
Publicités à la carte: pour un choix stratégique des médias publicitaires / Jacques Dorion, Jean Dumas

Online Resource


Superconsumers: a simple, speedy, and sustainable path to superior growth / Eddie Yoon

Dewey Library - HF5415.127.Y66 2017


Single Period Inventory Control and Pricing: An Empirical and Analytical Study of a Generalized Model / Emel Arikan

Online Resource


Quiz on famous warriors

Rana Pratap of Mewar was born on May 9, 1540. This quiz is about legendary Indian warriors.Battle ready1. The most famous ruler of the Chalukya dynast


A multiporous carbon family with superior stability, tunable electronic structures and amazing hydrogen storage capability

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22,9734-9739
DOI: 10.1039/D0CP00469C, Paper
Lianfang Xie, Zheng Wang, Xuechun Xu, Yingxiang Cai
The traditional view that natural allotropes are more stable than artificially synthesized structures is broken.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Intra-octahedral distortion on lamellar potassium niobate K4Nb6O17: a periodic DFT study of structural, electronic and vibrational properties

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CP01581D, Paper
Juliana Kelly D. Souza, Thiago M. Duarte, Iêda Maria Garcia dos Santos, Júlio Ricardo Sambrano, Ary da Silva Maia, Anderson dos Reis Albuquerque
DFT calculation applied to K4Nb6O17 allowed to identify and correlate its electronic and vibrational properties with [NbO6] intraoctahedral distortion.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] Asymmetric Synthesis of a Bacteriochlorophyll Model Compound Containing <italic toggle="yes">trans</italic>-Dialkyl Substituents in Ring D

The Journal of Organic Chemistry
DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.0c00608


[ASAP] Application of Pyridinium 1,4-Zwitterionic Thiolates: Synthesis of Benzopyridothiazepines and Benzothiophenes

The Journal of Organic Chemistry
DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.0c00374


[ASAP] Bacteriophage Inspired Growth-Decoupled Recombinant Protein Production in <italic toggle="yes">Escherichia coli</italic>

ACS Synthetic Biology
DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.0c00028


Hockey | HI asks for bids to host various Nationals

State units can take part across age-groups


Bauhaus imaginista: a school in the world / edited by Marion von Osten and Grant Watson

Rotch Library - N332.G33 B42724 2019


Beatriz Milhazes: rio azul / White Cube

Rotch Library - N6659.M55 A4 2018


Gauguin: portraits / edited by Cornelia Homburg, Christopher Riopelle ; with contributions by Elizabeth C. Childs [and five others]

Rotch Library - ND553.G27 A4 2019


Winter warrior: a Vietnam vet's anti-war odyssey / Eve Gilbert

Barker Library - NC1429.G55 W56 2019


Jacob the mutant / by Mario Bellatin ; translated from the Spanish by Jacob Steinberg

Hayden Library - PQ7298.12.E4 J3313 2015


The large glass / by Mario Bellatin ; translated from the Spanish by David Shook

Hayden Library - PQ7298.12.E4 G7313 2016


El hablador / Mario Vargas-Llosa

Hayden Library - PQ8498.32.A65 H33 2015


The neighborhood: a novel / Mario Vargas Llosa ; translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman

Hayden Library - PQ8498.32.A65 C49513 2018


Norte y sur: la narrativa rioplatense desde México / Rose Corral, editora ; con la colaboración de Hugo J. Verani y Ana María Zubieta

Online Resource


Deslindes literarios: Juan Goytisolo, el romancero, José Emilio Pacheco, José Gorostiza, Alejo Carpentier, Reinaldo Arenas, Roberto Arlt, Roman Jakobson / Blanca Elvia Mora Sánchez [and others]

Online Resource


De amicitia et doctrina: homenaje a Martha Elena Venier / Luis Fernando Lara, Reynaldo Yunuen Ortega y Martha Lilia Tenorio, editores

Online Resource


Edición facsimilar de la revista Ultramar / estudio introductorio de James Valender

Online Resource


Debido recuerdo de agradecimiento leal / Jose López Avilés ; estudio, edición y notas, Martha Lilia Tenorio

Online Resource


Crítica textual: un enfoque multidisciplinario para la edición de textos / editores, Belem Clark de Lara [and others]

Online Resource


Los villancicos de sor Juana / Martha Lilia Tenorio

Online Resource


The oval portrait: thirty-seven contemporary Cuban women writers and artists: originally published as El retrato ovalado / edited by Soleida Rios ; translated by Margaret Randall

Hayden Library - PQ7386.5.E5 R48 2018


The tertiary: Lo terciario / Raquel Salas Rivera

Hayden Library - PQ7442.S25 T47 2018


Oratorio para observador hombre exhausto y coro de astronautas: Oratorium für Beobachter erschöpften Menschen und Astronautenchor / Andrés Recasens Salvo ; Harald Wentzlaff-Eggebert (Hg.) ; übersetzt von Wera Zeller

Online Resource


Construcción de territorios de paz: subjetivaciones, resistencias ciudadanas y pedagogías para la noviolencia / Doctorado en Estudios Sociales (UDFJC), Componente Escuela, Currículo y Pedagogía (IDEP) ; Claudia Luz Piedrahita Echand

Online Resource


Formación para la crítica y construcción de territorios de paz.

Online Resource


The empathic screen: cinema and neuroscience / by Vittorio Gallese and Michele Guerra ; translated by Frances Anderson

Dewey Library - PN1995.S38513 2020


Scenarios II: Signs of life, Even dwarfs started small, Fata Morgana, Heart of glass / Werner Herzog ; translated by Krishna Winston and Werner Herzog

Hayden Library - PN1998.3.H477 A25 2018


Could you survive the Jurassic period? : an interactive prehistoric adventure / by Matt Doeden ; illustrated by Juan Calle

Doeden, Matt, author


Could you survive the Cretaceous period? / by Eric Braun ; illustrated by Alessandro Valdrighi

Braun, Eric, 1971- author


William Shakespeare's much ado about mean girls / by Ian Doescher ; [interior illustrations by Kent Barton]

Doescher, Ian, author


Le frigo temporel / dessin et scénario Alex A

A., Alex, 1987- author, artist


Understanding How HomVee Prioritizes Home Visiting Models for Review


Neoplatonism and Indian philosophy / Paulos Mar Gregorios, editor


Ethics, politics, and whistleblowing in engineering / edited by Nicholas Sakellariou and Rania Milleron


Being given : toward a phenomenology of givenness / Jean-Luc Marion ; translated by Jeffrey L. Kosky

Marion, Jean-Luc, 1946-


Social dimensions of moral responsibility / edited by Katrina Hutchison, Catriona Mackenzie, and Marina Oshana


Precarious places: social, cultural and economic aspects of uncertainty and anxiety in everyday life / Tadeusz Rachwał, Rolf Hepp, David Kergel, editors

Online Resource


Gender and methodology in the ancient Near East: approaches from Assyriology and beyond / Stephanie Lynn Budin, Megan Cifarelli, Agnès Garcia-Ventura, Adelina Millet Albà (eds.)

Online Resource


Furious: technological feminism and digital futures / Caroline Bassett, Sarah Kember, Kate O'Riordan

Dewey Library - HQ1178.B37 2020


Taking utilitarianism seriously / Christopher Woodard

Dewey Library - B843.W66 2019


Whither Fanon?: studies in the blackness of being / David Marriott

Dewey Library - B1029.F354 M37 2018


The end of morality: taking moral abolitionism seriously / edited by Richard Garner and Richard Joyce

Dewey Library - BJ1031.E53 2019


Facile assemble of 2D α-zirconium phosphate supported silver nanoparticles: superior and recyclable catalysis

New J. Chem., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ01378A, Paper
Yonghang Xu, Fangya Zhou, Min Chen, Huawen Hu, Limiao Lin, Jingshu Wu, Min Zhang
A novel, efficient and durable ZrP@PDA/Ag nanocatalyst was prepared via facile reduction and deposition of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on two dimensional (2D) α-zirconium phosphate (ZrP) nanosheets using bio-inspired dopamine chemistry....
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Cu(II)Cl2 Containing Bispyridine-based Porous Organic Polymer Support Prepared via Alkyne-Azide Cycloaddition as a Heterogeneous Catalyst for Oxidation of Various Olefins

New J. Chem., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ01174F, Letter
Jong Ho Yoon, Hye Min Choi, Suk Joong Lee
New class of porous organic polymer (POP) based heterogeneous catalyst Cu-POP was prepared from immobilizing Cu(II)Cl2 into bpy containing POP prepared via alkyne-azide cycloaddition. This new catalyst showed efficient catalytic...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Mercury, Sulphur and Vitriol: A Colonial Physician’s Accounts

Harry Potter may have come and gone here at the New-York Historical Society but it turns out that the interplay of magic and science that enlivens the Potter series can still be found in the Historical Society’s collections. On this occasion, it emerges from an unidentified colonial physician’s account book. Although it’s generally written in legible scripts, the...

The post Mercury, Sulphur and Vitriol: A Colonial Physician’s Accounts appeared first on New-York Historical Society.