
Why researchers think Wikipedia can track the flu

By monitoring the number of times people look for flu information on Wikipedia, researchers may be better able to estimate the severity of a flu season.


Blizzard traps Antarctic research ship

A big year for Antarctic sea ice is causing headaches for ship captains.

  • Climate & Weather


When chimpanzees leave research labs, they often find a home at Chimp Haven

Chimp Haven sanctuary has new open-air corral for climbing, playing and exploring.


One man's incredible search for the acoustic wonders of the world

Acoustic engineer Trevor Cox is on a mission to identify the most wondrous sounds on Earth.


Meet Shigeru Ban, architect for the people

This year's Pritzker Prize winner, Shigeru Ban, brings sustainable, innovative architecture to disaster zones in the form of resilient paper-based structures.


How researchers track the 'lost years' of baby sea turtles

Hoping to better protect loggerheads, scientists get creative in finding a way to track the years that baby turtles spend in the ocean.


Crazy for Coconuts: Ford and The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company Research Using Coconut Fibers in Vehicles

Crazy for Coconuts: Ford and The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company Research Using Coconut Fibers in Vehicles

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Seals help researchers understand strange holes in Antarctic sea ice

Enormous holes in sea ice called polynyas are explained with help of robot floats, satellites and tech-equipped seals.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Searching for aliens in the town with no WiFi

Green Bank, West Virginia. is literally one of the quietest places in America, the perfect place for scientists to listen for E.T.

  • Research & Innovations


Scientists search for heat-resistent breeds of chickens to withstand climate change. Is that accepting defeat?

Climate change could affect our food supply at the same time that global population is increasing.

  • Climate & Weather


'Faceless' fish reeled in by deep sea research vessel

Species is so rare that it hasn't been seen since an account in 1873.


Wolf puppies play fetch, surprising researchers

Wolf puppies pick up on human cues and can catch and return balls.


Tennessee Center for Policy Research has no credibility

The TCPR is a right wing funded smear tank with a fetish for Al Gore that never hesitates to let facts get in the way of a good dig.

  • Climate & Weather


Update your Kindle by March 22 or lose access to books and more

Kindles from before 2013 need a critical update by March 22 or they will lose Internet connectivity.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


It's Cyber Monday, an archaic name for an irrelevant event

The constantly connected computer in your pocket makes it irrelevant.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


Why researchers are teaching rats how to drive

Scientists got rats to drive little cars, and it could help improve mental health treatments for humans.


Researchers find 'alarming' loss of insects in large-scale study in Germany

insects in German forests and grasslands have declined by about one-third in just the past decade.


MHPS, MHIENG and MGC selected to conduct research on effective recycling of CO<sub>2</sub> to produce methanol<br>-- The collaborative research project commissioned by NEDO aiming at developing carbon capture and utilization (CCU) techno

Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (MHPS), Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engineering (MHIENG) and Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company (MGC) were selected by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) to conduct joint research on the effective recycling of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from the refinery at Tomakomai City, Hokkaido Japan where the CO2 is captured and stored by the existing demonstration plant. Further utilizing of the demonstration plant currently employed for CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS), the three companies will collaborate on research activities for CO2 Capture and Utilization (CCU) in order to produce methanol from captured CO2. The research is expected to run until February 2021.


[Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.]<br />Second Commercial-use MEGAMIE System Begins Operations at HAZAMA ANDO Technical Research Institute -- Supplying Clean Power with Low CO2 Emissions --

・ Supporting an energy management system with low-CO2 distributed power generation and self-consignment ・ Switch to CO2-free hydrogen fuel planned for the future


[Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.]<br />MHPS the Global Market Share Leader in 2019 for Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems -- Market Research from the McCoy Power Report --

・ Top share with 37.2% of the global market, fifth time since 2014 ・ Contributing to a significant reduction in air pollutants, and improvement in the global environment


Arches National Park: A user&#39;s guide

Arches National Park near Moab, Utah, may be the world’s largest sculpture garden — a place where Mother Nature has used wind and water to carve more than 2

  • Wilderness & Resources


The scientists are gone, but this ghost lab is still doing vital research

The Halley VI Research Station is spending its first winter without humans.

  • Research & Innovations


New research suggests GMO corn produces higher yields

Data from 76 published peer-reviewed studies offers compelling reasons to keep an open mind about GMOs.


Researchers hack plants to increase efficiency

Researchers have improved the process by which plants get rid of toxic compounds, and this improves their overall growth.

  • Wilderness & Resources


This cockatoo taught himself 14 dance moves, and researchers are fascinated

Study finds cockatoo called Snowball taught himself to dance and researchers want to understand how.


Have researchers solved Newton&#39;s three-body problem?

This problem has plagued physicists ever since the laws of motion were first conceived.

  • Research & Innovations


A spider&#39;s web is part of its mind, new research suggests

It might mean that spiders possess an extraordinary kind of consciousness.


The animal-saving research behind that viral coyote and badger video

Scientists at the Peninsula Open Space Trust are studying how animals move around an increasingly fractured habitat, and the video is just one element.


Archaeologists discover recycling system in ancient Pompeii

The attitudes of Pompeiians towards death and waste was very different from our own.


ASU receives $15 million for algae alternative fuel research

Algae alternative fuel research could change the future, and ASU is leading the way. A $15 million U.S. Department of Energy grant was awarded to the Algae Tes

  • Sustainable Business Practices


A visual tour of 125 years of architectural excellence

The editors of Architectural Record have compiled a list of the 'most significant works that defined architecture in our era.'

  • Remodeling & Design


You too can be a &#39;space archaeologist&#39;

A new crowdsourcing platform aims to turn all of us into satellite-enabled Indiana Joneses.

  • Arts & Culture


Researchers find 330-million-year-old shark&#39;s head in Kentucky cave

Scientists have discovered a fossilized shark head and many other fossils in Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky.

  • Wilderness & Resources


People Moves Round-up: 16-27 March 2020

Keep up to date with the latest market moves.


People Moves Round-up: 30 March - 3 April 2020

Keep up to date with the latest market moves.


Axa XL searches for new UK CEO as reshuffle sees Paul Greensmith depart

Four senior leaders have left the provider as Axa XL states it is set for global restructure.


Research reveals insurance claims among the most likely to succeed in courts

Law firm warns insurance sector will be under scrutiny as the level of litigation is predicted to rise as a result of Covid-19.


Biba research puts telematics policies at almost one million

Figures reveal a 30% uplift on 2016.


The stats: March 2018 - The Acturis Premium Index

The Acturis stats show that brokers finished 2017 with their best quarter for over four years


AA’s research finds home premiums on the rise in Q2 2018

Company flags insurer fears over subsidence claims.


The stats: March 2019 - The Acturis Premium Index

The latest stats show that 2018 was a flat year for insurance premiums although some lines have bucked the trend with modest increases


The stats: March 2020 - The Acturis Premium Index

As 2019 closed, the Acturis commercial broking index equalled its base line of Q1 2010, representing a quarter of heavy increases in premiums over the year before


10 Costly Search Engine Mistakes to Avoid

Search Engine Position Report: Gain positions on search engines.


Google Marches On!

This article discusses Google's latest quarter, the September 2006 search market share report from Nielsen, and the potential of Microsoft buying Yahoo.


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Increase Your Leads with Search Engine and Lead Optimization Strategies

How search engine optimization and page optimization, can lead to higher conversion rates.


How Search Engines Work

Web search engines work by storing information about a large number of web pages, which they retrieve from the WWW itself.


Basic Techniques to Generate Traffic from Search Engines

Traffic -- And lots of it! It is the dream of every netrepreneur. After all, without steady stream of visitors -- or should I say "potential customers" to your web site, how will you earn your e-fortune?


Meta tag optimization results in high search engine ranking

Meta tags are frequently an overlooked factor which can improve the ranking of most any website.


Link building for effective search engine optimization

A quality backlink pointing to your site should be in the same category and relevant in content to your website. This article outlines the difference between good and bad backlinks.