arch Search Company Algolia Hacked via Recent Salt Vulnerabilities By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 15:39:50 +0000 A couple of Salt vulnerabilities addressed last week were abused over the weekend to hack Algolia’s infrastructure, the search-as-a-service startup revealed. read more Full Article NEWS & INDUSTRY Virus & Threats Virus & Malware Malware Vulnerabilities Cybercrime
arch 5th Annual L.A. As Subject Archives Bazaar: Save The Date For L.A.'s Premiere Historical & Cultural Event On Oct. 23 (And It's Free!) By Published On :: Thu, 09 Sep 2010 00:12:00 +0000 Southern California: Just thinking about our vast region (larger than many states), diverse population (numbering in the millions), and its unique role in the historical and cultural development of the state and nation boggles the mind.(Click on all images to enlarge)How the Los Angeles region became what it is today is a long and complex story. Much of our local history is preserved in libraries, museums, and other cultural institutions. Other valuable and unique collections - those that reveal the stories of neighborhoods, families, influential Angelenos - are scattered across the region, and are curated by smaller institutions and individual enthusiasts.Our own collections at Metro's Dorothy Peyton Gray Transportation Library and Archive are also an integral part of the history of the Los Angeles area. In order to promote the rich legacy of transportation history in Southern California, we play an active role in L.A. As Subject, a research alliance of more than 250 separate collections dedicated to preserving and improving access to the unique history and culture of Los Angeles. L.A. As Subject is hosted by Unversity of Southern California, and has announced the program for its marquee event of the year.On Saturday, October 23, 2010 during American Archives Month, L.A. As Subject holds its 5th Annual Archives Bazaar in USC's Doheny Memorial Library.The event runs from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., features more than 70 historical collections and archives, and is free of charge.History comes alive at this wonderful event where you can browse rare collections, consult with experts, and learn about researching Los Angeles and Southern California history, online tools, how to preserve your own personal history collections and images, and many other topics.The full program for 2010 can be found here. The Special Guest Speaker will be KPCC host and L.A. Times columnist Patt Morrison, discussing how libraries and historical archives have informed her work. Morrison was a member of two Los Angeles Times reporting teams that won Pulitzer Prizes for coverage of the 1992 riots and the city's 1994 Northridge earthquake.The Archives Bazaar is a great opportunity for the public to interact with these member institutions and individuals who bring their unique collections together in one place. This event allows scholars, researchers, archivists, librarians, students, history enthusiasts, documentary filmmakers and "L.A. Nerds" the opportunity to visit several institutions at once - to network, explore, ponder, and marvel at the many fascinating facets of Los Angeles and Southern California.Imagine all those fascinating libraries, archives, museums, historical societies and cultural institutions from throughout Southern California sharing their collections and stories in an "Antiques Road Show" type of setting. It would cost a small fortune in admission and transportation costs to visit just some of the more than 70 participating institutions (including us) which have reserved their exhibit space so far. On October 23, they're all on display for you to peruse, ask questions, and explore...for free!Other programming for the 5th Annual Archives Bazaar includes:PANEL DISCUSSION: EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!Today, the iconic newsboy hawking a newspaper on the street corner is only a memory. When will the newspaper and the newsstand also become memories? When will newspaper morgues become just that, or are they still a viable source for researchers? Join a panel of newspersons and newspaper archivists who will discuss the past, present, and future of the newspaper industry in Southern California.PANEL DISCUSSION: BLOGGING L.A.In recent years, blogs have become an indispensable source of news and information about the Los Angeles region. But what is their role in promoting Los Angeles history and investigating the city’s identity? Join three Southern California bloggers as they discuss how blogs can interpret the region’s past, present, and future.PANEL DISCUSSION: UNCOVERING THE LEGACY OF DAVID ALFARO SIQUEIROSJoin Luis C. Garza, Oliver Mayer, and moderator Liza Posas for a conversation about the ongoing legacy of Mexican mural artist David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896–1974). In 1932, Siqueiros traveled to Los Angeles and painted three murals, which were met with resistance—two were whitewashed shortly after their creation. Despite the efforts to censor his artistic vision, his work has inspired artists from the 1930s to the present day and contributed to the development of the modern mural movement in Los Angeles and beyond.PANEL DISCUSSION: L.A. TAKES FLIGHTFrom aviation pioneers to daring test pilots to space shuttle assembly plants, human flight has long played an important role in Southern California. Learn how Los Angeles took flight as panelists Kenneth E. Pauley, Linda McCann, and Michael Palmer share the hidden aviation stories they have discovered in the region’s libraries and archives.DOCUMENTARY FILM SCREENING: BRIDGING THE DIVIDE: TOM BRADLEY AND THE POLITICS OF RACEThis documentary is the first to tell the story of Tom Bradley, the first African-American elected mayor of a major U.S. city without a black majority. It is the story of an extraordinary multiracial coalition that transformed the city and in, the process, changed American politics. We will be screening a 20-minute trailer of this work-in-progress.DOCUMENTARY FILM SCREENING: THE LEGEND OF PANCHO BARNESFlorence “Pancho” Barnes was one of the most important women in twentieth century aviation. A tough and fearless aviatrix, Pancho opened a ranch near Edwards Air Force Base that became a famous—some would say notorious—hangout for test pilots and movie stars. Known as the Happy Bottom Riding Club, it became the epicenter of the aviation world during the early Jet Age. Since then, Pancho herself has become something of a legend, a fascinating yet enigmatic icon whose swagger is often celebrated, but whose story has been largely unknown—until now.EDUCATIONAL SESSION: PRIVATE PASSION — PUBLIC RESOURCEA personal fascination and individual zeal can create a collection that has value to the wider world. Such focus can illuminate details and connections that more general collections might miss. Local collectors will share their personal insights into history, and how they have assembled materials that might otherwise be dispersed and potentially never available to researchers.EDUCATIONAL SESSION: RESEARCHING LA 101Ever wondered how to get started with your Los Angeles research, or research in general? This presentation will provide a detailed overview of how and where to start, including researching basics useful for anyone working with primary and secondary source material. Topics will include researching from home, visiting the archives, the ins and outs of reading rooms, and more. Full Article
arch Research Roundup: More Transit = More Jobs, Congestion Trends & Statistics, Managing Increased Ridership By Published On :: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 19:37:00 +0000 The Transportation Equity Network (TEN) has released More Transit = More Jobs: The Impact Of Increasing Funding For Public Transit (31p. PDF). TEN is a coalition of more than 350 grassroots organizations in 41 states that has worked since 1997 to build a more just, prosperous, and connected America.This study asks two key questions:What would be the effect on jobs in each metropolitan area of shifting 50% of the money spent on highways to public transit? How many jobs would be created in each metro area if we increased funding on public transit at the rate indicated by the Transportation For America proposal for the next transportation authorization act?The report highlights several statistics in answering those questions based on data from Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPS) in 20 U.S. metropolitan areas. For example, 1,123,674 new transit jobs would be created over a 5-year period for a net gain of 180,150 jobs without a single dollar of new spending.However, if federal spending on transit increased as proposed by TEN and Transportation For America, an estimated 1.3 million jobs over the life of the law would be created, as well as almost 800,000 more jobs than under present federal transporation law (SAFETEA-LU).The Federal Highway Administration published the 2009 Urban Congestion Trends (8p. PDF) document last week. This brief report utilizes a dashboard format to convey year-over-year changes in key traffic measures: daily hours of congestion, time penalty for eqach trip, worst-trip time penalty. Some key observations include:Overall, congestion had declined in almost all monitored regions between 2008 and 2009 Less wasted time and fewer hours of the day were devoted to stop-and-go traffic in 16 of the 23 monitored regionsAt least one of the three measures improved in 20 of the 23 monitored regionsCongestion is lowest during the summer vacation seasonThe report goes on to explain how operational improvements can mitigate congestion and promote smooth, safe and consistent traffic flow.Examples provided from around the country include high-occupancy/toll lanes, freeway ramp metering, improved information coordination, work-zone management, and traffic signal system improvement programs.In Managing Increasing Ridership Demand (32p. PDF), The FTA's Transit Cooperative Research Program presents an overview of a study mission investigating how several transit operators and agencies in Latin America accomodate sudden and significant growth in the number of riders and increasing demand for service.Case studies from Guayaquil (Ecuador), Santiago (Chile), Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Porto Alegre (Brazil) were selected because they have faced and successfully dealt with challenges similar to recent ridership grown in the United States.Each city's responses offer unique insight into managing increasing transit ridership and providing various perspectives on serving the mobility needs of their communities.Two International Transit Studies Program study missions such as this are conducted each year. They have three objectives: To afford team members the opportunity to expand their network of domestic and international public transportation peers, to provide a forum for discussion of global initiatives and lessons learned in public transportation, and to facilitate idea sharing and the possible import of strategies for application to transportation communities in the United States. Full Article
arch Research Roundup: Spawl Crawl And Rethinking Peak Hour Commutes, The New Sharing Economy & Smart Mobility For The 21st Century By Published On :: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 22:36:00 +0000 The organization CEOs For Cities released a widely-cited report last month titled Measuring Urban Transportation Performance: A Critique Of Mobility Measures And Synthesis (71p. PDF). Their research finds that the secret to reducing the amount of time Americans spend in peak hour traffic has more to do with how we build our cities than how we build our roads.The report explains how the cities studied have managed to achieve shorter travel times and actually reduce the peak hour travel times. Some metropolitan areas have land use patterns and transportation systems that enable their residents to take shorter trips and minimize the burden of peak hour travel.This runs counter to the conclusions of the Texas Transportation Institute's Urban Mobility Report year after year. The CEO For Cities document explains that the UMR approach has completely overlooked the role that variations in travel distances play in driving urban transportation problems.In the best performing cities -- those that have achieved the shortest peak hour travel distances -- such as Chicago, Portland and Sacramento, the typical traveler spends 40 fewer hours per year in peak hour travel than the average American. Because of smart land use planning and investment in alternative transportation, Portland has seen its average trip lengths decline by 20%.In contrast, in the most sprawling metropolitan areas, such as Nashville, Indianapolis and Raleigh, the average resident spends as much as 240 hours per year in peak period travel because travel distances are so much greater. The report's 20-page Executive Summary is titled Driven Apart: How Sprawl Is Lengthening Our Commutes And Why Misleading Mobility Measures Are Making Things Worse.In The New Sharing Economy, a study by Latitude in collaboration with Shareable Magazine, the authors look at new opportunities for sharing.An interesting graph (click to enlarge) plots various endeavors on a market saturation and latent demand scale. The resulting plot points fall into four quandrants, labeled:Low Interest and Low Prior Success (e.g. bike, outdoor sporting goods)Done Well Already (e.g. work space, storage space, food co-op)Opportunities Still Remain (e.g. physical media, digital media)Best New Opportunities (automobile, time/responsibilities, money lending/borrowing)This last category, Best New Opportunities, provides the launch point for discussion of car sharing. The report notes that there's still a large amount of unfulfilled demand for car-sharing. More than half of all participants surveyed either shared vehicles casually or weren't sharing currently but expressed interest in doing so. For people who share in an organized fashion, cars and bikes were popular for sharing amongst family and close friends but weren't commonly shared outside this immediate network, relative to other categories of goods.This intriguing and visually appealing report goes on to point out the new sharing takeaways for non-sharing businesses, including "we-based brands," the value in social and alternative currencies, and the "contagiousness" of sharing.Finally, Transportation For America recently released a White Paper titled Smart Mobility For A 21st Century America: Strategies For Maximizing Technology To Minimize Congestion, Reduce Emissions And Increase Efficiency (39p. PDF).It proposes that improving transportation efficiency through operational innovation is critical as our population grows and ages, budgets tighten and consumer preferences shift.As Congress prepares to review and reauthorize the nation’s transportation program, an array of innovations that were either overlooked or did not exist at the time of previous authorizations can be incentivized.Just as the Internet, smart phones and social media changed they way we acquire news, listen to music or connect with friends and family, these same innovations have implications for how we move around. While high-tech gadgets can be a problem when they distract motorists from driving, they open up a whole new world for people using other modes.But what if we could manage traffic to help drivers avoid congestion before they get stuck in it? What if you always knew when the next bus was going to arrive, the closest parking space or which train car had a seat available for you? The innovative technologies and strategies outlined in the White Paper include:Making transportation systems more efficient (e.g. ramp meters, highway advisory radio)Providing more travel options (e.g. online databases to match up vanpool riders, car-sharing services)Providing travelers with better, more accurate, and more connected information (e.g. computerized vehicle tracking)Making pricing and payments more convenient and efficient (e.g. EZ passes, electronic benefits)Reducing trips and traffic (flex-time, consolidating services online)The report goes on to discuss changes in demographics and make recommendations for federal transportation policy, as well as highlight several intriguing "smart mobility case studies." Full Article
arch Research Roundup: Social Media For Public Transportation, Funding The Needs Of An Aging Population & An Overview Of U.S. Parking Management Strategies By Published On :: Tue, 02 Nov 2010 22:04:00 +0000 Each and every day, social media tools change the way that organizationsinteract with their users.A recent report from the Center For Urban Transportation Research at University of South Florida titled Routes To New Networks: A Guide To Social Media For The Public Transportation Industry (66p. PDF) explains how these new platforms offer not only more personal one-on-one interaction than traditional media, but also represent the essence of niche marketing.It is undeniable that social media is all the buzz. For some, utilizing new media tools may come as second nature. For others, however, entering the world of social media means taking a giant leap into the world of online communications.One thing is certain – social media platforms are allowing a new opportunity for transportation providers to directly communicate with their target audiences. Communication is moving in this direction – with or without your organization.The report analyzes the usefulness of and applications for social networks, written blogs, audio/video blogs, microblogs (e.g. Twitter), photo sharing, video sharing, user-generated content and mobile web content.The report states that key points to consider when determining which tool(s) to use are:1) Who is my target audience and what tools are they using?2) What type of information do I want to communicate?Content must always resonate with your audience. What can you provide that would be of value?Earlier this year, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) published Funding The Public Transportation Needs Of An Aging Population (57p. PDF).It explains how rapid growth in the number of older people in the United States during the coming decades will lead to greatly increased needs for expanded and enhanced public transportation services. This report: a) identifies the range of actions that will be needed to expand mobility options for older people, including accessible public transportation services;b) quantifies the demand for these public transportation services; andc) estimates the funding that will be needed to provide them.Needed actions have been identified by means of a review of the extensive literature on thissubject. The actions needed to expand mobility options for older people include:Enhancements to fixed-route public transportation operations and planning such as additional bus operator training, incorporating travel needs of older people in route planning and stop placement, and coordination with other agencies and transportation providersEnhancements to public transportation vehicles such as low-floor buses, kneeling buses, improved interior circulation, additional stanchions and grab bars, ergonomic seating designed for older riders, and accessibility features either required or encouraged by ADA like lifts and ramps, larger letters on head signs, and stop announcementsActions to help older people take advantage of existing services, like presenting information in ways that are easy to read and as clear as possible, information and assistance programs to connect older people with appropriate services, and outreach and training programsExpansion of supplementary services including flexible route and community transportation services, ADA complementary paratransit, non-ADA demand-responsive services, taxi subsidy programs, and volunteer driver programsApplication of universal design strategies at transit facilities, bus stops, and on streets and sidewalks in the immediate vicinity of transit facilities and stopsThese are the actions of greatest concern to public transportation agencies, but they are not theonly actions needed.Other important actions include assuring supportive services to caregiverswho provide transportation, encouraging further development of unsubsidized privatetransportation services, increasing the availability of accessible taxicabs, coordinating with non-emergency medical transportation provided under Medicaid and Medicare, and supportingmodifications to automobiles and roadways to increase the safety of older drivers.Finally, we wanted to take a closer look at U.S. Parking Policies: An Overview Of Management Strategies put out by the Institute For Transportation And Development Policy in New York.This report highlights best practices in parking management in the United States.In the last decade, some municipalities have reconsidered poorly conceived parking policies to address a host of negative impacts resulting from private automobile use such as traffic congestion and climate change. Unchecked, these policies have proven to be a major barrier to establishing a balanced urban transportation network.Many aspects of current parking management in the United States do not work reliably or efficiently for anyone: Motorists find themselves circling for long periods in search of a place to park; retail employees take choice parking locations away from potential customers; developers are compelled to provide more parking than the market requires; and traffic managers encounter difficulty handling traffic generated by new parking as there is often no link between parking price, supply and the amount of available road space.Finally, the old parking paradigm doesn’t work for the environment, as hidden subsidies encourage over reliance on private car use — a major, growing contributor to global warming and air pollution.This report identifies core sustainable parking principles and illustrates how smarter parking management can benefit consumers and businesses in time and money savings, while also leading to more livable, attractive communities. Full Article
arch Our National Archives At Risk: What The Government Accountability Office Has Found By Published On :: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 23:02:00 +0000 We wanted to share important (and frankly, frightening) news with you regarding the findings released last week of an audit of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The audit (42p. PDF) was prompted in part by the loss of the Wright Brothers' original patent and maps for atomic bomb missions in Japan. These losses led investigators to discover that some of the nation's prized historical documents are in danger of being lost for good. It follows a previous audit (66p. PDF) earlier in October highlighting oversight and management improvements, but pointing out that more action was needed.The Government Accountability Office has also released a Summary Of Audit Findings as well as a Highlights page. The NARA website has posted a Statement in response to the audit findings from Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero.Nearly 80 percent of U.S. government agencies are at risk of illegally destroying public records and the National Archives is backlogged with hefty volumes of records needing preservation care, the audit by the Government Accountability Office found.The report by the watchdog arm of Congress, completed this month after a year's work, also found many U.S. agencies do not follow proper procedures for disposing of public records.The report comes more than a year after news reports of key items missing at the nation's record-keeping agency. Some of the items have been missing for decades but their absence only became widely known in recent years.The patent file for the Wright Brothers flying machine was last seen in 1980 after passing around multiple Archives offices, the Patents and Trademarks Office and the National Air and Space Museum.As for maps for the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, military representatives checked them out in 1962, and they've been missing ever since.The GAO report did not specifically mention those or other examples of missing items including Civil War telegrams from Abraham Lincoln, Eli Whitney's cotton gin patent and some NASA photographs on the moon.Meanwhile, some documents face the threat of deterioration even though they're already at the Archives. Figures from 2009 show 65 percent of its holdings need preservation steps. In some cases, a document's condition already is so poor, it can't be read – a backlog amounting to more than 2 million cubic feet of records.The National Archives and Records Administration has 44 facilities in 20 states, including 13 presidential libraries, funded by about $470 million this year from Congress.NARA also maintains a "Help The National Archives Recover Lost And Stolen Documents" website. Full Article
arch Recent Research: Urban Congestion Trends, High-Speed Rail Lessons & Travel Assistance Device Deployment By Published On :: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 22:32:00 +0000 Is traffic congestion getting better or worse? The Federal Highway Administration collects various statistics each year to help us understand whether traffic is improving or increasing.We wanted to take a closer look at a document titled 2009 Urban Congestion Trends: How Operations Is Solving Congestion Problems (8p. PDF).Of course, we need to understand what we're looking at. Congestion is defined as the amount of time when freeways operate below 50mph. The FHA statistics show that "whatever the day of the week, whatever the time of day, mobility has improved -- almost across the board." When looking at the three primary performance measures,, improvement can be seen in at least one of them in 20 of 23 monitored much? And why?First off, there is less traffic on the road. Whether people are using public transit, telecommuting, combining trips, spending more time with family, consciously lowering their fuel consumption or are simply out of work, we see fewer cars on the roads travelling shorter distances.Additionally, the economic downtown of the past few years has also played a role in congestion reduction in the United States.Finally, traffic operations are playing a role in congestion management. The document contains a number of success stories detailing how state and local agencies reduced the effects of congestion in their locales. As America moves toward construction of new high-speed rail networks in regions throughout the country, we have much to learn from experiences abroad.In A Track Record Of Success: High-Speed Rail Around The World And Its Promise For America (53p. PDF), the U.S. PIRG Educational Fund reports on the wealth of information about what the United States can expect from high-speed rail and how we can receive the greatest possible benefits from our investment.They base their report on the track record of high-speed rail lines that have operated for more than 45 years in Japan and for three decades in Europe -- with some exciting conclusions.Indeed, the experience of high-speed rail lines abroad, as well as America’s limited experience with high-speed rail on the East Coast, suggests that the United States can expect great benefits from investing in a high-speed passenger rail system, particularly if it makes steady commitments to rail improvements and designs the system wisely. High-speed rail systems in other nations have been able to dramatically reduce the volume of short-haul flights between nearby cities and significantly reduce inter-city car travel.Some particularly interested examples include:The number of air passengers between London and Paris has been cut in half since high-speed rail service was introduced.High-Speed rail service between Madrid and Seville reduced the share of car travel between the two cities from 60% to 34%, and service between Madrid and Barcelona, once the world's busiest passenger air route, has been cut by one-third.The ability to travel where and when one desires is a basic requirement for independent living that most people take forgranted.To travel independently, a transit rider practices at least 23 skills including finding the route, arriving at the correct stop on time, and determining when to exit at destination.The University of South Florida's National Center for Transit Research has published Travel Assistance Device Deployment To Transit Agencies (103p. PDF) which discusses the successful deployment of devices assisting those with cognitive challenges in these tasks.Travel trainers who provide one-on-one instruction on publictransportation, report that recognizing a landmark near the desired bus stop, requesting a stop at the proper time, and exiting the bus at the destination stop are among the most challenging skills to master for individuals with cognitive disabilities.Parents/guardians are often reluctant to encourage the use of fixed-route transit due to their own hesitations about a person's abilities and well being.Prior studies by the research team developed the Travel Assistance Device (TAD)mobile phone software application that addresses these challenges and supplements the trainer’s instruction.TAD provides various informational prompts including the audio messages “Get ready” and “Pull the cord now!” and vibrates to alert the rider to pull the stop cord. These prompts are delivered to the rider in real-time as he or she rides the bus using the embedded global positioning system (GPS) technology in off-the-shelf cell phones.TAD’s real-time location of the rider can be viewed by the travel trainer or family member through a Web page.This document reviews how the TAD application has been successfully deployed in the Hillsborough (FL) Area Regional Transit (HART) bus system. Full Article
arch Ventana Research Begins Latest Market Research into Analytics and Data By Published On :: Wed, 04 Mar 2020 07:00:00 GMT Latest research aims to understand the changing nature of analytics and its impact on business Full Article
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arch Ventana Research Introduces New Market Research: A Generational Change in ERP By Published On :: Tue, 10 Mar 2020 07:00:00 GMT Research initiative designed to explore and quantify key technology and process requirements for the future of enterprise resource planning Full Article
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arch Ventana Research Begins New Market Research on Data Governance By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 07:00:00 GMT New research aims to understand the management and use of data and its impact on business Full Article
arch Ventana Research Begins New Dynamic Insights Research on Natural Language Processing By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 07:00:00 GMT Latest research aims to understand advances in natural language capabilities and its impact on business Full Article
arch Math and Architectures of Deep Learning By Published On :: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 13:00:59 +0000 This hands-on book bridges the gap between theory and practice, showing you the math of deep learning algorithms side by side with an implementation in PyTorch. You can save 40% off Math and Architectures of Deep Learning until May 13! Just enter the code nlkdarch40 at checkout when you buy from Full Article 2020 Apr News Education Deep Learning Manning Mathematics
arch Microsoft Research Unveils Three Efforts to Advance Deep Generative Models By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 14:00:19 +0000 Optimus, FQ-GAN and Prevalent bring new ideas to apply generative models at large scale. Full Article 2020 May Tutorials Overviews GANs Generative Adversarial Network Microsoft Microsoft Research
arch Apparel sales dip 40% at Japan department stores in March By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 09:41:36 GMT Full Article
arch New Google ‘Rising Retail Categories’ tool exposes fast-growing product searches By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 15:40:00 +0000 This is the first time Google says it has provided this kind of data to the public. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article. Full Article
arch HBR’s Idea Watch: Strange-But-True Research Insights By Published On :: Thu, 05 Aug 2010 21:13:01 -0500 Scott Berinato and Andy O'Connell, editors of the Idea Watch section of Harvard Business Review. Full Article
arch The Condensed March 2015 Issue By Published On :: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 19:27:31 -0500 Amy Bernstein, editor of HBR, offers executive summaries of the major features. Full Article
arch The Condensed March 2016 Issue By Published On :: Fri, 19 Feb 2016 10:37:32 -0500 Amy Bernstein, editor of HBR, offers executive summaries of the major features. Full Article
arch Architect Daniel Libeskind on Working Unconventionally By Published On :: Tue, 03 Jul 2018 12:09:30 -0500 Daniel Libeskind, a former academic turned architect and urban designer, discusses his unorthodox career path and repeat success at high-profile, emotionally charged projects. He also talks about his unusual creative process and shares tips for collaborating and managing emotions and expectations of multiple stakeholders. Libeskind was interviewed for the July-August 2018 issue of Harvard Business Review. Full Article
arch Apparel sales dip 40% at Japan department stores in March By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 23:00:04 GMT Full Article
arch How Not-for-Profits Can Take Advantage of New Guidance on Taxable Parking Benefits by March 31, 2019 By Published On :: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 14:01:11 +0000 Many not-for-profits organizations have been concerned about the taxability of parking and transportation benefits as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Fortunately, the IRS recently issued interim guidance around the treatment of these benefits incurred after December… Read More The post How Not-for-Profits Can Take Advantage of New Guidance on Taxable Parking Benefits by March 31, 2019 appeared first on Anders CPAs. Full Article Not-for-Profit charitable giving not for profit not-for-profit
arch Small Businesses Cut 6 Million Jobs from March to April By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 20:00:16 +0000 Franchises lost the fewest jobs, but overall the unemployment number was unprecedented. Full Article Small Business News
arch Search, data, and presentation management: Untangling the web of enterprise PowerPoints By Published On :: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 09:00:00 EST Presentation management puts a strategic workflow process around presentation files, such as: PowerPoint, video, images, PDFs, and any other file types you use in business Full Article
arch The changing face of knowledge management: How cognitive search can help By Published On :: Thu, 24 Oct 2019 03:01:00 EST With the inundation of big data, enterprises are constantly on the prowl for advanced solutions such as AI-based cognitive search platforms that significantly help cut down on time and cost Full Article
arch New Research: Businesses face a 'digital ceiling' in their transformation progress By Published On :: Mon, 02 Mar 2020 04:50:00 EST Companies have a difficult challenge breaking through to the most advanced levels of digital maturity Full Article
arch New collaboration targets medical research By Published On :: Wed, 30 Oct 2019 09:00:00 EST Analysis of a secure, cloud-based electronic health records dataset of more than 30,000 patients will help uncover hidden trends that will lead to new treatment strategies Full Article
arch ReadCube partners with publishers to launch initiative to access literature for COVID-19 research By Published On :: Fri, 24 Apr 2020 02:15:56 EST The COVID-19 Research Pass (CPR) program provides direct access to more than 26 million articles Full Article
arch Robert Willeford Writes on the Consumer Use Tax for Dentists in the Dental ARCH By Published On :: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 19:59:52 +0000 Robert V. Willeford, Jr., CPA, Esq., Director + State and Local Tax at Anders, was published in the Summer 2019 edition of the St. Louis Dental ARCH magazine. Robert discusses what the consumer use tax is and how it impacts… Read More The post Robert Willeford Writes on the Consumer Use Tax for Dentists in the Dental ARCH appeared first on Anders CPAs. Full Article Health Care News 2019 employee recognition dental
arch Key Considerations in Maximizing the Value of Cognitive Search By Published On :: Fri, 04 Oct 2019 12:00:00 EST I am a firm believer in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey. If you've not read this book, it is worth the time. I mention this because my focus at BA Insight is around Covey's second habit, which is, "Begin with the end in mind." Seems simple, right? Well it is, but it's also quite rare. When approaching any enterprise search project, at any phase, I always try to come back to this idea. What is success? When are we done? What does finished look like? These are all different ways of saying, "Make sure you have goals!" Full Article
arch From ?Searching? to ?Finding?: How AI is Unlocking the Power of Unstructured Data By Published On :: Fri, 04 Oct 2019 12:00:00 EST Unstructured data, which comprises almost 80% of any enterprise's data, holds untapped value when it comes to addressing challenges and embracing opportunities. Full Article
arch Semantic Scholar and OpenAthens collaborate to provide access to academic research By Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 02:50:30 EST Enabling the new login gives access to full text content Full Article
arch COVID-19 impact: Global smartphone shipments fall 13 per cent in January-March By Published On :: 2020-05-01T18:47:55+05:30 Canalys Senior Analyst Ben Stanton said that in February, when the coronavirus was centered on China, vendors were mainly concerned about how to build enough smartphones to meet global demand. Full Article
arch GST collections fall below Rs 1 lakh cr-mark, March revenues stand at Rs 97,597 cr By Published On :: 2020-04-01T19:03:15+05:30 GST collections fall below Rs 1 lakh cr-mark, March revenues stand at Rs 97,597 cr Full Article
arch SCCM Pod-74 PCCM: The Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network By Published On :: Wed, 16 May 2007 11:56:00 -0500 Douglas Willson, MD, discusses an article he published in the July 2006 issue of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, "The Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network." Dr. Willson is medical director of the pediatric intensive care unit at the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center and the chairman of the Steering Committee for the Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network. (Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2006; 7:301) Full Article Medicine
arch SCCM Pod-119 PCCM: Does Fellowship Program Size and Rotations Affect Clinical and Research Time? By Published On :: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:24:00 -0500 Wynne Morrison, MD, discusses an article published in the May issue of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, which highlighted the results of a national survey of pediatric critical care medicine fellowship clinical and research time allocation. Full Article Medicine
arch YES moratorium: Credit firms can retain ratings of borrowers who couldn’t pay in March By Published On :: 2020-05-09T09:29:13+05:30 The non-state lender on its part is not reporting such customers to these institutions. Full Article
arch Buy or Sell: Stock ideas by experts for March 02, 2020 By Published On :: 2020-03-02T08:51:06+05:30 Buy or Sell: Stock ideas by experts for March 02, 2020 Full Article
arch Buy or Sell: Stock ideas by experts for March 05, 2020 By Published On :: 2020-03-05T08:49:05+05:30 Buy or Sell: Stock ideas by experts for March 05, 2020 Full Article
arch Buy or Sell: Stock ideas by experts for March 06, 2020 By Published On :: 2020-03-06T08:47:14+05:30 Buy or Sell: Stock ideas by experts for March 06, 2020 Full Article
arch Buy or Sell: Stock ideas by experts for March 12, 2020 By Published On :: 2020-03-12T09:17:54+05:30 Buy or Sell: Stock ideas by experts for March 12, 2020 Full Article
arch Buy or Sell: Stock ideas by experts for March 20, 2020 By Published On :: 2020-03-20T08:58:23+05:30 Buy or Sell: Stock ideas by experts for March 20, 2020 Full Article
arch Corona crisis: GST Return filing date for March-May extended till June, relief from late fee, penalties By Published On :: 2020-03-24T16:26:57+05:30 Corona crisis: GST Return filing date for March-May extended till June, relief from late fee, penalties Full Article
arch Remarks by Karen Lash, Access to Justice Deputy Director, on Civil Legal Aid Research at the University of South Carolina School of Law By Published On :: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 00:00:00 -0400 Full Article
arch Couple Who Worked at Local Research Institute for 10 Years Charged with Stealing Trade Secrets, Wire Fraud By Published On :: Mon, 16 Sep 2019 00:00:00 -0400 A former Dublin, Ohio, couple has been charged with crimes related to stealing exosome-related trade secrets concerning the research, identification and treatment of a range of pediatric medical conditions announced Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers of National Security, U.S. Attorney Benjamin C. Glassman for the Southern District of Ohio, Assistant Director John Brown of the Counterintelligence division and FBI Special Agent in Charge Todd Wickerham of the Cincinnati division. Full Article
arch Tickets For 2020 Breeders’ Cup At Keeneland Go On Sale March 9 By Published On :: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 16:45:49 +0000 The Breeders' Cup, one of Thoroughbred racing's most prestigious international events, today announced that tickets for the 2020 Breeders' Cup World Championship will go on sale to the public on March 9 at 9:00 a.m. EST. The world-class horse racing event will return to historic Keeneland Race Course in Lexington, Kentucky on Friday, November 6 and […] The post Tickets For 2020 Breeders’ Cup At Keeneland Go On Sale March 9 appeared first on Horse Racing News | Paulick Report. Full Article Breeders' Cup NL List The Biz Breeders' Cup 2020 Breeders' Cup Keeneland breeders' cup tickets
arch Lameness Research And Prevention Tips With Dr. Judith Koenig Of The Ontario Veterinary College By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 16:23:02 +0000 Lameness is a huge focus for Dr. Judith Koenig as a clinician, researcher and instructor at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC). Koenig is also a rider with a keen interest in helping grass roots riders and upcoming high-performance athletes. In this video, Dr. Koenig explains her current research endeavoring to heal tendon injuries faster and […] The post Lameness Research And Prevention Tips With Dr. Judith Koenig Of The Ontario Veterinary College appeared first on Horse Racing News | Paulick Report. Full Article Horse Care heal Judith Koenig muscle mass ontario veterinary college platelet rich plasma shock wave stem cells tendon injury therapy