to create their own alumni network which will enable them to design and implement joint projects, following the example of the 2015 OSCE Dialogue Academy alumni.

For more information on the application please click here.

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  • OSCE Mission in Kosovo
  • OSCE Mission to Serbia
  • Conflict prevention and resolution
  • Tolerance and non-discrimination
  • South-Eastern Europe
  • News


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The post Amid political leadership vacancies, calls for SES reform continue to rise first appeared on Federal News Network.


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The post US Naval Academy says considering race in admissions helps create a cohesive military first appeared on Federal News Network.


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