fuck steak
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I was huffing and puffing on the Stairmaster at the gym a few weeks ago when I noticed a woman staring at me. In her early forties, she was fit, pretty, and wearing a tight workout garment that accentuated her shapely physique. Since I don’t suffer from the delusion that all women find me attractive, […]
The post Stealing Fire appeared first on Waiter Rant.
A cheap, rich and sticky treat to eat with your favourite cuppa
Usually in a recipe, I like to contrast ingredients and watch them battle it out. But sometimes, when you want to go large on one flavour, it’s worth adding a few ingredients with similar profiles to cover all bases. Today’s loaf is a case in point: I wanted layers of malt on malt on malt – flavours of toast, coffee, toffee and rye bread – which comes from using malt extract and muscovado sugar together with my favourite tea, the robust, full-bodied Assam tea, AKA the thinking woman’s English breakfast.
Prep 10 min
Cook 50-60 min
Serves 8-10
An essential part of the recruitment process for any new teacher is meeting the pupils: but how do you do that under lockdown regulations?
If you are a teacher looking to move between schools during the coronavirus lockdown, how can you make the most of the online education experience with your new class? This is interesting new territory for many teachers. But there are thousands and thousands of teachers and pupils already learning remotely, in virtual schools – can they offer insights?
At a virtual school, lessons are delivered in line with each person’s personalised curriculum. Exactly as you would expect in a physical school space, pupils are taught how to interact with teachers, their peers and lesson content using whiteboard technology, quizzes, voice and video as well as receiving and sending assignment tasks. How should you introduce yourself to a new class, if you are meeting them online for the first time? If we consider how teachers deliver excellent classroom teaching practice in a physical space, how they prepare should not be approached any differently in an online environment.
Continue reading...Williams was recognised for her bravery after 1966 school disaster in which 144 people died
A teacher who led pupils to safety during the Aberfan school disaster has died aged 86.
Rennie Williams, from Merthyr Tydfil, was recognised for her bravery when a colliery spoil tip collapsed on to Pantglas primary school and a number of surrounding buildings on 21 October 1966. A total of 116 children and 28 adults were killed in the disaster.
Continue reading...In days when face-to-face interaction is so 2019 and millions of people all over the world are zooming in with other people, it is only natural that the people on the internet will find a way to get the cats involved too.
So, they created a fake screenshot of a zoom call by taking a pic of a cat in a steamy position, put it in a video call frame, and adding a photo of another cat shocked by it.
And the result? Simply brilliant. And hilarious.
How many tales of mistaken identity end with accidentally stealing someone's car for 45 minutes? This guy noticed something was off after he noticed the car seats. Good thing there weren't any kids in them. People make incredibly stupid mistakes all the time, like this woman who had groceries delivers and failed all over the place.
A street performing monkey in Indonesia was caught on video trying to drag a toddler away. The toddler didn't suffer any physical injuries. If there's one lesson at least from this encounter it's that monkeys are stronger than you'd expect.
The controversial concept of B teams may be back on the agenda as football tries to navigate a way through Covid-19, Brighton technical director Dan Ashworth says.
Watford become the third team to publicly oppose the use of neutral venues when Premier League football returns.
Teaching unions across UK and Ireland say test and trace measures must be fully operational before reopening.