
The nicest camper cabins in all of Minnesota win architecture award

The treehouse-esque bunkhouses of Whitetail Woods Regional Park score big at the AIA Housing Awards.

  • Remodeling & Design


5 solar-powered buildings that will forever change architecture

From Apple's Spaceship HQ to GE's Boston campus, these solar-integrated designs are raising the bar.


Warby Parker and Architecture for Humanity partner for new eyeglasses collection

They're stylish, they're strong, and they support design-based recovery in disaster-stricken areas. What more could you ask for in a pair of specs?


Chris Briley: Green architect, big thinker

Find out what green architect and Mainer Chris Briley thinks about sustainable design, passive home heating, and the cost difference between conventional and gr

  • Research & Innovations


Microsoft Office coming to the iPad on March 27

Microsoft is expected to unveil its flagship software suite for its competitor's tablet at the end of the month.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


The hunt is on: Walk Score releases Apartment Search

For apartment hunters who are just as concerned about a gridlock-free commute as they are about the presence of a washer and dryer set, Walk Score releases a ne


Diapers made from jellyfish? Researchers say it's a cleaner, more efficient option

Diapers made from jellyfish biodegrade in less than 30 days and soak up twice the mess.

  • Babies & Pregnancy


Monarch butterflies make a pit stop in Colorado

Video shows Monarch Butterflies stopping in Colorado at John Martin Reservoir State Park as they migrate to Mexico.


California's monarch butterfly population has declined by 99% since the 1980s

The western monarch population may be on the verge of collapsing.


Researchers map the world's glaciers (all 200,000 of them)

The recently completed catalog will help researchers understand the effects of climate change and address water issues of local communities.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Researchers may have found world's oldest optical illusion

Experts of Paleolithic art in France say some cave drawings have a reoccurring theme.

  • Arts & Culture


Antarctic research projects canceled after federal shutdown

The casualty list from the government shutdown earlier this month continues to grow for U.S. Antarctic science.

  • Research & Innovations


CERN takes a break from the search for Higgs Boson particle

One of the world's most elusive particles will stay hidden a while longer, it seems. Scientists at the gigantic Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator

  • Research & Innovations


11 wanderlust-inducing works of mobile architecture

'Mobitecture' features portable works of architecture including campers, floating cabins and trampoline tents.

  • Remodeling & Design


Experience the natural, cultural and archetectural beauty of Cartagena, Colombia

Cartagena, Colombia's Caribbean port city, might not enjoy the name recognition of Bogota or even Medellin, but it has many of the features of a bona fide mains


Why does food research conflict so much?

Is the food you're eating healthy? The answer should be simple, but it's not.


March 1

Yellowstone National Park is established, and a hydrogen bomb is detonated.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 2

A new national park opens and a conference that dismisses climate change is held.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 3

The U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Geological Survey are founded.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 4

Hernando Cortez arrives in Veracruz, and a natural gas pipeline explodes in Louisiana.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 5

A nuclear treaty goes into effect, and Lake Champlain becomes 'Great.'

  • MNN Earth Days


March 6

Wildfires rage across Texas and Oklahoma, and Spain gets a windy weather energy bonus.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 7

A noted botanist is born, and evolution can't keep up with extinction.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 8

An Italian volcano erupts, and BP is warned about 'unstable' cement.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 9

An EPA chief resigns due to scandal, and kangaroos become unprotected in the U.S.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 10

A seashore is protected, and a religious group wants to 'do better' on climate change.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 11

A blizzard buries the northeastern U.S., and the American Alligator becomes endangered.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 12

The Great Blizzard of 1993 strikes, and a rock star becomes an environment minister.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 13

Exxon pays for the Exxon Valdez spill, and a tire fire burns in Philadelphia.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 14

Einstein is born, and the Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge is established.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 15

Oil gushes from California, and a spring blizzard freezes the U.S. Midwest.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 16

'The China Syndrome' is released, and the Ford Excursion makes its debut.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 17

Mount Agung erupts, and a law aims to reduce the amount of antibiotics used on livestock.

  • MNN Earth Days


March 18

Johnny Appleseed dies, and Cornwall has an oil spill.

  • MNN Earth Days


Future archaeologists will remember us by the chicken bones we left behind

Researchers suggest our most lasting legacy will be chicken bones.

  • Research & Innovations


With Solar Energy Research Center, we're one step closer to making fuel from sunlight and CO2

Artificial photosynthesis could produce the perfect clean fuel to run everything.


What to see in the night sky in March

Get ready to spring forward, get up early and catch some beautiful sights in the March sky like the Crow Moon, the occultation and vernal equinox.


Older people are spending way more time looking at screens, new research finds

Older people are also spending far less time socializing or reading. That's not a healthy combination.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


DOE funds extreme research projects

The U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) has awarded $151 million to 37 forward-thinking energy research projects.


DOE announces $80 million for biofuels research

Two groups have received $80 million in funding from the ARRA for advanced biofuels research.


DOE showcases 1366 Technologies' solar research

In the latest installment of the Faces of the Recovery Act video series, the U.S. Department of Energy showcases 1366 Technologies.


DOE announces $92 million for energy research

DOE Recovery Act awards continue with the recent announcement of $92 million in funding for energy research programs.


Why I search for treasures on Facebook yard sale pages

An item you need may be for sale in your own neighborhood — at a price way less than retail.


Researchers develop a new way to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere

MIT engineers say this cheap, low-energy process can remove CO2 from the air.

  • Research & Innovations


Researchers turn to 'sentinel trees' to warn of destructive pests

The global effort aims to help protect native tree species and reduce the billions in potential damages.

  • Research & Innovations


Researchers identify the secret ingredient that makes royal jelly so effective at healing wounds

The ability of royal jelly to help heal wounds is yet another great reason to love (and save) the bees.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


H5N1 debate: How to balance biosafety with research

While research on the lab-altered H5N1 virus that can be transmitted between mammals in laboratories is put on hold, scientists are debating how to balance bios

  • Research & Innovations


Researchers discover novel way to make one-time flu vaccine

The new process may provide a revolutionary, all-purpose flu vaccine.

  • Research & Innovations


Controversial bird flu research to resume

Experiments to determine how the H5N1 bird flu virus might gain the ability to spread easily among humans are no longer off limits.

  • Research & Innovations


New rules on mutant bird flu research stir debate

The government released a framework to determine to fund research that could create a version of the bird flu virus that could infect by airborne droplets.

  • Research & Innovations